Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 2)

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the FINAL, and yet the eighteenth episode of the FIFTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, PART 2! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

Back at Mistral, Apollonir, Qrow, Ozpin and the other Huntsmen and Huntress, wanderers and soon-to-be Huntsmen and Huntresses are backin the house, guarding the relic while sitting around it at the table. While guarding the relic;

Qrow: So, Kori, Jason. How long have you knew Icepop for??

Kori: Ice... pop??

Apollonir: He's talking about my son, Shadow.

Ozpin: The one who gave you brothers his powers to you.

Jason: Oooooh. Well, we didn't know him until today, Apollonir.

Kori: And actually, there are two occasions that we know him. One is at the Academy itself and the other time was when we were launching our triple attack.

Ozpin: Triple... attack???

Clancy: Wait, you mean that triple attack you, your brother and Shadow just launched back at the battle?

Jason: Yes. But, it wasn't that strong the first time we launched it. It was a weak one as he was just an illusion back then. 

When Jason stated this, Ozpin, Apollonir and Qrow looked at each other, confused.

Qrow: Wait, you said this wasn't the first time?

Ozpin: And the first one was the weakest?

Jason: Yeah.

Kori: He was an illusion at first but, his beam wasn't.

Jason: And when Shadow joined in our combo attack back at the battle, the illusion vanished....

Apollonir: Hmmm...

Jay: So, you two did a triple attack with and without our new friend? Heheheheheheheheeeeeh!!! Pricelessssss phenomenom~~~

Alex: Easy there, Jay. We know how crazy and excited you are when it comes to over-powered stuff, like stated in the scrolls. (Holding out my scroll)

Jay: Oh, chill out, Wizard No: 2. I was actually intriged on what these two did. Wizard No: 1 is beyond compared as he is a sugar addict!

Haruto: Very funny.

Everyone giggled at that remark given by Jay Mercury. After laughing, they noticed was missing as everyone looked around.

Apollonir: Ummm... Where's Kouta?

Jason: Oh, about him, he said he needs to look into something.

Qrow: Something like what???

Kori: Well, as me and my brother are on our way back from our shopping spree with Kouta to buy some fruits, a kid came out of nowhere and tested his patience. So,.... heheheh....

Jason: He took care of him in his world...

Apollonir: He what?!

Kori: He wants to do it alone! He wanted us to let you guys know that he will be back once thatmatter is done.

Ozpin and Qrow sighed as they placed their hands on their faces.

Qrow: Kouta, Kouta, Kouta.... always butting into some stuff.

Ozpin: Yep, like old times.

As if right on queue, a zip came out of nowhere as Kouta jumped out it as it closes it by itself and disappears.

Ozpin: Kouta.

Haruto: What took you.

Qrow: What happened???

Kouta: I fought with Shadow.

When they heard Shadow's name, they stood up but when they were about to give Kouta a shelling, Kouta intervened them.

Kouta: But, it was not him at all.

Haruto: Huh?

Ozpin: If it is not Shadow, then who???

Kouta: I know I know everything but.... this time.... I don't know... he seems... different.

Haruto: Then we have a huge problem then....



Roland, Jon, Ruby and my teams were being led to a Dragon's Den, a huge Den where all the dragons stayed. Everyone looked in awe as they see some swooping around them from above.

Ruby: Wow.....

Dragon Advisor: Yes, indeed. Wow.

Mitchell: So, you're telling me, that you have been nuturing, growing, training, and teaching these dragons, how do stuff???

Dragon Advisor: Yes.

Katie: (look and sound amazed) How long did you guys take to do this????

Dragon Advisor: (shrugged shoulders while smirking)

Me: Basically, it took a lot of time and effort to train them. And from looks of things, they got this under control. And these dragons, are qualified as trained for battle, serve, help and rescue.

Wendolyn: Wow~

Me: Yep. Wow.

Tenka: These are many of the dragons that are kept here. I thought some of them went extinct for centuries to what my father said they were.

Me: And now it is proven wrong.

Dragon Advisor: Ah. Our two friends has arrived. Shadow, meet Tailor Crux, the detective and Zero Dragfall, the one who volunteered to hand over some of his dragons to us for our essential need.

Everyone looked at the two individuals walking towards us as a Dragreder and Dragblacker were walking along with them as the two individuals are now in between the dragons.

I cleared my throat as I went forward to welcome them.

(A/N: Tailor Crux.)

(A/N: Zero Dragfall.)

Zero: So, this is the almighty, Emperor Shadow? An honor.

Me: The honour is mine, Mr Dragfall. And I must also thank you for donating some of your dragons to be part of our Tribe. Your contribution will be beneficial.

Zero: It would be my pleasure.

Me: And You, Mr Crux. Welcome.

Tailor: Thank you, Emperor.

Me: (nods) Now, may I ask. Why have you come here to his secretive location?

When they looked at each other, they looked back at me, knowing that they are here for the same reason they are here for.

Tailor: We are here because a golden Phoenix came to challenge us.

Zero Dragfall: We were about to lose to him but, fortunately to our Final Forms, we managed to beat him, barely as we were weakened in battle.

Tailor: That is when we need assistance. So, we saw one of your subjects being assaulted by a band of bandits, and we shook them off our tails while we saved him and escaping by Zero's Dragreder and Dragblacker blocking their paths by breathing flames around their area.

Zero Dragfall: After the coast was clear, your subject and ohrselves asked him a lot of questions and persuaded him that we are on yoyr side.

Tailor: And when he grew to trust us, here we are.

I nodded in understanding as I know which bandit tribe was the one who assaulted my men but, I decided to let it slide for now since these two came jn the picture as I spoke;

Me: Very well, I am still amazed you fought Raven's bandits by using your dragons which was an upmost well done to you both as you saved one of my subjects. So, I decided to let this slide for her tribe.... for now....

Zero Dragfall & Tailor: Yes, sir.

Me: Now that this matter has been settled, Mr Dragfall, I need several Dragreders and Dragblackers to fly us to the Eastern Mountains. And get a ride for yourself especially.

Zero Dragfall: No problemo, Chief.

Zero said as he fished out four cards as he place them inside his Ride-Visor to summon his dragons.





(A/N: Dragreder.)

(A/N: Dragblacker.)

Then, he took out another card from his Dragon Deck as it shows a Stingray-like Beast known as the EvilDiver as he inserted the card inside the Ride-Visor as he summons it.


(A/N: EvilDiver.)

And without time being wasted, four beasts appeared before us as the dragons land in front of us while leaning its elongated body, letting us to hop onto their back.

So, with no time to spare, we all hopped onto the dragons as they began to rise up from their lying positions as the Dragon Advisor addressed us.

Dragon Advisor: Now be very careful up there! The wind climates up there are really unpredictable and Odin may have placed guards to keep a close eye on you all. So, be very careful.

Me: We will. Mister Dragfall?

Zero Dragfall hopped onto the EvilDiver's back as it began to levitate from the ground as Zero nodded at me.

Zero Dragfall: Let's go, guys! Double time!!!

And with that, the dragons took to the skies as it followed their leader towards the southern mountains to rescue the leader of Team RWBY, and my girlfriend.


At Salem's domain,

3rd Person's POV:

Salem and Gemdeus Machina were talking about her powers being like no other gods in the World of Remnant. Their conversation was going well until, an aftershock was felt and a huge roar of an unknown vehicle were heard. 

Salem: Hmmmm....

Gemdeus Machina: Let's check it out.......

A few minutes later,

Salem and Gemdeus Machina wield their powers and weapons as they made their way to what it looked like a gigantic ship.

As they went forward towards it, they heard something from the ship itself.

(A/N: Decepticon Warship.)

Gemdeus Machina: Stay caution, my dear.

Salem: I know....

As if right on queue, the doors of the hangar of the ship opened as Gemdeus Machina is now wielding his weapons and Salem is wielding the powers of Hexa Os and Extremer, expecting the worse to happen from who or whatever comes out from the ship until three beings walked towards them.

Gemdeus Machina took precaution as he readied his weapons as he queztioned them while they are walking towards them.

Gemdeus's POV:

Me: Identify yourself?

The beings didn't say a word until, one wielding a plasma cannon decided to speak up to them.

???: I am Jet Storm. And this is my close friend, and ally, Caleb Ares SixStrike

Caleb: Greetings.

Me: Greetings to you. So, what brings you here to our domain?

Jet Storm: We Decepticons are here because you and I have the same objective. We want to claim what is ours, am I wrong?

Salem went forward as she addresses the matter.

Salem: You are not wrong about that. So, yes. You and I have the same objective to claim what is ours.

Me: Alright then, Jet Storm. What would you propose?

Jet Storm: Me? (Chuckling) easy.

Then, Jet Storm's decepticons began to pour out from the warship, as he began to propose something to me and Salem.

Jet Storm: I heard my brother is on Remnant. So, before we claim what is others or while we do so,.... I want him dead.

Me: Then, consider this proposal in progress. You got yourself a deal, my friend.

Jet Storm: Heheheeeh... so, where do we go?

Me: Let us lead you the way, Jet Storm and SixStrike.

And with that, Salem and I led Jet Storm and his Decepticons to Salem's castle and to her domain as we began our plans to overrun the entire planet.



It has been a few hours and we are finally close by the southern mountain as it is now just a few kilometers away from us now.

Zero Dragfall: Okay, guys!!! Once we reach, we shall land at the bottom and work our way up!! Sounds good!!

Yang: Whatever it takes to bring my sister back?! Let's do this!!!!

Me: Then let's get down there, now!!! This is personal!!!!! 

I yelled as the dragons thateveryone is riding on roared as they dived downwards, landing us to our destination. Once we are landed and hopped off Zero's Dragons, they immediately flew away from us as their work is done.

While we are all prepping up for the greatest rescue mission yet, Tailor Crux went up to as he seems to be planning something.

Tailor: Ummm, Shadow?

Me: Yeah?

Tailor: I have six extras of these Gaia Memories, not sure if I do have some use for these.

Tailor shows me 12 Gaia Memories, one set of 6 being identical. I giggled as I looked at him.

(A/N: Gaia Memories. x2)

Me: Well, Tailor, we have some use for these. Tenka, Mitch! You still got some metal on ya?

Tenka: Ummm, about that.... some only.

Mitchell: Same. Why?

Me: Place them here.

And with that, Tenka and Mitchell placed all the remaining metal from their backpacks in between me and Tailor as Tailor looked at me with a puzzled look.

Tailor: Uuuuh, What's with the metal?

Me: You'll see. Now, Mr Crux, place your Gaia Memories on top of the metal.

He followed my instructions as he placed 6 of his Gaia Memories on top of the pile of metal, while I fished out and wore two of my gauntlets as I made the stones on my left gauntlet to glow and the Creation and Destruction Stone on my right Gauntlet to glow.

Me: Let's see what this baby can do.

I motioned my hand to slowly movearound as the metal began to melt to form somekind of gauntlet. Tailor and I watched on as the Gaia Memories are now inserted into the slots on the Gauntlet (A/N: Like the slots on Thanos's Gauntlet.). After the process was finished in a matter of only a few seconds, closing in to be one minute, the device slowly landed on my palm as I presented the Gauntlet to Tailor.

(A/N: Use these three pictures, combine them to become a whole new Infinity Gauntlet.)

Me: Mr Tailor, I present to you, The Gaia Gauntlet.

I said as Tailor slowly grabbed the Gauntlet as he wore it, feeling the powers of all six default Gaia Memories.

Tailor: Whoa... I may remake this but I will leave some customizations on this bad boy that you implemented. Thanks.

Me: Your welcome. (Packing my Gauntlets inside my backpack) Now, let's get going!

All: Right!!!


Ruby's POV:

I slowly woke up from being unconcious as I notice myself being chained on the walls of the cave. I began to struggle while trying to find my weapon, but my struggles and search are interrupted by someone sounding of.

???: You can forget about looking for your weapon and breaking free, cause' you will here for a long long time.

I immediately stopped struggling after hearing that unknown voice. While finding the source of this person's voice, I notice a golden-armoured warrior walking in with my weapon as I rebelled a bit.

(A/N: Kamen Rider Odin.)

Me: HEY!! That's my weapon!!!

???: Oh, don't brag and complain about your weapon, Brat! It's cleaned.

As in point, I notice my weapon he is holding on being shiny cleaned, puzzled by his intentions.

Me: Ummmm.... Thanks... I guess????

???: Eh, no problem.

Me: Who are you? And whatdo you want?

???: Straight to the point? I like that. I am Kamen Rider Odin, and I am here because of you.

Me: Are you here for my eyes?!

Kamen Rider Odin: Eyes? Nonsense. I am here because I want to seek vengence on my master!

Me: Salem?

Kamen Rider Odin: Who is she? And anyway, no. My master in secret, is Reugosite! (Shows a holographic picture of Reugosite) He is whatI called, the Destroyer of all Planets, and the Destroyer of Worlds.

(A/N: Reugosite. Holographic form.)

Me: And you are avenging him for???

Kamen Rider Odin: So that I can carry on what he has started before his demise by a warrior made of two warriors... and a girl.... And you, are the only one who can...







He paused as he transformed into something horrifying as my eyes widened to the sight of his monsterous form consisting of a metallic device, a monster machine and six monsters, two of each are identical. I watched in horror as Odin went up reallyreally close to my face to threaten me.

Kamen Rider Odin (Unknown Kaiju Form): .... tell me.... WHERE THEY ARE!!!!! SO, TELL ME, where they are or youwill become scrap flesh metal as my treat!!!! Which means, you will die!!!!

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The FINAL, and yet the eighteenth episode of the Fifth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, PART 2. Oh boy... hope Ruby will be saved in time before she gets toasted. Will she be rescued in time, find out when Part 3 is out. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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