Volume 3: New Challengers...

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Hey everyone! It's me, ONCE AGAIN, Shadow 264 and WELCOME to the second episode of the THIRD VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

*hits gong real hard*


Me: (Inner thoughts) Well, this place certainly brings back memories.

I thought to yourself as we surveyed the snow-covered forest in all its wintry, cold glory. Smirking at the advantage I have. Ruby seemed to know what I am currently thinking as I gazed at the forest and its surroundings. She didn't know it, but she was already smiling. Seemingly happy to have met me on such scenery and moment. 

Tenka: I'm Tenka Kaito. All the best on the first round.

???: (giggling) I'm Emily, Emily Hayes. Good luck to you. May the best Team win!

Tenka: (Inner thoughts) hmmm... from the looks of her style and combat with her six similar weapons, I can tell.... that she can Manipulate Physics. That's not good.

Me: Tenka, What is it?

Tenka: (whispers to me) Be wary of Emily. Her semblance is manipulating physics. Proof to be told, she has a graviton cannon behind her.

Me: (whispers back) whoa... Manipulating physics? Sheesh, are ranged weapon useless against her then?

Tenka: You could say that.

Rachell: Mitch, you okay?

We all turned towards Mitchell to see him hiding his whole self away from the opposing team out of embarrassment behind Rachel, with Rachel trying to reassure him.

Mitchell: Please..... Just condemn me to death already....

Rachel: Oh, lighten up, Mitch! We get to fight your brother, and kick his butt, don't you want that?

Mitchell: Of course I do! It's just that--- 

Port: 3...

Me: (raising Parablade while turning it into its gun mode as I readied a Dual Gashat) Come on, you guys! Focus here....

Port: 2...

Mitchell: ---I don't want---

Port: 1...

Mitchell: ---to see her doing--- 

Port: BEGIN!

Me: DUAL UP!!!! (Turns the nob on Gashat-Dual Alpha.)





(A/N: Knockout Fighter Level 50.)

With that and out of nowhere, Jon seemingly dashed forward with his weapon. I quickly advanced and we both clashed our weapons, causing us to get knocked back due to Jon's strength and my strength.

Mitchell: That.....

Rachel: Oh..... so, what ju---?

Mitchell: Basically, both me and my bro... well, Shadow as well are evenly matched. So, yes... this happens and 50/50 chance, one quarter of their auras will be drained due to THAT!!!

Tenka: Cap, you alright!?

You: Still up and surviving!

Emily: You okay, Jon?

Jon: Still alright.

Me: Right. Now, let's go!! Tenka, you take Lazarus! Rachel, you take Emily! Mitchell, you take blondie!!

Tenka: HAI.

Mitchell: Got it.

Rachel: Great plan, Cap.

All four members of STRM charge forward, and all the four fighters from JEWL does the same; The boy with the white hair and golden blue highlights, advances shield first towards Tenka, and Tenka advanced towards Lazarus head first while holding onto his dual weapons. Me and Jon clashed blades and arm talons many times that some of our attacks combined and strikes all over the place. Rachel and Emily clash their weapons while dodging their attacks. Mitchell and the blonde-haired girl stood there for a moment.

Mitchell: Mitchell Striker is my name.

Blonde-haired girl: Nice to meet you. Wendolyn Perera, is my name. Let's brawl!!

Wendolyn goes in defensive position with her greatsword.

Mitchell: Sure.

Mitchell does the same with his Multi-weapon guantlets.

And with that, Wendolyn and Mitchell clashed blades with each other. Meanwhile, Jon and I were having it out. He lunges for you with his Silver Wings preparing to slice me up, but I predicted his movement and instantly turned into your snow form, then reverted back to my normal form behind him. Jon was amazed when he saw what I did.

Jon: Whoa! I know you can manipulate Ice, but I never thought we could actually do that!

Me: Heheh! We?

Jon: Oh, my semblance is Ice Manipulation too.

Me: Good to know. Let's see how well you could do with that Ice of yours then, Jon. Now, shall we begin?

Jon: I'm one step ahead of you.

He said this a he gave you a mischievous smirk. I looked at him in confusion, before I tried moving, but you noticed your feet was suddenly encased in ice. You suddenly felt a heavy punch to the face, then saw Jon with his hands encased in large fists made of ice.

Jon: Do me a favor, and Stay still!

He gave me two more punches to the sides of my face, before jumping up in the air, giving me a finishing downward blow with his ice fists, creating a shockwave that sent me flying back, my Aura going down to 62%, based on the Aura board.

Me: That was..... disorienting.

I sat back up, and stood up just in time to catch the large fists that were coming at me with my bare hands, cracking the arena floor below my feet.

Me: Not bad... But can you do.... this?

My hands glowed eerily, before Jon's ice fists started dissipating, the power flowing out of his hands then into mine, encasing my hands in ice this time.

Jon: How--

Me: Oh, I'm learning so much... In a really fast pace!

Turning the tables, I began assaulting him with myKnockout Fighter guantlets encased with ice fists while my aura color is now red like fire (Knockout Fighter) , with Jon barely blocking them with his silver wings for cover. My fists broke at the last attack, but I slammed my fist together creating another batch of ice fists. However, just as I was about to give Jon a flurry of punches, I then think that something wasn't right.

Me: (Inner thoughts) (looks up on the screen) Our Aura level seems to be quite okay. Team JEWL's as well. Hmmm... something tells me that JEWL is planning on something.

I stopped fighting as I broke my ice fists onto the ground. Then, I faced Jon is a smirkish look.

Me: What are you planning, Jon.

Jon: (tilts head on my left) Huh?

Me: Come clean, man. I know you're up to something.

Jon: Really? Well, I'm not planning anything yet, Shadow.

Me: Funny. Because my other Semblance called the Inigma of Combination is now pulsing.

After saying my statement, Jon chuckled a bit.

Jon: You read my mind, my friend. JEWL!!! FORM ON ME!!!!

And with that, the three members of JEWL ran towards Jon. When all of the members of JEWL gathered, they clashed their weapons, creating a bright light, blinding me and my team. Once the bright light faded and our visions are clear, my eyes widened when I noticed that Team JEWL combined as well.

(A/N: Jon's combiner is like Galvatronus but only difference is the colour scheme, sharper in termsof weapons and armour, and its got wings. Wendolyn will be the left arm, Emily will be the right, Lazarus will be the lower torso and legs and Jon willbe the whole body and head, like Shadow's.)

Rachel: Cap, did--

Me: Yes.

Mitchell: Okay... I didn't know he has that too...

Tenka: Well, now you know. Doctor? Any ideas?!

Me: Yeah. TEAM!! ACTIVATE PROTOCOL 003!! MMS Combination!!!

Meanwhile back at the seats with Team RWBY, Ruby looks confused at my statement but the rest of her team looks giddy and excited.

Ruby: MMS? What's that?

Yang: Their trump card.

???: Muteki Maximum STRM.

Weiss: Muteki Maximum STRM??

???: Yep. (Looks at Team RWBY)

Ruby: oh..... So, here for the tournament too?

???: Yep. Aether Wrath of Team AETR. Shadow's elder sister.

Blake: Wait, Shadow has a sister?

Aether: Yep. That's me. (Giggling)

Ruby: Wooow....

When my team heard this, they became more alert and started nearing at each other. I activated two of my gashats on my Game-Driver and we four shine bright like JEWL's combination sequence. Once it cleared, we are now in our STRM combination.

Now, it is between me in my STRM Combination and Jon's JEWL Combination.

Oobleck: And it looks like Teams STRM and JEWL has activated their trump cards.

Port: It appears that Teams JEWL and STRM are in play today, Barty.

Oobleck: It appears indeed Port. Team STRM are well-known in Beacon Academy for their tremendous teamwork and trustworthiness amongst each other. Though they may be known for their combinational Defenses and attacks, this particular fight will be the first for all of you audience to experience.

Me: Rach! Dragon's Judgement!!

Jon: Lazarus! Spear of Judgement!!

As we both grabbed our specific weapons, we advanced towards each other as we clashed our weapons with each other, causing a shockwave to occur while the grounds of the Colesium shook violently.

Once the shockwave subsided, we both slashed our weapon many times as we both attempt to find our weakspots, but to no avail due to the fact that we've been blocking and dodging our own strikes every single time during our flurry of attacks.

Upon the next clash, Jon decides that he should take this to another approach. So, during the clash, he brought out a shield summoned by Lazarus and attempts to hit my face with it but I saw it coming as I conjoured the same sword that Rachel has and both shield and sword clashed with each other, causing a blue dragon made out of blue flames to emerge out of the conjoured sword, allowing Jon to let go of his shield, disarming him.

Port: Ooh! It looks like STRM is having a little trick in their sleeves.

You: Rachel, is that you?

Rachel: I guess so... but whatever it is, it's working.

Tenka: But how did you do that?!

Rachel: I don't know!!

Me: Hmmm... (thinks of an idea) That's it! Rach! Think if you can do that again, Mitchell, Tenka! Let's win this!


With a plan, I got Dragon's Judgement and my Silver-Wing Shield ready as I advanced. For Jon and the others advanced as well with only his spear in hand.

Me: MITCH! RACH! CROSS SLASH WITH D. JUDGE. (Dragon's Judgement) AND S.W SHIELD (Silver Wing Shield)!!!

Rachel and Mitchell controlling the arms, did a cross-sign with our weapons, readying to strike. Emily and Wendolyn controlling the arms of their own combiner, did a thrust motion readying to spear me and our Team's combiner, but to no avail when their spear clashed with our shield after doing a cross slash with our sword and shield, causing the same dragon to appear but this time, four of them to strike Jon's combiner's hand, much to Wendolyn's shock.

Port: And it looks like both Teams' aura are down to a quarter left.

Oobleck: And this fight is now down to which team shall be the victor is it STRM, or JEWL.

Wendolyn: OOWW!!! That's my wrist!!

Aether: (at the audience) (Inner Thoughts) Cross-Z Dragons's sttack?! From a girl?! How?!?!

Lazarus: Don't worry Wendolyn, you'll be fine.

Jon: Wendy, focus! We gotta win this!

Emily: Jon, fore?

Jon: ... yeah,... WENDOLYN, EMILY, FORE!!!!

Jon then controls the combiner as he grabs the spear and charges towards me. I did the same but only with my sword at hand. And with our last strength, Jon, Emily, Wendolyn and Lazarus used every bit of their semblance and aura on their combiner's arms and swung the spear like a baseball bat at me, but to no avail as I noticed their movements, and ordered Tenka to jump over their attack, in which it barely hit us about an inch and told Mitchell to do a final attack which he took it too literal.



Mitchell who is the right arm, controls it as he took Dragon's Judgement. While being in mid-air, he forcefully swung the blade at Jon, JEWL Form in which they soar straight out of the arena's rim after separating into four individuals, and a buzzer was heard from the arena.

Port: And with that, it appears Team STRM wins by knockout, literally! Uh.....Can someone go make sure they're okay? 

After a while, medics started helping up both injured and knocked out members from Jon's team. Me and Mitchell were accompanying he rest of my team as we all made our way into a medic bay to check on our injuries amd our opposing Team. While we were walking with them, Emily, half unconscious, tried calling my attention, which I did.

Emily: Hey.... S-Shadow..... Right? I just... want to thank you..... You know, for looking after.... my Team Leader's Brother here in Beacon. He told us about him.... he's a true huntsman. 

Me: You don't have to thank me. We always lookout for each other. You could almost say that we're all practically brothers and sisters on the team. And, it doesn't matter who's best and who's not. All it matters that we represent our Academies, as true Huntsmen and Huntresses.

Emily nodded in an understanding manner before she started speaking again.

Emily: You know... You look a lot like my boyfriend back in Mistral....

Out of nowhere, Mitchell suddenly choked in his spit, before awkwardly distancing himself away from me and Emily. I on the other hand was quite surprised, but nonetheless held my ground.

Me: I look like-- who now?

Emily: My boyfriend, Donnie. He looks a lot like you and talks like you.

Me: I see. Well, send him my regards when you meet him. You guys really did pretty well back there. And tell Mitch's bro, Jon his Semblance weren't half bad. His was actually cool too. I even learned a trick from him.

I demonstrated this by coating my hand in a large ice fist as my aura turned red fire (Knockout Fighter)

Me: Although, he's gonna need slight improvements. His Semblance is full of holes, but it could be sewn back with proper experience.

Emily nodded weakly at my words.

Me: I should check up on my team. It was really nice meeting you guys. It was also fun to have our team fights with you..  

Me and Mitchell waved at her, with Emily holding up a thumb before losing conscious as she and her team were being carried away. Me and Mitchell watched as they were being carried towards their own med room until they disappeared as they turned to a corner.

Me: Come on, Mitch. Let's check up on Rachel and Tenka, as after all, they got hit badly too, like us. And by the way, you did pretty well for a first on Fore!

I said this as I patted him on the head, much to his chagrin as he slapped my hand away and pouted, while I only laughed along the way.

Mitchell: Very funny.... but still, thanks.

Me: Yeah.

I then looked up to where Ruby was sitting as I also noticed someone else with her. My eyes widened as I knew that girl from somewhere.

Me: Aether,... my sister.

Meanwhile, at the appropriately-named Crow Bar, a gray-haired figure in a tattered red cloak is sitting at the counter with a collection of empty glasses to his side. He takes a swig from another drink as he looks up at the screen above, displaying an image of the victors with the caption "Team STRM Defeats Team JEWL!"

Bartender: Huh, those kids weren't half bad!

???: Looks like that Popsicle have improved, no doubt that Isoldé's blood runs through his veins. You raised him well, Apollonir.

He murmurs this to himself as he raises the beverage back to his lips.


3rd Person's POV:

Rachel: You know, Mitch. Your brother ain't half-bad at all! Why don't we visit Mistral sometime and meet him again?

After two hours or so, my whole team had fully recovered from the fight, but I missed one the fights which was Jaune's Team against some team from Vacuo, and you're bout to miss another. Along the way, me and my team had been conversing about Mitchell's brother's team, much to his dismay. We all entered the tunnels that would lead towards the seats of the coliseum. 

Shadow: Now where are Ruby and the others. Care to help out a little, Mitch?

Mitchell: Sure thing, Cap! Hmmm... Front seat, directly 3 levels below us.

Taking in his words, I looked down at the seats to see Team RWBY alright, with Ruby leaning back in her seat and sighing for a reason. I smiled and turned to Mitchell to give him a pat on the head.

Shadow: Much appreciated, Mitch.

Mitchell grumbled under his breath as he slapped my hand off, earning himself a chuckled from him.

A few minutes later,

Shadow and his team then descended the stairs.

Ruby: Aw, that was so close!

Shadow: What was so clo--- 

Rachel: Crab nuggets, we missed it already?!

Yang: Well, yeah... 

Tenka: Looks like those dorks made it to the next round, huh?

Mitchell: I-I wouldn't s-say dorks, but......

Mitchell looks down in the arena where Sun and Neptune are dancing like fools before the fellow Faunus gives her a special double-gun gesture, eliciting a blush from his target, much to Rachel's disagreement as she sends a glare at the monkey-faunus, making Mitchell sweatdrop in embarrassment and Sun to slightly panic.

Mitchell: This is much worse than having a team fight with my brother, much less meeting him again.....

Oobleck: (over the sound system) That concludes the matches for today. Please leave the Coliseum IN A CALM AND ORDERLY FASHION!

Me and the rest of your team, along with Team RWBY, flinch from the unexpected volume change, especially Mitchell and, for some reason, Rachell as well.

Mitchell: Owie....

Rachel: Curse me and my sensitive hearing!

Yang: Come on, let's go congratulate 'em.

The four girls get up from their seats and start to head out with your and your team following behind. A ribbon-adorned craft passes over the Colosseum, causing Weiss and Tenka to stop in their tracks, causing Ruby to bounce into the former.

Weiss' POV:

Ruby: Uh, what are you guys viewing?

I looked up at the craft with a strange expression, my voice strain in delight. 

Me: She's here!

The heiress' face displays a mix of joy and anxiety.

Tenka: Well, if it makes you more happy, you girls may check it out.

To be continued....

And that's all, folks! The second episode of the Third Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And,if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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