Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 4)

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the FINAL, and yet the eighteenth episode of the FIFTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, PART 4! Since this is a Christmas and New Year's eve coming soon, and I have 13.9k Reads and 300 over votes, I have something special for you below... very very special. So, enjoy this Final Part for the Eighteenth episode. So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!


Kamen Rider Odin in his Grigio Metal Empress form and I in my NEXUS Muteki STRM Form are waiting for whoever strikes first as we are wielding something powerful, never before to be wielded in battle. Then, Grigio Metal Empress began to roar as it charged towards me in a fast pace. I took action immediately as I charged as well, along with my group of friends who followed up soon after.

As the both of us got extremely close, the beast's left claw was about to swipe me, but to no avail as I blocked its swipe by using the Axe part of my weapon. I shoved its claw to aside with it as I slashed its side with its sword part, but to no avail as his sides are covered with bones and metal platings, to my shock as it walked backwards and rammed forward at me, making my fly to the other end of the destroyed cavern.

Just as I was about to hit the destoryed caven's walls, I opened my wings as I hovered above the ground, breaking my crash and fall, to my relief that I have those wings from Mitchell's component.

Me: Okay... that was close. Lucky I have you, Mitch.

Mitchell: (controlling the combiner's wings as I made them flap twice) Your welcome.

Me: So, you guys alright?

Tenka: (moving the legs a bit by shuffling them) We are okay but, this Grimm or whatever it is called, Grigio Empress that Odin summoned and is controlling it now?! It is seriously off the chain!!! Its rmour platting and bone structure is stronger than the Grimm.

Rachel: (Moving the left arm close to Shadow's face as if he wants to call someone by via comms) This one is powerful than any Grimm that has ever faced before! Could it be, because of that Drone-like device he placed last?

Me: (controls the whole combiner now) Not sure. But it is highly possible! We have to take it down, no matter what!! And speaking of which, I have an idea. Which is why, Mitchell needs to brace himself.

Mitchell moved his hand just like what Rachel did as he is coonfused when I said that.

Mitchell: Brace myself? Why? And what do I have to brace for?

Me: This. ZERO!!! LET'S DO THIS!!

Zero looked at me as he rushed in as he glowed brightly, tunring himself into a ball of fire as I punched it with my right fist as it formed a Head of a Dragreder's head, to my amazement and Mitchell's mind, blown away.

(A/N: This is what the Drag Claw will look like when it's cmbined to Shadow's combiner form on right arm component. Combine the two pics together.)


(A/N: Strike Vent.)

Mitchell: Whoa.... NOW WE'RE TALKING!!!!

Zero Dragfall: So, this is what's like being in a combiner? Sweet!!

Me: Yep. Now, let's BASH THIS GUY!!!!

I said as I dashed towards the monster as it began to rapid fire at me by using its three cannons on its shoulders and chest, trying to take me down, but to no avail as I was too quick for him. I even spawned in Zero Dragfall's weapons at will to block, slash and shot my way towards it with my dragon head still intact on my right arm with it launching fireballs at the beast with a punch.


(A/N: Drag-Saber.)


(A/N: Spawns in a Drag-Shield.)





-The same whole thing but in a repeated process until Combiner reaches towards Grigio Metal Empress-

This repeated process kept going until I was extremely close to Grigio Metal Empress, giving me the opportunity to strike it. When my chance is here, I released my grip of my Sword as I struck Grigio Metal Empress at the face by using Dragreder Head, opening its mouth, launching a fireball right into the creature's face, making its sight to be in a daze.

Seeing this as another opportunity, I gave it a flurry of punches, causing it to stagger back as I followed forward to keep punching it while my group keeping it busy formed a chain out of their own projectiles as the two combiners pulled each endcausing it to trip as Team RWBY and Tailor in his LunaTrigger Form shot its legs to make him lose balance.

(A/N: Kamen Rider LunaTrigger form.)

Just as Grigio Metal Empress was about to fall, it launched its fire emmision at me, which gave me no effect while I gave it an upper-cut below its jaw by using my Drag claw Gauntlet on my right arm, causing it to fall onto its back, to my ammusement.

Me: Let's say we have... 'put a turtle on it's back.'? Heheh.

TRM/Z: Nice.../Good one.

Kamen Rider Odin (Inside the soul of Grigio Metal Empress): Ugh.... Good one...

He got up weakened as he raged like crazy while clenching his fists.

Kamen Rider Odin (Inside the soul of Grigio Metal Empress): Fine.... if you all want to play it that way.... (Wields the Gyro once again) THEN I SHALL TURN THINGS UP THE NOTCH FOR YOU!!!!!!!! PREPARE FOR YOUR DESTRUCTION, ALL OF YOU!!!!!

Odin's POV:

I yelled, for everyone of my enemies to hear as I fished out another device as the first one, but smaller and not as spiky as the first one but this one, has fire-like veiny details on it. I slammed the device into the Gyro... 


... as I began to pull the levers on the gyro three times, wielding the ability of Fire. Then, I fished out another device as similar as the fire one, but this one, has rock-like veiny details with rocky features on it. I slammed the device into the Gyro... 


... as I began to do the same process three times, wielding the ability of Earth. I soon fished out another device like Fire and Earth but this one, has aquatic-like veiny details on it. I slammed the device into the Gyro... 


... as I began to do the same process three times, for the third time, wielding the ability of Water. I soon fished out another device like Fire, Earth and Water but this one, has air-like veiny details on it. i slammed the device into the Gyro for the final time... 


... as I began to do the same process three times, for the last time, wielding the ability of Wind. After these devices are active, I once again brought out the first device that fused me with these monsters as I slammed it into the Gyro...


... as I began to do the same process three times like the four devices, wielding the ability of Metal and Fusion Absorption.

Me: Prepare... to brave... THE ELEMENTS!!!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

Kamen Rider Odin yelled as Grigio Metal Empress began to glow and does he inside the creature as well. As they glow, the shiny glow of their energy caused STRM Ryuki Strike, Time RAGNORAK, JEWL Combiners, Team RWBY and Tailor to be blinded by the intense shine. Once the glow subsided, they looked at Grigio Metal Empress as their eyes widened to witness that the monster has a whole new look.

(A/N: Grigio Empress - Ultimate Form. Combine the two pictures above so you know what it looks like. Description will also be stated below.)

The creature's Torso is extended as another pair of Grigio Empress's arms appeared below of the top ones. Its legs extended (A/N: His legs are extended like Mega Elementor.), its tail and its two splitted tails are longer and extra spiky and extra sharp. It's Shoulder Cannons will be spikier as well and it will have three barreled cannons instead of one.

(A/N: Like Halo Warthog Machine Gun Turret but its cannons are exposed like Grigio Regina's Cannons.)

There will also be three cannons on its chest like its shoulder cannons.

Its Grigio Empress arms will turn into four specific elements, each. The Upper Left Arm wields the trait of fire as its Left Arm is on fire giving its arm the ability to control the fire element, the Upper Right Arm wields the trait of water as its Right Arm is made out of water and Hyper-Hydrogenated Water particles giving its arm the ability to control the water element, the Lower Left Arm wields the trait of earth as its Left Arm is made out of rocks and boulders, giving its arm the ability to control the earth element, the Lower Right Arm wields the trait of wind as its Right Arm is made out of wind-like natural properties like a tornado with earth-like spike and claw features on it and the entire body of the creature is a mixture of Grigio Regina's body and the trait of metal as its body has some metallic features on it with Gold-like metal pieces sticking out from its back, tail, Shoulder Cannons and its Dragon-like mask like spikes (A/N: Like Mega Elementor.).

Its back below its Shoulder Cannons will also have Jetpack-like Rocket Boosters made of Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Metal elements. Its front horn will be longer than the second one behind the first horn.


After its transformation is complete, my eyes widened as to see that Odin has evolved his monster, to look more menacing and monsterous,  to my greatest shock and worry that we may not survive this.

Me: What is...

Kamen Rider Odin: Like the new upgrades? I purposely crossed over to another dimension by using a special card. And thanks to that, I have 1 Megalink and 4 Ultralinks to help me with my problem.... WHICH IS YOU!!!!!

He said as he placed three cards in his Gold-Visor, transforming him into Odin, Survive Form.


(A/N: Kamen Rider Odin - Survive Form.)

Kamen Rider Odin: Now, like the Evolved form? Behold, MEGA GRIGIO EMPRESS!!!!!!!

Time RAGNORAK: Mega Grigio Empress, eh? More like Mega Douche! But no matter, we will stand in defense to Shadow's Team... NO MATTER WHAT!!!!

Time RAGNORAK yelled as he wield the powers of Ex-Aid and Genm on their arms as he jumped towards Mega Grigio Empress, preparing to give him a good whamming, punching and kicking. As he got close, he prepped his hammer on his right arm as he tempt to use it against it first, but to no avail as it charged its Shoulder Cannons and Chest Cannons as it launched its Rapid Fire Cannons at him, causing him to get dragged back to the ground by its rapid fire projectiles, to my shock while he hits the ground.

Me: Are you okay, Roland?!

Time RAGNORAK (Roland): I'm fine. But this guy... he's powerful than the previous form....

Me: WHAT?!


Ruby yelled as she fired her ice projectiles at its Shoulder Cannons and Chest Cannons, making them to be covered in ice, to her relief.

Ruby: YES! I got its cannons!!

Weiss: Great. Now let's take it down! 

Blake/Yang: Uuuuh, guys...

When everyone looked at Blake and Yang, they soon pointed at the monster as we looked at it as well, to our greatest shock as the monster began to move on its own without Kamen Rider Odin controlling it.

We watched on as it looked at me and the others as well as I noticed that its eyes began to turn pale yellowish white as it spoke.

Mega Grigio Empress: Wh-What's happened to us???


Mega Grigio Empress (Wind): Huh?! OF COURSE WE CAN TALK, YOU HUMAN, SLUGS!!!!!

Mega Grigio Empress (Water): Tell ussssssssss... who did thisss to usss????

Me: Yooouuuu should ask the one who is inside of you now. Your... aka host.... heheh...

Mega Grigio Empress (Fire): WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Kamen Rider Odin (Inside the Monster): Oh no....

Odin has a sweat demeanor above his head as he teleported himself out from the body as he tried to get away but to no avail as the monster's two splitted tails blocked his way. Odin looked at the monster as it is fuming mad.

Mega Grigio Empress (Metal, Fire, Earth, Water & Wind's mix voices): YOU!!!!!!! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO KIDNAPPED US FROM OUR MASTER, MASTER MAKINO THIS WHOLE TIME?!?!?!?!

Kamen Rider Odin: Yes... I was the one who is responsible for this. So what?

Mega Grigio Empress (Earth): So, THIS!!!!!

The monster raised its Lower Earth Left Arm as he is about to smash Kamen Rider Odin but to no avail as he wielded his Gold Shield to prevent him from being squashd under its fist.


(A/N: Guard Vent - Gold Shield.)

Just as its fist hit his shield, it caused his shield to break in pieces, to his shock and to our shock as well as I've never seen anyone breaking a shield with that kind of strength before.

Blake: I don't believe it!!!

JEWL Combination: He broke his shield like it was nothing!!!

Me: I never seen that kind of strength like that before....

Zero Dragfall (Strike Vent Gauntlet): This is crazy....

Mega Grigio Empress (Metal): It's time for you.... to DIE!!!!!!

Kamen Rider Odin: Wait... No... no!! NOOOOOO--*

Mega Grigio Empress roared as I watched it launched his powerful Fire Emmision at Kamen Rider Odin, causing him to scream while being burnt to crisp by its attack. Once his attack is finished, everyone watched as we saw Kamen Rider Odin still there, but is long dead now as he has become a statue by Mega Grigio Empress's Fire Emmision combined with Fire and Metal Elements, to our shock.

I clenched my left fist as Iwas looking forward to defeating him. But now it is ruined by his own creation. I conjoured Plesio-Cannon as I aimed it at Mega Grigio Empress.


Mega Grigio Empress: Let's see what you got!!!!


I implied as I launched Galactic Finish at Mega Grigio Empress as it hit him real hard. I soon charged up my Winter Maiden powers as I launched Winter's Glare at it, freezing Mega Grigio Empress's entire body permenantly like a statue.

Me: This would ought to do the job!!!

Ruby: Or..... not... (Points at the ice statue)

Me: Huh?

I looked at the statue as it immediately broke in pieces, only for the monstrosity to break free by using its brute strength, to my shock as the monster launched its Elemental Erga-Trio Cannon at me and at the others, causing us to get damaged and our auras and semblances to render a lot due to its brute strength and might.

After his devestating attack is done, we are seen lying on the ground weakened. Team RWBY triedto get up, but to no avail as they fell to the ground once again as they are weak from that onslaught that Mega Grigio Empress launched. I at the weakened group while looking at Mega Grigio Empress as I watched him laugh, to my disgust.

After the beast finished laughing, it began to look at all of us as it began to talk to us, mockingly while it changes its personalities one at the time.

Mega Grigio Empress: You see? We are stronger than you. You all are WEAK!!!!!!

Mega Grigio Empress (Metal): What it says is correct. WE ARE THE STRONGER ONES, And the ones WEAK LIKE YOU, SHALL DIE BY HER AND OUR CAUSE!!!!

Mega grigio Empress (Wind): Just like your Gold Human Slug that kidnapped us from Lord Makino's Alphalink. SSSSOO,My brothers, what should we do with them?

Mega Grigio Empress (Fire): We should, BURN THEM ALIVE!!!!!!

Mega Grigio Empress (Earth): NO!!!!! We should bury them, ALIVE!!!!!

Mega Grigio Empress (Water): Noooo!!! WE ssshhould bury them to the ABYSSSSS!!!

Mega Grigio Empress (Wind): We shall make them gassp, FOR AIIIIIIIRRRR!!!!

Mega Grigio Empress (Metal): NO!!!! We should CUT THEM INTO PIECES!!!!!

Mega Grigio Empress: No... because I have an idea.... why not, do everything all at once.... together.....

When we heard them agreeing about something, my eyes widened.

Me: (Whispering) That can't be good....

Tenka: (Whispering while movings the combiner's legs a bit) Let's be ready for it...

Mega Grigio Empress (Fire/Earth/Water/Wind/Metal): Hmmmm, good idea. / Let's do this!!! / Come on!!!! / Let's blow them away!!! / FOR THE GLORY OF MAKINO!!!!

Mega Grigio Empress: Then, let's.... DEEEEEEEESSSSTROOOOOOOOOYYYY THEEEEEEEEEEEMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It roared as it began to raise all its fists at me, wanting to smash me in my combiner form to bits. I soon closed my eyes, knowing the worse has come, and so does everyone's fates as well.

3rd Person's POV:

Just as Shadow is about to get smashed by Mega Grigio Empress's fists, his fists are soon grabbed by something mechanical. Shadow opened his eyes as he looked behind the creature as it did the same as well, and to his greatest shock, it was the same mechs that he met before during the Fall of Beacon and they looked different as they are combined.


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Shadow: LupinKaiser? PatKaiser?

Mech: Not just us! We are one now, joined forces to defeat our common enemy!

The pilot inside the mech implied as the mech threw Mega Grigio Empress aside as it introduced itself.

(A/N: Good Cool Kaiser VSX.)

Mech: BEHOLD, Good Cool Kaiser VSX!!!!!

Shadow: Well, Seems like you guys combined.

Good Cool Kaiser VSX 1 (Pilot)(Lupin): Yeah, let's just say we put our differences... behind us, right cop?

Good Cool Kaiser VSX 1 (Pilot)(Cop): Yeah. Let's just say you brought some sense into us as well.

Shadow: Well, I'm glad that's the case, otherwise you are dead, BY ME!

Good Cool Kaiser VSX 1 (Pilot)(Lupin and Cop): Right.... (Giggling nervously)

Shadow: Then, let's do this. Finish Grigio down!!!

Good Cool Kaiser VSX: ALRIGHT!!!


I slowly stood up from the ground as I looked at the mech's configuration and was amazed about their combination. I soon turned my attention to Mega Grigio Empress as it got up from the ground from being thrown by this cool configuration mech as it turned its attention towards it as well.

Mega Grigio Empress: I see you've met a friend! However, it will do you no good for he will be no use to you real soon!!

Ruby: Oh yeah?

Mega Grigio Empress: Huh?

Time RAGNORAK: Who's good use now huh, Grigio?

Tailor: Becuase you are outnumbered.

The monster looked at my group who are standing right in front of me and Good Cool Kaiser VSX as I nodded in acceptance, knowing thatwe are all not going to give up without a fight, to Mega Grigio Empress's annoyance as he roared while pointing at us, giving himself the command.



And with that, we all watched as Mega Grigio Empress launched its Elemental Erga-Trio Cannon at us, only for us to dodge it by swiftly moving aside fot the beam to bypass us, destroying some areas of the destroyed caverns behind us, followed by him launching projectiles of Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Metal elements at us but to no avail as we blocked, counter and swiftly dodge them with our own semblance and our weapons.

As we fought, Ruby ran to Tailor as she has an idea of attack. However it requires her Team and Tailor to follow them. 

Ruby: Tailor, I have an idea!

Tailor: Oh yeah? Whoa!!!! (Dodging a few projectiles) Name it!!!

Ruby: I'm calling for back-up!! But I need my team and you to go somewhere as back-up is at the house.

Tailor: Okay.... But, how will we get there???

Ruby: Ummmm... Zero!!!!

Zero Dragfall: (Moving the Right arm of Shadow's Combiner) Yeah?!?!

Ruby: I need your Dragon to ride us somewhere!! I'm bringing over back-up!!!

Zero Dragfall: Okay! Be back quick!

He said as he summoned a Dragreder, to Ruby's relief that it is here quick. The red dragon landed quickly as Team RWBY and Tailor hopped onto it as it flew off to somewhere to get back-up, to Zero's confusion.

Zero Dragfall: Shadow? Any idea what Back-up Ruby's talking about?

Me: Oh I know. You have no idea.....

Just as I said that, Good Cool Kaiser VSX landed while skidding his way beside me as his extra upper arms switched over to a Cyclone Knight-Based attack by Cyclone, Scissors and Blade Dial Fighter switching over with Blue and Yellow Dial Fighters,...

(A/N: Good Cool Kaiser VSX - Cyclone Knight Mode.)

Good Cool Kaiser VSX (All Pilots): Watch this!

Me: Okay, but still, LET'EM HAVE IT!!!

... as it used Knight Mode's Blade Dial Fighter to fly through the vortex created by Cyclone Dial Fighter's spinning blades boosting it toward Mega Grigio Empress, causing it to be blown away by the cyclone caused by the Cyclone Dial Fighter's spinning blades, struck and slashed by Knight's Scissors Dial Fight in Jet Mode, to my shock and amazement.

Me: Whoa. What else you got?

Good Cool Kaiser VSX (Cop)(Female Pilot): This.

Then, two pilots from one of the three cockpits summoned a Fire Truck and a Zepplin as the upper arms switched over from Cyclone Knight-Based attack by Cyclone, Scissors and Blade Dial Fighters to Trigger Machine Splash and Magic Dial Fighters to replace them,...

(A/N: Good Cool Kaiser VSX - Splash Magic Form.)

... as it used Trigger Machine Splash to shoot Mega Grigio Empress in the air by forming a vortex from the cloned water cannon fire, Magic from Magic Dial Fighter closes its fist, using the existing water to form a giant bubble around it. Magic then snaps its fingers, causing the bubble to implode before exploding in a flay of water and gas with the beast in it as a hand turns into a mace, extending itself towards Grigio Empress, hitting it against the wreckage of the Caverns behind him.

(A/N: Good Cool Kaiser VSX - Strong Biker Form.)

Then, two pilots from one of the three cockpits summoned a Motorcycle and a Crane with a Drill Tank on it as the upper arms switched over from Trigger Machine Splash and Magic Dial Fighters Dial Fighters to Trigger Machine Biker, and Trigger Machines Crane & Drill, as it used Trigger Machine Crane to pin the monster and Trigger Machine Drill races along the boom to strike the Grigio by boring through it while Trigger Machine Biker used its yo-yo to pummel it in the air and onto the ground with the aid of Trigger Machine Crane and Drill, to my amazement.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Me: Whoa. Your new mech is something else.

Good Cool Kaiser VSX (Pilots): Indeed. Now, all we need to do now, is to take this guy down!!!!

JEWL Combination: TOGETHER!!!!


We said as everyone of us including Time RAGNORAK, Tailor and Team RWBY launched our projectiles, only for Mega Grigio Empress to block them by using its Earth-like shield by using the ground itself as it struggled to maintain balance and prevent our projectiles from reaching him, to his sheer might and power.


Ruby's POV:

I am soaring through the skies with Zero Dragfall's Dragreder as I made my way back to the Dragon City to get back-up. That was until my mission to get back-up was interrupted by a couple of Giant Nevermores soaring in front of me, heading my way, to my worry.

Me: Why does it have to be Nevermores.... (Looks down at Dragreder) Dragreder?

The Dragreder I'm riding on roared as it charged towards them as it launched a couple of fireballs at them, taking down one which burnt and withered away as it began to fall from the sky by its shots.

The second one swooped in and nearly grabbed me as the Dragreder took a small dive and went back up towards the battlefield while following another Nevermore from behind, giving me the opportunity to hop onto the Nevermore as I shot a couple of rounds and clipped its wings off by using my weapon in its scythe mode.

Once the deed is done, I ran and jumped only for the Dragreder to catch me, to my relief as I watched the Nevermore falling down towards the ground below. Then, I soon began to kill off a few Nevermores together with Dragreder until the coast is clear a few minutes after, to my relief.

Me: Okay. We're done here. Now let's get back-up ASA--

Just as I was about to finish my line when I heard a lot of cawing in front of me. As I looked forward, my eyes widened to see a lot more Nevermores and tonnes of Grimm Griffins heading towards our direction.

I reload my weapon as I aimed it at the horde of Grimm and the Dragreder charging up its fiery breathe, as the Grimm is heading straight towards us at immense speed. Just as the horde was about to come extremely near us to strike us down, a Cyan Beam came from behind us as it destroyed the Grimm horde with just a single shot and an single beam, to my shock.

Once the beam disappeared, Dragreder and I slowly turned around to see who saved us from the horde. As we did so, we noticed that our saviour is a robot combined by five components, as it spoke to me.

(A/N: Trinity Prime. The whole body will be a Dragon (Nexus), Right arm will be a Jet (Saberwing), Left arm will be a Lion (NemesisBreaker), Both legs will be a Bike/Car (SonicCharge (A Triple Changer)) and the Wings will be a Phoenix (Fenix). Take note he will have twopairs of wings)

Me: Ummmm, thank yooooouuuu?

???: Your welcome, human, and Primitive Lifeform.

I looked at Dragreder as I roared at the machine. I looked back at it, shocked.

Me: You can understand it?

???: I was trained to understand not only humans, but primitive lifeforms as well.

Me: Ooooooh. Ummm, I'm Ruby. This is Dragreder...

???: I can tell by him introducing to me. And hello, Ruby.

Me: Hi. And you are?

???: Trinity Prime.

Me: Trinity Prime. Nice to meet you. !!! Hey! Prime! I know that last name.

Trinity: You do?!

Me: Yeah! Heard of the name, Kieron Prime?

Trinity: Yes. I know him. He's a close friend of mine from Cybertron.

Me: A close friend? Okay. So, wanna tag along? I'm on my way towards his ship.

Trinity: Sure. I love surprising my oldest friend.

Me: Alright then. Let's go.

And with that, Trinity and I along with my ride, Dragreder made our way towards Kieron's ship. As we made our way there, I asked out of curiousity.

Me: So, Trinity. About that horde of Grimm from just now.... what weapon did you use to take them down with just one blow?

Trinity: How? By using this bad boy I made with N-Tek.

He said as he fished his weapon out for Ruby to see as her eyes glittered.

Me (Enthusiastic mode): Wow..... whatisitwhatisitwhatisitwhatisitwhatisit?!?!

Trinity: That, my weapon-enthusiastic friend, is called, The Turbo Star.

(A/N: Turbo Star.)

Me: whoa.... what's N-Tek?

Trinity: I will explain to you along the way.

Me: Okay.

As we made our way to Kieron's ship, Trinity Prime began to explain what N-Tek is and how it was brought up, made and its purpose.

A few minutes later,

Kieron's POV:

I am still on my ship, stated at the Dragon City where it's still stands as the autobots and I are trying to transmit a signal to cybertron and to the other galaxies where their scattered brethren are located due to the fall of Cybertron. As we scanned for our scattered brethren, Bumblebee spotted something on the ship's scanners.

Bumblebee (Talking by Radio): Kieron, we have three unknown contacts incoming to our position.

Ironhide: Friend or Foe?

Ratchet: They don't seem to have any weapons on them yet.

Me: That could be anyone. Autobots, activate the ship's battle sta--

??? (By via comms): Kie!!! If you fire or activate the ship's defenses at me and Ruby, I'm gonna put your face into lubricant oil!!

When the autobots and I heard this familiar voice, I activate the ship's comms as I began to talk to the unknown bot who I know before when he said that. Myfellow autobots said his name in delight knowing that they know that voice from somewhere.

Me: Trinity?! Is that you?

Trinity (By via comms): In the metal.

Autobots: Trinity!!!

Me: Wait! Ruby is with you?!

Ruby: Kieron!

Me: Ruby! Boy, I'm glad that you are okay! Is everyone okay?

Ruby: That's why I'm here. I need back up! Shadow and the others are battling against a weird gold warrior who turned himself into some creature and he--

Me: slow down, Ruby. Tell everything to me, slowly.

Ruby: Okay, here is what happened....

And with that, I listened to Ruby on what she has to say. 

A few minutes later,

It has been a few minutes now as Jetfire, Ruby and my oldest friend, Trinity Prime quickly made our way towards the battlefield where Shadow and his group are at battling against the beast like no other with Jetfire and I being in vehicles modes.

Me: Jetfire, once we arrive, we must combine to acquire flight advantage against Odin.

Jetfire: You got it!!



I fell onto the ground while I did some acrobatics to get myself back up on my feet as I charged towards Mega Grigio Empress while Team RWBY are doing their best to restrain him by Ice Flower and Bumblebee him in place where he now stands. JEWL Combination, Time RAGNORAK and I ran towards the restrained monster as we jumped and did a Triple Flying kick at it by using our own powers, knowing that our triple kick will overpower him.



JEWL Combination: LET'ER RIP, GUYS!!!!!!!!!

We all nodded as we began to spin while our kicks are still in effect to Grigio. As we began to spin faster and faster, our spinning kicks caused it to screechin pain as their spinning kicks are super effective.Team RWBY and Tailor took noticed as they decided to change their plans as they began to shoot their projectiles and Gaia Memory energies at it.

As their attacks are efficiently effecting Mega Grigio Empress began to laugh, to our confusion as we stopped our attacks and looked at him.

Me: What's so funny?!

Mega Grigio Empress: Oh, don't you see?! EVEN YOUR ATTACKS can affect me, BUT IT WILL DO YOU NOT!!!!!!

He said as he launched a pulse at everyone of us, causing us to get thrown back, hitting every area of the destroyed caverns, to my shock and everyone's shock. We slowly got up as the monster addressed the matter to us about himself.

Mega Grigio Empress: I, or should I say, WE, may not be like Mega Elementor, but thatdoesn't mean, we aren't stronger than him and Lord Makino!!!

Mega Grigio Empress (Metal): But thanks to Gold-Boy whom WE Slayed, he has given us a new body and a Body that can talk!!!

Mega Grigio Empress (Water): And that can agree with our caaaauuuuusssssssse!

Mega Grigio Empress: Why thank you, you are too kind.

Mega Grigio Empress (Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Metal): (Fire) Your outmost welcome, Grigio Elementor! / (Earth) Yoooouuuur outmost welcome, Grigio Elementooooouurrr! / (Water) Your outmost welcome, Grigio Elementor! / (Wind) Your outmost welcome, Grigio Elementor! / (Metal) Your outmost welcome, Grigio Elementor!

Mega Grigio Empress: Now that we all are combined, it is time that we get this over with.... By destroying all of Y--*

Before Mega Grigio Empress could even finish, he was soon crushed by a huge boulder, to our shock as JEWL Combination replied soon after.

JEWL Combination: Ummmm.... Thanks for dropping by???

Me: (Sweat demeanor while face palming) Seriously???? Your brother is questioning now.

JEWL Combination: Yeah. He stuck around for a long time so, someone has to thank him for dropping by.

Me: (Sigh) You're unbelievable..... your brother implies....

JEWL Combination: I know. He's like this when battles happen.

Me: I see.

Time RAGNORAK: Let's talk later. We need to know who threw that boulder at him.

Zero Dragfall: (Moving Shadow's combiner arm) Guys, look behind you.

I looked at my dragon head as I did, followed by the others doing the same. As we did so, my eyes widened to see Ruby with Kieron and along with someone new.

Me: Rubes!!!! Kieron Prime!!!

Ruby: Shadow!!!

Kieron: Shadow Wrath!!

I watched on as they landed in front of me. As i high-fived Ruby, Jetfire and Kieron, I looked at the combiner which is on my the exact height as i looked at Kieron for one single answer.

Me: So, Kieron, who's this???

Kieron: Oh! Shadow, this is Trinity Prime, son of Nexus Prime, a close friend of mine. Trinity, this is Shadow, Shadow Wrath. A close ally of mine.

Jetfire: Kieron and Trinity Primes are friends since, before and after the War of Cybertron.

Trinity: It is an honour to meet you, Shadow.

Me: Likewise, Trinity. So, y--*

As we are about to continue our conversation, our small talk was soon interrupted by a huge boulder being blown to pieces by a huge beam, causing us to jump except for Trinity Prime. Then, everyone of us slowly looked behind as Mega Grigio Empress looked pissed off at the stunt they pulled while getting up from the ground, enraged.

Mega Grigio Empress: So, you think you can just--*

Mega Grigio Empress (Water): *-- grab any back-up you posssiiibly haaaave, and---*


Trinity: Yes, because I brought more more back-up who looks just like them.

Good Cool Kaiser VSX (All Pilots): ??? Us???

Trinity: Yes, you all.

As if right on queue, a Battleship with a Golden Mace-like Ship on it slowly descends towards us, to our surprise but, to Mega Grigio Empress's amusement as he knew he would see this coming as he formerly greeting the ship.

(A/N: Battle orion Ship.)

Mega Grigio Empress (Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Metal & Grigio): (Chuckling) Well, if it isn't my oldest enemy from the Kyutama Galaxy, Orion Battler. I see you made some modifications of your own.

Battle Orion Ship (Orion's Voice): I'm STANDING RIGHT BEFORE YOU, DON ARMAGE!!!!!!!

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The FINAL, and yet the eighteenth episode of the Fifth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, PART 4. I see there are a lot of "Huge" back-up is needed to take Mega Grigio Empress down. Let's see who's coming up next in the last part of this episode. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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