Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 6)

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Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME to the sixth part of this extra episode of the THIRD VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! This Episode takes place before Weiss and Yang's Doubles Round in the Vytal Festival Tournament. So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

Members of Team STRM, Team JEWL and the Bugsters looked on in horror as the Hunter Killer wielding the Bugster Virus's Tridents placed her new weapons behind her while making her way towards the group that are fighting each other.

Jon: Uuuuh, Lazarus. Gimme a debrief on those Assassin stuff?

Lazarus: I don't know much on this one but, if I recall correctly, Hunter Killers are like assassins who kills Rebels, Grimm, White Fang, and many other, including those who are wanted in the hit list.

Tenka: That's not all.

Lazarus: Hmm?

Tenka: According to Genomes.... Hunter Killers also kills Huntsmen and Huntresses....

Rachel: Which means....

Tenka: yeah.... us.

Tenka said, giving Lazarus more info, for the two teams to ready their weapons. Then, they see the Hunter Killer stop at her tracks as she found who she needs to hunt down.

???: So, the gang's all here~ Thought you'll be like your buddy, Panic there and run away~

Giril Bugster: You dare call him by his human name?!

???: What? Am I not wrong? You can't deny your human disguises. Which is why the child that you're about to kill know your names~ Isn't that right, Panic.... or... Michihiko Zaizen~

Giril Bugster: HOW DARE YOU!!!!

Giril Bugster yelled.

Then, she unsheathed her sword as she swiftly dash towards the Hunter Killer, for the Hunter Killer to sigh at this.

Robol Bugster: WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): WAIT!!! NOO!!!!

???: sigh Jesus Christ....

She said.

The Hunter Killer soon did the same as she dashed passed every member of Team JEWL and the members of Team STRM as she stopped in her track in of them, waiting for Giril Bugster to get closer to her for her hand to be in her pocket for some reason as her pocket began to glow, to the members of Team STRM's confusion.

Team JEWL noticed this soon after as they began to question what she's about to fish out.

Mitchell: Any idea what she's about to fish out?

Tenka and Rachel: Dunno...

Wendolyn: Dips for her to fish out a sword.

Emily: A Gun.

Jon: I'll assume some weapon that is as similar as that Swordswoman-like Bugster.

Lazarus: Well, let's see about that.

They all discussed.

Just as Giril Bugster jumped up and was going to land the killing on the Hunter Killer, the Hunter Killer smirked while fishing out her hand that was in her pocket, pointing her arm right at Giril Bugster's face at a distance while the Bugster is seen landing towards her, revealing a gauntlet that Yang and Mercury wears but with different features as it has a chamber with more magazines. and the magazine are based on Sniper Rifle rounds instead of Shotgun Rounds.

Once the Hunter Killer took aim after fishing her gauntlet out, she aimed it directly at Giril Bugster's head and fired a bullet through her head, for a 'CRITICAL' sign to appear, for Giril Bugster to land in front of the killer to deliver the slash, but to no avail as the Hunter Killer caught it.

(A/N: Hunter Killer's other weapon. Ensure the magazine and magazine chamber of Shoptgun Rounds are replaced to Sniper Rounds.)

???: Too bad, Ageha Takeda... you let your rage blind you~ and now,.... you're a goner....

The Hunter Killer said.

Then, she gripped Giril Bugster's blade tightly and its armor as she threw her to a building, causing the Bugster to explode into Data, to have a 'GAME CLEAR' sign icon- 


-to appear, to everyone's shock.

Emily: She defeated a Bugster?! How did she do that without transforming into a Ride-Player or Kamen Rider?

Tenka: She didn't have to. Her terrifying form feasted on several Bugster Viruses, causing her to have the capabilities to wield their powers... in return, letting her touch them and hurt them.... and of course wield their weapons....

Rachel: So.... she's not just... human....

Wendolyn: Yes.... she isn't just that. And I thought Yang and Mercury were the only ones who can wield those kind of weapons!!!

Lazarus: Observing as always at times, Wendy. Yes... but for this weapon, isn't a shotgun variant... it's a sniper rifle variant.

Rachel: Then we have a major problem as she is far beyond human with that...

Rachel stated.


(A/N: Music starts here.)

While they're talking about what the Hunter Killer can do, the Hunter Killer turned her attention to the remaining Bugsters, holding onto Giril Bugster's katana by the blade, to the Bugsters' shock that she destroyed their Swordswoman.

???: I'll be keeping this sword~

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): You.... won't be, keEPING ANYTHING!!!!!! KILL HER!!!!

Genomes Bugster yelled.

Robol Bugster shot its Gauntlet at her while charging towards her and Doral Bugster shot its draconic blast at her while charging, as well. Then, Genomes Bugster raised his hand to summon a new Bugster as it called Hatena Bugster before it as the Bugster don its fight stance in front of it.

(A/N: Hatena Bugster.)

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): Kill her....

As commanded, Hatena Bugster walked towards the Hunter Killer to catch up with Doral and Robol Bugsters.

The Hunter Killer dodged Robol's robot gauntlet and slashed Doral's blast by using Giril Bugster's katana. Then, Robol Bugster lunged in while equipping its gauntlet back on his arm as it punched her, for her to block by using her new weapon. The Hunter Killer pushed forward, for Robol Bugster to push back, for both fighters to have a sweat demeanor above their heads. Then, she broke the clash by raising her new weapon up, causing Robol Bugster's gauntlet arm to be raised high up in the air, causing the gauntlet to engage and take off from his arm, to Robol Bugster's shock.

While Robol Bugster looked up in shock, the Hunter Killer did a double dropkick at the Robot Bugster, causing several cracks to form on his chest. After which, she stood up back on her feet as she swiftly thrust her new blade down till it's thrusted into the ground, for her to kick Doral Bugster away, knowing that there was a Bugster behind her, in the attempts to attack her from behind. Hatena Bugster raised its scepter up in the air for several different colored blok-like cubes to slowly descend down towards the Hunter Killer, for her to kick them away, for them to explode at where the killer kicked them.

(A/N: This is what they looked like, specifically.)

Then, when a last cube aka, a three-by-three red blok swiftly descend towards the Hunter Killer, she raised two claws up, grabbing it as she threw it at Doral Bugster, for it to take the hit as it exploded in its face.

While the Hunter Killer was looking away, facing at the location where Doral Bugster was hit by that puzzle blok cube, Doral saw the opportunity to strike as he began to swiftly charge towards her.

Just while he was halfway towards her, the Hunter Killer swiftly turned around to face Robol Bugster, for him to stagger backwards, shocked at her gaze.

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): What are you doing?! I gave you a direct order!!! Kill her!!!

Genomes Bugster demanded.

Robol Bugster was hesitant for a moment. But, once he rebuild back his confidence, he began to walk forward once again towards the Hunter Killer while clenching his right fist to deliver the punch without his robotic gauntlet.

(A/N: Music pauses here at 0:55.)

???: Whoever you are, you have the right to refuse his order, and I guarantee you're gonna die when you touch me, there's no afterlife, everything just goes black, don't do it.

The Hunter Killer said.

Then, without listening to her, once Robol Bugster got extremely close to her, he pushed his right arm forward to land a hard punch to her face, only for her to receive a gentle touch on her face due to Robol Bugster falling motionlessly onto the ground, for a 'GAME CLEAR' sign icon- 


(A/N: Music resumes here.)

-to appear above the Bugster, to everyone's shock and for Hatena and Doral Bugster to take a few steps back, in fear that this just happened in front of them, for the Killer to sigh.

???: sighs Jesus christ....

TRM and JEWL: WAIT- WHAT?!?!?!

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): Okay, what was that?!

???: Death.

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): What kind?!

???: Instant.

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): But there's no sound, it just died!!!!

???: Yeah, terrifying. The terrifying thing to watch happen, it's called "The Deterrent".

She quoted.

Doral Bugster: You couldn't just knock him out?!

???: I was knocking out the deterrent. Everyone wants to be knocked out, nobody wants to be dead.

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): KILL HER ALREADY!!!!!!!!

Genomes Bugster commanded while yelling at the top of its voice.

As commanded once again, Doral Bugster and Hatena Bugster lunged in towards the Hunter Killer, while she raised her right arm arm, as if expecting something to fall onto the palm of her hand, for the members of Team STRM and Team JEWL to look up at where her right arm and palm are raised. 

Then, the seven noticed Robol Bugster's gauntlet falling down towards her, causing the Hunter Killer to smirk at this. As it falls towards her, she grabbed the metallic fingers of the gauntlet, throwing it up once again while jumping to do a split and a double kick at the same time to make Doral and Hatena Bugsters to stagger backwards, to equip herself with the gauntlet.

She soon aimed her right arm at Doral Bugster as the gauntlet launched at him, for Doral Bugster to take the hit. Then, she heard something behind her as she turned around, only to get hit hard in the head by a blok that exploded in her face, courtesy by Hatena Bugster, for it to chuckle. While it chuckled away, it heard a giggle, causing the Puzzle Bugster to stop chuckling as it tilted its head with confusion.

When the fog cleared out, the Hunter Killer is seen leaning backwards with her back arched all the way, for her left hand to touch the ground, to its shock as it readied its scepter once again. She then slowly stood up from her arched position while requipping her gauntlet back onto her right arm, brisk walking towards Hatena Bugster.

???: You're next...

She said menacingly.

Hatena Bugster pointed its scepter at her, for the same attack to happen again, striking her, only for her to keep going while taking all the hits Hatena Bugster is throwing at her, along with her long skeletal talons to grab several of them, throwing them aside, to reach Hatena. Once close, she had her skeletal talons to grab Hatena Bugster for them to make it skyrocket into the air with another Skeletal Void Talon to snatch its weapon away in the process. After being high in the sky for quite sometime, the Skeletal Void Talons grabbing Hatena pulled the puzzle Bugster down, swiftly back towards their owner, for it to see her wielding Giril Bugster's Sword once again. 

(A/N: Skeletal Void Talon attack as stated above.)

As soon as the Hunter Killer's Skeletal Void Talons brought Hatena Bugster close, she spun 360 as she did her strongest vertical slashat Hatena Bugster, for three energy claw-like slashes to cleave the puzzle Bugster into four quads for a 'GAME CLEAR' sign icon to appear above the defeated Bugster-

(A/N: This is the slash that she did.)


-, to Genomes Bugster, Doral Bugster, members of Team STRM and Team JEWL's shock.

Doral Bugster: She just-

Emily: Took that thing down like it was nothing, at all!!!

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): She's a- huh?!

Doral Bugster: What's that?

TRM and JEWL: Hmm?

Everyone looked in confusion as they heard and felt rumbling from the ground as a pair of giant Alpha Ursas are seen ramming through the debris, for them to roar so that they could be known to everyone, for the Hunter Killer to take notice of them.

(A/N: Alpha Ursa (x2 of them).)

???: Didn't I killed you two off already....???

She asked.

The two Ursas growled at her.

???: sighs Welp, there's always twice, since once is never enough...

She said, walking towards them.

The two ursas notice her walking towards them as they charged towards her, as well, only for them to be pinned down by the Hunter Killer who swiftly zoomed in between them, piercing her claw and gauntlet through the front of their throats as she slammed them onto the ground. Then, she forcefully ripped out their spines from where her claw and gauntlet pierced through despite the Grimm's struggle, clawing their way out from their predicament, only for them to experience their gruesome demise as they began to wither away.

While everyone watched the Grimm wither away by just one blow and spines being ripped off their skeletal structure, the Hunter Killer slowly got up from her one-knee kneeling position, still holding the two spines belonging to the two Alpha Ursa Grimm as she had a pair of long Skeletal Void Talon to grab one spine each, placing them individually on her back as a dark aura slowly absorb them, embedding them into the killer, earning the killer to have black goop to form behind her, for something in a form of Grimm Dragon wings to form behind her, to everyone's shock.

(A/N: Something like the Grimm Wyvern's Wings, but make it more terrifying and bigger.)

Lazarus: She consumed.... a Grimm t-

Tenka: To wield their powers...

Jon: WHAT?!?!?!?!

Jon exclaimed what both Lazarus and Tenka stated.

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): Sh-Sh-She's a monster....

Doral Bugster: Oh, she won't be once I clip her wings and burn her into the ground!!!

Doral Bugster exclaimed.

Then, he soon charged towards the Hunter Killer, only to be impaled so suddenly by the Hunter Killer's new pair of Grimm Dragon wings that closed its wings, for its fingers to turn into bone-like talon blades, to everyone's shock.

Doral Bugster looked in shock while glitching profusely, slowly looking up at the Hunter Killer who slowly walked towards him.

???: It's ashame, really~ Kazushige Ryuzaki~ And here I thought we can be acquainted, dragon to dragon~

She said.

As soon as she got close, she used her right boot and stomp Doral Bugster to the ground, hard, for the Bugster to grab her boot, in the attempts to get her off him.

Doral Bugster: Wh- why.... why...???

???: Simple~ You're wanted by my Organization~ and you tried killing the one thing that I was protecting~

Doral Bugster: The one thing....??? The boy.... why protect him when you- glitching out bad you c-can j-j-j-j-join us...???

???: Simple, as well.... Cause' to his point of view~ your kind can fuck my ass~

She exclaimed nicely.

After which, she stomp on his head, for his Collabos Bugster head to be stomped in, causing his Dragon powers to be transferred to the Hunter Killer, earning all of Doral Bugster's dragonic feature to be on her now as they began to alter themselves to be on her new Grimm powers, her left arm, on her mask and even some armor pieces of Doral's armor to be protruding out of her hair (A/N: Just add Doral Bugster's dragon armor features at the horns on her mask and some of them to be sticking out her hair and you'll be fine.), to everyone's shock and fear as they see another 'GAME CLEAR' sign icon-


- to appear above the deceased Bugster.

(A/N: Music ends here.)


(A/N: Dark Ambience starts here.)

Genomes Bugster look in horror, witnessing that all of its comrades were eliminated one by one easily by some teenage girl with her identity still unknown to him and everyone, as it began to notice her walking towards it, for genomes Bugster to crawl away from her.

PaniK (Genomes Bugster): I-I-I-I-I'm warning you to back off!!!!

Genomes Bugster said, hesitantly in his yell, for the Hunter Killer to giggle slightly.

???: Wanna see something, really scary under my blouse~?

She ask, for her to cross her arms while grabbing the bottom of her blouse inside her jacket.

Then, she partially removed her blouse, exposing what was hiding inside, for numerous number of Skeletal Void Talons, Bugster Virus-like tentacle strains and black goop-like tentacles to emerge as they all appear all over from what's hiding underneath the Killer's blouse, for Genomes Bugster to scream in fear and frightful terror, for the two teams to take notice of this.

The members of Team STRM and Team JEWL watched on as they too were terrified on what they saw that Rachel and Wendolyn covered their mouths, trying to hold everything in, but couldn't as they began to lean down to throw up everything out from their mouths, to the six members' shock.

Mitchell: I guess this was a bit too much for the poor ladies....

Jon: Yeah.... unfortunately...

Mitchell and Tenka: Hmm?

Jon: Me, too...-- HUUGMGMFHHF....

Jon said as he threw up as well, after witnessing what he just saw.

Jon: Okay... there's goes my snacks and my lunc-

He stopped halfway as he threw up once again.

Mitchell cringed at this. The remaining members watched on as they witness Genomes Bugster crawling away in fear from the Hunter Killer, revealing her terrifying move.


Genomes Bugster exclaimed in fear.

The Hunter Killer smirked a terrifying smile, for her talons, strand-like tentacles and grimm goop tentacles began to slowly creep towards the Bugster, for Genomes Bugster to scream loudly. Once they got close to the Bugster, the two teams then witnessed the Hunter Killer gruesomely, brutally and fatally destroying Genomes Bugster, for them to look in fear while listening to Genomes Bugster scream its demise.

Mitchell clenched his fist as he has seen enough, for him to aim his weapon at her, for Tenka and Jon to swiftly pull his arms down, upon noticing this.

Mitchell: LET GO!!!!

Tenka: DON'T BE A FOOL!!!!


Jon: Bro!!! Don't let us be the next targets!!!


Emily: Mitchell! We understand this but, think about the pain he and his people had you endure!!! AND THEY EVEN FORCED YOUR TEAM TO STAND THERE TO WATCH THIS HAPPEN IN THE PAST WHILE YOUR DOCTOR GETS BEAT UP BY THEM!!!

Rachel: Emily's right. If we interfere, we might be dead, too. And you know this isn't what Doc want from us... even you...

They said to Mitchell.

Mitchell looked at the horrific scene, knowing that they are right. So, he calmed down as he withdrew his weapons, for his teammate and his brother to let go of him.

Lazarus: Thank you...

Tenka: Thanks, Mitch....

Mitchell: Yeah.... sorry about this.... I almost lost myself there.

Jon: It's alright.... we understand.

Everyone smiled at Mitchell, to reassure him that they understood, for him to smile, as well. Then, the last 'GAME CLEAR' sign icon appeared above the virus strands for remains of what is left of Genomes Bugster-


- as the Hunter Killer rolled her blouse back down, covering what's hidden underneath as she tidied herself from that gruesome torture she inflicted on Genomes Bugster, for her to look up and away from the destruction.

(A/N: Lower the Volume of this music and pause it there to end it here.)

Then, she began to take her leave, only for Tenka to stop her.

Tenka: STOP!!!!!

Tenka exclaimed.

The Hunter Killer turned back to look at the latter who stopped her from leaving.

???: Fuck, what?

She ask.

Tenka: Well uuuuuh.... first.... t-t-thank you.... for saving us....

???: oh for fuck sake.... Kid, you weren't even my target. So, we're cool. That includes the seven of you.

Tenka: Rrrrrrrrrrriiiiight.... 

Jon: Wait a minute. You mention 'seven of you' just now. It's only seven of us, not eight.

Wendolyn: Yeah, why did you say that?

???: Because he's fucking fine....

TRM: WHAT?!?!?! WHERE IS HE?!?!?!

???: scoffs.... Jesus Christ.... why don't you call his scroll! Jeez.... I can't be spoon feeding you all the time.

Emily: Huh?

Lazarus: what?

Rachel: Guys! If she says to call him, let's just do as she says.

Rachel stated.

The two teams nod in agreement for Tenka to call Shadow's scroll, for it to begin dialing.

Tenka: It's dialing!

Jon: That means there's still hope.

Wendolyn: Hey. Thank..... you...????

Rachel and Emily: What?

Everyone looked at where the Hunter Killer stood, to see that she had disappeared. As they looked on, a voice called out from via, Tenka's scroll.

Shadow (by via Scroll): Tenka? Tenka, it's that you?



I was in the infirmary when I received the call and answered it. 

After calling out for my teammate who called me, I heard screams of joy from two teams, for me to giggle as I listened to them celebrating that everything is sorted out, for now and everything sounded peaceful at their end.

Tenka (by via Scroll): We were so worried about you, Doc.

Mitchell (By via Scroll): Yeah, where are you so we can pick you up.

Mitchell said.

Me: Actually, glad that you guys still care. chuckling Anyway, I'm at the Infirmary. The nurse said I'm good to go so, I'm gonna meet you at the fairgrounds once you guys get back.

I said. 

Then, there was silence till someone on the scroll broke it.

Wendolyn (By via Scroll): Infirmary? You're good to go and completely healed? But, that's impossible, Tenka and I watched you get burnt and taken away by someo-

Me: I know what happened. While I was at the verge of being burnt to crisp, she appeared out of nowhere, and brought me here, patched me up good, for a Hunter Killer.

Emily (By via Scroll): So, you know what she is, too?

Rachel (By via Scroll): Yeah, how?

Mitchell (By via Scroll): You weren't here to see her in action, Cap. How did you know she's a Hunter Killer?

Some ask.

Me: Yeah... about that as funny you should ask. Tenka, remember the Informant we met before?

Tenka (By via Scroll): Yeah? He's your dad, right?

Me: Yeah. He was here before she left me be for him to watch over me till I woke up. He explained, in brief that he has seen Hunter Killers in action before as according to dad, Hunter Killers usually wear dark clothing with a lot of arsenals for weapons. They work for a separate organization worse than the White Fang, you see.

Tenka (By via Scroll): I see...

Lazarus (By via Scroll): So, they're like assassins or cold-blooded killers, yes?

Me: Something like that. However, he has never seen the Hunter Killer you've seen fought against our enemies just now. Speaking of which-

Mitchell (By via Scroll): About that, she took care of it.

Rachel (By via Scroll): Yeah. She took them all down including a pair of Alpha Ursas like it was nothing.

Jon (By via Scroll): And she ripped out their spines from the front of their throats....

Me: Whoa.... talk about blood and gore...

Mitchell (By via Scroll): Tell me about it...

Me: Anyway, as I was saying, he has never seen her before. So, I assume she is a new Hunter Killer with tons of experience, which I can agree with my dad....

Wendolyn (By via Scroll): Yeah.... she has a lot of experience from the way she fights.

Lazarus (By via Scroll): Indeed.... her fighting skills are.... terrifying yet, professional.

The seven on Scroll stated their points with me.

Me: Anyway, where are the Bugaters?

Tenka (By via Scroll): All over the place, dead. You may wanna get five Bugvisor-Zweis over here as Hatena is there, as well.

Mitchell (By via Scroll): Yup.

Me: Alright, I'll see to that. And by the way, I've let Prof. Oz, Qrow and the General know that the coast is clear now after my dad left and before you guys called in. So, you should see people coming in.

Rachel (By via Scroll): Yup, Cap. Several numbers are streaming in. But may wanna get here fast as the crowd is kicking in.

Jon (By via Scroll): My team and your teammates will be trying to cordon off the areas that the Bugsters are at, laying there motionless.

Me: Alright. As soon as I arrive and take them in, we have to rush to Beacon Tower as there will be a Council Meeting there taking place soon when my dad reaches.

Wendolyn (By via Scroll): And what are you gonna say to the Councilman?

Me: Whatever I can say that happened there.

Mitchell (By via Scroll): Alrighty, Cap. We'll see you.

Me: Yup. And by the way, Wendolyn?

Wendolyn (By via Scroll): Yes?

Me: When are you going to tell your Team Leader about, "The Thing"?

Wendolyn (By via Scroll): Uuuuh, what thing?

Jon (By via Scroll): Huh?

Tenka (By via Scroll): Doc, what are you talking about?

Mitchell (By via Scroll): Yeah, Cap.

Tenka (By via Scroll): Yeah.

Lazarus (By via Scroll): Guys, guys. Old friend... I think I know what he meant when he said that. I've heard this for a few times already which means, Wendolyn here, has done something worse than Em. so, Wendy, what did you do?

Wendolyn (By via Scroll): What did I do? I didn't do anything!!

Me: Don't try to deny it, Wendolyn. When I came to, I saw it and usually, you wouldn't fight someone this extremely powerful but this was different.

Lazarus (By via Scroll): Welp, there's your proof. So, cough it out. What did you do?

Wendolyn (By via Scroll): I didn't do anything! I'm telling you!!!

Rachel (By via Scroll): If you didn't do anything, why are you sweating.

Jon, Lazarus, Tenka and Mitchell (By via Scroll): Yeah....

Everyone questioned.

I smiled while I stood up, carrying five Bugvisor-Zweis as I made my way to the Courtyard to catch a Bullhead to the Fairgrounds, and an Airship to the City where the battle took place moments ago while listening to my team and Mitchell's brother's team squabble at each other over what Wendolyn did, which they don't have a clue what she did as she kept denying it and they kept squabbling away.

Seeing that they are about to heat up, I shook my head and began to butt in to resolve the whole matter immediately.

Me: Tsk tsk tsk. Alright alright, settle down. 

I said.

However, the two teams are heard still squabbling, for me to start to feel annoyed by this.

Me (Demonic Voice): okay, that's enOOOOUUUGGGH!!!!!!!!

I yelled demonically on the phone, for everyone to keep quiet.

Me: Good. Now, Jon, Mitch... remember the time you called me because you want some advice for your brother's aches on his wings?

Mitchell (By via Scroll): Yes. I got a call from bro that his wings are aching and so, I put him on the line with you for you to give him some tips on how to rid of the aches.

Jon (By via Scroll): Yeah. I remember that. And your tips on Wing Exercises, Wing Stretches, Wing Polishing and those tips you gave me, they did work out great. I'll keep the polishing, feather sharpening and blood feathers in mind if any of my feathers are blunt, painful or both. So, thanks, Doc.

Me: Ah, no problem, Jon. Happy to help.

Jon (By via Scroll): Yeah. So, why the sudden question, Doc?

Me: Well, funny you should ask. Rachel, you are usually curious when you feel like it, right?

Rachel (By via Scroll): Yeah???

Me: Press on that silver button on her belt buckle.

Rachel (By via Scroll): OKAY!

Wendolyn (By via Scroll): Rachel? What are you doing?! NO!! STAY!! BAD DRAGON!!

Wendolyn exclaimed.

I heard a lot of struggle from the background for at least a few seconds until I heard a clicking noise, then something beginning to unfold, for me to have a huge wide smile on my face, knowing that they are looking at their answer now.

Me: Welp, looks like you all found your answer now.

I said.

There was silence for a moment once again until Jon sound off.

Jon (By via Scroll): So... all this time,.... every morning,... I have to wake up with my wings aching.... all because of you... plucking my feathers,... EVERY NIGHT TO MAKE THIS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Wendolyn (By via Scroll): Uuuuuuuuuhhh....

Then, I heard a lot of footsteps going further away, for another one to be heard doing the same thing, as I would've figured that Jon would be chasing Wendolyn for this.

Jon (By via Scroll): YOU GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!!!!

Jon yelled.

Everyone at the background on the line began to laugh, for me to laugh at what is happening now to what I'm listening in.

Me: Alright, guys. I'm at the courtyard boarding on a Bullhead. Gonna make two trips as you know....

Tenka (By via Scroll): Yup, we know. One ride gets you to the Fair, and the other brings you to the city.

Me: You've been listening. Great. Welp, see you there.

Rachel (By via Scroll): See you, Cap.

Tenka (By via Scroll): Yeah, and also, after absorbing all of the Bugsters in,... you may wanna break these two up....


Wendolyn (By via Scroll): I'M SORRYYYYYYyyyyy.....!!!!

Me: I'll keep that in mind.

I said.

Then, I soon hang up my Scroll for Tenka to do the same as I began to chuckle while hopping onto the Bullhead.

(A/N: Bullhead.)

Me: Take us to the Fairgrounds. I got an Airship to catch to get to the City.

Bullhead Pilot: Alright. And by the way, you heading there, too?

Me: Yes, sir. And what do you mean, "you too."?

Bullhead Pilot: Well, you see, I just picked up and dropped off a Professor just about many minutes ago who said the same thing. I feel she's gonna go there to attend to the scene and the situation as I notice several buildings being rebuilt up like magic.

Me: Professor Glynda Goodwitch...

I said, nodding at this.

Me: Very well. Take me to the Fairgrounds. If by chance, I'll meet up with her to access and explain the situation with her.

Bullhead Pilot: Right away.

And with that, the Bullhead took off.

Me: Team STRM and JEWL, huh??? What a Team Combo.

I said, smirking at the remark I told to myself.

To Be Continued and Concluded at PART 7....

And that's all, folks! The sixth part of this extra episode of the Third Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And if you want to know where this Hunter Killer come from, you may check out my new story called, 'KILL Contract' and find out. It's a new story referenced from a Figma Animation so, I hope you enjoy it. And don't mind the strong language. As after all, in the disclaimers in my story 'KILL Contract' down at the description below, I did mention there will be a lot of blood, gore and strong language there. So, if it happens there, it can happen right here, too when the Hunter Killer appears. But still, i hope you enjoyed it.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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