Volume 5: The Infinity War Begins (AVENGERS: INFINITY WARS SPECIAL) (PART 2.1)

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(A/N: Music starts here at 0:08.)

The lights turn on to show the curtains opening sideways. As the curtains open up, it then to show the poster of the insert as Kermit and Ms. Piggy made their way up at the stage in front of the title as they showed and revealed themselves in this very insert.

(A/N: This picture title.)

Kermit: HI HO!!!

Ms. Piggy: Hello, everybody!


Ms. Piggy: It is so good to see you here.

(A/N: Music stops at 0:30 in the middle of Kermit's speech down below.)

Kermit: HI HOOO!! And welcome everyone to the FINAL, and yet the twentieth episode of the FIFTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose - The AVENGERS INFINITY WARS SPECIAL PART 2.1! (Waving my entire body about while saying, 'yay!') YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ms. Piggy: This is like going to WWE Monday Night RAW, Kermie.

Kermit: I know. We've done it last time, and we can do it again right here, Piggy.

Ms. Piggy: Yes, and speaking from both Kermie and myself, the original diva~

Kermit: Yes, that's true as well.

Ms. Piggy: I just wanted to say, how honoured w--

???: ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!

Ms.Piggy: Wha-??

Kermit: Oh no.

A huge blood-like portal appeared as Salem and Tyrian with his new tail emerged as they loomed above the stars,

Salem: It's already bad enough, that Shadow and his group of followers have taken the Relic of Knowledge. NOW! We have to share our space! With a pile of livestocks such as you fools!!

Kermit: (worried) Livestock???

Ms. Piggy: WHAT?!

Tyrian: It ain't easy being greeeeeeen, frog?

Kermit: Umm, yeah?

Tyrian: Well how about, (leaning closer to Kermit with a crazed look as Kermit arched back) it ain't easy being a pair of frog legs?

Ms. Piggy: WHAT?! Oh, how dare you!

Tyrian: Now, how about you and your pork girlfriend get off our turf or I will make you a Frog Ham Sandwich, Hopscotch??

Kermit: I... uuuhh....

Ms. Piggy: Well, why don't you make us, Scorpion King who has an artificial tail for a scorpion tail?! Huh?! HUH?!

Kermit sees that Tyrian was offended and was about to raise his tail until he intervened for a moment, trying to talk Tyrian out of killing his girlfriend.

Kermit: Whoa whoa whoa. Wait wait wait wait wait wait hold it hold it hold it. Listen everybody, listen, listen. What... what Piggy meant to say was, uhh uuh... uuuhh, Mister Tyrian. I-I-Is that, we understand, and we don't want any trouble from you, or ummm,.... (hand gestures to Salem)uuuuhh, or your mother. 

Salem was ticked off when Kermit mentioned her as Tyrian's mother as she has flames in her hands with Tyrian looking disgusted.

Salem: WHAT?!?!? WHAT?!?!?!

Kermit: W-what did I say??? What did I did wrong???

Salem shoved Ms. Piggy by using her hand.

Salem: EXCUSE ME?!?!?

Ms. Piggy: (Shoves Salem aside) Excuse moir~?!?!?

Salem: (Shoves Ms. Piggy aside as well) EXCUSE ME?!?!?

Ms. Piggy: (Shoves Salem again) EXCUSE ME?!?!?!?

Salem: EXCUSE ME?!?!?!?

Ms. Piggy: EXCUSE ME?!?!?!?!?!

Kermit: Guys guys!

Tyrian: Your grace!

As Ms. Piggy and Salem were fighting over the comments that they were commented and offended for a few minutes, a huge beam of light shine in front of them as Shadow Wrath in his god form appeared before them as he makes his way towards the individuals, as Ms. Piggy and Salem stopped arguing and fighting.

Shadow: Okay everybody, calm down. Now everyone of you right here and right now, is officially..... excused.

Salem: Good!

Tyrian: hmph! Some recognition!

Ms. Piggy: Good!

Kermit: Oh good. Good.

Shadow: Now, Salem. If I were you, I wouldn't be picking on Kermit the Frog, or the beautiful and the most gorgeous Ms. Piggy.

Kermit: Oh, good. Thank you.

Ms. Piggy: Hmph!

Shadow: or even the other of our Muppet friends. Although this is the last episode, officially, do yourself a favour and start you know,.... warming up!

Ms. Piggy: Hm?

Kermit: Whoa. Warming up. Wait, warming up?

Salem: And why would I do that?!

Shadow: Because I was just told by A/N, that in Volume 6, you will be able to have the opportunity to display and showcase your skill in your monster form..... AGAINST ME!

Kermit and Ms. Piggy were shocked and amazed that a kid like Shadow is about to go tow to tow with Salem in Volume 6.

Ms. Piggy: Oh. Wow.

Kermit: Aaah. Yeah, that's terrific now, good luck Shadow Wrai--*

Tyrian used his left hand and left fingers and forcefully pinch his mouth to keep him quiet as Kermit began to struggle to break free.

Tyrian: Shut your frog mouth, frog!!!

Ms. Piggy: ???? Wh-what are you doing?!

Tyrian: Well, I don't care about that, Shadow, the God of Remnant, Wielder of the Four Season Maidens and the Secret Silver-Eyed Warrior! In the name of all Grimm and White Fang everywhere around Remnant, Adam Taurus is going to have you in battle in his corner!!!!

Tyrian then releases his hold on Kermit's mouth as Kermit falls down, for Ms. Piggy to help him up.

Ms. Piggy: Here, Kermie. Gimme your hand.

Shadow: Adam? Adam! Haha! You think, you think Adam is gonna have me? You really think Adam is going to fight me? Well, guess what. Last laugh on your faces, he's not as he's having a match of his own on that very day itself!!!

Tyrian: What?!?!

Salem: What?!?!

Kermit: Oh?

Ms. Piggy: Hmm?

Shadow: Against, not just Blake, Yang, Mitchell and Tenka but also, Hiro Kiken Iglesias and Evol!!!!

Kermit: Ahaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

Salem and Tyrian were shocked to hear that Adam will be busy by Shadow's group somewhere in Volume 6.

Kermit: Whoa whooooaa whooooooooaaa!!!

Ms. Piggy: You know it!!! Hmph! Hmph!

Salem and Tyrian took their leave, disgusted about what they have heard, leaving Shadow, Kermit and Ms. Piggy behind as Shadow gave them a thumbs up. Then, he turned back to the crowd to say his point.

Shadow: Now anyway, So, to recap once again, A/N DOES NOT OWN RWBY AND HE DOES NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. And also,..... Stan Lee!!!!! Let your soul be remembered that you have created the Avengers and MARVEL HEROES BY YOUR OWN HEROIC AND DEADLY HANDS!!!!!!! So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES AND THE INFINITY WARS.... on three. One.

Ms. Piggy: Two...

Kermit: Three!

Shadow, Ms. Piggy & Kermit: BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!


3rd Person's POV:

At Wakanda, the battle against two opposing parties still raged along with another opposing party that came out from a portal with their own army to oppose Thanos's army. The Wakandan Army and the Avengers were shocked to see that the army came out of nowhere from several portals and their leader aka, Shadow Wrath is wielding two to four Infinity gauntlets.

Knowing that the battle is still raging on, they have to go fight against the Outriders first before gathering answers from Shadow. During the battle, tonnes of smashes including Jacob the Dragon Juggernaut smashed and killed tonnes of Outriders in their wake. One Outrider bite The Dragon Juggernaut from behind, but to no avail as he grabbed it and shoved its head in its ass and smashed it into the other Outrider in the face.

Dragon Juggernaut: Who wants their heads to be slotted up their asses?!

He exclaimed as he charged and smashed the outriders' heads into the ground, killing them instantly, to Dr banner's shockas he is witnessing him doing all the rampaging which was worse than the Hulk.

Dr Banner: ... This guy's seriosuly like a wrecking ball.... like you, Hulk.... But, extremely powerful.... but still, let's protect the Mind Stone!

And with that, Dr. Banner stood back up as he resume his battle against the Outriders. During the battle, Ruby twirled and shot sniper rounds from her Crescent Rose, killing off the outriders while covering fire for the Black Panther. After Ruby and Black Panther's area are cleared from Outriders, they took a little break as they looked at each other.

Ruby: Uuuh, hi. Ruby Rose. (Offers hand)

Black Panther: (Unravels mask) T'Challa, King of Wakanda. (Shakes her hand) I thank you for coming to our aid.

Ruby: Oh, not a problem, Black Panther, sir.

Black Panther: But I must know, little one. How is a girl such as yourself carry this heavy weapon?

Ruby: Oh, you mean Crescent Rose? Well, I made it so,.... so that it helps me in my combat stats.

Black Panther: You made that? Well, that's a huge weapon. Come now, we must help the others. (Ravels back mask)

Ruby: Right back atcha!

And with that, Ruby noticed Weiss summoning her ice soldier as The Black Panther and herself charged towards the outrider army, for The Black Panther to finish off the other wave of outriders and for Ruby to give some assistance to Weiss who is in combat against the outrider army on her own.

Weiss: What took you?!

Ruby: Helping the Black Panther! Come on, let's do this!

Weiss: Right!


(A/N: Music Starts here.)

Meanwhile, Kori and Jason were punching the outriders one by one with the use of their knuckles while moving in a circle slowly as they changed their positions while moving. As they did so, Bucky came by to aide them as he went in between them and shot some outriders incoming towards them while they are attacking.

After taking them down, they lowered their weapons as they looked at each other and gave each other a nod for acknowledgement. During their acknowledgement, an outrider was sneaking up behind Jason, about to chew and tear the flesh out of him, but to no avail when a Sharp Smash pierced its sharp pointy claws through it and with a Hqrd Smash to smash its head, beheading it completely, to the trio looking at the smashes as they left them be after killing off the outrider.

Kori: Thanks for the assist. Kori Hiyasu. My bro, Jason Hiyasu.

Jason: Sup.

Bucky: Hey. Bucky, a friend to Steve Rogers aka, Captain America. (Pointing my gun at the guy with two shields)

Kori and Jason looked at where he's pointing, and then looks back to him after seeing what he meant.

Kori: Glad to know him.

Bucky: Yeah.

Jason: Let's win a fucking war.

Bucky: Yeah. And yes, like the armour, both of you.

Jason/Kori: Uuuuh, thanks. I guess.

Bucky took off as he fired his gun at the outriders. Just as Kori and Jason were about to leave, they were stopped by a raccon aka, rocket.

Rocket: Hey! Name's rocket. Yer new?

Jason/Kori: Yeah. Kori./Jason.

Rocket: Okay, so how much for the fist-like weapons?

Jason: Not for sale.

Rocket: How much for the armour?

Kori and Jason looked each other as they left, with Rocket sighing.

Rocket: (sighs) I'll get those armours....


(A/N: Pause music at 0:52 and resume with this music at 1:40.)

Tenka is on top of Mitchell as they are soaring in the air while Mitchell is launching his projectiles at the outriders by using his gauntlets in its plasma cannon form and Tenka launching his plasma arrows by using his Dual Tri-Sector Sparrows, covering everyone on the ground.

Tenka: I'm surprised you're not breaking a sweat!

Mitchell: Hey! If you are a Silver-Winged Faunus, you can carry loads of anything!

Tenka: Alrighty then. Then, let's get this over with fast!

Mitchell: HELL YEAAA!!!! HA HA HAAAAA!!!!

They both implied as they kept firing their projectile of shots and arrows at the outriders. While they are launching their projectiles, someone swooped by to say hi.

???: Hey!

Mitchell & Tenka: (looks) Hey/Sup

???: Falcon! What's yours?!

Mitchell: Mitchell Striker! Awesome name. Love the wings!

Tenka: Tenka Kaito! Love the gimmicks on your winged jetpack!

Falcon: Thanks!! Hey! Think if you could cover the left and I can cover the right?!

Tenka: Sounds good!!

Mitchell: Let's soar and slay!

Mitchell, Tenka and Falcon fist pumped as Falcon covered the area on the left and, Tenka and Mitchell covered the area on the right as they continued launching their projectiles and shots at the outriders.

As the Armoured Warrior and the Silver-Winged Faunus swooped by, as if right on queue, TIME Ragnorak was charging forward while clading itself with Double Armour (Right arm), Kuuga Armour (Left arm), Cross-Z Magma Legs with molten rocks covering some parts of it for armour (Lower torso and legs) and Ghost Grateful Damashii (Upper Torso and head) as it jumped up in the air and smashed its two combiner fists onto the ground, causing the ground to erupt with magma spewing out in a line followed by a huge Kuuga Symbol went through the erupting spewing magma and a huge cyclone blew through the magma combining it with the symbol as it created a huge beam/projectile, killing majority of the outriders and some that are currently fighting and on top of the HulkBuster.

After the outriders have been burnt and incinerated in its wake by its ability, TIME Ragnorak stopped its charge as it walked towards the HulkBuster and helped it up.

TIME Ragnorak: Come on, get your mechanized ass up. On yer feet!

After helping the mech up, the head of the mech opened up to show a man piloting the suit.

???: Thanks.

TIME Ragnorak: Don't mention it.

???: Doctor Bruce Banner.

TIME Ragnorak: Ryosuke Akamutsu, Neon Shadow, (girl's voice) Katie Jupiter, Hiro Kiken Iglesias.

Dr. Banner: Oh, okay. !!! Wait! You are made out of four people?!

TIME Ragnorak: Yep.

Dr. Banner: And this is the final outcome after you four combined?!

TIME Ragnorak: Indeed. TIME Ragnorak is my Combiner name.

Dr. Banner: Wow. Well, this is the HulkBuster. It was piloted by Mr Stark but for now, I'm piloting it.

TIME Ragnorak: Okay. Savour the moment as more barbarians incoming.

TIME Ragnorak and Dr. Banner aka, the HulkBuster looked as more Outriders were coming and began blasting, slashing and crushing them under their feets. While they are doing all that,--

TIME Ragnorak: Dr. Banner, DUCK!!!


(A/N: Pause music at 3:13 and resume with this music.)

The combiner then pushed the HulkBuster's upper body downwards for a bit as two ships swooped by as they began shooting the outriders in front of them down, to their shock.

Dr. Banner: What are those things?!

TIME Ragnorak (girl's voice): Time Mazines - Geiz Units.

As TIME Ragnorak stated what those ships are, the Time Mazines dropped off several people who are ready to fight as they readied their Drivers to transform.

??? 1: Henshin!!!

??? 2: Henshin!!!

??? 3: Henshin!!!

??? 4: Henshin!!!

??? 5 & ??? 6: Henshin!!!

??? 7: Let's do this!



-CYCLONE! JOKER! (Technical guitar to orchestral hit)-

-Gauntlet noises (A/N: Like Thanos's Gauntlet.)-

(A/N: Kamen Rider Geiz - REVIVE Goretsu Form. (x3))

(A/N: Kamen RIder Build.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Double - CycloneJoker Form.)

(A/N: Super Sonic aka, Super Dylan.)

TIME Ragnorak: Thanks for the assist. TIME Ragnorak.

Dr. Banner: Thanks! Dr. Banner!

??? 4: Don't worry.

??? 1: We are here to assist as well. Name's Kazuto Usami.

??? 2: Percival Nikos.

??? 3: Jackie Takamin.

??? 4: Dalthale Tilkarma

??? 5 & ??? 6: Takeru/Hikari. Kamen Rider Double.

??? 7: Dylan, Dylan the Hedgehog.

TIME Ragnorak: Well, nice to meet you. Now, why don't we knock down some savage beasts, shall we?

Jackie: Yeah!

Dalthale: LET'S DO THIS!!!!!!!

Takeru/Hikari: LET'S GO!!!

Percival: YEAH!!

Kazuto: LET'S ROLE!!

Dr. Banner: Then let's do this!!

Percival: TIME Ragnorak!

TIME Ragnorak: Yeah?

Percival threw something into his Zi-O arms as it began to shine, to its shock.

(A/N: Zi-O II RideWatch.)

TIME Ragnorak: What RiderWatch did you supply and upgrade us?

Percival: You will thank me.

Then, TIME Ragnorak's arms turn into special robotic arms which are Kamen Rider Zi-O based and two pairs of clock hands appeared on its Grateful Damashii head leaving the middle horn to be in the middle.


It looked at its arms as it looked down at Percival.

TIME Ragnorak: Cool!/(Girl's voice) This rocks!

Kazuto: T.R! Want the three of us to join you in your combiner force?!

TIME Ragnorak: Knock yourselves out, Geiz!!

As it said that, the three Geiz in their Goretsu forms merged with TIME Ragnorak to form TIME Ragnorak - GORETSU Form, with macho-like shoulder-like armour with an hour glass detail in the center for legs and armour for Hiro's leg components, a macho-like shoulder-like armour with an hour glass detail in the center for its right arm and some armour platting on its shoulders and chest for armour (Geiz Goretsu's armour), to TIME Ragnorak's amazement.

TIME Ragnorak: Cool! And now and I'm all buffed up and ready to role, LET'S SMASH!!!!!!

Dylan, Dalthale, Takeru & Hikari: YEAH!!!!

They yelled as Takeru and Hikari in their Double form as one, turned into FangJoker Form, Dalthale shifts into TankTank Form and Dylan transformed into his Golden form with the help of his Stones which are on his gauntlet, advanced towards the army of bloodthirsty Outriders followed by TIME Ragnorak - GORETSU Form following behind with Dr. Banner in his HulkBuster suit.


(A/N: Pause music at 1:25 and Start this music at 17:54.)

Clancy's POV:

Meanwhile, I am in my usual favorite sports car in its Type Technique Form in my Kamen Rider Driver - Type Technique form as I drove donuts, small donuts, killing off the outriders with its robotic arms supplied in the car.


While he's killing off the outriders and creating more mini-donuts, a transmission came in on his ear-piece and his comms supplied in the car.

Falcon: Guys! We've got a Vision Situation here-!

Captain America: Somebody get to Vision!

Scarlet: I'm on my wa-

Comms were interrupted due to the battle they need to fight. So, I reached out to them.

Me: Guys, this is Clancy Red, from Special Unit Investigations. Don't worry, we'll take it from here. However, Shield-Boy! Get to vision! You will have back-up coming your way soon!

Captain America: Clancy Red, this is Captain America. Copy that, will await your back-up when I get to vision!

Me: Copy that! Ruby, I will send over coordinates to where you need to go!

Ruby: Copy that!

Me: Shadow! Disengage your extra arms! You will need to clone yourself to get to the same coordinates where your girlfriend is going! We need you in the field and there as well!

Shadow: Copy that!


Me: Jacob! Tailor! I'm gonna disengage!

Jacob: Oright!

Tailor: Okay! Although, this form is kinda grown on me already but, heh what the hey.

Me: Heheh. Anyway, (raises Key-Slasher in the air) BEYOOOND GODS!!!!!

I smirked at Tailor Arm mode as I yelled while transforming into my God Form while disengaging my extra limbs, to return them into their original states as they transformed into their specific forms with Tailor transforming into his Extreme Form with his Gaia Gauntlet and Jacob turning into his Golden form with his Chaos Gauntlet as the three of us proceeded to battle.

(A/N: Stop music at 19:22.)


3rd Person's POV:

Dr. Banner: HULK!?

Hulk: NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Dr. Banner: Oh, screw you, you big green asshole!!! I'll do it myself!!!

Cull was about to cut the HulkBuster open by using his hammer, but to no avail as the flow of time and everyone's movements froze with Cull's hammer was an inch away from piercing through the HulkBuster. 


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Then, out of nowhere, GOD Maximum Mighty X walked its way towards Cull and strangely, he has several body-like mechanical armour from two Chronus. One Chronus linked to each arm and leg and the other same applies.

Then, it did an X-slash on Cull by using his two Bug-Visor Zweis with Kamen Rider Chronicle Gashats inserted into them as he was thrown back due to the attack and frozen soon after due to the power of pause. Then, it spoke.

???: My name is Jay Mercury and these are my component partners, Striker Clockwork and Hana Kadoya. (Menacing giggle) Your god has now officially....

Striker & Hana: ... judged you.

They all said as they deactivated 'PAUSE',--


--as Cull is now being pushed back, causing him to be hit into a mount, to Dr. Banner's shock.

Jay: You okay?

Dr. Banner: I'm alright. Although I lost an arm on my suit but apart from that, I'm okay. Thanks. Dr. Bruce Banner.

Jay: Jay Mercury. The green dude and dudette that combined with my limbs, their names are Striker Clockwork and Hana Kadoya. Together, we make GOD Maximum Chrone Armour.

Striker/Hana: (controlling the arms as they waved them) Hi/Sup.

Dr. Banner: Hey. Cool through but hey Jay. Do me a favor and beat this guy with me?

Jay looked at Cull as he readied his weapon once again as he charged towards us.

Jay: With pleasure. Striker, Hana. Let's finish him.

Striker/Hana: With pleasure.

And with that, Jay controlled the whole combiner as he charged forward, with Cull slamming his hammer right into Jay, but to no avail as he caught it with his GODLY Chronus hands, giving Dr. Banner the opportunity to jump over Jay as he gave Cull a punch in a face with his still intact arm, disarming him.

With Jay now handling Cull's weapon, his weapon suddenly changed its appearance and colour into his own liking as a jingle sounded off while it turned into a special Gashacon weapon known as;


Jay looked at the weapon as a face of amazement shined bright on his face and Striker and Hana's faces behind the armour and the mask.

Jay/Striker/Hana: Let's LAY WASTE TO THIS DICK!!!!!



Jay, Striker and Hana then controls the combiner at the same time as they switched their new weapon into its sword mode while placing GOD Maximum Mighty X Gashat into the weapon, acquiring its finisher.

Meanwhile, the HulkBuster used its right arm that is still intact as it punched Cull in the face and blast him, too with its plama hand blast. Then, Cull kicked the HulkBuster to aside as it gave Jay, Striker and Hana the opportunity to jump over the fallen HulkBuster as they used their combined semblances to finish Cull off.


Jay/Striker/Hana: HEY, WORMHOLE! GET A TASTE OF THIS!!!!!!!!!

The combiner then lands and gave Cull a slash right across his chest, causing him to be sent flying behind them as the HulkBuster used its severed left arm, forcefully inserting it into Cull's robotic arm.

Dr. Banner: SEE YA!

The HulkBuster tapped something on the severed arm as the arm blasted off along with Cull as it dragged him against the barrier, causing him to be killed due to the barrier and explode due to the severed arm exploding into his face, to Jay, Striker and Hana's shock.

Jay: Daaaaaamn. Dr. Ban, you are one killing machine.....

Striker: Yeah....

Hana: That's gonna scar....

Dr. Banner: yeah.... and Hulk.... (sighs) we've got a lot to figure out, man....


In a small clearing, Okoye and Black Widow were taken down by Proxima. Then, Proxima stood over Black Widow as she activated her arm blade which came out from her arm and thrust it at the Black Widow, in the attempts to killing her off but to no avail as the Black Widow used her dual wield staff-like rods to block her attack. 

Rachel's POV:

Just as Proxima's blade was about to cut her throat, I wield my great sword and Beat Cross-Zer as I jumped down inside the clear and kicked Proxima aside and did a power slash at her, to keep her at bay.

Then, I helped Black Widow up and gave her weapons back.

Black Widow: Thanks.

Me: Don't mention it. Rachel. Rachel Claws.

Black Widow: Black Widow. You can just call me Agent Romanoff.

Me: Okay. This heck of a bitch been bothering you?

Black Widow: You can say that.

Me: Okay. (Taking my scroll out) Dale, I need assistance, I can't do this alone.... although I can.

Then, out of nowhere, Build in PhoenixRobo form lands beside me as he placed his scroll inside his pocket.

(A/N: Kamen Rider Build - PhoenixRobo Form.)

Dalthale: Hey.

Me: Hey, thanks for coming over.

Dalthale: No problem. So, she bothering you, eh?

Dalthale and I watched as Proxima was getting up, slowly to keep her balance after that power slash I inflicted on her.

Me: No yet, but Agent Romanoff is being bothered by her as she was gonna kill her.

Dalthale: Okay then. Let's take her down.

As Dalthale in his PhoenixRobo form said that, out of warning in which I took notice, Proxima lunged forward with her blade still attached on her arm, in the attempts on killing one of us as I used Beat Cross-Zer to whack her blade to aside, causing her arm to be swung aside at the same time, giving Dalthale the opportunity to fly towards her and grab her. Once he grabbed Proxima, he fired up his phoenix arm and his robotic arm as he gave her a flurry of punches.

Once he's done, Proxima blocked his last punch as she smirked at him. Then, I rushed over and grabbed her shoulder, to her confusion as she looked at me as I head butt her, causing her vision to be a blur.

Dalthale: Thanks for the assist.

Me: Your welcome. Now, let's finish it.

Dalthale: Yeah. Let's finish this experiment!

Dalthale said as he cranked the lever around on his Build-Driver as he acquired his finisher for his current form and for me to use my semblance as I conjoured Cross-Z Magma armour from the Tournament past time as I acquire my own finisher.

(A/N: Music ends here.)





Our finishers and our semblances were activated as we rushed forward towards Proxima and Proxima rushed forward towards us, but to no avail as Okoye and Black Widow blocked her way and engaged her in a hand-to-hand and weapon-to-weapon combat.

As we got close, Okoye and Black Widow stood out of the way after their few minutes of combat as I slashed Proxima, and Dalthale transformed his robotic arm into a huge robotic arm as he turned his flaming phoenix into a Huge Fire Phoenix as he flew up and swooped down towards Proxima, giving her a flurry of strikes, burning her and and damaging her power greatly.

As Dalthale land on the ground the both of us looked back as we slashed and punched her, causing her to fly back towards Okoye and Black Widow.

Me: NOW, LADIES!!!!!

Then, Okoye and Black Widow did a forward role as Proxima flew past them as they quickly got up as they kicked her to add the momentum, for Scarlet Witch used her powers to bind in red magic as she pushed Proxima upwards, killing her by getting mauled by the path of an incoming Thresher with her blood scattering all over the place, some however went over our faces to our shock.

(A/N: Thresher/s.)

Dalthale: Okay.... gross....

Me: Ewwwww....

Black Widow: .... that was really gross.....

Me: Tell me about it.....


3rd Person's POV:

Everyone was helping the Avengers and the Wakandan Army defeat the army of Outriders. Things were going well until they were extremely close to being overruned by Outriders. As Shadow's group of fighters were about to be outdone, something shot the outriders, causing them to die in front of their eyes.

As everyone looked at their saviours, their eyes widened in shock as to see Gemdeus Machina, Kamen Rider Jam, Gold Heart Roidmude and Terror Dopant in the field assisting them.

Tenka: Gemdeus?!

Mitchell: But, why??

Gemdeus Machina: Looks like you could use some help. So, let's say that a temporary alliance is nye. Tell Mister Shadow that, "The favour has been returned"~.

Heart: SCRAP'EM!!!!!!

And with that, the four enemies that we've fought and were about to fight in the mere future charged towards the outriders as they began to smash, bash, slash and shoot them, killing them instantly to commence their temporary turce with Shadow's group.

Mitchell: Welp, let's savour the moment while we still can.

Tenka: Yeah....

JEWL Combination: Come on, guys! Let's keep fighting!

Tenka looked at JEWL Combination as he looked at everyone fighting back, including Weiss as he watched her summon a lot of summons to go against the outriders, Blake using her illusions to go against the outriders, and Mitchell watched his girlfriend, Yang as she shot some rounds at the outriders. Tenka and Mitchell looked at each other as they smiled.

Tenka: Well, let's savour the moment, then while it still lasts.

Mitchell: LET'S DO THIS!!!!!!


(A/N: Ummm, music? OII, where's the music?!?!?!?!)

(Animal drum solos this for music.


Animal keeps doing drum solo again.)

(A/N: ..... Okay.... Moving on....)

3rd Person's POV:

Captain America struggled on as he fought Corvus Glaive. He has managed to disarm Corvus from his twin-edged spear as he attempts to jab him with his shields again, but to no avail as Corvus grabbed him and threw him to one side as he went on top of him, strangling him. Captain America grabbed his wristas he tried to get his hand off his neck, but due to Corvus's superhuman strength, it was futile.

Just as Captain America was about to run out of strength, several rose petals flew past them, to Corvus and Captain America's confusion as Corvus released Captain America from his death grip and for him to get up to see more petals coming in until;

Ruby: YAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

Corvus looked at a clearing at the woods as a girl with a scythe was flying in, high speed towards him as she shot and slash him, causing him to bleed out a bit and take a few steps back, to his shock and to Captain America's shock. After that little onslaught, the red-haired girl aka, Ruby Rose lands on her feet as she reloads her Crescent Rose as she smirked.

Ruby: Checkmate!!

Captain America looked Ruby with a shocked look in his face as he has never seen a girl with that kind of skill before.

Captain America: Uuuh, thanks. For the assist.

Ruby: Oh! (Looks at him) No problem. I'm Ruby.

Captain America: Steve Rogers. Americans call me Captain America. Ruby, can I ask. How did you become so skilled with the scythe? For an age like that?

Ruby: Oh, people always ask that. Well, Mr. Rogers, this is not just a scythe. It's also a customizable High impact velocity sniper rifle. In other words, it's also a gun. And I like yoyr shields.

Captain America: Thanks. And cool.

Corvus: It's futile, even if you.... get help.... we... will still claim.... the Mind Stone!!

Just as he finished, they heard something comjng their way from behind Corvus. Then, he looked back, his eyes widened as he noticed a young teen flying towards him as he said;

My (Me 2) POV:


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Me: CLAIM THIS!!!!!!

I yelled as I am in my God Form as I launched the powers from all of my stones from two gauntlets at Corvus, striking him directly as the beams hit him causing him to hit a lot of trees upon impact, to Captain America's shock. I looked at my girlfriend and Captain America as I spoke.

Me: So, you must be Captain America.

Captain America: Yeah. Steve Rogers.

Me: Shadow Wrath. I presume you've met my girlfriend, Ruby.

Captain America: Oh, you're in a relationship. Okay. And also, (points at the Gauntlets I have) you have the same Gauntlets as Thanos?

Me: Yeah. Me and my sister made them.

Captain America: Oh, cool. So, you two are the ones that I.... think I'm getting back up from?

Me: Yep.

Ruby: That's us.

Captain America: Oh, okay. Then, thanks for the assist, in advance.

We both talked as we watched Corvus getting up with his swords as he roared.

Me: So, taking this guy down?

Captain America: Yeah. He's after vision. And with you around he may be going after you so, you should get out of here after we take care of him.

Corvus: Impossible!!! Two Infinity Gauntlets?! This is impossible!!!! But no matter. Thanos shall have more powers with these gauntlets if I take them from you.

Me: Eeehh, he's gonna be a bother.

Ruby/Captain America: Tell me about it.

We all implied as we don our fighting poses. As we did our poses, Corvus charged towards us with our blades as Ruby advanced first by shooting herself mid-air while spinning her Crescent Rose in an extremely fast pace, causing his blades to be cut in pieces. While Corvus was shocked at this attack, Ruby shot a round at his arm, pushing him back while injuring his left arm.

Then, Captain America gave him some jabs with his shields and did an uppercut with it as Corvus flew in the air and falls to the ground. Finally, I conjoured my Ice Dragon Dagger as I turned myself into a flurry of snow, fire, leaves and petals as I whizzed past him as he was about to stab me with his broken sword. Then, I revert back to normal as I pushed him to turn around!! as I stabbed him with my dagger, and then out of nowhere, another weapon thrust into him as I let my ice dagger go, only to see Vision raising Corvus's spear up as he threw him off to aside.

Me: Dayum.

And due to the amount of strength he used to kill Corvus as well, he fell back to the ground as Captain America tends to him. He looked up to me.

Captain America: Tell everyone to come over to my location, ASAP.

Ruby/Me: You got it!

Captain America: Shadow!

Me: hm?

Captain America: Thank you.

Me: (nods)

And with that, we left to find the other Avengers as Captain America tends to Vision.

Captain America: I got you... I got you...


3rd Person's POV:

As the battle raged on, Yang, Blake, Weiss, Jaune, Nora and Ren are somewhere in the battle slashing, bashing, hammering and shooting their slashes and projectiles at the outriders. Just as they were about to be outnumbered, a portal appeared before their eyes asthree individuals turned into their rider forms as they killed several outriders in the process.

-Dare ja? Ore ja? Ninja! Shinobi! Kenzan!-

-Fashion! Passion! Question! Quiz!-

-Dekai! Hakai! Goukai! Kamen Rider Kikai!-

(A/N: Kamen Riders Shinobi, Quiz & Kikai.)

Jaune: Thanks!

???: Your welcome. Name's Shitsu Shinpi. These guys here are Richard Hyde and Neji Machina.

Richard: Hey.

Neji: Hi.

Weiss: Where did you come from?

All: Work.

Blake: Work as in???

Richard: Guys, can we talk about this later as we got bloodthirsty people to take out.

Everyone looked as they are now surrounded by outriders as they donned their weapons as they agreed with Richard.

Yang: Yeah...

Ren: Then, let's get it done.

Jaune: Yeah!

And with that, the nine of them wielded their weapons as they kept  an eye on the outriders as they readied the attack as planned as the new trio introduced themselves.

Richard: Shinobi is written as heart of blade! Kamen Rider Shinobi.

Shitsu: Save the world! Give me the correct answer! Kamen Rider Quiz!

Neji: Body of steel with a hot heart! Kamen Rider Kikai!

And with that, everyone charged while scattering to different locations for the remaining members of RWBY slashed and shot their way through the outriders, members of JNPR did the same with Nora getting carriedaway with her hammer and the newcomers aka, the "Future"-ing Trio began to fight them as they began to shoot tonnes of weapons, projectiles and shurikens at the outriders, killing them instantly.


My (Me 1) POV:

After transforming into my God Form, I flew into the sky as I used and concentrate all of my season powers, silver-eyed powers and my father's powers as I conjoured Plesio Charge Megazord Pacha-Rex Armour as I wrecked one ship that was about to retreat in mid-air by using Pacha Wrecking Ball. After claiming my wrecking ball back, I watched as some of the ships are retrearing and also being destroyed by the Thunder God himself and his hammer-like axe.

While watching the Thunder God at play, Ryosuke in his Ultimate Kaiju Form came to my aid as he slashed and shot his way through the ships with his bare claw-like gauntlets and his shoulder-mounted blasters, and create Black Holes to suck the wreckage in, to increase his powers.

Then, the Thunder God flew right beside me and Ryosuke did the same as the three of us are now facing right at each other eye-to-eye.

Me: Hey.

???: Thor.

Me: (raises hand) Shadow. Shadow Wrath.

Ryosuke: Ryosuke Akamutsu. Ultimate NEO Form.

(A/N: Kamen Rider Evol NEO - Final Form. (A/N: It's like Genius Evol but different as it doesn't have any Genius details to it.))

Thor: You have two Infinity Gauntlets, I see.

Ryosuke: Indeed he has. It is prophecized that he must wield them to beat an omnipotent enemy.

Me: Yeah. Destined to meet you guys, as well and.... beat Thanos with you guys and all.

Thor: I see. Well then, wanna give me a hand destroying these ships?

Me: Will do. Thunder Infinity!

Ryosuke: Plus, FEVER FLOW!!! (Cranks lever on the Evol-Driver)



I say as we charged our hammer, gauntlets and finisher as the three of us advanced towards the retreating ships, destroying them in an instant. After destroying all the retreating ships, the other me flew towards me as we combined back to my one whole-self as I alerted the others.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Me: Troops, assemble at my pinned-point location. Avengers, meet Thor, Captain America and Vision at the pinned-point location that I will be sending out to you.

I implied to all comms as I tapped on my scroll to lead both parties at specific locations as my group assemble to keep the outriders busy to give the Avengers and the Wakandan Army some time to prepare before the real threat gets here.

As my group assembled and killed off the Outriders with our temporary allies, we noticed that the remaining outriders stopped charging as they looked back at the forest, to our confusion. Suddenly a huge gust of wind and leaves blew past us as I sensed great danger up ahead who is on his way any moment from now.

Me: You feel that????

Gemdeus Machina: Yes.... your so-called enemy, Thanos.... draws near.....

Jaune: Then, let's be ready for him if he sees us.

Ruby: Yeah!

Me: Yeah. But remember, time counts, so we have to rap this up, soon.

Jaune & Ren: I know.... that's why, we're gonna make this end fast.

Ruby: Together.

Me: And together, anything is possible...

3rd Person's POV:


(A/N: Music starts here.)

As the Avengers assembled and Wakandan's best elite guard aka, Okoye assembled at the stated location, they watched on as a portal appeared out of the blue.

As the portal is still opened, a humanoid titan with an Infinity Gauntlet came out of the portal as he used the gaunltet to close it, to everyone's shock and their worry as their ultimate enemy has arrived.

Dr. Banner: That's him......

Captain America: Alright everyone, eyes sharp!


I looked through my ice binoculars that I'd conjoured as I have a smirk on my face. I then lowered my binoculars as I nod to myself a few times, to everyone looking at me.

Ruby: He's....

Yang: He's here, isn't he?

Gemdeus Machina: He's here.

Me: Oooooh yeah, he's here alright. And thus, it is time we begin our battle....... Thanos.

Muppets: TO BE CONTINUED at PART 2.2

As they said that, a lot of bulls came running in.

Gonzo: RUUUUUUUUUUUNN!!!!!!!!!

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