Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 7)

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Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME to the seventh part of this extra episode of the THIRD VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! This Episode takes place before Weiss and Yang's Doubles Round in the Vytal Festival Tournament. So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

It has been over an hour, almost two hours to be precise after that long battle, and the people from all over the Kingdoms who have gathered to the Kingdom of Vale to enjoy the festival are seen streaming back to what they are doing and where they were before to resume their known activities before they were interrupted by the battle.

As they did so, Shadow is seen at the Fairgrounds, observing that everything is back to normal and the booth where Panic aka, PaniK was stationed at was taken down by Atlas Officials and Military Soldiers, for me to nod at this, knowing that Professor Goodwitch was here before. Then, he immediately went to catch an airship to make his way to the city where his Team, Team JEWL and hopefully Professor Goodwitch are at. Once reached, Shadow noticed his Team and Team JEWL talking to Professor Goodwitch while she is seen using her semblance and her magic to restore everything back to where it once was before the battle, for him to notify the Pilot to land at where the group are, for the Pilot to do so as he landed the airship.

Once landed, Shadow alighted the airship, for Professor Goodwitch, the members of Team STRM and Team JEWL turned to see him alight the airship with five Bugvisor-Zweis in hand as he began to explained to Professor Goodwitch on what happened here.

(A/N: Bugvisor-Zwei (x5 of them).)

After Professor Goodwitch listened to his explanation, she nodded in understanding.

Glynda: I see...

Shadow: Yup, the entire plan was devised by a spirit who went rogue to our world thanks to the Bugster Virus, which lead to the destruction you see before you.

Lazarus: That, he is correct, Professor.

Tenka: We overheard in the crowd that he needed tons of souls so he can be.... human again, something like that.

Rachel: Which fortunately, two teams stopped him.

Emily: Yeah~

They said.

Glynda: I'll keep this in mind to tell the Headmaster.

Shadow: Thank you, and.... I also see you had this matter under control between Jon and Wendolyn, Professor Goodwitch. So, at least it saves me the trouble from breaking them up while screaming at them.

Glynda: Naturally I wouldn't. But seeing as they were about to fight amongst themselves and I told them little about you on what you can do, they decided to drop it.

Shadow: Oh, is it, now? 

Shadow asked.

He then turned around to face Jon and Wendolyn. Then, we went up to them.

Shadow: Alrighty. Not that I want to force you out but seeing what Prof. Goodwitch just said to me, Wendolyn? What did you learn?

Wendolyn: Ask before plucking anyone's feathers which includes my Team Leader. Sorry I kept plucking your feathers every night, Jon.....

Wendolyn said.

Shadow nod at this.

Shadow: Jon?

Jon: We talk about it verbally, don't take it extremely personal. Just a tad bit, and don't use your fists or weapons to do the talking.... unless necessary, Doc. And... sorry for almost starting a fight with you, Wendy. But honestly, the silver armor on your skirts and your footwear does look good on you, though.

Wendolyn: R-really?

Jon: Yeah. Really.

Jon said.

Shadow smiled at them as they made up.

Shadow: Good. At least you both learnt something and apologized. And also, hey, your Team Lead did say they look nice on you, Wendolyn so, that's a bonus.

Shadow said.

Everyone except Glynda Goodwitch laughed. After we all had our moments, I turn my attention back to the professor.

Shadow: So, any updates on Professor Ozpin?

Glynda: Not so good news. Last I heard before I came here and to the Fairgrounds to rebuild what was wrecked, he was expecting a call from the Council as they are well notified about the situation.

Shadow: Lemme guess..... there is a high chance they'll blame him.... -_-

Glynda: sighs .... Yes, I'm afraid so....

Shadow: sighs (Facepalms) .... politics.... We'll handle it. Once we are done with these viruses here, send them sucked into these devices....

He said, raising his hand, with five Bugsvisor-Zweis in hand to show the Professor.

Shadow: .... we'll head to Prof Oz's office to have a nice chat with dem Council.

Glynda: I don't think that's a go-

Mitchell: Oh, don't worry about him. He's spoken to them before.

Glynda: Excuse me?

Rachel: Yeah.

Tenka: He has been here before to talk to the Council due to a.... small matter.... which turned into a big matter, not like this.... luckily for him, they saw enough to give him a pardon.

Tenka said, shocking the Professor.

Glynda: I... see.... Well then, I trust you may do it again like what.... Mr. Kaito said, back then?

Shadow: No doubt. Just leave them to me and us.

He said, for Professor Glynda to nod at what he said.

And with that, he nod back as he began to use one individual Bugvisor-Zwei each as he absorbed each individual Bugster inside of it, restoring them while imprisoning them in the Visors. Once all five Bugsters are in, Shadow soon fished out a Kamen Rider Chronicle Gashat-

(A/N: Kamen Rider Chronicle Gashat.)

-KAMEN RIDER CHRONICLE!- (Dramatic music)

- as he activated it. Then, he pressed the button on the Gashat once again for a Opening Screen to appear behind him, Team STRM and Team JEWL, for them to look back at it.

(A/N: Kamen Rider Chronicle Opening Screen.)

Shadow: Wish us luck.

Glynda: Trust me, Mr Wrath. You're gonna need it, again.

Professor Goodwitch said.

Shadow nod as this for him to look at his team and Team JEWL.

Shadow: Let's go.

Tenka: Right behind you.

Jon: Ditto for my team, too

Tenka and Jon said, on behalf of the two teams.

Shadow nods while smiling. Then, Teams STRM and JEWL began to make their way to the Opening Screen as they went in, making their way to Beacon Tower where Ozpin's Office is for Shadow's intention to talk to the Council, once again, on Professor Ozpin's behalf.


At Beacon Tower,

Inside Professor Ozpin's Office,

Councilman: This is unacceptable, Ozpin!!

A video feed of the councilmen is shown on a holographic screen, for Ozpin, General Ironwood, Qrow and Apollonir to see the video feed from where they are standing.

Councilman: If you remember correctly, we appointed General Ironwood as the head of security for the event. And yet you've crossed the line, once again, despite his efforts and your efforts in evacuating the civilians. You've left us no choice!

Ozpin sip from his cup.

Apollonir (Whispering): What do we do...

Qrow (Whispering): I'm afraid we have to watch him face the music....

Councilman: We also informed you that we are going to have a serious discussion about your position at Beacon Academy. Therefore, we have reached the decision to begin that serious discussion immediately and appointed s-

???: Okay! Would all of you just cool it for a second?!?!?!

A voiced boomed out around the room, for the Councilman to stop and for Ozpin, Ironwood, Qrow and Apollonir to look around, trying to figure and look for the one who interrupted the Councilman when he was talking.

While everyone was looking around, a Kamen Rider Chronicle Opening Screen appeared before everyone, for everyone to take notice of this.

Councilman: Ozpin! What's happening?! What's the meaning of this?

The Councilman asked.

Then, Teams STRM and JEWL emerged from the Opening Screen, to Ozpin, Qrow, Apollonir and General Ironwood's shock. As soon as the screen dissipates into a pile of pixels, Shadow went up to the screen with the Councilman still online as he somehow used the Chronicle Gashat to flip the screen so that the Councilmen can see him with his teammates and Team JEWL behind him instead of Professor Ozpin and General Ironwood, to the Council's shock.

Shadow: Councilmen and Councilwoman, please excuse Professor Ozpin and General Ironwood. They are attending.... a call from the officials at the Colosseum, as we speak.

He lied.

Ozpin and General Ironwood looked in shock, hearing this.

Shadow: And besides,.... it has been a while since we met.

He said.

This confused everyone even more, except the members of Team STRM when they heard Team STRM's Team Leader said that.

Jon: Uhhh, what is he-

Mitchell: Remember the time I told you my Doc was delayed by a car accident?

Jon: Yeah?

Mitchell: That's the long story short. I'll explain to you guys in a while once this is over.

Mitchell implied.

Team JEWL looked at each other till they gave Jon's brother a nod, awaiting his reason later once this matter is resolved. After which, they faced their attention back on screen.

Councilman: Well,... as we live and breath, it seems. Yes, it has been a while, Doctor. I assume you're here to take Ozpin's place?

Shadow: On his behalf, yes. On the role as Headmaster, no. And, to prove his innocence in this event that happened earlier today, yes. Well,... if you could lend an ear like last time, that is, Council.

He said.

The Council looked at each other and soon nod at his request.

Councilman: Very well. Let's hear this explanation.

Councilwoman: And be sure, like last time, to make it convincing for us.

Shadow: That I'll do.

And with that, Shadow began to explained the events happened today, informing them that the Bugster Virus is at it again but this time, in numbers, and everything was all pre-planned by them and no one knew about it, for the Council to keep on listening in.

Then, he had Team JEWL to explained what the culprit did, one team member at the time as they began to elaborate in detail what happened when they played his twisted games. After giving them a chance to talk, he began to have his own teammates to have their chance to have a talk, followed by Qrow and General Ironwood, for Shadow to pretend to go offscreen to get General Ironwood off the phone, going with the flow at what Shadow's doing, as the General went up on screen to explain the rest of the situation, for him to explain every detail he saw and heard.

As soon as everyone is finished with their statement, with General Ironwood to go with what Shadow was doing and left, Qrow had Shadow's dad to explain some details, in which he did as he explained what happened when he just arrived at the nick of time to help Qrow and Ironwood, to now.

After everyone except Professor Ozpin stated their statements, Shadow soon went back on screen and continued from where they stopped while supporting Professor Ozpin and his seat as Headmaster.

Shadow: - and to conclude what has happened here today, this situation would have went from bad to worse, if it weren't for the people who came up here just now, to explain and to come up with the strategy to evacuate the people to the Colosseum, and to access the situation until they are in their prisons, which I will be handing them over to General Ironwood, momentarily. No one knew they were here... and definitely there is no way in hell, Professor Ozpin knew, that they are here, as well. My explanation, is closed.

Shadow said, concluding his explanation.

The Council began to look at each other, discussing about what needs to be done as after hearing most of everyone explaining what has happened, this placed them in a very difficult decision to decide on Ozpin's fate. That is until someone spoke up in the Council.

Councilman 1: Well,.... I must say.... this has put us in a very difficult position to decide. BUT regardless! We still need to settle this matter.

Councilman 1 said.

Shadow nods at this, awaiting for the verdict from the Council.

Councilwoman: And after hearing all of your testimonies,....

Everyone looked in worry as they awaited for their verdict.

Councilwoman: We decided, to let this matter slide.

The Councilwoman said.

Everyone sighed in relief upon hearing this.

Councilwoman: Seeing that you all have concrete evidence, including the ones who are responsible of this incident....

Councilman 2: That is why we considered the matter to slide, since you all have proof to prove of Ozpin's innocence.

Shadow: I appreciate the decision, Council. But know this, there are more out there that are yet to be apprehended by me and the Atlas Military. Seeing that they act silently, there will be a high chance that there will be a lot of people pointing fingers like what was about to happen here, which fortunately, it has been avoided.

Councilman 1: Agreed. That means we have to step up our security in our Kingdom to ensure they're flushed out.

Shadow: Leave no stone unturned, huh? I like that, Council.

Shadow implied.

Then, seeing that everything has been settled, Shadow decided to patch the Council back to Ozpin and Ironwood.

Shadow: Council. I believe that Professor Ozpin and General Ironwood has settled their call at the Colosseum. So, I'll patch them back to you.

Councilman 1: Very well. Put them through, and you're dismissed.

He said. 

Then, Shadow nods at this while he used the same Gashat to turn the screen around for the Council to now look at Ozpin and the General.

Ozpin: Council.

Councilman: As you have already heard, we have considered to let this matter slide, thanks to them and your two specific Teams, Ozpin. If they have never appeared, we would have set a verdict on your position at Beacon Academy. General, continue your duties.

Ironwood: Thank you, Council. (Nods)

Councilman: And Ozpin!

Ozpin looked attentively at the screen.

Councilman: You're lucky to have them to support your position. Also, you are extremely, "EXTREMELY" fortunate that we've met him before when he came to us. He knows his way around in many situations, to what we have seen. 

Ozpin: Thank you, Council. And I have noticed. Will that be all?

Councilman: Officially,.... yes.

The Councilman said.

Then, the screen automatically turns off, for Ozpin to sigh in relief.

Rachel: Well,... that was a thing.

Lazarus: Yeah...

Tenka: Oh, hey! Aren't you the informant we met the other day?

Apollonir: Yes.

Shadow: Dad? W-What are you doing here?

Ozpin: Which brings us to the next situation in hand, but for now, all of you, thank you for your help.... for just now.

Shadow and Jon: No probs.

Ozpin: And speaking of the Council... Doctor, how do you know them?

Ozpin asked.

Shadow fished out a rolled paper as he showed him the pardon that he was given by them.

Shadow: Council Pardon, Mister Professor. Got it after that "Funny" Incident. Long story short,.... I got a ticket which that came from Vale so, I made my way to vale to settle things with the Council like I saw other people do it years ago. fought a Bugster there and yeah. That's how it all went down.

Ozpin: I.... see...

Team JEWL looked at Mitchell.

Mitchell: Yep. That's the long story short version. I'll tell you the long version after this.

Mitchell said, for Team JEWL to turn their attention back to the front.

Ozpin: Anyway, next, Mr. Kaito, Striker, Ms. Claws and Team JEWL, I thank you for assisting us in what transpired earlier.

Tenka: Your praise is acknowledged, sir.

Rachel & Mitchell: Your welcome, sir.

Jon: On behalf of the team, not a problem, sir.

Ozpin: nods Now,... is it alright if you could leave us? Dr. Wrath will come back down to you after we discussed something.

Ozpin said.

The members of STRM and Team JEWL looked at each other until they finally nodded at Ozpin's request as they used the lift to make their way down to the lobby. Once Ozpin, Ironwood, Qrow, Apollonir and Shadow are the only ones here, Ozpin began to speak, once again.

Ozpin: Now that we are here without them hearing us, the next situation is in regarding your father, Dr. Wrath.

Shadow: Okay?

Ozpin: Well....

Qrow: Long story short, after he saved my ass and James's ass, he demanded an answer from us on why he wasn't notified by us that you used your Maiden Powers that belonged to your mother.

Shadow: I see...

Shadow said.

Then, he looked at his dad and he looked at him, for Shadow to have a worrisome look on his face.

Shadow: Dad.... I-

Just before Shadow could continue, Apollonir lunged in as he hugged his son, to Shadow's shock.

Apollonir: You shouldn't have done that... But still,... I'm glad you are okay..... my son...

He said.

Shadow looked at his dad while being hugged. Shadow, in return did the same as he hugged Apollonir (his dad), too tightly.

Shadow: Thanks, dad.... I'm sorry about this but still, I'm fine... it's just surprising that I have this kind of power and it kicked in, that's all.

Apollonir: Don't worry about it, son.... don't worry about it....

He said.

Shadow smiled at this and hugged back some more.

Ozpin: Ahem! About the task at hand?

Ozpin mentioned.

Apollonir and Shadow broke the hug as Shadow's dad went back to where he stood just now.

Shadow: So... what's this about?

Shadow asked.

Qrow: Well,... it's several topics, really. Nuthin' too serious.

Shadow: Okay?

Ozpin: First, since General Ironwood is here... do you have them?

Ozpin asked.

When he mentioned "them", Shadow remembered that he imprisoned five Bugsters in five individual Bugvisor-Zweis.

Shadow: OH YES! Here.

Shadow said out loud.

He picked his pockets for the devices and took all five of them out.

Shadow: There they are.

Ironwood: Excellent.

The General said.

He then placed a suitcase down on the table and opens it, to indicate to Shadow that he'll take it over from here, for him to go forward to place the Bugvisors inside of the case. Once done, the General closes it and locks it, carrying it with his right hand, to indicate one of the many topics Qrow spoke of is now settled.

Ironwood: Thank you, Doctor.

Shadow: No problem.

Ozpin: Now, secondly... could you explain to me what happened back then when you met the Council.

Apollonir: Yes. When I heard of this, it brought up a sudden suspicion something happened to them,... or you, son.

Shadow: Whoa whoa, guys guys! If you're thinking of what you're thinking, you got the wrong idea. Long story short, I just showed them the perpetrator and they asked what I usually do and what's my goals and stuff. Then they just had the idea of giving me that pardon, that's all!

Apollonir: Is that so?

Shadow: Yes! You can check the signiture!

Shadow said as he took the document out.

Apollonir takes the document as he examined the signiture. He even looked at the words that were typed out and the every details and aspects on the document to see if it is true. After a while, Apollonir nods at this as he looks at Ozpin, Qrow and Ironwood.

Apollonir: It seems my boy's right. The document and the signiture checks out.

Ironwood: I see... 

Qrow: Whoa.

Ozpin: So, they weren't kidding.

Ironwood, Qrow and Ozpin said and exclaimed in shock.

Ozpin then looks at Shadow, for him to clear his throat.

Ozpin: Well... seeing that this is hard evidence that you saw Vale's Councilmen and Councilwoman, we'll drop this topic. We won't want any issues with them if they question us about this.

Shadow: Ugh... tell me about it, sir.... you get the clearance of like literally everything and when someone stops you, the person in charge has to take the rap... even if it's enjoyable to watch... it is still so annoying...

Ozpin: I have to admit, that's unfortunately true, really...

Qrow: yup...

Ironwood: Mhm.

Apollonir: Agreed.

Shadow: WAI- So, you guys experienced the same treatment I had?! EVEN YOU, DAD?!?!

I asked.

They all nod.

Qrow: Well, on certain occasions when I'm a regular.

Qrow said.

Shadow: Heheh. Welp, guess we have our quirks and guess we are all on the same page.

He said.

Then, everyone in the room began to chuckle for a few seconds.

After a while, they stopped.

Ozpin: Now, with that out of the way, next topic which you need to take back what Qrow said as this is serious.

Ozpin said.

Ozpin: I heard from the General and Qrow you gambled and you were drinking. And worse of all, you're underaged.

Ozpin said, for Apollonir to look at his son, in shock.

Shadow: I didn't have a choice. The General heard it himself.

Ozpin: Oh? looks at Ironwood James?

Ironwood: ... he's... unfortunately right, Ozpin. If the culprit dies, the souls trapped in the chips will be trapped in there forever. Even if we have our top scientists to do everything we could to free them, they'll still be trapped and will be long dead.

Shadow: That's why I did it. But, it was meant to be a friendly game, though.

Ozpin: Oh?

Shadow: The culprit who General Ironwood has in possession now wanted to play poker still. So, i had other ideas and picked a game-friendly deck of cards. So, I tried twisting the rules as strategically as possible so it won't harm my luck and the chips that has the victims' soul. And since he outwitted me, I had to outwit him back as harshly as possible to reveal; his ture colours, sir... and the drinking part,... I was faking it.

Shadow said.

When the adults heard I faked drinking, they were shocked.

Apollonir, Ozpin, Qrow and Ironwood: ... what?!

Shadow: Yeah! You didn't notice?

Qrow: W- We saw you-

Shadow: And where's the cover of the flask?

Qrow: Huh?!

Ironwood: Wait. Now that you mention it, I didn't see the flask's cover on the table.

Shadow: AHA! You see, The General gets it. I had the cover in my mouth, faking to drink from the flask. I know I'm underage to drink so, I improvised by fake drinking. HEHEH! You should have seen his face when he thought I was drinking.

Shadow implied.

Apollonir slowly looks up at James and Qrow as he began to do his dragonic growl, for the two to notice.

Qrow: H-HEY! We didn't, okay! We saw him drinking so we had to tell you!

Apollonir: sighs Fair enough... looks at my son To EASE and to CLOSE this topic immediately before either of you hit a nerve... Son, I am only giving you a warning. Unless you are at the age of doing so, you are still underage to gamble or to drink. So, if I find out you are doing this again....

Shadow: ....

Apollonir: .... unless of any circumstances and the permission granted by me,.... 

Shadow: phew....

Apollonir: ... you are grounded from using your weapons and doing your job as a Doctor-in-Training, understood?

Shadow: What happens when I'm 18?

Apollonir: Then your grounded times will be off and you are allowed to do so. Understood?!

Shadow: Yes, dad... sorry...

Apollonir: Good.

Ozpin nods at this, with Ironwood to do the same and for Qrow to sigh.

Ozpin: Now that this is out of the way, finally. About the Unknown Huntress.

Shadow: Who? Orochi Tenma?

Ozpin: No... Specifically, the Hunter Killer... to what I was told by Qrow when he overheard the battle going on and when your enemies were freaking out about.

Ozpin said, causing Apollonir, Qrow and Ironwood to look in worry.

Shadow however nods at this, listening to them about those killers attentively as this may be important for him to know.

Shadow: Shoot. What about them?

Ozpin: Well, since Qrow has had an experience with a few, he may explain it to you, in brief. Your father, as well.

Qrow: Yeah.

Qrow said.

Qrow: Hunter Killers are not just mercenaries... they're downright killers to the core.

Apollonir: Serial Murderous Killers, to be precise, son.

Qrow: Well... what he said, Icepop.

Shadow: Okay?

Qrow: Last I interrogated one of them, they run a very top secret agency with a large large network, known as the Kill Contract, whereby when the big leagues wants you to kill someone, those killers will hunt you, and kill you off in a ruthless, gruesome way possible.

Apollonir: Some even.... want you to watch them kill what they kill in front of your eyes.

Apollonir said.

Qrow nods at this, for Shadow not to be shocked at this, for Ozpin to take notice of this.

Ozpin: You seem not... shocked or surprised by this?

Shadow: Yeah.

Qrow: Listen, kid. Even if they let you go, they'll still find a way to hunt you down. Like this one that you guys saw.

Apollonir: And even if you constantly hide from them son, they'll still find you without fail. And it was said that they never failed in losing their targets.

Apollonir and Qrow stated.

Ironwood: They're that gruesome?

Qrow: Yeah, James.... that gruesome and terrifying.

Shadow: Actually, you don't really have to worry about her.

Shadow objects to the Hunter Killer who saved him, to their confusion and shock.

Ironwood: What?!

Apollonir: And why not?

Qrow: You don't understand, Icepop. Hunter Killers a-

Shadow: If Hunter Killers are gruesomely murderers and killers, why do I see her protecting me all those years?

Shadow question.

Upon hearing this, the room became silent in shock hearing what Shadow said.

Qrow: Wait. What?!

Apollonir: A serial killer, protecting an innocent life?

Ozpin: ...

Ironwood: Well, that is new.

Ozpin: Explain, please.

Ozpin requested for Shadow to explain.

Shadow looks at his dad.

Shadow: Dad.... remember the time I got kidnapped during my job? And you said before you interrogated the guy who pretended to be the patient?

Apollonir: Yes? You said back then your kidnappers including him brought you and a few others to some dark facility. Thanks to Qrow, we know what it is.

Qrow: The abandoned Dust Research & Development Factory where they create Weapons made out of pure and raw Dust Crystals themselves. They shut down years ago due to...

Ironwood: The risk of many casualties and injured caused by their backlash of blowing up or causing harm while the user uses them.

Qrow: Exactly.

Ironwood and Qrow continued.

Apollonir: Thanks, guys. Well, what they said.

Shadow: nods Well.... you already know the everything on what happened. But, not everything. I did mention when I'm ready to talk, I'll talk. Seeing that we are talking about her now... I guess it's time I tell you what really happened....

Ozpin: Take your time, Doctor. 

Shadow nods at Ozpin.

Shadow: Well... you three already know that three victims were killed to bring forth that dust-infused grimm known as the Grimm Spheresaurus, giving that grimm the capability to think intelligently. Those kidnappers aka, sc-

Qrow & Shadow: Scientists/-ientists.

Qrow: Oh! You know? Okay, continue.

Shadow: Those scientists,... I overheard saying that they wanted to use this grimm made of our highly intelligent minds, infused with multitude of dust crystals and fused with an unknown creature, to get back at Atlas... for what reason, I don't know why. Just as they were about to kill me to get to my mind, "She" arrived.

Ozpin: And by she, you mean that same Hunter Killer from just now?

Shadow: Yes. That's the first time I saw her... in her mask, far different from the mask that the White Fang uses. After she killed them off including that Grimm,... she went over to me, and saved me.

Shadow said.

Everyone in the room looked at Shadow in shock as they began to look at each other with looks of confusion, shock and question.

Ironwood: That explains how he got out from the factory, awaiting for our arrival alone.

Qrow: I told you he couldn't have just broke free all by himself, James.

Apollonir: Alright, gentlemen gentlemen, GENTLEMEN! 

Apollonir exclaimed for Ironwood and Qrow to stop.

Apollonir: Did she tell you why she saved or helped you?

Qrow: Did she show her face?

Ironwood: Qrow!

Qrow: Why not? She can't just be using a mask all day an-

Shadow: Well.... for some reason... she does. Like... while attacking, when she saved me and when she waited out and left, she wears a mask everytime. She didn't show any sign of removing her mask. To answer your question.

Qrow: Told you.

Ironwood: Hmph.

Shadow: But to answer your question, dad... she didn't tell me why she helped me. She was all talk to say she will remove those chains off me and see if i'm okay and much more. That's all.

Apollonir: I see...

Everyone pondered about what Shadow said, until Ozpin broke the silence.

Ozpin: Well,... be it as it may, there is an old saying; Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. 

Qrow: Meaning?

Ozpin: Meaning, if what Dr. Wrath said is true, we'll have to assume that she's a friend, for now until further actions from her.

Ozpin said.

This shocked the General and the Two Huntsmen when they heard this.

Ironwood: Ozpin, you can't be serious! A friend? With a serial killer?

Ozpin: The only way we find out about her true agenda, we must keep a close eye on her. Who knows. She can be a friend to Doctor Wrath, he can be an enemy to us, or both. Shadow?

Ozpin called out, for Shadow to face the headmaster.

Ozpin: Please understand that we're only doing this for your safety, despite of her helping you back then... for your father's sake. I understand fully that you trust her but, it is the only way to put your father's mind at ease for now.

Shadow: Well... I can understand why after you explained to me what they are. But at least you trust me that you're letting me treat her as a friend.

Ozpin: Then I assume that you understood what is going on, then?

Shadow: Loud and clear, sir.

Shadow said.

Ozpin nod at this.

Ozpin: Well okay then, Doctor. You are dismissed.

Ozpin said.

Shadow bows at the headmaster before leaving. As he left, he went to his dad to hug him first before going towards the elevator.

Shadow: Thank you, dad. For trusting me and her.

Apollonir: hugs tightly I know... I got to need it. But regardless, your welcome.

Apollonir replied.

After a brief moment, both father and son broke the hug as they each exchange smiles.

Apollonir: Now, go have fun in the festival with your friends.

Shadow: Heheheh, dad... i'm not a kid.

Qrow and Ironwood chuckled at Apollonir's remark, for Shadow to have a sweat demeanor on his head. Then, he turns back to face his dad.

Shadow: Heheh. Okay, dad.

Apollonir: That's my boy.

And with that, Shadow soon left the office by via the elevator as it began to slowly descend down towards the lobby.

At the Lobby,


The elevator doors opened in front of me, for me to see that my team, Team RWBY and Team JEWL were waiting for me this whole time. I smiled at the scene as I exited the elevator, to greet them all.

Me: Hey, guys.

Teams RWBY, JEWL & the three members of STRM: Hey./Hi.

Me: So, you've been waiting?

Ruby: Yup!

Ruby said, lunging in for a hug, for me to hug back.

Jon: So, what did they say?

Jon ask.

Me: Well, long story short, i'm off the hook.

Tenka: Well,... that's good news, right?

Me: Yes. That's the good news.

Weiss: Hmph. I told you guys he'll be let off.

Weiss scoffed.

Blake: Wait. One question. What about the Hunter Killer?

Blake ask, for everyone to look at her.

Me: Well....

I said, for eveyone to look at me.

Me: Prof. Oz said she's will be deemed a friend, depending on her actions. For now,.... to our perspective to the way I see it, she's one of us.

I continued.

Everyone smiled at what I just said.

Lazarus: Well, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Rachel: Ditto.

Yang: So, what now?

Me: Now... let's just enjoy the festivities and.... popcorn.

I said.

Everyone laughed at my answer knowing that I got that line from Ozpin back at the courtyard battle, as we made our way out and back to the festival to resume enjoying ourselves while they rebuild whatever was damaged before in our battle.

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The seventh part of this extra episode of the Third Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And if you want to know where this Hunter Killer come from, you may check out my new story called, 'KILL Contract' and find out. It's a new story referenced from a Figma Animation so, I hope you enjoy it. And don't mind the strong language. As after all, in the disclaimers in my story 'KILL Contract' down at the description below, I did mention there will be a lot of blood, gore and strong language there. So, if it happens there, it can happen right here, too when the Hunter Killer appears. But still, I hope you enjoyed it.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!


3rd Person's POV:

Somewhere in the Emerald Forest,

In the night of the bright shattered moon shining brightly down in the midnight sky, the same feminine being is seen leaning against a tree, sharpening her new weapon for her to use in future battles to come while licking the virus-like blood and the blood of a Grimm off her face behind the mask she still wears on her.

While sharpening her weapon, she heard multiple wings flapping behind her, for her to stop sharpening her weapon for a moment, as if already knowing that someone wants to see her, as the mysterious figure slwoly walk towards her as the figure leaned against the same tree she was leaning.

???: If you have something to say, you may have to make it quick. I am expecting a call soon.

She said.

??? 2: I'm not here to waste time, Hunter Killer. I'm here because of my son.

The male figure said.

The Hunter Killer tilted slightly to the left out of curiosity.

???: Oh~. So you're his father? Charmed to meet the kid's dad in person.... or should I say,... One of the Elemental Council, the Elemental Warrior of Flames,... Apollonir.

She said, shocking the male figure who turned out to be Apollonir as he swiftly grabbed his trident from his back, readying to unsheath it.

Apollonir: How did you know my name?!

???: I can tell the features, facial features and the way you speak. You sound and look just like him.

Apollonir: I....

Apollonir then lets his hand go off his trident and continued.

Apollonir: ... see...

???: So, what do you want? I know you are here for a reason.

She said.

Apollonir sighed as there was a brief moment of silence. Then, he built his courage up as he began to stand up as he walked to the Hunter Killer, standing face-to-face in front of her, for the killer to look at the Warrior of Flames.

Apollonir: I know your kind, and who you are working with after my friends told me about it ages ago and now. I cannot forgive you for the gruesome killings you were tasked to do.

???: Hmph!

Apollonir: But....

???: Hmm?

Apollonir slowly raised his hand out in front of the killer, for her to look at this, in confusion.

Apollonir: But after hearing what my son said about you... you... you have my thanks. For saving my son back then. If it weren't for you,.... he wouldn't be around today,.... and he wouldn't have met a wonderful girl like Ruby... and someone like yourself.

Apollonir said.

The Hunter Killer listened to what he said as she smirked behind her mask, accepting his hand as they both shook.

???: It was all business,... still, I can't just stand idle when someone has a career and future ahead of him. So, consider me as a.... different kind of Hunter Killer who cares.

Apollonir: I see.

???: Though, there is another reason why I kept saving and helping him.

Apollonir: Hm?

???: It's this.

She said as she fished out an old photo, showing it to Apollonir.

Apollonir's eyes widened as he sees an image of his son in the photo.

???: I can tell you have a lot of questions. And after seeing this photo, this had me ask some questions of my own. But for now, I'll be holding onto this, as now I need to head out to get another target.

Apollonir: Before you go. I must know... how did you get that photo?

Apollonir asked before she left.

???: Back at the Industry,.... a photo of him was on the floor. Which I assume it belonged to him... That's all I could say.... "for now"....

She answered.

Then, she began to lean further, for Apollonir to notice that she is disappearing into the shadows and into the tree as she began to cackle an eerie and terrifying laugh, for Apollonir to keep looking and listening to her cackles.

After she disappeared completely and the sound of her cackles slowly turn soft until silence filled the air, Apollonir can be seen clenching his fists as he looks up to the shattered moon.

Apollonir: Hunter Killer.... who kills... and cares.... just what is she....

Apollonir asked himself.

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