Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 1)

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the FINAL, and yet the eighteenth episode of the FIFTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, PART 1! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

It has been two days since Shadow given two of his maiden powers to Kori and Jason as the trio are training on their triple attack that was used during the Battle for Haven. Jason being in his Cross-Z Magma form combined in his Summer Maiden form, Kori being in his Grease Blizzard form combined in his Winter Maiden form and Shadow being in his Hyper Muteki form combined in his God form (Four Maiden forms and powers, Summer Rose and her powers, and Apollonir's powers.) as they gave their combo attack a spin at a dummy that we found at the training room that they are in now.

Shadow, Kori & Jason: TRIPLE MAIDEN ROYALU KOOOUSEN!!!!!!!

They yelled at they launched three different colour beams comprising of the same attack at the beams went through the dummy, causing it to explode in pieces while slowly turning themselves into shattered ice and snowflakes, to our amazement.

(A/N: It'll be like Ultraman R/B Rosso and Blu's Triple Origium Ray but different, and stronger this time from the last one at the Battle for Haven.)

Kori: Whoa.........


Shadow: Nice...

???: I see you are training your chosen maidens their specific powers?


As I heard someone spoke up, I swiftly turned around to see Oscar who is now taken over by Ozpin walking towards me as he spoke.

Ozpin: Looks like the Maidens and Mrs Rose have spoken to you about our Hiyasu Brothers.

Me: Yes. They said that their powers and their willpowers are facinating. So, they decided that they chose them to be the first half of the batch of Maidens.

Ozpin nods as he looks at the brothers.

Ozpin: I see. Looks like they know you have greatness in you, gentlemen.

Kori & Jason: Yep.

Kori: We've been through many obstacles like this before,--

Jason: And we can do it again.

Kori: As brothers.

Ozpin giggled a bit as he understands what they are talking about.

Ozpin: I see. Well, Shadow. Is your training session done? I need to speak with you about something.

Me: Oh, we are just done with it when you saw that triple beam. That is to conclude if we have improved in our training, in which they have.

Ozpin nodded at my response as he spoke.

Ozpin: Okay then. Umm, Kori, Jason, will you be so kind to wait for us upstairs for a moment?

They soon nod at Ozpin's request as the brother immediately walked up, back to the living room, discussing about how to create new moves with their newfound powers, leaving Ozpin and I to remain in the training room.

Me: Okay, Ozpin... what's this about?

Ozpin: It's Ms Rose.

When he mentioned my girlfriend's name, my eyes widened when I heard this.

Me: What happened to Rubes?

Opzin: Which is the reason why I'm here. I have two letters that can answers your question.

He implied to me as he passed me two letters, one with golden outlines and the other which is a normal letter. I took the letters as I opened them. The golden letter consist of a golden feather as my eyes glowed red with pure evil and anger.

Me: "Odin".....

Ozpin: Odin? You know him?

Me: Yes.... before we met which is way before I came to Beacon. That was the time during my job in C.R. he came to me, knowing that I can be a real challenge to him. He challeneged me time and time again. Some losing, Majority wins, and moderate are draws due to our final attacks, including his phoenix companion and his special form. If he has Rubes, we got a problem.

Ozpin: And why would that be a problem.

Me: Because the location to where he is now, is where... (inhales and exhales) where I built a modern city which is directly in front of Mistral. If you guys want to come see it, you need my help.

When Ozpin heard this, he nods as he spoke again.

Ozpin: I see. Very well. Let us try to help you.

Me: Thank you.

And with that, we went up to the living room to call the others to get back up for our rescue mission.


3rd Person's POV:

Gemdeus Machina is watching as Salem tried out her new powers as her tentril-like arms (Tora, Unagi, Kamagimi and Tricera core-medal abilities) appeared from her back as she sliced the Grimm surrounding her up in pieces as she used her semblance, causing a pair of triceratops' horns (Tricera core-medal abilities) came our from her armour, causing them to pierce through the shoulders of the Ursa Grimm as a pair of pteradactyl wings (Ptera core-medal abilities) appeared on her head as they flapped, causing the ursa to freeze as the horns retract back to its armour as she began to run towards it as she gave it a good punch (Gorilla core-medal abilities), causing the ice and the ursa to break in pieces, to Gemdeus Machina to nod in amazement.

Gemdeus Machina's POV:

I went up to Salem as she was panting in exhaustion as I placed my hand on her shoulder.

Me: Very well done, my dear. The way you used Shocker Hexa Os's powers is Devastating, Ruthless, everything you and I have been looking forward to. Your men should learn a lot from us.

Salem: Well, (gets up) thank you for your compliment, my dear. And.... that is a really good idea, darling.

Me: About your men learning a lot from us?

Salem: Yes. They should learn a lot from us. Getting supreme powers like us.

Me: Exactly my point, stated my dear.

Right on queue, the doors of Salem's domain opened up as we looked at the door, only to see Extremer to walk towards us.

(A/N: Extremer.)

Salem: Extremer? I thought he--?

Me: I made sure he has been revived by my hands. So, I did.

I watched as Extremer walked towards us as Salem sensed a great deal of power within him.

Salem: Gemmy, explain.

Me: He didn't get destroyed to just fail you, he did it because he wants to see what our enemies are capable of. Now that he has, he has grown a lot stronger than before.

Extremer: Your grace, allow myself to give up my soul of the 100 evil entities to merge with you, so as our powers shall be your own.

Salem looked at me, in which I nodded to her as she looked at Extremer.

Salem: Very well, Extremer. Rise, and serve your ruler.

Extremer got up as he turned into a flurry of spirits as they all went into Salem's soul as she suddenly sensed an extreme amount of power, as powerful as Shocker Hexa Os's power as Extremer's robe went onto her as over 100 eyes consisting of different entities each formed a peacock-like tail feathers as they closed up as the ends went onto the ground as a linkage to his robe which now belongs to Salem.

The last eye belonging to the entity called Extremer soon embeds itself into her chest as the eye widens to adjust itself onto Salem.

Salem: Like the robe, but I'm sure the peacock feathers behind me made of eyes aren't necessary.

Me: It is as they are your personal turrets.

Salem: Is that so? Very well then. Well done, Gemmy. After all, this robe is beginning to grow on me anyway~

She said as I noticed Salem growing Extremer's horn-like crown in front and above her head as she smirked, evilly at me as I nodded at her.



After explaining to everyone about the letters and what is going on and why we can't find Ruby, this caused Yang to flare up and the others to grow worry about Team RWBY's Team Leader. Then, I raised a question.

Me: So, who's with me to rescue, Ruby?

Yang: Me!! I want to get my sister back and make sure this Odin person pays!!

Weiss: Me too.

Blake: I'll go.

Me: Okay, anyone else?

Tenka: We will do anything to get Ruby back.

I looked at Tenka as he stepped up for my team, same goes to Jon Striker.

Jon: If ma. bro's going somewhere to rescue your girl, I'm going with him, too.

Mitchell: Thanks for the support.

Jon: Anytime, brother.

Roland: I shall go where Shadow is going with my team. As after all, we all now stand in defense to you all, and more importantly, I stand in defense to Shadow.

Kieron: I have prepared the Ark for transportation. Bumblebee, Sunstreaker, Mirage, Prowl and Sideswipe shall be our company.

Me: Thank you, Kieron. Do give my thanks to those who are following us.

Kieron: I shall.

Me: Anyone else?

Kori: Ummm, Jaaaaay~?

Jason: Oright, bro. Leeeeet's DO THIS!!!!! 

Jason said as a reply as he blast a fireball through the floor, to everyone having sweat demeanors above their heads, while I facepalmed myself as I giggled and frowned a bit.

Jason: ... I'll clean that once we return....

Ruby: Wait... who is going to remain here to look after the relic?

Qrow: Don't worry, kiddo some of us will remain here.

Me: Alright. Let's do it.

A few minutes later,

Everyone who volunteered to help me out in saving Ruby have entered the ark as I looked at the remaining group who remained behind and Qrow.

Me: Don't worry, Qrow, all of you. I will be back. We just need to rescue your niece, sort things out, then we will be back.

Qrow: You sure you no need us for a moment?

Me: Don't worry, Qrow. We'll be fine, once we need you guys, we'll give you a call.

Qrow: Fair enough, and Kieron Prime!

Kieron: Yeah?!

Qrow: I trust that you look after Shadow, same implies to the Arcadian!

Kieron: You can count on me, Sir!

Roland: He will be in good hands, sir!

And with that said, Kieron closed the hatch to the ark as the ship began to levitate while turning to the opposit direction as it took of to our destination.

Ozpin: I hope we all can come back in one piece.

Apollonir: Oh, don't worry, Oz. You know my son,... so... we will.


During our journey towards the city that no one has even heard of it before, everyone are now gearing up to prepare for what's awaiting them, when Kieron asked.

Kieron: Shadow, may I ask.

Me: Ask away, brother.

Kieron: What city is this that you built in your young age and how do you know those so called, people?

Me: Well, it is a city of humanoid dragons, dragon faunuses and many more. It all started when I was looking for resources to cure someone's dangerous disease. So, I ventured out at Mistral. That's when I came across them, attacked by Alpha Grimms.... a horde of them. I can't just let them die by their paws so,... I had to stop them by turning myself into Action Gamer Level 5, slaughtering them in sight, impressing the people there.

Yang: Then, what happened?

Me: After killing off the last Grimm, the dragon people bowed down before me, claiming me as their creator of them. So, I took them under my wing and eventually, we built a Dragon City, statue created under my name, all signiture places, all under my name.

Weiss: You must know some people who can help us.

Me: I know someone, that is why we must go there now.

Bumblebee: (radio talking) Kieron Prime, there seems to be a cloaking shield covering something.

Kieron: Shadow, is this the place?

Me: Yes, that's the place.

3rd Person's POV:

As soon as they found the secret city, the ark accelerated as a part of the barrier opened up for us, allowing us to go through the barrier at ease, to everyone on board the ark sigh in relief.

Jon: That was close.

Shadow: Yep. That means they know I'm here and they are planning to welcome us.

Weiss: Oh, a welcoming commity? 

Rachel: That's nice.... is it?

Shadow: Yeah, Rach. Nice thing.

Meanwhile down at the dragon city, dragon faunuses, dragons, dragon people and some humans donning dragon clothes, armour or both looked up at the ship, knowing that their leader has returned for a purpose. While looking up, a news report is now in progress.

News Reporter: It appears we are being revisited by the Dragon Emperor known as Shadow Dragon, who once gave our city a gift called technology, taxes, vehicles and other accessories to build our community which helps and improves in our homes, businesses and in our own daily lives, things that are need to be disposed of will be sent to the Dragon Cauldron where they will be incinerated. But why has Shadow Dragon returned? And what will he say when he hears the big news? Let's find out.


We all watched on as we looked at the view of this secret dragon city as tables, a band, food being catered and very important people streaming in to see us as Kieron and a few others spoke up.

Kieron: Whoa... there are seriously loving you, Shadow...

Mitchell: There's caterers down there and special food delicacies down there as well. OH EVEN A BAND!? Cooooollll...

Weiss: I feel that some things never change in a city...

Tenka: Yep. It's like Vale but, in a very different way.

Weiss: Yep. But still, beautiful.

As Weiss states her point, I zapped everyone in the ship as they now donned Dragon horns, wings, tails, claws or both, or even all of the above, to Weiss complaining about the idea.

Weiss: You have got to be joking??

Me: You wanna be labelled as a traitor, be my guest. It's customs and tradition.

Sunstreaker: Yeah... according to customs, it's the law.

Weiss: (Scoffs) Fine. You will turn us back to normal, right?

Tenka: Trust him, Weiss. He will.

Weiss: Well,... okay. So, Shadow, Kieron. When are we landing?

Kieron: We are landing right abooooooooout, now.

Me: So, everyone get ready at the hangar of the ship. We're getting off there.

I said as I donned my disguise by using my powers.

3rd Person's POV:

The ark soon landed in front of the people, with its back facing them as the hatch of the Hangar opens up revealing the teams that are on the ship joining Shadow in his quest to save Ruby as they came face-to-face with so many dragon people.

Weiss was about to alight the ark when Shadow placed his arm in front of her.

Weiss: Huh? Did I do something wrong?

Shadow: Wait for the ramp, guys. They love the slow ramp. They just love watching the ramp, slowly descending down, making its way down to the ground.

Weiss: Oookay...

As the ramp slowly made its way to the ground for us to walk down, a band was played to welcome them. Just as the ramp reached the ground, everyone began to take pictures of Shadow and his group that are waiting at the exit of the hangar as Shadow raised both his arms up in the air as he spoke.

Shadow: GREETINGS!!!!!!


I watched as everyone who are snapping pictures and raising their hands of open arms as they cheered for us for my return. As they cheered for us, my arms still up in the air, I switched my hand motion to middle fingers, pointing in the air for everyone to see as everyone kept on cheering us on, but louder this time, to my group taking notice of this as they have shocked looks on their faces. Weiss had a disgust and shock look on her face as I did that.

Me: Guys trust me. So,... just help me out here and flip'em off. I told them that means "Peace among worlds". How hilarious is that?

Weiss then looked down below, seeing a small dragonoid human looking at her as she pointed two middle fingers at her as she smiled. Weiss then looked at me as I smiled while having two middle fingers up in the air as she sighed in defeat (-_-) and went along with it by pointing her middle fingers at them, to the group's confusion.

Mitchell: Well, he said this means peace among worlds. So....

Tenka: Let's just do this here and not anywhere else....

Weiss: Yeah, do we?

Me: Yeah. Here only. Not anywhere else.

And with that settled, the group inside the ark point their middle fingers at the crowd at the city as they made their way down the ramp all the way to the floors of the dragon city while the dragon people kept cheering for us while snapping pictures and pointing middle fingers at us as well while the band was played for us as a warm welcome to us.

Me: Coming through here, my brethren and people to one and all. A group of your creators and protectors coming through here.

I said as I smiled at everyone.

Weiss: ...... -_-.....

Tenka: Weiss... Are you okay?

Weiss: It's nothing.... -_-... I only know pointing these are inappropriate but... never knew it is appropriate for one hidden city...

Tenka: Neither did I...

Rachel: Same.

As we reached the floors of the hidden city, the band stopped playing and everyone lowered their hands and stopped cheering as an Advisor of the Dragon City came towards me with a smile on his face.

Dragon Advisor: Shadow Dragon, our Draconic friend! How honoured are we to see you once again and with some of your people as well.

Me: Indeed it is. I have read your message and I see that a Golden Phoenix came by here.

Dragon Advisor: Yes, indeed. There is a Golden Phoenix which flew above us, attacked some of our very important buildings. Nothing too major yet, of course. However, it's controlled by a Golden Warrior who named himself to be Kamen Rider Odin and he has a hostage. A girl in a red hood and cloak, and threatens to kill her if you don't show up in a specific location that he has told us where it is. 

I looked at my advisor with a serious look and a pissed off look at my face as I tried to keep my cool as I replied with my teeth still clenched up with my mouth still moving.

Me: I would looooove to know where he's hiding our hostage.

Dragon Advisor: Fuck you.

I grabbed his collar of his suit as I yelled.


Dragon Advisor: (Worried look)
I... uuuuhh... I said uuuhh... "Fuck you"... you said it means, (Quoting) "Much Obliged".

I released my grip on his suit as I tidied it while readjusting his collar back in place as I formally apologised to him which he understood me, to everyone's shock.

Me: Oh... sorry... well, I... uuuhh, Don't... Don't mind me.

Dragon Advisor: Oh no no. Don't mind, me. (Understanding tone as he smiles)

A few minutes later,

(A/N: Dragon Tower aka, Shadow CORP. Enlarge the dragon so that people can walk inside of it like a usual building as well. And make the building more futuristic.)

It has been a few minutes now and we were transported by a Dragon Limbo to a huge dragon tower known as Shadow CORP. Tower as we looked at it in awe at its details.

Yang: Whoa.... you got a lot of things going here.

Me: Yep. They have been improving a lot since.

The limbo stopped as we alighted the limbo as we all made our way to the top of the tower by the use of elevators as we are about to begin our rescue mission meeting there.

As we reached the top, the lift doors opened as everyone of us saw some dragons taking their leave as they managed to get seats for us at the table, to Weiss' amazement.

Weiss: How did you train them to do that?

Dragon Faunus Worker 1: Well, you see. Shadow taught us how to tame and train them. So after immense training, they are not just dragons that helps around here like the chairs for example, but they are also guardians as well.

Weiss: Oooooh, I see. Interesting. Ugh... I can't believe I'm saying this but,... (Facepalms a bit as she said it) fuck you.

Dragon Faunus Worker 1: Fuck you. (Smiles)

Me: okay.... let's... I know it's a lot to take in but let's focus on our high priority here. To rescue Rubes.

When I said that, everyone looked with agreed faces as they made their way to their seats as we readied ourselves for our rescue mission meeting.

3rd Person's POV:

Once seated, our same Dragon Advisor came in with files for us as we recieved one each. We opened the files as we see a phoenix figure and two human figures, one gold and one black with a red cloak.

Dragon Advisor: Basically, what's going on here is that this so called, Kamen Rider Odin soared through these skies, and attacked our city. Luckily we managed to fend it off as it retreated with a warning and message.

Tenka: And that would be???

Dragon Advisor: This.

He said as he pressed the button of the remote as the screen showed Odin's golden stupid face.

(A/N: Kamen Rider Odin - Unknown Form.)

-Start of Transmission-

Kamen Rider Odin (On screen): I you are seeing this, people of Dragon City and Dragon Emperor, that means I have attacked your city and kidnapped your friend. If you want her back alive and your city to be at peace... HEED THIS MESSAGE!! Bring your Dragon Emperor to me by the Mountain tops south from here. Make sure he comes, alone... other wise, I shall KILL this girl in front of your very eyes and the outside world's people to see AS WELL!!!!!! And once she is done for, you are next!!! (feed ends here)

-End of Transmission-

Shadow: Wow.... come alone? That's trouble....

Dragon Advisor: We wouldn't want you to go to him alone as we know he has tricks under his sleeves. It is also fortunate that you have brought along back-up with you which will help you in your quest.

Jon: So, the southern mountain tops are at where???

Shadow: Here.

Shadow stated as he pressed several buttons on the table showing the Dragon City as there is a pin-point location of the southern mountain tops, to our shock.

(A/N: Southern Mountains. Something like this, but higher than this.)

Blake: That's.... a long way up.

Tenka: Tell me about it.....

Dragon Advisor: We aleady confirmed that the girl is there as everyone saw her flying there by via Odin's phoenix.

Blake: Then, we shall take an Airship up there.

Ren: I'm afraid that won't be easy, Blake.

Me: Yeah, Ren's right. Wind currents are quite strong at those parts.

Dragon Advisor: May I suggest a dragon to be given to you to make your way up there and make your journey smoother?

When we all heard the advisor, we all looked at him, surprised as I spoke.

Me: You know certain dragons that can get us up there?

Dragon Advisor: Yes. We also know two people on the job who can help you get there.

Me: Really? Who are they?

Dragon Advisor: Two humans. One is a Detective and the other can turn into one of us as well, and he also offered a few number of dragons to us, which you will all be riding on.

Me: Hmmm, interesting. Lead me to the dragons, and to our noble warriors.

Dragon Advisor: Alright then. Follow me. 

And with that, we soon followed him as we made our way down to the ground level of the building while making our way towards a huge Den filled with Dragons consisting of many different species, sizes and elements. (A/N: Different types of Dragons will be shown on Part 2.)

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The FINAL, and yet the eighteenth episode of the Fifth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, PART 1. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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