Volume 2: Dance Dance Infiltration

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the seventh episode of the SECOND VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

*Hits gong real hard*

Rachel's POV:

Me: Uuummmm... Is it just me or is that an Ursa dancing just outside the window?

The night was going really well. Random students schmoozing at the dance, Bartholomew Oobleck is listening intently as Peter Port laughs over some unheard anecdote. Ozpin is standing off to the side with Glynda Goodwitch until General James Ironwood offers his hand for her to dance with him. I then ask my question to Mitchell, who is eating a cupcake he got from the buffet table. I crossed my arms against my chest as I stared firmly at the Creature of Grimm outside the window of the building. Funny enough, it didn't seem hostile as it appears to be dancing along with the music. Mitchell chokes on his cupcake and promptly goes crossed-eyed for a moment as he gazes the said Grimm in utter shock.

Wh-Wha... D-Don't you think we should--

???: Just leave it.

We turned towards the sound of the voice to find Tenka walking up to us, before stopping right beside us.

Tenka: Although it is non of our business but, I already have informed General Ironwood's soldiers to look after it, they seem to be not engaging it unless it is spooked or it engages first. Besides, nobody seems to be noticing it. Plus, General Ironwood doesn't want to cause a scenic panic. So, let's just leave it at that, shall we?

True enough to his words, the students even the school staff, were too occupied with the occasion that they don't seem to notice the Ursa completely.

Mitchell: That's extremely weird.... But fine by me, I guess.

Me: Ditto. But I'll keep my eye on that thing. Even though it may be weird for a Grimm to be dancing, but it is rather a sight to see that. And rare as well.

Tenka: (Shrugs) Suit yourself.

Me: Where's Cap, by the way?

Tenka laughs as he turns his head behind him, looking unto the crowd of dancing students.

Tenka: See for yourself.

We all turned to where Tenka was looking, or more like laughing at, to see Shadow and Ruby slowly waltzing. The reason why Tenka was laughing is that Ruby won't stop stepping on his toes for every 5 full seconds before stepping on it again. He wasn't really enjoying this as though a tear is about make its way out of his sockets, much to our amusement.

Me: Haha, you don't see that everyday.

Mitchell: I hope cap didn't get blisters on that...

Tenka: Indeed.... Well, enjoy the rest of the night guys. I'll just have a talk with the General for a while..

Me: I'll hang out with the girls for a bit.

Mitchell: Maybe, I'll just go get more cupcakes....

With that, we went on to their separate ways.


Meanwhile, when the final note in the music was stroked, I had finished dancing with Ruby and we both stepped off the dance floor. I looked over at Ruby, who looked clearly exhausted, and slightly bashful, obviously guilty for stepping on my toes almost all of the time.

Ruby: I-I'm really, really sorry, Shadow!

Me: It's okay, Ruby. Really. It's just that... what happened back there? You already forgot everything I taught you?

When I mentioned this, her entire face went slightly red for a reason. She began shifting uncomfortably in her feet as she fiddles with her fingers in nervous.

Ruby: It's just that.... I was just lost on how graceful and poise you are when you dance... yeah, that it... it made me...

Knowing what she meant, I laughed slightly at her nervousness before gently patting her on the head.

Me: Was Ruby Rose, the Leader of Team RWBY, charmed by the majestic dancing of Shadow Wrath of Team STRM?~

I inquired her this with such confidence and mockery that I attracted the attention of a small group students.

Ruby: Hmph! You wish.

Aww, why does the Rose have to be so thorny.

Ruby groaned in annoyance as she slumped her head down in exasperation, while I laughed at her behavior in amusement. I received weird stares from them, but we both didn't actually care as we went on with our playful bickering. After throwing playful remarks at each other, we both decided to take a seat on the closest table. I smiled at Ruby as she and then turned to look at her friends and mine. I saw them alright, some of them were dancing, while the others were having a nice talk with each other.

Me: (Inner thoughts) Its nice to see them act like this for once... Even though they act like it sometimes. (Sighs) if only mom would see this... even my father.... and everyone in my family....

Out of nowhere I felt a stinging pain coming from my hands. I decided to brush off the pain, but all it did was make it more painful, which made me grimace in pain, earning a confused yet worried look from Ruby.

Ruby: H-Hey, you okay Shadow?

I ignored her question as I curiously decided to look down at my hands from under the table, and what I say made me utterly shock and speechless. My hands were glowing in a darker shade color of my Aura as a mark of some sort was brightly glowing as it was being etched into my right palm. The pain was becoming unbearable to take, so I decided to take action quickly. I suddenly stood up from my chair and Ruby looked at me in surprise and slightly confused as to where I am going.

Ruby: Shadow, is there something wrong? You don't look okay just now....

Me: E-Everything's fine, Ruby! I just... I'm just gonna go outside for a bit. I just need some fresh air, that's all. B-Be back in a second!

I quickly went outside, and suddenly felt the cold windy air blow through my hair. My right hand was glowing even brighter, catching slight attention from a few students. I hid my hand inside my tuxedo, and ran to a more secluded place before they could even know what's going on. I hid behind some bushes and when I knew I am finally alone, I took my hand out to see a finished marking on my palm. I was incredibly perplexed at what the mark would mean.

Me: What is happening to me? What is this?

I asked this to myself as I unconsciously placed my marked hand on the trunk of a tree, freezing it slowly, much to my surprise. I closely watched as the ice began forming a figure of some sort on the trunk. When it was done, I began examining it feature. The head was small, the arms were slim, her body was curvaceous, and she seems to be wearing a long dress of some sort. By looks of it, the figure on the ice was a woman.

Me: Wh-What is this or...who is this woman?

Just as I was about to observe it, I began to hear voices in my head, telling me, "Open your watch", "Be wary of Salem", "You are chosen" and "You are the only one who can change Remnant's fate". I looked around to see if anyone is playing tricks on me, only to find no one in sight. I looked at the ice figure again and sighed as I left it behind.

Deciding to ignore the whole thing, I tried coming up with something to hide the mark on my hand first before it could cause some trouble. A glove could come in handy at this situation. And the first person that came into mind was my partner, Tenka. Using my snow form, I went back inside the ballroom to find Tenka, who seems to be conversing with General Ironwood.
Passing by a large pillar, I quickly reverted back to my original form unseeingly. I crossed my arms together hiding my hand underneath my armpit as I made my towards Tenka, who seems to have just finished his free chat with the general. I called out to him, and he turned with a small smile.

Tenka: Oh, hey Shadow. What's up?

Me: Can I talk to you for a moment?

Tenka: Uh... Sure. What is it?

Me: Um.... Alone?

Tenka stared at me skeptically before finally complying with a nod.

Tenka: Okay...?

Tenka and I tried to find a spot where there were less people around, which seemed to happen behind the large curtains in the window.

Me: Actually Tenka, do you have some spare gloves I could use?

Ummm, why?

Me: Please, just answer the question Tenka!

Tenka was slightly surprised at my sudden outburst, making me slightly guilty.

Me: I-I'm, sorry. Look, I can't explain now. So, do you have a spare glove? Or none?

Tenka: No, no, no. It's okay, I understand. Well, I might have some spare here.

Me: Just one will do.

Tenka became even more confused by this, but he decided not to push anymore further with this situation. He rummaged inside his suit, and pulled out a white glove from it.

Me: Thanks.

I said as I quickly grabbed the glove in a blink before putting them on in my right hand. Satisfied, I let out a sigh of relief before patting Tenka in the shoulder in grateful.

Me: Thanks, Tenka. I'll be going then. Enjoy the rest of the party.

Tenka: Anything for a friend, Cap.

With that I casually left Tenka as if nothing weird happened.


My sudden departure confused Ruby, and made her slightly worried. Deciding to take things calm, she decide to help herself with some punch. She was a bit thirsty anyway, though. Just then, Jaune steps in beside her, holding a glass of punch of his own.

Jaune's POV:

Me: I see you're hiding at the punch bowl too.

Ruby: Yep.

An audible *pop* can be heard as Ruby emphasizes the "p".

I began looking around as I found no sight of Shadow near Ruby, since she was her significant other. Normally in an occasion like these, boys mustn't leave the girl hanging.

Me: Say, where's Shadow?

Ruby: Oh, he said he went outside to get some fresh air. But the sound of his voice said otherwise. It's kinda weird...

Me: Haha, then here's to the socially awkward.

Ruby giggles as they clink their glasses to each other.

Me: Meh, it's fine. Neptune's pretty "cool". I get why she went with him.

What do you mean?

Me: Well, come on, not many people can pull off blue hair.

I began to drink my punch.

Ruby: No, I mean, Weiss came to the dance alone.

I choked on my punch in surprise to hear what Ruby said.

Me: Uh, what?

We all look at Weiss Schnee is trying desperately to coax life out of a wilting white rose. When she fails, she looks visibly upset.

Ruby: Yeah, she said that she had too much to focus on to worry about boys.

Laughter draws Weiss' attention to Sun, Mitchell, Rachel, Blake, and Neptune as the latter entertains the others with some impressions and other silly faces. I shown to be observing and becoming visibly perturbed. After Shadow's confrontation with Tenka, Shadow began walking back inside to the dance hall, and looked around to see Ruby over by the punch bowl with me. He watch me hand my cup to Ruby and walk away with an angry look on his face.

Me: (speaking in a low growl) Hold my punch.

As I made my way across the room, shoving other students aside, I stop short and watched as Pyrrha passes by. I watched her walk glumly up the stairs and seems to have a change of heart.


As I approached Ruby, she noticed me and started talking.

Ruby: Hey Shadow.

Me: Hey Ruby. Everything okay with Jaune?

Ruby: Hmm? Oh yeah, everything's okay. I just told him that Weiss had come to the dance alone. He thought she came with Neptune though, so it's kinda weird.

Me: Oh, okaaaaaaaaaaawait, What?? Weiss came alone?

Ruby: Yeah, she said she didn't have time to worry about boys or something like that.

Me: That's... totally.... weird, she seemed crazy for Neptune. Why didn't she asked him instead?

Ruby: I don't know. Speaking of weird, why are you wearing a glove, much less one glove.

Me: Hmm? Oh this? (Pointing at the said glove on my right hand.) Oh, nothing I figured it suits well with the tux, don't you think?

Ruby: Yeah, it sure does. But----

Me: Anyway, what do you wanna do now then?

Ruby: Huh? Oh! Um.... Well, Yang, Mitchell and Rachel are up on the second floor. We could go talk to them?

Me: Great idea. Let's head up.

As me and Ruby headed up to the second floor, Ruby can't help but wonder at how blunt I may have suddenly become. Thinking it was just her, she just decided to set it aside. The second floor actually gave a clear view of the entire dance hall, and we both saw all of the people dancing and having fun down there. Yang, Mitchell and Rachel saw us both and waved towards the both of us.

Rachel: Hey guys!

Me: Hi. So, what are you three doing up here?

Yang: Nothing much. Just admiring at how awesome I made this party.

Rachel: You mean "We", right?

Yang: Meh...

Mitchell: You're kidding right?

Me: You all did a great job planning it Rachel.

Rachel: Thanks cap!

Me: Especially you, Mitchell and Yang.

Mitchell & Yang: Thanks, Shadow./Thanks, Cap.


3rd Person's POV:

Jaune: Hey, Pyrrha.

Up in the balcony, Pyrrha slowly turns around to face him. Unbeknownst to them, Tenka is eavesdropping in them as he hides completely out of sight from the entrance of the balcony .

Pyrrha: Hello, Jaune.

Jaune takes a couple of small steps as he approaches the red-haired lass.

Jaune: You okay? I haven't seen you tonight.

She turns away from Jaune as she turns back to the balcony.

Pyrrha: Arrived late, I'm afraid.

Jaune: Well, you look really nice.

Pyrrha raises her hand near her mouth, completely flattered by his compliment.

Pyrrha: Thank you.

Jaune: Your, uh, date isn't going to beat me up for saying that, is he?

Pyrrha: I think you're safe for tonight.

Something about the way she said that, made Tenka feel a bit off. Jaune continues his question as he begins rubbing his hands

Jaune: So, where is the guy?

Pyrrha turns back toward Jaune, her head sinking in melancholy.

Pyrrha: There is no guy.

Jaune chuffs nervously as he can't believe of what he just heard, neither does Tenka.

Jaune: Wh-What?

Tenka: (Whispers) What?!

But that's... (Gesturing toward her) You're Pyrrha Nikos! H-How could nobody ask you?!

Pyrrha: I've been blessed with incredible talents and opportunities. I'm constantly surrounded by love and praise, but when you're placed on a pedestal like that for so long, you become separated from the people that put you there in the first place.

Tenka: (whispers) I guess, I can relate a bit there I guess.

Pyrrha: Everyone assumes I'm too good for them. That I'm on a level they simply can't attain. It's become impossible to form any sort of meaningful relationship with people. That's what I like about you. When we met, you didn't even know my name. You treated me just like anyone else. And thanks to you, I've made friendships that will last a lifetime. I guess, you're the kind of guy I wish I was here with. Someone who just saw me for me.

Pyrrha looks at Jaune and then walks away while Jaune simply stares in astonishment.

Jaune: W-Wai-!

Jaune watches as Pyrrha turns a corner. Tenka leans back from his hiding spot completely to avoid being seen by an incoming Pyrrha before Neptune comes in next on the balcony, who starts gesturing toward Jaune.

Neptune: Hey, uh, Jaune, right?

(sighs) yeah.

Neptune: This party's pretty lame, huh? I mean, ballroom dancing. Pfft.

Tenka: (Inner thoughts) Okay, so he doesn't like ballroom dancing. That might be why he didn't go with Weiss, but why did he still go?

Jaune: Yeah.

Jaune looks back out over the balcony.

Neptune: (gesturing back to the dance) cute girls, though, huh?

(growls as he turns back to Neptune, gesturing) is that all you think about?

(raising his palms to waist level) Huh?

Jaune: Do you even care about the girls you're hitting on? How they feel about you?

Neptune: Whoa! (Throwing his palms up) Where's this coming from?

Jaune: (opening his arms wide) How could you just turn her down like that?

Neptune: Wait, h-who?

Jaune: Weiss!

Neptune: I, uh... it, uh... it just didn't work out, you know?

Jaune: What? You think that you're too cool, too many other options? Weiss Schnee asked you to the dance. What in the world could possibly keep you from go-

Neptune: (looking shamefully at the ground) I can't dance!

Tenka look on with horror as he can't seem to believe at what he had just said.

Tenka: (shocked, yet calmly) What?

Jaune: (calmly) Beg your pardon?

Neptune: I can't dance, man!

Jaune: But... you're so cool!

Neptune: Thank you. I try really, really hard.

Jaune: You would rather break a girl's heart and go to a dance alone than just admit to everyone that you can't move in rhythm to music?

That about sums it up, yeah.

Jaune: Well, I certainly feel a lot better about myself.

Neptune: (raising his palms) Please don't tell anybody. Look, if you want Weiss, she's all yours. I don't wanna get in your way.

Jaune turns back towards Neptune, placing his palms on the stone banister.

Jaune: Do you like her?

Neptune: Yeah, I mean I don't know her too well yet, but she seems pretty cool.

Jaune: Then just go talk to her. No pickup lines, no suave moves, just be yourself. I've heard that's the way to go. (He crosses his arms) Plus it can't go wrong if it comes...

He began walking towards Neptune as points at his chest at where his heart is.

Jaune: .....From this. and not with this (Pointing at his head)

Yeah, but then-

Jaune: Hey! You don't have to look cool all the time. In all honesty, if you could be a little less cool, I'd really appreciate it.

Neptune looks relented a bit before he finally considers Jaune's advice.

Neptune: Yeah, okay.

Jaune: Go talk to her. I guarantee it'll make her night.

Neptune: Thanks. You're a really cool guy, Jaune.

Neptune approaches Jaune, holding his fist out for a bump.

Jaune: Alright, don't lie to my face.

The two of them fist bumps and Neptune walks away. Taking the cue, Tenka walks out of his hiding spot and walk into the balcony, mysteriously carrying a dress covering over his shoulder.

Jaune: (sighs) All right, only one thing left to do.

Tenka: Correct.

Jaune turns to see him leaning on the balcony railing.

Jaune: What?! how...?

Tenka's POV:

I zipped the cover open before pulling out a blue prom dress with a ribbon on the waistline, a mischievous grin plastered on my face.

Me: I believe someone said they were going to wear a dress, if a certain someone didn't get a date?

Jaune: Wait, you heard that?!

Me: I heard every single word of what you two talked about during that one particular night up in the roof of the dormitory building.

I threw the dress at Jaune and he catches it with ease.

Me: So, how about you go talk to her. I guarantee it'll make her night. If you know what I mean?

I winked at Jaune, who groans at the reverse psychology me, before walking back inside, with his hand behind his back in a fashion order.


Back to my POV:

Back to me and the others, Mitchell and Yang leans on the handrail and overlooks the festivities from a second tier as me and Ruby approaches the both of them, with us sipping a punch from our hands, and began leaning on the rail as well.

Yang: You know? I think we really needed this.

Rachel and Sun are slow dancing while Ren and Nora appear to be Waltzing. I then saw Penny to be dancing alone, guarded by two Atlas Soldiers.

Ruby: Yeah, and you and the others really did a great job planning it!

Yang: Aw, thanks!

Yang then playfully crushing Ruby into a headlock and hugged her with her one arm, making me laugh a bit as Ruby struggled to break free flailing her arms frantically.

Yang: It wasn't all me, though. Weiss did a lot too.

Me: Okay, don't kill her.

Ruby stops struggling and looks down at Weiss. Neptune approaches and rubs his neck nervously. Weiss invites him to sit with her, which the blue-haired guy did, making the young heiress pull her seat closer to him. Tenka walked in the center of the dance floor for some reason, before looking up at me and the others. Tenka smiles and nods at Mitchell for some reason, the latter's face beams up in happiness, much to me and the other's confusion.

Me: What's going on?

Mitchell: You''ll see~ And while you guys are at it, keep an eye out for Jaune.

With that final note, he gave us all a wink before disappearing down the stairs. We all stood next to each other, looking down at the party hall. Yang lets out a small sigh before continuing the conversation.

Yang: Tomorrow its back to work

Me: Welp, can't be helped.

Ruby: Well, I'm sure we can handle anything thrown at us.

Suddenly, we heard the sound of laughter from the other students. I looked around for the cause, and spotted Jaune, who was, for some reason, in a dress, prompting me to choke and gag on my drink.

Ruby: Except for that

Me: W-What?! What the deuce is he thinking?!

Before I know it, I began laughing loudly. Ruby and Yang joined in soon after, and we were all booming with laughter at the site of Jaune, wearing a girly dress. We all eventually calmed down, when I heard the sudden change of music to become something more like pop-ish with a mix of retro. I then saw, much to my surprise, Rachel on the DJ booth with Tenka and Mitchell, and the whole members of Team JNPR dancing in synchronize with each other to the song.

Me: Oh, I am clearly not missing this! (Holding on 2 Gashats and my Game-Driver) Ruby, we're going down there too!

Ruby: WHAT?! Oh no. Not agaaaiiiiin~!

Once again, I grabbed Ruby's hand and began rushing down towards the dance floor.

Yang: Have fun, you two!

Me: Level shift! Brave Level 3! Disco~ He~enshin~!!


(A/N: Brave DoReMiFa Gamer Level 3)

I rushed down to the hall, dragging Ruby behind, and began dancing to the new song that was playing. Ruby was reluctant at first, but then began to join in as well.

Me: There you go! Now you're doing it, Rubes!

Me and Ruby then danced to the song together. My sister may had only taught me into classical dancing, but as luck would have it, the Genius Surgeon, Hirro Kagami taught me something a little more livelier during my spare time back at CR. It was more of a CPR situation but different. I really do owe them a lot after all. As for the others, Jaune and Pyrrha continue to dance, Ren and Nora do some kind of disco dance, Sun, Tenka, Blake and Mitchell join the mix, and Penny and an Atlas guard are showing doing the "robot". 


After the whole dancing event, we all went to take a sit, but Ruby, having made her way to the exit, walks out of the dance and into the night air. I deactivated my so called, "disco" form to what some people think of it and took a seat with some of my friends as my team still went off to the dance. I began looking around the room to see Ruby near the door as she seemed to very focused on something outside.

Me: (In head) Hmmmm, what is she looking at?

Then out of nowhere, she suddenly runs off into the cold night. I excused myself as I made my way outside and look around. I couldn't see her, but she couldn't had gotten far. Suddenly, I heard a distant crash, just loud enough for my ears to pick up. I ran into the direction of the sound, only to find the source of the sound at the base of the CCT Tower. Ruby's locker was planted in the ground, open, and her weapon was missing.

Me: She really needs to stop getting into trouble. However, whatever she is doing, she could have spotted trouble.

I contacted Tenka via Scroll to get help and flew straight up to the tower by transforming into my snow form. As the flurry of snow floated upwards, a white glove that Tenka gave me floats down into the solid ground.


Tenka's POV:

I was sitting with my friends, when suddenly, my Scroll beeped, surprising my friends and myself. I then excused myself before I
quickly took it out and read the message on it.


Shadow: There's something going on here in the CCT Tower. They took out the security! Ruby's inside. Try bringing in some help if you can! And hurry!


Me: What?!

Rachel: What is it, Tenka?

Me: Cap said that someone has broken into the CCT Tower. They even took out the guards.

Mitchell: What?!

Me: Cap is in trouble.

Rachel: Then let's go help him!!

Me: Okay. Follow me, We have to inform General Ironwood. He would know what to do.

We went over towards where General Ironwood is and we informed him on what is happening at the CCT Tower.

Ironwood: Ah, Tenka, Rachel, Mitchell. Is there anything you need of me?

Me: My team leader said that someone has broken into the CCT Tower. They even took out the guards.

Ironwood: What?!

Me: I'm not gonna repeat what I said, General. My friend and our Team Leader are in trouble.

Ironwood: Okay, Tenka, settle down. Tell me from start on what went on. What did your Team Captain tell you?

I then explained everything understandably. After exiting the dance hall, unnoticed, we immediately took out our Scrolls, and called in our lockers with our weapons in it. After a couple of seconds, the lockers flew by and landed near us and we grabbed them.

Mitchell: We're ready

Ironwood: Very well then. Let's go.

We made our way over to the location Shadow gave to me, and we eventually arrived outside the tower to see a couple of guards, lying unconsciously on the cold ground.

Rachel: What the heck is going on here?

Me: Whatever this is, it can't be good.

Mitchell: Oh, I sure hope Ruby and Shadow are okay...

Ironwood: Stay alert, children. There could be more than one hostile.

Back to my POV:

I finally got to the top floor, and saw Ruby fighting some woman, wearing what looks like black stealth gear, a catsuit to be precise including the final boss of Shakariki Sports, Charlie. The woman spun around, and in a flurry of flames, two swords made of, what seems to look like glass, appear in her hands and Charlie poses to attack with his bicycle. That is when I intervened by crashing through the window, reverting back to my original form, and sent a beam of ice towards the woman and Charlie. Ruby looks relieved as she caught sight of me.

Ruby: Shadow!

I step in between the three and take a defensive stance. I didn't realized it, but my gloved hand was actually exposed out towards the woman, showing her my marked palm, but I didn't care. I didn't want Ruby to get hurt. Me, the woman and Charlie stared at each other for a moment, before she smiles smugly at the mark on my palm and Charlie ringing his bicycle bell in delight. She seemed to understand something about it as she looks quite interested in it. Then suddenly, I heard the ding of the elevator, Ruby and I turned. General Ironwood was standing there along with my team with their weapons drawn, needless to say, they were all relieved to know that me and Ruby were fine. I turned back to find that the woman had already escaped, except for Charlie, while me and Ruby were distracted.

Me: Dang...

Charlie: She's gotta owe me one for that one day. Welp, See you!

Charlie was about to get away but...

Me: You son of a....!


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Charlie: (realizing what I'm going to do soon after) Oh no.... I'm guessing this is what Motos probably means...

I grabbed Charlie by the bicycle as I threw him over, disarming him from his ride as I whacked his bike into his face. This made Charlie mad as he punched me directly in the nose, in which we started pushing, shoving and punching each other until we entered inside the elevator and the elevator door closes, going down to ground level.

Ironwood: I think what he is doing is really re....

Mitchell: Please let him do what he has to do. He was trained for this in CR.

Ironwood: CR?

Rachel: Long, long story.

(A/N: Music stops at 0:28.)

Back to my fight with Charlie:

(A/N: Just put any lift music themes if you want.)

Me & Charlie: (waiting for the lift to stop and open its doors to the ground floor)

A few minutes later....

Me & Charlie: (still waiting)

Another few minutes later....

Me & Charlie: (still waiting)

Me: This is, really awkward.

Charlie: I couldn't agree more, human....

Me & Charlie: (sighs)


(Music resumes at 0:28.)

We both heard the alert sound play to inquire that we have reached the ground floor. Once the elevator doors opened, we continued fighting. Me and Charlie gave each other a flurry of kicks, punches and slashes until...

(A/N: Music stops at 0:37.)

Me: Okay, wait wait wait, hang on, hang on! (Stops fighting, Charlie stops fighting as well) This is a little bit too boring. How about we try this. Be right back.

I left Charlie for a minute to get something from the ballroom.

A few minutes later,

I came back to where Charlie is still standing at with four chairs and place them onto the ground.

Charlie: Ooooohh..... I know where this is going.

(A/N: Music resumes at 0:37.)

Without any delay, Charlie took the first chair and whacks me with it until it broke. I stood back up and grabbed the second chair and whacks downward up at Charlie real hard. Much to our determination to take each other down, we grabbed the last two chairs and whacked each other with it and we kept on fighting. Time went by and we are still fighting from one location to another. From the CCT Tower, to outside the Ballroom, to the courtyard and to the dormitory. Just as Charlie was about to do a left hook, I countered it by grabbing his left hook, grabbed his head and bashed his face into the wall.

After a huge blow in the face by a concrete wall, I took out my Bug-visor zwei and imprisoned Charlie in it, feeling displeased while feeling okay in the matter.

(A/N: Exclude the Gashat on it)

Me: Well, although it pains to say that I fail to apprehend the fugitive, but it doesn't pain me to the fact that I have caught two bugsters for Oz. to see, real soon for interrogations. (Smiles)

To be continued......

And that's all, folks! The seventh episode of the Second Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And,if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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