Volume 2: Painting the Town...

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the fourth episode of the SECOND VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

Oh yes, WARNING, Vulgar Launguage at the near end.

Me: ONE, TWO, THREE!!!!!

Tenka: *Hits gong real hard*



Me: D-Dad?!

The orangish golden-haired man seemed to be surprised as well as he took notice of my face and features.

Apollonir: Shadow?! Is that you?

Still with awestruck faces, we both sheathed our weapons respectively. The man, or rather my father, narrowed his emerald eyes to me from head to toe. When he was done with his 'observance', he smiled brightly as he engulfed me in a surprising hug that caught me off-guard.

Apollonir: It is you! My son!

Still a little bit surprised, I returned the hug with my own. Suddenly, my father's happy face soon turned into a frown as he grabbed me by the shoulders, and stared me right in the eyes.

Apollonir: Wait. What are you doing here?!

Me: I could ask the same thing for you!

My father then released a hold of my shoulders as he gave me a firm look that even the scariest of Grimms would cower at the sight.

Apollonir: We'll take this situation 'slow' first.

He closed his eyes at first before he suddenly opened them by the second. His eyes glowed an eerie color of red, before Tenka, Emu and I felt everything around us and my father slowed down, as if the world itself had suddenly stopped. He had activated his semblance. To be honest with myself, I have always fascinated my father's Semblance in Manipulating Time as he fought with me against Cronos once. I almost wished I could've inherited it.... But I still preferred my semblance since it was cooler....

Apollonir: Now. For your information, I'm working. How about you? Aren't you supposed to be back in Beacon, studying? As to answer your previous question, I'm supposed to meet up with my client who needed information about some criminal activities that has been going down here in Vale.

Me: Well, I'm supposed to meet up with the informant here, which is technically you are anyway. As for your client, he's actually Tenka Kaito, my partner.

Apollonir: Wow. Never knew you'd be partnering him.

Me: Wait? You know him?!

Apollonir: Yes. I knew him when he was little when his father showed his cute little face.

Me: You know his father too?! Whoa... cool.

While conversing, the two of us including Tenka and Emu decided to take a sit on the sofa near the coffee table, the candelabra with the only source of light in the dark room.

Me: So, how is everything holding out on your mission?

Apollonir: Well, mission has been... well, quite okay. Some of the areas around Remnant had been cleared out from the Grimm and all. So, how about you? How's your life back in Beacon.

I smiled before I began how my life started well at Beacon. I told him all about the things that happened at the initiation, and how fun the the days went by. I told him all about the problems I have faced as a leader of my team, and since I am a team leader myself during my 'youthful years', he gave me some pretty good advises. But by the time I told him I got myself a girlfriend, my father won't stop asking thousands of questions like, "How old is she?", "Is she beautiful, cute, or smart?" and what not. With the time slowed down, I can already assume that this is going to be a very long day, with having to let Tenka and Emu hear about this and chatting with my father too.


3rd Person's POV:

Ruby: Penny, I-I don't understand...

Penny: Most girls are born, but I was made. I'm the world's first synthetic person capable of generating an Aura. I'm not real...

Ruby takes Penny's hands in her own. She opens them to reveal the scratches, before closing Penny's finger together.

Ruby: Of course you are. You think just because you've got nuts and bolts instead of squishy guts makes you any less real than me?

Penny: I don't... um... You're... taking this extraordinarily well.

Ruby: You're not like those things we saw back there. You've got a heart, and a soul; I can feel it!

Penny: Ooohh... oh Ruby. You're the best friend anyone could have!

She grabs Ruby into a hug and shakes her back and forth, prompting her to give a muffled groaning.

Ruby: I can see why your father would want to protect such a delicate flower!

She releases her hold from Ruby, as she fully goes back to her happy self.

Penny: Oh, he's very sweet! My father's the one that built me! I'm sure you would love him!

Ruby: Wow... He built you all by himself?

Penny: Well, almost! He had some help from Mr. Ironwood, too.

Ruby: The General?!

Penny: Yes! Although, he didn't exactly built me. He was the one who designed my Aura-Generating core, and the weapons I use.

Ruby: Whoa. Wait... Is that why those soldiers were after you?

Penny: They like to protect me, too!

Ruby scoffs as she gives Penny an unconvinced look.

Ruby: They don't think you can protect yourself?

Penny: They're not sure if I'm ready yet... One day, it will be my job to save the world, but I still have a lot left to learn. That's why my father let me come to the Vytal Festival. I want to see what it's like in the rest of the world, and test myself in the Tournament.

Ruby: Penny, what are you talking about? Save the world from what? We're in a time of peace!

Hearing her statement, Penny tilts her head in confusion.

Penny: That's not what Mr. Ironwood said...

Soldier 1: Check down here!

Penny then grabs Ruby by the shoulders.

Penny: You have to hide!

Then suddenly, she lifted the red-hooded girl above her head, without much effort. Ruby struggles and screams as she is carried toward the dumpster.

Ruby: Penny, wait! What are you doing? You don't have to go with them! I can help you!

Despite the plead, Penny throws Ruby inside the dumpster and lifts the lid so she can still talk to her.

Penny: It's okay, Ruby. They're not bad people; I just don't want to get you in trouble. Just promise me you won't tell anyone else my secret. Okay?

Emphasizing her last words, she gravely stares at Ruby.

Ruby: I promise.

With that, Ruby lowers her head into the garbage as the lid is put down, but she lifts it a little to peek at the scene outside.

Soldier 1: There she is!

Penny: Sal-u-tations, officers!

Soldier 1: Why were you running? And what happened to the other girl?

Penny: What girl? I've been by myself all day!

With her lying again, she hiccups loudly, then smiles as if it was a natural thing for her in the world.

Soldier 1: You shouldn't cause such a scene.

Soldier 2: Are you okay?

Penny: Just a scratch.

She gives effect to her words by showing her "injured" palms.

Soldier 1: Penny, your father isn't going to be happy about this.

Soldier 2: Please, just come with us.

Penny: Yes, sir!

Penny and the soldiers are heard walking away as Ruby looks on in sadness... That is until a rat suddenly screeches from below her feet inside the dumpster, causing the young Huntress-in-Traning to fall and close the lid on herself.



After 2 whole hours of telling literally everything of how I spent my time with Ruby together to my father, my father, Tenka and Emu wouldn't stop laughing at every embarrassing moments with her. I began explaining the reason why I needed some information about the criminal activities. With that, we finally went to business.

Apollonir: So, about your teammate's request, you want to know about the recent spike in criminal activity, am I correct?

Me: Yes. What can you tell me about this, dad?

Tenka: Tell me what you know and I'll try to fill the gaps.

Me: Me and the others know that the White Fang is behind most of the dust heists happening here in Vale.

But they're working with Roman Torchwick, for some reasons we can't explain. But that seems to pushing his luck like he can't afford to lose at all.

Me: Oh, yeah.... he's reckless.... and "rude".

Apollonir: Well, I've discovered that the White Fang and Roman Torchwick aren't exactly working together directly. They're both working under a woman. Sadly, I don't know the name, or what she's precisely planning, but it's what you could call a 'kingdom-level event'.

Me: Right. So, do I have anyone I need to be aware of?

Apollonir: A few. The leader of The White Fang, in Vale, goes by the name of Adam Taurus. He'll be a formidable opponent if you take him on a duel. The woman has two lackeys; Both teenagers a thief, and a boy who's father was Marcus Black.

Me, Tenka and Emu: Marcus Black?

Apollonir: Yes. Marcus Black, the assasin (Nodded) And Roman has one lackey. She's referred to as Neo. I know next to nothing about her. Try to handle her with care, if you could... That's all you need to hear from me.

Me: Thanks. Well.... I guess should be going. Thanks for all the info. They're really helpful.

Apollonir: I'll see you around, son. Let me know if you need anything.

With a nod, I turned towards the window, readying to leave. But before leaving, there was something that confused me. So, I turned towards him to ask about it.

Me: Wait a minute, dad?

Apollonir: What is it?

Me: Nothing. It's just that.... I'm doing something dangerous, and usually you would stop me from doing it. Why not now?

My father snickered at my statement at first before he boomed in laughter, much to Tenka, Emu and my confusion. It took my father a minute to calm down so he could speak again.

Apollonir: Trust me, I would've. But now.... I mean just look at you! You've practically grown up! Just.... do me a favor and don't die out here. It's bad enough I lost your mother when you were born. I can't lose you too. Your mother would've been proud of you, Shadow. Don't let her down. Don't let us down.

Me: You can count on me, dad.

Apollonir: Okay, son. Emu, Tenka.... watch over my son for me. He's special.

Tenka and Emu: Okay.

With a final look of sympathy, I gave him a small smile and nod before I turned into my snow form and floated down the building and into the street, carrying Tenka and Emu. When I transformed back into my original state, Time flowed back to its original pace.

Me: Well, that didn't exactly take long at all. What now?

Tenka: Well, it is best to wait for now.

Emu: While waiting, we need a plan.

I started leaning against the wall of the building as I began thinking my next move.

Me: I wonder how the others are doing. Knowing Yang and Rachel, Neptune and others should be fine in the shady part of Vale. How about Weiss and Ruby? No.. There's no way anything crazy could happen near the CCT's with too many people around.

Then suddenly, a light-bulb moment occurred to me. I pulled out my Scroll and contacted Mitchell, Blake, and Sun. It only took 5 seconds for the scroll to stop ringing and Mitchell began to speak.

Mitchell: Cap? Bad timing. You nearly got us caught.

Me: Oh, sorry about that. I just finished getting my info. And guess who the informant was: My dad.

Wait, what?!

Sun: Uh... you tried to made us guess, but you beat us to it...

Me: That's not the point, Sun!

Blake: Got anything good?

Me: Plenty. How are you guys doing?

Well, we found out where they're doing this reruitment.

Blake: It should have a lot of people attending. It could go from bad to worse.

Me: Send me the address. I'll give you guys some backup if it's seriously needed.

Blake: I don't know, Shadow....

Tenka: Blake, you are about to go into a territory of bad people so, let us back you up.

Blake: Well, alright. Backup could be nice, I guess.


Yang's POV:

Evening has already arrived in the ruined parts of Vale. The sound of an engine gets closer and closer until Rachel and I pulled our respective motorcycles into the street and stops short. I took off the helmet I'm wearing, while talking to Neptune behind me as I gestured with my thumb to the music playing nearby.

Me: Come on, our friend's right in here!

I got off the bike to reveal Neptune sitting right behind me, hair and goggles messed up with a petrified expression of terror on his face.

Neptune: Cool...

He suddenly shakes his head, somehow perfectly fixing his appearance, and gets off the cycle, and begins looking around worriedly.

Neptune: And where exactly is... here?

Rachel gets off her bike as well as she removes the helmet off of her head. She straightens out her hair as she answers Neptune's question with a smirk.

Rachel: (mumbling) Thank you, daddy. (Looks at Neptune) Well Neptune, you're about to find out.

Rachel and Neptune followed me from behind as they both approached the doors. In front of the doors were two of Junior's henchmen. When they took a glimpse of Rachel and I coming in closely, they instantly panicked as they hurriedly.

Neptune: Huh, are they closing?

Rachel ignores the blue-haired boy as she turns her head towards the me, and points a thumb towards the door.

Rachel: Care to do the honors, and knock?

I laughed evilly as I activate my shotgun gauntlets.

Meanwhile inside the club, the two Henchmen proceed to roll the doors shut and keep them closed with the use of their bodies. This confuses Junior as begins walking out from the bar.

Junior: What are you two idiots doing?!

The Henchmen shout incoherently until an explosion knocks them to the ground and forces the doors open, allowing a familiar face to walk in through the smoke as familiar song starts playing.

Me and Rachel: Guess who's back!

Me and Rachel continued smiling and posing as eight guns are pointed towards their face with an equal number of angry Henchmen behind them. Though this doesn't faze them, they stop and glare at the recording studio where the track is messing up until the frightened bear-headed DJ takes the needle off the record and retreats back under the table. Just then, Neptune appears behind us as the Henchmen continue hoisting their guns.

Neptune: Yeah, so could you define "friend" for me?

Junior: Stop, stop! Nobody shoot.

Junior cuts his way through the crowd of goons, as he straightens his tie.

Junior: Blondie, Red Dragon, you're both here! ...Uh... Why?

Me and Rachel: You still owe us a drink.

We both grab Junior by either arms and begin dragging him to the bar through the hired guns.

Neptune: Whoa-ho-ho-ho, what women...

He breaks from his lovestruck staring to see the Malachite twins standing beside him.

Neptune: 'Sup?

By they both ignored his greeting with a harrumph as they walk away, their noses in the air.

Melanie and Miltia: Whatever.


Back to my POV:

While talking to Blake, Sun and Mitchell, I was about to think of the worse outcome that will soon happen if actions weren't taken. So, I suggested....

Me: You guys sure you're okay on your own? I could like.... you know.... buy some fake antlers or bunny ears or something to sneak in?

I said from my scroll as I jumped and glided on my snow form from the rooftop I was standing from and rematerialized after, landing on the building ahead of you with a crouch with Tenka and Emu watching me maintaining that position as I hid from a patrol from the White Fang.

Blake: No. We can't risk it, Shadow. You know that.

Me: Well, I guess so. Then, I'll just find someplace high to hide and watch what happens.

Mitchell: Great Idea, Cap. We're nearly there now.

Me: Okay. Good luck, you three. Change your fate in your own hands.

With that, I switched off my Scroll. The White Fang patrol has now passed by and I stood on the rooftop, looking out at the moonlit buildings ahead of me.

Me: Better get there fast, if I have to see what happens.

I made another run with Tenka and Emu in his level 2 form as you leaped from the building, turned into you snow form, and flew off to the address Blake had given you. Meanwhile, Blake's fingers trace three scratch marks on a wall before peeking around its corner and seeing a pair of horned Faunus as they are ushered into a building by a bearded man. She turns to Sun and Mitchell next to her.

Blake: This is it.

Sun: You sure?

Blake glares at him and starts moving towards the entrance while unfastening her bow.

Mitchell: Y'know, you might as well take her word for it, Sun.

Sun: Fine, let's just do this.

Blake: Are you sure you want to go through with this, Mitchell?

Mitchell: If we're doing this, we're doing it as a team: United with another.

Blake: Okay. Let's do this.

With that, the three walkes inside the building to a hallway filled with cases, seeing another man announcing "New recruits, keep to the right!" at the young pair as they follow.

Sun: I don't get it. (Holds out the half-mask in his hand.) If you believe what you're doing is right, why hide who you are?

Blake: The masks are a symbol. Humanity wanted to make monsters out of us, so we chose to don the faces of monsters.

Mitchell: That's how Grimm masks were made in the first place.

Sun: That's.... kind of dark.

Mitchell: So was the guy who started it, if you ask me.

He and Blake then put their mask on and walks on.

Sun: Always sunshine and rainbows with you, Mitch...

The new recruits to the White Fang are moving in a line to the side of the stage, a mere few dozen compared to the hundreds of white-vested, black-hooded soldiers to their left and up above in the balconies. Blake and Sun look around themselves when they stop, and a fully-masked man with tattoos standing starts speaking before the large sheet emblazoned with the bloody wolf and claw marks. After a while, you have finally reached the address Blake had given me. It was warehouse-like building with White Fang guards at the entrance.

Me: There has to be someplace I can peek in.

Iturned into my snow form once again, and flew up into the roof of the building. I begin looking around the place and spotted a seemingly small skylight that could provide enough both cover and vision from below.

Me: This would most certainly do.

I leaned in to see hundreds of Faunus and White Fang members inside. I was also able to spot Sun, Mitchell and Blake in the massive crowd of people inside.

White Fang Lieutenant:
Thank you all for coming. For those of you who are joining us for the first time tonight, allow me to introduce a very special comrade of ours! I can assure you, he is the key to obtaining what we have fought for for so long!

Roman steps up into the stage with his cane in hand, smiling confidently even as the crowd starts protesting.

Roman: (Waving mockingly) Thank you, thank you!

As he speaks, and a petite girl with her hair colored in half pink and half brown, with white streaks on the pink side, walks out from behind the large sheet.

Roman: Please, hold your applause!

Antler Faunus: What's a human doing here?!

Roman: I'm glad you asked, "Deerie"! Now, I'll be the first to admit, Humans... are the worst. Case in point. So, I understand why you would like to see us all locked away, or, better yet, killed!

Sun: So, is he going somewhere with this?

Roman: But, before the claws come out, I'd like to mention the fact that you and I all have a common enemy: the ones in control, the people pulling the strings, the dirty, rotten humans that run our kingdoms! Government, military, even the schools: they're all to blame for your lot in life! And they're all pests that need to be dealt with! Fortunately, I'm the best exterminator around... No offense to any rodents in the room.

With a snap of the fingers, the curtain falls, and the whole mass of Faunus applaud at the sight of the Atlesian Paladin-290 behind it, the mark of the White Fang painted on its shoulder.

Sun: Whoa, that's a big robot...

Blake: How did he get that?

Me: This is not good. Aren't those supposed to be Ironwood's....

Roman: As some of you may have heard, this right here... (Taps the giant mech) ...is Atlas' newest defense against all the scary things in the world. And thanks to my "employer", we've managed to snag a few before they, uh, "hit the shelves". 

You: Hit the shel--- Oh no...

Roman: Now, many of your brothers have already moved down to our new operation in the southeast. If you'd rather stay within the city, that's fine... But if you're truly ready to fight for what you believe in, this is the arsenal I can provide you. Any questions?

The White Fang's roaring applause tells him the answer.

Blake: We should get out of here.

White Fang Lieutenant: Will all new recruits, please come forward!

Sun: (As the line surges forward with the two having to follow) Welp!

--Back at the Club--

Junior puts down his glass as he sits behind the bar separating him from his interrogators. Well, Yang is anyway. Rachel has been drinking Strawberry Sunrises ever since the interrogation.

Junior: I don't know!

Yang: How can you not know?

Junior: I haven't talked to him! I haven't even seen him since the night you first came in here. (Leans over to point in Yang's face.) He paid up front, I lent him my men, and none of them ever. Came. Back.

Hearing this, Rachel slams her glass down hard, nearly breaking it and the counter itself......

Rachel: Crap! Well, this was a waste of time....

Neptune suddenly rushes to Yang's side to raise a question of his own.

Neptune: So where did they go?

Junior: What kind of stupid question is that? They never came back! Who is this guy?

Rachel: Don't worry about him;

Yang: Worry about me, if I don't find out what I want!

Junior: I already told you everything! Torchwick hired my boys, and I guess he wasn't happy with them, which is something I can relate to!

He shouts this at his own men, who grumble and walk away in response.

Yang: Come on, Neptune.

Yang and Rachel then turn from the bar and walk away.

Neptune: We get everything we need?

Yang: Well, we got everything we can. Hopefully the rest of the team is having better luck.

Rachel: Yeah, hopefully.

Back to my POV:

Back to where Blake was, the White Fang is still cheering loudly as the recruits are marched to the stage, with Blake and Sun having no choice but to follow along.

Mitchell: (Whispering to Blake) What are we going to do?!

Blake: Don't worry, Mitchell. I'm thinking...

Sun: (Watching Roman lean on the robot smoking his cigar and laughing with the girl beside him before he zeroes in on the two, frowning.) He sees us... (Tries to smile and wave.)

Blake: (Noticing the junction box on the wall.) He can't see in the dark.

Mitchell: I-I don't like this.....

With that, Blake unsheathes Gambol Shroud, transforms it into a pistol, and shoots at the box, making the lights go out for the whole building and turning the whole scene go dark. Meanwhile, I may not see what's happening down there, but I can hear the sound of flares lighting up inside.

Me: Shoot! They must have been spotted!

???: Hey!

I turned towards the sound of the voice and saw White Fang members their weapons me.

White Fang member: Put your hands behind your hea---

As the White Fang Member was about to finish his line, Tenka whacks his weapon behind the White Fang Member's head, making him fall unconcious, whereas for Emu, he was in his Ex-Aid sports Gamer level 3 watching the rest of the White Fang Members go down by his armament that flew back to him.

(A/N: Action Sports Gamer Level 3)

Me: Thanks for the save.

Emu and Tenka: No problem.

Me: So, now.... question. What are we gonna do with that hunk of metal that is now moving, chasing our friends?!

Meanwhile, the Paladin follows beside them on the street as Blake, Mitchell, and Sun run, jump, and flip from rooftop to rooftop.

Sun: (Amidst twirls in the air) So you wouldn't happen to have... oh, I don't know... some form of backup?!

Blake: On it!

She grabs her Scroll and puts it to her ear as she continues to jump.

Blake: Everyone! If you can hear me, we need back-

Sun: HEEEELLLLP! They got a big robot! And it's big! Really big!

Yang is back on the motorcycle in her helmet and sunglasses with Neptune looking at the Scroll in her hand over her shoulder. Rachel was putting on a dress coat that she brought along while listening in.

Sun: That Torchwick guy is in it! But not, like, it didn't eat him; he's, like, controlling it or something!

Yang: Where are you guys?

Right on cue, behind them, Blake, Mitchell, and Sun are seen running through the street with the Paladin hot on their heels before they all disappear from view.


I fished my Scroll out of my coat as I responded....

Me: Doesn't exactly answers the question, Sun!

Yang: I saw them heading towards the highway!

Me: Got it! Tenka, Emu, let's go!

Tenka: Agreed!

Emu: Okay!

We were about to start running when I noticed a girl in front of me with pink and brown hair holding some sort of an umbrella. I then suddenly had a reminiscence of what my father told me about someone with pink and brown hair...

Me: You..... You look familiar. Wait, yo--

Just as i finished my line, the girl suddenly appeared in front of me and pushed me back with an incredible strength from the umbrella she hold in her hand. Luckily it didn't do much damage to me.

Me: Wha--?!

She suddenly rushes me and begins throwing me quick attacks with her umbrella. I was able to unsheath my axe out to block most of them just in time, but she was able to punch and kick in some hard hits that knocked me down. She rushed at me again, but I turned into my snow form and reappeared behind her, kicking her with all my force, which sent her flying back, before appearing at her front again, delivering a hard tornado kick in her midriff. She stopped the force of being flung back in an almost graceful-like manner, before she looked at me with the a smug smile.

Me: Let me guess, you're one of Roman's Lackey: Neo, am I right?

She simply bowed her head as if to say, 'Yes'. Then she gave me a look of confusion as if to ask, 'How did you know my name?'

Me: That's for me to know, and not for you to find out.

With that she just shrugged and continued the fight by running towards me before leaping and landing behind me. She kicked me in the back of my knee, before giving me a good wack towards the side of my stomach, but I blocked it just in time, but unfortunately for me, she countered by strongly kneeing me to the stomach before backflipping, kicking me in the chin as she did, draining your Aura completely.

Me: Heh. Not bad. F-For... a petite girl.... like you, you sure....... have a lot of strength, huh? (Getting up to keep fighting)

She had a triumphant look in her face as she slowly walks towards me, about to deliver the final killing blow. Just as she was just one foot near me, Tenka got in her way by swinging his Tri-Sector Sparrow 360 at her while Emu, swiftly turned into Action Robots Gamer Level 3 and punched the ground with his Gekitotsu gauntlet, to prevent her from getting back up on her feet.

Me: Nice timing.

Tenka: Thanks.

Emu, Tenka and I looked at Neo and we prepared ourselves to strike. Upon realizing how dangerous the situation had become, Neo jumps back and seemingly teleports away.

When she was gone, Tenka sheathed his weapons back and Emu returns to his origjnal form before turning to look at me, who had a beaten up face, and bruised body. Despite that, I was still able to smirk a bit.

Me: Well, that was a thing.

Tenka: Yeah... for a girl like her, she is strong.

Emu: (passing me a Recovery Power-Up)

Me: Thanks. (Places power-up into me and was healed in an instant)

Emu: So, what now?

Me: Well.... (spawns the same sports car as the last time by using Full Trottle Drive Gashat and points at it) TO THE TRIDORON MOBILE!!!!!

We ran towards the car and boarded it to get ready to find the others until Tenka suddenly ask:

Tenka: Uuuh... Cap, ask you... was that the catchphrase you said when you brought Ruby and the others back to Beacon?

Me: Yes it was. And lucky guess. LET'S ROLL!!!!

After clarifying that i said that catchphrase, I pressed on the accelerator and the car zoomed off to reach the others as fast as possible.


3rd Person's POV:

Blake swings her partner around in a circle one more time, but with Roman unable to move, the Paladin is hit by the speed and power of Yang's fists, flying into the air before crashing down in a hundred pieces and a defeated criminal.

Roman: (Getting up, slightly dazed but unharmed, as he inspects the damage while brushing himself off) Just got this thing cleaned...

He looks up just in time to see Yang, still burning with her absorbed power, fire a single shot at the defenseless thief, but he's saved at the last instant when the two-toned girl seen before drops in front of him and merely opens her pink umbrella, deflecting the blast entirely. The new arrival hangs the weapon over her shoulder as Roman addresses the victors.

Roman: Ladies, Ice Queen...

Weiss: Hey!

Roman: Always a pleasure! Neo, if you would...

The pink-and-brown girl curtsies her enemies with a bow, but Yang will have none of it, charging forth with fists raised to strike the outlaws... only to break their image as if made out of a mirror and turn just in time to see them escape in a Bullhead. Mitchell, Rachel, and the rest of team RWBY runs up to Yang's side, now cooled down with the end of the fight.

Yang: So I guess he got a new henchman...

Weiss: Yeah, I guess she really made our plans... fall apart!

While Weiss smiles, Ruby and Rachel giggled, and Blake starts walking away, Yang simply states....

Yang: No. Just... no.

Ruby's giggling antic stopped in an instant after what Yang had said to Weiss. But neither do they know that someone or something is behind them, getting ready to strike them with his swords until Ruby's scroll started buzzing.

Ruby: I got it. (Picks up call) Hello?

Me: (on scroll) Tell everyone to get out of the way!!!!

Tenka: NOW!!!

Ruby: Why?

Weiss: Who's that?


Ruby: (looks back) OH CHEESE!!!

Rachel: One falling car dropping on us!!

Everyone dodged the falling car by moving aside swiftly except for the hooded person who got rammed by the car. The car then stops moving after ramming into a hooded figure while taking a hit onto the ground.

Shadow: (exiting the car with Tenka and Emu) Thanks for getting out of the way, guys.

Tenka: You guys alright!?

Next time... use the slot... (still in shock)

Oh my gosh! Shadow! W-What happened to him, Tenka?!

Tenka: He was beaten up by that girl named Neo. He wasn't able to hold for long, since he was at a disadvantage when he faced her. So, me and Emu aided him a--

Blake: Where have you been?!

Ruby, Shadow and the others turned towards Blake, who was glaring at Tenka angrily, much to his surprise as he held his hands up in protest.

Tenka: Wh-Wh-What?!

Blake: If you had been here, we could have caught him!

Tenka: It was not my fault that I was preoccupied from handling the situation where Atlesian Paladins were stolen by the White Fang!

Blake: It does't matter! We could have stopped him!

Unfortunately, this went on and on so they decided to take this matter away from the group as the group tends to me.

Weiss: Its not exactly his fault, and she knows it. She'll apologize, eventually.

Shadow sighed out in downcast as he watched Tenka and Blake bicker at each other.

Shadow: I sure hope so...

When Yang was done, she stood up, and began walking off. Shortly enough, she then followed by Weiss.

Ruby: Wait... Where are Sun and Neptune?

Shadow: Yeah. And Yang...

Yang then stopped at her tracks and slowly turned towards me.

Yang: Yyyyeahhh?

Shadow: Can you explain to me why Rachel is... currently in this state? (Points at Rachel who is lying on the ground)

Rachel: WH-WHA~T!? *Hic*

Shadow: I see. Drunk. (Sighs) (Inner thoughts) She used to be resistant to being drunk! Eh, most probably she drank too much....

Rachel: HEY!!! Don't say I' -- hic* I'm drunk!!! I'm not!!! Hic*

Shadow: Uuuhhh... you can barely sta--


Rachel tried to get up but she falls upon getting up. And now, she starts to sleep while her wings and her tail are showing.

(facepalming while sighing)

Ruby: So..... Any ideas on how we could get her back in Beacon without getting caught? Guys?

Shadow: This is all on you, Yang.

Yang: Oh, come on! Fine! But you'll owe me a kiss afterwards~

She says this as she gives Shadow a flirtatious look in her smile and in her eyes. His entire face went instantly bright red from embarrassment, but Ruby has a reaction completely opposite to mine. She tightly grabbed him by the arm protectively, much to his surprise. Her face flushed red in anger and frustration as she glared daggers towards her older stepsister.

Ruby: YANG!!!!!

Yang: I'm kidding! I'm kidding! Le---

Rachel: (sits stright up) I AM ABLE!! JUST ASK PALADIN!! (Raise a finger up to state her point) He was all mandrill and ripped before I.... put a-put a-put a...fucking tiger in his ass...!!!


(A/N: Just focus at 0:15 and 0:25 only and nothing else. It's funny as she reminded me of Ratchet from Transformers Prime. lol)

She lays back down on the ground hard as she sleeps.

Ruby: ... what does that actually mean....??

Yang: uuuhh... yeah.

Shadow: You really wouldn't wanna know,.... though the fact that she is referring to the robot we destoryed....


Sun's POV:

Me and Neptune are sitting in the middle stools of the "A Simple Wok Noodle House" eating our plates of noodles with the Shopkeep behind the counter and their weapons leaning on the other two stools.

Neptune: They're probably fine, right?

Me: Probably.

His question answered, Neptune turns back to his noodles, and the both of us eat in silence.

Back to where I was:


Me: You guys go on ahead. I gotta take care of something.

Ruby: Okay. See you.

Rachel: Stay safe.

Me: Alright.

Once my team and Ruby's team left, I discreetly went towards the hooded guy that no one noticed about him.

Me: So, trying to take us down are we, Kaiden?

I removed his hood to reveal that it was none other than the Last Boss of GIRI GIRI Chambara, Kaiden. Once, his identity was revealed, he vowed thatI will regret this one day, saying;

Kaiden: When Gemdeus-Sama hears about this, YOU'RE DEAD!!!

Me: heh, let's agree to disagree, Kaiden.

I point Bug-Visor Zwei at Kaiden and he pixelates into the device to be imprison there.

Me: And my work here, is done. (Places bug-visor zwei in my pocket) Boy, wait till Ozpin takes a look at this one.


And that's all, folks! The fourth episode of the Second Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And,if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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