Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 3)

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To be resumed here.

3rd Person's POV:

At Salem's Domain,

Salem: Are you certain that your adversary is on "His" side?

Jet Storm: Yes, Salem. I am certain.

Gemdeus Machina: Then we must hurry it up! Mister Shadow is getting stronger day-after-day. And even worse still... your Fall Maiden has failed us, along with your servants.

Jet Storm: Fall Maiden??? Maiden???

Salem: Yes. In this World that you are standing on wield four powerful people, wielding each season of all four seasons; Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring.

Jet Storm: Why seek them for, Salem???

Salem looked at Gemdeus Machina as he gave her a nod to talk more about the maidens.

Salem: Each maiden unlocks a Vault which consists of a Relic for a specific Maiden to wield. Winter for the Relic of Creation, Summer for Destruction, Fall for Choice, and Spring for Knowledge. Our Enemies have claimed the Relic of Knowledge, and the Relic of Choice is yet to be claimed by Cinder.... Who failed us...

Gemdeus Machina: By altering the plan.

Jet Storm listened on as he noticed Salem's eyes turning bright red of rage. Gemdeus Machina calmed her down eventually, Jet Storm however, nod as he has an idea.

Jet Storm: I have an idea... but there is a cost to it.

Gemdeus Machina: Then let's hear it.

Jet Storm: If you want things done right to the way you want them to be,... (Fishes out a shard of Dark Energon) My father once told me this line and that is, "Do it yourself".

Salem looked at the shard as her eyes and the shard began to glow correspondingly, to Gemdeus Machina's shock knowing that Salem needs to have the Shard placed inside her to make her plan work, big time.


At Seito, (A/N: As you know, it's happening near Seito University Hospital, after all.)

Shadow and Orochi, along with Team CRDL looked on in shock to see that the Titan that is going to fight Demagorg for us in the game is non-other than-

Shadow: Dyna... Ultraman Dyna.

Cardin: Shadow, you know that giant??

Shadow: We once fought together against a powerful entity at a Graveyard of Monsters. Long story cut short, we won with the help of a few Giants of Light like him, along with a young Giant of Light who turned out to be the son of one of the Grand Six to what I nickname myself. And another time we fought together was the time he needed my help to take this Dinosaur aka, Demagorg down as it was remote controlled by a player who created this guy (Points at Demagorg). So far, we took him down, well, that was the first time we met... and now we must take him down once again.

Sky: Whoa...

Russel: What a backstory...

Orochi: (Scoffs) You have no idea...

Dyna: So, we meet again, Demagorg.

Everyone looked back at Demagorg and Ultraman Dyna as they both are preparing to fight.

Dyna: Shadow and I beaten you once before, and we can do it again no matter the difference!


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Demagorg roared as it began to charge towards Dyna and Dyna did the same towards Demagorg. As they got extremely close, Dyna took the opportunity to do a sidekick at Demagorg's face to render its vision as he grabbed its neck, giving it several number of blows by using his elbow. Then, he pushed Demagorg to aside as he pushed it away from him while launching his signature attack aka, Solgent Beam at Demagorg, but to no avail. Demagorg may have taken the hit, however it was then being blocked by its claws when it lunged its hands forward, enlarging its claws into shields to block Dyna's attacks, to Shadow, Orochi and Team CRDL's shock.

Dyna however did not react to this as he already suspected that it would do that eventually, to him standing up straight this time while staring at it.

Dyna: As suspected, you still have the same abilities as last time. Very well, then. I shall bring in my trump card. Shadow?


Me: Welp, that's my queue.

Orochi: Be on guard. I'm having a bad feeling that this'll be different than last time. One creator's mistake/s, they will always rectify and improve from their past mistake/s.

Me: Got it.

I said as jumped off from the edge of the building as I equipped and used a 'Giant' Power-Up to make me be as tall as Dyna while donning my god form and wielding 'All-Maiden Key-Slasher' in the palm of my right hand.

Me: So, like the old times?

Dyna: Yeah! Just like old times.

Me: Then let's do this!

We both implied as Dyna and I advanced towards Demagorg as we double kicked it, causing it to stagger backwards. As the dino-like monster staggered, we double punched it for it to stagger backwards more.

Dyna launched a Solgent Beam at Demagorg, only for it to block it with its hands again, "just as planned" as I went backwards and launched a beam with a combination of Summer and Winter at its back, causing Demagorg to roar in pain. I then went back beside Dyna as we nod as each other.

Dyna: Nice plan.

Me: Yep. Just as planned.

Dyna: Yeah. But don't put your hopes up high yet as we are not done yet.

Dyna implied as we watched Demagorg rise up again and charge towards us. We looked at each other for a quick discussion.

Me: So, wanna rap it up so that to get half of this game over with?!

Dyna: Yeah, why not!

We looked at Demagorg as Dyna flew up in the air while I turned into my Winter Miracle form. However, knowing that this is not enough, I had an idea.

Me: Hmmmm.... instead of ice..... how about we heat things up!!!

Just as Demagorg was extrenely close to me and was about to grab me, I shined bright, brighter than the sun as tongues of flames surround and engulf me, causing Demagorg to get thrown backwards due to the heatwaves and shockwaves that threw him back and everyone to cover their eyes.

3rd Person's POV:

On the Bullhead, everyone was covering their eyes due to the brightness of the huge light that is emitting.


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Cardin: WHAT'S HAPPENING?!?!?!


Orochi: Shadow has acquired a new form....

After a minute later, the ball of light dimmed down as Shadow is in his God form, but not in his winter form. It would appear that this form is as bright as the sun and it is literally on fire, ready to burn anything down to ashes as Shadow said his name in his Fiery Form.


Demagorg roared as it advanced towards Shadow and launched a beam from its mouth at the same time. Shadow then launched a beam at Demagorg, clashing its beam with his own, to Dyna's shock.

Dyna: Well now, this kiddo is interesting, like what the Space Garrison and Ultraman King said he is.

Dyna said as he shift into his Miracle Form and waited for Shadow to finish. While Demagorg was launching his beam, Shadow was making his way towards it while launching his own beam until--

Me: Okay, since Demagorg wants to fight like that, well LET'S GO!!!!!!

-- he stopped and took Demagorg's beam head on, to CRDL's shock.

Dove: Wait!! Why is he doing that?!

Orochi: Because the beam that is hitting my brother is fire-based.

Dove: Huh?

Orochi: Any fire-based beams launched by anyone or anything, it will be useless to them as once the beam strikes Shadow, his fiery details began to glow if you can observe.

Russel: Hey, now you mentioned it, look.

Everyone looked as Shadow's body began to glow incredibly bright due to the power absorbed from Demagorg's beam.

Orochi: That's right. And once it hits critical mass, he's unstoppable. Look who's studying?

Just as Shadow's body glow brighter and brighter, he then punched Demagorg in the face, followed by him kicking Demagorg a few times and then finalizing his onslaught with a fiery punch in the monster's guts, causing it to fall far away from him. Then, he looked at Dyna.

Shadow: Dyna, let's finish Demagorg off so we can deal with Gemdeus Cheinian.

Dyna: Let's rap it up.

Dyna and Shadow agreed as Dyna launched his Revolium Wave first at Demagorg, causing it to be sucked into a blackhole. However, Demagorg began to have a good fight as he fought his way out of the blackhole.

(A/N: Stop at 1:46 and resume at 5:06 to rap it up.)


Shadow yelled as he charged up his remaining power collected by Demagorg's beam and launched a flame phoenix-like beam at Demagorg as it pierced through its chest while creating a blackhole made of fire behind it, sucking the monster in.

As the monster is sucked in, both blackholes began to become unstable within seconds as it imploded by themselves as they dispersed into data, to our and everyone's relief.

(A/N: Music stops here.)


Gemdeus Cheinian: hmmmm... looks like I have underestimated our new gamers.

The cheinian implied as he looked at Beacon Tower.

Gemdeus Cheinian: You may have won almost the entire game, Shadow. But can you handle my Snake Darkness,.... Shadow Wrath....

He said as the roar of the modified kaiju somewhere in front of him in the fog roared loudly, causing his roar to echo through the ruined kingdom of Remnant as it prepared itself to fight its enemies.



Asuka and I are on the Bullhead with Orochi and Team CRDL as we prepped ourselves to defeat the last boss aka, Gemdeus Cheinian's final monster. As we discussed, Orochi was prepping up something in her scroll.

(A/N: Asuka Shin.)

Me: So, CRDL will have to smash, shoot and punch their way while all of us will deal with the heavy-weights, in case Cheinian sends anyone else.

Cardin: Okay. And what characters will be down there?

Orochi: It varies.

Russel: Varies?

Orochi: Yeah. Obiviously Cheinian doesn't usually play fair. This one does. Something's, definitely not right.

Me: And the main problem is, we need to know his true intentions as when I went to comfront him hours ago, he has been talking about Evolution and crap.

Sky: That's not good.

Me: Yeah. So plan is this, Orochi, Asuka and I will take care of the beast and Cheinian. You guys take care of the small one. A--

Just as I was about to continue, Dove raised his hand.

Me: (Sighs) ... Yes, Dove....

Dove: Sorry, I think we've forgotten to tell you this but.... at Beacon where we found the boss, we spotted some crashed ships with still-working turrets on them and some turret guns scattered around the area. Sorry.

Me: hmmmmm.... RPGs?

Dove: Yeah, something like that.

Me: Okay, once after and while you take care of the grunts with the use of RPGs, you come to assist us with these RPGs as well. Once we defeat the boss, we can all go home.

Asuka: And once we are done, Shadow is requested to come with me.

Orochi looks at Asuka as she questioned.

Orochi: Why?!

Asuka: Due to special reasons.

Orochi: And how will I know he will be back alive?

Asuka: We will ensure that he will.

Orochi: ............... very well, then.

Orochi said as she made her final preparations on her scroll.

Orochi: Okay, brother. My Character is ready.

Me: Okay. Once we disembark the bullhead, the battle begins and Orochi, you are not in your Character???

Orochi: Yeah. I wanted my character to be a secret till the last level.

Me: Okaaaaayyy then.

Pilot: Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at Beacon. Enjoy learning, surviving and your stay~

We looked at the pilot with sweat demeanors above our faces as we thought, what's there to enjoy, dammit.


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Cardin: Like.... enjoy destroying things now, dumbass....

Me: .......... CPU LOGIC, DUDE SO NOTHING PERSONAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cardin: Okay.

Orochi: Then let's Game Clear this game.

As he said that, the Bullhead that we're on finally landed in front of Beacon as the battle is about to begin. Then, the hatch of the Bullhead opens up to show Shadow in his Player God form, Orochi, Asuka and four knights as players aka, Team CRDL as they did a standing position-like pose as they took a look at the battle zone.

(A/N: This is how their standing.)

Then, the four knights all did a four-fist fistpump as Orochi, Asuka and I did our fistpump as well while all of us are just feeling pumped up at what our game creator has in store for us. Mitchell dapped beside Tenka, with his wings doing the same posture as Mitchell's arms. Rachel made her hair blow with the wind. I simply put my game-face on and tidied my outfit like a swag.

Just as I was about to alight the Bullhead,--

(A/N: Music interrupts here.)

--I slipped on a Banana peel and fell right out of the Bullhead, right in my face, to Team CRDL to start snickering.

Dove: Stupid Dweeb....

Cardin: Okay, guys! Let's not get cocky, annoying and cheesy. Let's roooOOOLLAAAAA!!!!!!

Unbeknowst to them, I snapped my fingers to conjoured the floor of the bullhead to be slippery, causing Cardin to slip and had the same fall as I did, as his teammates followed soon after as they fell on top of each other, to Orochi snickering now instead of them.

Orochi: Now look who has the last laugh now, dweebs~?

Orochi said as she gracefully landed on top of Team CRDL's heads one by one as she finally sets foot onto the ground. After landing on the ground, Asuka walked down the ramp towards Orochi as Team CRDL and I stood back up as we looked at the terrain and school in front of us, in shock.

Me: Whoa....

Cardin: Yeah. Whoa.

Me: Okay, CRDL... I had to hand it to you, bruh. You were right about one thing, we have lots of RPGs to wield on ground and on those destroyed Bullheads and these other Atlesian Ships.

Cardin: Yep. Indeed we are.... !!!!! WAIT, YOU NEVER BELIE--

Me: CARDIN, NOW'S NOT THE TIME!!!!! We need you to man the turrets at the destroyed ships and around the area at Remnant to help clear an L.Z. while we take down whatever Cheinian's throwing at us.

Sky: Alright.

Dove: Uh, guys.

Me & Orochi: What?

Dove: Hate to break it to you but, we have company.

As Dove said that, everyone heard someone laughing at the top of the destroyed Beacon Tower as we readied our weapons to strike and win this game. As we prepared ourselves, the person immediately jumps down from the top floor down the the ground floor at where we are now, without getting killed, as he disappeared into the mist.

We held our ground as the person reappeared by walking out of the thick mist, revealing himself to be Tachibana, the game creator of RWBY: Grimm Eclipse - Grimm Colossium.

Me: Tachibana....

Tachibana: Genius Gamer Shadow, we meet again at last.

Cardin: The last is gonna be the last time you'll be talking and meeting us.

Tachibana: And I thank you for this moment. For this will be the last time you will live, yourselves.

Asuka: Cheinian Seijin.

Tachibana: Ah, if it isn't the infamous Asuka Shin.... Ultraman Dyna, who defeated us...

Me: Give it up, Tachibana. There's more of us, and one of you.

As I said that, Tachibana began to laugh his lungs out, to our confusion.

Tachibana: Really? Well, I think not.

Me: And why not???

Tachibana: Because.... I came prepared.

He said as he raised his hand, ordering his armada to come forth behind him as they readied their weapons, to our shock.

Orochi: Okay... never knew he had an army....

Me: Tachibana.... what is this?! We agreed that there won't be any rules to be broken!!

Tachibana: Which is why this game, is gonna be special. You will all be surviving till the last breathe while Genius Gamer Shadow, Orochi and Ultraman Dyna fights my latest creation that I will fuse and control!!

He said as the ground behind the armada erupted to reveal a huge white scaly monster with red spikey-like spikes on its back, body and arms as we watched it tower over us like a Geist but bigger than that, that's when I realized, I fought it before.

(A/N: Snake Darkness.)

Me: I.... fought it before.

Cardin: Wait, you've fought with that thing?!

Asuka: When?!

Me: I-It was back then.... when,.... if I'm not wrong, I was helping two Super Ultras.

Gemdeus Cheinian: Right you are, Genius Gamer!! If it weren't for you, dear boy, Gruebe and Geed Ultimate Final wouldn't stand a chance against my creation and his master~ But now since he is dead, I have modified him to be the Final Boss of this game and, your downfall.


Gemdeus Cheinian: Crazy as in, CRAZY GENIUS!!!!! (Maniacal laughter)

Orochi: Actually, I got a question for you.

Gendeus Cheinian: Oh? And what would that question be, my fairly beautiful gorgeous woman~?

Orochi: I heard one player manage to beat the boss and declined the offer. Is that true???

Gemdeus Cheinian: .... Yes, that's true. @Truth&Reconsiliation was a good Player with his Kaiju being the most powerful. I wouldn't have made this if he didn't decline the offer..... BUT NO MATTER!!!!!! COME, SNAKE DARKNESS MARK II, LET US DESTROY THEM!!!!!

He yelled as he flew up towards Snake Darkness's head and merged with it so that the Cheinian is now one with the kaiju. After merging with the kaiju, we noticed that its right arm became metallic and some parts of its scaly armour became metallic as well as the material of the metal on the creature is unknown to man.

Then, we watched its spikes getting slightly longer and its claw-like fingers getting longer to improve its damage so as to hurt us easily within one strike, to our shock.

Snake Darkness (Mark II): Now, my minions, DESTROY THEM!!!!!

(A/N: Minions. There are many more like them especially Advents, Imagins and many more else to come by.)

Cheinian inside of the kaiju ordered his minions beneath the kaiju's feet as they charged towards us.

Me: Okay, as planned, Asuka, Sister, you're with me. Team CRDL.

Team CRDL looked at me.

Me: You know what to do. And Cardin, while I'm out.... it'll be a great time for you to be leader.

Cardin: (nods)

Me: (nods)

Cardin: Shadow, wait.

Me: Hmm?

Cardin: If we die in this game,..... well, never said this to anyone before but.... it's cool to have a friend like you, man. And I'm sorry for what I brought you through back then, with you, Jaune, and everyone else.

He said as he shoot out his hand for me to shake it as I smiled.

Me: Well,.... as far as I hate it so, yes. I'm glad you have come around, Cardin.

I said as I grabbed his hand and shook his hand.

Me: Now, let's "Smash".

Cardin smiled as he dashed for it.

Cardin: You heard the man, I'm leader so, let's smash some minions and players' heads!!!

I watched in awe as Asuka, Orochi and I watched Team CRDL as they bravely slay Cheinian's minions as we put our game faces on.

Me: So, ready to go big?

Asuka: Heheh. Like you have to ask.

Orochi: Let's do this. My Player Character is ready for deployment.

Me: Okay. Nexus Hyper..... DAI-HENHIN!!!! BEYOND GODS!!!!!!!


Orochi: Zetton-san! Pandon-san! Chou Gattai - King Joe! Zetton! FUSION RISE! Supremu Chou Gattai!!!!

(A/N: Zetton and Pandon Fusion (Zeppandon) + King Joe Zetton Fusion (Pedanium Zetton).)


(A/N: Music starts here.)

When Orochi said her catchphrase of her Player Form, I looked at her with a shocked look on my face as I yelled.

Me: WAIT, WHAT?!?!?!

As we transformed, Snake Darkness - Mark II aka, Gemdeus Cheinian watched us as we transform to our usual forms. Asuka transforms into Ultraman Dyna and I transform in my god form from the Battle for Haven.

As for Orochi, she turned into a huge Grimm but different as it was not a Grimm at all. Turns out, Orochi's monster character is actually a fusion form of a Super Demon King Beast and a Belial Fusion Beast. The entire body is mainly Zeppandon with many changes on him by Pedanium Zetton's components.

It's head mostly covered in Pedanium Metal like a helmet, only to reveal its orange-yellow crystal strip on top of its head. It's two cubical slots will be covered in Pedanium Metal and some parts of King Joe (A/N: Which is shown at the Cubical slots on Oedanium Zetton.) together with the head piece. Red Spikes for appendages will be shown emergung from Zeppandon's horns/antannaes, shoulder horns and fingers.

King Joe's body parts aka, Pedanium Metal will be fused/implanted on Zeppandon's arms, torso, hips, shoulders, feet (A/N: For its feet, it will be armoured with Pedanium Metal so, the spikey feet will still apply.), some parts of its neck and its back for its jetpack.

It's torso will be covered with red veins like Pedaanium Zetton with a Purple Colour Timer on the center of its chest. The sound the fusion beast emits is of what King Joe and Zetton makes, and its roar will state Zeppandon's name, "Zeppandon!".

Me: Orochi, as usual you have outdone yourself, as usual.

Orochi: (giggling) I usually prefer to be a monster type.

Gemdeus Cheinian: Impossible....

Orochi, Dyna & Me: Eh?

3rd Person's POV:

They looked at Snake Darkness - Mark II as the Cheinian was looking at them, then he looked at Orochi alone.

Gemdeus Cheinian: That Monster Character....

Orochi: That's right. I am @Truth&Reconsiliation, Cheinian.

Gemdeus Cheinian: But how?! Gamers say that you quit the game!!

Cardin: Uuuuhh, I don't pretty much care about that, right now!!

Gemdeus Cheinian: SILENCE, @SPIKEMACER!!!!!!!!!

Cardin: No one silences me until I say when I'm silenced.

Cardin implied from below when he launched a bunch of missiles at Snake Darkness's head, to the Cheinian's disbelief. Then, Snake Darkness turned its attention back to them as the Cheinian inside the Character spoke.

Gemdeus Cheinian: You may have defeated everyone in this game and are about to foil my plans..... but not entirely and not everyone.....

(A/N: Music ends/interrupts here.)

Shadow: What are you talking about???

Gemdeus Cheinian: Let's just say I have someone in mind worth keeping. @RoseWinter, come to your creator.

He ordered as a Grimm Reaper-like Warrior stood before us as snow and rose petals began to emit from its armour and cloak, to Orochi and Shadow's shock.

Orochi: Shadow, be careful with this one.

Shadow: What? Why?

Orochi: Weiss and your girlfriend.... are inside that thing....


(A/N: Music starts here.)

When Orochi said who's inside that Character, I slowly looked in shock as this character is made of two players now.


As Shadow said that, Snake Darkness began to roar loudly as the five players began to charge at each other. While they are charging towards each other, the Half Grimm Giant Half Winter Warrior aka, @RoseWinter began to clone herself into a dozen of clones of her own, to Shadow shock.

Shadow: She's beaten Blake, too?!?! Okay, this crap is about to go down personally!!

Shadow implied as he turned into his Winter Miracle form and froze every single clone in sight, only to see that I froze nothing but the some parts of the school.


After realizing I froze nothing and the Player titan did something to dodge my attack, I began to do a 360° search around my area while Ultraman Dyna and Pedanium Zeppandon fought with Snake Darkness - Mark II.

As I looked, movement began to swift passed me like a ninja with electric streaks showing as well, that was when I realized that she's got Ren and Nora, too. While looking, I suddenly felt a presence behind me as I looked back and back-kicked @RoseWinter away from me to my relief.

I conjoured a replica of Parablade as I jumped towards it as I was about to chop the character down, but to no avail as it grabbed my weapon and threw me to aside, crashing through the plains and the coloumns.

Me: Okay..... that hurt....

I looked up to watch @RoseWinter looking at me as the player raised its sword at me, to my shock as I know whose sword it belongs to.


I questioned as I went to aside to dodge the sword from beheading me as I backflipped myself back up on my feet. Then, I conjoured Pyrrha's spear as the both of us clashed weapons with each others'.

3rd Person's POV:

Meanwhile, Ultraman Dyna and Pedanium Zeppandon were fighting against Snake Darkness - Mark II as the fusion beast kicked Snake Darkness away from them, making it stagger backwards.

Gemdeus Cheinian: You are a strong player, @Truth&Reconsiliation! Merciless! Why did you decline my offer to be the last boss of this game?!

Orochi: Because after seeing through your game's intentions, I knew something wasn't right. That's why I quit playing this game until my brother came along in this game. And now that we are here, we're ending this now....

Dyna: And we are going to make sure you won't stand a chance against us, Cheinian.

Gemdeus Cheinian: ..... So be it, then.

The Game Creator implied to them as Snake Darkness - Mark II roared while charging at them, with its mace-like arm ready to claw the Ultraman and the Special Fusion Kaiju.

Meanwhile for Team CRDL, they are currently on the ground launching missiles at the Game Creator's minions as each of them gets pixelated into data after being destroyed by RPGs shot by the Spikey-like Team.

Russel: They just keep coming, Cardin!!!!

Cardin: I know!!! (Calling Orochi) Uuuh, Orochi!! This is Cardin!! We are almost out of ammunition!!! You got an idea how to take them down?!

Pedanium Zeppandon looked down at Cardin as Orochi replied.

Orochi: I have an idea. If Tachibana wants to cheat, let's even out the playing field!! Here!!

Then, out of nowhere, a scroll appeared in front of Cardin as he grabbed it, to his confusion.

Cardin: What should I do with this?!


After answering Cardin's question, Orochi in her monster player form resumed fighting as Cardin turned on the scroll as it showed a few options.

Cardin: Oh come on!!! I can't answer them now!!

Orochi: Just press the button or I'll get Negasonic Metalgear to DO IT FOR YOU!!!!!!!

Cardin: (quivers) Okay! Okay!

As instructed, he pressed the top button inside of the scroll as a Flat Foundation was made in front of Cardin, to his shock.

Cardin: .... Okay,.... that happened.

As he looked on in shock, numerous number of Shuttles flew towards him, dropping off two halves of a building onto the foundation as it turned into an Atlesian Fire Base within a minute.


(A/N: Firebase. Replace the colour and turn its details to more of an Atlesian-based kind of colour and tech.)

Cardin: Uuuuuh, guys. Think we are commanding an Atlesian Base.

Sky: Now that's cool.

Russel: Come on, bro! Press more buttons!! Let's see what else this base has in store for us.

Cardin: I'm pressing!! Stop rushing me!! I know tonnes of enemies are coming!!

Cardin yelled as he pressed more buttons, button after button until the scroll began to lag a bit, to Cardin's shock.

Cardin: WHAT?! Must I seriously have to wait?! (Looks at the scroll again) Okay!! As long there is an upgrade first, then it's fine, then....

Cardin implied as he went back to his RPG Turret and began launching rockets again. As he kept launching rockets, two more foundations were formed in front of the Primary Foundation and another two more foundations were formed at the bottom corners of the base, to form a Fortress Firebase.


(A/N: Fortress Upgrade. Replace the colour and turn its details to more of an Atlesian-based kind of colour and tech.)

After that upgrade was complete, tonnes of buildings began to form piece by piece with the help of Bullheads delivering each part of the buildings to each small foundations surrounding the Center Base. While the fortress was ready to deploy units, Atlesian Beam Turrets began to form at each corner of the base.





(Atlesian Beam Turret (x4).)

While the buildings are being set up and readied by Team CRDL, Snake Darkness - Mark II aka, Gemdeus Cheinian took noticed of this and he was not pleased at what is happening down at Team CRDL's Area-Of-Battle (AOB).

Gemdeus Cheinian: What is this?! Is this a Base?! I never made a game that has bases!!!!! (Monster turns attention to the Atlesian Fortress Firebase) This base, must be DESTROYED!!!!

And with that, Gemdeus Cheinian controlled the monster to build up its beam from its mouth as it was about to launch it directly at the Base Team CRDL made, but to no avail when Pedanium Zeppandon aka, Orochi and Ultraman Dyna pulled Snake Darkness - Mark II away from its firing range by pulling its tail. As they pulled Snake Darkness - Mark II away, this caused it to fire its beam a few meters away from the base, barely missing it, to their relief but to the Cheinian yelling in rage.

Gemdeus Cheinian: You DARE to interrupt me from eliminating this CHEAT!?!?!

Orochi: Actually, you cheated first by spawning in your own minions here. So, I took the liberaty to cheat as well and have a Base built here. So,.... you scratch our back, we scratch yours....

Dyna: Heheeh!!! Burn!!


Snake Darkness roared as he shot heat-seekers at Dyna and Pedanium Zeppandon, causing them to stagger back a bit, only for it to be free from their grasp as it blast Tragedy Shout Hell at them, only for Dyna to conjour a shield and Pedanium Zeppandon to summon a PZ Wall aka, Pedanium Zeppandon Wall as they blocked its attack but how long they can withstand its beam, is yet to be seen when we resume at part 4.

(A/N: AWW WOZ, COME ON!!!!!!)

To be Continued at PART 4

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