Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 2)

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To be resumed here.

3rd Person's POV:

Shadow is outside the building as he took out his scroll and reactivate his earpiece to talk to the guys in the house once again, to fill them in to what I have witnessed so far.

Shadow: Guys come in, over? I got some news.

Pallad (by via earpiece): Fill us in.

Shadow: Tachibana Ryosuke, he's not human. He's Gemdeus.

Graphite (by via earpiece): Gemdeus?! I thought Pallad took him down with the Dr. Mighty Double X Gashat!

Shadow: Well, guess what? He's back.

Pallad (by via earpiece): How is he back?!

Haruto (by via earpiece): And more importantly, what's going on?

Shadow: Okay, first, I don't know how he came back, second, he just unleashed fourty players aka, characters to eithrr fight each other to the death, fight me and/or both. And to make matters worse, Tachibana has our friends and allies.

Qrow (by via earpiece): How?! Without a sound and without attracting any attention?

Ozpin (by via earpiece): Dr. Wrath, do you know how to break their hold of the game they are hooked up to?

Shadow: It's simple but, we need to find them in order to free them. We have to fight them. And als--

When they heard this and when Shadow was about to speak, Shadow hears only silence coming out from the earpiece as everyone back in the house are worried as to what is going to happen if they are free.

Just as Shadow was gonna answer that question, he dodged a projectile from his far right belonging to a character/player. After dodging the projectile, he then looked at who launched it, turns out, it was a Character which looked like a Grimm Griffon but this Grimm is different as its wingspan is longer than a regular Griffon and an Alpha Griffon Grimm, it has Beowolf claws and it is two-headed. The first head is a Griffon and the second being a Beowolf head.

Shadow observed more as his eyes widened to see that Jaune's character is embedded on top of the Grimm, meaning to say that whoever Jaune slayed must have been a strong character for him to merge himself to it. Then, I looked at him in shock as to figure out that this Grimm he combined himself to is a combination of an Alpha Grimms Griffon (body and head), Beowolf (head and claws), Nevermore (wings), Ursa (Spikes around the Grimm) and a Nuckalevee Grimm (Combining AuraEnhancer with the Grimm).

Shadow: Okay.... not good...


The Grimm roared as it shot its feather projectiles at me, in which I conjoured an ice shield to block and deflect their peojectiles away from me. Then, I fished out Parablade as I readied to shoot it, but to no avail as a similar Castle-like being with a hammer got in my way as she kicked me in the gut, causing me to fly backwards, hitting a wall of the building I was in.

I slowly got up as I catch my breathe for a moment as I watched two characters slowly advancing towards me.

Me: Okay.... so Nora is in a mix, too. And it seems that she has been upgrading herself too.... nice boarbatusk tusks on the helmet though... and the spikes on the armour.

I watched as Nora and Jaune's character began to charge towards me to inflict critical hits on me, but to no avail as I jumped super high, acquiring my God Form as I land gracefully behind them.

The two characters then turned back to look at me as I summoned my All Maiden Key-Slasher from my head as I pose in front of them.

Me: Alright you son of a Hypnotized Beast bucketheads Metal-Wearing Blasting Overridden Sideways Freakshows Slipper-Wielding Tatties. If you want to defeat Genius Gamer Shadow, you have to put in a lot of effort on doing that as I am the toughest contestant to be taken down.

I announced as Jaune's character pounced at me first as I purposely fell to the ground as I caught him by the stomach by using my feet. Then, I threw him behind me, causing him to crash through the glass doors of the building that I exited just a few minutes ago.

Then, I jumped back up as I looked at QueenCastle while conjouring the same hammer as hers as I now wield it in front of her. Then, we both charged forward as we began to clash hammers with each other. As we clashed hammers, I looked back to see AuraEnhancer charging towards me as he lunged at me, but to no avail as I kicked him away from me while I broke the clash and kicked QueenCastle away from me.

As I looked at them weakened from my attacks, I activated my Gashat to spawn a bike (Baksou Bike gashat) in front of me as I rode on it and sped away from the scene. While I sped away, I thought of ways of trying to take them down.

(A/N: Baksou Bike - Bike Mode.)

Me: Come on, genes inside of me, you dicks!!! How do you defeat O.P. Players?! You've did this before and you can do it agaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIINNNN!!!!!!!

I said while yelling as Kieron Tennyson stood infront of me as he placed something onto his watch. I squint to see what it was, causing me to widened my eyes to see that this thumbdrive belonged to Tachibana as a Bonus Item.

(A/N: BONUS Item - ThumbDrive. Uses - UNKNOWN.)

Me: A Thumbdrive. Huh, wonder what it really does...

Just as Isaid that, Kieron Tennyson pushed down on his watch as I watched him transform into an abomination made out of 10 alien-like beings, to my shock, worry and amazement.

(A/N: Kevin 11 Alien form.)

Me: Okay.... never expected that....

Kieron in his alien form thrusted his Diamond left arm into the ground, causing spikes of diamond to erupt from the ground, causing me to dodge them all with a lot of effort to be used to swerve my bike left and right. While I was swerving with my bike, he then spewed out some sort of spit-like liquid while blasting a fireball at it, I dodged it but what I didn't know was that was a mistake as once the liquid came in contact with the fireball, it blew up causin me to lose my bike and fall right in front of him.

I looked up at him while he smirked at me as he is smashed my head in, but to no avail as someone pulled me backwards and bashed his head, causing him to fly backwards to a building. I soon look back to look face-to-face with a Knight wielding a Huge Mace with spikes on it and its

Armourized body is also armoured with spikes with brownish gold details on it as the mysterious warrior looked at me.

(A/N: Something like this armour but make it silver with gold outlines on it.)

Me: Ummm... thanks, I guess?

The warrior nods at me as he dragged me to where ever he is now going, to my confusion.

Me: Ummm, excuse me? I can walk, you know? Hello? 

I recieved no answer from him as I now sighed.

A few minutes later, 

It has been a few minutes now since we've started walking and for me being dragged to where ever he is now dragging me to. Then, I noticed a small shop lighted up by just one light as he entered inside as he placed me at a wall. He then looks at me, as he spoke.

???: Well, this Game Creator is doing a lot of insane things today when you showed up. And when it comes to fooling around, we always play it hard, Shadow.

Me: Okay. But listen, I don't know who the heck you are but you oughta te-- wait, how do you know my name?

As I asked, he unmasked himself as he revealed himself as---

Cardin: Hello, Shadow. (Looks down) Oh, I see you are wondering what's with the armour, right? And how I manage to duke that guy, right?


As I screamed due to the fact that it was Cardin that saved me from Kieron Tennyson, Cardin covered my mouth as he shut me up.

Cardin: Dude dude! Could you chill out!!!! I come in peace this time!!! And shut up! We don't want anyone to hear us, now do you?!

I then looked outside as I saw some players past by use as they didn't notice us. After they disappeared, Cardin lets go of my mouth, giving me the opportunity to push him away to release myself from his grip as I went to another side.

Cardin stood back up as he went towards me again.

Cardin: Look, Shadow. I know we had our differences....

I jumped over him as I don my combat stance behind him. He then looks back at me when he sees me behind me.

Cardin: But we've known of the Last Boss's location. If we d-- whoa!!!

He suddenly got tied up by me as I conjoured an Ice Gambol Shoud as I shot its gun around him, letting a rope made of ice to tie him up from neck-to-toe. As he is completely tied up, I grabbed the gun as I pulled on it, making Cardin to fall down while interrupting what he is about to say.

Cardin: Okay.... anyway, if we don't do something, he's gonna use Beacon Tower in the game, and himself, to destroy us all!

I tugged on the rope more to improve the restraint restraining Cardin.

Me: Give me one reason, just ONE good reason why I should believe you?! After what you did to me? After what you did to Jaune?! After what you nearly did to Pyrrha?! And what you did to insult the FAUNUS?!?!

Cardin: Oh, you know about the pyrrha thing? About the Sap thing?? Okay, never thought that through, but that DOESN'T MATTER NOW!!!!!! 

Me: Then what matters?!

Cardin: Allow me to explain. (Inhales) FOUR KNIGHTS PLATOON!!!!!!!!!!

I looked at him with a puzzled look as out of nowhere, Russel Thrush in his knight Sword Mode crashed through the ceiling with one paper, Sky Lark in his Knight Spike Mode emerged from the ground and Dove Bronzewing emerged from the side walls as he bashed his way through, to Cardin sighing.

Cardin: (sighs) Really?! We've practised this a hundred times.... it's the other wall....

Dove: Oh... sorry...

Me: Ooooookay???

Russel then came up to me and past me slips of paper, to me recieving them and giving them a good look at them. Then, to my shock, Cardin was right, the boss is at Beacon Academy Ruins with the destroyed Beacon Tower in sight as whoever is the last boss is seemed to be building something on top of the tower itself.

I then looked at the so called 'Four Knights Platoon' whom in reality they are Team CRDL as they looked back at me, ready to crush some heads with their weapons while I spoke;

Me: Okay, what do you expect we do? And how are you not Hypnotized by Tachibana???

Cardin: Well, you can ask Russel here.

I look at Russel.

Russel: We just simply skipped the intros and what not. Pretended to listen to the Game Creator, ignore him and.... you know us.

Me: So, it's your own stupidities that lead you to be uncontrolled by him?

Cardin: Say wha-- wait....oooh, well. You can say that. Sorry.

Me: It's okay, Cardin.

Cardin: Thanks. And either way, if we were gonna defeat them, I came up with an idea that we need to band a Team together to defeat the last boss and the players.

Dove: Yeah.... while we were there to sneak peek at the last boss's lair, a player challenged him alone and got crushed, his drops are taken by him as we watched him grow ever stronger.

Me: I see...

Sky: Well, as we were on our way back, we also spotted Jaune, Nora and Ren walking past us.

Me: I've noticed.

Cardin: And red as well.

Me: Yeah a-- Red?! As in Ruby?!

Cardin: Yup.

Me: then, if Ruby is there that means her whole team is there, too.

Cardin: Well,.... yeah. That's what we were thinking of as well.

Russel, Dove & Sky: Yeah...

Me: Okay, fine. For once, I believe you four. And since for once you planned ahead.... Cardin, since you are banding a team together, you'll be the leade--

Cardin: Wait.

Me: Hm?

Cardin: We were thinking that, you should be the leader... ever since you came here.

Me: Why so?

Russel: Well, you have a strong team. So, we were saying that your team is about stronger than any team.

Me: .... Well, to admit, that's true. And since you want me to be the leader of the team, Cardin, how does being a second-in-command sound?

Cardin: Well,... I guess it's okay. Second-in-Command is like being an Assistant Group Lead, right?

Me: Yeah.

Cardin: Okay then. We're in.

Me: Then, let's get this party started. And remember, it's just a game.

Cardin: Oright!!

And with that, we began to hatch a plan within ourselves as we also think of strategies on how to beat these players until....

Cardin: Wait, assistant?!?! Why do I have to be an assistant?!?!?!


3rd Person's POV:

Back at Kid's Community Building, Tachibana is seen typing on his laptop as he began to power-up something at the very ruins of Beacon Academy.

Tachibana: Soon, when all the players are finished, I shall have enough power to obliterate the remaining players that opposes me, and Shadow with them as well.

He said this as he began to laughing his evil laugh in which his laughter echoed around the office. While laughing, the scene change to show Mountain Glenn which was destroyed when the Grimm Dragon emerged, unbeknowst to everyone, there is also another monster inside Mountain Glenn directly below from where the Grimm Dragon emerged from.

Back at the ruins,

Team CRDL and Shadow were bashing their way through the ruins as more and more players kept flooding in to give them a game over and to take their drops to make themselves powerful, but to no avail.

Shadow wield a Key-Slasher as he shot countless rounds at the players and on the ground, with it being on Ice mode, it caused all the players to freeze in their running, strike and ramming positions, to my relief that it works.

Me: Glad I am born with a gaming semblance.

Cardin: Let's just bet you're lucky!

Me: DUUUUCK!!!!!

Cardin looked back and ducked as I shot and KOed a player which looked like a huge robot, having a japanese-like details on it, wielding a huge blade on his right hand.

Cardin: Thanks.... man that was close.

Me: You're telling me- UuuUUHHH RUSSEL, BEHIND YOU!!!!

Russel looked back as a Grimm Ursa Major was about to swipe him, but to no avail when a ninja came out of nowhere and took Russel out of the Ursa's swiping range. As they got out of the Ursa's way and its attack, the ninja placed Russel down beside me as she now wields Ninjutsu Hatsudou 4-Coma NinpouGatana.

As I got a peek on the ninja's outfit, I noticed the other half is of comic-like paged armour on half of the ninja's armour and her skeletal mask is of NinninComic-Based form. That was when I noticed that this ninja wasn't just any ninja I knew when she spoke.

???: You boys sit back and watch. These Grimm are just here to boost your points amd your stats.

Me: Orochi?

She then looked at me as she nodded at me, to me sighing in belief.

Cardin: Wait,... Orochi? As in The Tenma that Orochi?!

Me: Ummm.... yeah? Why?

Dove: She's scary....

Russel: You tell me.... she got Gearhead, Dragon Breathe, CrocBoy, Greasehead and BottleMan to take care of us....

Cardin: Yeah.... Gearhead did most of the damage on us.... I think it was because about something to do with bullying and calling you a.... nitwit... I think it was???

Me: Well, she tends to make big shit personal.... for people who dares to hurt any of her friends or family....

I said that as she activated her sword, for her to start running while a multitude of clones began to appear from several slashes from her sword. Then, she and her clones began to surround the Grimm in a circle.

Then, she pressed onto her sword again as she and her clones began to jump high, giving the Grimm numerous number of slashes while landing above it. After giving the Grimm numerous slashes, the Grimm Major began to wither away as it left some drops behind, to our shock as the clones begin to dissipate in front of us.

Orochi then reverts back to her usual Tribe form as she walked towards us as she helped me up.

Me: Thanks.

Orochi: No prob. (Looks at Team CRDL) SO, these chumps bothering?

Me: Well, hate to break it to you but, they're part of our side now.

Orochi: Is that so??

She gave Team CRDL a death stare as she went up to Cadrin with a death glare and tone.

Orochi: Try anything with my brother now, I will get "Gearhead" to take care of you again like last time... but, it'll be a million times more painful than the last....


Me: (Whispering) heh.... what a drama queen....

Orochi: Anyway, I found and jacked a Bullhead from 6 players so we can get to our objective in time. It's just about a few blocks away from us. It would only take a few minutes for us to get there when we run.

Me: Or seconds when we use portals.

Orochi looked at me.

Orochi: Brother, understand the situation. We can't use portals here. I found out about it the ha--

Me: I know. That's why I'm gonna use mine.

Orochi: How???

Me: You mean you forgotten?!

I fished out a Gashat that says 'Kamen Rider Chronicle' on it as I show it to everyone.

Orochi: Oh. Okay, perhaps... this could work at our advantage as well.

Cardin: So, we can get to the Bullhead in time with that?

Me: Yep. But before we go, sister? Did y--

Orochi: Yes. I've took care of them. They're freed.

Me: And how do you know of his rules of the game???

Orochi: I have my ways.

Then, out of nowhere a small bird hopped out from the back of my sister's neck as it--

Bird: Hey. How's it going?

--- flew off after it spoke, to Team CRDL's confusion.

Dove: Did that bird just talk???

Sky: Yeah....

Orochi: Let's go then.

And with that settled, I activated the Gashat--

-KAMEN RIDER CHRONICLE (Dramatic music)-

--as its opening screen aka, portal opened up for us to enter it.

(A/N: Kamen Rider Chronicle Opening Screen.)


3rd Person's POV:

Somewhere on top of one of the buildings, a person was currently watching over everyone as he knew that more danger is on their way once they reached the Bullhead.

???: So, they're heading towards the last boss of the tournament? Hmph! Looks like I have to beat you once again, like before. Zero is right about that boy, such bravery to take him on.

The person said as he raised his trinket in the air, pressing something on it as it began to emit an extremely bright glow.

(A/N: That's how its done.)

A minute later,


A new opening screen opened up for us to exit out from the portal, only to see a Bullhead still working, ready to be used by anyone who gets to the Bullhead first.

(A/N: Bullhead.)

Cardin: So, that's the Bullhead you're talking about?

Orochi: Yep. That's the one.

Me: I don't know how you did it but, you did it.

Sky: Let's get on before more players show up.

Me: Alrighty then.

And with that, the six of us ran towards the bullhead as we went on board as a pilot is seen seated there as he took control of the Bullhead as it took off, to our relief.

Me: Well, glad that's over,.... for now...

Bullhead Pilot (CPU): So, where to, people?

Orochi: ... I don't remember him to be in this game....

Me: That's because he's a CPU. they tend to appear in random. So, don't worry about it. 

I said as I turn my attention back to the CPU Pilot.

Me: Yes, take us to Beacon Academy, ASAP.

Bullhead Pilot (CPU): Okay, sir. Next stop, Beacon Academy.

The CPU replied as he made the Bullhead go faster, making us feel the adrenaline rush. As the Bullhead was on its way to Beacon, Orochi and I spoke in private as they are figuring a way how to defeat the Game Creator.

Orochi: So, any idea how to defeat Gemdeus Cheinian?

Me: We just have to defeat the last boss which is him. We just need to make sure we find his weakspots and we'll get him easily.

Orochi: (giggling) you really are a Genius Gamer Shadow that I know. And here I thought I was gonna doubt you.

Me: I will never doubt my sister, sister.

And with that, we both started to giggle at each other's remarks as we are heading towards Beacon Academy, onoy for the pilot to sound off.

Bullhead Pilot (CPU): Beacon Academy coming up shortly. So, as we are heading towards Beacon Academy, let me say thank you for flying with us on AirBeacon.

As we heard the announcement, we all have sweat demeanors on our heads as we looked at each other.

Cardin: Seriously???

Me: Well.... it has to be something other than nothing.

Orochi: Yeah.... that was.... vague... anyway (looks at Team CRDL), since you guys have swords and clubs, you need range weapons to take this thing, whatever it is, down. So, get some resources and get making.

She said as she threw a chest over to them as they opened it, to their shock there are loads of resources inside of it.

Sky: How did you...???

Orochi: Just remember I eliminated and freed 6 players with you know how many slashes so, you know what to expect from me if you mess with me or, my brother....

Sky: (shivers in fear for a moment) Y-yes, mam!!

Me: Okay, guys enough! What it matters is that we got through our few hurdles against several players, escape some players and now we are on our way towards the Academy where the last boss lies.

Dove: So, what do we do to beat that guy?

Cardin: Easy. We hit it where it hurts.

Me: Okay, we can go with that. And also, we do it, as a team. Although Cardin, you and your teammstes are already a team but, for this case, my sister, your team and I are one whole team. So, everything counts and everything is relied on our strategies.


Orochi: Affirmative.

Me: So, let's kick some Cheinian butt!!

Just as I said that, an alarm sounded off in the Bullhead as everyone in the Bullhead are now on high alert. I then went to the Pilot Cabin as I asked the pilot what is going on.

Me: Dude! What's the situation?!


Me: What?!


(A/N: Music starts here.)

I asked as I fished out my scroll and take a look at what's behind us. As I did, my eyes widened when I saw what was behind us while I made my way back to the group to see me in a shock state.

(A/N: Demagorg.)

Cardin: Dude! What's wrong?

Orochi: What's behind us?

Me: Sister... remember the time you said you helped some Giant by the name of Dyna fight against some monster by the name of, Demagorg???

Orochi: Yes, why?

I showed her my scroll as she took a look at it.

Me: Looks like you're going to face him once again....

I said as I opened the Bullhead hatch as the six of us then look outside, only to see this huge Dinosaur-like monster wrecking some building at Vale, making its way to us with the other players following behind him from every location they are at.

As we watched it make its way to us while wrecking a lot of abandoned buildings in its wake, that was when I went back to the pilot as I had an idea of attack.

Me: Think you could give us time to take this guy down?!

Bullhead Pilot (CPU): Well.... I can but, you will only have until 30 minutes before it gets to Beacon. Otherwise, it's Game Over!!

Me: Fine. 30 minutes is plenty of time. TEAM, WE'RE LANDING! WE'RE TAKING THIS GUY ON!!!!

Russel: Wait?! We're landing?!

3rd Person's POV:

Russel questioned as the Bullhead lands on top of one of the abandoned buildings as the mock boss battle is about to begin. Then the hatch of the Bullhead opens up completely to show Shadow, Orochi and the four knights as players as they did a standing psition-like pose as they took a look at the first battle zone.

(A/N: They posed something like that at the sneak peak.)

As they did our pose, they all made their way down from the Bullhead as it flew away from them to a higher place till they defeat the beast known as Demagorg.

Cardin: So, plan???

Shadow: Plan, is to shoot this guy back to where he came which is back to the prehistoric times.

He implied as he conjoured a Triple-Barreled shotgun made of ice as he loads it up with ice, fire and glass ammunition inside it. Orochi transforms into HawkGatling Tribal Form and the Four Knights Platoon wield their heavy duty range weapons as they ready to fire.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

While they got ready to shoot, a bright light descending from the sky blinded them that they had to use either their weapons, hands or arms to block the brightness hitting their eyes.

Cardin: What, is that???

Orochi: I don't know.... whatever it is, it's bright!!

Shadow: Guys!! I think it's clearing.


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Shadow implied as they notice the shining bright light dim down a bit, to reveal whoever or whatever is in that light. As it did, they witnessed in their own eyes that a giant is standing right in front of them, before them while protecting them from Demagorg. Shadow and Orochi's eyes widened as they know this giant very well as they looked at it in awe.

(A/N: Ultraman Dyna.)

Shadow & Orochi: You...

Cardin: Guys... you know this guy???

Orochi: Yes.... we know him.

Shadow: ... Ultraman Dyna.

Shadow implied the giant's identity as it gave me a thumbs up.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

To be Continued at PART 3.

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