Volume 2: Field Trip

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the eighth episode of the SECOND VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

*Hits gong real hard until the whole world can hear it*

3rd Person's POV:

Inside Ozpin's office, with General James Ironwood and Glynda Goodwitch keeping the headmaster company.

Ironwood: They were here... (raising his voice) Ozpin, they were here!

Ironwood angrily slams his fist against Ozpin's desk.

Glynda: We're very much aware of that! Thank you, James.

Ironwood: Fantastic! You're aware! Now are we going to do something about it or should we just stay the course and continue to ignore what's right in front of us?!



The following morning after the dance and the unknown infiltration, Tenka, Ruby and I were summoned by Professor Ozpin to discuss what had happened with us, Ruby and the unknown assailant and the unknown Alien-like spring job they were gonna call any moment. To be honest with myself, Tenka was slightly perplexed as to why he was asked to come as well, since he never actually saw the masked woman me and Ruby fought with except for the bugster that he saw his full, derpy face. So, we were on our way to the office by riding on an elevator, but we were experiencing...... "Humane difficulties".

Ruby: Maybe this one?

Tenka: Umm, Ruby, that's... the button for the 24th Floor.. We're looking for the highest number. How hard could it be?!

Me: Ugh... Ruby...

Ruby: What?

Me: Do you have to press every single button on the elevator?

Ruby: At least I am trying to find our way up there!

Tenka: You could've just left that duty to cap, right?

After for so many floor stops due to Ruby not pausing even only for a single second to find the right floor, an alert sound plays, signifying that we all had made it up to the top of the tower.

Me: Finally..... it's about time....

Ozpin: Come in.

Doing as he said, I pressed a button to opened the elevator doors, and we stepped into Ozpin's office.

Ruby: Sorry it took so long. Someone accidentally hit all the buttons on the elevator on the way up here.

She pauses for a moment before quickly explaining herself.

Ruby: It wasn't me.

Tenka instantly planted his face in his palm, while I had a sweat-drop demeanor.

Me: Yeah..... Right..

Ozpin: Thank you for coming, the three of you. How are you feeling?

Ruby: Okay, I guess. I'd feel better if my bad-guy-catching record wasn't O-for-three.

Me: Totally fine.

Tenka: I'm still confused as to why I'm here exactly. I mean, you could've called Mitchell and Rachel too since they also saw what you and I saw, right Cap? (Seeing Shadow nodding). So, why do you want to talk to us only?

Ironwood: Shadow, Ruby, Tenka, I feel it's appropriate to let you three know that I think what the of you did last night is exactly what being a Huntress and huntsmen is all about. You three recognized a threat. You took action. And you all did the very best you could.

Ruby/Me/Tenka: Thank you, sir.

Ozpin: Now, the general here has already informed of the events that... transpired last night, but now that you've all rested, we were wondering if either the three of you had anything to add.

Glynda: Was anyone else with her? Did she look familiar to you at all?

Ruby: I... I don't know. She was wearing a mask, and she never said anything to me. But I know she fought with glass. I don't think that was her Semblance, though. Her clothing lit up whenever she attacked.

The mention of the assailant's clothing lighting up whenever she attacked intrigued Tenka.

Tenka: So, you're saying she was wearing Dust-infused clothing then?

Ruby: Yeah.

Glynda: Save for the glass, that sounds like the woman Shadow and I fought the night we met Ruby.

Ironwood: And embedding Dust into clothing is an age-old technique, General. It could have been anyone.

Tenka: But I'm still at a loss for how she changed her clothes that fast without burning herself..... if she were to be in the party. Like you said, General Ironwood, it could be anyone.

Ruby: Wait.

Me and the rest of the people inside the office all turned to face Ruby as she continues,

Ruby: You think this girl is connected to Torchwick and the White Fang?

Ozpin: It's possible.... But we still lack the required evidence to link the two together.

Ruby: Actually, I... I think I remember her saying something about a hideout, or something, in the southeast. Just outside the Kingdom.

Me and Tenka nearly had to stop the urge from snapping your heads towards Ruby in surprise. The information about the hideout in the Southeast came from the White Fang, and we had no actual evidence to link this crime to them, which could lead to some suspicions. Ruby was feeding the professors a half-truth that could be completely unrelated to the crime.

Ozpin: Interesting.

Glynda: I thought you said the intruder never—

Ozpin: Thank you for your cooperation, Shadow, Tenka, Ruby. Why don't you all go and spend some time with your teams? You all have a big day ahead of you.

Ruby: Any time.

Me: Sure.

Tenka: Will do, Sirs and Mam.

Ozpin: And students, please try and be ... discreet about this matter.

Ruby: Yes sir.

Me: Will do.

Tenka simply nodded, and together, we three walked off into the elevator. Just as I was about to enter the elevator, Ozpin called me back.

Ozpin: Mr Wrath, may I have a quick word with you on what happened last night?

I was shocked to hear this, thinking that I may be in trouble, so I told Tenka and Ruby to head back first just in case. When the elevator doors closed, I went back in front of Ozpin, Ironwood and Goodwitch.

Me: Look, if it's something about last night, it's--

Ozpin: We know (raising my hand to halt my explanation). We know that the woman-in-black is not alone. Which is why, Shadow, we still want you here as you know about them, in brief. The General, Miss Goodwitch and I are looking forward to see what it is that you caught last night or hich one you've caught.

Me: Not just caught "one". But two.

Ironwood/Goodwitch: Excuse me?

I brought out two bug-visors, (two of them are green) and releases the bugsters in the office. After they were released, I used my semblance to conjour an ice cage so that they won't escape.

(A/N: Exclude the Gashat on top of it.)

(A/N: Final Boss of Shakariki Sports, Charlie)

(A/N: Final Boss of GIRI GIRI Chambara, Kaiden.)

Me: Behold, General and Professors (points my hand in gesture), the bugsters that are before you, in captivity.

Ironwood: My Oum...

Glynda: These are the creatures that tried to--

Me: Yes. I caught them, so as to not let them harm anyone of your students, Miss Goodwitch. However, for some which we encountered, we eliminated them you see due to the fact like you said, we can destroy anything in our path during our initiation.

Ozpin: Hmmm... interesting beings.

Ironwood saw Ozpin walking towards the cage in a very calm manner. Upon seeing this, he began to worry about his safety.

Ironwood: Ozpin, Please! Keep your distance!

Me: There is no need for sudden alarm, General. I made this cage specially to bound them from moving around.

Ozpin: So, the blue one is....

Me: Charlie. The one who was with our fugitive from last night. And the guy with the fat-head with swords is Kaiden.

Kaiden: HEY!!!!

Ironwood: They do speak as well, do they?

Me: Well, yes.

Ozpin's POV:

I was intrigued on what I saw in the cage that Shadow conjoured. Two bugster units? Interesting. After observing them, I asked:

Me: Hello, Charlie, Kaiden. My name is Professor Ozpin. So, tell me, one of you, why are you here?

(No answer)

Goodwitch: Look, if you think your silent treatment is going to work, I'd suggest that you--

Me: Glynda! (Looking back at her. She noticed my glare and decided to leave the talking to me instead) Now, I'm not going to ask again if you have or haven't listened closely to my question, gentlemen. Now, let me ask you one last time, why?

After a few moments of silence, one of them spoke.

Charlie: Domination.

Me: So, You want to conquer this world?

Kaiden: Yes. We were ordered specifically to expand our numbers at the Emerald Forest. Unfortunately few of our kind has been eliminated by your kind!

After hearing what they both have to say, I started to intepret the worse that can happen. So, I asked morequestions:

Me: Who sent you here? Who's your boss? Is it, her grace?

When I said this, this shocked both Glynda and Ironwood. Before they both could say anything, Kaiden replied:

Kaiden: Her grace? We don't know anything about "her grace". But, we only have one ruler! And that is Our grace, that you have to respect him by saying, HIS GRACE, GEMDEUS MACHINA-SAMA!!

Back to my POV:

Upon hearing his name, I was shocked to hear that he is still alive.

Me: Gemdeus Machina?! Alive?! Where?

Kaiden: That, we will not tell you anything about that!

Ozpin: So, who is this, Gemdeus Machina? (looks at me)

Me: Well, Gemdeus Machina is the Ultimate final boss of Rider Chronicle. He utilizes all the abilities or in your terms, auras and semblances of the rest of the bosses in that game. Charlie and Kaiden are two of the thirteen components of Gemdeus's ultimate powers.

Ozpin: I see. (Looks back at the imprisoned bugsters) So, is he tr--

Me: Oh yes, his aura and semblance are not just using their auras, semblances and powers of his disposal, he can use his aura and semblance to terrormorph into the ultimate being of a god... much more powerful of that of what you are fighting off.

After explaining what Gemdeus Machina can do, everyone in the office were shocked upon hearing what the ultimate bugster can do. Thus, leaving Ozpin to this question to the prisoners.

Ozpin: Is this true, to what he said?

A moment of awkward silence

Charlie: Whatever you have heard from the boy~, yeah, [smirks cockily while pointing his two fingers (A/N: Not middle fingers)] YOU GOT THAT RIGHT, IT'S TRUE!!!


Ironwood: So, what do you want me to do with them, Oz?

Me: Do you want one of us to hold them custody, Professor?

Ozpin thought hard on what he was to do with Charlie and Kaiden. Entrust Ironwood to hold them custody, or I hold them custody. After some thought, Ozpin finally answered our question.

Ozpin: Mr Wrath, would you be kind enough to lend General Ironwood your devices that stores or imprison these being?

Me: Sure. But, I need to call up CR to tell them what's going on and then when they agree, one of my best/s will come over to give them to you, sir.

Ironwood: Thank you, Shadow. And may I ask, what is CR?

Me: Oh, you shall see, General.

A few minutes later of explaining and after being online together with CR with the Professors and the General with me,

Me: Okay, they said that one of them will be coming over with your "brand-new" weapons, via 'Opening Screen'

Glynda: Opening Screen?

After Glynda said these two words, 'Opening Screen', Kamen Rider Chronicle Opening Screen suddenly appeared in front of us and a person, donning with red and blue armour with golden-like details on it appeared out of the Opening Screen, carrying a suitcase.

Me: Ah, Pallad. You're here with the package?

Pallad: I have them. All thirteen of them.

Me: Thank you. Oh, Professor, Professor Goodwitch, General, this is Pallad, one of the Bugsters that is working and has joined forces with CR.

Pallad: Ah, new characters? You three are something else if you play the game. Pallad, aka - Kamen Rider Paradox, at your service. (Bows)

Ozpin: Professor Ozpin. A pleasure.

Glynda: Glynda Goodwitch, Professor Glynda Goodwitch.

Ironwood: General James Ironwood.

Pallad: A pleasure. And here you go, General. What you require. (Passes a suitcase) Bug-visor Zwei, all thirteen of them.

Ironwood: Thank you, Pallad. I am sure to use these with great care.

Pallad: Your most welcome. Well, I must say, you never skip leg day.

Ironwood: Guilty's charged.

Pallad: Heheh. Well then, I must take my leave now. (Places hand onto Shadow's shoulder) Catch you later.

Me: (nods)

Once Pallad has left the scene, I made the ice cage to dissipate and trap the same two bugsters inside the devices and passed them to General Ironwood.

Me: Try not to drop them. (Places two used visors into the suitcase)

Ironwood: I won't.

Me: (staring at Ozpin, Glynda and Ironwood) So, will that be all???

Ozpin: Yes, that will be all. Thank you.

Me: Anytime. I will still keep your caution in-mind.

I entered the lift as I said it. Once I reached the ground floor of Beacon Tower, I noticed Ruby and Tenka waiting for me.

Me: Heh, you waited for me? How sweet of you guys.

Tenka: Well, it was Ruby's idea. So I went with the flow.

Me: Really, aaaawwwww... Rubes, that is so sweet.

Ruby: (blushing madly over my comment) Uuuuuhhh... thank you! Heheh...

When we were all off to our respective dorms, Ironwood and Goodwitch clash words once more,

Ironwood: Well there we have it. We send as many troops as we can to the southeast, find out exactly what's going on, and eradicate any forces that stand in our way.

Glynda: Why must your answer to everything involve a triumphant display of military bravado!? You treat every situation like it's a contest of measuring di—!

Before Glynda could even finish her words of swearing, Ozpin interrupted her.


Glynda: Well, he does.

Ozpin: She's right. As much as I too would love to end this situation once and for all, we must remember that this may go beyond Vale. Beyond Beacon. And if this truly is part of some master plan for which we know not the final move, we mustn't be so bold. Nor can we risk the spread of panic.

Ironwood: I have served you faithfully for years... but if you mean to tell me that your plan is to really hold the defenses, and wait—!

Ozpin then abruptly stands from his chair at the last word Ironwood just spoke.

Ozpin: It is not! You're a general, James. So tell me, when you prepare to go to war, which do you send in first? The flag bearers, or the scouts?


Ruby went back to her dorm, while me and Tenka had arrived back at the dorm room and opened the door to the room. We were both surprised to see a white, large box standing five-feet in height that nearly took half the space inside the dorm room. Rachel and Mitchell we're piling up their mail to make some space for the enormous box, and by the looks of it, it seems to have been delivered by mail.

Me: What in Grimm's claw and in Graphite's fang is that?!

Rachel: Don't ask me. Mailmen delivered it a while ago for you, Tenka. They even gave me and Mitchell some boxes and a couple of letters.

Mitchell: Looks like my family sent them to me. Ooh! Mom even sent me some of her homemade brownies and cookies! Yum! (A/N: I LOVE BROWNIES AND COOKIES!!! DON'T JUDGE ME!!!)

Rachel: By the way, Cap, your mail is on your bed.

Me: Ah, thank you.

I went over to my bed to find some boxes and letters written and sent by my dad, Emu, and my sister. Emu sent me a photo frame, with a photo of us at CR to remind us about the times we had when I first joined them. Man, those were good memories I thought. My sister sent me some exotic Mistral sweet delicacies that smelled like honey and coconuts, which found Rachel very alluring to eat. And finally, my mail from my dad. He sent me an envelope with his letter inside it alongside a small, long, rectangular box fit for a necklace to be put in. I tore the envelope open as I read the words in my mind, while trying not to mind the noisy ruckus Tenka is making to pry open the box.



How have you been? I hope you are coping well at Beacon with your team. I figured it's high time I give you this. Inside the box is your mother's necklace that I kept ever since she passed away. She would've wanted for you to have it. It served and protected me well during the dangerous missions I took. I'm hoping it could give you the same thing it did as it did for me. Note that whenever you're wearing this, you'll know that your mother is always right by your side, watching over and protecting you.

Be safe, son,




I smiled at the letter as I placed it on the bed, and began opening the box with excitement, only to be flabbergasted at what I saw inside it. It is a necklace alright, but there was something in the necklace. The chain links were made out of white gold, and in the middle of the necklace was a symbol you began to grow all too familiar with. The symbol on the necklace bore the same mark on my right palm. Quickly taking a glance from my teammates, I took the necklace from the box, and wore it inside my clothes. I also took out a photo from the box that shows my family in it. Good memeories I thought to myself. Just then, Tenka exclaimed in surprise.

Tenka's POV:

Tenka: What the?!

My team turned towards me in surprise, and it soon changed into fascination when they witnessed a fantastic spectacle. I had finally opened the box, only to reveal two special suitcases that one is blue with gold outlines on it, and the other with black with gold and silver outlines on it. There was also a special locker which I knew what it was. There were also large-sized guantlets inside my mail box as well. And on top of the box's contents was a wolf. A large sized one, with brownish cream fur that is so fluffy and plus, it has rock-like spikes, sleeping on top of everything in the box.

(A/N: It's like Lycanroc Dusk Form but its fur color is Brownish cream.)

Shadow: Who would send a wolf and some tech through the mail?

Me: (sighs) for Oum and M's sake, why.... I-it's my mom and my sensei......

I then took the letter from the box, and began reading it aloud for my teammates to hear.


To my Dearest Tenka,

Your little sister and I will be taking your grandfather (sensei) to a small vacation with your grandma in Mistral for the time being, so we won't be pretty much home by then, so I'm sending your cute little furry tail wolf, Max, for you to take care of. Enclosed is all the food he should need, along with his equipment and a threadmill for him to exercise. Believe me, we tried everything to get him out of your empty room, but he still doesn't want to at that time. But when your granfather or your sensei told him that you will be at Beacon, he shot up and ran to us. He seems to be missing you back at home that he wants to meet you so badly.

Take care, and Mama loves you.



For a minute everything became silent inside the dorm, the next second, everyone, except me, began laughing at me, who blushed real mad in embarrassment while face-palming. My team leader fell on his rump in sheer laughter as Rachel was already slapping her knees, and Mitchell was nursing his stomach in sheer laughter.

Me: Oh ha ha. V-Very funny, guys. Real mature, real mature. Go on ahead you guys... real mature.

Rachel: Aw.... Looks like someone doesn't want to admit he's a mama's boy~

Me: Oh, put a sock in it already, Rach.

It took them five whole minutes for them to calm down, before talking to me. I sighed in relief that this sort of mockery was over.

Shadow: So that's your wolf, huh?

Me: Yep. My sister named him Rocksteel Power Maximus. Max, for short.

Mitchell: That's a long name for a wolf, yet, an awesome name for a wolf to have.

Me: Yeah. Blame and thank my sister, they both share the same interest having long names.

Shadow: Why? What's her name?

Me: Jessica Arcee Kaito. She's still 10, if you're asking.

Rachel: Wow. I never knew you had a sister, Tenka.

Me: You never asked.

Mitchell: Wait, Tenka, you mean to say that you have this wolf ever since and you didnt show it to us when we were at your place?!

Me: You didn't ask about pets, Mitch. Anyway, enough with my bio. Can you guys help me with this stuff that is in my mailbox?

Normal POV:

After the whole family interrogation with Tenka, you all helped him put his stuff properly in the room. When it was finally arranged, it no longer took half the space inside the dorm room, but rather only a quarter of it. When Team Leader Shadow and his team were all done rearranging their things, and giving the wolf a couple of its food on a bowl, they all decided to visit Ruby and the others. Unbeknownst to Shadow and the others, Tenka had activated his semblance real quick, went back to the dorm, and is now seen carrying a large duffel bag.


Me: Tenka, what's with the bag for?

Tenka: You'll see m--

As Tenka was about to finish his line, we were interrupted by Rachel's screaming of excitement.

Me: Ummm, Rach.... what's... up?

Rachel: This. Is. AWESOME!!! Daddy made these for me!! Look!

Tenka and I looked at the contents of the box to see a triangle-like, 2 cylindrical-like, a weird cube-like and 2 polygon-like metal blocks inside it.

Tenka: Uuuh, are these suppose to be for children?

Rachel: Hush you... dad made these specially to follow my bidding, you dolt!

Me: (Inner thoughts) And here I thought she will be like Weiss sooner enough.... (sighs)

Rachel: Here. One example, metalfencer, to me.

Then the cube that we saw with the other metallic-like blocks suddenly transformed into a spider with guns as its little insect-like toes. It jumped onto it's master's palm.

Rachel: See?

Tenka and Me:


3rd Person's POV:

Weiss: That was a risky move.

Ruby had just finished explaining what happened back in Ozpin's office. Needless to say, she was very tensed during the encounter.

Blake: No, I think you handled it well.

Ruby: I hope so.

Yang: I'm sure everything will be alright, Ruby. Oh, I know what will cheer you up!

Yang then takes out a cylindrical package the length of her forearm.

Ruby: What's that?

Yang: I don't know yet. Dad sent it to us. I thought we could open it together!

Ruby: Ooooh! Something from home!

Ruby zooms over to Yang and wraps herself around Yang, trying to take the cylinder from her. The package opens, and another cylinder, hairy and black, falls out onto the floor and starts to shake. The object suddenly transforms into a corgi. Team RWBY leans in, staring at it.

The animal barks twice. While Weiss and Blake continue to react with great shock, Ruby and Yang react excitedly, with Ruby jumping in the air. Ruby, still airborne, poses as she shouts the dog's name.

Ruby: Zwei!

Blake: He sent a dog?

Weiss: In the mail?

Yang: Oh, he does stuff like this all the time!

Blake disappears, who was already up on the top bunk of the bed, staying far away from Zwei as possible.

Your father or your dog?

The door to their dorm room suddenly opens, and immediately the canine jumps out of Ruby's grasp knocks the first person who came in first before the began its face. Actually that person turned out to be me, with the others behind me.

Me: Ugh, darn. Just... Why is there a dog in here? And---

Before I could even finish what I was going to say, Zwei suddenly licked me in the mouth.

Me: Blegh! Egh! What the deuce!? T-The heck! I think I got some inside my mouth....

They didn't actually understood what I said, since I took my tongue out as I wiped it dry, trying to keep the dog away from my face. My friends laughed at the sight.

Very funny, Team. Very funny....

Ruby: Sorry, Shadow! Our dad sent him to us through the mail.

This ceased Team STRM's laughter as they stared at the dog in pure shock.

T/R/M: What?!

Me: Right..... Was that supposed to be a "normal" explanation?! Or a figure of speech?!

Ruby lifted up Zwei from me and held him in her arms. I then stood back up as I wiped the rest of the saliva off of my face.

Me: So, he's gonna be here from now on too?

Weiss: Wait, are you telling me that this mangy... drooling... mutt is going to wiv wif us foweva? Oh, yes he is, yes he is! Oh, isn't he adorable!

Yang: Yeah. Until our Dad goes back home.

Rachel: Well, isn't that cute..... and the sweetest.....

Weiss: And wait... What exactly did you mean by "too", Shadow?

Me: Heh, funny. You girls are not actually the only ones having pets sent through mail from home to be taken care of.

Blake: What do you mean?

Me and my Team looked over to Blake, surprised to see her hiding up on the top bunk.

Tenka: Uh.... What are you doing there, Blake?

Blake face-palmed as she pointed at herself then to Zwei.

Blake: Cat..... Dog. Remember?

Tenka: Okaaayy then....

Well, Tenks's mom sent him his wolf.

The moment those words left Mitchell's mouth, Blake rapidly jumps down from Ruby's bunk and jumps across the table, avoiding Zwei, as she makes her way on Tenka, wrapping her arms around him and his armour, curiously and worriedly.

Blake: Where's the wolf?!

Tenka: Yes. I have a wolf and he's at our dorm room. He's friendly, he is also friendly to cats for his case, so nothing to worry about.

Blake: Really?

Tenka: Really. (Reassuring Blake that she will be fine)

Ruby sets Zwei down and he walks inconspicuously over to Blake. Out of nowhere, Zwei barked so suddenly, that it made Rachel growl slightly at the canine, while Blake jumped on Tenka's shoulder out of shock and her cat-ish instinct.

Blake: Gah! Help me keep that mutt away from me, Tenka! Please! Keep it away from me and my belongings! Please!!!

Tenka: Irk... Gurk... Y-You're strangling me, B-Blake!

Then suddenly, the P.A. intercom speaker system went on for Glynda to speak at.

Glynda: (Over the intercom) Would all first-year students please report to the amphitheater?

Tenka: Well, that's just great...

Ruby: Why?

Weiss: Well, we can't exactly leave him here while we're gone for the week.

Mitchell: And what about Max?

Max's a smart wolf. B-Besides, he's got his food that'll last for the whole week or so.

Yang: Look, there's a letter! "Dear girls, I've got to leave the island for a few days, so I'm sending Zwei to you to take care of. Enclosed is all the food you should need. Love you both, Taiyang."

Yang then lifted the packaging of the mail upside down and dozens of cans of dog food spill out of the small package, piling up around Zwei, who was just standing right beside her.

Weiss: What is he supposed to do with that?

Yang yanked the package down and a can opener falls from the package, bouncing off Zwei's head.

Yang: Well, that settles it! Come on, guys. Zwei and Max will he here when we get back.

I started making my way towards the door, but I stopped and turned around towards Ruby when I didn't notice her following behind me.

Me: Ruby? Aren't you coming?

Ruby stares at Zwei for a moment, before smiling sneakily. She picked up a large Beacon bag, and held Zwei in her free are. Almost immediately, I knew what she is going to do.

Me: Oh no. No, no, no, no, no!! Absolutely not, Ruby.

Ruby: What? He's already clean!

Me: I don't mean that, Ruby!


Ruby's POV:

Later, we both ran up ahead and caught up with our team, who had already entered the auditorium and were standing between Team JNPR, STRM and my Team.

Shadow: I'm telling you Ruby, this is a bad idea.

Just be quiet!

I am wearing a large backpack as we both entered the amphitheater with the other students. I placed it down next to other students' luggage before rejoining my team, who are standing in front of Team JNPR and and beside Team STRM.

Glynda: Quiet! Quiet please. Professor Ozpin would like to share a few words before we begin.

Ozpin: Today we stand together, united. Mistral. Atlas. Vacuo. Vale. The four Kingdoms of Remnant. On this day, nearly eighty years ago, the largest war in recorded history came to an end. It was a war of ignorance, of greed, and of oppression. A war that was about much more than where borders fell or who traded with whom, but about the very idea of individualism itself. We fought for countless reasons, one of which being the destruction of all forms of art and self-expression. And as you are well aware, that was something many could not stand for. As a result, those who opposed this tyranny began naming their children after one of the core aspects of art itself: color. It was their way to demonstrate that not only would they refuse to tolerate this oppression, but neither were the generations to come. And it was a trend that is held to this very day. We encourage individuality, expressionism, and unity through diversity. As I have said, today we stand together, united. But this bond cannot exist without effort. Which is why today, while the rest of the world celebrates peace, Huntsmen and Huntresses will work to uphold it. As first year students, you will be tasked with shadowing a professional Huntsman or Huntress on a mission. Some of you may be taken out of the Kingdom for several days. Others may work within the walls for the rest of the week. But no matter which path you choose, remember to be safe, remember your training, and remember to do your very best.

Ozpin steps away as the students all begin to file out of the amphitheater.

Ruby: This is perfect! All we have to do is shadow a Huntsman working in the southeast!

Yang: Yeah! We'll follow them around by day and give them the slip by night!

Rachel: I doubt that will be a good idea.

Let's check "search and destroy"!

Tenka: Agreed.

We all headed over to one of the holographic boards and read the "Search and Destroy" area of operation. I looked through them, and finally found an area in the Southeast.

Me: Well there you go. Quadrant 5 needs Grimm cleared out! I guess, you'll be taking this one, Ruby?

Ruby: Well, it's in the southeast!

Yang: Wait, you guys are not coming with us?

We would love to, but nah. We have our own mission to deal with, Yang. We can't exactly have two teams on one mission.

But, we'll try to find something near the place with the same style of operation to help out if needed.

Sounds perfect!

Weiss' POV:

I saw Ruby selecting our destination and typing down own team name. However, the screen says that first years are not allowed to take this mission. I was totally disappointed.

Me: Wonderful!

Tenka: That's... underwhelming.

Blake: Any other ideas?

Ruby: We mail ourselves there!

What?! You can't mail yourselves there!

Yeah. I don't think that's a great idea....

Ozpin: At the very least, it's still an option.

The teams turned toward the voice and saw Ozpin approaching.

Tenka: May I ask: Why is that mission even on the board, Professor? There are only first years here.

Shadow: My thoughts exactly... It's weird that this mission is on the board. Shouldn't a "high-class" Huntsmen or Huntresses take the job???

Ozpin: Unfortunately, we determined that the concentration of Grimm was too extreme for first-year students. It seems that particular region is rather popular. In fact, I have the sneaking suspicion that you four will make your way there no matter which job you choose.

Our team, and Shadow's turned to glare at my Team Leader, Ruby, who nervously rubs her head, but Shadow gave her a sympathetic look.

Ruby: Whatever makes you say that?

Ozpin: I'm still curious how you all found yourself at the docks last semester. I'm interested to know how you really learned about a hideout in the southeast. And I certainly wonder why witnesses reported seeing robots and rose petals, even some ice, creatures that Shadow knows about and some craters, some time ago...


My whole body turned pale and stiffened as Ruby began stuttering in sheer nervous.

Ruby: Um... W-Well...

Ozpin: I doubt I'll ever find the exact answers I'm looking for. So how about this: instead of waiting for you all to break the rules, why don't we just bend them?

Ozpin selects some things on his scroll, and the hologram screen makes a beeping noise.

Ruby: We won't let you down. Thank you, professor.

Ozpin: Do not thank me for this. I still can allow a first-year team to go, even if they are shadowing a huntsman. So, I am also sending a high-level team with you.

He says this as he turns to look at me and the rest of my team.

Ozpin: I will be giving you your mission personally. Team STRM, you will now fulfill your optional duty of protecting both Teams JNPR and RWBY to its fullest.

Y-You mean....

Ozpin: Yes, Mr. Striker. Your mission for today is to protect both teams for their mission.

Rachel: Wait, both teams?

Tenka: T-That would mean....

Ozpin nodded as if he already knew what he was going to say.

Ozpin: Team STRM will be split into two groups. I'm assigning Mr. Mitchell Striker and Ms. Rachel Claws to go with Team JNPR on their mission, while Mr. Tenka and Mr. Shadow will go with Team RWBY on theirs.

Rachel & Mitchell: ALRIIIIIGHT!

Me: Nothing to worry about if you guys are okay with that then.

Ozpin: But they will be there to keep you safe, Team RWBY, not to do everything for you. Teamwork and persistence have carried you far. But you must understand, the things that await you beyond the protection of the Kingdom will not care. Stay close to your Huntsman at all times, and do exactly as he says. He will be leading you on this mission, and he can have you sent back to Beacon, if he finds your skills to be unsatisfactory. Good luck.

Ozpin then walked away and, we all left the auditorium to head to the airship that would take you to Quadrant 5.

Rachel: Professor Ozpin is one weird Headmaster, huh, Shadow.

Me: You don't have to tell me twice, Rachel.....

Yang: That wasn't exactly uplifting.

Blake: But it's the truth.

Ruby: It's gonna to be tough, but I know we can do it!

Me: Please, this mission is gonna be a like walk in the park. You have the two of us in this mission, with a fully trained Huntsman. What could go wrong?

Tenka: Well, probably nothing.

Just as I heard Tenka said that, a student runs past me and the others.

Student: Hey! Team CFVY is back!

Me and the others all joined the crowd, and saw the aforementioned team came back indeed. They had been away for a week longer than usual, and hadn't been able to organize the party they were in charged with, leading to Yang and Weiss, and some of my teammates to plan the event for them. Just then, I saw Velvet walk by, and Blake and Tenka approached her.

Blake: Velvet? Are you okay?

Velvet: I'm fine. I had Yatsuhashi to look out for me.

Tenka: Your mission was supposed to end like about a week ago, Velvet! What happened?

Velvet: Nothing happened. It was just ... there were just so many...

She looks up and notices Team RWBY and STRM's worried expressions.

Velvet: Oh, but don't worry. You first-years are just shadowing Huntsmen, so you should be fine.

Yang: Actually, Professor Ozpin sent us another team to help us out.

Weiss: Tenka and Shadow are anyway, Rachel and Mitchell will be going with JNPR.

Velvet: I see. Well, Team STRM has its title for being the protector of Teams RWBY and JNPR. Team STRM is, after all, the only one with high-leveled first years around.

Rachel: Aww~ Thanks, Velv!

Velvet: (giggles) Anyways, I should go. Be safe, okay?

Tenka: See you around, Velv.

We all watched Velvet walk away, as Ruby continued talking.

Ruby: We can do this. We've never backed down before, and we're not going to start now.

Blake: Right.

Ruby: Besides, it won't only be us out there! We'll be fighting alongside a genuine Huntsman!

Yang: Yeah!



We all finally arrived at the ship, with Rachel and Mitchell still following. Me and the rest of my team, alongside Team RWBY, stood in flabbergast and disappointment at the spectacle before me. But Tenka looked delighted, which I guessed he was his favorite teacher. Rachel and Mitchell stood embarrassingly in their spot, before they disappeared in a flash, but not before wishing us all the luck we needed.

Oobleck: Why, hello Students! So, who's ready to fight for their lives?

Me: (Inner thoughts) Well, that's ironic..... I am having the feeling that this will not be an easy mission....

To be continued.....

And that's all, folks! The eighth episode of the Second Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And,if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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