Volume 5: A Huntress or Grimm???

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3rd Person's POV:

In the Headmaster's office where Professor Leonardo Lionheart is laid after that gruesome death, Another Pallad, weakened from the battle rummaged into his pockets as he took out a Thumb-Drive and a scroll.

(A/N: Another Pallad. Kamen Rider Dark Paradox.)

Another Pallad: .... All the info w--*.... WE Need... is all here.....

He said as he limped towards the seer Grimm, showing the faces of Gemdeus Machina in his human form and Salem.

Johnny maxima: Ah, Another Pallad. My greatest friend. So, was it successful??

Another Pallad: Not entriely, I'm afraid.... but, I managed to uncover what is left of Professor Leonardo Lionheart. Everything we know, is all here.

He said as he showed Leo's scroll and Thumb-Drive, to Johnny's eyes to widen.

Salem: All the plans to make our mission, successful... all in these devices. Well done.

Johnny Maxima: Excellent. Bring your findings back here and... ensure you do me proud.

Another Pallad: Yeah.... I may have a problem with that.... I'm too weak to teleport over to you....

Johnny Maxima: Very well, then. I shall bring some of our associates over.

Salem: I shall have my Grimm to follow along side Gemmy's associates, to await your return.

Another Pallad: Great.... very well.... jus-* Just bring all of them here or-* or--* or..... send whateve--*

While Another Pallad was talking to Johnny Maxima aka, Gemdeus Machina and Salem by via the Seer Grimm, it was soon shot down by someone behind him as he swiftly look back to see who cut him off while the Seer grimm withered away.

Another Pallad: Who dares t--* 

Just as he was about to finish, his eyes widened behind his mask as he sees a being wielding and being a fusion form of his opponent's girlfriend and his master's ally, Salem.

(A/N: Ruby and Salem. Fuse these pics together and you willsee what I  mean. But take note, it is NOT Ruby in Grimm form. It's something else.)

His eyes widened as he sees this familiar look with face as he tempted to shoot the unknown being with Bug-Visor Zwei, but to no avail as he or she had a weapon of its own, slicing the projectile and slicing the Visor in two, to Another Pallad's shock as he knows those moves from somewhere.


???: This will be.... your end mark....

Another Pallad: Wha--* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA---

Out of nowhere, a scorpion tail was found pierced through abother Pallad's body, revealing that the unknown huntress donning a different form fused with a Grimm Manitcore and Grimm Alpha Beowolf, to form Skull Beowolf.



(A/N: Grimm Alpha Beowolf.)

(A/N: Manticore Grimm.)

The Fusion Grimm lashed its tail back as it watched Another Pallad blew into data, causing him to drop the scroll and Thumb-Drive in the process. Then, a bright light engulfs the room and dies down for a few seconds as the Thumb-Drive and Scroll were destroyed by a claw-like weapon being speared at the two devices. Then, a hand reached out for the weapon as she sheathes it at her side, removing something from her pocket as she opens up a piece of paper, revealing a childhood photo of two kids. One showing herself, one showing a little boy.

???: Finally...... I've found you..... I've found you, Shadow-san......

Hey everyone! WELCOME to the FINAL, and yet the nineteenth episode of the FIFTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

It was a quiet evening in the house as everyone were getting ready for bed, all except one... well, a few as one of them is about to leave the house to somewhere. As Shadow is about to enter his room, he heard an energy beam striking below him, in which he rushed downstairs to chek it out.

As he arrived downstairs at the training room, he looked as his ally, Kieron is practising with his sword. To his amazement, that sword is 2 times the size of him as Shadow began to question him about the sword.

Shadow: What sword is that?

Kieron stopped training as he looked at Shadow with a plain look as he began to smile.

Kieron: That, is called the Star Saber of Primus, given to my father from Primus himself... well, he took out from a mount and cleaved it in half, that's the actual story. And then, it was handed down to me from my father so that I can smite down the evil forces.... like Megatron... and Jet Storm.

Shadow: ... okay.... So, who's Jet Storm???

When Shadow asked Kieron this, Kieron remained silent for a while before he began to speak again.

Kieron: Storm is uuuuhh... was my brother. In Cybertron, he and I were besties of like brothers back then until.... the war made us changed everything. The autobots fought for freedom... and the decepticons fought for tyranny. Megatron and Soundwave... even Jet Storm started the first wave of attack, then my father and I started the first and second wave, hopeful that we beat them.... but we were outmatched on Cybertron....

Shadow: It carried on for a few years, right?

Kieron: Yep. A few long years. So, the remaining Autobots and I, have to leave Cybertron for refuge here on Earth. Then, Jet Storm followed. The both of us haven't heard from Optimus Prime and Megatron when we left them behind.....

Shadow: It was their choice, right?

Kieron: That's correct. Is like what my dad says always.... One shall stand, one shall fall.

He implied as I pat him on the shoulder.

Shadow: Don't worry. I'm sure Jet Storm will rejoin you soon. And surely, he, you and I, together will beat Salem and Gemdeus... with our brave allies here today.

Kieron: Yeah.... most probably someday....

After consolling Kieron, he then felt a disturbance in his Matrix of Leadership as he looked outside at the opening of the training room, to Shadow's worry and confusion.

Shadow: Kieron? What's wrong???

Kieron: ... It's begun....

Shadow: What is?

Kieron: Danger. Shadow, if I don't come back, I want you to have something.

He said as he gave a sack containing something.

Shadow: What's in it?

Kieron: You'll see.

Shadow: Okay. Until then, be safe.

Kieron: You know I will.....

Kieron said as he turn into his robot form and transformed into his truck mode, driving away from the house as he quickly made his way to the source of the disturbance.

After Kieron left the house, Shadow looked inside the sack. As he did so, his eyes widened, seeing the contents consisting of the Matrix of Leadership, the Enigma of Combination and a note, picking it up to read it.

Shadow: "Shadow, if I lose my battle against Jet Storm, tell my felloe Autobots that a new Prime is upon us, and tell them.... I'm sorry."?! KIERON, YOU FOOOOOOL!!!!!!

Shadow yelled as he ran away from the house while wielding his God Form Wings, flying to Kieron's location in a hurry, to assist him, hopefully he is still able to catch him in time before Kieron's battle plays out.


Kieron's POV:

I reached my destination in my truck form and was shocked at what I am now seeing. Vale, in ruins and destruction all over the place as I drove through the ghost town towards the Forest where our battle will play out. 

Me: Such destruction made by creatures and humans with twisted delusions. This.... is as similar as what has happened in Cybertron, but in a worse case of scenarios.

As I implied, a purple light appeared at the forest above from where I am driving, which was quite close from where I am now.

Me: Jet Storm's presence draws near at the Emerald Forest.... 

I said as I made my way towards the purple glow at the Emerald Forest to that is what my radar is telling me where that place is now.

A few minutes later,


(A/N: Music Starts here.)

It has been a rocky and bumpy few minutes on the road as I finally reached my destination. I soon transformed back to my robot form as I made my way towards the abandoned temple which is now in ruins. As I made my way there, I watched as a ship swooped past me from above while landing further away from me and in front of me, transforming into my arch enemy,... my brother, as he made his way towards the temple as well.

Jet Storm: Kieron! I see you've gotten my invitation.

Me: And I see you got mine.

Both: Interesting.

Me: So, what brings you?

Jet Storm: To end your life of course... with my father's weapon.

He said as I watched him unsheathing his weapon causing me to widened my eyes as I know that weapon from before from my father's stories when he fought Megatron to claim the Omega-Key at Egypt.

(A/N: Dark Star Saber of Unicron.)

Me: That's--

Jet Storm: That's right!! My father's weapons!!! The Dark Star Saber, like what my father used to say... SLAYER OF PRIMES, IF YOU WOULD!!!!!!

Me: Hmmmm.... Then I would just have to fish out mine!!

I said as I fished out the Star Saber of primus.

(A/N: Star Saber of Primus.)

Jet Storm: So I see, we both have our fathers' weapons?! 

Me: Well, once you are taken down, this Dark Saber is coming with me.

Jet Storm: Then it's settled then. Whoever dies, gets to keep their blades.

Me: DONE!!!

They implied as they waited out on who is gonna advance first until after a few minutes, Jet Storm charged first, then me as we charged up our blades. Jet Storm then slashed a dark power slash at me. Taking no time to waste, I jumped above the Dark Enegrgy Slash, landing on my two feet as I charged forward again. 

Then, I charged my Saber as i slashed an energy slash at Jet Storm in which he slashed my energy slash in two, slicing the pillars of the abandoned temple into halves. As we got close, we clashed our sabers at each other, causing a huge shockwave and a mix amount of Light and Dark Energy to flow out of our blades. Our clash was too great that we had to break the clash and clashed our weapons again and again, repeatively. Then, after our last clash, the shockwave and the mix energies caused a surge to happen, causing us to be dragged away further apart from each other.

While being dragged further away from each other, I charged my star saber as I slashed a power slash at Jet Storm, causing my aura to deplete due to me charging up so much of my energy from me to my Saber. Jet Storm looked up, only to get hit by my power slash and to scream in pain from the strike. Still worried for my brother's safety, I called out to him.


There is no response from him at the fog caused by my slash making my brother blow up a bit, until the silence soon been interrupted by laughter, only to see Jet Storm, with a right injured shoulder and a major scratched up arm still holding the Dark Star Saber of Unicron, to my shock.

Me: N-No way....

Jet Storm: Yes! Thanks to Salem, and my Second-in-Command, SixStrike, I've made upgrades, to resist your blasts by your little toothpick.

Me: Well, then... I will just have to hack you more to defeat you!!!!

Jet Storm: Then let us proceed our BATTLE, THEN!!!!

And with that, we continued clashing our weapons with all our very might. While doing so, we even used up all of our aura and semblance to see one of us falls due to our very intense fight and battle. Just as Jet Storm is about to slash me to give me a major damage, I jumped backwards and transformed into my truck mode as I dodged his energy slash while riding the roads around him, making him agitated and for him to slash and destroy countless of trees, mounts and routes towards the abandoned temple.

(A/N: Kieron's Vehicle form.)

Jet Storm: Would you just..... STAY STIIIIILLLLL!?!?!?!?!?!?

Me (Radio): The hell with that!!!

I implied as I kept dodging Jet Storm's flurry of slashes from his Dark Star Saber. I then took a sharp turn to the right as I drove extremely fast towards Jet Storm, with him sheathing his Dark Saber while launching his projeciles by using his arm plasma cannon with his blade activated. 

I kept dodging while making my way towards Jet Storm as he kept shooting his projectiles at me, but to no avail. Just as Jet Storm was about to fully charge his plasma cannon, I rammed into him, causing him to go into a daze and transformed back into my robot form. Then, I slammed my rear wheels onto his eyes as I began to accelerate and revv up my gears, causing my wheels to ruin Jet Storm's optics for a moment, blinding him.

Jet Storm: You and your tricks.... Like father, like son....

I got off him as he got up to only have a hard time to see, giving me the advantage to strike. I then went up to him as I gave him a flurry of punches from my fists and slashes from my Star Saber as he began to grow weak.

Just as I was about to finish him off, I concentrated on my aura and my matrix as I gave him a right hook to the face, causing him to fall to the ground, to my relief.

Me: You know the old saying, when you want something done right, do it your- fucking -self. And it would appear that I did when I calmed down and concentrate my power to defeat you. For the glory for the autobots!

Jet Storm: .... good one..... Son of Optimus Prime.... you do know your stuff.....

Me: Yeah.... that's why, my father gave me the Matrix of Leadership to me.... to eradicate decepticons like you..... even if it means, losing my brother.....

I said as I unsheathed my Star Saber as I raised it above my head as it glowed.

Me: Farewell..... Jet Storm!!!

I implied as I swung my saber down towards Jet Storm, killing him. But, that went sideways when I noticed him grabbing the tip of my Saber with his bare hands, to my shock.

Then, Jet Storm looked up to face me, to reveal his eyes to show that he is no longer blinded, however, his eyes are like no other. His eyes are of Unicron's eyes.

Jet Storm: Your father may have taught you everything.... but he hasn't taught you EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT DARK ENERGON, DISCIPLE OF PRIMUS AND SON OF OPTIMUS PRIME!!!!!!

Jet Storm roared as he kicked my Star Saber aside as he unsheathed his Saber and slashed me, causing me to fly backwards along with the slash. To think that my troubles are over, I hit through the green and the trees with the slash giving its effect on me while slicing through the green and trees, causing them to fall to the ground, with me lying on the ground, weakened from Jet Storm's sneak attack.

Me: Okay.... I have to hand it to him,.... my bro..... had some tricks as well.....

I tried standing up but to no avail as I was too weak, and tired. Then, I heard jet noises, which means that Jet Storm is now in the air in his Jet Mode. I looked up as the jet stopped above me as it transformed into Jet Storm's robot mode, landing in front of me with his foot on top of me.

(A/N: Jet Storm's Jet form.)

I tried to move his leg aside but, Jet Storm simply used his hand to forcefully flick my arm away from his feet. Then, he wield his Dark Star Saber with both his hands as he laughed.

Jet Storm: Well, well well well, it would appear that the tides have now been turned, once again! I . am! VICTORIOUS!!!!!

Jet Storm yelled while raising his Dark Saber in the air, with tonnes of lightning bolts striking the tip of his blade, giving it power rapidly due to the face that the saber is glowing white and purple.

Jet Storm: You see, brother. The last thing your father hasn't taught you is,.... power is destruction, peace will get in the way in your life. That is why, we cybertronians must DESTROY IT!!!! But since you follow your father's ways, you are more of a FOOL, like your father. Blinded as your father and your fellow autobots!!!

Me: My father and my friends are NO FOOLS!!!!! They know your kind are tyrants, and we knew what to do when you tyrants strike us, WITHOUT WARNI--

Jet Storm: SHUT UP!!!!!!

Jet Storm said as he used his free leg to kick his face hard to shut him up, to make him stop talking.

Jet Storm: You were the one who turned your back on me. And you are worse than a fool, you are nothing..... and now I have decided, that I will end you so that the burden on my back.... shall be lightened....

I looked in fear as his saber is now over charged with dark energy.

Jet Storm: Goodbye,.... Kieron Prime..... brother.....

He then raised his saber at me as he is about to inflict a death blow at me.

Jet Storm: I call this one..... Prime Slayer, ERADICATO---*

(A.N: Music paused at 5:27. XD XD XD.)

Shadow: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just as Jet Storm was about to finish his line, I came by next to Jet Storm as I gave him a good punch in the face, causing some pieces and chuncks of his robotic face and bucket-like helmet to break away from his face, making him to fly into the green and crashed into a really hard object in the green, to Kieron's shock.

(A/N: The punch is something like this in the picture above.)

He then look at me as he began to feel bad about what he did to abandon his group.

Kieron: I'm sorry.... Shadow....

Me: Hm??

Kieron: I'm sorry.... for leaving without letting you know of my activities, and I--

Just as he was about to explain, I knelt down and hugged him.

Me: Hey. Hey. It's okay. I know you have some business to take care of. Like Blake, I know what it's like.

Kieron: ....

Me: Don't worry, bruh.... I'm here. I'm here.

And with that, Kieron returned the hug for just a moment. While we hugged it out, we heard plasma shots and trees falling down behind us. We broke the hug and looked at the direction of the source of the noise.

As we watched on, we soon see Jet Storm shooting his way towards us as he sees us with an angry and raged look on his face. I then got up while helping Kieron up back on his feet.

Kieron: We have to get out of here....

Me: I know.

Kieron: But how???

Me: We'll make a distraction.

Kieron: We?

(A/N: Resume Music here.)

Then, out of nowhere, a young teenage girl in her fusion form of Ruby and Salem came out of nowhere, beside Kieron.

???: That includes me, to what Shadow-kun means, darling~.

Kieron: Whu!!! Who're you?

???: Call me Griffon. Crystal Griffon.

Kieron: Nice.

Me: Now, let's deal with this guy.

Jet Storm: HOW DARE YOU INTERFERE!!!!!!!!!!

The three of us stared at Jet Storm as he charged up his Dark Star Saber. It soon dawned upon me that I also need to pass Kieron something.

Me: Oh! Kieron.

Kieron: Hm?

Me: I believe this belongs to you.

I said as I passed him his Star Saber and his bag filled with his usual stuff.

Kieron: Thanks.

Kieron said as he took them and placed the Enigma of Combination and the Matrix of Leadership back into his chest and wields his Star Saber, charging it up with pure energy, to Jet Storm's shock.

Jet Storm: The Enigma and the Matrix isn't with you this WHOLE TIME?!?!?!?! Well..... I really underestimated you.....

Me: I didn't underestimate you..... you underestimated yourself!!

Kieron said as he fully charged up his Star Saber as he now charges forward towards Jet Storm. Jet Storm soon did the same towards Kieron. When both of them are close to each other, they clashed their over charged up weapons as a megaton shockwave and their two light and dark energies shook the ground, to our shock while I began to strategise.

Me: Griffon! Think you could keep Jet Storm distracted?!

Griffon: I'll do what I can!! Grimm Galaxy Claw!!!!

Crystal yelled as her weapon spawned in front of her as she grabbed it. She soon pressed the trigger twice on the handle, causing the claw to rotate 360° twice as a red and purplish blood aura-like whirlwind began to surround her as she jumped off the ground, flying towards Jet Storm while whirling her way towards her with her weapon in front of her.

(A/N: Grimm Galaxy Claw.)


(A/N: Corkscrew Jamming.)

She soon spun faster and faster towards Kieron and Jet Storm still clashing with each other with their weapons. Just as Jet Storm is about to break the clash and strike Kieron, Crystal Griffon struck his side, causing him to drop his Dark Star Saber to one side.

Then, I jumped above Kieron as I nodded at him, in which he did the same as I activated one of Remnant Calibur's Relic abilities.


(A/N: Symbol/Kingdom/Relic used.)

My calibur shined bright as two swords appeared in between my calibur and a huge sword appeared on my calibur, merging with it.

Then, I made a left cross slash at Jet Storm causing the sword on the left of my calibur to disappear, with Kieron slashing Jet Storm at the right. Followed by me slashing him to the right, causing the sword on the right to disappear, with Kieron slashing him at the left.

Finally, I thrust my Calibur at Jet Storm, causing the power sword which merged together with my calibur to shoot out, causing him to be hit by the sword and thrown back by the sheer might of my thrust, with Kieron turning around in circles as he gave Jet Storm his final slash, causing the slash to hit Jet Storm to add the momentum with the thrust, causing him to be thrown further away from us.

Once our problems are over for now, Griffon, Kieron and I gathered together as we make our get away immediately before Jet Storm gets back on his feet again.

Griffon: Ready?

Me: Let's do it!

I said as I fished out a crystal balls I smashed it onto the ground causing a huge portal to appear in front of us. 

Me: Crystal! GO!!!

She nodded as she jumped inside the portal. I looked at Kieron as I urged him to come along.


Kieron: Shadow, before we go back to the huse, there is something I want to say....

Me: Okay, but make it quick!!

I implied as Kieron went in front of me.

Kieron: Shadow, this is all my fault. If I hadn't been blinded by my past and battled Jet Storm on my own, you and your friends wouldn't have been worried for me and my injuries wouldn't have been sustained by Jet Storm's Dark Star Saber. But... it doesn't matter now,.... I robbed you.... no, I robbed myself of my future because I was too scared to tell you about my past with Jet Storm when he and I were brothers, close brothers... When I first met you at Mistral, I knew you are the only one, the only friend I can ever rely on, and a best friend I ever had.... that's why I had to do this alone as I was scared of losing you... and your friends.... I'm sorry...

After hearing what he has to say, I went up to him and placed my palm on his shoulder and calmingly said;

Me: Dude, like I told you before, you are not the only one. Blake has been through this against Roman and Adam for the longest of time... well, maybe as long as you did. So,... yeah, I can admit what you said and did was messed up, but the fact is, I know you are scared. That's why I can tell you are putting too much pressure onto yourself on how things turned out, like now for instance. I myself made tonnes of mistakes for sure because I was scared and I was a coward. But that doesn't matter now.

Kieron: It does as I--

Me: You mean we.

Kieron: Huh?

Me: We kind of did the job after all, didn't we? As after all, you need to take Jet Storm down... as a team. And I can guess that Griffon, you and I will make a perfect team in doing so in the future when we see him again.

Kieron: ... (Wipes tears away from my optics) Heh, yeah.

Kieron said as he and I shook hands while nodding at each other. After a while, we let go as I implied.

(A/N: Music Ends here.)

Me: Now, let's go.

Kieron: Yeah.... let's go.


Just as we are about to enter the portal, we heard someone yelling at us as we looked back, seeing Jet Storm charging towards us with his Dark Star Saber in hand. We looked at each other as we nodded, charging towards Jet Storm at the same time. 

Just as Jet Storm was about to emit his slash from his Dark Saber, we both used our aura and semblance as we punched Jet Storm in the face, causing him to fly further away from us.


(A/N: Focus on 1:38 to 1:40 and you will see what I mean. XD XD XD XD.)

As we watched him fly away due to our punches, I tapped on Kieron's shoulders implying that it is time to go.

Me: Time we leave.

Kieron: Yeah!!!

Kieron agreed as we entered the portal while it closed behind us as we made our way back to the house at Mistral.

3rd Person's POV:

It is now in the middle of the night as everyone are now fast asleep, including the autobots in Fortress Maximus except for Apollonir as he was waiting for his son and Kieron outside the house.

As he waited, a snowy portal opened up as three individuals exited out of the portal, revealing Kieron prime, Shadow Wrath and the girl that he hasn't know yet as he rushed in with Dragon Proudia towards her as she has a familiar look like Salem. Shadow took notice of this and intervened by clashing his weapon with his Key-Slasher.

Apollonir: SON, STEP ASIDE!!!!


Apollonir: Huh?

Shadow: Yeah. Crystal Griffon. A childhood friend. Remember the times, dad??

Apollonir looked closely at her as he began to have some flashbacks about her and his son. After getting countless of flashbacks, he lowered his weapon.

Apollonir: Ms Griffon.... You're different. What happened to you??? You are as pale as Salem....

Crystal: It's been awhile, Uncle Apollo. And well... I, uuuhh...

Shadow: I haven't asked further yet but I'll do that tomorrow when the day kicks in.

Kieron: Yeah. We just got back from fishing. Heheh.

Apollonir: Yeah!!!! I can tell....

Shadow: Oh crap he knows....

Kieron: Yep...

Crystal: (Worried look) We're dead...

They were expecting a long lecture from Apollonir but instead, he engulfed them in a great big hug, to their shock while going with the flow as after all, he was worried for their safety.

Apollonir: I'm so glad you three are safe... and for you, Ms Griffon, after all these years... it has been too long.

He said as they felt the hug getting tighter. In whichfor us to hug himtighter as well, as the light from the moon above them engulfed them in a bright light as Shadow said.

Shadow: By the way,..... we're back.



It has been a few hours since the battle against my best friend and Jet Storm took place as I lied down on my bed as I was about to sleep soundly after that epic battle. As I was about to zone off, a glow coming from my bag began to shine as it went on and off repeatedly, waking me up from going to leep completely.

I soon got up from my bed and went up to my bag, opening it to reveal two of my gauntlets glowing on and off, repeatedly, to my confusion.

Me: Okay, wonder what's that about...

Still puzzled, I decided to wear them as they began to glow brightly, engulfing the room with its bright shiny colour of each gauntlets I'm wielding. Just as I was about to do something with it, the Nebula Stone from the Pandora Gauntlet and the Creation Stone from my Muteki gauntlet shot a beam at the wall of my room, creating a oval-like portal-like screen, showing an intense battle of individuals going against an unknown force being defeated and defeating them as well, to my shock. (A/N: Fight scene videos are shown below.)






(A/N: This video starts at 2:14.)


(A/N: All the battle scenes are shown above.)

And to my great shock, the scene went into the future as I watched a Purple Man snapping his fingers and escaping, watching everyone turn to dust as after a few days, weeks, months, years later, they summoned me to help them take down Thanos when a voicein the scene said "We must defeat Thanos."

After watching all this, the screen disappeared as the gauntlets stopped shining brightly. I then clenched both my gauntlet-like fists as I finally know who Thanos really is.

Me: So, you dare destroy a world with your Gauntlet? Well, it is time that we meet, soon, Destroyer of Worlds, Purple Guy, or should I say........

........ Thanos!


(A/N: Music starts here.)

(A/N: Music ends when the music finishes.)

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The FINAL, and yet the nineteenth episode of the Fifth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. NOW, THE MOMENT YOU HAVE ALL HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR IS ON YOUR WAY, MY FELLOW READERS!!!!! THE AVENGERS INFINITY WAR IS ABOUT TO BEGIN!!!!! So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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