Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 5)

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Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME to the fifth part of this extra episode of the THIRD VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! This Episode takes place before Weiss and Yang's Doubles Round in the Vytal Festival Tournament. So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

Everyone acknowledged Shadow's thanks as they began to hug it out while they made their way back to the festival while Shadow was still looking for Ozpin's contacts.

Unbeknownst to the two teams, at the rubble and debris, the hand of Genomes Bugster emerged out while its hand began to glow blue.

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): I- I- It isn't over till I..... say it- it's over....

Genomes slowly and weakly got up from the debris as he aimed his hand towards the group, until a hand stopped it from happening for Genomes to look at the person who grabbed its Bugster charged-up hand, only for Genomes to smile after that to figure who it was, for it to nod its head.

Meanwhile, as both Teams are to leave the scene back to the Festival, Shadow soon stopped midway, to everyone's confusion.

Tenka: Hmmm? What is it, Doc?

Shadow: Something's wrong.... if a Bugster gets defeated...

Tenka: That's right. 

Mitchell: We.... didn't hear it go 'Game Clear' earlier....

Emily: What is it?

Jon: What's wrong?

Rachel: I doubt we got him....

Just as Rachel said that, the two teams heard something flying towards them, for Shadow to hear it getting even louder behind Wendolyn. Then, he tilt his head a bit to look at the noise getting louder behind Wendolyn to see a robotic gauntlet-like fist is about to hit him, his team and Jon's team, to his shock.

Shadow: WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shadow yelled.

Wendolyn and the others looked confused until Shadow shoved Wendolyn away to see a robot gauntlet rocketing towards him now instead of Wendolyn, for him to position his arms in an 'X' pose in front of his face, taking the fall as it punched him, sending him flying, to everyone's shock.

After taking the punch, Shadow is seen flying back and away from the teams till he land head first onto a debris, causing him to be in a daze, and not long after, he suddenly fell unconscious, to the teams' worry as they rushed to him. Once reached, they checked on him.

Tenka: Doc?! DOC?!?! WAKE UP!!!!

Emily: Is he going to be okay?!

Mitchell: He's unconscious, right?!

Wendolyn: no....

Tenka: GUYS QUIET!!!

Tenka yelled.

Then, he placed his head onto Shadow's chest and nod.

Tenka: He's unconscious.

Rachel: Thank Oum....

Jon: Now, the question is.... who blasted that robotic fist?

???: That would be me.

Someone sound off.

Members of Team STRM and Team JEWL turned to the source where the voice came from while looking after Shadow, to see the Robotic Fist returning back onto someone or perhaps something to their shock.

Tenka: Should have known....

Lazarus: It has associates!!

Both Tenka and Lazarus implied.

Before the two teams, stood Genomes Bugster still standing strong despite being badly damaged by Shadow's Nexus Muteki Millennium form, along with Robol, Giril and Doral Bugsters, standing by Genomes' side.

(A/N: Genomes, Robol, Giril and Doral Bugsters.)

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): You think I was here alone?! I had my associates to help me while I'm at it. And to give you a little spoiler... Robol!! Show your face!!

As commanded, the Robol which they think it's Robol Bugster walked up one step, deactivating its Bugster form, revealing himself to be the teenage boy, to Tenka, Rachel and Mitchell's shock as to not know that he was working with him.

Mitchell: Y-You!

The boy smirked as it turned into an adult known as Soji Kuruse, for the members of Team STRM to recognize him. Then, he turned back into Robol Bugster and took a step backwards.

Jon: You..... you set them and us up?!

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): Only to set the stage.

Tenka: Okay, Bugster.... this time is personal....

Jon: Wendolyn... look after Shadow.

Wendolyn: Okay. 

Jon: Bro, let's take wingman.

Mitchell: Alright....

Tenka: Lazarus, let's take the samurai.

Lazarus: I couldn't agree more.

Rachel: Emily, let's take care of Robol.

Emily: Yeah.... let's kick that punkass!!! Ay, Jon!! Rach and I will be dealing with "Robol"-lious Bitch on your behalf, and whoop its robot ass till he wishes he never did that to Shadow!!!!

Emily said to Jon.

Jon gave a thumbs up to Emily for Emily and Rachel to ready their weapons, with Tenka, Lazarus, Mitchell and Jon to do the same. Genomes Bugster looked at his associates as he hand gesture to them, pointing at the six who wants to fight.

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): They're all yours.... The Doctor's mine...

Genomes instructed the three.

The three Bugsters nod.

Then, everyone charged at each other to begin the fight for Rachel and Emily to deal with Robol Bugster, Tenka and Lazarus to deal with Giril Bugster, and, finally for Jon and Mitchell to deal with Doral Bugster.

While everyone from Teams STRM and JEWL took care of their specific Bugster, Genomes Bugster looked ahead to look at Shadow, for Wendolyn who's looking after him while he's unconscious to take notice of the Bugster who is not fighting, looking at them. So, she walked behind Shadow and began to place her arms under his arms and up his shoulders as she began to pull him away from the scene.

Genomes Bugster took notice of this and soon followed them while Wendolyn was pulling Shadow away from the scene.

Wendolyn: Phew~ You look thin when I first saw you, but you're sure as hell heavy for a thin-looking teen.... now, come on. Work with me.... we're gonna find you a safe space as this Genomes guy is very persistant in killing you.... but not on my watch.... NOT, on MY.... WATCH!!!

Wendolyn said.

Meanwhile, the three members of Teams STRM and JEWL were still fighting against Robol, Giril and Doral Bugsters so that they will not advance to follow Genomes to take Shadow down while he's unconscious. While they're fighting, Tenka noticed Shadow and Wendolyn, as well as Genomes Bugster are nowhere to be seen.

Tenka: GUYS!!!! Where's Shadow and Wendolyn?!

Tenka ask.

Everyone kicked their specific Bugsters away and turned to see that both Wendolyn and Shadow are not around, to their worry.

Jon: The worrying part is, where's Genomes?!

Lazarus: It must be going after them!!

Rachel: We can't just leave.... we have those three to take care off.

Tenka: And we'll do that!

Emily: Huh?

Everyone looked at Tenka, in confusion.

Tenka then looked at Lazarus with a smirk look on his face, for Lazarus to understand where he was going with this.

Lazarus: Oh, I see....

Jon: What is it?

Lazarus: Remember the time I told you about a friend and I who we always tag in every time as a backup plan to see where someone is at in case anyone is missing or something?

Emily: Yeaaaaaaahhh???

Lazarus: That's the friend of mine. And we're gonna tag-in-tactic this fight against Giril while we're at it.

Lazarus said, patting Tenka's shoulder.

Rachel: Will it work?

Lazarus: Of course, it does. We've been doing this for a while when we're young.

Jon: Alright, guys forget it!!!! Lazarus and Tenka! I want you to do your tag-in-tactic. The rest of us, we'll resume what we do best!

All: RIGHT!!!

Lazarus: Let's do this.

Tenka: Like the young days.

Lazarus and Tenka said as they clash their weapons to indicate that their beginning their tactic now.

When they began to plan, everyone began to fight their specific Bugsters, for Tenka to deal with Giril Bugster and for Lazarus to close his eyes, concentrating while thrusting his spear to the ground, tracking Genomes, his teammate and Shadow's whereabouts.

It took some time to search of them until Lazarus finally opened his eyes after some time, knowing of their whereabouts as he removed his spear from the ground and went back to help Tenka, tagging himself in for Tenka to get tagged out to look for them.

Tenka: Found them?

Lazarus: Yeah.

Tenka: Where at?

Lazarus: Two Alleyways down, due South! Go straight, then turn right, then left! After that, you'll find them!

Tenka: Thanks!

Tenka acknowledged.

Soon, Tenka ran over to where Lazarus told him to go as the remaining five members of two teams kept the Bugster busy from reaching Shadow, Wendolyn and Genomes.


Minutes before Tenka left to find Wendolyn, Genomes and Shadow, 


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Wendolyn is seen still carrying and dragging the unconscious Team Leader of Team STRM, Shadow, when she suddenly fell onto the ground and to the wall with him, caused by a blue fireball, fired by Genomes Bugster. Wendolyn then gently placed Shadow gently against the wall. Once done, she stood up while unsheathing her Greatsword, donning her defensive pose in front of Genomes Bugster for it to no trek further to get close to Shadow.

Wendolyn: You.... are not.... going.... to get closer, to him.

She said, for Genomes Bugster to scoff.

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): Go ahead and try to stop me....

Wendolyn: This I shall gladly do!

Wendolyn stated.

Then, she advanced towards the Bugster for her to slash it, only for Genomes Bugster to grab her sword. Genomes Bugster was expecting a shock look on Wendolyn's face but to his confusion, he noticed her having a smirk on her face.

Just before Genomes could ask why, Wendolyn jumped for her to be upside down while holding onto her Greatsword. Once upside down, she spread her legs out to form a perfect split as she began to use her hands to twirl herself around in circles in one place, to Genomes to be more confuse. Just as Genomes was about to grab her legs to stop her from twirling, its free hand suddenly got cut by something, to his shock, followed by numerous cuts and slashes into its free arm and its face, for Genomes to let go of Wendolyn's Greatsword.

Once released, Wendolyn backflipped with her Greatsword, landing on her two feet while donning her defensive pose again, to Genomes' shock still as it has no idea how she did it and inflict cuts on its armor.

(A/N: Pause music at 0:49.)

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): Impossible! How? How did you inflict damage on me while twirling around in circles?!

Wendolyn: Woooo~ Best not to ask as it'll ruin the surprise.

She said with a wide grin on her face until....

Wendolyn: Awkay, fuck it, you may ask, which you did. My short skirt and my side skirts aren't there for show, actually~

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): Then how did you do it?! You're not making sense!!

Wendolyn: (Giggles) I have an "edge" below, right at my skirts~

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): You what?!

Genomes exclaimed.

Wendolyn pressed something on her buckle of her belt, keeping her shorts, her skirt and her side skirts together, for the interior and exterior of her skirt and side skirts to be covered in many layers of Silver Feathers, reaching her ankles, followed by her footwear transforming into combat boots with an edge made of Silver Feathers.

Wendolyn: I now have the power of the Silver Wings, too~

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): Wait... aren't there-

Before Genomes continued, Wendolyn slowly travel up to the Bugster without even walking as she whispered into its ears.

Wendolyn (Whispers): I plucked my Team Leader's feathers while my entire Team was asleep~... so you can say.... Em. got nothing on this~

Wendolyn said.

Then, she travel back to where she stood without walking. After hearing that reason, Genomes had a sweat demeanor for a brief moment.

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): You're unbelievably weird, you know that.....???

Wendolyn: I know~ giggles Why else didn't I use it in the Teams Round in the first place? So, he won't even suspect a thing~.

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): That's literally sexual harassment on your own team leader....

Wendolyn: As long as I'm not caught, BEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAATCH!!!!

Wendolyn exclaimed.

(A/N: Music resumes here.)

Genomes growled at her exclamation that he charged his blue fireballs and fired them at her, only for her to jump while spinning in mid-air, slicing one fireball and deflecting one back, for Genomes to barely dodge it. After barely dodging that fireball, Genomes fired another two blue fireballs at Wendolyn for her to jump sideways for the fireballs to get cleaved into four fireballs as they scattered away.

The Bugster growled at this and fired many more fireballs from his hands for Wendolyn to spin, kick mid-air, spin upside down, kick, do stationary kicks  and backflip kicks, to dodge, deflect and slice all of its fireballs away from her and the unconscious Shadow. Then, Genomes began to fire all of his fireballs again for Wendolyn to do the same again, but this time, the Bugster walked towards her while firing its fireballs.

Once close to her, Wendolyn got a shock that Genomes Bugster was blasting those fireballs to keep her busy so it can get close to her after all, for the Bugster to swipe her to aside, for her to hit the wall hard, causing her semblance to render. Meanwhile, Shadow slowly woke up as he tried getting up being in a daze, when Genomes Bugster grabbed him by his hair and raised him up, for Shadow to struggle while grabbing its arm.

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): This, is the last time..... I'm being beaten.... by a beginner..... and this time, there will be no one, not even Team STRM, Team JEWL, Yugi, or Jotaro will save you....

Genomes Bugster said.


I slowly looked at Genomes while holding onto its arm as it got me by my hair, cleared from my daze, giving him a weak smirk which was planted on my face.

Me: Kiss.... my..... ass....

I weakly said.

Genomes took aback by this as the Bugster yelled at me, for it threw me to a wall, for me to get hurt real bad. Then, it began to walk to me and bash me up like how he did to Emu before but this beat up, was worse than last time.

While Genomes was beating me up, I took notice of Wendolyn having a shock look in her face, while changing her expression into a infuriating one as she jumped at Genomes, only for her to be blasted back, causing her to be thrown through the wall. After which, he turned his attention back to me as he raised me up and punched me through the wall, for me to barely get up.

Genomes Bugster kicked down a section of the wall so he can get through, looking at an extremely dark alleyway before him with me laying down in front of it. Genomes soon scoffed and kicked me into the dark areas of the Alleyway and charged up his attack once again.

Me: What's... wr-wrong? C-Can't st-t-a-rt your own party??

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): Think you're so strong, huh? You can change people's fate? Well, when I'm around,.... it's not going to be enough when I have the five god dragon and my new powers around..... Now.... you will die here...

It said.

And with one burst of power, Genomes Bugster fired a huge blue fireball from both his hands, for it to scorch me, or so it did as just as the fireball was about to hit me by just about less than an inch, someone carried me off the floor and took the impact of the flames from behind like it was nothing.

While taking the blast of fire, fired by Genomes Bugster, I felt everything getting from hot, to cold as the someone placed me down onto something comfortable, placing something on me, for the someone to place my right hand on top of it, for me to tell that it's my weapon that was placed on me. Then, I felt a kiss on the forehead before feeling that he or she is no longer with me.

3rd Person's POV:

Back at the battle, Wendolyn got back up to try and fight Genomes Bugster again, but it was too late as she's now watching the Bugster blasting and burning Shadow to ashes, or so it thought it's doing, to her shock and worry.

Wendolyn: SHADOW!!!!

She yelled.

Then, Tenka was found taking the right turn as she rushed towards Wendolyn in a hurry.

Tenka: Wendolyn!!!

Wendolyn: Tenka!!

Tenka: What happened?! Where's Sha-

Wendolyn: We have to stop him!! He's finally doing what it's wanna do!!

Tenka: What?!

Tenka looked forward to see Genomes' hand lowered to see that he's done what it was going to do, to Wendolyn and Tenka's shock, fear and sorrow.

Tenka: No... Doc...

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): Doctor, yes. Sadly he was weak, like you seven weaklings you all are. Sure his stand and the Millennium Item has stopped my Master Plan.... but the never completely stopped me.

Genomes said.

Soon, the Bugster began to laugh while it began to walk towards Tenka and Wendolyn, for Tenka to protect Wendolyn.

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): Protect everyone as hard as you want.... but it is futile... thus, you'll have to try even better than and more harder than that to protect everyone from the Bugsters' virus-y clutches like ours to be one of the many. But too bad for all of you.... you all don't have the power and the technology to defeat us, which gives us the advantage.....

Genomes stated.

Tenka kept protecting Wendolyn with his dual wield Sparrows. Then, Genomes summoned an army of so many Bugster Viruses to surround them, for Tenka and Wendolyn to be outnumbered, to their worry.

(A/N: Bugster Virus.)

Wendolyn: Tenka.... if we go down.... I just want to say,.... it's nice fighting against you in the first round and alongside you in this fight.....

Tenka: (nods) Well.... we tried to fight an honorable fight.... at least we will both die in honor.... that includes our teammates who are still fighting out there....

Wendolyn: Heheh.... yeah...

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): Now, Shadow's teammate and friend.... ANY LAST WORDS BEFORE YOU DIE BY THE CLUTCHES OF THE BU-

(A/N: Music interrupts here.)

???: Ooooohhh~ Now that's cool, and add in to what they said, that's just sweet, for teenage kids holding weapons~

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): Huh?! (Looks back at the opening I created)

???: So, we meet again~

A voice echoed.

In the deepest and darkest alleyway, Genomes Bugster heard a voice interrupt it, to Genomes' confusion and for the Bugster Viruses to take notice of this as they all turned to look at the opening Genomes created. Tenka and Wendolyn heard the voice coming from there, too and looked at the same direction that everyone is looking at.

Tenka: Wendolyn..... I sense a Dark Aura, and a Dark Omen coming from inside....

Wendolyn: What? How dark?

Tenka: ..... very.... very.... dark.... so, be on your gua-

Just as Tenka was about to finish, he swiftly turned around to look behind him and Wendolyn, to see a small handful of Bugster Viruses disappeared by unknown causes, to his confusion.

Tenka: What the?!

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): Huh?!

Genomes looked back at Tenka and Wendolyn to see that a handful of his army had disappeared, to his shock.

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): WHAT?! How did you-

Tenka: Hey!!! I sensed something terrifying behind me! So, I looked back, and next thing I know, they're gone!

Wendolyn: I hate conversing with the enemy but still, he's telling the truth!!!

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): What?!

Tenka then sensed another similar presence close to him as his eyes turned to his left.

Tenka: LEFT SIDE!!!

Tenka yelled.

Then, Tenka and Wendolyn looked to their left, for Genomes Bugster to look at their direction to see that they're right, another handful of Bugster Viruses disappeared before their very eyes, to their greatest shock.

This made Genomes Bugster become very desperate to find out who's the one responsible for this as it, along with Tenka and Wendolyn noticed three more handfuls of Bugster Viruses disappearing before their very eyes.

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): What's even happening right now?.... SHOW YOURSELF!!!!!!!

Wendolyn: Tenka... what's happening....

Tenka: I don't know.... but I believe my father has told me about a story of one person who mani- oh no....

Wendoyln: What?

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): I heard something from you! Spill it!!

Tenka: .... it's.... it's about a story about a person who manipulates shadows, but in a far more dangerous state, giving the person more abilities to manipulate....

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): Manipulate what?! H-Hey! What's happening? You're turning paler!

Wendolyn looked in confusion.

When she looked at Tenka, she sees that the Bugster is right, he is turning paler when Tenka kept explaining.

Wendolyn: Why are y-

Tenka: Because.... the person whoever he or she is.... the more I explain further, the more terrified I'll be. That's how dangerous that person is...

???: What the boy said is correct, Virus Boy~. That's how dangerous I am~~

Someone said to prove Tenka's point.

Suddenly, the remaining Bugster Viruses, Genomes Bugster, Tenka and Wendolyn heard footsteps echoing from the dark alleyway, for them to look. Then, the footsteps got louder as someone got closer, for the Bugster Viruses readied their weapons as they pointed it at the broken wall leading to the dark alleyway.

Just as they were expecting the worse, the footsteps suddenly stop to see that no one has emerged from the hole created, to everyone's confusion. Genomes pulled one Bugster Virus up to the entrance as it commanded it to have a look, for it to do so. As it did, the virus began to enter inside, making its way to the dark alleyway.

After a while, they all see that Bugster Virus emerge, to tell them in their language that there is nothing and no one in there. However, just as it was about to walk back to its master, an elongated sharp skeletal-like void talon grabbed it as it dragged the virus back inside the alleyway, to everyone's shock while they began to hear that one Bugster Virus trying to fight someone or something inside, but to no avail, until the terrifying omen of silence kicked in.

Then, the same footsteps were heard, once again but this time, someone did emerge from the opening. As if walking the catwalk, the someone walked out, then stopped in his or her tracks while holding onto the decapitated Bugster Virus, to Genomes shock and to, Tenka and Wendolyn's horror.

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): Y-You're.... e-e-eating it....

Tenka: But that's impossible.... no mere human can eat a Bugster Virus. You'll be infected.... and you'l-

Just as Tenka was about to finish, the someone consumed the decapitated Bugster Virus completely by just using its claws. After consuming a single virus, the someone began to glitch quite badly, for Genomes Bugster to laugh histerically.

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): I hate to tell the truth but, the boy's correct. Now, you'll be affected by the Bugster Virus, and you'l-

The person looked at his or her hands, clenching it, causing the glitch caused by the Bugster Virus to dissipate, then it stopped, followed by another glitch for him or her to grab it, for the Weapon that the Bugster Virus was wielding, to be in his or her hands now, to everyone's shock.

PaniK (Genomes Bugster) and Tenka: ....... - die....

Tenka soon had that expression in his face for him to be terrified.


(A/N: This expression from0:00 to 0:01.)

Tenka: ..... mother.....

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): H-How..... what are you... 

Wendolyn: Like, who is she?

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): Huh?

Wendolyn: The feminine figure gave it away....

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): oh. 

Genomes soon look back at the someone to look at his or her appearance carefully to see that he or she has a Greyish Silver Mask that covers her entire face with six red eyes, Purple Bow, Dark Blue Scarf around her neck covering her entire neck, Black Jacket with a two spike blades embedded behind and a White Sleeveless blouse underneath, Black Pants, a Translucent Black Skirt worn around her waist, Sharp Combat Claws and Gauntlets, and Combat Boots, to figure that the someone is a girl, for the Bugster to nod in understanding that the someone is actually a girl.

(A/N: Greyish Silver Mask that covers her entire face with six red eyes, Purple Bow, Dark Blue Scarf around her neck covering her entire neck, Black Jacket with a two spike blades embedded behind and a White Sleeveless blouse underneath, Black Pants, a Translucent Black Skirt worn around her waist, Sharp Combat Claws and Gauntlets, and Combat Boots. The description of the detailing will be the same as the one stated in the KILL CONTRACT Story. So, refer there.)

Then, the someone who turned out to be a she, lifted a one-folded piece of paper up in the air for them to have a look at it, to their confusion. After a while, she released a bit, for the folded area to unfold, to show a 'WANTED' sign with Panic's face along with his three accomplices' faces on it, and it also says, 'DEAD or ALIVE' below the paper and 'signed by KILL CONTRACT' at the lower right hand corner of the wanted paper, (A/N: This Episode will also debut at KILL CONTRACT for the extended fight. So, we'll see you there at KILL CONTRACT.) to their shock.

Tenka: You're wanted?!

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): I don't remember being Wanted for something!!! All I did is gather souls in my collection and own what they own!!! And Gambling, as well!! That's all I did!!

???: Oh, you did more than just that~ My organization has been eyeing on you~ So, tell me, Panic~ how's one of our colleagues doing, that you shot dead~? Trish? Oh~ and let's not forget about your other accomplice that helped you out in killing her that I'm still hunting~ William Afton. Where and how is he~

When Genomes Bugster heard this, it had a sweat demeanor, for it to command its remaining Bugster Virus to kill the chick.

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): Y-You.....

Tenka: Huh? You know her??

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): I know her by her friend.... she... she.... she's a Hunter Killer....

Wendolyn: You do know you're contradicting yourself, right? And also,.... that..... is gonna be a serious issu-


Genomes yelled.

As commanded, the remaining Bugster Virus army charged towards the girl for her to swiftly charge at them, for her to swiftly dash past a dozen of the many of them and stopped in front of Tenka and Wendolyn, to their shock. Then, she stood up, tapping her new weapon aka, her new trident (A/N: Taken away from the Bugster Virus after she consumed it.) by the bottom part on ground, for the dozen to blow up, to their shock and Genomes' shock.

The girl looked up to see a Bugster Virus jumping up from behind, in the attempts to killing her while Tenka and Wendolyn are in front of her, only for its attempt to fail when an elongated sharp skeletal-like void talon grabbed it, for Tenka and Wendolyn to take notice and turned around to see it struggling to reach her, only for it to be slammed hard onto the ground for a crater to form.

After slamming it onto the ground, it tried to get up, only for it to get its head crushed by the girl's sharp and yet feminine combat boots, to everyone's shock. After smashing the virus's head in, she turned to Tenka and Wendolyn as she walked towards them, for them to take several steps back in fear. Tenka thought she was gonna kill them, too but, what surprised him was, she placed her scary armored claws on their shoulders, for Tenka and Wendolyn to look in confusion.

???: You're not my target. He's hurt someone I'm protecting.... So, if you two value your lives so bravely like you did, then I kindly ask that you leave... as things about to get ugly.

She said.

Tenka and Wendolyn looked at each other, for them nod as they ran, leaving the hunter killer behind. Wendolyn did tumble down due to the injuries she sustained for Tenka to help her up as they brisk walk out of here. After watching them leave, she noticed a scale on the floor, for her to take it in her fingers, consuming it with her fingers for her to acquire something.

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): You'll pay for letting them get away!!! After you mention Trish, I know who you're working for now!!! You can't do this to us!!!!!

Genomes Bugster yelled at the girl.

Upon hearing that, she stood up while a glitch appeared on her palms, her back, her upper legs and her upper arms as she acquired some armor based on Genomes Bugster's body armor, to his and his remaining army of Bugster Viruses' shock. Then, she turned around to face them while conjuring a blue fireball in the palm of her sharp claws.

???: Oh, I can~. Cause' they allow me to~

She said while her fireballs on her hands became larger.


It has been a few minutes now since Tenka left to find Shadow, Wendolyn and Genomes Bugster as Jon, Mitchell, Rachel, Emily and Lazarus were still fighting against Robol, Giril and Doral Bugsters. They fought effortlessly against them, preventing them from getting to Genomes Bugster, despite their tiredness.

Doral Bugster: Resistance is futile, allies of Doctor Shadow. We'll see that your defeat will be absolute!

Doral Bugster said, blasting a Dragon ball at Mitchell and Jon, for them to fly sideways, for them to dodge it.

Jon: GUYS!!! We have to keep fighting!!!!

Emily: The more we keep them busy, the more time we'll give for Tenka to find them!

Mitchell: Well, I hope Tenka is doing better than us, as we're exhausted...!!!

Rachel: Ditto!!!

Lazarus: Well, we can't give up now!!

They kept fighting like their lives depended on them while keeping the three Bugsters busy. While fighting against them, Tenka and Wendolyn were seen walking towards them, for the eight who were still fighting to notice them.

Mitchell: Tenka!!

Tenka: Guys.... I found them! An-

Lazarus: Wait... there shouldn't be two of you. Where's your Doctor?

Robol Bugster: And where's Genomes?!

Tenka: Yeah, about that....

Jon: What?

Rachel: What is it- and... why are you pale like as if you've seen a ghost?

Wendolyn: That's the thing..... we did....

Giril Bugster: That doesn't answer th-

Tenka: IT DOES!!!!!

Tenka shouted, for everyone to stand still.

Tenka: She's right. Which was what I was about to say.... We have a problem....

Tenka said.

Just as Tenka finished, a huge explosion can be seen and heard from where Tenka was to find Shadow, Wendolyn and Genomes Bugster for a huge fog to head towards their location, to everyone's shock and confusion, but for Tenka and Wendolyn to know what happened.

Tenka: well..... a lethal, deadly, dangerous, scary and horrifying problem.....

Tenka said, adding something to his finished line.

Then, from out of nowhere, Genomes Bugster is seen falling down from the sky as it land head first, then its rest of its body to land on the ground, soon after, to the two teams and the Bugsters shock, for the three Bugsters to help Genomes Bugster up.

Rachel: What the-

Giril Bugster: Sir! Are you alright?

Doral Bugster: Orders? (Protecting Robol, Giril and Genomes Bugster.)

Robol Bugster: Let me help you.

Robol and Giril Bugsters helped Genomes Bugster up, with Doral to protect them while they helped its leader up.

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): We..... have to leave..... now...

When Genomes Bugster said that, to everyone's confusion.

Giril Bugster: What?!

Doral Bugster: What do you mean, we have to leave?! We are on the verge to defeating them by exhaustion.

Robol Bugster: And once they're at their limit, we can strik-

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): WE HAVE TO LEAVE!!!!

Genomes Bugster yelled, shocking everyone.

Team JEWL and the members of Team STRM looked at each other, then Wendolyn and Tenka, thinking they know somwthing.

Lazarus: What's going on?

Wendolyn: We watched Shadow get well.... burnt but.... next thing you know.... she, arrived.... so we thought she took her.... to answer your question where your Team Leader is.

Rachel: Okay, I'm confused. Who's she and how di-

Just as Rachel is about to finish, Tenka and Wendolyn heard familiar footsteps, for them to stand still in fear, for the rest to take notice of this, including the Bugsters, as well helping Genomes up, who took notice of this, as well.

Mitchell: Uhhh... guys.... what's with the footsteps?

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): She's here....

Tenka: yeah....

Tenka and Genomes Bugster said.

Wendolyn had that same expression as Tenka from just now as she noticed a figure coming towards us, for everyone to notice. Even the Bugsters notice Genomes looked in fear at the figure heading towards them.

Jon: Wendolyn? What's wrong?

Jon asked.

Giril Bugster: Sir? What is it?

Giril Bugster asked.

Both Genomes Bugster and Wendolyn pointed at the figure.

Everyone looked at the figure they're pointing at, for the same chick from before arriving into the scene with two tridents she had taken from the Bugster Virus, this time, they're sharper, for them to assume that she had consumed them all, to their shock.

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): We should have left while we had the chance....

Doral Bugster: Who is she?!

Rachel: Tenka, who's that?!

Tenka: She's worse than a Bugster Virus....

Lazarus: She a Huntress???

Wendolyn: No she isn't... (Had the expression like Tenka had just now)

Tenka: I'm not sure if I heard right from Genomes.... but she's a...

PaniK (Genomes Bugster) and Tenka: Hunter Killer....


(A/N: Same as just now, but on Wendolyn.)

Wendolyn: ..... mother.....

To Be Continued at PART 6....

And that's all, folks! The fifth part of this extra episode of the Third Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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