Volume 5: A much Needed Talk, again...

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the FINAL, and yet the sixteenth episode of the FIFTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

It is now morning, the night after the Battle for Haven as the faunus malicious group lead by Ghira have returned to Menagerie to celebrate their victory against the White Fang Splinter Group, the relic has been claimed by the good guys, Orochi Tenma and her men returned to their tribe to celebrate their victory against the evil forces and our rider and robot-human friends are resting inside the house we are temporary living in together with Teams RWBY, STRM, JEWL, RNHK and the members of JNPR.

Tenka Kaito however was in his room together with his long lost father as they began to catch up with what Tenka's dad missed out. Tenka is still and yet finally relieved that his father has returned to him.

Shadow however was talking to the newcomers as they talked about themselves and their backgrounds and how they managed to get their semblance as he focused more of Jason and Kori after the duo including himself did a triple beam against Hazel back in the battle for Haven. While they were talking, Qrow came up to me as he spoke to me while placing his hand on his shoulder.

Qrow: Uuuhh, Icepop.

Shadow: Yeah?

Qrow: Oz and I.... wanted to talk to you.

Shadow: What's going on?

Qrow: It's personal. Just come along, kiddo.

Shadow: Okay....

He responded as he left the group to talk amongst each other as he and Qrow made their way to the room where Oscar/Ozpin is resting at. As they arrived, Qrow closed the door behind Shadow as Oscar's soul was taken over by Ozpin as he spoke.

Ozpin: Dr. Wrath, so glad you could come.


Qrow soon sat on a chair as I faced Ozpin as I asked.

Me: What's going on, Professor? Have I done something wro--

Ozpin: No no, it's not that.

Me: Oh.

Ozpin: But, I would like know, how???

Me: Huh?

Ozpin: How did you keep Summer Rose alive?

Me: Well, I.... I don't think I get you, Profe--

Qrow: Don't play dumb!!!

Qrow stood up forcefully as he had his death glare at me, to my shock.

Qrow: Summer was suppose to be Killed in Action on her mission she couldn't do on her own. So, HOW DID YOU BRING HER BACK?!?!

Me: Look, I don't know, okay?! I don't know!!

Ozpin: Dr. Wrath! We need to know because Miss Rose and Miss Xiao Long were asking me about this matter late last night. So, I think we need explanations.

Qrow: Oz is right, Doc. And remember a Maidens' weakness are the silver-eyed warriors and somehow you have no effects on that power. How is that even possible?!

Me: Look, I don't know how either, so please take it ea--

Qrow: Easy? Yeah sure! Unless you tell us, we WON'T GO EASY ON Y--

Apollonir: ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apollinir stormed into the room as he banged the doors open, to Qrow, Ozpin and my shock as we never seen him this pissed of before.

I watched as he had his fiery death glare at Qrow as Qrow turned his angered look to a worried one, knowing that he has seen this before, but far more worse than this.

Qrow: I'm... sorry, Apollo.... I shouldn't have yelled at your son...

He said this as he calmly looked at me as he began to speak.

Apollonir: Son,.... remember the time when you asked about the white rose petal and I said that you'll know about it later?

Me: Yeah? Why?

As I asked, I noticed Ruby and Yang behind my dad as I looked up at him once again.

Me: Dad? What is....

Apollonir: (sighs) I guess we need to talk.

He said as he motioned his head to tell Ruby and Yang to go inside of the room as he locked the room up while sitting down onto a chair as he began to explain.

Apollonir: That rose petal.... holds the last remaining life of Summer Rose, Ruby's mother.

When we heard this, everyone looked in shock as I looked at my watch.

Me: The petal I have inside my watch is.... Ruby' mom?

Apollonir: Correct.

Yang: How? How did you save her?

Apollonir: I will get to that. I'm not like Oz, so, I'll spill it.

Yang: Well... okay.

Ruby: Okay.

Me: Let's have it, Dad.

Apollonir then took a deep breath as he began to answer everyone's question with a story.

Apollonir: It was a few years back after I've finished my mission. It was a mission to clear out all the Grimm from certain Villages around Remnant. Due to my powers and abilities, my mission ended early. So, in one of the villages I am at, I went into a bar and noticed Qrow drinking. So,...

Qrow: He joined me. He and I are good!

Apollonir: Yeah, better than you as I didn't get drunk.

Qrow: Funny....

This earned Ruby, Yang, Oscar which I can hear and I to snicker amongst each other as my dad continued his story.

Apollonir: Anyway, it was close to sunset and we kept drinking in a bar until.....

He suddenly stopped as he started to shed a tear.

Me: Dad...?


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Apollonir: I sensed a Huntress's life force fading away further away from where I am..... so, I told Qrow that I'm off somewhere for another mission, which he obliged to it. So, I went on my next mission... but turns out, it is not a mission at all.

He said as he wiped the tears off his face by his arm.

Qrow: What?!

Ozpin: Then where did you go???

I saw my dad composing himself as he began to continue.

Apollonir: When I reached the location where I sensed her presence, I.... was too late..... the Grimm were defeated and the Huntress whom you all know as Summer Rose, Ruby's mother and a Team Leader to Team STRQ, died of an unknown cause..... white rose petals flew around me as they all withered away.... all except one. This petal in particular is the only life force I'm sensing that Summer is alive but, not completely. So, I quickly grabbed the glowing petal unknowing its ability as I took off to where the petals originated from as I took Summer's weapons as I flew towards Beacon.... to give the bad and sad news to Oz and STRQ about their leader. And I even explained to them what happened. Qrow and Tai understood.... Oz too, but Raven took off for an unknown reason, now knowing why she did that. After telling them the news, I went back home with the petal as I checked on my six year old son who is now all grown up as he was fast asleep as I hid he petal in my room, in a small box so in time when my son wakes up, I will pass it to him so that he will eventually find the answers on what this petal is capable of.

And with that answered, everyone was in a deep shock that as they looked at Apollonir, my father who somewhat saved my girlfriend's mom, in a petal-like form and past it down to his son which is me.

Apollonir: And now he has found the answers by unleashing his and her powers at once, simutaneously and by his father.... which I now regret what I did.... I'm sorry.....

He said apologetically as he hung his head low. Everyone looked at him with concern, knowing that he did what he could. So, Qrow placed his hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

Qrow: It's okay, Apollo. I don't blame you. After listening to your story, I think it adds up that you did what you could, although you told just one little white lie to cover it up.

Ozpin: Yes. I have to agree with Qrow. Although it is not your post to interfere with her mission, you still did your best to save her, even in a delicate form of a petal.

Yang: Well,.... I was going to punch you in the face for that at first.... but after hearing the sotry and the whole truth,.... thank you.... for trying to save Ruby's mom.... and a super for a super mom.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Apollonir: Your welcome, you guys. And thank you.... for understanding what my intentions were, Qrow....

Qrow: Hey, anything for a good ol' friend who turned out to be a Dragon God of Fire.

Apollonir: Not funny Qrow.....

And with that everyone laughed at Qrow's remark. It took a good three laughable minutes until Ruby sounded of to address something.

Ruby: Ummm, Shadow.... is it okay if you could turn yourself into my mom, please?

Me: Well.... okay. But, let me to confirm with her. What do you think, Sum?

Summer (In Shadow's mind): I don't see why not. As after a while, it's been so long since I've seen my daughters, Oz and Qrow.

3rd Person's POV:

Summer said as Shadow turned the knob of his watch as the same White Rose pop out from his watch as the rose and watch combined into a bracelet, causing a silver light to engulf the whole room, bljnding everyone inside the room.

Everyone squint their eyes as they watched on while the light starts to dim. After their visions are cleared from the glarey silver light, they now see Shadow in Shadow Summer form with Summer taking over him. He/She then looked at Ruby as he/she spoke.

Summer: Hello, Ruby, Yang, my beautiful daughters.

Ruby/Yang: mom?

Summer: Correct. Well, it may be awkward to be in a teenage boy's body but,... I guess this'll oughta do as his appearance combining to mine will be a "Best Match" at things... here and there in a beauty kind of way. Either way,... I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about my status, Oz.... I... I thought I could take them on, now that Salem was quite strong...

Ozpin: I understand that you want what's best for Miss Rose and Miss Xiao Long but, the real question is... why?

Silence filled the room as she began to cry.

Summer: Because.... (sniff)... I want to be stronger.... I just want what's best for the family, and... (sniff)... I don't want people to think that I am weak....

Me(In Summer's mind): But, you're not weak. You're strong, Sum.

Qrow: Sum, you're strong. You are strong just like old times. What made you think that you're weak??

Summer: Because I'm scared....

All: Huh?

Summer: I'm scared that I might lose you.... Tha-- (sniff) That's why I want to take this mission myself..... to show everyone that STRQ is forced... (sniff) to be recknoed with... and try to find answers as to what Ozpin is really hiding from us... but that made me think that I'm weak.... because I did protect the world from harm... but not myself..... I.... (sniff) I'm sorry..... I'm so.... sorry....

And with that, Summer cried, which made me cry inside her mind as well as both our bonds are in sync. Then, Qrow hugged her by wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

Qrow: Hey, it's not your fault. You showed them that you are strong, Sum. But leaving us like that totally traumatized us a lot.... but now that you are back, thanks to Apollo, I think it's time we all have a good catch-up session for a bit.

Ruby: Yeah. As after all, it has been years.

Summer: Ruby.... Qrow....

Me (In Summer's mind): My dips are on them so, yeah. They're right. Don't pull yourself down. Think of the future, Sum. The world is in your hands if you thimk it through, positively, even if you are pissed off or... angry in that case of scenario.

She heard me as she nod in agreement while looking at everyone. She soon opened up her arms, gesturing them to come over to give her/me a hug, in which everyone went up to her to hug her and she returned the hug to them. She then looked at Qrow and Apollonir as she motioned her hand, telling them to join in the hug, and so implied to Ozpin as they hugged her, together with the girls as she hugged them all at once.

Ruby: We.... missed you....

Ruby implied as a tear streamed down her face.

Summer: Ssshh shh shhh ssssshhhh... it's okay now, all of you. "I'm home".

She said this as she hugged everyone tightly towards her.

Summer: My little girls, my friend of a dragon, my teammate and... My friend of a Headmaster...

Ozpin: I'm sorry I hid a lot of things... about y--

Summer: Ssssssshhh... later.

She quietly whispered to Ozpin as he smiled and kept quiet, followed by everyone smiling as well as their friend, a mother and a teammate, a team leader has come home, in a spiritual state of mind as she is using Shadow's body as a host to reach out to them.

As they were embracing each other in the room, outside the room stood Pallas listening into their conversation as he turned to Graphite, giving him a nod, in which he replied back by nodding as well.

Pallad: Well, looks like Shadow has found his answer.

Graphite: Yeah.

They implied as they left to talk with the others outside the living room.


At Salem's domain, Salem looked in disappointment as she looked at Gemdeus Machina with disgust.

Salem: Dear Machina.

Gemdeus Machina: Hmm?

Salem: I hope you have an explanation on how three of your top strongest men got defeated in battle by the hands of our Huntsmen and Huntresses.

Gemdeus Machina: They're strong, but needless to say, they lack of seriousness--

Salem: And the mission to defeat our enemies. You've disappointed me, Dear Gemdeus... you have.

When she said that, Gemdeus Machina simply laughed it off, to Salem's confusion.

Salem: What's so funny about failure.

Gemdeus Machina soon turned to Salem as he walked up to her.

Gemdeus Machina: Well, firstly, my dear. Failure is the key to our success. Second, my men being destroyed, you should be happy about that.

Salem: And why?

Gemdeus Machina: Because it was all part of the plan, my dear.

Salem: Is that so~?

Gemdeus Machina: Yes, my dear.

When Salem heard the word, "plan" she became curious as to find out what plan his dearest have in mind.

Salem: Very well, then. Tell me more about this plan you are scheming.

Gemdeus Machina: Well, basically, having my men to be destroyed, was basically the first phase of attack. This, my dear....

He said as he held out his hand as Salem accepted it by placing her hand on top of his as he placed his other hand to sandwich her hand and his hand below hers as her arm turned into some kind of flesh-like armour of himself, to her shock and amazement.

Gemdeus Machina: ... This is my second phase of attack, my dear.

Salem watched on as her arm turned to into an armoured-like arm made out of Gemdeus Machina's flesh and blood as the armour disappeared when he realeased Salem's arm as he walk and turned his back on her as he planned things out for future plans of attack.

Salem: So, what now, my dear Machina~?

Gemdeus Machina: Kyoryu Greeed may have been destroyed but, that is all part of his plan and mine as well, as he wanted me to use this special Driver on the 18 core medals.

He showed the special OOO-Driver and the 18 Core Medals to Salem.

Salem: For?

Gemdeus Machina: This.

He said as he flung them all to the huge doors as tonnes of Cell Medals began to cover up the Core Medals and the Driver, forming a fusion form of a rider and a greeed, no... a monster.

As the cell medals form up into an abomination like no other, blades of different creatures began to appear on its arms, back legs for armour and weaponary usage as tonnes of armour appeared, covering his body as a chestplate formed to be some kind of Greeed Shocker combination as the Driver appeared to wield all of the 6 combos at once.

Once the transformation is done, the abomination risen up as it looked at Salem.

(A/N: Shocker OOOOOO Greeed.)

Gemdeus Machina: May I present, OOOOOO Shocker, the ultimate Os Greeed.

OOOOOO Shocker: What is... this place?

Gemdeus Machina: You are in your masters' domain, Shocker. I am Gemdeus Machina, and this is Salem.

OOOOOO Shocker: I am proud... to be of service.

It said as it walked towards Salem as it spoke.

OOOOOO Shocker: Salem, if this makes you powerful, I will pledge, my upmost, undying loyalty, to you, your grace.

When OOOOOO Shocker pledged his loyalty to Salem, she soon smirked as she looked at Gemdeus Machina as she asked.

Salem: Gemmy, how many must I obtain to become powerful??

Gemdeus Machina smirked as he spoke.

Gemdeus Machina: Well, including OOOOOO Shocker and myself, nineteen beings. But, I shall be the one to fuse last as I still need training.

Salem: I see.

Gemdeus Machina: Since OOOOOO Shocker pledged his loyalty to you by combining himself to you, let him as his skills, abilities and motives are extremely high.

As he said this, Salem soon turned and looked at the kneeling OOOOOO Shocker as she smiled.

Salem: Well, OOOOOO Shocker, if your resolve is high like what your master said, then do what you must.

She said as she held up her hand with a ring on it. OOOOOO Shocker got up from his kneeling position as he held her hand and kissed her ring while turning himself into a pile of Cell and Core Medals.

Gemdeus Machina watched on as the Core Medals and the Cell Medals made their way towards Salem, creating OOOOOO Shocker's armour around her while being covered by Cell Medals. After a while, the Cell Medals around her disappeared only to show Salem donning in some kind of armour made from OOOOOO Shocker himself from shoulder-to-toe.

Salem conjoured a mirror as she looked at herself and her new upgrades from front to back as she smirked.

Salem: I like it. But, the back is a bit, too sharp... but I guess it'll oughta do.

She said as she sat down on her chair as she looks at Gemdeus Machina.

Salem: So, what now?

Gemdeus Machina: Now, we wait for more to give you their power so that you, will become the ultimate being of a combiner in this world to oppose the Gods of Creation and Destruction, and so to oppose our little pests that we've been dreaming of crushing like a paper cup!!


Back at Mistral,

Tenka's POV:

My dad and I were in the training hall below our house as we did our final clash of our weapons, with my father being strong as usual and I'm being as wary as ever due to the fact he has tricks on his sleeves.

Gaim: I got to hand it to you, your team leader has taught you well.

Me: Heh! You have no idea!

I said as I broke the clash, causing my father to trip slightly as I brought him down when I tripped him again from his foot by slashing my Tri-Sector Sparrows below his feet.

My father who is now on the floor Dehenshins himself as he got up, impressed with my moves.

Kouta: I got to say, I'm really impressed on how you fought. Like I said before, your Team Leader has taught you really well.

Me: Heheh, I had some help from my Teammates as well.

Kouta: I see. You have good friends you hold dear to you, my son.

Me: Yeah...

I replied as I gave my father a hug.

Me: I'm so glad I got you back.... so I can see you again....

My father soon hugged me back as he smiled while leaning his chin against my head, patting my back while giving me a hug.

Kouta: And I'm glad that my son, will be my future guardian of our village in due time.

When I heard this, my eyes widened as I looked at my father who is now smiling. I smiled back as I hugged him tightly as I knew that I would be ready real soon.

Kouta: So, tell me, son. What's this I hear about you having an affair to the daughter of the Belladonnas.

When he mentioned that, my face turned as red as a tomato although that question is somewhat true. So, I answered.

Me: Well,.... you may want to sit down as I explain it to you as Blake and I.... are a thing....

Kouta: Okay. Then, let's grab ourselves some seats.

Me: Y... yeah. S... s... sure...

And with that, my father and I went up the stairs towards the living room as we grabbed our seats to explain how Blake and I are now a thing.


It has been a few minutes since I let Summer took over to talk to her daughters, my father, Qrow and Professor Ozpin. I exited the room where Ruby, Yang, Apollonir, Qrow and Ozpin were in as I reverted back to my original form, leaving them be to have their moment. As I did so, a Huntsmen donning with red and blue clothes with cool-looking silver eyes came up to me.

???: Ummm, excuse me. You don't happened to be Shadow Wrath, son of Apollonir Wrath, are you?

Me: Well, as a matter of fact, yes. I am. But, just call me Shadow.

???: Okay, then. Well, my name is Kieron Prime.

Me: Okay, nice to meet you, Kieron. (Bows)

Kieron: Same implies. (Bows)

Me: My dad has told me a lot about Cybertron and the bots he's met and the cons he's battled with.

Kieron: Ah, yes. He's been to my planet once before as he's recieved our distress signal. So, that's how my father and him met each other.

Me: Oh? Who's your father?

Kieron: Optimus Prime.

Me: Wait, stop the car. The "Optimus Prime"?

Kieron: "Transform, and Role Out" like he used to say.

He said this as I squealed my lungs out shaking Kieron's hand as I know who Optimus is as my dad used to tell me stories about him when I was a kid in the age of 8 going 9 years old.

Me: Just so you know, my dad told me a lot of stories about him!! I am his greatest fan.

Kieron: Oh? I see. Well, it was nothing really. As after all, he is the last of the Thirteen Primes and a Knight after all. And since I came in the picture, that makes it fourteen.

Me: Cool.

Kieron: I know, right?

Kieron and I started talking about our dads on what they did and stuff and we were both in awe on what they were capable of. Once we closed the subject, I asked Kieron.

Me: So, uhh, want to talk about anything with me?

Kieron: Yeah. I need to talk to you about something. That's why I need you to come with me for now back at the area where the Battle took place.

Me: Well, okay. Let's go.

Kieron: Yeah.

And with that, we soon made our way towards the grounds of Haven Academy.

It has been a few minutes and we've finally arrived at the ground of the Academy as we noticed the doors leading inside the Academy are cordoned off. So, to improvise, we took our conversation outside as Kieron spoke.

Kieron: Do you know why we are here, Shadow?

Me: Nooooo...? Why?

Kieron: Well, because, me and the others would wish to speak with you.

Me: Others?


(A/N: Music starts here.)

As if right on queue, a few vehicles, jets, a plane and some dinosaurs came towards us as they transformed, and a huge ship-like base slowly levitates down towards us as it transformed into a titan-like robot, to my shock.

I looked at Kieron as he too transformed into a robot as he knelt down and spoke to me.

Keiron: Well, just to give you an intro once again, my name is Kieron Prime. We are an autonimous living organism from the Planet Cybertron.

???: Well, you can call us, Autobots for short.

Me: Okay.

Kieron: To put things short, these are my autobots, you could also say they are my friends and allies, Ironhide, Ratchet, Crosshairs, Wheeljack, Hound, Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Mirage, Prowl, Warpath, Drift, Grimlock, Swoop, Snarl, Scorn, Sludge, Slog, Slash, Groove, Hot Spot, First Aid, Blades, Rook, Streetwise, Silverbolt, Fireflight, Quickslinger, Air Raid, Sky Dive, Scattershot, Strafe, Lightspeed, Afterburner, Nosecone, Jetfire and this big guy is called Fortress Maximus. We also have a special ally who is with us too, a combiner named, Victorion.

Victorion: Greetings, Shadow, son of Apollonir.

Me: Whoa..... you mean to say there's more of you at Cybertron?

Hound: You can say that, Gunny.

Me: Whoa....

Wheeljack: Mind blowned like a wrecker, eh?

Me: I have no idea what that meant but, yes.

Wheeljack: Knew it.

Me: Well, a warm welcoming commity it is, but... now the thing here is, why are you here?

Kieron: We believed that your power that you possess holds the similar abilities to the device we have with us now, and the name of that power you possess bares the same name as the device we have as well.

Victorion: The Enigma of Combination, is the device's name.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Me: Enigma of Combina-- Hey, that's my other semblance name.

Crosshairs: That's right. You hold one of the most powerful so called, (quoting) "semblance" in the world that no human can ever wield and somehow you wield that power, blah blah blah.

Me: Okay....

Kieron: We would like to know how you managed to wield this power and when you recieved it.

I looked down as I looked back up at Kieron, answering his question but, I first asked.

Me: You know the guy who looks like a dragon?

Kieron: Graphite, correct?

Me: Yes. Before he turned good, he was a really bad egg. He wanted to infect my patients once again but I prevented it. Just as he struck me, that's when it happened unknowingly.

Mirage: You combined?

Me: Yes. We combined and we took him down time and time again, and so we did to Chronus as well. Which I must know from you since you have full knowledge of the Enigma of Combination, what does the Enigma of Combination do? What purpose does it serve, Kieron.

Kieron looked at the Autobots as they gave him agreeable looks as he looked at me once again to state the answer to my question.

Kieron: It is the ability to control and create New Combiners in Cybertron to do great and evil things. When it comes in desperate measures, a combiner would have to combine all the combiners to form the Ultimate Combiner of him or herself. Victorion here has the experience.

Victorion: Yes, I once had this experience. Being able to combine with other combiners feel like you are going in on a wild ride.

Me: Whoa....

Kieron: That is how the Enigma of Combination works.

He said as he showed me the actual device before me as my eyes glitter.

Me: This is one of the majestic things I have ever seen in my life.

Kieron: Indeed.

Victorion: However, we are facing a problem that, once we combine, we will separate time to time

Sunstreaker: Which will be a hassle as it will use up all our energon when we separate.

Kieron: And that is when you come in, Shadow. As we are making our way to Remnant, I sensed an infinite amount of power within your Enigma semblance which allows you to become a combiner without separating yourself from your components. You can actually choose whether to separate or not if you want.

Me: Like you can stay as a combiner forever until you separate when ever you like.

Kieron: That is exactly how your semblance works and that is how we are implying to you as well.

Me: Cool. Well, never knew I am capable of such semblance like that which turns out to be a device as well.

Warpath: And now you know it! BANG!

Kieron: Shadow, our times may be dark, but with your help upgrading the Enigma of Combination's power, I'm sure it will benefit us, and your semblance which bares the same name as our device.

He said as I gave it a thought. After a while, I faced the Autobots and Kieron as I agreed to their terms.

Me: Very well, then, Kieron. I shall help you.

Drift: Very wise and noble of you, brave one.

Me: Now, if you want my help, (reach my hand out) I need you to hand over the Enigma of Combination so I can amplify it to yours and my advantage.

With no hesitation, Kieron opened up his chest as he gave the Enigma to me as I held it with my two hands. I soon closed my eyes and opened them up once again, causing a pair of fire streaks emitting a multitude of colours to appear from my eyes as I amplified the device, to everyone eyeing me in awe at this sight.

Grimlock: Me Grimlock like shiny bright light....

Me: Oh, you have not seen nothing yet..

Grimlock said and I replied as the Enigma and myself glowed even brighter, blinding everyone as the amplification is still ongoing. After a while, the light went dim as their sight/optics are now clear from the glaring light as my eyes no longer has fire streaks on my eyes to indicate that the amplification process is done.

I present the Enigma to Kieron as I implied to him.

Me: I've managed to amplify its ability of combining you all in an infinite period of time, including my semblance since my semblance's purpose and this device's purpose are the same.

Kieron: Thank you, Shadow. 

Kieron thanked me as he got the Enigma back from me, while placing it inside his chest as he cautioned me.

Kieron: Be warned that if the Enigma of Combination that we have which is now amplified falls into the wrong hands...

Scattershot: Then, it will cause another Combiner War all over again, like the last one.

Me: Wait... last one???

Kieron: The first time happened was when your father was still around to help us. I'm sure he has told you about it.

Me: Yeah... he said something about Combiner War back on Cybertron. You don't mean the combiners were at war like the usual racial war?

Ironhide: Like so, yes... but in a worse case of scenario since the combiners are involved in this as it caused us millions of lives.... planets... and moons. However there is another device which Kieron sensed as well which was never supposed to be activated. However, our scanners and sensors say that it is.

Kieron: And that device is called the Dark Enigma of Combination. It's purpose is to gain access to Unicron's abilities, weapons and the its purpose after the combiner's components become a combiner or the Ultimate combiner. I sensed that someone has activated it and is now wielding its power, this someone is extremely powerful than anyone on Remnant.

My eyes widened at that part as I know who can be crazy enough to activate that dark-natured device, as I immediately growled.

Me: Salem.....

Kieron: Shadow Wrath, son of Apollonir, you are our key, to Remnant and Cybertron's victory in defeating the powerful someone that you'd mentioned, Salem and the destruction of the Dark Enigma of Combination.

He said this as the autobots including himself gathered around to look at me as I was in shock and at the same time, excited as this will be an epic adventure of a lifetime awaiting me and the others.

Me: Whiskey Hotel Oscar Alpha.... that means..... whoa......

Kieron: You can say that again, my friend.....

Me/Kieron: Whiskey Hotel Oscar Alpha..... Whoa.....


3rd Person's POV:

Somewhere in the caverns of Drazen's lair, Drazen hopped of from Alpha Grimm Maga Tano Orochi as she turned to face it.

Drazen (Demonic Voice): You have done well, blocking the splinter group's path from escaping and aiding the Malicious group to their and our victory. You deserve to rest. 

The Grimm roared as it walked around and walks away from Drazen to one of the Caverns, leaving Drazen behind.

Drazen (Demonic Voice): At least Haven is safe... and the White Fang and Salem's lackies are defeated.... but not for long....

Drazen implied as she turned around to look at her throne. She then walked towards her throne and sat on it.

Drazen (Demonic Voice):You may be powerful, Salem.... but Alpha Grimm Maga Tano Orochi isn't the Kaiju Grimm you should be wary of, even if you combine yourself with several beasts..... it's the Golden Kaiju Grimm that you should be worried of more....

She said as she looked at the ceiling, in which she is supposedly looking at the sky. 

Drazen (Demonic Voice):U-Killersaurus, my Ultimate pet, it's time for your Ultimate Resurrection!!!! Now, reborn and USE SALEM'S STRENGTH OF SUMMONING GRIMM, AGAINST HER!!!!!!!!!

She said as she pointed her Giga Battle-Nizer in the air. While looking at the ground which is suppose to be the sky, the view her lair soon changed fast to show the entire planet known as Remnant in view in space view as the scene changes itself to face the shattered moon.

As the scene moves in to the non-shattered part, there seems to be an ancient temple hidden at the dark side of the moon as the scene changes real fast as the scene shows that it has entered through the doors of the temple as a growl was heard. Then, a red crystal embedded on its horn appears glowing in the dark as a pair of blue eyes opened up, followed by some spotlight-like crystals glowing at its chest as it roared with sheer might. (A/N: That roar and that figure inside that temple belongs to U-Killersaurus.)


(A/N: U-Killersaurus in Grimm form and its roar. Not necessary to repeat it so stop at 0:06)

To be continued....

And that's all, folks! The FINAL, and yet the sixteenth episode of the Fifth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. Well, at least nowwe know how Summer is still sort of alive. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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