Volume 3: Round One

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Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME to the first episode of the THIRD VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose where everything will begin, ONCE AGAIN! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

*hits gong real hard*

3rd person's POV:

Over the view of the golden sun in an orange sky over the tall grass and autumn trees, in front of Summer's Gravestone is a young girl with a cloak billowing petals in the breeze. Hands clasped and hood up, Ruby Rose stands over the white stone memorial. She begins lowering her hood, smiling sadly downward.

Ruby: Hey, mom. Sorry I haven't come by in a while. Things have been... well, things have been, pretty busy. Oh, Dad's here, too! He's, uh, you know... Dad. He's still teaching at Signal. But he told me that he's going to be on some mission soon. I think he misses adventuring with you.... I miss you too. Haven't gotten kicked out of Beacon yet! So that's cool. I think being on a team with Yang helps. Keep her in line... That was a joke. She's actually a really great fighter! You can tell she's learned a lot from Dad! Oh, so are Weiss and Blake. Oh! They're my teammates! Together, we form Team RWBY! And yes, before you ask, that does cause a lot of confusion. But hey, I made a bunch of new friends! There is this other team at Beacon, named Team STRM, and they're really cool. Like literally, since their leader has a Semblance in controlling ice and gaming abilities. His name is Shadow, by the way. He's a doctor-in-training.

Despite being together for the last two semesters, calling Shadow as her boyfriend still made her blush a little bit.

Ruby: He's really handsome, caring, and kind, but he's very unpredictable sometimes, I don't know why though. He's really great at fighting too! He and his partner, Tenka, helps out the team a lot and keeps us from 'causing trouble' as he would say. Yeah! Tenka is his partner, Tenka Kaito! You know.... my idol? Yeah, they really make a great team. Ooh! Tenka is Blake's boyfriend too! They really make a great couple. Although: I would've preferred Tenka and Weiss together, but meh...

She adapts a sad expression for a moment, before her face finally brightens up again.

Ruby: Rachel and Mitchell are also with Shadow's team, by the way. Rachel is a lot like Yang, but she's more..... let's just say more clever than her. Her partner, Mitchell, is a silver-winged faunus. Yeah... Rachel says that he always drives him crazy since he is always energetic. *Giggles* It's actually quite weird that Shadow's team is called "STRM", ya know, as the three letters STR sounds very familiar... Anyways, I also met some... let's just say, uh, odd teachers. Oh! We've also stopped some bad guys, too! I guess it's like they say: "like mother, like daughter"! I still wonder why Ozpin let me into the school early. But uh, I guess he'll tell me one day. But, you know how Ozpin is. It's funny, the more I get to know him, the more he's starting to sound like Uncle Qrow.

A bark alerts her to the ever-adorable Zwei and the sight of her father, Taiyang Xiao Long, in the trees behind her.

Ruby: Oh! Looks like Dad's back! I gotta go! He's dropping me off at Beacon for the tournament match before he goes on his next mission. Wish me luck!

She puts the hood back on and starts to walk away, but turns and delivers one final message to her mother.

Ruby: It was good to talk.

With that said, Ruby jogs back to her family as a group of crows fly into the sun to make a very familiar sight.

Taiyang: So, when were you gonna tell me you had a boyfriend?

Ruby's eyes widened at the mention as her face turned crimson red as her cloak, turning away from her father's questioning look. Of all the things he could ask, this was actually the one thing Ruby had hoped she didn't want to have to talk about, especially with her dad.

Ruby: I was gonna tell you! Eventually.....

Taiyang just simply sighed out loudly at her daughter's action of her embarrassingly tapping her forefingers together before continuing,

Taiyang: Based on what I heard, sounded like he's really important to you, huh?

Ruby: Yeah...

Without even knowing it, she began daydreaming before she finally snapped back to reality, her face redder than ever. She tried to hide her blushing from her dad by using the hood of her cloak, much to her father's amusement as he chuckled.

Taiyang: Well, I'm glad my baby girl is growing up a least a bit. So, are they joining up for the tournament?

Ruby: Uh-huh.

Taiyang: I didn't get his name, by the way.

Ruby: His name is Shadow, Shadow Wrath

Taiyang nearly coughed in shock when he heard your last name. A last name that he was all too familiar with. Ruby gazed at his father in confusion as he placed a his thumb and forefinger in his chin in deep thought.

Taiyang: (Inner Thoughts) So, she's dating Isoldé's son?

Ruby: Uh, dad? Are you okay?

Taiyang: Huh? Oh, yes. Everything's fine. Shall we go?



I am now at one of Beacon's landing platform, waiting for someone. Needless to say, it is a special someone that I know in the family and I've been waiting since this morning and it's already three in the afternoon, and the tournament is about to start.

Me: I sure hope she's right. She said she would be here in the afternoon as I have been waiting here for hours!

Just before I could worry over a special someone, I saw a glint high above in the distance before I heard the sound of whirring engine. The figure got closer and closer, and bigger and bigger as well. Before I know it, a dropship swooped in as a familiar hawk-like figure jumped out of the aircraft, transforming into human form as she lands in front of me with a crouch, much to my surprise. Her icy-hair flowing with the wind as the craft finally felt the landing platform. It was no mistake that this girl is the one I was waiting for. She finally stood up from her crouch position and raised her head with a wide smile.

???: Hey, Shadow-kun!

Me: Aether-san!!

We both hugged each other, or should I say, she tackle me down to the ground in excitement and we hugged it out. When they were done, we hoisted ourselves back up on our feet, and Aether patted me in the side of my shoulder.

Me: Good to see you again, my sister, Aether Wrath. Welcome back.

Aether: Thank you. And it is good to see you again, my brother, Shadow Wrath.

We then both nodded at all our welcome and smiles.

Me: It's good to see you again... after so long. How's Haven?

Aether: Oh, it was so good. It's like heaven there. How's Beacon

Me: That's great! So, Beacon was aw-- hey, did you just made rhyming words??? Haven and Heaven???

Aether: Huh! It appears as though I did.


3rd Person's POV:

A falling petal shifts the view of the camera away from the sky and over the grassy mountains, where a stadium of epic proportions is seen. Crowds are cheering in the stands, visitors from all over the world. In the field of volcanic earth and icy glaciers below, Ruby fires and swings her Crescent Rose at an off-screen target as Blake exchanges blows with Reese , the blades of her weapons colliding with the hoverboard of her opponent until she flips away, readies herself, and charges in again. Behind her, Weiss waves her rapier as the sound of her mystical power is heard, and finally Yang dodges the explosive force of Arslan's fist before returning fire with her own gauntlets.

High above the action, two familiar teachers are sitting at a sportscaster's desk, with a microphone between them and the holographic image of the four kingdoms' symbols united as one.

Port: Hello! It seems that we have another astonishing bout ahead of us! Wouldn't you agree, Professor?

Oobleck looked annoyed for a second, before he brightens up excitedly again.

Oobleck: Doctor. And yes Peter, I think it's safe to say this match may be the closest we've seen of the four-on-four round of the tournament!

Port: For those of you just now joining us, welcome to the Vytal Festival Tournament, broadcast live from the Amity Colosseum!

He waves his arm to gesture at the entire event from his place on the gigantic screen over the crowds. Shuttle crafts transport people to and from the various floors while the entire structure hovers around the airspace of Beacon Academy. Explosions are seen throughout the battlefield.

Port: If this is your first time watching, allow us to break down the rules.

Oobleck: The tournament is divided into three distinctive rounds; teams, doubles, and singles. Age and school year are irrelevant! In this tournament, your only attribute being tested... is skill.

Port: Correct! The winners of this battle will elect two of their members to represent them in the doubles round, followed by the winners of that round choosing one member to advance once again. The remaining combatants will then fight their way through the final bracket in the hope of achieving victory for their kingdom!

Oobleck: And yes, Peter, these certainly are some spectacular spectacles on which to spectate on! I don't think anyone tuning in around the world is going to disagree with me on that!

Port: Uhh, and why would they? Now, let's get back to the match between Team RWBY of Beacon, and Team ABRN, of Haven.

Shadow and his team were sitting first row in the coliseum as I watched the fight with unfolded interest, and giving my own cheers of encouragement to the girls with his team.

Rachel: Good luck you guys!

Shadow: Yeah! Go Team RWBY!

Tenka: Make Beacon proud, girls!

Mitchell: Break their legs!

Shadow and the others looked at him weirdly with a deadpanned face, but Mitchell paid no mind as he was enthralled with the fight.

Mitchell: ... What?

Shadow: Did Nora brainwashed him, Rach?!

Rachel: What?! O-Of course not, Cap!

Aether: WOOOOOO!!!! GO RWBY!!!! WOO!!!!

When my teammates heard this, they turned their attention to Aether with puzzled looks.

Rachel: (looks at me) Cap.

Shadow: (looks at Rachel) mmmhmm???

Rachel: Who is she???

Shadow: Aether Wrath, my sister.

Tenka: Oh, okay.... !!!!!

Mitchell: !!!!!

Rachel: !!!!!

Tenka, Rachel & Mitchell: WHAT?!?!?! YOUR SISTER?!?!?!

Shadow: Yes. Hey sis, these are my teammates. Tenka Kaito, Rachel Claws amd Mitchell Striker.

Aether: Hey, guys!

T/R/M: Hey, Aether.

Tenka: I am honored to meet you, Aether. (Offers handshake)

Aether: The honor is all mine. (Accepts the handshake)

The announcements cut back to the action, as Reese steers her board through the ice. She twirls herself until the board gets launched at Blake, but she's able to knock it away, only for Reese to direct it back at her opponent. Blake blocks it again, but the board rotates back to its wielder just in time to defend Reese as Blake delivers several slashes and kicks. Reese deflects each attack and spins her weapon around until she can flips way and ride it again, rushing towards a smirking Blake. She collides with the frozen shadow clone, and Blake uses his opportunity to slice the board in two, only for the halves to become dual katars that in turn fold up into bayonet-bladed revolvers. Reese manages to fire off a few green rounds before her tailbone collides painfully on the cold ground. Blake winces with sympathy. Tenka cringes at the sight, ad "ooh's".

Rachel: Yikes....

Mitchell: Ouch...

Shadow: That's gotta hurt a lot...

Tenka: Can you be more obvious than that? But uet again, I agree with you.

Meanwhile, Yang lands mere feet away from Arslan, who backs away before being pounded by a flurry of punches and kicks until she delivers her own hits, ending with the two smashing fists and creating a shockwave of force from the impact.

Tenka: Hmmm.... They've really improved. Did I really miss that much when I was dealing with some upgrades on my armour?

Shadow: Pretty much, yeah. Looks like they've learned a lot from the last mission we took.

He unconsciously say this, much to Tenka's discomfort as he nervously rubs a part of the fabric of his coat where his used-to-be-wounded abdomen is. Rachel saw this and she gave him a painful elbow in the ribs.

Shadow: Ow! What was that for?!

Rachel: Oh, did I hit you? Sorry, just got a little surprised from the fight.

He only rolled his eyes before turning back to the fight, not noticing Rachel give Tenka a thumbs up, much to his amusement as he shakes his head.

Yang and Arslan are both thrown back, but Yang reaches her and tries delivering more blows before Arslan uses her rope dart to tangle up her blonde adversary and land a kick of her own to send Yang skidding on the ground. While Yang tries to get her balance back on the slippery surface, Arslan rushes forward and knocks her back even further.

Nearby, Nadir tries aiming with his assault rifle at Yang before a sudden burst of frosty blue explodes behind him and leaves the whimpering gunner in a block of ice up to his thighs.

Ruby: Got your back!

Bolin: But who's got yours?

Ruby looks up behind her as Bolin twirls his staff, right when a black snowflake glyph appears to his left and Weiss kicks him through it into a rock.

Ruby: My BFF!

Weiss: (deadpan) No. (runs off)

Ruby: (pumps her fist, whispering to herself) Yes.

Meanwhile, Shadow and the others just watched with a straight face when he heard and saw Ruby's proclamation of Weiss being her BFF.

Rachel: If there's a one-sided love, there's a one-sided friendship. What more is there to learn?!

Tenka: I don't think there is such a thing called, 'one-sided' friendship, Rach.

Bolin crouches with his weapon as he sees a white glyph appear in front of him. A second later, Weiss dashes by and slashes at him, then leaps up and attempts an aerial attack, which he's able to block. She readies her sword while preparing a glyph behind her, and Ruby uses it to launch herself straight up and come down spinning on Bolin, who manages to block the curved blade. Ruby grimaces and blasts herself away to Weiss' side, and Bolin rushes at them, rolling away from the shards of ice that rain on him and jumping over Ruby's swing as he continues running.

Ruby: Whaaat!?

Bolin manages to reach an orange crystal deposit and slice off a shard, which he throws to Reese over in the icy half of the stadium. With Dust in hand, Reese fuses it with her board, turning the aqua lights to a crimson shade. She winks at Blake, then uses the board's heat to free Nadir from his icy snare.

Shadow: So her board can absorb Dust, and can use that energy in its elemental form. Interesting. Dust-Infused Weapons.

Rachel: Is that even remotely possible?

Tenka: With the right tool and the right tech, it is.

She comes back to Blake and slams her board into her enemy's blade, but propels herself backwards and knocks Blake through a frozen pillar. Reese attempts to use her board to slam her foe into the ground, but when she dodges that, she spins around in a flaming arc that Blake narrowly misses thanks to her shadows. Changing tactics, Blake launches the pistol part of her weapon at a nearby glacier and launches herself behind it, as Reese follows her and sees Blake with her back turned to her under an arch. Reese grins before riding in to deliver a flaming spiral at the shadow clone, only to see the ribbon Blake is launching to trap her opponent a moment too late. She pulls tightly and causes Reese to slam body-first into the string, only to use a final kick to knock her out of the stage. Reese crashes into the wall of the stands before landing on the ground, defeated. Tenka smiles at her proudly.

Tenka: That's my girl!!! You go, BLAKE!!!!

With Reese's Aura level drops in the team display, her image is crossed out and she angrily slams her fist on the ground.

Port: Ooh, a double whammy! Reese Chloris is eliminated by ringout and Aura level!

Oobleck: Oh, she really should've worn a helmet!

Back in the fight, Arslan uses her rope to swing around and avoid Yang right behind her, using shotgun blasts to propel herself forward. Nadir comes into the picture, aiming his rifle at Weiss as she summons another glyph and launches Bolin at him. The two teammates are helpless as Weiss creates a whirlwind from underneath them and slamming the two together until she forms a giant ice fist straight up from the ground to trap the two. It reforms itself into a ball that rolls around the field, and when Arslan sees her team in this state, she rolls her eyes, annoyed, before changing direction and sliding into the path of the ball. She readies her stance and drives her hand into the sphere, which cracks under her power and frees her allies. Shadow and the others were amazed at the shown feat.

Rachel: Wow!

Shadow: Hmm.... Looks like she used her Aura to break that large ice.

Mitchell: Hey, cap. Isn't that what you did to defeat Pyrrha before in your sparring match?

Shadow: Pretty much.

Aether: Wait, you beat Pyrrha in a spar?!

Shadow: (nods) Don't want to be proud of it but, Yes.

Aether: Whoa....

Weiss: Yang!

We then turn to look just as Weiss creates a large frozen slide-like shape.

Weiss: NOW!

Knowing what to do, Yang blasts herself forward and skims over the wall of ice, catching Blake's pistol as her teammate uses Ruby as a launch pad to jump off of towards the remaining members of ABRN. The three only have a second to look horrified as Blake whips a screaming Yang around to land a devastating punch that sends the trio flying into their elimination.

Shadow: Nice...

Port: And that's the match! Team RWBY is victorious!


Me: Welp, you guys know what to do like that time when I did that bike race with Motos.

Tenka: Okay now... here we go....

Aether: ???

Mitchell: GAME!!!

Rachel: SET!!!

Tenka: AND!!!


We said this as we stood up and stretched our arms out wide.

Aether: (Inner Thoughts) Cheer leaders eh? Nice.

Tenka: Should we go and congratulate them?

Me: Mmm... yeah. But first, who's hungry?

T/R/M: We are!

Me: Great! Let's go!


Ruby: -...is anyone else starving.

She says this as she suddenly hunched over, with Blake looking cool as ever, her arms behind her head.

Blake: I may have worked up an appetite.

Just then, the growling of an angry beast from her stomach proves her statement , much to its owner embarrassment.

Weiss: Gee, if only there was somewhere on campus to get food around here.

Much to her sarcasm, they were shown to be in a myriad of tents and small shops wreathed in colorful flags in a large forest clearing as people mill about to experience it.

Weiss: Oh, wait.

Ruby: (taking Weiss' shoulder) It's okay, Weiss, I forget about the fairgrounds, too.

Weiss: (knocking Ruby's arm away) I was being facetious?

Ruby: Wh-- Gah! Well if you were hungry, why didn't you say so!?

Yang: Come on! I know just the place.

Team RWBY starts to follow Yang, but Weiss suddenly stops as she hears a ringtone on her Scroll. Pulling it out, she sees the caller ID labeled "FATHER", and glares at the device, putting it back from where she got it, unanswered.

???: Hey! Might be hard to eat without this.

She and her team turn back to see Emerald holding up Ruby's wallet, before she began frantically patting around her outfit, panicking.

Ruby: No, no, no, no!

Emerald: Ha ha ha. Good to see you, Ruby.

Ruby takes the wallet back from her "friend" and puts it away.

Ruby: Oh! Thanks, Emerald! Oh. Guess I dropped it. Guh, girl pockets are the worst!

She slouches as she says this.

Yang: What's up, Em?

Emerald: Just left the stadium after your amazing fight! You guys were awesome!

Ruby: Oh, shut your stupid little face...

Blake: I heard your team progressed to the next round too.

Weiss: You know, I feel that we haven't seen your other teammates.

Yang: How'd they do in the fight?

Emerald tilts her head up in thought, remembering how she blasted opponents with her revolvers, then slashed behind her as Mercury Black kicks out a shotgun blast with his boots. Cinder Fall did the same with her own target, landing the poor soul at the feet of their teammate, a mysterious black-haired girl who leans over and stares down as the camera focuses on how her green eyes blink into a pair of pink and brown irises as she smirks while delivering a stomp on her victim's face into darkness. (A/N: And that, everyone knooooowssss,it's Neo.)

Emerald: Really well.

Ruby: That's great. Uh. Why don't we all go and get a victory food together.

Emerald: Oh, gosh, that's so nice of you, but my teammates are all kind of...

She and Team RWBY looks back at Mercury, who he sniffs the inside of a boot in a nearby store, looking perplexed after he does so.

Emerald: ...introverted. Really socially awkward.

Yang: Ooh, yeah, I could see that.

Emerald: Oh yeah, looks like Merc and I are going to move on to the doubles round. What about you guys?

When she asked this, Ruby begins looking pretty proud of herself.

Ruby: Well, as the leader of this team, I thought long and hard about this decisio--

Weiss suddenly pops in her side to remind her, straight-faced:

Weiss: We put it to a vote.

Embarrassed, she nervously tries to backtrack her mistake.

Ruby: Yes, so, but I decided that we should put it to a vote.

Blake: We voted for Weiss and Yang.

Weiss: I will happily represent Team RWBY.

Yang: Yeah, we're going to kick some butt!

Emerald: (laughs) Well, if Mercury and I see you down the line, don't think we'll go easy on ya.

Yang and Weiss return Emerald's confident smirk with their own.

Yang: Wouldn't have it any other way.

With, Emerald turns and walks away from them as they do the same.

Emerald: Alright, well we're going to catch some more fights.

Ruby: Have fun!

Emerald: See you later!

After a while Ruby and the others had been following Yang to the place where they will be eating after the small run in with Emerald and Mercury.

Ruby: Urgh... how much longer do we have to walk?!

Yang: We're almost there, don't worry....

Weiss: I wonder where Shadow and the others are...

Yang: Maybe they're still in the coliseum? I mean, they did say to watch the fight....

Blake: Well, we could call them up, and wait for them to get he--

Before she could finish her sentence, Yang was suddenly interrupted by Blake's stomach loud growling yet again.

Yang: Or not...? Ah, here we a-- Wait, what?

R/W/B: Huh?

Ruby: What's wrong, Yang?

Yang: I-I can't believe it! They actually found it before I did!

R/W/B: Who?

The girls went over to where Yang was looking and were surprised at what they saw. At one of the unassuming huts set up in the fairgrounds stringed with paper lanterns with a sign overhead saying A Simple Wok, Rachel and Mitchell were sitting at the stools outside, ready to order. Mitchell saw the girls and gave his partner a tap on the shoulder and motioned for them. Rachel smiled brightly and waved over to them.

Rachel: Heeey! Congrats you guys! You guys joining in or what?

The team glance at each other before they all shrugged and joined in as well. They all took their seats and noticed that Tenka and I were nowhere to be found.

Ruby: Hey, where are Tenka and Shadow?

Mitchell: Oh! They were called by Professor Oobleck and Professor Port.

Rachel: They guessed that maybe it's something about the tournament, so they told us to go on ahead and wait for them.

Yang: Well, we're already hungry. So, is it okay if we could---

Her sentence was suddenly cut off when Blake's stomach started grumbling again, much to her embarrassment, as Mitchell stifled his giggle with Rachel looking a bit surprised. Needless to say, it was a first for Rachel to hear Blake's stomach grumble that loud for a usually silent person.

Rachel: S-Sure... uh... Help yourselves...

Yang: Thanks!

No one had been at the counter to take the orders, so Yang resolved the situation quickly by ringing a bell on the counter to attract the attention of anyone working in the stall. A few moments later,

Yang: I'll have a bowl of the regular, please.

The shopkeeper slides a large bowl of noodles in front of her. When Ruby saw how large it was, she began staring at Yang's meal.

Ruby: Oohhh... I'll take the same.

Another large bowl of noodles slides in front of her, as she clasps her hands in excitement. Weiss, on the other hand, looked concerned.

Weiss: Do you have anything with a low-salt ...?

Before she could even finish, the same large bowl of regular noodles instantly slides in front of her instead.

Weiss: Ah! Um... okay...

Instead of saying anything, Blake merely gives a nod and smile to the Shopkeep, who returns the gesture as he rushes through one door of his shop and comes out the other to leave a large bowl of noodles topped with fish in front of her. Blake's eyes light up as she drools over her order.

Yang: What about you guys?

Rachel: We'll just wait for Cap and Tenka. But for now, I'd like to take one of the hot stuff.

Yang: Wait, what hot stu---?

The shopkeep nodded and rushes back into the kitchen to make her order, and rushes back out to place Rachel's order in front of her, which turned out to be a large bowl of red noodles with dark red seasoning, which Yang guessed to be chili peppers. Rachel smiles in satisfaction, as she takes her chopsticks.

Yang: Wait, they serve noodles like that?

Rachel: Served only for the infamous Motorcycle Racer. Sorry, Yang.

Yang: Not fair....

Rachel: Huh? Aren't you going to eat, Mitch?

Instead of answering, she just shifts uncomfortably in her stool as she blushes slightly for some reason.

Rachel: Hey, you okay? Don't be shy, you know. We're all friends here.

Mitchell: Well.... it's just that.. I wonder if....

Rachel takes the hint, and nods for some reason. Then,

Rachel: Do you have a---

But then,


R/W/B/Y: Whaaaaa?

Not minding the girls' expressions, the shopkeeper nods happily and rushes off back to the kitchen, before going back out again, as he struggles to carry a bowl twice the size of Team RWBY's bowl, much to their extreme surprise and Mitchell's mortification, especially Blake who began drooling a lot at the large bowl of fish goodies. While Weiss looks strangely at her teammate, she gladly offers her Schnee Dust Company credit card to the Shopkeep.

Yang: Aw, Weiss! What's the occasion!?

Weiss: Consider it thanks for sending me to the doubles round.

Her joy is ruined when the card is flung back at her, and the annoyed Shopkeep points to his register as it beeps "DECLINED"

Weiss: What?! How can my card be declined? I was barely into my monthly allowance!

Blake's jaw drops at the situation. She began looking around panicked as she attempts to slowly slide her bowl closer to herself before the Shopkeep disappears with her food, causing the poor girl to slump over in defeat.

Blake: Nooo!!

???: Are we late? Maybe we could help with that problem.

The girls of RWBY and the two members of STRM look up to see the other half of Team STRM walking up to them, with me holding up Tenka's credit card, but he didn't seem to mind.

Ruby: (flings her arms wide in delight) SHADOW!

Yang: Aw, you don't have to ...

Blake: But he could!!!

Me and Tenka could easily hear the desperation in Blake's voice as if she is longing for something, which you two didn't know was her dream dish.

Tenka: I'd say you girls earned it after that fight. We didn't get to congratulate you anyway.

I turned to the shopkeep and threw the card at him. He catches it with his middle and index fingers, before swiping it at the register. Blake's food is promptly replaced in-front of her and she hugs the bowl with delight.

Tenka: I am not really surprised that's what you ordered, Blake.

Me: Me either: Although, I can't say the same to Mitch.....

Tenka: Huh?

Tenka turned to where I are looking, and was incredibly surprised to find a very large bowl in front of Mitchell, who's face was already inside the bowl. Trying to get a grip of the situation me and Tenka decided to make our orders.

Tenka: I'll just have the regular. But add a 'little more' spice in it 'Jap' Style.

Rachel/Yang: Huh?

The shopkeep brings out the same large bowl as the others, but he also brings out different assortments of spices, and pours them evenly and right at the bowl before offering it up to him.

Me: I'll just have a bowl of the 'special' please. The usual 'Special Tune'.

The shopkeep nodded and slid a bowl of noodles with more soup than the noodles, but it was sizzling hot. Flexing your fingers, you held your hand over the bowl and it began cooling down until the temperature point was proper for a soda, much to their confusion.

Ruby: Don't you think that's too cold to eat?

Me: Nah, Nothing's ever too cold for me.

???: Hey, guys. Mind if we join you?

Team JNPR had also found you and the others, and began walking up to the store.

Me: Sure. Come sit down, guys. There's plenty more spaces for everyone.

With that, they all took their seats and made their respective orders. Later on, the bowls are empty, and each student is either content with their meal or holding their stomachs sickly. Me, Ruby, Blake, Mitchell, Nora, and Ren were contented with our meal, even though some of them ordered more than they could fill, but Weiss and Jaune were holding their stomachs sickly, with Pyrrha having full, politely slides the bowl away from her. Tenka and Rachel were breathing heavily, their faces bright red from the spices in their meal, with their counter filled with glasses of water, but nonetheless they seemed to be still having their faces red.

Ren: Are you sure it's wise to have eaten before a fight?

Pyrrha replies as the Shopkeep quickly gathers the bowls and vanishes

Pyrrha: Of course! It will give us energy!

Nora and Mitchell simply gave a hearty belch, with Mitchell being the loudest, considering he fell over his chair. Rachel stood up from her seat, and helped him up. Jaune splays himself over the counter, sickly saying...

Jaune: If I barf, I'm blaming you.

Nora: Ooh!!

Then out of nowhere, she begins grinning evilly.

Nore: Aim at the enemy!

Tenka spits his water in shock, unfortunately the water was sent to me. I froze it neatly in air before it could hit me. I gave Tenka a look as he gazed on apologetically.

Ren: Nora, that's disgusting. But if you feel the urge...

With his face still planted on the counter, Jaune gives a weak thumbs-up.

Jaune: Got it.

Pyrrha: Well, we should be off.

Ruby: So, you think you guys are ready?

Nora: Of course! We've got a world-renowned fighter on our team, one's basically ninja, I can bench five of me, Jaune, we trained all year, our weapons are awesome, Glynda barely yells at us anymore, and uh... Jaune!

Mitchell: I'm sensing a pattern there, Nora....

Tenka: Same.

Ren: Are you gonna take that?

Jaune: She's not wrong.

Nora: I'm kidding, he knows I'm kidding.

Me: Well, do you?

Jaune only groaned in response.

Me: Thought so.

Nora: Don't be so nervous! The worst that can happen is we lose, that is just a few more years of walking around school with everyone knowing we're failures, our friends will slowly abandon us to preserve their social status, we won't be able to show our faces in class, no one will sit with us in the cafeteria, Ren and I have no parents, we have no home left to go to, we'll be officially renamed Team Lose-iper!

Nora's mad laughter turns into sobs as she slams her head on the counter.

Ren: So, yeah, we're feeling pretty good.

Mitchell: Oh come on, Nora. You know that Team STRM and RWBY would never abandon you.

Pyrrha: Mitchell's right. Don't fret. If anything, we should be looking forward to a fight with actual guidelines, and not, well, ...murderers.

Yang: Yeah, don't sweat it, we've all faced way worse before.

Blake: Let's see. Grimm invasions, violent extremists, a destructive sociopath...

Me: Bugsters to slay. I can't even count how many more....

Tenka: Well, you could always say that list could go on for a while....

Ruby: And that's all while were still in training! Oh, imagine what it would be like to graduate!

Rachel: Yeah.... Can't wait.

Me: Sarcasm: Duly noted.

Weiss: Maybe then I'll be able to pay for a meal.

Tenka: Why? What happened to your---

Port: (crackling in over the intercom system) Would Team STRM please report to the battlegrounds immediately!

Oobleck: (adding in to Port's order)
Yes! Like they were scheduled to, several minutes ago!

Me: Well, It looks like this is it. You guys ready?

Ruby: Wait, I thought it's Jaune and the others turn...

Me: Well, that was the reason why we were called... but don't worry. Jaune's Team will come up on tomorrow's match. So, you guys will have time to train for the tournament. So, wish me luck. Oh, and by the way....

I swiftly grabbed Ruby by the waist and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek as she stood up, causing her to widen her eyes as large as saucers and her whole face to flush red.

Me: ....... congratulations for winning the first round. (Winks)

Ruby only stood there in complete shock her face turning redder and redder up until the point she might pass out any second.

Me: A-Anyways, I'll see you guys later~.

Pyrrha: Thanks!

Yang: See ya! Come on and stop being so lovestruck, sis!

Yang grabbed Ruby by the arms as she was still trying to recover from the surprise you gave her. Blake gave Sky an affectionate look before she embraced him.

Blake: Be careful out there.

Tenka: After what happened a few months ago? You know I will.

With that, the two teams watched as me and the rest of Team STRM walked away towards the coliseum for our match. Team RWBY and JNPR enter the Coliseum through one of its tunnels and head to their seats as Emerald and Mercury are seen walking behind them to do the same. Down in the field below, the scorched ground and cold plains are no more, and only a layer of white mechanics is left, with a central stage on which the two teams gather.

Mercury: (having found his seat with Emerald and munching on a large tub of popcorn) I wonder who's gonna win.

Emerald: Tch. As if we didn't already know.

Cinder walks up behind them, showing off her new outfit of jeans, an orange jacket, and sarashi bandages over her chest as she takes an unpopped kernel from Mercury's bucket.

Cinder: Oh, come now. Even if you know how the story ends, that doesn't make it any less fun to watch.

Her eyes glow with her fingertips and the kernel finally pops, which she enjoys while sitting down as Mercury and Emerald share a devious smirk.


Mitchell's POV:

Me: So, who are we fighting?

Tenka: I don't think you're not gonna like it Mitch.....

Me: Huh? What do you mea---

Port: (announcing over the cheering crowds) Team STRM (Storm) of Beacon versus Team JEWL (Jewel) of Haven!

The moment Mitchell heard the team name that is supposed to be their opponent, he then felt as if his world began crashing down around him in a blur.

Me: WHAT?!?!?!

Team JEWL walks up to the stage, revealing who they are: 2 girls and 2 boys.

One of them was girl, who has raven hair tied into a horse-tail fashion, brown eyes and slightly tan skin, and six swords strapped to her sides.

The other one was a blonde like Yang, Cyan eyes, and pale white skin like Ruby's but, slightly paler, with a large greatsword she's holding on her side.

The boy on the left had a lance and a shield. He had white hair with golden blue highlights, and by the looks of his features, he seems to be someone to be forced to be reckoned with, due to the fact that his armour may be inpenetratable.

The last male member on the team at the center, which I guessed was their leader, whom Mitchell has been sneering at this whole time, was a silver-blonde, with a delicate face, greyish brown eyes, and similar silver wings that Mitchell has, but its wingspan is larger, so I also guessed he was a Silver-Winged Faunus too.

After looking at the other Silver-Winged faunus and his teammates, this led Shadow to a conclusion....

Shadow: Hey, Mitch. Pardon me for intruding, but... are you and that silver-blonde right there somewhat....... related?

Me: Yep... Jon,...Jon Striker is... my brother.

Shadow: .... My whole world just turned upside down!!! I see a little family reunion going on!!

???: Mitch?! Hey, Mitch, my bro!

Mitchell groans in an embarrassing way as he hides his face in his palms, but "Jon" as Mitchell had called him, didn't mind as he waved over to him excitedly.

White-haired boy: Wait, we're fighting your brother and his team?! And is that Tenka Kaito?!?! Freakin Tenka Kaito?! TENKA!!! HEY!!! (Waving his hand)

Tenka: Heh! I was wondering whether we'd see each other again, Lazarus Caig.

Shadow: You know him?

Tenka: Yeah. I knew him as he and I were close friends. And best buds. We built armours, we fought against the Grimm in my village, and we spar together.

Shadow: Huh! That explains the armour.

Tenka: Yep.

Raven-haired girl: I'm sensing a lot of Aura level from that pink green-haired boy. And his personality is... highly unpredictable! And he even has the same Semblance as you Jon!

Lazarus: WHAT?!

Blonde-haired girl: That girl with the beanie looks like an interesting opponent, I'm feeling all the confidence within her, but her semblance is st--..... Wait a minute, did you say Tenka?

As each team readies their poses, a circle of holographic roulettes start spinning frantically through various symbols and colors before finally landing on a white pine tree and grayish-white geyser. With these random selections, half of the field opens to reveal a snow-filled forest, while the other raises a geyser field to fill in the circle. I began to narrow my eyes in concentration; and Ruby "WHO-HOOOO"s loudly from her seat.

Port: Three, two, one, begin!

Me: DUAL UP!!!!! (Turns the nob on Dual-Gashat Alpha)


To be continued.....

And that's all, folks! The first episode of the Third Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And,if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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