Volume 2: No Brakes

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the eleventh and second last episode of the SECOND VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

*Driving the train away while sounding off train horns*

3rd Person's POV:

After being captured by the White Fang, Ruby is kept under Roman's custody, who begins interrogating her while taking advantage of her inability to retaliate by sadistically taunting her. To present, the interrogation continues with Ruby being thrown across the floor by Roman.

Roman: Wow! You are much more manageable without your boyfriend and that over-sized gardening tool of yours.

Ruby gets up and charges at Roman, which he simply sidesteps, sending Ruby stumbling across the floor.

Roman: Oh man. You know, Perry, I really did need this.

Perry raises his thumb in agreement as Roman laughs.

Roman: Well, I have to thank you as well, Dragon-Boy.... and to your... little... helpers.

Graphite just nod in remark and led the rest to help the other White Fang members to get the cargo ready. After the sudden intro, Roman then walks over to Ruby and aims his cane underneath her chin.

Roman: But seriously. How'd you find this place, Red?

Ruby growls and uses her Semblance to escape Roman and start running for an exit.

Roman: Whoa!

Smiling, Roman stands up, spins the cane in his hands, and aims the handle at Ruby. He fires the handle, which doubles as a grappling hook, at Ruby, catching her by her hood and allowing Roman to pull her back.

Roman: I see you've got some tricks up your sleeve! Let me make this clear: We're not through here yet.



White Fang Member: Push them back! Don't let them get through the tunnels!

Me: And the surprises just keep coming.

Tenka: Cap! Left Flank and Right!

I rushed towards the soldiers, where Tenka told me where they are, and just swept them aside as I conjure up a strong gust of snowy wind with one wave of my hand. Another group comes out from the right, and I did the same thing to them, but this time, stronger. Oobleck and the others were following up behind, with Tenka sprinting right beside me, finishing off the opponents I haven't knocked down yet. Fueled by my emotions for the sake of Ruby's safety, I drew out my Parablagun and made an ice duplicate of it.

Yang: How are we gonna find Ruby here?!

Me: Just keep following them! The more the enemy, the more the likely place they could be keeping Ruby.

Another group of White Fang Members charged at me while I was sprinting, and Tenka activated his semblance as dashed forward, dispatching them with ease, and I continued to run. Up ahead, me and Tenka saw at least three dozens of White Fang Members blocking the path, their weapons raised against me. Tenka halted in his tracks, but I kept charging on with a scowl on my face, in determination of finding Ruby.

Me: (Growls) Out of the way, fools!

Tenka: Shadow, wait!

I turned my duplicate weapon into gun mode while my original remained as an axe, and threw Parablagun, axe mode at them, which exploded upon impact, incapacitating at least five of them while catching my weapon after it got flunged back upon impact of the explosion. After reclaiming my axe after it regen. its blade from the explosion, I kept running, while gathering a significant amount of my Aura in it, resulting in creating a small swirl of ice and snow around my tightly clenched fist. Just as they opened fire at me, I swiftly transfigured my body into it's snow form, flying up above their heads, before reverting back and slammed my fist with my duplicate weapon down at the center of the group, creating a large icy shockwave, which knocked them all out and clear the path. I then continued running as I turn my duplicate gun into axe form, and sliced my way though the crowd recklessly, much to the others worry.

Yang: Shadow! What are you doing?!

Oobleck: Charging the enemy head on isn't wise!

I halted my tracks and looked back to see that the rest of the team, Oobleck and Tenka had gone into cover, much to my confusion before I held up a fierce expression.

Me: Watch me.

I looked back in front of me only to be confronted with a battalion of White Fang Soldiers aiming their guns at me. Only then I fully realized why the team was on the cover.

Me: Oh no....

White Fang Member: Fire!

Tenka's POV:

Doing as they were ordered, the all White Fang soldiers began firing at Shadow. I watched him as he raised his hands up to create a large dome of ice around himself as a futile last resort to defend himself. Meanwhile, Oobleck and the others are still hiding for cover with me.

Tenka: We can't just leave Shadow there!

Weiss: We tried to warn him. Now, he's going to pay for it.

Oobleck: Now, now, Ms. Schnee. Now's not the time to--

Just as Dr Oobleck was about to finish, his words were cutoff short when the ice dome that Shadow created suddenly imploded, creating a thick mist at the force. When the mist died down, the team saw me crouching down and strangely, standing up as well. When the mist completely died down, that was when they realized that there was two of me. One red, crouching down and one blue, standing up, worrying and confusing the White Fang Members.

White Fang Member: Okay....(to the other members) FIRE!!!!!

Just as they were about to fire, the blue me raised my hands, causing a huge gravitational winter barrier to form.

Me (blue): Not so fast. (Closes eyes) Winter Graviton Smash.

Then, I created another barrier that caused all of the White Fang Members to be sucked into it. When my eyes opened, the barrier exploded in a flurry of snow, causing the White Fang members to scatter all directions.

Me (blue): Sum. , you're up. (Changing position so that I will be behind and the other me will be at the front)

Me (red): Thanks. So, leaving so soon?! I'M NOT FINISHED WITH YOU!!!! SUMMER NOVA HURRICANE!!!!! (Fist pumps the air, creating a huge hurricane made of flames)

The White Fang Members that were scattered got sucked back into the tornado of fire for a couple of minutes.

Me (red): Now who says people can't fly?! GARNET.... BUSTER!!!!

I then launched a fireball into the fire tornado, causing it to explode with the White Fang Members inisde it. Once that was done, I returned back to my normal one-self.
With the remaining White Fang Members who are still on the ground distracted by my attacks, the whole team rushed to my aide. Tenka tried to support me in getting up by slinging my arm around his neck, but I declined and stood up, almost wobbly, myself while getting up. It was only then I realized that they were staring at me in amazement.

Weiss: How.. Wha..?

Tenka: Cap, what the heck was that?!

Me: I don't know how I did it too. Right now, Ruby's our number one priority. Let's go!

Without giving them time to ask furthermore, we continued sprinting through the caves. After rounding at a corner, I found myself being confronted yet again by the White Fang, making me groan in aggravation.

Me: Just how many of you guys are there?!

I yelled this at them before I unsheath my Parablagun and swept them aside with a strong gust of wind emitted from my weapon, with the others taking care of the rest. me, Tenka, with Max still on the duffel bag, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Zwei and Oobleck run around the corner with multiple White Fang members come fleeing back, firing shots at me and the others. Raising my right hand as I sprint, I summoned a snow shield, blocking the incoming bullets. Tenka dashed forward, slashed his way through them with his Tri-Sector Sparrows, clearing the way.

Me: Thanks for the assist!

Tenka: You're welcome, Cap!

I shook my head in amusement before continuing on. I then find myself on an old train line with White Fang Members around the place. I also saw Roman ahead of me, with Ruby behind him.

Me: Ruby!

Hearing me and seeing the others, Ruby decides to take this moment to try and escape. She jumps on Roman's shoulders, pulls his hat down over his eyes, and then flees towards me and her friends. Roman readjusts his hat and glares after Ruby.

Roman: Somebody kill her!

Roman and the White Fang members around him open fire on Ruby, which she dodges and weaves between.

Ruby continued to running towards me and the others, but she screeches to a halt as she realizes she's running towards a group of White Fang members, who were about to fire. Before they could, I shot a beam of ice from my weapon behind the White Fang members. I raised my hand up, and a large ice pillar emerges. I directed my hand at the pillar and clenched it, making the pillar explode into pieces of shard and sending the White Fang members flying, revealing me behind them.

Me: You really shouldn't run off like that, Rubes.

I shook my head head in amusement, before I gave her a thumbs up. Heaving out a sigh of exhaustion, I planted my palms on my knees and started breathing heavily.

Me: Hah.... Still exhausted from that Ice fire Clone stunt.

Ruby: Shadow! H-How did y-you--

Before she could continue, I stood upright, and hugged her tightly. I separated myself from her, and gazed at her with an affectionate smile, with her returning the gesture after.

Me: Now,

Then out of nowhere, I scowled at her and pinched her at the ear.


Ruby: Ow! Ow! Ow! Hey, stop it! It hurts! It was not my fault! I fell down a hole, and the signal was low.

Stating her reason, I eventually calmed myself down, and released my hold in her ear, which she started nursing after. I took out her weapon, and handed it to her.

Me: Here's your scythe, by the way. Actually, I tried using it, and... Well,


Me: Ruby's scythe.... Welp, might as well take it for a short spin while I'm at it.

I picked up Ruby's scythe and activated it. When I did, they all instantly took a large step back, much to my confusion.

Tenka: Uh... I don't think that's how you handle a scythe, Cap....

Me: Oh, please. I know my way around scythes.

I cocked it to assure my words, but when I tried to readjust my handling, I accidentally gripped the trigger and a shot was fired. I tried to balance myself but, I then shot another round, in which I managed to spin the weapon around. But on my next attempt, I shot a round, but two rounds, propelling me side-wards towards a building. They all cringed when this happened.

Tenka: Cap!

Oobleck: Dr. Shadow, are you alright?!

Me: I'm fine! (Still holding the scythe) I'm going to make a game out of this!!!!


Me: Yeah... It did and didn't go well.

Ruby laughed as I told her what happened while I blushed in embarrassment.

Ruby: At least you tried, Shadow, that's cool.

I rolled my eyes at her remark, just as Yang jumped into Ruby's arms, with the others following behind.

Yang: Ruby!

Weiss: Are you okay?

Ruby: I'm fine, I'm fine! But listen! Torchwick's got all kinds of weapons and robots down there.

Blake: What?!

Ruby: Androids, mechs, they're all loaded up on the train cars!

Tenka: How in Kaiden's swordsplay did they get so many!?!

Oobleck: Ahhhh, that's ridiculous. These tunnels are sealed, the tracks lead to a dead-end.

Me: But, Doc, isn't there a dead end connected right into the heart of Vale? They could be heading that way, for all we know!

While Oobleck began to realize the seriousness of the situation, the speaker systems turned on.

Roman: Get to your places, we are leaving now!

With that, the train starts moving towards the tunnels.

Me: That train is heading right towards Vale!

Ruby: We need backup. Let me call Jaune.

Ruby's dials the number on her scroll and it flashes "Low Signal".

Ruby: I can't get through!

Weiss: So, what do we do?

Tenka: I believe we only have one option...

Ruby: We're stopping that train!

All of us then rushed towards the train, and climbed up onto the roof as it began to speed up. Ruby was still climbing up using her Semblance when a White Fang soldier noticed her petals wafting through the air. The Faunus pulled out his communicating device, and begins talking into it.

White Fang Member: I think they're on the—

Before he could finish his sentence, he falls down into the ground when Oobleck used his weapon to hit the White Fang member on the head. I helped Ruby climb up on the roof, and all of us are now accounted for.

Oobleck: Hurry, children! We must get to the front, and stop this train!

Weiss: Err...Professor?

Oobleck: Doctor...

Weiss: What's that?

We all looked down at the hatch where Weiss was pointing, and saw a large device down the train hatch. Tenka kneels down to take a closer look and decipher what it is. A minute after he jumps back in shock.

Tenka and Oobleck: It's a bomb./A Bomb!

We all jump back and cringe away from the hatch.

Me: you gotta be kidding me?!

Ruby: Guys, we got baddies!

We looked ahead of us to see dozens of White Fang members climbing on top of the train to attack.

Oobleck: Well, I didn't expect them to go—

Just then, the bomb underneath us charges up and starts beeping.

Oobleck: —easy on us. Time to go!

With that, we all rushed ahead towards the next train car to get yourselves away from the ticking bomb.

Oobleck: Blake! Detach the caboose! It will kill us all!

Blake: On it!

Blake jumps down onto the connectors and gets ready to cut the connection, but as she does, the connection comes loose on its own.

Blake: Huh? It decoupled itself!

Oobleck: What?!

Yang: I guess he really doesn't want us on this train.

As Oobleck looks back at the detached cart, it explodes in the tunnel. With the reduced weight, it started speeding up.

Oobleck: That's not good...

Me: Ya think?!

Ruby: Err, neither is this!

We all turned our heads to look at Ruby, and saw her looking down another hatch in the train car.

Blake: Another bomb?!

Oobleck: No. No. No.....

Oobleck rushes pass the team, and jumped over to the next cart. He opened the hatch, and yells back towards you and the rest of the team.

Oobleck: They ALL have bombs!

The bomb under me, Tenka, and Team RWBY charges up and starts beeping, and the cart we're on detaches itself, forcing me and the others to run to the next cart.

Yang: This doesn't make sense!

Me: We got incoming

White Fang Member: Get the Humans!



We all jump forward to attack the incoming White Fang members, dispatching them with ease while I helped them cover fire in the air. Oobleck turns around and watches the detached train car explode. Only this time, it creates a hole allowing multiple types of Grimm to emerge.

Oobleck: Oh, dear...

The horde of Grimm begin advancing quickly toward the runaway train.

Oobleck: He's leading Grimm to the city!

Weiss: What?

Oobleck: It's the cars! They detach and explode, creating openings for the Grimm!

Blake: That's insane!

Oobleck: We have to hurry! You four go below and try to stop those bombs!

Me: Way ahead of you, Doc!

Tenka: And.....

Ruby: What about us?

Oobleck: We're going to stop this train.

Ruby: Yeah, I know. I said that earlier.

Without a second thought, I slashed open a lid and the girls jumped down into the hatch of the train car we were on. Before I could even jumped down, Ruby suddenly grabbed me by the arm, while she looks down to hide her growing blush.

Ruby: P-Please be careful down t-there, Shadow.

I smiled at her lovingly behind my rider mask before unraveling it, while lifting her chin and kissed her at the cheek, much to her surprise, but I just grinned.

Me: You know I will. You be careful too, Rubes. I trust you Tenka, to look after her.

Tenka: Will do, Cap. And I trust you too to keep Blake safe down there.

Me: If she would want it, that is.

With that, I gave my partner a two-finger salute and Ruby a wink before I raveled my mask back on and jumped down the hatch to follow the girls, while the Oobleck's group moves forward. As the train continues towards it destination, White Fang members start to pilot multiple Atlesian Paladin-290s, and jump to the top of the train, followed by Graphite, Lovelica, Hatena and Motos cathing up from behind.

Oobleck: Up ahead!

Tenka sees two Paladins charging towards them, and smirks.

Tenka: And let the fun begin....

He swings both his arms, releasing his guantlets as throwing weapons, hitting one Atlas Paladin at the legs, while unsheathing his Tri-Sector Sparrows and did his power arrow shots on it, destroying it while retrieveing his gauntlets. The other Paladin rushes and Oobleck takes a sip from his thermos before transforming it into its weapon mode, a small flame burning at its tip. Zwei barks, prompting he's ready for an attack. He jumps and flips in the air, and Oobleck bats him, turning him into a small fireball. The Paladin is seen shooting, only for it to get knocked off the train by the combination attack. The Paladin tumbles on the train tracks, and explodes when it hits a barricade.

Tenka: What in the---


Lovelica: Yeah! Although They're lovely, but they are incredibly strong.

Another Paladin appears in front of Zwei, its guns aimed at him. Tenka quickly takes his huge duffel bag down, and opens the zipper.

Tenka: Whenever you are ready.

Tenka takes a small step back, and holds the handle of his weapon, just in case anything goes wrong. Suddenly, he hears his wolf growling inside before it leaped out off the bag and rushed at the Paladin. Max curled into a spike ball as he spins faster towards the Paladin. Oobleck decides to finish it off by launching multiple fire attacks, before he swiftly knocks it off the train, with Max landing right beside Tenka.

Down below inside the train, me, Yang, Weiss, and Blake finally entered the train car.

Me: (Deactivating my Snipe Level 3 form) You guys ready?

Yang: Yeah, I guess this is what we trained for... Haha, get it?

I face-palmed when I knew what she meant by that.

Me: Of all times, Yang? Here of all times??

Yang: What?

Me: You know what? Nevermind.

Weiss: Here, these should help you two.

Weiss reaches into her pouch then hands me and Blake magazines filled with dust vials.

Me: Thanks. (Loads Magazine into Parablade) Parablade, let's make this Magazine count.

Blake slides the mag into her sword, and then the four of us advanced forward. Suddenly, a petite girl drops down from the ceiling and blocks our path. It didn't took me long to notice who she was. She looked towards me, and had the same smug look she had the first night I met her.

Me: Why hello, Neo. Good to see you're still in one piece after our first meet-up and battle.

She glares at me when I mention that time when she nearly lost the fight to my partner and to the Genius Gamer.

Yang: You three go on ahead, this one's mine.

Doing as she said, me, Weiss and Blake proceed forward. As Neo prepares for my attack, Yang fires a round to distract her, allowing me, and the two girls to continue. Yang then steps forward toward her opponent, staring down as Neo gives a sinister smile. Then, the two begin their fight.
As we enter the next train car, we all look at each other when we heard the sound of revving up ahead. The three of us stopped running to see a large, bulky member of the White Fang dragging a chainsaw along the floor.

Me: I'm guessing you got this?

Weiss: Can you be anymore obvious, Shadow?

I shrugged in response to her answer. The large White Fang chuckles menacingly as he holds up his chainsaw. The three of us charge forward, with me blasting a beam of ice towards the chainsaw, freezing it in the air, as Weiss flips backward. Weiss delivers multiple strikes at the Lieutenant, knocking him down. She then smiles as I proceeds to the next car with Blake. The Lieutenant gets back up, again chuckling menacingly.

White Fang Lieutenant: Finally, I get to kill a Schnee...

When we both got to the final train car, we stopped in our tracks when we were greeted by a familiar foe.

Blake: Roman...

Me: ... Torchwick.....

Roman: Hey there, Ice pop, and to you too, kitty cat. Ya miss me?

Me: As if I'd miss those dumb eyeliners of yours.

Roman: What?! They're not d--

I cut him off when I immediately activated my Semblance by turning into a snow flurry. Catching him by surprise, I reverted back to my normal form behind him, unsheathing Parablagun and began slashing at him repeatedly with it, in its axe form. With Roman being unable to defend himself in time, stumbles forward. Swing after swing, Roman blocks a flurry of attacks from you and tries to strike me down with an overhead blow. Blake knew what was coming, so she jumped in front of me so that I can jump back, creating a frozen clone that trapped his weapon. After being saved from that overhead blow, I rotate my axe into its gun form, and smirked as Blake and I watch him try to retrieve his weapon back.

Me: You want it back? You can have it!

My hand glowed with Parablade in gun form as I directed my hand holding my weapon on Blake's icy clone. I then shot a lightning blast, destroying the ice clone, which created a shockwave that knocked Roman back into the door where he drops his weapon.

Me: Well... That was easier than I imagined. (Looks at the magazine inside my weapon) Thank you, Schnee Dust Company and thank you, Weiss Schnee.

Before Roman can stand up, I placed my foot on his chest, forcing him back down. Holding down a closed fist at him with Parablade in its axe form, pointing the blade right at his throat.

Hey! Whoa, whoa! Take it easy there, Ice pop.

Me: Okay first of all, the name's Shadow, and second, stop the train or I'll do a whole lot worse than what happened back there.

Roman: No can do, I'm afraid.

Me: And why not?!

Roman: We removed the brakes, Shadow. Do you really think I'm that dumb? So, I'd suggest you and your kitty cat take a seat, and put your seatbelt on, because we're about to go on collision course. You may not know it, kid, but things are already set in motion before this whole train business happened.

We both looked down at him in confusion. Just before I could ask what he means, we heard the door from leading to the previous train car open behind us. An unconscious Weiss is thrown to the floor with the Lieutenant emerging from the doorway holding his chainsaw.

Roman: So, what's it gonna be then, Shadow?

Blake: Oh, will you just shut up?!

Saying this, she kick Roman in the face, hard enough to knock him out unconscious, his hat flying off in the process. I then looked at Blake.

Me: thanks... but, I could have done that.

I threw Parablade from my hand and it landed before the Lieutenant's feet, exploding upon impact (Fire ability) and making him stumble back a couple of steps. Raising up both of my arms, I created a thick ice wall between me, Blake and the Lieutenant, then went over to Weiss' aide. I encased Roman in a thick ice dome, before retrieving my weapon while fleeing the place with Weiss on my arms.

Meanwhile, with Tenka, Ruby, and Oobleck, the Doctor dodges a couple swipes from the Paladin, and then runs to the top of its head, and shoots it in its engine before jumping back down. Ruby twirls Crescent Rose around a few times, and then she and Oobleck fire simultaneously at the Paladin's feet, knocking it off the train, with Tenka and Max slashing down a few other Paladins. Just as the bugsters are about to attack them, Graphite ordered the rest of them to retreat. Lovelica, Motos and Hatena didn't know why, but when they tilted their heads to one side, they nearly freaked out and they went inside to one of the cars below the battle zone.

Tenka: They... They just keep coming!

Ruby: Yeah, at least those Bugsters retreated for some reason!

Oobleck: Ruby! Tenka! You two go on ahead!

Ruby: But-

Oobleck: Don't worry, Ruby. It's time... I teach them a lesson...

The Doctor goes to take on two oncoming Paladins. Before she leaves, Ruby notices the saddened Zwei looking up at her. She smiles and motions for him to go join his new friend.

Ruby: Go.

With that, Zwei expression changes dramatically and barks happily before running off to fight alongside the Doctor. Ruby then hurries to the front of the train. Before Tenka could even join her, Max started barking quite loudly at him.

Tenka: What?

She barks again and motions his head at towards the Doctor and Zwei.

Tenka: Look, you can't, okay? If anything happens to you without my supervision, Mom and Sensei will kill me!

He then whimpers at Tenka, making him to surrender in defeat.

Tenka: Okay, okay, okay! Fine! But don't blame me if anything bad happens to you!

He finally barks happily before licking his face and joined to fight alongside Oobleck and Zwei. We all quickly reemerge back out onto the roof, with Tenka helping Weiss to keep her steady on her feet as she tries to recover, and rejoined with Ruby.

Ruby: You made it!

Me: Yeah.... I guess...

Tenka: I thought you guys were instructed to stop the train?!

Me: Correction: Stop the bombs, and we did. Well, I did anyway.... Plus, we can't stop it! The brakes are cut off, literally!

Tenka: WHAT?!?!?!

Ruby looks on worriedly as she realizes the train is on a collision course with a thick concrete wall.

Blake: What do we do then?

Me: Leave it to me... ICE DOME!!!

Slowly raising my hands up as they glowed, I created an ice shield around the team to protect them, bracing yourselves for the impending crash.
By the next second, I heard the sudden crash of the train against the wall, and me and the others were sent flying against the wall of the ice shield I made, and were knocked out unconscious.

Woken up by the sound of an emergency alarm blaring as my vision comes back with buildings into my view, I turned to see Ruby, Blake and Yang slowly getting back up, her sister coughing as the dust settles. I turned my head again and see Weiss sitting up against a large piece of debris, who gives a thumbs up at her team leader signaling she's okay. I slowly made my way to Ruby as she sits back up.

Me: Ruby! A-Are you okay?

She could only nod in return as she and the others then notice, much to their chagrin, that they have returned to the central part of Vale, and multiple civilians in the area notice them among the debris. I looked around and saw that RWBY were all accounted for. But then I noticed that I was one person short.

Me: H-Hey, wh-where's Tenka?

I groaned in pain as I slowly stood back up and surveyed the rubble around me in search for my partner. Just as I was about to expand my search, something was punching through the debris in front of me. I went over to the scene, and just as I reached the scene, I noticed two miniture sized robots punching their way out

Me: Uuuhh, who are you??

???: The name's Que and this is torpedo.


Que: We are here in service with Tenka Kaito.

Me: REALLY?! That's great! Where is he?!

Torpedo: We've shielded him during the impact, so luckily he's still alright.

Que: But, we need someone to get him out.

Me: Ah, ok. Hang on a sec.

I closed my eyes as I activated my semblance which my aura started to glow pink and gold (Maximum Mighty X) and started digging throigh the debris. As soon as I threw the last debris away, I then visibly saw Tenka still in his shield.

Me: TENKA!!!

Tenka: SHADOW!!! DOWN HERE!!!!

Me: Yeah. Come on, I got you!!

Ruby and her team began following me as I desperately try to bring Tenka out from the hole that I made. Ruby and the others soon joined in, especially Weiss and Blake who were on the verge of tears. Finally after getting all the debris out, Tenka stood up, covered in dust and dirt from head to toe.

Me: Tenka, are you---

Tenka: Okay? Yeah, I just suffered a few abbrasions and a minor cut. So, apart from that, yeah... I'm okay.

Me: Okay, glad you are fine.

Blake: You had me worried there!

Tenka: Sorry about that. Won't happen again...

Me: Well, it doesn't matter now as everyone is accounted for.

Tenka: Yeah.... So, what do we do now with, THOSE GUYS!?!?! (Points at the city)

As Team RWBY and I looked at where my partner was pointing, we noticed a horde of Grimm invading Vale. We couldn't believe that the White Fang would do such a thing like that.

Que: We will patch-up his minor wounds while you all hatch a plan onto how we get rid of those Grimm.

Me: Okay. Thanks.

Torpedo: Your most welcome.

While Que and Torpedo are treating Tenka's minor injuries, Ruby's Team and I were figuring out a way to contain the Grimm that are now bringing fear towards the citizens.

Me: (Inner thoughts) Okay.... this is going to be a greater challenge...


Graphite's POV:

I slashed my way out from the rubble, only to see a huge hole being made by the impact of the crash made by the train crashing through the wall. Once I walked out from the tunnel, I looked back to find the others, finding no one in sight.

Me: Guys?! Hatena?! Motos?! Lovelica?! (realizing that they are gone due to the crash, I went on my knees) They're... gone... (getting hold of myself) But no matter, (Stood up) they will come back after that once they revive and level up. As of now, (Looks around to ensure I'm not being watched) I need to help someone now, as this... isn't right. Gemdeus... got us into this to dispose of us so as to take our power! And I'm not going to let him have mine.

I walked out from the crash sight as I noticed a group of teens running towards the center of the city to dealwith the Grimm. Thinking that they might spot me, I pixelate myself to retreat for now.

Graphite: I'm sorry..... Blake....

To be continued....

And that's all, folks! The eleventh episode of the Second Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. So, looks like we have a little cliffhanger at the end eh, that's unexpecting. SO, If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And,if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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