Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 6 - Epilogue)

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the FINAL, and yet the eighteenth episode of the FIFTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, PART 6 - Epilogue! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

Ruby: SHADOW!!!!!! NOOOOO!!!!!!

It has been a minute since the explosion took place up in space. Everyone looked in shock as some of them looked up in fear and some knelt down, heartbroken at the sight. Ruby was the worst to experience the heartbreak as Shadow and Ruby are having a good relationship and they are boyfriend and girlfriend since after the docks incident.

Yang, Weiss and Blake went up to Ruby as they comfort her while Ruby was still crying over her boyfriend's loss.

Yang: Ruby... please.... he is in a better place now...

Ruby: Yang.... (Hugs Yang)

Weiss: Shadow...

Tenka: He did the right thing to... protect all of us...

Mitchell: (Nods)

Rachel: (Hugs Mitchell)

Tailor: He made me this.... gauntlet....

Roland: He will be missed.... as a Huntsmen...

Everyone then went close as they comforted Team RWBY. While they are doing so, they heard a godly voice at their surroundings, causing everyone to be on guard and to be confused as to find out who said that.

???: I don't think so.

All: Huh?

Everyone looked around, only to see no one in their sights, until a bright light came out of nowhere, decending down towards the crowd, with Roland and Tenka readying their weapons.

Roland: Get ready!!

Tenka: It could be trouble!!

Everyone went in front of Team RWBY as they readied their weapons, aiming at the unknown light that is now right in front of them. When everyone including Team RWBY watched the ball of light disappeared, it revealed someone in it, causing their eyes to widened.

Roland: I-Impossible!

Tenka: You're.... alive?!?!

(A/N: Primus. Combine it with Shadow in his Winter Maiden form. He will also wield the Star Saber of Primus.)

Right before their very eyes revealed Team STRM's Team Leader with a very different look. Shadow is in his Winter Maiden form, wielding cybertronian armour and wings at its back.

It would also appear his armour is made out of many components and parts of cybertron itself, to Kieron and Trinity's shock. And to make things interesting, he also wields some holy saber of some kind.

Trinity: I know these cybertronian parts. These parts came from the parts from Planet Cybertron.

Kieron: And that Star Saber. It was wielded by the Creator of all Transformers Life! I even know him from Optimus's stories as well! You're Primus

Roland: Kieron, Trinity, you know him?

Trinity: Oh yes we do. We know a full scale about him.

Kieron: Primus, he life-giver of Cybertron and transformer spark... but, how is that you look like Shadow???

Primus: That is because I managed to save your friend in time before his NEXUS Form deactivated itself.

Jon: So, you possessed him for just a certain period of time???

Primus: Until his wounds are healed.

Jon: Whoooooaa-

Ruby: Really???

Everyone looks down at Ruby as she got up to question Primus with a worried look on her face.

Ruby: Is Shadow okay? How is he, then???

Primus soon went up to her as he placed his "Godly" hand onto her shoulder and smiled to her, responding to her question in a more calmed manner.

Primus: Although my answer is unclear but, after mastering this... spiritual body when I arrived here, I know that your friend's wounds will heal any moment from now, for me to separate from him.

Ruby: Is he going to be okay,then?

Primus: That would be affirmative.

Then, as if right on queue, he suddenly shined bright, blinding everyone. After a while, the bright light died down everyone was shocked to see Primus now in Spirit Form while levitating Shadow in mid-air by his side, laying him down onto the ground, alive.

Primus: He is alive. He requires rest.

Ruby then went to Shadow as she hugged him tightly in her arms. She then looked up to Primus, thanking him.

Ruby: Thank you....

Primus: (Nods)

Kieron: Hmm. Primus, if you are here, you must have something for us not just healing my bestie right??

Primus: That indeed you are correct. 

Trinity: But before we go on to what youare here for, how are you here??? I thought you wer-

Primus: Shut Down permanently due to the significant amount of Dark Energon inflicted on me and the whole of Cybertron??? Well, that is what you thought happened. After the war and Cybertron was well..... deserted, something or should I say, a ground bridge from unknown origin appeared before me and sucked the spiritual lifeforce of me out of the very core. I asked who it was controlling the ground bridge and where it came from. Then it answered, "I am the God of Light. And I came before you and transported you out because you and your people are needed in this task." I asked what. Then, it responded, " A task worse than what your kind and Decepticon kind are facing. A new world out there where I belong is at stake."


While Primus is explaining what is going on and why he is here spiritually, I slowly woke up, to see the crowd of my group in front of me talking to Primus.

Me: hey.... did I miss a party...???

Everyone looked back as they shouted my name.

All: SHADOW!!!!

Me: OW OW!! HEY! My ears!!!

Ruby: Oh! Sorry...

I raised and waved okay to say that it's alright. Then, everyone hugged me real tight as I hugged them back. After breaking up the hug, Ruby soon shot herself to me and hugged me more, forme to giggle and hug her back.

Ruby: Don't..... leave me again......

Me: Don't worry, Ruby.... I won't. Never again.

I said as we kissed for a minute. Everyone watched as they were in awe with the sight. Then, Ruby and I broke the kiss as we both stood back up along with the others, resuming our talk with Primus.

Me: Primus, I wish to thank you for giving me a tactic or... plan on not blowing up and defeating Mega Grigio Empress.

Primus: With any means necessary to carry out our quest in beating Salem, it is imminent.

Me: (nods) 

Primus: (Nods) Now, to continue... This god of light explained to me about this world, Remnant... telling me about its past and present, what Salem is capable of... and how to destroy/defeat her with the aid of the Relics. I was also told a day before this happened that one of the relics has been recovered.

Zero Dragfall: Wait, he told you everything?

Primus: Yes. 

Yang: We... got the relic which is like a lantern.

Blake: Yeah...

Primus: And three more must be claimed. The second one being from Atlas, must be claimed first.

When everyone heard this, they looked at each other as we already knew that our objective is to get to Atlas in time to secure the Relic of Knowledge and get the Relic of Creation... my Relic...

Kieron: I thank you for saving my friend, Primus. I didn't... no... no one knew you were alive this whole time.

Primus: That is indeed true. However, I must take my leave now as I have other things to watch over now.

With that news stated, we were saddened that Primus is going to leave us so soon as after all, he could've been a really big help from just now.

Trinity: We... understand your terms, Primus.

Primus: But, before you go, I bare Relics for all of you to bare.

Primus held his hand up, sending a ball of light to the hidden city as I questioned.

Me: Are the relics stored in that ball of light?

Primus: Yes. Use them in your own disposal. And I'm sure you will all win this fight like what has happened today.

Me: We won't let you down, SIR!

Primus: And Kieron Prime and Trinity prime, sons of Optimus Prime and Nexus Prime. I also bare news that in this world that you stand on, you will bare witness the new Generation of 13 Primes to carry on where they have left off. 10 others are on their way here as I have gave them the message about you both.

Kieron: A new generation of the Primes Council?! (Scoffs) Whoa...

Trinity/Kieron: We'd be honoured!

Primus: Then it has been settled. Go forth, freedom fighters. You all will prevail, you must. (Smiles)

He said this, smiling as he turned around walking, disappearing at the same time, to our shock.

Me: Hmmm... Primus. Neat name. 

Kieron: Oh, I can tell you stories about him and the thirteen Primes when we return home.

Me: Sure. Now... it's about time we return to the city.

RWBY: Yeah!

Tenka: Our quest is finally accomplished.

Mitchell & Jon: Aye!!

All: WOOO!!!!

Me: Troops! Let's return to Dragon City!!

And with that, we made our way out from the destroyed cave as we made our way back to the city by Zero Dragfall's Dragreders and Dragblackers. But before that, a few minutes were wasted for a good meet and greet session with our newfound allies.

Me: Zero/Leito, Riku, Gai, Katsumi, Isami, Kyurangers, Patoranger and Lupinrangers, I wish to thank you for aiding us in our battle at this time of need.

(A/N: Leito/Zero, Riku, Kurenai Gai, Katsumi & Isami.)

(A/N: Uchu Sentai Kyuranger, Lupinranger and Patoranger.)

Lucky: Aw, it's nothing really. Talk about lucky that we made it just in time.

He said as we shook hands.

Kairi: We may have went on the wrong foot last time.

Keiichiro: But, we always correct them by brains and collective thi--

Kairi: Steals.

Keiichiro: Thinking, to correct you!

Kairi: Do you always have to ru--

Noel: (Wrapping arms at them) Guys guys!!!! The deed is done. We should all be thankful that we helped him now don't we?

Kairi & Keiichiro: Ummmm,... yeeeaahhh.

Noel: So???

Keiichiro: Oh! Right! Thank you.

Kairi: Yes. Thank you~

And with that, each of us shook each other's hands as I nod at them.

Me: It's fortunate you have a Role-Model you guys can pick up and look up to, Kairi and Keiichiro.

When I said that, they looked away from each other scratching their heads, hating to admit that I'm right.

Leito/Zero: Well, thanks for saving us back there. I will sure to tell my father, my teachers, the Ultra-Brothers and my predecessors about you.

Me: Thank you, Leito aka Ultraman Zero. Kurenai Gai, Katsumi, Isami. You were a great hel, too.

Gai: Your welcome. Keep shining your light around this world, and strike fear to the hearts of darkness, and smite them down.

Me: I will. And you two.

Katsumi & Isami: Oh, your welcome and thanks.

Me: Yes, indeed but, there is something I want to ask.

Katsumi: Oh, ask away.

Me: Is your sister okay? And why is Kamen Rider Odin going after you???

When I mentioned them the question, they looked at each other as they responded.

Katsumi: Oh. We can answer that.

Isami: In basic, he was going after Asahi.

Katsumi: Because of this crystal.

He then fished out a really special crystal belonging to Asahi. As I looked at it, i felt fasinated about the Crystal that they have.

(A/N:Makoto Crystal.)

Me: I see... that's why he's been after you guys. To get this super-sized crystal to destroy it.

Katsumi: That defeated Reugosite.

Isami: Yep. With my bro and my sister's help.

Me: Interesting. Then, you three make good and fine warriors when once you master the crystal's power. (Smiles)

When I said that, this caused Katsum and Isami to blush by the comment.

Katsumi: Well, it's nothing, really.

Isami: Yeah. OH! About Asahi,...

Katsumi: Yeah! 

Isami: She is in our father's shop.

Katsumi: She is suppose to have been back after school a few minutes ago.

Me: I see. Well, better be back there before she finds out you're gone.

Katsumi & Isami: Yeah.

The three of us then did a triple handshake.

Katsumi, Isami & Me: Colour me with your powers, Ruebe!

And with that, we all laugh as we shook hands. After the good meet up and the shake of hands, everyone waved farewell to their universal allies as they took off to the skies, some teleported with the aid of Ultimate Zero's Aegis armour as I sighed in relief.

Me: These guys never cease to amaze me. (smiles) Thank you, my fellow allies. (Looks back) And to you, too... team.

Everyone nods and some hugged me for the successful mission against Kamen Rider Odin and its inner beast called Mega Grigio Empress. Now, it is high time that we head home.

Me: Alright, team. Let's go home.


Roland: Team, let's go!

NHK: Alright, Arcadia.

RWBY: Let's role!

Tailor & Zero Dragfall: (Nods)

And with that, we all made our way back to the Dragon City where we shall depart, with me staying even closer to Ruby after what transpired a few hours ago.. 

An hour later,

It has been an hour due to our ride on Dragreders and Dragblackers, along with the help of the Nebula Stone, teleporting us back to the City as the People of the Hidden city cheered for us in our successful mission agains Kamen Rider Odin.

As we landed, we were lifted and thrown up and down as a form of celebration by the crowd, tonnes of photos of us and the poeple were taken, Dragon Advisor gave us medals as a token of appreciation and the buffet was there for all of us to have a bite before we leave. Ruby saw some Cookies with a shape of dragons as she ate them all, with all of us having sweat demeanors over our heads.

Me: ... Ruby.....

Ruby: (Mouth full) Wuuut???

Dragon Advisor: Don't worry, Shadow. We will always refill it.

Me: Oh, okay.

Yang: Heheh. She's always a cookie monster.

Me: Heheheh! Yeah.

And with that, Ruby smiled and I smiled back as I watched Ruby ate all of those cookies with my team pushing me aside so that they could talk to me about what happened up there at space. While talking with my team, Tailor and Zero came by to talk to me about something.

Tailor: Shadow.

Zero Dragfall: Is it okay if we could ask you something.

Me: Oh sure, why not.

Tailor: After this whole.... adventure that transpired a few hours ago....

Zero Dragfall: We thought that maybe we could join your group in your objective. As after all, it will be necessary to have more hands to make work lighter.

Tailor: Well, he's got a point. So, can we join you on this quest?

After hearing them out, I nod at them in a convincing way as I placed my hands on their shoulder.

Me: You are more than welcome to join.

Tailor & Zero Dragfall: Really?!

Me: (nods)

Tailor & Zero Dragfall: COOL!!!!!

Me: Now, let's party away!

And with that, Tailor Crux and Zero Dragfall are made new recruits to our fofces in stopping Salem as we kept on partying and celebrating for who knows how long it will last.


3rd Person's POV:

At the house in Mistral,

It is now night time and it has been a while since Teams RWBY, STRM, JEWL, RNHK and the Autobots were out saving Ruby. Qrow as usual is still drinking, feeling impatient as he knows that they are taking an awful long time coming back and Apollonir is doing his best calming him down, for hours while the rest of the group are in their bedrooms sleeping.

Apollonir: Qrow, calm down! Million times already, PLEASE!!! They will return with your niece before you know it!

Qrow: If they are back, they would have be opening the doors by then hours ago!

Apollonir: Oh please! I know they will be back! You just have to stop drinking for a cha--

Just as Apollonir was about to finish, the front doors of the house burst open.


Apollonir: Change....

Qrow: Oh...

Apollonir: Told ya. (Looks at Shadow) So, son. I see you've brought Ruby back.

Me: Yep. One piece as promised.

Qrow: Ruby.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow.

Shadow watched as Ruby rushed to her uncle to give him a hug as he watched them giving them an embrace.

Qrow: You okay, kiddo?

Ruby: I'm fine.... thanks to some allies who helped us out.

As Shadow watched on, the Teams and the autobots went in to talk to Apollonir and Qrow on what happened and showed photos on what went on backthen. While Shadow is watching Ruby talking to Qrow about what happened to her and the rest of the group are talking and discussing, Kieron called out to me.

Kieron: Shadow! 

Me: Huh? (looks at Kieron) Yeah!

Kieron: You may wanna look at this.


I looked at Kieron, confused as I rushed over to his ship. When I reached his ship, I notice a Light Bluish door with gold details on it, to my shock.

Me: Ummm, Kieron? Was this here before?

Kieron: To be honest with you, no. Even my fellow autobots here didn't see this door here before.

Trinity: And it would seem that there is a voice code for this which I can't decipher.

Me: Hmmmm.... Kieron, you got a tape recorder?

Kieron: Ummm, yeah? Why?

Me: You got to have ta record this.

And with that, Kieron rushed somewhere and came back just in time with a tape recorder.

Kieron: Got it.

Me: Play it.

Kieron: (Presses record button)

Me: (whispers) hmmmm.... (Looking at the words) I see... (Clearing my throat). Primus @ 13 Primes - CyberLock Omega 4

After saying the code, the doors slowly opened while Kieron stopped recording the voice code while Trinity, Kieron and I took a peek at what's behind the door. Then, our eyes widened to see a room, full of relics and weaponized relics on each Podium, given by Primus himself.

Kieron: Whoa..... 

Me: Look at those relics!

Trinity: These relics are like the most powerful relics in whole of Cybertron! We can use these to fight against Salem and her Dark Faction! Even the grimm willstand no chance!!

Kieron: Hmmm? What's with the coat over there?

Me: Huh??

When we looked at the far end of the room, we noticed a coat that is white in colour with blue details glowing brightly in the distance.

(A/N: Knight System. For the Orange areas, change its colour to Icy blue and replace the emblem toShadow's Emblem.)

Me: What kind of relic be made of clothes?

Kieron: I dunno. Beats me. And it also has your emblem on it.

Me: Really?! (Cupping my eyes into my eyes as I observe the coat, seeing that he is right) Whoa.... you're right.

Trinity: You think Primus has something in store for you?

Me: I don't know. But, I'm having a feeling there is something more to this coat than meets the eye.

Kieron: Yeah...

As they discussed about the room filled with relics and the coat at the other end of the room, Kieron felt a familiar presence from the Battle of Mega Grigio Empress and in the War and Fall of Cybertron. That was when, he realized that his battle has just begun with his sworn enemy...

Me: Kieron? You okay?

Kieron: Jet Storm....

Me: Who???

Trinity: Jet Storm, son of Megatron.

Kieron: He's here.

Trinity: What?! Where?!?!

Kieron: He's somewhere alright, but.... he's with someone...

Me: And I know just who.... SALEM!!!!



Trinity & Kieron:.... oh...

Me: Whoops.... I forgot to change them back....


3rd person's POV:

Jet Storm is sitting down at the table with the others with Gemdeus machina and Salem except for Hazel, Mercury, Emerald and Cinder, resting his eyes. Suddenly, he opened his eyes when hesensed something.

Salem: Something the matter, Jet Storm???

Jet Storm: Yes. My fool of a brother, Kieron Prime. He's with those human slugs. And he even destroyed and defeated Kamen Rider Odin... my pawn....

Gemdeus Machina: Mister Shadow. Allow my associates to deal with them.

Jet Storm: NO!!! Allow me! to deal with them. I have a score to settle with him.

Caleb Ares SixStrike: Then be very careful, Lord Jet Storm.

Caleb Ares SixStrike said as he approached, kneeling down to represent Jet Storm the Dark Star Saber of Unicron. Jet Storm took the saber as he took off, with Caleb standing up, watching him taking his leave.

(A/N: Dark Star Saber of unicron.)

Caleb Ares SixStrike: You need not fear, Salem. Jet Storm is undefeatable, whether it means for him to retreat or not to, he will still fight!

Salem: Interesting. Then I assume that I wouldn't need to worry about him, Sixstrike?

Caleb Ares SixStrike: Yes. If he needs Medical attention, i know who to look for, WATTS!

Watts: Ahem!! Yes, Second-in-Command, SixStrike.

Caleb Ares SixStrike: That's more like it. And Tyrian?

Tyrian looks at Caleb Ares SixStrike, confused.

Tyrian: Yes, SixStrike???

Caleb Ares SixStrike: With Watts's help, your tail, weapons, armour and exo-armour are ready for usage.

Tyrian: Really??? (Giggling crazily) Let's see it!!!

Caleb Ares SixStrike: Let's go, then. Follow me.

And with that, Tyrian left the table with SixStrike to see what he and Watts have accomplished for Tyrian, with Dr Watts following behind.

Salem: Jet Storm's resolve is really high. Let's hope he comes back with good results.

Gemdeus Machina: That I hope will happen.

After Gemdeus Machina finished his line, Tyrian's crazed laughter were heard at the coridoors behind the doors of the meeting room.

Gemdeus machina: Something tells me, we will be winning this war soon.... (Chuckling)

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The FINAL, and yet the eighteenth episode of the Fifth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, PART 6 - Epilogue. FINALLY!!! The six-part episode is done! Well, at least there are good ways to end things off when Ruby finally sees everyone again. Bad guys plotting a plan and Jet Storm planning to fight Kieron Prime and.... many many more. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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