Volume 2: Extracurricular

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the fifth episode of the SECOND VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

*Hits gong real hard*

Charlie: (Rides bicycle, passing me)

Tenka's POV:

Inside Beacon's large cafeteria, I am sitting alone at a long table as I slowly eat up my lunch while reading a book. Cap is nowhere to be found inside the place as he is having an important call with his dad inside our dorm room, while Rachel and Mitchell are still taking their lunch. Just then, someone slams their tray on the opposite side of the table I'm sitting. I then look up from my book to see Rachel taking a seat.

Rachel: Man! That queue is long. Probably as long as a King Taijitu.

Me: Mmhm... I could tell.

I replied as I glance at the long line that was going. Just as I was about to go back to my lunch and read, I saw Mitchell coming our way, waving gleefully. At least he was when he is suddenly tripped by Cardin and his goons, who started laughing at Mitchell's trip. Rachel and I were angered when we saw this. Rachel rushed to her partner's aid, while I slammed my book down the table hard, while shouting Cardin's name out loud.


My sudden outburst rang out through the cafeteria. I slowly walked towards Cardin and his team, a dark aura seemingly emitting from me as I strut his way. When he was at an earshot,

Me: THAT'S IT!! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!! I also had enough of you bullying my teammates and the other students here at Beacon. How about we settle this on Glynda's Class on a Sparring Match? 4 against 1. Me against you and your whole team, against ME, Cardin.

This gave Mitchell and Rachel a complete surprise, as they widened their eyes in shock. The students inside the cafeteria 'oohed' as Cardin glances at his teammates who had a look of agreement on their faces. Cardin grins wickedly as he turns back to me.

Cardin: It's a deal. You're gonna regret doing this.

Me: I could say the same to you.

With that, Cardin and his team walks away from the cafeteria. Rachel release her hold on Mitchell and approaches me. But before she could even get close, I was already out of arm's reach as I left the cafeteria as well. Right after, cap came inside the cafeteria and approached his remaining teammates.


Me: Hey, what'd I miss?

Rachel told me the whole story about Mitchell's predicament, and the whole situation that went with Tenka and Team CRDL, how Tenka nonchalantly challenged his whole team on a four-against-one match.



Glynda: Now let me be clear, when one's Aura is depleted, they would be susceptible to serious injuries; and as students of this Academy, you are expected to conduct yourselves accordingly. So to demonstrate this, we will have an exhibition match between Pyrrha Nikos of Team JNPR and Shadow Wrath of Team STRM.

Both teams, along with Team RWBY, cheered on for the two of us as we both nodded at each other respectively. We both walked out of the stands and went to get ready. I put on all your battle garments, along with your modified bulletproof trench coat. I tightened the straps on my boots and fastened my utility belt on and placed my Game-Driver on me. I took Parablade from my locker and strapped it on my back. When I was all set to go, I began walking out towards the arena.

Me and Pyrrha stood on the opposite sides of the arena as we both took our fighting stances.

Pyrrha: This is going to take long.

Me: Don't sell yourself short, Pyrrha. I might not even last a few minutes with you. Maybe a second, maybe many minutes. We never know.

Pyrrha: Heh, I try.

Glynda: Ready? Begin!



(A/N: Taddle Fantasy, Level 50)

Pyrrha instantly lunged for me right after that second, but I saw it coming and I evaded. Following up, I used my snow flurry form to send her flying back a couple of meters. She composes herself in mid air and stabs her weapon into the ground to stop the force. I raised my left arm and point it towards Pyrrha, a small portal appeared and snow figured-like soldiers charged towards her and began swinging their spears. Pyrrha began slicing and dicing the snow figured soldiers until they all dissipated but neither does she know that I was charging towards her. After the last soldier was dissipated, Pyrrha saw me charging in with Parablade and the both of us clashed our weapons at each other. Miraculously, I was able to parry almost all of her attacks before knocking her back with a kick.

Pyrrha came charging at me while I just stood there with a smile on my face. When she got in range, I swung my axe in a 180 degree angle, creating a cold Aura with dark powers from my weapon (A/N: If you know Taddle Fantasy, it's a game whereby a monster or a warlock plays that role to destroy an empire with Dark-Natured powers) and launching towards Pyrrha. She gets caught off guard by this as she tries to block it with her shield, but it knocked her shield away. She tries calling it back to her arm by using her Semblance, but she was suddenly knocked aside by my snow form. She stands back up to her feet and turns her sword into its javelin function. I jumped a few feet into the air before slashing down my axe on her. She blocks it successfully and took this moment to attack and launched a flurry of strikes at me. Pyrrha kept her fervor up as she delivers hit after hit to me, leaving me no openings to strike back. I kept on blocking her attack until one mid-pause, I sway my cape around and teleported behind her and launched her back towards the opposite side of the stage.

Pyrrha called her shield back and kept up her charge. I stabbed my axe in the ground and slowly approached the charging Pyrrha, much to my classmates and Glynda's confusion. Even Pyrrha was confused by this as she slowed down a bit before picking it back up. When she was a bit close, I stopped, closed my eyes and drew my fist back.


I focused all of my Aura inside my fist, and while I am doing this, cold smoke started swirling up around me, including the Gashat's power.


I suddenly opened my eyes and they glowed brightly with the color of my Aura while a illusion-like giant figure of me appeared a few inches behind me. I suddenly thrust my fist forward, coming in contact with Pyrrha's shield, and so was my illusion-like clone.

The force was so strong that it sent her shooting back, and crashing towards the wall with an echoing crash. Sliding down the wall as she slumps against it. I saw a black field crackle around her, her Aura dropping to none with just my one punch. The hall was silent for a few seconds until it exploded with cheers and applause as I rushed to helped Pyrrha, worried that I injured her quite badly. She smiled at me as I offered my hand to her to help her up to her feet.

Pyrrha: I knew you were strong, but I never knew you were that strong.

Me: Haha, I get that all the time. Sorry if I took it too seriously, though.

Pyrrha: It's fine, really. It's fine.

Just then, the rest of her team approached me and I let them carry her off to the infirmary as I stood beside Glynda.

Glynda: An excellent match between Mr. Wrath and Ms. Nikos, and now I would like to point out something to you all. Ms. Nikos would've had the upper hand if Mr. Wrath here hadn't used his attack. What Mr. Wrath did to win the fight is that he gathered and focused all his Aura energies into one part of his body, his fist in this case. Although, this may prove to be quite a powerful strike, it also depletes one's Aura nearly to 10%. Now we will have another match between Mr. Tenka Kaito and....

Glynda trails off as she stares intently something at her tablet. Meanwhile, I decided to get back up in the stands by transforming into my snow flurry form.

Glynda: That's....... interesting. Alright then, Mr. Tenka Kaito of Team STRM against all members of Team CRDL....?

Murmurs were suddenly bursting among the students confusingly as they all stared at Tenka, who stood up from his seat and produced his weapon from his armour. He walked past me and jumped up from the stands, and down into the arena in a crouching position before he stands upright. Team CRDL walks inside the arena and they all took their battle stance as Tenka only stood there, adjusting his glasses up to the bridge of his nose.

Glynda: Now, I want a nice clean fight from every single one of you. Ready? Begin!

Me, my team, Team RWBY, and some of our classmates were now watching my teammate and partner, Tenka Kaito, have that promised match between him and all four members of Team CRDL. Despite, how badly Tenka was winning, I still find it a fascinating fight to watch. The way all of them used their weapons, how quickly Tenka sheaths and unsheathes his weapons with every strikes he make, and mainly, how Team CRDL fought. Back in the Forever Fall Forest, before I even spoke to Cardin, his team worked as individuals, not as a team. But now, not only had their fighting style improved dramatically, but they worked in unison. Well, mostly. Me and my team were impressed of how much they had improved.

Meanwhile, Tenka swings at Cardin to the side with his Tri-Sector Sparrows, but Cardin uses his arm with the help of his Aura to block the attack, and counterattacks with his mace.

Weiss: An interesting strategy.

Rachel: It's actually a good strategy for people with his strength, to be honest.

But unfortunately for Cardin, Tenka dodges the mace effortlessly. He then runs and splits Tri-Sector into Sparrow Sickels to confront Cardin. Eventually, he lunges at Dove Bronzewing and then knocks Sky Lark to the ground. Cardin unleashes a short column of fire from the red Dust crystal in his mace before he and Sky attempt to double-team Tenka.

Mitchell: Good Oum and Gemdeus!

Tenka activates his Semblance, which he used to hit Cardin and Sky in the face by delivering extremely quick punches (A.N: If you want to know how fast, well...as fast as lightning). He then flips backward through the air to land directly on Sky, incapacitating him. Dove and Russel Thrush rush him together, but he is able to drive them back as Cardin leaps in to smash at him with his mace.

Tenka links his weapons back into Tri-Sector Sparrow and opens fire, letting his arrows from within his weapons to do his work, but Russel covers Cardin, deflecting every shot with his daggers. He and Dove charge at Tenka, with Russel leaping into the air and performing a triple somersault; however, the attack is easily deflected. Russel and Dove proceed to strike at Tenka together, demonstrating precision through their ability to avoid hitting one another during the attack. Cardin attempts to capitalize on the distraction, but is unable to keep up with Tenka's speed. Russel ducks in under Cardin for a surprise attack, but also proves himself unable to wear him down.

Dove moves in after Russel is knocked to the ground. After a couple of deflected swipes, he fires on him with his sword, but he is able to fox right through using his Semblance. Although he is able to avoid her attack, Dove finds himself knocked out of the fight by an errant swing from Cardin, who moves in for one final assault. Tenka smirks as he knocks Cardin into the air and then leaps to slam him into the ground and shoots his arrows. After the last assault, Tenka lands and looks at Cardin who is currently defeated. Glynda approaches from behind Cardin, who clutches his ribs.

Glynda: And that's the match.

Cardin: Lucky shot.

Tenka: Oh, really? Mess with my teammates next time, and you're gonna get more than that.

And with that final warning, Cardin collapses, as Tenka then sheaths his weapon back, making me smirk that my partner gave them the beating needed for discriminating my Faunus teammates in the training match.

Me: Now, that's a fight I wanna see.

Serves 'em right.

Ruby: Wow! He took them down so easy!

Rachel: That's Tenka to you. (Sighs) if only i can be as strong as him...

Me: Hey, don't worry. You got this.

Glynda: Well done, Mr. Kaito. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament.

Tenka: Thank you, professor.

With that they both turned towards the rest of the class, watching above the arena. Glynda begins tapping on her Scroll as she continues what she is saying....

Glynda: Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow, but we have just enough time for one more sparring match.

Glynda looks around at the observing students.

Glynda: Any volunteers? Ms. Belladonna?

We all turned towards the raven-haired girl, who slams her book shut and stares wide-eyed at Glynda.

Glynda: You've been rather docile for the past few classes. Why don't you -

???: I'll do it.

Me and my teammates turned towards the voice near me and saw a grey-haired boy raising his hand.

Glynda: Mercury, is it? Very well, let's find you an opponent.

Mercury: Actually, I wanna fight... him.

Mercury points to me.

Me: Huh?

Glynda: I'm afraid Mr. Wrath has just finished a match a while ago. I recommend you choose another partner.

Me: No, no, no. It's fine! I'd be happy to oblige of you to be my other opponent for today.

Mercury struts into the arena, visibly sizing me up. My spar begins when he makes the first attack towards me, but I lunged forward, blocking it with my axe which i swiftly turned it into gun mode, and swept him off of his other leg from beneath him. He falls onto his back but then kicks his legs into the air, spins on his hands, and does a double back-handspring. We both stop and stare at each other for a moment as I stood up from a my kneeling stance. I ran forward to attack, but Mercury strikes first, leading me to block the first kick with my sword that i conjour in the nick of time instead and a second one with my axe, before turning around and blocking a further barrage of kicks with my two weapons.

Meanwhile, Ruby turns toward Emerald sitting behind her.

Ruby: Hey, your friend's doing pretty good.

Emerald gives a fake smile and then rolls her eyes as Ruby turns her back.

I ended the barrage by hitting his leg away with Parablade, creating an opening for me to slice him across the abdomen with my conjoured ice sword. He lands on his feet and slides to a stop some distance away. Apparently slightly impressed, Mercury tilts his head and gives a slight nod with a "Hm". I smirked and tilt my head as well in amazement and slots two Gashats and leveled up


He then leaps into the air and, with a spin, brings his foot down on both of my weapons, making me jump back slightly. After landing on the floor and dropping to his hands and feet, Mercury spins with one leg out, but I raised my own foot over it and stepped backward. He quickly stands and leaps into the air, kicking at me, but I blocked it with my Parablagun.

As I turn, dive, and roll away, Mercury continues his spin, swinging his leg high in the air, only to find that I have moved away from him, thanks to my snow transforming capabilities. He chuckles while I instantly smirked myself, crouching on the floor. I flipped Parablade in my hand so that the blade points behind you, and the gunpoint faces in front. Mercury then charges forward, leaps, and lands three consecutive kicks on me. I moved to the side and begin to raise Parablade and shoot a couple of shots with my sword in front of my face in protection, but Mercury kicks the arm with which I am holding my sword I conjoured, before switching once again to kick me. Mercury lands the kick on my sword after that, breaking sword my in the process.

Mitchell: Wow. He was able to break through Cap's defense...

Mercury switches once more to kick me in the side. This forces me to move my arm forward and block the kick. He then turns away, spinning once again and leaving an opening for me to turn around and catch my weapon. We both continue our spin to face each other, with me swinging Parablade and Mercury kicking. Our attacks deflect each other, and Mercury turns in mid-air and kicks at my conjoured ice shield. I swung my shield upwards, scraping it against Mercury's boot, but then Mercury kicks it out of my hand.

Rachel's POV:

After seeing what this Mercury fellow did to Shadow in that sparring match, I was in awe that they both are compatible or something.

Rachel: Huh, this Mercury guy never really skips leg day, does he?

Mitchell: Very funny, Rach.

Rachel: What? I'm just saying!

Back to the Sparring match:

We two watch Parablade stab into the floor, and Mercury triumphantly smirks at me before spinning around and raising his leg up high to kick me. However, I activated my Semblance by turning into a snow flurry and using the opportunity to divert his boot, sending him into an off-balance spin. He stumbles and drops into a kneel, gaining a thoughtful look on his face. Hearing footsteps approaching him, he looks behind him and rises to face me, who is charging toward him shield-first.

Mercury puts his right foot on my conjoured shield, hops up onto it, and fires a bullet to propel himself from it, spinning in the air and landing in a kneeling position, the force knocking me back and breaking my shield in half.


With a determined look on my face, I continued to charge towards him, with my shield glowing with my semblance and for my gashat's preference's finisher. However, my opponent turns away from me and casually says,

Mercury: (non-chalant) I forfeit.


I instantly turned to snow just before I could run into him as he said those words, and stopped and turned back into my original form beside him.

Me: If I know any better, I know one person who uses the same tactics as you.

He looks momentarily shocked as I said this.

Mercury: You... what?

Back during Lunch Break, I had just found out from my father that Mercury is Marcus Black's son, a high skilled assassin. My father said he liked to challenge people to a fight, just to see what they would do, what they could do, or to find out their strengths and weaknesses. My father knows this because he got challenged by Marcus himself. And after Marcus had finished, he would always forfeit the fight, even if he was winning. But before Mercury could even indulge in further....

Me: But yet again, it is indeed an interesting fight today. Until we spar again, my friend.

Mercury: Umm... well... yeah, likewise. (Smiles)

Glynda: In that case... Shadow Wrath is the victor of the match...

Emerald looks on with worry, and Mercury still looks a bit shocked, yet amused. I may have an annoyed and disappointed look on my face as I sheathed my Parablagun back and crossed my arms across my chest, but, I am still happy that this match has benefitted me on something in terms of knowing what Mercury is capable of and me against him, well, it's a good match. The Aura displays for me and Mercury are shown as Mercury's is changed from green to red, indicating his loss.

Glynda: Next time, you may want to think a little harder before choosing an opponent.

I-I'll be sure to do that.

Mercury then walked out of the arena. An alarm sounds, which jolts Blake who has nodded off, signifying the end of class. The students in the seats above began packing up their textbooks and other things as they left the room after.

Glynda: That is all for today. And remember, the dance is this weekend. But you all have your first mission on Monday. I will not accept any excuses.

As everyone leaves, I followed them afterwards, and Mercury stops beside Emerald.

Mercury: That guy...... was weird. But yet, interesting he is.

Emerald: Yeah. No kidding.

Meanwhile outside of the academy, Team SSSN are standing at the entrance as Team RWBY and STRM walks past. Sun notices Rachel and runs after her.

Sun: Hey, Rachel! Is it okay if I could talk to you for a second?

Rachel laughs nervously as she joins her fingers together repeatedly....

Rachel: Well, your kind of asking the wrong person...?

She says this as she turns towards me and Mitchell, who had an unamused look. This intimidated Sun a bit, but soon enough he gathered his wits and wiles to confront me and Mitchell.

Sun: So, is it okay with you guys? It won't be long! I promise. There's just something I want to ask her.

Me and Mitchell glanced at each other before shrugging.

Me: Okay...

Mitchell: Fine by me. But I will keep my eye on you.

Great! Thanks guys!

With that Rachel and Sun walked off from the group as they held up a conversation out of their earshot. I turned towards Mitchell who still kept on glaring towards Rachel and Sun's direction, much to my dismay.

Me: Mitch, I know you have been looking out for Rachel but, you're being too overprotective of Rachel.

Mitchell: So what?!

Me: It's just.... nevermind.

We both walked on ahead to see Blake and Sun in some sort of argument, while the rest of Team RWBY were a few steps away from them. This gave me and Mitchell nervous looks on our faces as we quickly approached them.

Blake: I don't have time for some stupid dance, Tenka.

Tenka: Look, I'm just trying to help you with your sleep deprive! I just thought, maybe you could--

Blake: Well then maybe you've thought wrong!

Blake then began stomping away from Tenka angrily.

I thought you, of all people, my own boyfriend, would understand that, Tenka!

Me: (Inner thoughts) Okay.... Normally, Blake would have said yes to Tenka's offer. Although, Blake has been acting weird ever since that night Roman got away and the fact that she found out about the White Fang's operation in the Southeast. This may be the most likely reason for her to shoot down her own boyfriend like she did. Whoa.....

I slowly walked towards to Tenka, who was looking down in sadness and pain at Blake's answer. I then put my hand on his shoulder.

Tenka: Hey, cap. I'll just....

Tenka heaves out a large sigh before continuing.

Tenka: Let me just take a walk to calm my mind out a bit.

Me: Do you want me to come with you?

Tenka shakes his head slowly.

Thanks for the offer, Shadow, but... I just want to be alone right now.

Me: (nods) Alright. I understand.

With that, I removed my hand from his shoulder and starts walking away, me and the others looked on him with worried looks as he left.

Weiss: What kind of a relationship is that?! She just turned him down without even a second thought!

Me: Let's just give them some time alone. Just give them some space for now...

Ruby: I hope they'll be okay...

Me: Yeah, I hope so too...........

Shortly after, I saw Rachel slowly walking back to the group with her head down for some reason, much to me and the other's confusion.

Mitchell: Well? What did Sun want?

Rachel: Well......

Rachel nervously braiding and unbraiding her hair, her face slightly reddening in every second that passes. She took in a huge amount of air before speaking in a very fast pace, making it seem to understand what she is saying.

Rachel: SunjustaskedmeouttothedanceandIsaidyes!

Despite the rapid pace of her speaking, Mitchell was able to understand every single word that came out from Rachel's mouth.

Mitchell: He WHAT?! Oh, I'm gonna---

Me: MITCH!!! Please, there isn't a need for senseless violence or spouting out language. Remember, the dance is this weekend. And I'm sure you want her to be happy now do you?

Mitchell: Well, yeah cap. But....

Me: But, there isn't a need to be too protective over her, now is there? Yes, you have the right to protect her but on that dance night, you gotta let loose for one day okay? Just one day?

After some thought, Mitchell sighed at my suggestion as he said;

Mitchell: Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt that she can go with Sun for just one night... so, okay.

Me: Super! Bro fist? (Shows fist)

Yeah. (Smiles) Bro fist.

Mitchell returns it by putting his fist next to mine.


Blake's POV:

Me: You what?!

Shadow, Rachel, and Mitchell were with Team RWBY in their dorm room. Tenka was not with him and the other, surprisingly, and he was nowhere to be found. I was sitting on my bed with my arms crossed.

Ruby: We want you to go to the dance.

Me: That's ridiculous.

Mitchell: Tenka wants you to go the dance.

Blake: Even more ridiculous.

Rachel: You're not exactly serious are you?!

Yang: Blake, we're worried about you. Tenka is, more importantly. This investigation is starting to mess with your head.

Weiss: You can't sleep, you hardly eat, and to be honest, your grades have been suffering. And the fact that your cold towards your own boyfriend.

Me: You think I care about grades? People's lives are at stake! And Tenka?! He doesn't even want to help me with this!

Yang puts her hand on mine, lowering it.

Yang: We know. But Tenka is helping you, it's just not the way on how you see it! And we're all still trying to figure out what Torchwick is up to.

Ruby: Thanks to you, Mitchell, and Sun, we know they're operating somewhere outside of southeast Vale.

Weiss: And, the Schnee company records singled out Vale as the primary target for Dust robberies over the last few months.

Me: And the fact that they're all working under one command.

Yang: Don't forget about their missing military tech too.

Rachel: Ditto!

Me: But there's still unanswered questions!

Ruby: Blake, you won't be able to find anything if you can't even keep your eyes open!

Yang: All we're asking is that you take it easy for one day.

Weiss: It will be fun! Yang and I will make sure of it.

Yang: Yeah! We're planning the whole event!

Yang pumps her fists which causes the bed to bounce me up and down, much to my frustration that they are not taking this seriously.

Me: Excuse me?

Weiss: Team CFVY's away for a mission that lasted longer than expected.

Yang: So, Weiss and I were asked to pick up where they left off. And now we can make sure you have the perfect night.

Weiss: And once it's all over, we'll return for our search, rested and ready.

Ruby: So what do ya think?

I closed my eyes and stay silent for a moment.

Me: I think this is a colossal waste of time.

I walked away from the group and open the dorm door.

Me: I'll be in the library.

With that, I walked out of the room heading towards the library.

Yang: Great.

Weiss: She can't keep going on like this.

Me: Neither is Tenka. He's been a sulkier a lot lately

Rachel: What do you suggest we do then?

There's a knock at the door and Weiss approaches and opens it. Jaune appears at the door with a guitar.

Jaune: (singing) Weiss!

Weiss slams the door in his face.

Me: .... uh... Now that was cold.

Yang: Do I hear a pun?~

Me: You heard nothing from me, Blondie.

Jaune: Oh, come on, open the door! I promise not to sing.

Weiss opens the door.

Jaune: (singing) I lied! Weiss Schu-nee, will you accompany me, to the dance on... Sunday!?

Weiss: Are you done?

Jaune: (shrugging) Yes?

Weiss: No. 

She shuts the door in his face. Turning around, she sees the others staring at her.

Weiss: What?

Both girls are standing precariously.

Yang: And that is why they call you the Ice Queen.

: Ruby, you're not standing upright....

Ruby stares at me confusingly before, she finally collapses, much to my exasperation as I face-palmed before helping her up.

Weiss: All my life, boys have only cared about the perks of my last name. Besides, I already have a date in mind.

Ruby: Date or no date, none of this will matter if we can't get Blake to go.


3rd Person's POV:

That night, Tenka was making his way up to the roof to get some fresh air when he heard the sounds of clashing swords. When he got to the top, he saw Pyrrha and Jaune are sparring at their spot on the roof. Tenka witnessed Jaune as he appears to gain the upper hand until Pyrrha sweeps his legs out from under him.

Pyrrha: (laughing) Well done!

Pyrrha helps Jaune to his feet. That's when Tenka decided to join them.

Jaune: I couldn't have done it without you.

Tenka: Your swordplay's improved immensely, Jaune. I'm impressed.

This surprises both of them as Tenka raises his hands in an attempt to calm them down.

Tenka: It's just me. Don't need to be alarmed.

Jaune: Tenka! Shadow and the others were looking for you? Where were you?

Tenka looks away as he struts his way at the edge of roof and sits on it.

Tenka: I just needed a moment to clear my mind a bit. Please, continue what you two were doing a while ago. Don't mind me.

Deciding to give him some space, they both decided to take it a bit far from him.

Pyrrha: So, are you ready to move on to Aura?

I'm actually thinking maybe we just skip Aura for tonight? Might go on a jog or something.

Pyrrha: Come on, I know you get frustrated, but you must keep trying. I'm sure you'll discover your Semblance any day now.

That's not it. It's just... It's dumb.

Pyrrha: What is it?

She approaches Jaune and places her hand on his shoulder.

Pyrrha: Jaune, you know you can tell me.

Jaune: It's... Weiss.

Her face falls slightly when he mentions her.

Pyrrha: Oh. What about her?

Jaune: I asked her to the dance and she shot me down. Big surprise, right?

Pyrrha: Well, I believe the saying goes: There's... plenty of fish in the sea.

Jaune: That's easy for you to say. You've probably got guys clamoring over each other just to ask you out.

Pyrrha: You'd be surprised.

Despite that, Jaune decides to dismiss the thought.

Jaune: Oh please. If you don't get a date to the dance, I'll wear a dress. Heh.

With that he walks away and leaves the roof. Pyrrha drops her smile and looks rather upset. She then takes a glance towards Tenka who was still sitting on the edge of the roof. She was about to take her leave when....

Tenka: You really don't have anyone to go to the dance with do you?

She looks back at him in surprise. Then, she looks down sadly and slowly shakes her head.

Pyrrha: No.

The way she said it, she sounded like she was about to cry. Tenka just smiled calmly at her and pats at the space beside him, motioning for her to sit down with him. Pyrrha looks hesitant for a minute before complying.

Tenka: So, do you know what you are going to do for the weekend dance?

Pyrrha still looks down in sadness as she replies.

Pyrrha: No, I'll just..... I'll probably just show up for event and sit in the corner.

Tenka chuckles humorously at her.

Tenka: Tell you what, Miss Nikos, if I can't come up with something. I'll save you a few dances.

This confuses her as she knows that he and Blake are already dating.

Pyrrha: Don't you think Blake's gonna get jealous over this?

Tenka chuckles humorously again.

Tenka: I don't think she won't even mind. But I'm not saying that I'm cheating on her or anything. I do love her, I'm just respecting the space she is needing right now.

Pyrrha: I see....

Pyrrha looks up in thought before asking...

Pyrrha: Tenka, this is properly a dumb question but: Do you like me?

Tenka was nearly shocked by her question, but he composes himself quickly and shakes his head.

Tenka: No, I'm afraid not. I do believe you already know that someone has already stolen my heart. Although, you are a very admirable person, after all, Miss Nikos.

Pyrrha: Let me guess, my fighting skill?

Tenka grins slightly as he shakes his head.

Tenka: No. Not that it isn't impressive. But know this Pyrrha, despite how far ahead you are, you didn't hesitate to offer Jaune your help. And when you found out that he liked Weiss, you acted maturely and didn't show any signs of jealously.

Pyrrha's cheeks flares up.

Pyrrha: I'm... not... jealous.

Tenka: Oh, please, Pyrrha. I know when a person is telling thw truth or not when I hear it and see it. I know that you harbor feelings for Jaune, Pyrrha. And I know that you're wishing that he'll love you as much as he loves Weiss. It's actually quite a shame you don't have more friends, because you're a really good person.

Pyrrha: How did you know all that?

Heh, I guess you could say that cap can see through him and his emotions. As after all, he's a doctor.

She burst out laughing at this.

Pyrrha: He is something.

Tenka: Indeed he is. He may be unpredictable at times. But I'd hate to say it, it's the one thing that makes him... him. You were trained early, weren't you?

Pyrrha nods to answers his question

Pyrrha: My father always wanted the best out of me.

Tenka: You could say my master did the same for me. I guess we have something in common huh?

Pyrrha: I guess you could say that.

Tenka: Yeah.... Well, I guess I should get some sleep.

Tenka begins standing up from his seat.

Are you going to tell Shadow that you know... about my feelings?

Tenka laughed slightly at this.

Tenka: Pyrrha, knowing him, in his heart I know, he already knows. Add the fact that Rachel and Mitchell already knows about that too.

She smiles and nods.

Pyrrha: Goodnight, Tenka. And thanks.

Tenka: And to you as well, Pyrrha.

With that, Tenka leaves the roof and descends down the stairs. Pyrrha just stayed where she is as she stared off into the distance, thinking what Tenka has said to her earlier.

Pyrrha: Ruby and Blake sure are lucky to have Shadow and Tenka..... They really are good persons.


Cinder's POV:

I'm in my dorm room, sewing a black dress as I sat on one of the beds. Emerald is sitting on the floor while looking at her scroll, and Mercury is lying on the ground and reading a comic book.

Emerald: And finally, Shadow Wrath.

Cinder: Ah... the Gamer... and to what people call him, Doctor.

Emerald: Y-Yes. He was trained by his father and his other friends during his childhood years. Interesting enough, this is the only known student who had unlocked a Semblance's full potential.

Mercury: He's smart, tactical and pretty much tough to beat, to be honest.

Cinder: Do tell.

Emerald: Though his semblance is currently unknown, his other semblance that he would like to call and use is 'Total Ice Manipulation'. You'd know just by watching it.

Mercury: This guys has been really giving me the creeps, ever since he said that he knows one person who uses the same tactic as I do.

Emerald: Yeah. Plus the fact how he fluently manipulated his Semblance in fighting and using up all his Aura in a single hit to defeat Pyrrha Nikos is not something done directly by a mere student. It takes up years of practice to master it, or so they say. And this Shadow managed to do them all at once without much effort almost all of the time, with the aid of some cartridges on the belt.

Mercury: The way how he would use his snow form and those things on his belt is not something to be messed with. You can't really touch him unless he's in that state, but he can touch you. Making him untouchable and almost unbeatable in a fight.

Me: Hmm... People assume that he's fated for victory, when he's really taking fate into his own hands. Interesting enough, indeed. Add him to the list.

Mercury: You should be able to take him no problem.

Me: It's not about overpowering the enemy. It's about taking away what power they have. And we will, in time.

Mercury: I hate waiting.

Me: Don't worry, Mercury. We have a fun weekend ahead of us.

I said as I looked at the needle and then someone else with me behind Emerald.

Me: Isn't that right, Charlie?

Charlie: HE~HE~HEEEH!! AWW YEEEEEEAH!!!! (Doing tricks with his bicycle)

(A/N: Final Boss of Shakariki Sports, Charlie)


And that's all, folks! The fifth episode of the Second Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And,if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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