Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 3)

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the FINAL, and yet the eighteenth episode of the FIFTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, PART 3! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

*Grigio Metal Empress roars as it blasts Metal Erga-Trio Cannon at the Gong*


It has been a few hours now as we have been walking up the mountain that we are suppose to save Ruby and thus far, there are hardly any Grimm, bugsters, or beasts lurking around to everyone's confusion.

Emily: Ummm, Guys? Hate to be a jinx but, is there a reason why we are not expecting company???

Neon: Heh, maybe they wee taken down by Shadow's people. Great job, my friend. Nicely done. (Smiles)

Me: Ummm, guys. I don't think it's my people that made this possible. Because 1: They are prohibited to enter these areas due to their customs unless necessary. And 2: the Southern Mountains are meant to be the burial ground of a really really long-living king and queen which I don't know about. So now, we are currently trespassing on their land. Well, at least we have a good reason to do so.

Lazurus: Okay.... good to know.

Weiss: Shadow, how much longer?

Me: we still have a long way to go.... but, we have to climb all the way up there by feet.

Mitchell: Great.... (panting) cause' we've been walking for hours now. Hours! And we are in the middle of the mountain by foot!!

Me: I know.... but we must get there no matter the c--

Tailor: Actually...

We all looked at Tailor with exhausted looks in their faces.

Tailor: We are just above the entrance to Odin's hideout so why don't I.... 

He stopped halfway as he waved his gauntlet, to my shock.

Me: Ooooohhh,.... dammit right! Why didn't I think of that!

Blake: What?

Me: He can bring us up there within a split.

Everyone looked at each other in shock as they looked back at us with puzzled looks.

Yang: And this helps by how....???

Me: Watch. Tailor? If you will.

Tailor: Sure.

Tailor said as he removed his fedora and placed his Lost-Driver at his waistline while activating his Gaia Memory.


Tailor: HENSHIN!!

Tailor then slots the memory into the Driver as he tilts the slot to his right, transforming him into a Dark Rider known as Kamen Rider Joker, placing his Fedora back onto his head.

(A/N: Kamen Rider joker. Include the Hat on his head.)

I nodded at his transformation as I went to him as he grabbed my waist tight as he activated two of his Gaia Memories on his Gauntlet....



... as they glowed at their specific colour, while his arm wielding the Gauntlet glowed green and yellow, giving him the abilities of Cyclone and Luna.

Tailor's POV:

I stretched my arm all the way up to where I said the entrance of the cave is at as I latched my hand onto the edge of the mountain.

Me: Now let's see what this baby can do.

I said as I jumped, causing me and Shadow to be lifted up into the air in a very fast pace due to my stretched out arm. It only took about a minute that we have reached the top of the mountain where the entrance is at, to our amazement, with Shadow nodding my head in surprise in front of me.

Me: Whoa! Never knew we can do that with Gaia Memories.

Shadow: Indeed. Now, let's just get the rest as we don't have much time left, my bro.

Me: Roger.

And with that, I skidded down back towards the crowd down below the mountain as I began to give everyone a lift up at the top like what I gave to Shadow, one by one, and two by two.


Ruby's POV:

Me: The who now???

Kamen Rider Odin: Katumi! Isami! Asahi! WHERE ARE THEY!?!?!

Here I am in the cave still, being interrogated by Kamen Rider Odin as he kept prompting me for answers on the three people I don't of as i sighed with annoyance.

Me: Look, I don't know who you are talking about because, I don't know them as much as you.

Kamen Rider Odin: Oh, don't give me that line, now tell me where they are!!

Me: Hey?

Kamen Rider Odin: They!

Me: Kites?

Kamen Rider Odin: Katsumi!!

Me: Inks and Accessories??

Kamen Rider Odin: YOU'RE TOYING WITH ME!!!!!

I giggled as I stopped talking, knowing that the worse may be coming, or perhaps not.

3rd Person's POV:

It has been a few minutes now and Tailor finally brought up the last batch as he deactivated his Joker form and his Gaia memories on his gauntlet, panting due to exhaustion as to know that he made several trips up and down the mountain to pick their allies up from the bottom of the mountain, up.

It has been a few minutes now and Tailor finally brought up the last batch as he deactivated his Joker form and his Gaia memories on his gauntlet, panting due to exhaustion as to know that he made several trips up and down the mountain to pick their allies up from the bottom of the mountain, up.

Tailor: This is.... exhausting.... (panting) I'll get the hang of it eventually. Don't worry.

Shadow: Okay.. Guys, account for your weapons.

Everyone checked for their ammunition and their weapons as Shadow, Yang, Jon and Roland accounted for everyone who are here so far, including for Tailor and Zero.

Shadow: Okay, looks like everyone is here all exce--

???: (echoing) YOU'RE TOYING WITH ME!!!!!

Yang: Ruby!!

Shadow: Let's go!

And with that, we all ran inside the cave, pointing our weapons and looking around at all angles of the cave, expecting the unexpected for company. As if right on queue after we entered the cave, Bugsters, Grimm and Hazard Smashes appeared in front of us as we stopped in front of them.

Everyone readied our weapons and our Drivers as we commence our transformation.



-Mirror sounds coming from mirror as Driver appeared on Zero's waist-

Shadow: Let's do this, guys.

Tailor: Oh yeah.

Shadow/Tailor/Zero Dragfall: HENSHI--

Just as they are about to transform, a huge flame engulfed the huge army, causing them to explode to pieces to their surprise as they watched the fire die down after a while, to their shock.

Lazarus: Are we.... expecting company????

Wendolyn: I.... I think so...???

Shadow: Guys, I think Kamen Rider Odin knows we are here. So, let us just go to where he is now, and get this over with.

Blake: Agreed....

And with that, all of them immediately walked forward towards where the flames come from, as they walked past bugster data, robot pieces and nebula gas, floating all around us.

As they walked, Weiss began to ask Shadow some questions.

Weiss: Shadow?

Shadow: Yeah, Weiss?

Weiss: What does Odin want from Ruby?

Shadow: I seriously don't know. But when we get there, we will sure to get the answers.

Weiss: Well, okay.... and another thing, who is Odin?

Shadow: (sighs) Odin is a Phoenix Advent Warrior who uses time and tricks to attack and defend himself from attacks. His nasty trick is called, 'Steal Vent'. He uses this ability to steal weapons and use them against us.

(A/N: Steal Vent.)

Weiss: Okay. So, any suggestions on how we prevent our weapons to get stolen???

Shadow: Well, there is one way, and that is to steal it back from him. And we have a key for that cause. 

Shadow said as he point back at Zero Dragfall, with Weiss looking back at him as Zero waved at her, to her surprise.

Weiss: So, he has that same ability as Odin?

Shadow: Yes. So, if any of your weapons are stolen, he will just get them back for you.

Weiss: Well, that's convienient.


After our conversation, we stopped at our tracks to see that we have reached to the heart of the cave, and let's just say that it is extremely huge.

Yang: Whoa....

Roland: These caverns are huge!!

Emily: So, any idea how to find Ruby?

Tailor: I got this. But you may wanna stand back.

And with that, everyone stood back as Tailor activated his semblance. As his semblance activated, we noticed that the caverns are now empty without any bones and flesh all around. All that is in the caverns are Grimm.

Tailor: Weird. This cavern is formerly filled with Grimm. Dragon Grimm, to be precise.

Me: A Dragon Grimm's den? Interesting.

Zero Dragfall: Where are the dragons?

Tailor: I'm fast forwarding to what's happening at current time.

Then, scene changes when a phoenix engulfed in flames as it fought the dragons, and many minutes later, it soon engulfed the entire cavern to flames, leaving no Dragon Grimm to escape, to our shock.

When the fire died down, our eyes widened as to see that the whole Cavern is covered with soot, skeletal parts of the Dragon Grimm are showing as some withered away, some didn't. Then, the phoenix landed onto the sooted burnt ground as it began to glow.

Then, we saw it transform into a Rider known as Kamen Rider Odin, as he held the unconcious Ruby over her shoulder as he bound her at one of the caverns below. Tailor nods as he sounded of;

Tailor: Aaaaand I found Ruby.

Me: Where?!

Tailor: Follow me!!

With no time wasted, we followed Tailor as we began running towards the specific cavern, leading to where Ruby is in right now.

It has been a minute of running as we finally reached to the dead end of the cavern. We found nothing at that certain area, no weapon, no Ruby, no nothing, until Roland found this.

Yang: I don't see Ruby anywhere...

Me: You sure Ruby is here, Tailor?

Tailor: Yes. I'm sure of it.

Roland: Guys.

We all looked at Roland as he used his semblance to lift the huge wall which turns out to be a  huge boulder that is supposedly a dead end, as it revealed Ruby bejng imprisoned in that other hidden cavern, to our surprise and to Yang's relief.

Yang: RUBY!!! (Hugs Ruby)

I ran to Ruby as I hugged Ruby and Yang as well, tightly as Ruby began to start tearing her eyes out.

Ruby: I'm so glad you found me....

Yang: It's okay, sis.

Me: You are safe now when we are around. You're safe.

And with that, the three of us hugged it out for a good whole 5 minutes until Emily sounded of.

Emily: Ummm, don't mean to ruin the moment but, we gotta leave right about, now?

I opened my eyes as Yang, Ruby and I released each other from our bear hug as I looked at Ruby.

Me: So, did Odin did anything to you?

Ruby: No. But he.... strangely cleaned my weapon.

When we heard that, this caused us to remain silent for a few minutes.

Me: He cleaned your weapon?

Ruby: Yeah.

Me: Huh. That's not him at all.... and even that, more convienient. Anything else?

Ruby: Yeah, he mentioned three names. Katsumi, Isami Asahi. Does anyone know who they are??

Everyone looked at each other as they shook their heads.

Roland: We don't know any names of those kind.

Tenka: Katsumi, Isami and Asahi.... nope.

Me: I'm going to find out when we meet up with Odin. But for now, let's get out of here.

All: Alright!!

And with that, we all began to run out from the cavern back to the heart of the caverns.

As we exited to the heart of the caverns, we were put to a halt by the same Rider that imprisoned Ruby. I immediately recognized him as I said his name.

(A/N: Kamen Rider Odin.)

Me: Kamen Rider Odin.....

Kamen Rider Odin: Shadow Wrath.... we meet again, at last.... but this time, it will be the last.

Yang was about to intervene but I raised my hand to block her way, preventing another fight to happen.

Me: Why did you kidnap her?

Odin chuckled as he answered my question.

Kamen Rider Odin: Well, I have to. She is the only one who knows these three individuals.

Me: Look, bro. We don't know those three are. So, I'd suggest we settle this, and we leave.


(A/N: Music starts here.)

As I said that, I heard Odin sighed with disapproval as we saw him disappearing out of sight. I immediately looked around to find him, knowing that he has tricks up his Rider Sleeves, as usual. As if I know where he is, I blocked his punch from behind as I did an elbow blow right at his face, causing his vision to blur a bit as I took the opportunity to give him a flurry of strikes at him.

3rd Person's POV:

Shadow's battle against the Phoenix rider is being played out with his group spectating at the scene of battle, in shock as they didn't expect that they would go all out just like that.

As they were fighting, ruby lock and load her weapon as she turned her weapon into a scythe while charging towards the two individuals fighting, to everyone's surprise to her involvement.

Zero Dragfall: Ruby!

Ruby then looked at Zero as she began to worry about Shadow. Then, out of the blue, Zero Dragfall transformed into Ryuki as he summoned his sword.

(A/N:Kamen Rider Ryuki.)


(A/N: Drag Saber.)

Zero grabbed his sword as he went up towards Ruby with a smile on his face, ready to fight.

Zero Dragfall: Don't forget about me.

Ruby: Okay, let's do this!

Yang: Ruby, wait!!

And with that, Ruby and Zero swiftly advanced towards Shadow to support his ground against Kamen Rider Odin. And, it would appear that Shadow's Teammates, Ruby's Teammates, Tailor, Jon and Roland's Team had the same idea as Ruby.

Roland: I'd say we all stand in defense to Shadow, together.

Weiss: .... right!

Yang: Let's do this!

Blake: We fought strong foes before, we can do it again!

Jon: JEWL! You know what to do!

Roland: RNHK, Commence Protocol Time Ragnorak!

Tailor: Let's do this!!

Tenka: Let's defeat Odin....

Mitchell & Rachel: with our own hands.

Everyone readied their weapons as they charged to help Shadow in defeating Kamen Rider Odin together with Ruby and Zero Dragfall as Jon and Roland merged to their specific Combiner Forms, TRM and WBY wielding their weapons and Tailor being in his FangJoker form as he wields the Gaia Gauntlet.

As Shadow kicked Odin aside to conjour Perfect Zector Saber out of his maiden powers, Ruby and Zero swooped in and struck Odin by surprise, along with everyone coming in to aide him take Odin down as there are a lot of take downs and slashing going about with them and Odin, to my surprise.


It has been a few minutes and I see my whole group fighting against my other greatest enemy. As I watched everyone contributing their efforts into fighting against my enemy from many years ago, that I shed a tear. I wiped that tear off my face as I sighed in relief.

Me: (sighs) heheh, growing up very fast are we? And better yet, Roland is a combiner as well. Oh well. Time to bring in the big guns.

I implied as I used my semblance to clone myself and to have the semblances of Ex-Aid and Genm in each clone as well. I fished out my Game-Driver while the other me fished out the Evol-Driver as I activated my Gashats, placing them into the Game-Driver and the other me activated his Evol-Trigger and placed it and the Evol-Bottles into the Evol-Driver.

-NEXUS MAXIMUM MUTEKI DOULE X!- (NEXUS MAXIMUM MUTEKI XX) (Upbeat with remix dramatic techno-rock and choral music)

-NEXUS MUTEKI DOUBLE X- (NEXUS MUTEKI XX) (Remix Upbeat techno-rock guitar riff with techno-angelic tune)


-NEXUSZA DOCKING- (NEXUS DOCKING) (Remix Nexus Looping upbeat techno-angelic tune with rock guitar riff)




I cranked the Lever on the Evol-Driver as I activated Evol Blackhole form and the other me posed as he readied to press the button on his golden gashat.


Me: LEVEL SHIFT!!! LEVEL NEXUS INFINITY DOUBLE X!!!!! NEXUS DAI-HENSHIN!!! (I flipped the Game Lever and pressed the buttons of the Maximum Gashat and Mureki-like Gashat downwards to activate my super form.)

Me 2: Henshin!



-NE~EXU~S! HYPER MUTEKI EX-AI~D!- (Remix Nexus-like Angelic chorus mixed with upbeat techno-rock guitar riff)


(A/N: Kamen Rider Ex-Aid - Nexus Muteki Gamer Level X Infinity.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Evol - BlackHole form.)

Me (Nexus Muteki): Let's change people's fates in our own hands.

Me (BlackHole): Yep. And let's blackhole this guy!!

3rd Person's POV:

Both Shadows in their specific powerful forms rushed in while Shadows' group are keeping Kamen Rider Odin busy by fighting and taking him down by force after kidnapping Ruby.

As they went on with the fight, Shadow In Blackhole form came in as he wield Drill Crusher as he slashed Odin at the leg, breaking his stance and his balance while Shadow in Nexus Muteki form came in to punch Odin, causing him to fly through the caverns wall after wall, rendering his powers.

Then, we watched that Kamen Rider Odin stood back up fast, to their shock except for Shadow as they know that he is always like that.

Kamen Rider Odin: You all are good.... but! It is futile!!!

He said as he fished out a card and placed it into his scepter, to the two Shadows' shock as they looked at Zero.

Shadow (BlackHole and Nexus Muteki): ZERO!!! SURVIVE!!!!

Zero Dragfall: (nods)

Zero Dragfall fished out a special card as he showed it to everyone including Odin as the fire features inside the card began to turn as their surroundings in the caverns began to engulf in flames, mysteriously. As his card was starting to shine and flaming up like a wildfire, he raised his arm with his Drag-Visor on his arm as it turned into a Gun-like weapon known as the Drag-Visor Zwei.

(A/N: Drag-Visor Zwei.)

With his evolved Visor in hand, he opened the mouth of the weapon's dragon mouth as he placed the card inside the slot of the gun and closed the mouth of the dragon-like weapon's lower jaw, activating my final form.


(A/N: Kamen Rider Ryuki - Survive Form.)

After transforming to his survive form, Odin placed his card into his Gold-Visor as he activated his card ability as Odin chuckled.

(A/N: Gold-Visor.)


After his card is activated and just as Weiss is about to activate her weapon, her weapon is then stolen by Odin's trick ability as he has her weapon.

Weiss: Wha- HEY!!!

Kamen Rider Odin: Good Luck with defending the world without your weapon and whe you die with your ow creation!!

Zero Dragfall: Oh, I don't think so!!

Zero yelled as he placed the same card as Odin into his Drag-Visor Zwei, activating his ability which is as similar as Odin.


After his card is activated and just as Odin is about to activate Weiss fire ability on her weapon, her weapon is then stolen back by Zero's trick ability as he has her weapon, instead of Odin and used the Fire Dust ability against Odin instead of Weiss, giving him a burning sensation and for some parts of his armour to break down, to Weiss smirking, knowing that he has tasted his own medicine.

Zero Dragfall: Well, looks like Odin has finally...

Weiss: ... Tasted his own medicine?

Shadow (Blackhole and Nexus Muteki): (Chuckling) Good one.

Kamen Rider Odin: You are so going to pay for that!!!! I know our battle was short but, prepare to be... DESTROYED!!!!!!!!

He roared as he placed his so called deadly attack card into his Gold-Visor, activating his final blow.


My POV: 

I watched in horror as Odin began to levitate off the ground and high up in the sky with his GoldPhoenix behind him. We then went in front of my group as we activated our finishers.

Me (Nexus Muteki): Let's do this....

Me (BlackHole): Yeah....

Ruby: Shadow, let us help you. Maybe your battle against him now will change when we are around.

we looked at Odin as we nod our heads, looking back at Ruby.

Me (BlackHole and Nexus Muteki): Alright, my dear. Let's do this!!! GUYS!!!! LET'S FINISH HIM OFF!!!!

All: ALRIGHT!!!!

Team RWBY and STRM readied their weapons, JEWL Combination and Time RAGNORAK readied their combined weapons, Zero Dragfall and Tailor readied their finishers of their own. 





JEWL Combination conjoured a Super Cannon as it began to charge up, and Time RAGNORAK's Time arms turned into Ex-Aid Armour and Build Armour Components as they are fully charged of their energies.


Me (BlackHole): Ready to Blackhole this guys?

All: READY!!!

Me (Nexus Muteki): THEN GIVE HIM HELL!!!!

Kamen Rider Odin nods to himself as he flew down towards us as he does his flying kick at me while all of us... 



-CYCLONE! LUNA! HEAT! METAL! GAIA PRISM GAUNTLET MAXIMUM DRIVE!- (A/N: This includes the Prism Bicker and The Gaia Gauntlet.)

And with that, everyone launched our  attacks at our projectiles and beam created an extremely powerful beam to clash with his Finisher. Our finisher is very overpowering that it caused Odin's finisher to get vapourised by it as it struck down Odin for good, tumbling down onto the ground, badly wounded, to my amazement.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Everyone soon deactivated our forms and I revert back to my one-self as I smiled.

Me: Whoa... actually we should do this sometimes... 

I revert back to reality as I faced the defeated Kamen Rider Odin.

Me: Game Over, Odin.... You have lost. eh??

I looked on as I notice him giggling and then, he started laughing, to my confusion.


Me: Huh?

Kamen Rider Odin: Allow me to demonstrate.

He weakly got up as he struggled to walk towards to the other end of the cavern as he fished out something unknown to us, revealing its content, to my confusion.

(A/N: R/B Gyro 2.0. Include purple shards that are surrounding the crystals.)

Me: What is that???

Kamen Rider Odin: Your DESTRUCTION!!!!!!!

He yelled as he placed several Kaiju Crystals onto his Gyro. First being a red one as he pulled the levers three times to summon a Grimm or monster.

(A/N: Grigio Bone Crystal. x2)


After doing the whole process, a red skeletal-like creature appeared at his left side. Then, he fished out the same crystal and did the same process all over again and as usual, the same monster appeared by his right side this time. 


(A/N: GrigioBone.)

Then, he fished out two similar yellow crystals and did the same process all over again, but this time, two have guns embedded on their backs. They're as similar as the red ones but different in terms of what they look like and its colour, standing in between Odin, beside the red ones.

(A/N: GrigioKing Crystal. x2)



(A/N: GrigioKing.)

Ruby: Shadow? What are those???

Me: I... Don't know...



(A/N: Grigio Regina Crystals. x2)

Then, he fished out two similar blue crystals and did the same process all over again, but this time, two have guns embedded on their shoulders and chests. They're very different from the red and yellow ones in terms of what they look like, its size, its colour and spikier, standing in between Odin, beside the yellow and red ones.

(A/N: Grigio Regina. x2)

Mitchell: That one with three guns are.... cool.

Tenka: Compliments later.

Mitchell: Hmm.

Then, Odin fished out a special device and placed it onto his Gyro and did the same process again, but only this time, something different happened.


After cranking the levers thrice, he soon turned into a ball of light as the six beings merged into him, creating a new monster, like the blue one, but this time, his claws are sharper, it has two horns on its head, his two splitted tails are longer with spikes on it and he has a double cannon at his back. (A/N: Like GrigioKing but this one has a double cannon instead of one.), to everyone's shock, and my shock.

Kamen Rider Odin (Unknown Kaiju Form): (Laughing) Like my new SURVIVE FORM!?!?!?! MEET, GRIGIO METAL EMPRESS!!!!

He yelled inside as the Monster outside, in front of us roared loudly as it made the whole mountain shake and crumble above us as we escaped the cavens in time as well as the monster named, Grigio Metal Empress.

Me: Guys! Focus fire on the creature!!!

All: Right!!!

We all rushed in as we began to attack the huge creature as JEWL and Time RAGNORAK went up to its head and gave it a flurry of slashes, but to no avail as...

Kamen Rider Odin (Grigio Metal Empress form): THIS IS FUTILE!!!!!!

... Kamen Rider Odin yelled inside the monster as it caused the monster to open its mouth, launching its Flame Emmision at them, striking JEWL Combination down except for Time RAGNORAK as he used Roland's component semblance to let the emmision swoop passed him while charging forward as he grabbed onto its horn, punching it with his left Faiz Armour component arm and did several kicks on it as well by using his Rogue Genius Legs Components.

While giving the monster a bad headache by bashing and kicking its horn a few times, the monster shrieked as it made its horn glow blue to activate its horn ability called, Electric Horn, causing him to get electrocuted and fall onto the ground. 

Time RAGNORAK: Whoa.... this guy packs a punch....

Team RWBY, Tailor and Zero Dragfall gave it their all as they blast every shot and projectile they've got to topple the beast over, but to no avail as the beast began to stomp on them as theytried to escape from its foot by shooting, jumping and riding (A/N: In terms of Dragreder.) upwards as they kept blasting at the beast as Odin laughed inside the beast's soul.

Kamen Rider Odin (Grigio Metal Empress form): You see... it is no use!! Even if you are powerful, there is no way in beating me!!!!



Kamen Rider Odin (Grigio Metal Empress form): Huh???

And with that, we transformed into our usual combiner, but this time, it's different from the original combination that we combined before.

-NE~EXU~S! HYPER MUTEKI EX-AI~D!- (Remix Nexus-like Angelic chorus mixed with upbeat techno-rock guitar riff)

(A/N: This is what Team STRM's NEXUS MUTEKI STRM Combination form looks like, but different... 100% different. The lower torso and legs will be replaced as Giri Giri Chambera Armour pieces (Tenka Kaito) with NEXUS Muteki Parts on it, the upper torso and head will be replaced as NEXUS Maximum Muteki (Shadow Wrath) with more golden spikes coming out from it, twoof which are larger with four different coloured gems embedded into them representing the Team's aura colour, the left arm will be replaced as a spear-like dragon arm to spawn Rachel's spears or her combined saber made out of her dual spears (Rachel Claws) with NEXUS Muteki Parts on it and finally the right arm will be replaced as a sliver arm where a pair of wings will appears on either the combiner's right arm, Hyper Muteki's back, or both. the right arm utilizes Mitchell's multi-weapon guantlets as well (Mitchell Striker) with NEXUS Muteki Parts on it.)

Me in my combiner form soon wield Gashacon Key-Slasher as I posed in my defensive position, facing head on against this monstrosity in front of me. 

STRM NEXUS Muteki: Alright, Odin.... This battle is just between you.... and me... along with many of myfriends who are still shooting and bashing their way to take you down!

Kamen Rider Odin (Grigio Metal Empress form): OH you're on! (Flicking Blake aside asshe is annoying me) because this willbe the last time you will be fighting AGAINST ME!!!!!

STRM NEXUS Muteki: One last fight, one last brawl. Dragon vs Phoenix.

I said as our ultimate battle is about to play out shortly with my friends standing along side me to the attempts to stopping Odin and his monster.

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The FINAL, and yet the eighteenth episode of the Fifth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, PART 3. Let's see if everyone survives this battle from the wrath of Kamen Rider Odin's Grigio Metal Empress. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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