Volume 3: It's Brawl in the Family

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the third episode of the THIRD VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!


*I blast my attack at the gong that it rang extremely loud*

3rd Person's POV:

In Beacon Academy's courtyard at dusk Weiss Schnee and Ruby Rose are running up the main avenue towards the docking bays, expecting someone to land there.

Ruby: Weiss! What is the big deal!? Who is it? Who is she!?

Weiss stops and smiles at the sight.

Weiss: Winter.

Ruby and Weiss watched Winter Schnee, escorted by crimson-colored Atlas Soldiers and Atlesian Knight-200's, as she exits her airship.

Ruby: Wait... Your sister?

The young heiress pays her no mind as she then cups her mouth to make her voice a bit louder for her sister to catch her attention.

Weiss: Winter!

The three then run up to the elder Schnee as she turns to see them.

Weiss: Winter! I'm so happy to see you! Oh... Your presence honors us.

Winter looks around Beacon.

Winter: Beacon... It's been a long time. The air feels... different.

Ruby: I mean it is fall, so, eh, it's probably colder.

Weiss, knowing her partner might have said the wrong thing, punches Ruby in the shoulder, causing her to gasp in pain before turning back to her sibling.

Weiss: So, what are you doing here?

Winter: Classified.

Weiss: Oh, right. Well, how long are you staying?

Winter: Classified.

Weiss: Of course. 

She nods and smiles in understanding, as Ruby looks pensively around in the silence.

Ruby: Well... this is nice... I think?

Weiss: You're going to love it here! I know you travel a lot, but so much of Beacon is different from Atlas! Vale, too. The government and school are completely separate! Can you believe it!? I-

Winter: I'm more than familiar with how this kingdom handles its... bureaucracy. That is not why I came.

Weiss: Right! I'm sorry!

Winter: Nor did I come here to watch my own blood fail so miserably in battle. But it appears that I have no choice in the matter.

Weiss looked suddenly puzzled at the elder Schnee's words.

Weiss: But, we won!

Winter: Only a novice would refer to that as a victory. I counted at least three strikes missed. -raise my hand up- Leave us.

The AK-200s began beeping at the command, and starts walking two steps backwards into formation.

Winter: (sigh) How have you been?

Weiss: Oh, splendid! Thank you for asking. I'm actually in the very top ranking of our sparring class! And the rest of my studies are going wonderfully, too! I'm-

Winter suddenly raises her hand, as she slaps Weiss, leaving a massive bump on her head. Tenka was surprised at the sudden action as he saw everything from where he is.

Winter: Silence, you boob! I don't recall asking about your ranking, I'm asking how you've been. Are you eating properly? Have you taken up any hobbies? Are you making new friends?

Weiss: Well, there's Ruby.

Ruby giggles as she pushes the lump back into Weiss' head, much to her discomfort.

Ruby: Heh, boob.

Winter: I see. So this is the leader you wrote of. How appropriately... underwhelming.

Ruby: Uh... Thank you!

Winter: Greetings, Ruby Rose. I wish to thank you for taking an interest in my sister.

Ruby: Oh! Uh, yes, of course! The honor is in my... court!

Not really familiar with such deep words, she attempts to salute and curtsy, causing her to nearly lose her balance with this gesture, waving her arms until she can get back up.

Winter: I have business with the General and your Headmaster. But, seeing as I'm early, why don't you take me to your quarters?

Weiss: Really?

She and Weiss begin walking towards the Academy, followed by the androids.

Winter:  Yes. I wish to inspect them and make sure that they are up to my personal standards.

Weiss: Of course. Just so you're aware, the bunk beds only look unstable.

Winter: Bunk beds?

Ruby: I'll catch up- I mean, I will... reconvene with you both... at a later... juncture! At a juncture. Yeah.

She pauses her words every now and then, wracking her brain for the right words to come out.

She pauses her words every now and then, wracking her brain for the right words to come out. Then, out of nowhere, Tenka showed up and to Ruby's surprise, he heard everything she said.

Tenka: You're not exactly good at that, I get it, but I wonder what Cap would think.

Tenka says this to himself as he walks out of the Beacon Courtyard.

Ruby: Don't you dare tell him about this!

Tenka: Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. -leaving Ruby behind-


My team's POV:

Rachel: So bored....

Mitchell: So tired.... but loved still.

Me: Right, Yang kissed you didn't she??

Mitchell: Yep. Aaaaaahhh... the love... (Hearts all over his head)

Me, Rachel and Mitchell were walking back towards our dormitory to take a nap in our dorm. Well, Rachel and Mitchell wanted to anyway, I just had to escort them there. Along the way, Tenka is seen walking up to me and waved at me.

Tenka: Where're you you guys off to?

Me: Just towards the dorm. The Team are a bit bored so I decided to just accompany them there on the way. There's not much to do today, anyway.

Tenka nodded in an understanding manner and decided to join the in. Just then, groups of students excitedly pass them by on their way to the courtyard, whispering excitedly and curiously among themselves. This piqued my interest and decided to ask some passing students about it.

Me: Hey, um... what's going on?

Student: Oh, didn't you hear? There's a fight going on at the Beacon Courtyard right now.

When the word "fight" was mentioned, Rachel and Mitchell's boredom were suddenly diminished, with Rachel out of worry and Mitchell out of excitement.

Rachel: What?!

Mitchell: Who's fighting who, then?

Student: Beats me. But the others said it was a drunk huntsman against an Atlas Specialist.

Tenka rushed off first, then me and the rest of my team quickly began rushing towards the courtyard as well. I managed to catch up with Tenka, and saw Ruby and Weiss as well and decided to talk with them.

Me: Just what in the World of Remant and in M's name is going on he-- Q-Q-Qrow?!?!

Ruby: You know my unc--

Me: yes. He came to CR before for some help with something. Why is he here?! And... who is she by the way? -looking at Weiss-

Weiss: That over there is my sister, Winter. But still, I don't know what is going on! That crazy guy just started fighting my sister!

Ruby: Hey! He's not crazy! Your sister started it!

Rachel: Girls, enough! Most importantly, we need to get them to stop or the whole courtyard will turn into ruins with the crowd with it.

Mitchell: Rachel's got a point. There are students here! Are they not noticing the danger that they are about to face?!

Me: Whatever this is, this has to stop. Tenka, Rachel, Mitchell, let's try to stop their squabbles. After that, you three make sure the students are away from the area... if you can. Alright Team, STORM Combination

My team rushed past Weiss and Ruby, your weapons in hand. Our team sprinted while being combined into our combination form, readying my combined weapon. Just as Winter prepares a thrust at Qrow, with the latter just about to do an overhead slash... 

Me: TENKA! HARD LANDING! MITCHELL, Do your best to stop their fight!

Mitchell: like you have to ask! -sound ammused-

...my combined weapon collided with Winter's sword and Qrow's, surprising them both, and the crowd of people as well. 

Qrow & Winter: What the-

Me: (removing my weapon from its collide/clash point) you both should be ashamed of yourself! What were you two thinking!? -my combined body shines bright and the bright light disappeared to reveal my Team back together again- Guys, ensure no one gets close to this area.

Tenka/Rachel/Mitchell: Yes, Doc! (they ran towards the crowd, blocking their path in order for them not to go through)

Me: And you! What are you doing here in this school that i am studying at?!

Qrow: i should be asking the same thing?

Me: But, yet again this is a rather nice surprise.

Qrow: Long time no see, kiddo. Now get out of the way. This has got nothing to do with you.

Me: It is now. Need I remind you again, You are tearing up the school I'm studying at.

Qrow quickly shoved me out of the way, almost knocking you over, but i held my footing just in the nick of time. Tenka turned runs in front of him and raised his Tri-Sector Sparrow at him this time. Just before Qrow could raise his blade at him, I froze his feet before he could take another step. He turned towards me, my weapon held at the ready, making Qrow smirk.

Qrow: If that's the way it has to be then, Popsicle.

Me: Still with the--

Qrow suddenly rushed at me, before i could even finish but i quickly turned into my snow form, making him miss, and i pushed him back before i turned back into my normal form with my weapon, still intact.

Tenka: -looks at Winter- Miss, come with me. It's not safe. -grabbed her wrist and rushes out from the scene of the fight-

Qrow: Heh, you learned that trick from your your so called, "Genius Surgeon". Makes sense since his Semblance is Liquid Manipulation in his Angelic level. He even uses the same tactic to it. He has taught you well.

Me: Then this shouldn't take long at all.

Qrow then continues to attack me with slash after slash from every direction with incredible speed, but I was able to catch up by sheer luck. Seeing an opening, I blocked his attack by creating an ice sword, while using Parablade to thrust towards the huntsman. By sheer luck and speed, he was able to block it, much to my surprise, but he was sent flying back towards the edge of the courtyard, before he stopped himself by burying his sword on the ground. He looked up at me, with the same smug look.

Qrow: Not bad, kid.

Me: Like I said, this shouldn't take long at all... at least this power-up came in handy too. -I felt my Muscle-Up Power-up completely drained. But at least it paid off-

He dashed towards me and began attacking you with a flurry of strikes again and again, barely giving me any time to strike back. Unable to attack, i continue to block his attacks barely over and over, until he brought his weapon downwards on me with all his might. As i blocked it, the clash of the swords let out a shockwave and cracked the ground beneath you both. He pushed me back with his blade. Assault after assault, I dodged and blocked by sheer luck, despite with him being drunk, he was able to deflect or dodge all my hits with ease.

Me: You've got to be kidding me.

Qrow: Come on, kid. You're fighting against a drunk man, and you're losing desperately.

Me: You don't have to tell me the obvious, you dusty old crow.

Qrow: Don't call me---

Me: Yeah, yeah, yeah. -spawns in Gashacon Sword-


We both continued our attacks against each other. The attacks continued until I blocked one of his blows. I was just about to counterattack, when Qrow suddenly punched me directly in the nose, disorienting me, and kicked me in the stomach, forcing all the air out my lungs and sending me flying back, lossing my weapons. I stopped myself before I got further by transforming into my snow form, then reverted back again. Then suddenly, I landed on my knees and planted my palms on the courtyard ground, trying to regain my air back. 

Qrow: You've improved, Popsicle. It's a shame it was not enough.

Me: Don't....

I slowly stood myself up with the help of my strength, my body slowly pulsing with the color of my Aura, and somehow combined with a light blue color. Qrow's eyes widened, as if he was familiar with it.

Me: Call me...

I finally stood upright, my head still lowered.

Me: THAAAAAAAAAAA...!!!!! -And for some mysterious and unknown reason, my scream is altered to a dragon's roar-


(A/N: Can't find the theme but this video is the only thing that can help me now as the tranformation rise is awesome from 1:15 - 1:22.)

With one final pulse of my glowing Aura, my skin suddenly turned pale, my hair turned white and flared up, and my eyes turned icy blue (right eye), fiery red and bright orange (left eye), snowflakes and flames seemingly visible in the iris. I also began to grow four pairs of dragon wings, a dragon tail, some armor on my legs, arms and my chest area and i grew some golden-like horns on my head as well as my back as well.


(A/N: Music starts at 15:19 - 17:17.)

I didn't even mind the transformation as I am clearly fixated by my anger and only focused my attention on the Huntsman. Every people, students and even teachers, began clearing the courtyard. Qrow was clearly shocked at the situation.

Qrow: -inner thoughts- What?! That should be impossible! He also has his father's aura and semblance too?! I didn't think his father, Apollonir kind of knew about this before... but, seeing of the dragon details, his dragon form seems different. And his pale snow-like appearance those blue streaks on his right eye an-- What!? Two different fire streaks on his left eye!?! ...impossible! He can't be The Summer and Fall Maiden AS WELL!!!

Me: Since you started this fight, I'm ending it!

Qrow was in terrible shock that he swiftly turned his weapon into its gun form and shot some rounds. Upon impact on me, I swiftly called upon the elements of ice, water and fire and formed a power shield that eventually blocked all Qrow's shots at me.

(A/N: Much like this one but with the combination of Summer, Fall and Winter. Found at  first clip above the second clip at 2:19 - 2:30.)

Qrow: (Inner thoughts) How is that possible?! He blocked all my shots with a combined elemental shield?! And wait, Fire?! How can he use fire when he's a Winter Maiden?! Well, not backing down too, anyway.

As Qrow said those words, he shot some rounds again, but this time, he had a plan. But unfortunate for him, I also have a plan and a trick under my sleeve in my subconcious mind.

Me: (inner thoughts) Think again, Qrow.

I began reflecting his shots with my open palms and grabbed the last bullet with my right palm. I turned my right palm with the projectile in hand into an ice blade and swung it until it is left hanging up in the air behind me. Upon that sudden halt of my right blade hand, a flurry of snow and tonnes amount of energy suddenly surged into my hand-like blade and an energy beam-like buzzsaw suddenly appear.

(A/N: Like Mega Slicer Cross, but with more blades and sharper. First clip again at 2:35 - 2:46.)

Me: Hey Qrow. CATCH!!!

I then swung my arm in a clockwise-manner and the energy buzzsaw I conjoured by using my ice and energy flies towards Qrow. Qrow took action and tried to counter my attack but he was overpowered by its power as the energy buzzsaw made him drop his weapon a few meters away from him. After Qrow was disarmed, I quickly turned into a flurry of snow and materialize in the air and was about to punch him with my Icy Pyrus Cross Dragonic punches.

When Qrow was about to balance himself, I landed in front of him and gave him a flurry of punches. After a while, I swayed my head back and a lightning bolt hit my horns. Just as my horns are fully charged, I swayed my head back to Qrow and the lightning projectile then launched itself from my horns to Qrow, causing ice shards and a gravitational force to hit him hard, due to sheer anger.

(A/N: Scene found at 2:52 - 3:00.)

Qrow: (struggling to get up) Y-you... you got a lot of strength there... kid! I must say... you--

Before he could even finish, six pillars of ice suddenly erupted around Qrow.

I clenched my left fist at them, and they started shaking violently. Qrow knew what was about to happen and tried evading the detonation, but he got knocked back, near his sword. He stood back up and looked over to me to see you removing the glove that was concealing my right hand. I placed my left hand on my right wrist and the runic circle appears before my right hand. I aimed it towards Qrow.

His eyes widened, making him stand bolt upright, and hold his sword before him in a defensive position, just in time to block a bright, cold Aura beam that came upon him. The force was enough to slowly drag him backwards. 

Me: This battle is FAR FROM OVER, QROW!! People say fire doesn't work well with water!! Well, let's test that theory!! But first.

A runic circle appears on my right, fully charged as I blasted my icy attack at Qrow whois at defensive position, dragging him backwards just a little. Then, I summoned the same runic circle on my right hand again, but this time, I summoned a fire-runic circle appears on my left hand, fully charged. My four pairs of wings started to engulf with flames and icy mist.

Me: The power of fire of SUMMER AND FALL IN my left! The power of ice of WINTER IN my right! -clasp my hands together- PUT THEM TOGETHER!!!! 'BLAZING-ICE CROSS DRAGONIC STORM'!!!! 

(A/N: Scene found at 5:25 - 5:30, however the attack name is different.)

I blasted my attack to Qrow who is at his defensive position, dragging him backwards even more due to the amount of force i put into my attack. Then, it finally stopped. Qrow looked up from his sword to see me, finally normal, breathing heavily, and suddenly collapse out of exhaustion after saying the word, "awesome".

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Glynda: SHADOW!!!

Apparently, Ozpin, Glynda, and Ironwood arrived just in time to see the whole thing, and they rushed towards you to help. Ruby was about to go in as well, but Claire and Tealle stooped her before she could.

Ruby: SHADOW!!!

Qrow rushed in towards Ozpin's group as well. 

Ironwood: What in the world just happened, Qrow?! And what are you even doing here?!

Qrow: You know fully well what he just did, Jimmy. I could be asking you the same thing.

Ozpin: Now is not the time to bicker over this matter. We have an out cold student on the courtyard grounds. And... popcorn.

Just then, they only noticed it just now that the whole crowd that was gathered in the courtyard started gaping at your unconscious body, as they whisper coherent words about what just happened.

Glynda: Break it up, everyone! We will take care of this mess. 

Glynda then turns towards your team, Ruby, and Weiss, who were still standing in shock their mouths agape, but they instantly snapped back to reality when Glynda called them.

Glynda: Kaito, Claws, Striker, Rose, Schnee, will you please bring Mr. Wrath to the infirmary?

My team nodded in determination, before Rachel took your right shoulder, and Tenka took your left shoulder, slinging them on the back of their neck, and left for the infirmary.

Ruby: Professor Goodwitch, do you have any idea how Shadow---

Glynda: I-I'm afraid I don't, Ms. Rose, and please don't bring this particular matter up again. Understood?

Ruby: I will, Professor, but---

Before she could even finish, glynda already left the courtyard, and she and her partner, Weiss, decided to just meet you at the infirmary.


Late at night, i woke up and began to scan around the area, and found myself in the school's infirmary, and that my team and Team RWBY were with me as well. When they found out i finally woke up....

All: SHADOW!!!

All seven voices exclaimed. A pang of pain shot through my aching head.

Me: Ow!

Ruby: Guys, guys! Don't shout like that!

Mitchell: But you shouted with us, not to mention you just did.

Ruby: Uuugh.

Rubbing my eyes, I slowly sat up in what felt like to be a bed.

Ruby: Hey Shadow, how are you feeling?

Me: Like my head was just hit by a boulder. But I'm fine now, I guess.

Weiss: Well, you did used up a ton of your aura when you made that beam, that buzzsaw, your wings and y---

Tenka: Your tail. And even your blocking capabilities are highly enhanced.

Me: Used up a ton of my aur--- Wait, what beam? What Buzzsaw and wha-?

Rachel: You don't remember? You were like, "Don't call me that!", at Ruby's uncle and before we know it, you turned..... different by tranformation sequence of your own.

Me: What? What do you mean? 

Tenka: Well for a start four glowing different coloured beings surrounded you, fused into you, then your skin paled, your hair turned white, and your eyes turned blue, then you grew wings, horns and a tail. Was that a part of your Semblance we didn't know of?

Me: I don't know. B-But... I don't understand... I mean, there's no way that would have happen when using a Semblance don't you think?

Mitchell: Uhm... It kind of did, when you did it...?

I planted your face on my palms as I sighed out in exhaustion.

Me: Is this getting anywhere at all.....

Weiss: Why don't you ask Professor Ozpin about it?

Ruby: But Professor Goodwitch told us not to--

Me: It's... not actually a bad idea, Weiss.

I removed my covers that was on my lap. I strapped my shoes back, and took my weapons from Tenka, who was holding it. 

Me: I'll meet you guys back at the dorm when I'm done.

I said this to my team as I left the infirmary and walked my way towards the Beacon Tower. After a couple of minutes or so, I have finally arrived at the lobby of the tower and called for an elevator. I turned to gaze at your right hand as i thought about what i did back in the past until now.

Me: (In head) A beam....? Last time I did that was when i fought Graphite, before I met Rachel, Tenka and Mitchell. I wonder if this has got to do with what the fortune teller told me... hmm...

My thoughts are then interrupted as I heard the ding of the elevator as it hit the ground floor. As the doors opened, I stepped inside and rode it up with to the top of the tower. With a ding, the doors swung open, only find it suspiciously empty.

Me: Hello? Professor Ozpin? A-Are you in here? Anyone? No one? O..kay....

I slowly made my way towards Ozpin's desk and sat at his chair. As I was trying to figure out what the fortune teller said to me before, I unknowingly found myself tapping my fingers on the clockwork desk. Unfortunately, one of my fingers touched a clockwork configuration, resulting in opening a part on top of the desk, revealing a couple of paperwork, but what really caught my eye was the picture on top of it. I peered closer, and recognized my father, and Ozpin during their younger days, along with a woman that holds a mysterious resemblance to me. She was standing between the two, carrying a small bundle in her arms.

Me: That is my father, Apollonir. Then that means---

There was sudden ding in the elevator, making me close the porter on the desk, and quickly turn into your my Perfect Puzzle Gamer and turned invisible and hide myself in the corner of the office.

(Upbeat techno, hip-hop music)



(A/N: Perfect Puzzle Gamer Level 50.)


The doors opened, revealing General Ironwood and Winter stepping inside, much to my confusion. They both approached the desk with Ironwood waiting with his arms crossed while Winter is impatiently pacing about. Suddenly, I saw a smirking Qrow, accompanied by Goodwitch and Ozpin, arrive in the elevator.

Winter: What were you thinking!?

Ironwood: If you were one of my men, I would have you shot!

Qrow pulls out a flask as the three enter the room.

Qrow: If I was one of your men, I'd shoot myself.

Glynda: While I wouldn't condone his behavior, retaliating like you did certainly didn't help the situation.

Winter: He was drunk!

Glynda: He's always drunk! 

The four turn to Qrow to see him drinking from a flask. His eyes widen when he notices them staring, and he holds the flask out to the side, looking at it awkwardly before grimacing. Ozpin stares at Qrow in shock, then sighs and sits down.

Ozpin: Qrow, why are you here?

Ironwood: You've been out of contact for weeks! You can't just go dark like that in the field!

Qrow: I'm not one of your special operatives, Jimmy!

Winter: General.

Qrow: Whatever. You sent me and Apollonir to get intel on our enemy, and I'm here telling you, our enemy is here.

Ironwood: We know.

Qrow: Oh! Oh, you know! Well, thank goodness we're out there risking our life to keep you all informed!

Ironwood: Qrow-

Qrow: Communication's a two-way street, pal. You see this? 

He pulls out his Scroll and points to it

Qrow: See this? That's the SEND button.

Winter: They had reason to assume you'd been compromised.

Qrow: And I have reason to assume you don't need to be here.

He then points to Winter.

Qrow: Seriously, who invited her?

There was a moment of silence among them, before Ironwood started speaking.

Ironwood:  Schnee, we'll discuss this incident back at my ship.

Winter looks surprised at the General's words, and turns to him.

Winter: But sir!

Ironwood: Winter. Leave.

Winter: Yes sir. 

She salutes and turns on her heel and gives the winking Qrow a dirty look as she exits via the elevator.

Ironwood: Go on.

Qrow: Your little infiltrator isn't just another pawn. They're the one responsible for Autumn's condition, even Apollonir thought so.

He takes a drink from his flask once more. I was listening to them conveniently as I added a comment of my own opinion in your head.

Me: (Inner thoughts) That would probably mean she brought pawns with her.

Glynda: What?

Qrow: Despite what the world thinks, we're not just teachers, or generals, or headmasters. The people in this room, the leaders of the other two academies, we're the ones that keep the world safe from the evils no one even knows about!

Me: (Inner thoughts) Keeping the world safe from what evil? Is that got something to do with the organisation called, 'S.A.L.E.M'?

He then started getting up in Ironwood's face.

Qrow: It's why we meet behind closed doors, why we work in the shadows. So you tell me, James, when you brought your army to Vale, did you think you were being discreet, or did you just not give a damn!?

He stares down at Qrow as he places his Scroll on Ozpin's desk.

Ironwood: Discreet wasn't working.

The center of the room projects a hologram of Vale, Beacon Academy, the Amity Colosseum and Ironwood's fleet of Atlesian Airships, which he gestures to.

Ironwood: I'm here because this is what was necessary.

Qrow: You're here because Ozpin wanted you here! He made you a part of this inner circle and opened your eyes to the real fight that's in front of us!

Ironwood: And I am grateful.

Qrow: Oh, well, you've got a real funny way of showing it.

Ironwood: The people of Vale needed someone to protect them; someone who would act. When they look to the sky and see my fleet, they feel safe, and our enemies will feel our strength.

Suddenly, Qrow starts laughing in a mocking way.

Qrow:  You... You think they're scared of your little ships? Apollonir and I've been out there and I've seen the things she's made, and let me tell you - they are fear.

Ozpin: And fear will bring the Grimm. A guardian is a symbol of comfort. But an army is a symbol of conflict. There's an energy in the air now, a question in the back of everyone's minds...

He then gestures to the display

Ozpin: "If this is the size of our defenses, then what is it we're expecting to fight?"

Ironwood glares at them before sighing and walking forward, picking up his Scroll just as it flashes with the image of a Black Queen.

Ironwood: So then, what would you suggest we do?

Ozpin: I suggest we find our guardian. 

Qrow: Then mission complete.....

Glynda: Excuse me?

They all turned to Qrow with questioning looks but he paid no mind to it. I was confused as well.

Qrow: We all saw what Shadow did back at there, Oz. And we all know that that beam he made is only something Isoldê could do! And that fire defense and attack ability, he used a fire ability! And we all also know that those are only something that Amber and the Summer Maidens could only do!

Ozpin: Qrow--

Qrow: Have you even seen the mark when he conjured that beam?

Ozpin: I--

Qrow: Or the fact that he wears Isoldê's necklace around his neck? I wasn't blind, Oz. He's been covering it up under his clothes, but I caught a glimpse of it right before his powers activated.

At that moment everyone became silent and seemingly shocked, but I was thoroughly confused as to who this "Isoldê" is. Until...

Me: (Inner thoughts) Wait... those pawns are going after people?! They got Amber?! The Fall Maide- My gosh, that's it!! The last piece of the puzzle!


Fortune teller: You must meet up with the three remaining legendary warriors, so as they can give you 10% of their power, for you alone can perfect their powers to its full 100%! Once you have them and perfect them all, do know that what you are about to defeat is also the one who is about to kill you in the mere future!!

Me: May i know who will kill me if they catch me. Where are these dark forces from? Or... who is leading them?

Fortune teller: (writing something on a piece of paper and passes it to me) S.A.L.E.M.


Me: (Inner thoughts) Now it makes a lot of sense. These three legendary warriors are the three maidens, including Amber. And our mysterious Isoldê that this "Dusty ol' Crow" mentioned, that makes... oh my goodness that's four.

So, Winter... they said fall... that means all the four kingdoms are trying to protect the four season maidens from the dark forces of, S.A.L.E.M. Man, why didn't i see this before? Why are they keeping this from others who deserves to know the truth!

Although, i really have no idea whether S.A.L.E.M is a person, a creature, a bugster... or a gigantic computer machine which craves for the maidens' powers...

Welp, that ice power i got, is from my mom, from birth. What Qrow said... this Summer Maiden, got it from that "death chamber" at the basement of the hospital. And there's my friend, Amber, Fall... got it when she telepathically told me to go to some vault way below beacon tower. So, it's three down... one to go....

Qrow: You didn't tell him about his actual status is, didn't you Oz?

Ozpin only sat in his chair, and remained silent, deciphering his actions, Qrow could only know the answer to it. He turns his head away in shame as he runs his hand through his hair in aggravation.

Qrow: Looks like we have to force the cat out of the bag, Oz. We might as well have told him the truth since the beginning.

Glynda: Qrow, please!! You know Apollonir didn't want that to happen, we all know it could only confuse the boy.

Qrow: Then why not tell him about it right now?

Ironwood: That action is stupid, and reckless. There's no way he would even believe it.

Qrow: Seriously?! How hard could it be? It's just a few simple words: "Hey kid, hate to brake it to you but you're actually the son of the Winter Maiden and you are actually EVEN chosen to obtain a--!"

Ozpin: QROW!!!


Ozpin's face was literally flaring up in anger, but that anger soon turned into a shocked and panicked one, so did Glynda and Ironwood, as he saw something or rather someone behind Qrow, interrupting their conversation. He slowly turned to his back to reveal that that someone turned out to be me, interrupting their conversation. I returned to my normal form after I silenced them.

Me: Look, i know this is very overwhelming for everyone but, I kind of figured out what is going on here after overhearing what you all said. Apologies for the intrusion. But right now, i still need some answers unto what are we doing, arguing, when we are suppose to be out there, doing what we are suppose to do right now! And what I want to know is that, why the HELL are we keeping this, TOP SECRET!?!?!?!

To be continued.....

And that's all, folks! The third episode of the Third Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. WHOA, Cliffhanger there, even though he knows it already due to the Fortune Teller's fortune telling. Son of a Winter Maiden and wielder of all of the Maidens?! That's gotta be something. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And,if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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