Volume 5: The Chosen wielding the Power of Fire and Ice

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the FINAL, and yet the seventeenth episode of the FIFTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!! zombienitro02 and azurecrozz, this one is for you.


It was my bedtime and I am fast asleep in my bed, in the house that was cattered to us and everyone seems to be already fast asleep in the house, with somesleepingon the chairs and couch, including the floors of each bedroom as there are no beds left. As I slept on, I kept hearing voicescalling for me. It kept calling me for a few minutes until I had enough that I had to storm out of my bed to wake up, only to see myself in the white void once again.

Me: Oh crap... I didn't know they called....

Summer & The Four maidens: Shadow Wrath.

I swiftly turned towards them as I apologised.

Me: Summer, Four Maidens of Remnant. Greetings. And I must apologise for my agressio--

Amber: It's alright. It was never our intention to disturb you at your time of rest.

Unnamed Spring Maiden: Forgive us, but... We have news for you.

When the Spring Maiden said this, my eyes widened when I heard there are news to be told.

Me: News? What is it?

Unnamed Summer Maiden: During the Battle for Haven, we saw your performances with two interesting Huntsmen.

Unnamed Winter Maiden: And how they worked together as brothers, we thought that maybe we can entrust them with each our powers.

Me: Meaning?

Amber: You have the power to give each Huntsmen or Huntresses each of our powers.

Unnamed Spring Maiden: But, you can only do so when we call you to tell you that we haave found the one who can do so.

Me: Okay.

Summer: And as of now, we've chosen two who are brothers. Kori Hiyasu and Jason Hiyasu.

Me: Grease Blizzard... Cross-Z Magma.... GOD DAYUM!!! I get it! I know what powers to give them.

Unnamed Winter Maiden: And we have the same idea as yours, too.

Unnamed Winter and Summer Maiden: After the gods, Summer Rose and ourselves talked among ourselves about these two brothers, we have decided to give them the Summer and Winter Maidens's powers by your hands.

Amber: But, what is given to them, your powers will remain unchangable.

Me: And why is that, my friends?

Summer: Because when we past our powers to you, we made sure we made our powers always stay within you, permanently so that Salem and her faction will not get their hands on them to grab the relics.

Unnamed Spring Maiden: However, although the removal of your powers are not possible, but giving your powers to the chosen few by our conscent isn't so. Even if you give your powers to them, like what Summer said which I will rephrase that, the amount of power given to them will still remain within you.

I nod my head attentively knowing that this is extremely important.

Me: I see....

Summer & The Four Maidens: So now, go forth, Shadow. Fulfill their destinies and train them to become powerful maidens like us.

Me: Understood, my friends.

Summer: And Shadow?

I turned back to see them.

Me: Yeah?

Unnamed Winter Maiden: You haven't thought of a group name, didn't you?

Me: In time, my friends, in time.

I said that as I disappeared from the void, causing the maidens and the silver-eyed warrior to giggle a lot when they mentioned this.

Unnamed Winter Maiden: He said something about a group or an organization, right?

Summer: Yes, according to Amber, he wanted to make one, isn't that right?

Amber: Yes, that is true. This particular group or organization consist of the four season maidens and more. But the name of this group or organization is something that he haven't thought of yet.

Unnamed Spring Maiden: True. This is gotta be some group/organization.

All: Indeed.

A few minutes later,

After talking to Summer and the four maidens for a few minutes, I shot out of bed as I woke up in a jolt, seeing that I am back in my room, knowing what I have to do.

Me: Okay.... Once they wake up, I am going to have a word with them.

And with that, I looked at my watch, saying that the time is 0430 Hours. Knowkng that I am still early to talk to them, I went back lying on my bed as I went fast asleep, waiting till it hits 6 o'clock or 06:30am.


Orochi's POV:

I sat on my throne as I began to rest and think about how Hiro manage to wield the power of all her men present here. As she thinks, NegaSonic came by as he saw me in thisthinking state of mind as he asked.

NegaSonic Metalgear Warhead: You okay?

Me: Yes. I'm just glad my brother is okay.

NegaSonic Metalgear Warhead: True. But... aren't you suppose to---

He implies as he points at my left arm. I looked as I was shocked that I have forgotten to pass my brother the weapon that is suppose to be his.

Me: Ah, yes. The Pandora Gauntlet. Thanks for reminding me on this. 

NegaSonic Metalgear Warhead: Your welcome. My I come along with youin giving Shadow what is rightfully his?

Me: That won't be necessary, NegaSonic. I can take care of this.

I said as I activated one of my stones on my gauntlet forming a portal as I Fell backwards as I did a free-fall right into it as it closed on me after I entered the portal by falling.


-0625 Hours-


It is now 0625 Hours and my alarm clockc sounded off. I shift arpund my bed uncontrollably as I slammed my hand onto my alarm clock, stopping it from ringing annoyingly and continiously.

After stopping my alarm clock from continuously ringing, I got out of bed as I walked out of my room. As I was about to leave my room, a portal that I've never seen before appeared as I spotted Orochi exiting out of the portal in a short notice.

Me: Sister? What brings you here?

Orochi/Aether: Shadow-kun, sorry I cameby in short notice. I forgotten to pass you something after the battle.

Me: Oh yeah? What?

I watched as my sister threw something at me, in which I caught it and looked at what she has passed to me. My eyes widened when I saw this.

Me: It's the...

Orochi/Aether: Pandora Gauntlet. The ultimate weapon inside the Pandora's box itself.

Me: I see.... you were wearing it.

Orochi/Aether: That's right. What you saw, is one of its powers of the Gauntlet.

I was in awe when she gave me and explained one of its powers. Unfortunately, I have to return it to her as it belongs to her.

Me: I'm sorry... Aether-san. I can't have it. It's yours after all so... I should give it back to you. I--

Orochi/Aether: Please, I insist. You need all the help you get. So please... for me.... for mother and father.

I looked at my sister as I watched her removing her mask as she did her puppies eyes that I've been trying to resist in a really long time. Unfrotunately, I gave in to her puppy eyes and promised her I'd keep it.

Me: (Sighs) Okayyy... Fine, I'll keep it, I promise. For the sake of mother and father.

Orochi/Aether: (Hugs Shadow) Thank you....

I returned the hug to my sister.

Me: Your welcome....

Orochi/Aether: How's mother?

Me: She's fine. I saw her.

Orochi/Aether: What?! (Looks at me) I thought she's---

Me: She's not. She has to be in some realm because of her ranks and status.

Orochi/Aether: I see. Well, when you meet with mother again, send my honourable regards to her for me.

Me: You know I will, as after all, we all are still family.

I said as she giggles. She then walks away from meas she bids a temporary farewell to me, in which I bid her farewell as well while opeing her portal with her odachis, entering through the portal she just created. I watched the portal closed upon itself as I looked at her gauntlet soon after.

Me: I promise.

I said these two words as I wore the Gauntlet on my left arm as I felt a full surge of the Pandor Gauntlet and the stones' energy coursing through me, giving me the powers and the memories of all these strange people including a certain purple person whom I know him as Thanos destroying their world and someone including these people defeating him in the future. 

A few minutes later,

Me: This is some cool vision I have. Better keep my gauntlets on.

I said as I exited the room. As I exited the room, I soon see some of my friends sleeping on the floor, couche and chairs. I was going to one of the rooms to find Kori and Jason but, as if right on queue, I heard yawns.

I soon looked back at the couche and chairs as I found my two elemental duos as they were about to get up from their sleep. I went up to them as I nudged them.

Me: Hey, guys. Wakey wakey.

Kori: mmmph?! Wha- oh! Shadow.

Jason: Hhhhheeeeeeyyyyy.... Shadooowww...

Me: I see you both are waking up. How are you two?

Kori & Jason: Yep. Great.

Jason: Slept like a dog... You need anything from us?

Kori: Got any dips on our combo attack?

Me: Actually, both.

When I said this, this caused them to widened their eyes as they curiously ask.

Jason: Really?

Kori: What are the dips?

Me: Yyyyyou may want to follow me for a moment. Come on. To the training area downstairs.

I said as I made my way downstairs to where the training area is, the same area where I trained Oscar, to the brothers' confusion. They looked at me making my way down as they followed me down soon after, unbeknowst to them in one of the rooms, Ozpin sensed something is going to happen as he quietly walks out of his room as he follows them down.

3rd Person's POV:

As the Hiyasu brothers are at the training room, they noticed Shadow in a kneeling position as his hands are on his knees with his eyes closed. They looked at each other as they noticed something on my right arm.

Kori: Jason, what's that on his arms?

Jason: One way to find out, is that we find out what's going on.

Kori: Let's go.

Kori implied as they made their way to Shadow. Once they reached, they sat in a kneeling position in front of me as Shadow opened his eyes with fire streaks with multitude of colour began to emit from my eyes as he began to spoke.

Shadow: You two made it, glad you can give up some of your time to be here, Kori Hiyasu, Jason Hiyasu.

Jason: Okay. Your welcome. Actually we got some questions.

Kori: Yeah, like uh, what's that gold gauntlet with the stones on it called?

Shadow: Well, to Answer your question, this... (raises my right arm)... is called the Muteki Gauntlet and these stones are called the Infinity Stones of Remnant. And this... (raises my left arm)... is called the Pandora Gauntlet and these stones are the Pandora Infinity Stones... to my own personal preference to call them.

Kori & Jason: Whoooooaaa...

Shadow: I know, right? Cool, isn't it.

Kori: Yeah, it is.

Jason: You're telling me.

Shadow: Yep.

Kori: cool....

Jason: Okay, okay next question. Why did you call us here?

Kori: Yeah, you said you have dips on how and why we can do a combo beam with or without you in it.

Shadow: Well, an excellent million lien question. Well, you see... have you ever heard about the maidens and what they are capable of???

The brothers looked in confused as they looked at Shadow with confused looks on their faces as they shrugged their shoulder, causing Shadow to have a sweat demeanor above his head.

Shadow: Okay,... I guess I should give you a few tips on what they are capable of. Basically what the maidens are for, are that each maiden wield specific feats of magic. Basically each maiden wields on Season Powers. To name them, they are Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring.

Kori & Jason: Cool....

Shadow: And each Season Maiden like I said wields feats of magic to defeat the Grimm and, to unlock the Relics in specific Academies. Summer for Relic of Destruction, Fall for Relic of Choice, Winter for Relic of Creation and Spring for Relic of Knowlege. We've gotten the Relic of Knowledge, and now we must grab the other three. When one maiden dies, the other will take their place when they set their first eyes on them as their chosen ones.

Jason: And what happens when we collect them all?

Kori: And what happens when we combine them all???

Shadow: That,... is something that I do not know for now as it wad never tested yet.

Kori & Jason: Ooooohh, I see.

Kori: What does this got to do with us being here?

Shadow: Well, to get to the point. After seeing your powers, strengths and seeing that I was part of your Triple Maiden Beyond Shot, A Silver-Eyed Warrior and the Four Season Maidens have spoken to me and informed me that you both have proven yourselves worthy.

When Shadow stated this, they were surprised that a Silver-Eyed Warrior and the Four Season Maidens have spoken to me. When I said the last line, this caught them by surprise as they asked.

Jason: They spoken to you?

Shadow: Yes.

Kori: What did they say?

Shadow: What I said just now is what they have spoken.

Kori: Whoa.

Jason: But, why us?

Shadow: Because, after fighting together against Hazel and did a combo beam against him, I sensed that it is fate that we are destined to meet up with each other to do great things in the world. Which is why you both shall recieve their blessings, and mine as I will be passing you the Powers of the Winter and Summer Maidens to you, individual with your specific semblance and element.

The brothers soon had their eyes widened as they heard from their new friend, Shadow is about to give them the Powers of the Summer and the Winter Maiden respectively as they looked at esch other and back at Shadow many times slowly and soon after in a quick pace.

Shadow: 3.... 2..... 1....

As Shadow count to one, the brothers screamed in excitement as they ran around the room from the floor, to the wall and then to the ceiling to my shock as they were that capable on doing that as well.

Shadow: Well... that, is unexpecting. Well, boys, you excited?

Kori: Excited?! Of course we are! You giving the maidens' power?!

Jason: Seriously, it is a bizzare thing to wield.

Shadow: Well, I can agree with that but do be warned.

When Shadow said that, this caused the brothers to stop celebrating as they stared at me.

Shadow: Once I pass you my powers, there will be bad people coming after you, and most importantly, look out for Salem and her faction. They are the ones who want to steal your powers away from you and claim the relics to themselves. So, are you sure you want to wield this kind of power?

Jason's POV:

When we heard this, this caused us to look frightened a bit as there will be bad people going after us for our powers. I soon took the opportunity to speak up to Shadow.

Me: Shadow, could you give us a minute.

Shadow: Sure.

And with that, I hung my arm over my brother's shoulders as I turned our back on Shadow as we had a small discussion.

Kori: So, options?

Me: Well, this is a once in a lifetime thing. So, we should accept that gift.

Kori: But you heard him that Salem and her faction will find us and kill us.

Me: Don't worry, bro. We will face the odds like brothers. Brothers forever, bro.

When I said that, I showed a fist as Kori soon hesitated a bit until he slowly, and yet steadily showed his fist as well as we did a fist pump at each other.

Kori: Yeah, brothers forever.

Me: Yeah. If we wield the powers, we wield them together.

Kori: Yeah.

Me: Like what father always say, 'Fight with Honour'--

Kori: Heheh! I know what brother said, brother. To finish your line, 'DIE WITH GLORY!'

We soon did a handshake as we turned back towards Shadow as we gave him our last answer, saying it together.

Kori & Me: WE'RE IN!!!


I heard their finalized answers as I gave them a nod.

Me: Very well, then. Kneel, my Hiyasu brothers.

And with that, I watched Kori and Jason kneeling down before me as they don their one-leg kneeling stance as they bowed their heads I wield Gashacon Key-Slasher.

I took out two dust crystals as I placed a blue one into the Key-Slasher.


The weapon announced as I raised my sword above Kori Hiyasu.

Me: Kori Hiyasu, from this day forth, you will be and will be the guardian, of the Winter Maiden and her powers.

I stated as I place the blade of my sword at Kori's left shoulder, followed by his right shoulder, then gently placed it onto his head as Kori felt the Power of the Winter Maiden flowing into him.

Once the Winter Maiden's powers are completely inside of Kori, I lifted the blade away from him as he is now a Winter Maiden. After seeing to Kori, I looked at Jason.


Me: Jason Hiyasu, like your brother, from this day forth, you will be and will be the guardian, of the Summer Maiden and her powers.

I stated as I place the blade of my sword at Jason's left shoulder, followed by his right shoulder, then gently placed it onto his head as Jason felt the Power of the Summer Maiden flowing into him.

Once the Summer Maiden's powers are completely inside of Jason, I lifted the blade away from him as he is now a Summer Maiden. After seeing to Kori and Jason, I said;

Me: Now that you have the Winter and Summer Maiden powers, please rise and raise your right hand.

I said as I raised mine, while watching the brothers stood up as they raised their right hands up to commence the oath.

Me: I.

Kori & Jason: I.

Me: Hereby swear.

Kori & Jason: Hereby swear.

Me: To Protect these powers.

Kori & Jason: To Protect these powers.

Me: From Evil forces.

Kori & Jason: From Evil forces.

Me: With my LIFE!!!!!

Kori & Jason: WITH MY LIFE!!!!!!

Me: Kori Hiyasu, Jason Hiyasu, from this day forth, you are officially, a Full-Pledged Maiden. Congradulations.

Kori and Jason hugged each other, jumping around like little girls as they celebrated their powers, to my sweat demeanor forming up above my head.

Summer and the Four Maidens (In Shadow's mind): Are they--

Me: Yes... celebrating.

Summer (In Shadow's mind): Like little girls.

Me: Hey...

As if right on queue, they grabbed me as they reluctently got me to join in.

Amber (In Shadow's mind): Well, we can't grow out from almost anything like this.

I heard Summer and the maidens laughing at me as I scoffed while celebrating them. After a while of celebrating, they released me from their so called group hug as they began to ask.

Kori: When do we start?

Jason: Yeah?

Me: We start after everyone gets up and after breakfast. And I'm sure with your newfound powers, our combo attack would be well improved and obsolete than our last one when we used it against Hazel.

Kori & Jason: Coooool!!

They implied as they tried out their powers for a bit, to Oscar and Ozpin's evasdropping them still.

Oscar: What is he doing??

Ozpin: Something that I should have done, many, many years ago.

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The FINAL, and yet the seventeenth episode of the Fifth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. Well, at least nowwe know how Summer is still sort of alive. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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