Volume 3: Destiny

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the seventh episode of the THIRD VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei.

So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!

*Hits gong real hard*

Velvet: (took a pic of it)

A/N: You got it?

Velvet: (Thumbs up)

A/N: Thank you!

Velvet: Your welcome, A/N.

After finally cleaning up a very few mess from Ozpin's office, me and Mitchell decided to visit Yang and her team at their dorm, and Rachel was also with them. When we got just outside of Team RWBY's dorm, Mitchell and I found two Atlesian-Knight 200s guarding the room, Ironwood's voice being heard through the door.

Ironwood: I'm sorry, but you left us no choice

Mitchell and I were about to go in when the two droids stopped us where we are. Being incredibly annoyed at this, I didn't say anything and instead I just froze them instantly on the spot, much to Mitchell's surprise, which I didn't mind. I turned the doorknob to see Yang sitting on her bed, with Rachel beside her. Ironwood was pacing around the room, with Tenka standing right beside the window.

Yang: But he attacked me!

Ironwood: Video footage and millions of viewers say otherwise

Weiss: But Yang would never do that!

Ruby: Yeah!

Mitchell walked his way towards Blake's side, with me just standing, leaning on the doorway as I started listening to the conversation silently. Actually, after the incident at the tournament match, Tenka was able to convince the General to confine Yang to their dorm room. Tenka just hoped that it was better than a cell at the very least. Ironwood sigh as he turns around, Yang sighs places her head in her hands with Rachel placing a comforting hand on the blonde's shoulder.

Ironwood: You all seem like good students, and the staff here at Beacon are fully aware that you would never lash out the way you did...under normal circumstances.

Rachel: Just get to the point, General.

Tenka: Rach, manners.

Ironwood: Thank you, Mr Kaito. Now listen, we believe and hope this to be is nothing more than the result of stress and adrenaline. When you're out on the battlefield, your judgment can become clouded in an instant. Sometimes you see things that simply aren't there. Even after the fight is past....

Yang: But I wasn't---

Ironwood: That's ENOUGH!

The General's sudden outburst silenced the whole room for a second, before he continued again in a more serene tone.

Ironwood: The sad truth is, whether it was an accident or an assault, it doesn't matter. The world saw you attack an innocent student. They've already drawn their own conclusions. And it's my job to inform you that... you are disqualified.

Yang's shock turns into miserable understanding when she looks to the ground. And just after Ironwood opened the door, he sighs when he sees the two (supposed) guards completely frozen solid on the doorway.

Ironwood: Dr. Wrath... if you please?

I clicked my tongue in irritation, before I loudly snapped my fingers and the ice around the robots began to dissipate.

Ironwood: Thank you...

Me: (nods)

With that, Ironwood then walked past me through the doorway, followed by the two Atlesian-Knights. I begin closing the door, and when the door clicks shut, Yang turns to all of us.

Yang: You guys believe me, right?

Ruby: Duh!

Mitchell: Do you still have to ask?! Of course! I mean.. we all do, right?

Me: I would never believe you would lash out like that! I choose not to! So, yes. I believe you.

Weiss: You're hotheaded, but not ruthless.

Rachel stays silent for a moment, much to Yang's distress.

Yang: R-Rachel?

Rachel: That would depend on what you're referring to.....

Yang: Wha...what do you mean?

Rachel sighs for a moment before she speaks again.

Rachel: Look, if you're asking whether you hit that guy or not, then I'm afraid that I think you did hit him.

Yang was shocked at what she just heard from her dear friend. Her turning moist with tears swelling up.

Yang: Rachel....

Then out of nowhere, Rachel tackled her in hug.

Rachel: But we know that you would never to that without a good reason. Heck, I couldn't even dream of the day you would assault someone without a reason.

Yang starts to tear up again as she hugs her back, and mutters a thank you before the two of them separates. Just then, Yang notices that one of my number hasn't spoken yet. Blake, to be specific, as we all turned towards her.

Yang: Blake?

Blake turns her gaze away, earning a shocked look to all of you on the room.

Blake: I want to believe you...

Ruby: Huh!?

Weiss: What's that supposed to mean?

Rachel: You... y-you've got to be kidding, right?!

Yang eyes begin widening, tears forming instantly as she speaks in a hurt voice.

Yang: Blake?

Tenka: Is there any reason why you would say something like that? You'd know that your own partner would never lie to you, or anyone of us inside this room!

Mitchell: How could you say that?!

Blake glances at her beloved significant other, then takes a deep breath before starting.

Blake: I had someone very dear to me change. It wasn't in an instant, it was gradual - little choices that began to pile up. He told me not to worry. At first they were accidents, then it was self-defense. Before long, even I began to think he was right. This is all just... very familiar. But you're not him. And you've never done anything like this before. So... I want to trust you. I will trust you. But first, I need you to look Mitchell in the eyes--

Mitchell: Wait, what?

Blake: --and tell him that he attacked you. I need you to promise me that you regret having to do what you did.

Mitchell: B-Blake! Wh-Wh-Why me?! And what's with this

Blake just smiles at him as she turns towards him.

Blake: Because I trust you. And during all those travels we've been through together after I left the White Fang, you were always able to know the truth behind people's words just by looking through their eyes. Now, I want you to do it for me again. Please, Mitchell. As a friend.

Touched by her words, Mitchell then nods at her. After Mitchell has finally calmed himself down, he turns towards Yang with a determined face. Yang begins wiping her eyes of tears, then speaks as calmly as possible.

Mitchell: (Inner Thoughts) Come on, my sweet dragon. Lemme hear you say it.

Yang: I saw him attack me, so I attacked back.

She spoke those words with intentness and truth, which Mitchell was able to distinguish. He turns to her Faunus friend, and smiles and nods at her. With this, Blake lets out a deep breath as she closes her eyes and smiles.

Blake: Okay. Thank you.

Yang: I think I'm gonna rest up.

Blake: We'll get out of your hair.

Rachel: Are you sure, girl? I can stay with you if you want?

Yang: I'll be fine, Rach. You still have a match to attend to anytime, right?

Rachel: Oh, yeah! Almost forgot. Haha, then I'll promise to win this tournament for you, girl. Wish me luck!

With that, Rachel leaves the room with the rest of us, leaving Mitchell kissing Yang's cheek before following up with them. Ruby is closing the door, pausing only for a second to see Yang slump forward before shutting it completely. She then joins with me and the others in the middle of the hallway.

Weiss: This is a mess...

Me: I'm sure it's nothing to worry about until things have calmed down for her.

???: She.... doing okay?

We followed where the voice came from to see Jaune and the rest of team JNPR in a room across the hall, with worried looks on their faces.

Blake: She's.... doing the best she can.

Tenka: Mercury and his team were rushed back to Haven to be with his family. So, until they land, no one can really question him about what happened.

Ren: If there's anything we can do, please don't hesitate to ask.

Ruby: All right then. If that's the case... Pyrrha?

She looks to the younger girl, who is holding her clenched hands up as she tries to put on a grin, as she gets herself seated on on a bed.

Pyrrha: Hm?

Ruby: You be sure to win one for Beacon, okay?

Weiss: It's what Yang would want.

Me: Wow... good job adding more pressure to the girl.. Seriously, you two. Cut some slack!

Ruby gave me a nervous laugh as I gave her a slightly stern look. I then addressed Pyrrha myself.

Me: Just.. give them a good beating for us, okay? Change Yang and Vale's fate, in your own hands, okay Pyrrha?

I gave Pyrrha a thumbs up and she smiled.

Mitchell: You got this!

Pyrrha turns her head away momentarily before coming back with her attempt at a confident look.

Pyrrha: I'll... do my best.

Ruby: I'll be sure to watch tonight in case you're picked!

Pyrrha's smile dips down into worry as she looks away.

Blake: Sorry but, I think I've had enough fighting for one year.

Weiss: Ditto. Coffee?

Blake: Tea.

Ruby: What about you guys?

Me: We're down for it.

Rachel: Sure.

Mitchell: I'll just have a milk.

Tenka: Tea would be great for me.

And with that, me and my team, and the three members of RWBY walk down the hall. However, while we are walking down to get iur refreshments, I sensed that something wasn't right as I looked up at the coliseum.

Ruby: Shadow....? A-Are you... okay?

The slight tug was enough to brake my trance as I shook away the thoughts and beamed at Ruby.

Me: Huh? Wh-What? Oh, yeah! I'm fine! Totally fine! See?

As to assure my words, I tried something Jaune would at a situation like this. And that is holding up a thumbs up while, forcing myself a smile, making my girlfriend a bit more worried at me.

Ruby: S-Shadow... Are you really--

Me: Oh, That's right! isn't there a match about to happen at the Coliseum. Well, I don't want to be late. Let's go, Ruby. Don't wanna miss the good sits now, do you?

Ruby: Of course not, but--

Me: Then let's go.

With that, I started dragging Ruby out of the hallways by grabbing unto her hoodie, much to her chagrin. After a while, me and Ruby have finally arrive at the cliffside docking bays down the main alleyway and under the floating Amity Coliseum, me and Ruby walked up to the end of the line waiting to get in the transport up to the arena. Every time she asks about my well being, I became evasive, changing the subject every now and then. Of course, this act annoyed her by every second that counted, but she didn't want me to get mad at her because of this.... Distracting herself, she turns her head to see familiar faces, before her head landed on a familiar rabbit Faunus snapping photos on sun, for some reason. Ruby steps out of line, which also meant dragging me with her, and approaches her from behind as she continues taking pictures with her camera until she notices who's behind her.

Velvet: (turning around) Ruby, Shadow, how you going?

Me: Doing good. I'm doing great actually. Yourself?

Ruby: Hi, Velvet! What're you up to?

Velvet: Oh, you know. Just working on my photography. Do you wanna see?

She offers her camera to me and Ruby, looking extremely delighted. Ruby immediately notices that Velvet didn't even get all of Sun in her picture, cutting out his head and feet

Me: Hmmm... cool.

Ruby: That's actually... better.

Although as we said this, we step away, grinning in a forced approval. Velvet's face turns into a sulky one, and decides to ask in concern.

Velvet: I'm... sorry about your sister. Is she doing okay?

Ruby: Yeah, she's fine, heh. Thanks.

Velvet: I think it's just awful what people are saying about her. Yang's such a nice person.

Me: You and Rachel have pretty much the same assumption on that point.

Velvet: Speaking of Rachel, I heard you chose Rachel to be your combatant for the Finals. She must be pretty exhilarated about it.

Me and Ruby then smiled at the news as we giggled.

Velvet: By the way, where is Mitchell? I haven't seen her around.

Me: He.. uh... He's probably around Rachel at the moment. You know those two, totally inseparable.

Velvet: (Giggles) They are partners after all. Although as I was trying to say, most people don't know what it's like on the battlefield. I mean, even experienced fighters can get scared and start seeing things. If it happened to Coco, it can happen to anyone.

Ruby: Coco?

Me: Coco??

Velvet: Yeah. She swore she saw Yatsu with her in the forest during the fight with Emerald and Mercury, but he never even made it out of the geyser fields. Stress-induced hallucinations, apparently.

Me: Oh yeah, the fight with Emerald and... Mercury. Hmmm.... That's, weird...

Ruby: Yeah...

Turns her head away in thought. Little did she know, that I winked At Velvet and said...

Me: Velv. Mind doing me..... A little favor.

Then suddenly, I grabbed Ruby by the waist only to quickly kiss her cheek, simultaneously shot by Velvet with her camera. When I separated myself from her, Ruby's face started flushing up, starting down from her neck up to her ears, as if she was about to explode steam any minute now. Velvet smiled when she looked into her camera.

Velvet: You two really look cute in here....

She giggles as she prints out the picture, and gives it to me, much to Ruby's annoyance as she started unleashing her fist upon me nonstop, saying she looks ridiculous in it, although those didn't hurt me at all, leaving me amused. Just then, I heard a very familiar voice.

???: I'm telling you, Mitch. There has to be something wrong. There must be reason why she was framed.

???: L-Let's not jump into conclusions just yet... I mean, we don't even have a proof that Merc. and Em. are behind this, Rachel.

I turned my head to see Rachel and Mitchell lining up for the transport to the Coliseum, and they seem to be discussing something.

Mitchell: I-I mean... How would you even know?

Rachel: I know her well that she won't do something like that, Mitch. And we pretty much both share the same personality.

Mitchell: And what would that be?

Rachel: It starts with the letter 'H'.

Mitchell places a finger beneath his lip as he goes in deep thought before....

Mitchell: Hot?

I chortled to myself as I was clearly amused at Mitchell's innocence. Rachel did too, and this raised my spirits up a bit.

Rachel: Hahaha, no.... Well, actually yeah. In the head.

Mitchell: Hot in the head?..... Hothead?

Rachel: There you go! Precisely. (Smiles) Oh, here's our ride. Come on, I'll treat you some popcorn.

Mitchell: Yay~! POPCORN!!!!!

After that they finally boarded they transportation as they disappeared among the crowd.


In the Colosseum, people are back in the stands cheering and ready for entertainment as me and Ruby descend down the steps to an open seat. I were able to distinguish Mitchell and Rachel sitting on the other side of the arena helping themselves with a large popcorn sitting atop Mitchell's lap that was pretty much blocking her view, and Tenka is seen walking towards them. Just as I was about to see if Ruby is alright, I realized something isn't right as I am missing something...

Me: Oops! Almost forgot the popcorn. Be right back in a sec, Rubes.

I gave her a quick peck on the cheek before leaving. Despite everything that's happened, she's smiling widely because of me finally acting a bit honest with myself in being a it lively. She begins looking around at the assembled crowds... until her stupefied eyes see a familiar, glaring face on the other side of the arena.

Ruby: Emerald's... here? But...

As if sensing she's being watched, Emerald leans forward to glare at Ruby, who suddenly gets up with a worried expression and runs towards the exit tunnel. Checking to see if no one's around, she enters a door labeled with a yellow maintenance sign and finds herself inside of the Colosseum. When I finally had my snack, I returned to my seat only to find Ruby missing next to it.

Me: Ruby?

I began looking around to find her until my eyes landed on a door maintenance that was slowly swinging to close.

Me: I'm sensing trouble.

Meanwhile, Ruby walks forward with determination as the announcers' voices are heard, muffled behind the brick walls.

Oobleck: All right, it's now time to begin the randomization process for our next fight!

The sound of the roulette is heard faintly, but what makes Ruby stop in her tracks is the sight of another unexpected "friend" stepping out from a nearby tunnel, completely unharmed and definitely not going home.

Ruby: Mercury?

Port: It looks like our first contender is... Penny Polendina from Atlas...

Ruby's attention then goes from the broadcast to the fraud.

Ruby: What are you doing?

Port: And her opponent will be... Pyrrha Nikos from Beacon!

Her head dips in thought until she realizes the awful truth.

Ruby: No...

Mercury: Ooh, polarity versus metal. That could be bad.

Ruby glares at her new opponent, reaching back to grab for her beloved scythe, only to remember she doesn't have it on her. Mercury simply grins maliciously and sets himself up in a fighting pose, with Ruby on a seemingly demeanor.

Ruby: (Inner Thoughts) Shadow, help me.....

To be continued.....

And that's all, folks! The seventh episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. So, if you ladies and Gentlemen and other deviants and readers really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' it would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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