Volume 3: Fall (Part 3)

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to part three of the sixth episode of the THIRD VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

*Hits gong real hard*


----2 Hours Before The Match----

After Pyrrha left, I was just about to leave as well until I was called by Ozpin.

Ozpin: Shadow, may we have a word with you?

The fact that he said 'we' instead of 'I' left me uncomfortable, knowing this could be about my being as a son of Winter Maiden.

Me: What is it?

Before he speaks, he turns to his comrades giving the encouraging nod, this confused me until I saw an apologetic expression on his face.

Ozpin: Shadow, I know this may be a bit disheartening for you, but.....

He pauses for while, while I am now waiting for him to continue with anticipation. Then...

Ozpin: We've decided to not let you join the upcoming one-on-one finals.

Me: WHAT!?

I was downright shocked at the sudden decision.

Me: Wait, wait, wait. You guys can't... you can't do this to me! You can't just---

Glynda: Please understand what we are trying to do here, Shadow. 

Ironwood: We don't want to arouse more suspicion about your being. Your fight with Qrow a few days ago was a close call to your revealing. We don't want to risk it again.

Qrow: And don't think I haven't saw your last match during the doubles round, kid. You barely held your mother's powers within you during the fight.

I am totally at lost for words, they were all correct. Honestly speaking, Qrow was definitely right, I don't know how he knows it, but he was right that I barely held the enormous power within when I was knocked out towards the ship, much more as it crashed down upon me. Sighing in downcast, I finally agreed with them.

Me: Fine, okay then. I guess I'll just have to choose one of my teammates to do so.

Ironwood: Very well, please take your time.

I then think about my teammates and how they fought. But, from the looks of things, I am still in a pickle as they are really good fighters like me. That was until Qrow gave me a sudden idea about one of myteammates.

Qrow: How about that hotheaded, Dragon chick of yours? She seems to be up for it.

Ozpin: Yes. The way I see it, Ms. Claws' the fiercest fighter among your team. 

Glynda: I couldn't agree more.

Me: Hmmmm... Actually, that's not a bad idea. Rachel has been ranting about that. I guess telling her this could up the odds of her winning for the tournament. And also, she has finally unlocked her semblance, too. So yeah, great idea! (I said this as I smiled)


Me: It..... was a bad idea. RACHEL GET OFF ME!!!! You're making a scene!

I clearly regretted that I said that it is not actually a bad idea to make Rachel to advance to the one-on-one finals. Because the moment I said it to her, she dumped her whole body on me and won't let me go for 5 whole minutes now, while giving me endless kisses on the cheeks and dragon bites (A/N: If you know whatI mean by Dragonbites), much to Ruby and Yang's chagrin. Ruby was puffing her cheeks in anger, while Yang was scowling at her.

Ruby: Nnnngh! Rachel! You're being unfair!

Yang: Rachel! What in Ursa's claw are you doing to my sister's boyfriend?!?!

It took her a while to calm her down, which she did eventually after 30 minutes. After that, we all went our way to the Coliseum, with Ruby possessively clinging into my arm tightly as she keeps her eye on Rachel, much to my sheepish doing. When we finally arrived at the Coliseum, me and the others wished Yang and Rachel the best of lucks as they went down on the arena.

Port: Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for! The one-on-one finals!

In the center of the battlefield's stage, Yang smirks confidently, along with Rachel waving at the crowd with pride, Sun, Penny, Mercury, and a troubled Pyrrha at the other end of the line.

Port: Barty, why don't you explain the rules?

Professor Port then passed the mic's controls over to his co-host.

Oobleck: It's quite simply really, Peter. Instead of a bracket system, each round of the finals will be randomly determined immediately before the match takes place! 

Port: Much like any good hunt, there will be zero time to prepare!

Oobleck: Ah, yes, yes! Now, let's see who our first match will be!

Dr. Oobleck then got the crowd attention towards the main screen as it shows two slots beginning to spin rapidly. We knew that the whole world more or less at this point was watching this moment, waiting for the quarter finals to begin.

Port: And it's Yang Xiao Long and Mercury Black!

The crowd cheered wildly with excitement at the two combatants.

Ruby: Break a leg, sis! 

Port: Would all other combatants please leave the stage!

Rachel: Good luck, hothead.

Yang: I sure will need it.

Rachel gives her a high five and with that the rest of the lineup does so, and Yang starts walking up to Mercury in the middle as the floor around them opens once more, with a ring of spotlights rising up to automatically fix their lights on the remaining two.

Tenka: Punching against Kicking, huh? This should be interesting match, am I right, Doctor?

Me: Agreed.

Me and my whole team watched as we gave our own cheers of encouragement.

Port: Would all other combatants please leave the stage!

The other six fighters including Penny, Sun and Pyrrha left the arena's stage leaving only Yang and Mercury.

Yang: Ya better not go easy on me.

Yang tired to flirt with Mercury hoping it would distract him slightly, much to Rachel's self-embarrassment as she planted her face on her hand. Mercury started to laugh darkly as he responded.

Mercury: Ha, you wish.

Both fighters then raised their hands as they continue'd to stare at each other. The crowd then began to count down until the fight would begin. Both fighter began to creep in at each other closing the distance between them.

Port: Three! Two! One! Begin!

3rd Person's POV:

Professor Port announced to the crowd starting the fight between Yang and Mercury. The fight started with a strong right hand punch from Yang colliding with a right footed spinning kick from Mercury. The impact it caused created a shock wave between their weapons and launched both fighters backwards in recoil. After the first contact was made Mercury tired to take the offensive and rushed at Yang.

He closes the distance quickly and aimed at her feet with his boot, but Yang showed she was agile enough to dodge him as she leaped over his attack and fired off a shot at Mercury's blind side which he pivoted to avoid. They then began to fight fist-to-fist but Yang proved herself to be the superior fighter in that aspect.

In order to gain some ground between himself and Yang Mercury had to be hit first in order to openly attack Yang. He just managed to do so but it seemed he took the most damage from the exchange. Not allowing any hesitation for a moment Yang opened fire at Mercury at range.

Firing shot after shot at Mercury however didn't seem to be effective as he was able to easily dodge each of them. He then propelled himself into the air and tried an axe kick from such a height. Yang was able to block and pushed Mercury backwards but in doing so left her open for a counter. And when she fired off a shotgun round at Mercury he simply ducked down underneath it and kicked Yang's stomach sending her backwards.

Ruby continue'd to watch along with the rest of her team, as did my team as well with Rachel finally joining up with me, up on the stadium, nervously as the fight between the pair seemed like it could go either way. However, I was watching more closely and could see that Mercury was a perfect opponent for Yang. I knew her father, Tai taught her how to fight but they could not cope with a majority kicking offence. I thought that either Mercury was holding back or he simply wasn't as good as I thought he was.

Mercury then decided to switch his tactics and started to shoot in every direction. Each kick seemed random as some weren't even aimed at Yang. Yang closed the distance between them once more and started to fire a barrage of fists at Mercury. Her offence continue'd until Mercury kicked her back into the air and swiftly knocked her right back to the ground. The random shots that he had fired earlier then seemed to home in on Yang as she laid down on the ground.

As the firing subsided Mercury smirked to himself as he got up and dusted himself off, but the smoke behind soon erupted into flames. He turns to see a red eyed Yang slam her knuckles together before racing after him.

Rachel: Ha! He's done for now!

Mitchell: Beat his butt, Yang!!!

Yang then unloaded a flurry of punches at Mercury, but no matter what he done, Yang stood her ground as her attacks became heavier. With a strong right uppercut to Mercury's stomach his aura failed as it reached zero. With his aura gone a quick jab to Mercury's jaw sounded the buzzer announcing the end of the fight.

Port: What a way to kick off the finals!

With the fight now over Yang lowers her fists and closes her eyes, breathing a sigh of relief before opening them back up to her usual lilac and raising her arm in victory. 

Oobleck: Yang Xiao Long wins!

Ruby: Yeah! You did it, sis! 

Ruby happily shouted out in support for Yang. Blake, Rachel, and Weiss also joined in as well.

Rachel: Great work, hothead!

Blake: Way to go, Yang!

Me: Not a bad way to end the fight.

I commented to myself as I allowed myself to smirk.

Mitchell: GREAT JOB, MY DEARY DRAGON!!!! WOOOOOOO!!!!! (Raising hand in the air)

Just as Mitchell said that, much to everyone's shock, my team and Ruby's team turn their attention to Mitchell, in which he return the gesture to them.

Mitchell: (Blushing) What???

Me: You like her, don't you?

Mitchell: Uhhhh... uuuuhhhh....

Rachel: Awwww, what'swrong, Mitch? Can't admit that you love her?

Ruby: Yeah, Mitch. (Smiles)

Mitchell: (Calming myself down) We'll talk later on this...

So, agreeing that we talk about this later, we turn our attention back to where Yang is, but as I watched Yang, something felt off. I couldn't quite say what it is, but to my horror, I watch Yang suddenly break the leg of Mercury while he was lying on the ground.

Rachel: No.... No, no, no, no! Yang why?! You idiot!

Rachel was extremely awestruck as she began to frantically panic, and jumped off her seat and makes her way into the arena.

Mitchell: Rach wait! Doctor! What should we do?!

Atlas Soldier: Quick men, surround her!!

Me and the rest of my team heard an officer shout out to several Atlas troops. I am now stuck between a rock and a hard place. In one hand, I knew that this could cause some serious trouble, but I didn't want to leave my friends alone surrounded by Soldiers. I sighed as I made my choice. 

Me: Dammit!!

Meanwhile in the arena floor Mercury was rocking back and forth as he held his leg. 

Mercury: My leg, MY LEG!

Yang: That's what you get, you little- Huh?

Yang started to trash talk Mercury before she saw she was surrounded by AK-200 Droids and Atlas Soldiers.

Atlas Soldier 1: Yang Xiao Long, stand down!

A red themed soldier shouted out as he pointed his gun at her.

Yang: What!? Why!?

???: Mercury!

Emerald shouted as she suddenly appears on the scene and quickly rushed over to Mercury.

Mercury: Why'd she do that!? WHY'D SHE ATTACK ME!?

Mercury hysterically asked. Yang receives a disgusted scowl from Emerald, only now looking up at the screens above her to see the footage of what just transpired: Yang circling the crouched-down Mercury until the footage cuts to him just standing there and her suddenly shooting him in the leg. The sound of something breaking rings out, and Mercury screams and falls over in pain.

It takes a moment of staring at the images until Yang finally understands what she did, and her gaze turns up to the wide-eyed, terrified faces of Blake, Weiss, and Ruby. She looks around at the guns aimed at her and the people cursing her name, still not knowing what just happened. After a while, several Paramedics started to carry the "injured" contestant away on a stretcher.

Atlas Soldier 2: Stand down!

Another soldier this one was blue themed shouted out towards Yang. Once more she refused to stand down not really knowing if she should or not.

Yang: No. You don't understand I didn't do anything! He attacked me!

Atlas Soldier 2: Stop it! You've already cause enough of a scene.

Yang pleaded her case out to the Soldiers but they refused to lower their weapons. That was when Rachel,along with me, Tenka and Mitchell followed up to try get Yang out of there but to no avail as some Atlas Soldiers turn to us to back off.

Yang: Claire! I-I.... You know I d-didn't--

Rachel: Just shut it.

Yang was disheartened when she received Rachel's snap at her, her attention clearly focused on the soldiers and droids. It was actually the first time she did that too her.

Me: Yang!

Atlas Soldier: No one gets near Ms. Xiao Long! You are under arrest. If you continue to proceed, we will have no choice but to arrest you and your confederate as well.

Me: Stand aside!

I quickly moved my hand towards my weapon and unsheathed it, followed suite by Mitchell as he turns his guantlets into claw form behind me and Tenka, unsheathing his Tri-Sector Sparrows.

Atlas Soldier: If you continue your actions we will open fire! We're giving you one last warning!

Tenka's POV:

The Atlas soldiers and their mechanical partners then all aimed targeted their guns towards us, ready to fire. Shadow, Rachel, Mitchell and I went in our battle stances. Shadow was just about to rush towards the soldiers and their robots, I knew this would be the wrong move, so I lowered my weapon a bit, much to my Team's surprise, in which they followed suite, as well as the soldiers and droids. That's when I stepped up to address to the soldiers.

Me: Corporal, if it is best, allow me to excort her. If you have any problems with that, go tell that to Mr Schnee.

When the soldiers looked at each other, in shock, realizing that the my name have stronger ties with the Schnees. So, the Atlas Soldiers and Droids moved aside as they grant my request to excort her to arrest.

Atlas Soldier 1: V-V-Very well, Mr Kaito. Proceed.

Me: Thank you.

Shadow: Tenka.... look after Yang.

Me: You know I will. For Ruby, her team... and her newfound boyfriend. (Smiles)

I said as I ordered Yang to follow me as we both exited the colosseum to be interrogated. Then, Yang spoke up, feeling disheartened.

Yang: I'm in big trouble, huh???

Me: Yeah... in a way so.


Orochi's POV:

I clenched my fist as I watched two of the same feeds with two different outcomes. I then stoodup from my throne as I boasted in disgust.


I said this as I raged in anger on what CInder has done. I opened my locket around my necklace showing me and my brother, Shadow as I sighed.

Me: No matter, I will get her one day... as for you, my brother, be careful out there. Yang is being framed, and who's next??? Well! It's obvious. Pyrrha... then Atlas.

I said as NegaSonic MetalGear Warhead came by.

Me: Report?

NegaSonic MetalGear Warhead: Evidence that you need, Leader Orochi.

He said this as he passed me files and a scroll. I accepted them and opened them up, revealing what Cinder and her lackeys are up to.

Me: So, I was right? Interesting.... Well, Salem... it looks like we will be having so much fun when my brother, his girlfriend and I eventually meet you. But know this, we will take you down,... no matter the COST!!!

I raised my voice at the last word as two fire streaks appear right out from my eye sockets of my mask.

To be continued....

And that's all, folks! The third part of the sixth episode of the Third Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And,if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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