Volume 5: The Infinity War Begins (AVENGERS: INFINITY WARS SPECIAL) (PART 2.2)

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Kermit: It's the Muppet Show here, resuming our episode with a PART 2.2! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!!!!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

It has been a few minutes since Thanos's arrival, and Shadow's group and Gemdeus Machina's group are now killing off the remaining Outriders together with the Wakandan Army. Knowing that there isn't much time left, we began to kill the outriders as fast as possible, until Gemdeus Machina had an idea.

Gemdeus Machina: Mister Shadow!! I know this hard but, you and your Team go on ahead!

Shadow: Okay, but Gemdeus! What about you?!

Gemdeus: Come on, Mister Shadow~ It's gonna take more than these critters to take us down!!

Terror Dopant: Go, you fools!!

Gold Heart: We'll take it from here, so get your lazy asses up, and kick that guy's ass!!

Shadow looked at his enemies as they knew what they were doing. Then, Ruby places her hand on his shoulders for him to look at her as she gave a nod and he soon nod back to her.

While they were looking at each other, a small tremor shook the ground as they looked at the forest as there was something that just exploded there. With Shadow and Ruby snapping back to reality, they readied their weapons as everyone did the same.


He yelled as Shadow and his group advanced forward towards the forest, making our way to Thanos to commence the battle. 


As we made our way to Thanos, we notice that the explosion that we saw is slowly imploding by itself like as if its going back to the time that someone or something hasn't exploded yet. So, I looked back.

Me: Guys! Hold on to yourselves and to your weapons as this is gonna be real shiny and bright!!!

As everyone followed my instructions, I looked back forward as I conjoured an orb made out of my Winter Maiden Powers and my Winter Maiden Powers as I thrust my palm with the orb forward, causing the orb to explode as a bright light engulfed every single one of us.


A few minutes ago,

Thanos used his Gauntlet and the power of the Time Stone as he tampered natural law of time, causing the explosion to implode by itself, reverting back to the time before Vision was destroyed, to Scarlet's shock and worry as well.

Scarlet Witch then lunged forward to Thanos, preventing him from touching Vision, but to no avail as he shoved her to aside and grabbed Vision. Then, Thanos grabbed Vision by the throat and single-handedly removed the Mind Stone from Vision's head, killing Vision in the process while completing his "Stone Collection".

And now,

Then, he inserted the last stone onto his Gauntlet as he felt a great surge of power flowing through him. While savouring the powers of the Infinity Stones that are now on the Infinity Gauntlet, a bolt of lightning struck Thanos back as he falls to the ground. 

At the clear blue sky, Thor was seen cgarging up his hammer as he threw his hammer towards Thanos while his hammer began to spin. Thanos saw Thor's weapon coming as he shot a beam at it to counter his hammer attack, but to no avail as Thor's StormBreaker is spinning in a faster pace, cleaving the beam into two while heading towards Thanos's way in the process. As the hammer reached Thanos, it caused him to stop his attack as its axe side of the hammer pierced into his chest, causing him to go onto one knee.

After throwing his battle hammer/axe at Thanos, piercing through his chest, Thor lands in front of Thanos as he walked towards Thanos, grabbing the right side of his face while grabbing the hammer side of StormBreaker.

Thor: I told you, you will die for that!

Thor implied to Thanos as he pushed StormBreaker in deeperinto Thanos's heart, making him scream in pain as he was about to lose conciousness. However, Thanos grabbed Thor as he said something.

Thanos: You should--

Due to the weapon being pierced into him, it is hard for Thanos to talk and to breathe. Then, with his last ounce of breathe, he said his last words before...

Thanos: You should.... you should have gone for the head.... (Smirks)

He smirks as he raised his Gauntlet, snapping his fingers as the stones glowed, to Thor's greatest fear as this were to happen which, it did.

Thor: NO--

As everything was about to turn bright, a bright light soon engulfed in front of Thanos and Thor, causing them to close his eyes due to the intense brightness of the light as Thanos is now being transported somewhere into a different but yet a special Space Time Continuum.

Inside the Space Time Continuum,

Thanos opened up his eyes, only to see a white shiny void filled with nothing in it, to his confusion as he looked down, to see that the stab wound from Thor's weapon is no longer there and the Gauntlet is still in hand. So, he soon got up from his knelt down position as he began to walk around to take a look. As he did so, a gust of wind blew into his face as a terrain began to form.

While the terrain is being formed, Thanos looked at the view which was just formed as he gave a nod to what he saw, peace, a free world for him to rule and repopulate. Seeing that this is the world that he wanted, he then smiled at the view and the sight. However, that was when he was wrong as he sensed something wasn't right. Then, it came to realization that this place isn't just a suitable place to stay or rule, it is also and now a place for battle when a voice called out to him.

(A/N: This is what the terrain looks like.)

??? (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Oh yeah.

Thanos looked at the bottom of the mountain he is getting close to as he sees Shadow sitting there looking at him with his Gauntlets.


Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): You are much more of a Thanos to what I can agree with the Master of the Mystic Arts of.

Thanos: And you are much more of a... child with the will to change all things within your own two hands and your own set of fingertips.

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Oh, heheh. Thanks but, you're gonna regret that later. But anyway, I've brought you here face-to-face to see me, the Master of the 4 Seasons, the Pyrus Elemental Warrior's son, a Silver-Eyed Warrior's Guardian, and a God of my World, Remnant.

Thanos looked at me as he made his way to me as Tailor, Jacob, Dylan and Orochi were at their positions, planning a surprise attack on Thanos withing any moment now. While waiting, they listened to Thanos and I talk.

Thanos: So "God", what made you bring me here, interrupting my objective which was yet to be completed?

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Lemme guess, your future home, that I can predict after you snap your titan-sized sausages just now.

Thanos: Well, yes to put it that way. It will become my home soon enough. But this.... is my former home.

He said as he changed the scenery into his own home planet, Titan by using the Reality Stone on his Gauntlet as he began to state his story as I looked around the illusion of titan as I admired the view.

(A/N: Planet Titan.)

Thanos: This, was formerly my home..... it was beautiful.... like what I have stated before to your, Master of the Mystic Arts, Titan was like most planets. Twenty mounts and lots to go around, and when we faced extinction I offered a solution.

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): And that's Genocide.

Thanos: But random. This passion is fair with rich and poor alike. (Looks at me with a remorse look on his face) However, they called me a mad man.... and what I predicted came to pass many years ago and today.

He said as he deactivate the stone as the terrain returns to what it once was in the beginning. I clapped my hands in an insulting way as I stated;

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Congratulations Thanos, you're a prophet. A better prophet than my ultimate enemy, Salem.

Thanos: I'm a survivor.

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): (stands up) Understand what you are doing, Thanos. You are a survivor who wants to kill, murder or both, half the population on earth and the entire universe. Well,... universe is depending on whether you can or cannot with that extent of that power you have now. But that doesn't matter now as it is time to change your ways, Thanos.

Thanos: With all six stones I can easily snap my fingers, they will all cease to exist and I call that.... Mercy.

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Then what good can come to that, noble warrior... for a Genocider? What? What are you going to do when that is done?

Thanos walked a few more steps towards me as he spoke one last time.

Thanos: (sighs) Then, I finally rest... and watch the sunrise on a grateful universe. The hardest choices requires the strongest wills... 

I then opened up my wings as I summoned dual-wield Key-Slashers from my head as I did a defensive pose while letting my aura and semblance to radiate around my body and my weapons.

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Think you'll find.... (grabs weapons from my head and turns four key-slashers to two) OUR  WILL... (Opens up all my wings) be superb and extremely cooler.... (don my defesive pose while my aura and semblance radiates around my body and weapons) than yours!!

Thanos looked at me in confusion as he questioned me.

Thanos: Our?


(A/N: Music starts here.)

He then looked up to see three energy lashers pushing a huge ship down from nowhere and Orochi in her PhoenixRobo Tribal Form pushing it downwards to increase the momentum of impact.

(A/N: This is what the ship looks like that was used to crush Thanos.)

Just before Thanos could even activate his Gauntlet's Power Stone's power, the huge ship crushed him from above, greatly due to the momentum given by Dylan, Jacob and Tailor's Gauntlet powers and Orochi's PhoenixRobotic strength.

Orochi: Good plan, Brother! Now what's plan B?

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Plan B, FOUR WORDS!!!! LET'S FIGHT FOR IT!!!!!

And with that, Orochi transformed into her KeyDragon Beast form as it began to fly in the air. As if right on queue, the ship that crushed Thanos suddenly turned purple and was soon torn to pieces, to our confusion.

3rd Person's POV:

Then, to their shock, Thanos is seen standing up as he used the power of the Power Stone from his Gauntlet to levitate the pieces and chunks of the destroyed ship. After that, he shift his power to the Reality Stone as he swayed his arm in a slash way, causing the debris to transform into a flock of unknown flying creatures, heading to Orochi's way as Orochi in her KeyDragon Beast Form blast all of them to crisp by blasting them in a huge beam from its mouth.

While Orochi was burning those flying creatures to crisp, Thanos has the opportunity to use the other Stone's power to launch its powers at me. However, it was interrupted by several projectiles shooting. He took notice of it as looked to see Ryosuke in his Evol Kaiju NEO Final Form advancing towards him as he has his shoulder blaster blasting at Thanos, preventing him from shooting Shadow.

(A/N: Evol Kaiju Ultimate NEO Form.)

Then, Dalthale in his Build Genius Form wield his FullBottle Buster as he advanced towards Thanos as well. As Ryosuke was extremely close to Thanos, he then used his gauntlet-sized arms and gave Thanos several swipes on the body as Thanos grabbed his arm and used his gauntlet arm to punch him, but tocno avail as Ryosuke shook his head.

Ryosuke: Thanos, Thanos, Thanos. You never learn, do you?!

Thanos: What?!

Ryosuke: In this Kaiju form, I will not... be... DEFEATED THAT EASILY!!!!!

He yelled as he swiped his arm and punched him, causing him to take a few steps back. Then, Dalthale dashed in as he slashed Thanos's leg by using his FullBottle Buster, making him to lose balance and go down on one knee.

Seeing this as an opportunity, Dalthale inserted a Rabbit, Dragon, Robot and Crocodile FullBottles inside the FullBottle Buster as he activated the weapon's finisher.


Dalthale: Bring it!!


Dalthale: Change that. I call this finisher, the 'BUILD RIDERS MATCH BREAK'!!!!!!!!

He yelled as he gave Thanos a power slash, causing him to be drawn back and some chunks of some mountains to collapse and crumble.

Then, Thanos looked at Dalthale as he was about to use the Space Stone to repel him but to no avail as Takeru and Hikari who donned their Double - Extreme Form as Double wield Prism Bicker, used its shield form as he blocked Thanos's attack, causing him to be repelled back.

Takeru (In Double's mind): Wait for it.... wait for it.....

Hikari (In Double's mind): Aaaaaaaanddd.....

Takeru & Hikari (In Double's mind): NOW!!!!!

Double's eyes glowed red as he placed Prism Gaia Memory into Prism Bicker while pulling the top handle off from its shield from the top, to now wield its sword. Then, he slammed the sword's blade onto the shield, causing a shockwave to emit from it due to the combjnation oc the impact and Thanos's Stones' power from the Space Stone, which also caused Thanos to be taken aback by the reaction.


(A/N: Music stops at 1:35 and resume with this music.)

After the huge reaction created by Thanos's Gauntelt and Double's (Takeru and Hikari) Prism Bicker in Sword and Shield form, he noticed Tailor was about to use his own Gauntlet against him, which he begs to differ as he was going to activste a stone to counter Tailor's attack, but to no avail.



(A/N: Crane Arm and Caterpillar Legs.)

Reiko whizzed by in max speed behind Thanos with the aide of her Armament, Caterpillar Legs as she summoned, geared up and swung the hook of her crane arm, causing the hook to be hooked directly at Thanos's Gauntlet. As the hook inserted itself onto Thanos's Gauntlet, Reiko controlled her Caterpillar Legs to move out as she moved backwards, causing Thanos to arch his back as he is being pulled back and being prevented from using the Gauntlet.

As Thanos was being restraint by Reiko's Crane arm, he suddenly concentrate his own strength and the Power Stone as he tries to pull his Gauntlet arm back forward, only for it to be pulled back slightly due to the restraint. Reiko is also having trouble keeping herself at bay as she too, tried to hold Thanos back from using his Gauntlet.

Reiko: Boy!!!! This guy's.... tough!!

As she said that, Thanos used the Power Stone as he caused the hook that was hooked onto his gauntlet, to shatter like glass, causing Reiko to fly backwards, only for Shadow and Alex Fang to catch her, to her relief.

Reiko: Thanks.

Shadow (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Your welcome.

Alex: No prob.

Reiko: Thanos is as powerful as he looks. We need to bring him to his limit.

Shadow (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Alex, think if you could buy us some time?

Alex: Sure. No prob.

Shadow (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Thanks. Oh! And Alex.

Alex: (looks back) yeah?

Shadow (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Think it's about time you put Strange's teachings to the test with your magic.

Alex: (nods) Yeah. And get this.... that's why I'm a Chimera Wizard. No, a Chimera Wizard Master who's mastered the Mystic Arts from "The" Master of the Mystic Arts.

He said as he brought out his Infinity and Hyper Rings as he wore them and placed them in front of his Driver, to acquire Infinity Hyper Form as he charged towards Thanos while summoning Rogue's Jugdement, firing his projectile at Thanos, only for him to use the Space Stone to suck Alex's shot projectiles in and shoot it back at him.

Alex then wield a special ring as he used it's powers--


--to form a barrier as he formed another one made of glass behind it by using his bare hands to block his own projectiles that were deflected back at him as he used his Finisher to kick the glass barrier, engulfing the barrier in several different elemental properties, making it move towards Thanos.

(A/N: Kaman Rider Gaim Kiwami NEO & kamen Rider Birth Birth-Day Mode.)

Thanos was going to use the Space Stone once again to suck the barrier in, but to no avail as Reiko in her Birth-Day Mech form used her Crane Arm to hoist its Drill Arm towards Thanos's Gauntlet, causing the wire connecting to the Crane and Drill to coil around his Gauntlet, Shadow used his powers to conjour an energy lasher to restraint Thanos's free hand and Grim to summon vines from the ground to restrain both of Thanos's arms as they pulled him back, preventing him to use the same ability again.

Shadow (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): GUYS, NOW!!!!! LET HIM GO!!!!

Shadow yelled as the three of them released him from his restraints as he was sent forward, causing the glass barrier to shatter into many pieces upon impact.

Reiko: HAH!!!! GOT YOU BACK, PURPLE MAN!!!!! (A/N: F.N.A.F Reference. XD)

After that remark, Tailor came in while he took the precaution by donning his Double - Extreme Form as he inserted some Gaia Memories into his upgraded Gaia Gauntlet as he used six of the memories' abilities one-by-one.







Just as Tailor readied his gauntlet, Thanos wielded his gauntlet by using the Space, Power and Reality Stones to go against him, but to no avail as he activated a gaia memory first, causing Thanos's ability to be suppressed with some streaks of lightning surrounds and shocks him, causing him to be binded by Tailor's Gaia Gauntlet's ability (ETERNAL Gaia Memory's power) as he sought the opportunity to strike him.

Then, he rushed towards Thanos as his gauntlet engulfed into a blue flame as he gave Thanos a good punch, causing him to fall onto the ground, to his shock. Without any time wasted, he used another Gaia Memory as he launched several Ice Rockets at Thanos (ICE AGE AND ROCKET Gaia Memories' powers), damaging him greatly for a minute. However, Thanos got up as he walked towards Tailor but to no avail as he blasted a beam of cool air onto the ground (ICE AGE Gaia Memory's powers), causing ice to form below Thanos and to freeze them to immobilize him.

Then, Jaune and Ren advanced towards Thanos from each side as they slashed his body, injuring him. After which, Nora came in to wham Thanos by using her hammer but to no avail as Thanos zapped Nora back as she fell to the ground, to Jaune and Ren's shock.

Jaune & Ren: NORA!!

Thanos: Hmph. Humans have resolve to be the strongest. But sometimes.... their resolves are just to help the weak. That is why you puny humans are weak.

Nora: You thinka?!

Thanos looked at Nora as he is now in shock to see Nora standing up with her weapon still in hand, to his shock.

Thanos: How are you still standing?! You are just a puny human?!

Nora: A puny human who is gonna break your LEGS AND TAKE YOU DOWN!!!!!!!!!!

She smirked while yelling as she jumped up in the air as he slammed her hammer into Thanos, causing the ice to break amd for Thanos to fly back, destroying a mountain, to Jaune's shock.

Jaune: Nora.... how are you so....

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Don't worry, Jaune. In this Space Time Continuum, you can go stronger as much as you like, even Thanos can do that, too which he hasn't noticed it yet as he's using his gauntlet a lot.

Ren: So, basically, Time outside this continuum is basically many times slower than here. And here, time flows faster.

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Exactly.

Thanos: ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!

We then looked at the destroyed mount as Thanos used the Power Stone and swayed his gauntlet arm, directing the boulders and the chunks from the destroyed mount at us. 


(A/N: Music stops at 2:36 and resume with this music at 0:06.)

Just as I was about to summon 'Maiden Generations Barrier', a Cybertronian like Nexus and Kieron appeared in front of us as he points his weapon upwards, causing an electrical surge to occur, destroying the chunks of rocks and boulders that were incoming our way, to our shock at that intense power that he has.

Then, he twirled his hammer around in circles in front of him to summon several illusions of many powerful weapons to appear before him as he grabbed his hammer tight and forcefully points it at Thanos, causing the illusion of many powerful weapons to fly towards and strike Thanos and an electric beam to strike him at the same time, to our shock.

Jaune: Wow....

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Well.... he's a Thor number 2.

As I said that, Kieron and Trinity Primes in their Trinity Kieron Prime Form came to me as they saw the cybertronian before us.

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Kieron, Trinity. You know him???

Trinity Kieron (Trinity): Yes. I know him. Kieron and I used to play with him back when we were young. That was back then during the Golden Age of Cybertron and before the War of Cybertron. He's Lunos Prime.

Lunos Prime: And that I am.

Lunos said as he turned around to see us.

Lunos Prime: You must be Shadow, yes?

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Yes, I am. How did you manage to get through the Space Time Comtinuum?

Lunos: Well--

Thanos: I seriously have enough of your Childish Games!!

He yelled as he launched a beam at us, to no avail as I launched my own beams by using both my gauntlets, protecting the newcomer, the Two Primes, Jaune, Ren and Nora. The power of my gauntlets soon overwhelmed Thanos after a while during the clash as a huge shockwave occured due to the strikes inflicted on Thanos by my Gauntlets.

Kieron's POV:

While Shadow kept Thanos busy, Lunos looked at Trinity Kieron as he spoke.

Lunos: Kieron, wanna do this like old times?

Trinity Kieron (Me): Oh yeah! I love the sound of thunder in my ears.

With that settled, Trinity Kieron separated itself back to my original Prime form and Trinity Prime as Lunos and I prepared ourselves to combine as we said;

Lunos & Me: Let's GO PRIMUS - KIERON LUNOS!!!!!

We shouted as Lunos and I began to shine with our specific semblances and aura colours. After the fusion is done and the configuration is set, my Cybertronian and Lunos's parts connected to each other as we both are now in a whole new level like Trinity Kieron Form, but his form, is different.

(A/N: Kieron Lunos Form (A/N: Replace the black on the fusion form and replace the Black parts into White to give the Lunos Prime Gimmick.).)

I then looked at myself as I feel the usual surge of power surgong into me as I looked at my chest to talk to Lunos.

Kieron Lunos (Me): Dude, your powers' formidable than last time. Cool! Did you train?

Kieron Lunos (Lunos): Thanks. And you could say that as well. Now, let's smash some heads in!

Kerion Lunos: HELL YEAAA!!!!!!!!

Kieron Lunos said as he wield StormBreaker while rocketing himself towards Thanos with his fully electrified powered hammer-axe. As he got close, Thanos powered up his gauntlet as Kieron Lunos and Thanos clashed their weapons, causing a full megaton shockwave to emit upon impact, causing them to be dragged backwards with them still standing.

3rd Person's POV:

While Kieron Lunos was being dragged back due to the sheer force of the shockwave, Team RWBY came into the scene with Ruby and Weiss did their combo ability, Ice Flower and with Blake and Yang to do their combo ability, Bumblebee.

(A/N: Ice Flower.)

(A/N: Bumblebee.)

Weiss: Go for his Gauntlet!

Ruby: Got it!

Blake: Yang!

Yang: I know, got it!

Ruby then fired several rounds as Thanos was about to use the gauntlet's powers once again, but to no avail as one of her rounds, froze his gauntlet-wielding arm, legs and part of his body as Thanos is now seen struggling to get out from the ice until Yang swopped by, giving him a direct punch in the face.

Because of the momentum of the force is being inflicted on Thanos by Yang, the ice around Thanos's body broke in pieces as he is now sent flying to the far mountains along with JEWL Combination adding to the momentum as they launched a beam from their combined sword, causing him to be blasted back even further, causing another mountain to be destroyed in the process, to Team RWBY and JEWL's shock.

Yang: .... okay, whaaaaat?

Ruby: Ummmm... was that suppose to happen?

JEWL Combination (Jon): I dunno.

As they questioned themselves about their semblances and powers, TIME Ragnorak - SHIPPU Form lands beside them as he said;

TIME Ragnorak - SHIPPU Form (Roland): You didn't hear? The Space Time Continuum that we are in right now multiplies our powers, strength and semblances until we can go beyond limits. So, to put it this way, you have become extremely powerful within 20 Space Time Continuum years.

Weiss: Wait! 20 years in space what?!

Blake: Space Time Continuum.

Yang: Oh, so our powers accelerate but our age stays the same?

TIME Ragnorak - SHIPPU Form (Roland): Correct.

JEWL Combination (Wendolyn): And how many days or years is it in real date?

TIME Ragnorak - SHIPPU Form (Roland): 12 minutes.

JEWL Combination (Lazarus): Oh....

As their conversation finished, Kori and Jason swooped in as they donned in their usual fire and ice form aka, Cross-ZMagma and Grease Blizzard forms as they wield their Knuckle Devices to use them against Thanos.

(A/N: Cross-Z Magma and Grease Blizzard.)



The brothers cautioned each other as they punched Thanos at his sides, for Thanos to go onto one knee. Kori then used his left Mechanical arm as he conjoured it into a huge one, charging towards Thanos as he grabbed him, and slammed him into the mountain, causing some cracks to appear on the mount.

Then, Jason placed a FullBottle inside his Knuckle as he acquired his fiery finish as he punched Thanos straight in the guts while at the same time, punched at the surroundings of the crator his brother and Thanos made as he jumped backwards for the rocks and boulders to fall upon Thanos, crushing and melting on him at the same time.

Kori: I'll cool him down.

Jason: Please do.

Jason implied as he jumped forward and punched the still melting molten rocks as he forze them completely. Then, Shadow came by to assist them with something special in mind for the brothers.

Shadow (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Wanna finish him off with what we've been training for, guys?

Kori & Jason: OH YEAAAAHH!!!!!

And with that, Kori and Jason cranked their levers on their Build-Driver as they raised their hand and Mechanical arm up, to show an illusion of Shadow in his God form once again only for it to disappear as Shadow took the uillusion's place as they are now ready for their trinity combo beam.




We then charged our auras as we began to launch our beams.

Kori, Jason & Shadow (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): INFINITY TRIPLE MAIDEN ROYALU KOOOOOOSSSEN!!!!!

(A/N: It'll be like Ultraman R/B Rosso and Blu's Triple Origium Ray but different, and stronger this time from the last one at the Battle for Haven & A Disguise Worth FIghting For (PART 1).) 

Once we shout out our fusion beam, we immediately shot our combined beams as it struck the frozen molten rocks holding Thanos in, causing it to strike inside the molten and frozen prison. When the beam camein contact with the titan inside the prison, it caused the prison made by the brothers to explode, hurting Thanos to the extreme.

Kori: We got him???

Jason: I... I think so??

Shadow (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Guys, this is not over yet.

As Shadow said tht, the three of them soon witness Thanos energing from the debris unharmed to Kori and jason's greatest shock as he isnot damaged after the amount of power they inflicted on him. Then, TIME Ragnorak swooped past us as he separated himself from his combiner form as the three Geiz and Team RNHK prepped themselves to attack Thanos.

Then, Kazuto, Jackie and Percival charged towards Thanos in their Geiz REVIVE - SHIPPU Form as they whizzed past him as Thanos used his stones to try and take them down, but to no avail. Then, Team RNHK advanced as well to defeat Thanos as well. Knowing that enough is enough, Thanos used the Power, Reality, Space and Soul Stones to repel and injure Kazuto, Jackie, Percival, Roland, Neon and Katie.

(A/N: Music stops here as an interruption.)

After the blast, the said Huntsmen and Huntresses and Riders fell to the ground, groaning in pain after being blasted off by Thanos's Gauntlet, to Shadow and Hiro's shock.

Shadow (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Guys!!

Hiro: Roland..... Neon..... Katie..... my team..... (Demonic Voice) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGAAARRRRRRROOOOOOAAAAAAAAA

Shadow (Mixture of Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Whoa! Hiro!!! 


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Shadow watched as Hiro was enraged about what Thanos did to his team that Hiro's eyes turned deep red, redder than Ruby's cloak, his aura emitting out from his body with full force and his appearance soon changed as well as something came out from his body.

(A/N: Evol Hiro.)

He looked down as he ripped the thing out from his chest, revealing the Evol-Driver as he forcefully placed it onto his waistline.


He then turns the knobs on both FullBottles as he inserted them into the Evol-Driver


Hiro (Demonic Voice): HENSHIN!!!!!!!!

Then, I watched Hiro crank the lever on the Evol-Driver as he acquired his EvolMatch Form.



Thanos and Shadow's eyes widened as to see Hiro in his Evol form as Evol RabbitTank Form as he spoke.

Hiro (Demonic Voice): Kamen Rider Evol - RabbitTank .


Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): H-Hiro..... you're not alright. This isn't you...

Hiro looked at me as he gave me a nod to reassure him that he is still okay.

Hiro (Demonic Voice): I'm alright. Don't worry about me.

He said as he dashed across the green as he ran past Thanos as he kicked him from behind, making him fall on his knees as he used his rabbit leg side as he kicked Thanos further away from him.

Then, he chuckled at Thanos as he walked towards him only for him to meet Thanos's Gauntlet fist as it went into his face. Just as Thanos thought he got him, he heard Hiro chuckled as he spoke up.

Hiro (Demonic Voice): Thanos Thanos Thanos. If you think you have what it takes to beat me? Well, in this form and many others in the future, YOU'RE SURELY MISTAKEN!!!!!!

He said as he cranked the Lever again as he acquired his finisher. Thanos knew what is coming as he removed his fist from his face as he used the Power and Time Stones to rid of him, but to no avail as his finisher is ready.



Unfortunately for Thanos as due to Hiro's rage and powers, he was too quick for him as Hiro went beside his gauntlet at his right as he kicked the Gauntlet upwards, and did a kick on Thanos, causing him to fly back, and of course destroying not one mountain, but a few mountains at the process, to my shock.

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Whoa....

Hiro then looked at me as he gave me a nod, saying;

Hiro (Demonic Voice): I can only withstand this evil that is inside of me for this long. But for now, I can control it.... for my Team's sake.

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): (nods)

(A/N: Music ends at 1:24.)

And with that, Hiro removed his FullBottles as he reverts back to his Evol-Human self, and then back to his original appearance as he knelt down, for me to dash towards him to help him up.

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): You used too much of your power. But what is important is that you managed to give him a ton. Now, you must rest. So, you're okay, bro. You're okay.

Hiro: Shadow.... thank you...

Roland: Hiro!

Kazuto: Is he alright?!

Katie: Hiro you okay?

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): He's fine. But whatever came out from Hiro's body drained him of most of his strength.


Roland: Hu- HOOO!!!!!!

Kazuto: DUUUUUCK!!!!!!


(A/N: Music starts at 0:11.)

We all looked back to see Reiko in her Birth-Day Mech Form as she charged all of her armaments, only for a huge beam to launch from her Breast Cannon to unleash the powers of all of her armaments as we ducked away from her attack. Then, Thanos launched a huge beam from his Gauntlet as he used all the powers of all six stones as Reiko and Thanos's beams clashed with each other.

Then, I watched Clancy in his NEXTridoron Form placed two Shift Cars inside his Trailer-Hou as he launched a blast that turned into a illusion of a car at Thanos, Alex in his Wizard Infinity Form launched a flurry of chops and slashes from his AxCalibur at Thanos, and Grim in his Dai-Shogan NEO form launched a huge blast from his DJ-Gun at Thanos with the help of the Orange Lockseed NEO.

Then, everyone volunteered to help as everyone launched a flurry of shots and slashes from their specific weapons at Thanos as he used the Space Stone to ward off all of everyone's attacks, but to no avail as, although the barrier seem to be working, but the barrier created by the space stone is about to fade away soon.

Thanos thought that enough is enough as he used all of the stones power to send a huge shockwave which countered everyone's attacks and in the attempts to harm my group, but to no avail as I stood in front of them and countered the shockwave with my Supreme Silver Barrier which suppressed the shockwave, to Thanos's shock as I too, used the powers of all the stones on my two gauntlets to help suppress the shockwave.

As Thanos and I clashed beams with each other, Richard swooped towards Thanos, ninja style as he wields his Showstoppers, slashing Thanos continuously, Shitsu wields his belt with a Whip and Sword function and restraints Thanos by coiling the blade around his gauntlet, giving someone an opportunity as Richard and Shitsu looked at Neji.

Shitsu & Richard: NEJI!!! NOW!!!!

Neji nods as he used his other semblance as he summoned his weapons from beyond the Space Time Continuum as he has tonnes of weapons, tools of varies sizes and limbs from cotruction vehicles by his side from several portals he summoned, commanding them to charge at Thanos while he is restraint and being slashed by Richard. then, Neji commanded his weapons to fly towards Thanos as they fell upon him from above, crushing him him.

Then, Neji summoned mechanical wings and blasters on his arms as he swooped around the debris as he shot a couple of rounds on Thanos who is now crushed under Neji's weapons. While firing, Thanos emerged from the debris of weapons by using the space and power stones as he caught Neji, grabbing him and squeezing him with his hands. Then, Shitsu came in front of Thanos as he asked something.

Shitsu: Thanos, answer this question. 'You are strong and mighty with the Infinity Stones and infinity gauntlet, what is the answer if someone asks, "Which of all the Six Stones are Powerful???"??? But there's a hint, you can choose more than one.'

Thanos: Hmmmm??? Interesting question.

Shitsu: Interesting, eh? Then tell me, what is the right answer, then.

Thanos: .... hmmmm.... Power, Space, and Time.

Shitsu: Interesting, you are correct but however,.... WRONG!!!!

Shitsu implied as he summoned a Thundercloud and struck a bolt of lightning on Thanos, electrocuting him while losening his grip for Neji to fly free back to the others

Shitsu: Don't forget, the Mind Stone is also a powerful Stone as well.

Richard: Good one, Shitsu.

Shitsu gave a thumbs up to Richard. As the onslaught is done, everyone  saw in shock that Thanos is still standing. Then, Zero ran towards me as he tried to figure something out with me along with a few others.

Zero: Shadow, we launched every attack but,... well, we did put some dents on him but our attacks, nothing seem to work on him now.

Tailor: Our Gauntlets may have worked but, our attacks are futile when he's too strong.

Ryosuke: Ideas, anyone?

Me: I have one.

Tenka: Huh?

I said as I opened up a portal behind them.

Ruby: Shadow... what are you--

I placed my finger on her soft delicate lips as I said;

Me: Remember.... it's all part of the plan....

Ruby: Ooooooooooohhh...... but, you'll...

Me: Hey, trust me. It's gonna take a lot more than a titan to take me down.

Ruby was hesitant at first until she looked at me and nod to indicate that she trusts me.

Ruby: Okay.

Me: (nods) Everyone, retreat! Quickly!!!!


(A/N: Music pause at 1:05 and resume with this music.)

Then, as ordered, everyone turned back and ran through the portal I created. Everyone went thought the portal except for my teammates and Ruby as they were worried for me. So, I went up to them to let them know of something.

Me: Guys. Don't worry. Everything will be okay. As long as I come back, we will be together again. And I'm sure I'll make an entrance which is gonna blow you away like a storm.

Mitchell: You sure??

Me: Absolutely.

I then watched Ruby and my teammates looked at each other as they nod at each other. Then, they look back at me.

Tenka: Alright. Put up a good show.

Rachel: For Team RWBY and STRM. And for the whole world.

Ruby: Yeah!!

Me: Oriiight!!!!

They said as they ran through the portal.

3rd Person's POV:

Thanos emerged from the fog and the debris as he noticed Shadow closing a portal in front of him, as he made his way to him. However, Shadow turned back to see him as he stopped walking, knowing that Thanos is going to try something funny behind his back.

Shadow (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): It doesn't have to be this way, Thanos. So stop whatever you are doing and give up. What you are about to do is not going to end well, and it will also not end well for you, too.

Thanos: I know what I'm doing. But what you all are doing and even you are simply getting in my way to world peace!

Shadow (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Then lemme ask you, Thanos. Is eliminating half the population in the universe world peace? Or is it Genocide?! World peace is bring countries, kingdoms and other lost continents together so that the people in these regions can work in peace and harmony. Thjnk about what you're doing as you're blinded by your sick genocidal twisted dillusions.

When I said that, this caused Thanos to be taken aback by my statement, causing him to go to a train of thought.

Shadow (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Look, Thanos. The universe is big enough for the both of us. For everyone to populate. Yes, I know your kind has been extinct for a very very long time due to your resolve but this, this is worse. So please, Thanos. you have to stop this as what you are doing, isn't mercy. It's genocide and brutality. So, join us. be part of the good guys and end this conflict once, and for all.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Thanos: .... then you're right.....

Shadow (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): eh?

Thanos: Then, I choose, to keep going on what I dream of!!! I kniw what is right, I know when to stop!! So, there is no way that you can stop me!! And what I'm doing, is not for genocide.... IS FOR MERCY!!!!!


(A/N: Same Music from above resumes at 1:05.)


Thanos let out an outburst as he launched a beam by using the Power, Reality and Space Stones as the beam struck me. Luckily for me, I used the Creation and Nebula Stones to create a barrier and blocked his attack. Then, I used the Creation, Destruction, Choice and Knowledge Stones from the Muteki Gauntlet as I launched a four-combo beam made out of the four seasons as it struck Thanos.

Then, I watched Thanos get back up on his feet as used the power stone to lift the debris of rocks and boulders up in the air and used the space stone to create a blackhole go suck up all the debris and throws his arm forward, for the blackhole to be on its way towards me. So, my Silver eye powers and shot beams from my eyes, striking the blackhole while turning it into a pile of leaves in the process with the aide of the Creation Stone from the Muteki Gauntlet and the Virtual Stone from the Pandora Gauntlet, to Thanos's keen of interest about my use of my powers. As the pile of leaves land on the floor in front of me, I used my powers to levitate the leaves, surrounding me downwards to up like a spiral. Seeing this as an opportunity, Thanos launched another blackhole at me. This time, it was a bigger one, but what he doesn't know was that all of this, was meant to form something. So, I blast the pile of leaves forward as I revert my arms backwards, magically dispersing the leaves to form a circle, transforming it into a glass barrier, only for the blackhole o be suppressed by it as the barrier broke into millions of pieces.

After which, I swiftly went up to Thanos as I began to fight him in hand-to-hand combat. Thanos punched me across my face, in which I conjoured dragon gauntlets as I used them to punch Thanos, causing him to take a few steps back due to the punching power of my guantlets. Then, he walked back towards me as he gave me skme punches, in which I dodged and blocked them and elbowed his side, only for me to get struck in the gut by Thanos as he kicked me. I then used the Chronus Stone as I made time go backwards for me, so that I have enough energy again as I blast a shot by using the powers of all the stones from the Muteki Gauntlet, causing him to have his sight blinded for a moment.

Then, I kicked him out of the way as I backflip a few times, to be further away from him as I charged both my gauntlets as I flew towards him. Thanos clearsd his sight by rubbing his eyes for a moment as he saw me coming with his gauntlets launching beams at him, in which he charged his gauntlet and shot his own beam at me, causing our beams to clash with each other while I flew my way towards Thanos.

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Give it up, Thanos! You lost!! Even if you win, there will be a time that you will have to lose!!

Thanos: NEVER!!!! I would rather die being defeated by you!

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Then you have left me with no other choice!!!!

I yelled in a calm way as I reached him, with two beams still launching out from my gauntlets as I grabbed Thanos's Gauntlet which was still launching its beam as well.

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): You.... are going to hand over,.... the whole Gauntlet! As you are under arrest for genocide, under my jurisdiction!!

Thanos: NEVER!!!!!! I am going, to nothing and I am going with NOBODY!!!!

As we struggled, our beams whizzed past us, destroying many mountains further away from us at the process and destroying the ground as well. I soon turned to Thanos as I said;

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Then suit yourself as you will be digging yourself a bigger grave!!!

Thanos: Then, so be it. I know your style of things when it comes to this world.

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Oh yeah, what is it?!

Thanos: True resolve to saving the world. Living.... in a better world like no other! Join me, and we can both rule this world, together.

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): And you would think that I will? Guess what. Never!!

Then, I blasted Thanos in the face with my beams from my gauntlets, causing him to take a few steps back as I conjoured an Ice Sword to slash him,only fot Thanos to grab and punched me, sending me flying back, only for me to turn myself into a flurry of snow as my God form shifted into a Winter based God Form, to my shock (A/N: Shadow will still be in his God form but, the details and the colour on his form will be Winter Maiden based like in Volume 3 when he first turned into his winter maiden form.), and to Thanos's shock as well.


(A/N: Pause music at 2:29 and resume with this music.)

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Okay.... now that's a new look.

Isolde (In my mind): Winter Miracle Form.

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Eh??

In my mind for a moment,

I am now facing face-to face with my mother, the four maidens and Summer Rose as they address the situation and the Special Mode I've obtained.

Me: Mom? You Maidens? Anyway, what's that? Why is my god form so... different.

Isolde: This is part of your forms. We personally call it, 'Winter Miracle Form' which is based on our Winter Maiden powers and the attributed power of Water also known as Aquos.

Amber: Furthermore, you will also have the powers of the ancestral generation of the Schnee Family.

Me: Wait, so I can--

I only recieved a nod from all of them as I smirked.

Unnamed Summer Maiden: You can now summon glyphs in your own free will.

Me: How???

Summer: We have spoken with the spirits of the past generation to the recent generation of the Schnee Family that past on fighting the White Fang and the Grimm, and of old age. They have granted our permission to pass you their powers so that you will harness then well, Shadow.

Unnamed Spring Maiden: It took allof our energy and our persuasion to have them grant them our permission, as you know... you know them. They are good fighters and they really don't want their power to go to waste.

Me: Heheh! Well then, let's give this a shot!!!

Back to reality,

I looked at Thanos as he was charging towards me while he was going to use the powers of all the  stones to strike me down, but to no avail as I dashed faster than the speed of sound behind him with a flurry of snow following up behind me, dodging Thanos's punch, to his shock that he missed me.

Then, he turned back swiftly as he forced the mountain to pieces behind me by using the Power and Space Stone as he slams his gauntlet down to the ground, causing the tonnes of boulders and rocks from the destroyed mountain to crush me instantly, but to no avail as just before the rubble could even reach me from above, I used my right hand to compresses the space into it, creating a super shockwave as I released it, emitting a blackhole behind the the rubble, knock them into the gap of suction, destroying and rupturing them there as the blackhole closed by itself, to Thanos and my shock.

(A/N: Revolium Wave.)

Thanos: How?! How did you...

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): I don't know.... and I don't particularly care about that.

This infuriated Thanos a lot as he shot the same beam powered by all the six stones at me as I created a barrier with a Glyphs in front of it, causing the beam to be sucked inside the barrier as I closed the barrier, conjouring it into a ball as I threw it at Thanos. Just as Thanos was about to use the Reality Stone to suppress my attack, I summoned a Time Dilation glyphs below me, causing me to summon every elemental Glyphs to surround Thanos.

(A/N: Time Dilation Glyphs and several number of elemental glyphs surrounding opponent.)

Just as the preparations are done, I dashed for it, leaving a flurry of snow to follow up behind me as I stepped on one elemental glyphs, giving me an elemental power and punched Thanos, preventing him from using the stone. This kept on for a few seconds before i landed on the last glyphs, jumping off of it as I conjoured a Key-Slasher and slashed Thanos, weakening him, followed by the energy ball I've created to struck him at his gauntlet to stop him from using the stone against me as I landed behind him, knowing that he would do something funny when I'm behind him.

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Heheh. You see that, Thanos? This game of yours just went into overtime.

Thanos: And still, I'm ending it!!!

Thanos roared as he jumped towards me, only for me to place my left arm close to my chest and my right hand point two fingers out as my two fingers touched my foreheard, only for my middle horn to flash on and off repeatedly a few times, concentrating my power to do one trick to pull on Thanos.

After which, I revert my left arm to my hips and forcefully points my two fingers on my right hand, pointing at Thanos, causing Thanos to levitate in the air, to his confusion.

Thanos: What?!?!? What trickery is this?!?!

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Not just my Stones, Thanos. It's my power from my Winter Miracle Form!!!

I implied to Thanos as I motioned my hand upwards while changing my direction in a quicker pace to face the mountains, causing Thanos to levitate above me and over me. Then, I released my hold on him as he was going to fall where I was looking at, only for Thanos to shoot his Beam from his gauntlet once again.

Then, I summoned the same barrier and glyphs to block his beam, but this time, the barrier and the glyphs turned Thanos's beam to my beam automatically as it worked its way to Thanos's gauntlet. After which, I absorbed his beam as my hand summoned a glyphs causing a fireball to appear. When my aura is fully charged, I threw the fireball containing Thanos's beam in it as I shot it right back at Thanos's Gauntlet, causing his gauntlet to get badly damaged, burnt, and destroyed, to Thanos's greatest shock.


A/N: Thats's how the process is done in step.)

(A/N: Music ends at 2:16.)

Thanos: Impossible.... this is impossible....

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Ya know, there is one more trick that I have in store for you. 


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Thanos looked at me as I summoned a portal behind him as Crystal Grimm aka, Grimm Galaxy - Solar Dragon Form as she launched Dragon Beam at Thanos from behind while rolling in front of him as she kicked him backwards. Then, I summoned a few huge portals as JEWL Combination and TIME Ragnorak - GORETSU Form emerged from them as they gave Thanos a double punch with the aide of TIME Ragnorak - GORETSU Form's Geiz Goretsu Noko Form, followed by Clancy Red emerged from the portal with his car aka, Tridoron as he rammed over Thanos.

Then, a portal emerged on the ground in front and behind Thanos as Kori and Jason flew up as Kori punch his icy robotic fist into Thanos's face followed by Jadon punching with his fiery flamed fist from behind him, causing him to fall. This continued on as---


---time suddenly stopped and everyone suddenly froze as GOD Maximum Gamer donning two Kamen Rider Chronus as armour emerged from the portal in front of Thanos grabbed him as he threw him up in the air as he jumped in the air kicking him down to the ground, causing a huge crator to form as the process paused there.


Jay then desactivate Pause, causing the movement of time to resume its flow, causing Thanos to get hit critically by Jay's attacks inflicted in the power of pause. Then, two portals appeared in between me as Trinity Prime and Kieron Lunos Prime emerged from them as they launched the Turbo Star (Trinity Prime) and a high voltage of lightning (Kieron Lunos Prime) at Thanos, stunming him.

While Thanos is being stunned, Dalthale in his Cross-ZBuild form wield his FullBottle Buster as he placed the same FullBottles inside it, acquiring its finisher while cranking the lever on his Build-Driver.





He yelled as he slashed Thanos's gauntlet while doing a aerial backflip as he kicked Thanos backwards, allowing Takeru and Hikari as one in their Double Extreme form, Tailor in his Extreme form with his gauntlet ready, Ryosuke in his Evol Kaiju Ultimate form, Reiko still donning her Birth-Day Armour mode, Alex in his Infinity Chimeraberos form and Grim in his Dai Sho-gan NEO form emerged from the portals I made.

As Thanos got up to look at them, he growled as he made his way to them, which they begged go differ as Takeru and Hikari, as one body used Prism Bicker as they charged it up with their Gaia Memories as they charged forward, giving him flurry of slashes, including to his gauntlet. Followed by Tailor launching his beam from his Gaia Gauntlet at him, Ryosuke, Reiko and Grim launched their projectiles (Ryosuke and Reiko) and a horde of weapons (Grim) at Thanos, damaging him even more.

And more to come, a portal opened up in front of me to show Zero Dragfall in his Survive form as he is charging towards Thanos while shooting a flurry of shots from his Drag-Visor Zweiwhile Dragranzer and Blackranzer emerged from the portal as well as they launched their own projectiles along with Zero, striking Thanos and his Gauntlet.

Finally, I summoned the last portal as Team RWBY, remaining members of JNPR, my teammates of STRM and Orochi Tenma swiftly emerged from the portal as they shot, glyphs and slash their way through to Thanos, striking him down, swiftly, without getting caught.

As the three teams and a tribe leader did their best striking Thanos down, seeing that this is enough, Thanos smacked most of our group in the air and to the side, hurting them. Orochi dodged his swipe as she slashed his leg, causing him to kneel on one leg. Yang and Blake Bumblebee Thanos again, blurring his vision as Ruby, Weiss and Orochi froze Thanos in place, with Jaune slashing and slamming him with his sword and shield, Ren launching a fluury of shots from his double-dual weapon and Nora to finalize everyrhing with one strong whack of her hammer, causing Thanos to fly back a few kilometers away from us.

This literally continued on when Richard, Shitsu and Neji acquired their finishers as they did their flying kicks at Thanos, causing him to fall on his knees as he tried beaming us down butto no avail as we are too quick for him, to my shock and everyone's shock that our plan worked perfectly well.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

3rd Person's POV:

Just as everyone were using their last ounce of strength to restraint Thanos, Shadow took thw opportunity to do the final blow, but to no avail as a new portal appeared above me, to my confusion, causing me to stop running as a person jumped out of his portal, donning a special clad of not just one armour but, three sets of armour-in-one armour at the same time as he shot projectiles from his levitating metallic spikes at Thanos, causing the restraints to break and to strike Thanos a few times, to Shadow's shock.

Then, the being backflipped beside me as he looked at me with a smile as he spoke.

???: Yo, what'ssssuuuuuuup???

Shadow (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Ummm, hi??? I'm Shadow Wrath, God of Remnant.

???: Oh? So you guys have your own Superhero names, eh? Well fuck it, name's Tenma Sanchez. God of Space and Time, Ruler of the past Kamen Riders and shit and the Son of Rick Sanchez. Oh! I am a Crossover Kamen Rider as well, Kamen Rider Zi-O.

Shadow (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Well now, hello to you. So,.... what armour is tha--


Shadow & Tenma: WHUUU!!!!

Shadow: What the hell?!?!?

Tenma: You.....

???: The heir to wield the power of all riders!

Shadow (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Ummmmm, who's that?

Tenma: Woz.

Shadow (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Oooooooh....

Woz: The ruler of time travelling beyond time and space to reign over past and future! His name is Kamen Rider Zi-O II - Decade Tohka Origami Amrour. Let two spirits unite together as one with Decade to form one great entity of creation and destruction.

Woz implied as he smirked, closed his book and dismissed himself by walking off, away from us, to our confusion.

Shadow (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): This usually happens????

Tenma: Pretty much.

Shadow (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Okay. If that is so, then please help us, beat Thanos.

Tenma: Well, guess what. I would looooooooove to assist you with any means necessary.

Shadow (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Then....

Shadow (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice) & Tenma: ..... It's Dating Time.


(A/N: Music above resumes at 2:25.)


We both implied as we both charged at Thanos. I looked at everyone as I cautioned them.

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): GUYS, GOOD WORK! BUT NOW, GATHER BEHIND ME!!! AFTER WE FINISH HIM, WE'RE GOING HOME!!!

Everyone nodded as they meet up at the rendevous point where I said we will be leaving. As we reached Thanos, Tenma kicked him back, followed by me giving Thanos a flurry of punches.

After which, we tagged team Thanos all the way with our own punches and kicks for a few minutes, leaving Thanos to be even weaker.

Shadow (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Mr. Sanchez, NOW!

Tenma: YEAH!!!!

I then quickly don my Hyper Muteki form as Tenma and I acquire our finishers. Then, we activated our devices as our finishers activated.






As power surged into us, we jumped in the air as we did a flying kick at Thanos, striking him, causing him to get dragged with our kick until we struck him into the mountain, destroying the mountain completely by our finishers.

(A/N: Music ends here, epically.

A/N: Nice going there, Professor! Beaker!

Beaker: Mememememememe. (Thumbs up)

Professor: No problem, A/N.)

After the battle was over, we looked back to see that Thanos is on one leg, about to get up, to our shock.

Tenma: Whoa. Some villian you're fighting.

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Yep.

Tenma: I'll finish him.

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): No. Allow me.

I said as I walked to him. I then held onto where Thor was holding as I spoke.

Me (Mixture of the Four Maidens and Summer's Voice): Consider this a draw, for now Thanos. But when we meet again.... one of us will, turn the tables....

I said as I conjoured a portal as it slowly moved in to everyone behind me, including Tenma and I as it led us back to Mistral.

3rd Person's POV:

After the portal sent Shadow and his group back to Mistral, the Space Time Continuum slowly shined bright as it turned orange with only clear water is visible below Thanos as he is now walking on water. Then, he soon noticed that his gauntlet is gone in this dimension as he noticed a small shelter-like temple with a little girl there as he looked remorseful, knowing who that girl is.

Thanos: Daughter?

The girl didn't say anything. Instead, she turned around to look at him. Then, she began to speak.

Little Gamora: Did you do it?

Thanos: .... yes....

Litte Gamora: What did it cost?

Thanos: ........ everything...

As Thanos said that, he watched Little Gamora slowly nodding her head a few times as the scene now changes back to Wakanda as he is out from the unknown dimension.

At Wakanda, Thor was in shock when he saw Thanos's gauntlet was destroyed and Thanos was still alive.

Thor: What did you do?.... WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!?!

Then, without saying a word, Thanos used his destroyed Gauntlet to summon a portal, escaping from Thor's grasp, leaving Thor's hammer behind.

As Thor looked around to see what's going on, he and some of the Avengers noticed that the Wakandan Army as well as the Black Panther are disappearing as they turned to ash, Bucky, Groot, Falcon, Scarlet, and many more.

On Planet Titan, Dr. Strange, The Guardians of the Galaxy and even the newcomer of the Avengers, Spiderman turned to ash as well, leaving Stark and Nebula behind.



Back at the house at Mistral, the riders and Ankh treated everyone's wpunds as I am in my human form, beginning to ask for everyone's views.

Me: Your thoughts?

Weiss: It's just.... I'm not sure how to express that.

Roland: It was all.... brutality that the titan wants.

Ruby: He's the worst. Worse than Salem....

Me: (nods) Hiro. Are you okay?

Hiro: Yeah... he's tough. He even made me use my dark side....

Katie: I'm sorry he has made you use that, Hiro....

Me: Everyone, listen. It's no one's fault. All it matters is that we are back here alive. And we didn't waste anytime.

Everyone then looked at each other as  they all nod to agree that they are back home safely, with just injuries.

Then, I stood up as I told everyone in the house.

Me: We should rest now. We deserve this.

Yang: Yeah!

Rachel: Yeah.... long rests are needed.

Mitchell: Yaaaaaaaay, teamwork and other words to describe this cool battle and shit.

Tenka: Mitch!

Mitchell: What?!

Everyone then giggled at what Tenka and Mitchell are talking about as I went inside of my room, commencing my talk to Tenma Sanchez.

Me: Well, Mr. Sanchez. Although this is the shortest time we met and fought side-by-side, you will still have my thanks (Reaches my hand out), for standing by till the end of the battle.

Tenma: Eeeeh! Don't mention it. I just happened to have opened the right portal and did the correct thing for the sake of this planet.

Tenma said as he grabbed my hand as we both shook hands. Then, he opened a new portal as he jumps in.

Tenma: Until we meet again, bruh!!!!!! And fuck yeah! WE GAVE FUCKING THANOS A FUCKING BEAAAATAAAAAAEEEEEEEIIING!!!!!!!

He said that as the portal closes on itself in front of me, to me giggling at Tenma's remark on what he said just now.

Me: Sanchez. Interesting Huntsman.

I said as I looked out of my window as I clenched my Gauntlets' fists.

Me: Better watch out, Thanos.... when we meet again, the Avengers and I will take you down!


3rd Person's POV:

Back at Wakanda, the remaining group of the Avengers looked at the lifeless body of Vision as they now know, their advantage is gone up in smokes. Captain America looked very disappointed that he failed, no.... they failed, until....

Dr. Banner: So,.... what now?

Rocket: I.... I don't know....

Thor: Without the stones, there is nothing we can do....

Black Widow: Wait.

When Black Widow said that, everyone looked at her with confusiom.

Black Widow: What about the boy?

When Captain America heard this, he stood up to look at her.

Captain America: Boy? What boy?

Thor: The boy. I've seen him in battle just now. He was the one who wield two gauntlets with two others wielding theirs.

Captain America: Four Gauntlets??

Rhodes: Yeah. Talking about them, he has an army of different monsters working for him. Bunch of kids wielding weapons with no difficulty.

Rhodes: Even lil'red wielding the scythe. She's one scary one.

Captain America: Where can we find them?

Thor: We're not sure. After the battle, they disappeared without trace.

Black Widow: Actually, I know where they are. Before the double wielded gauntlet boy took off to comfront Thanos with you, Thor, he gave me this to tell us where they are.

She implied as they watched fishing out a scroll as she activates it, showing a different world, to everyone's shock.

Thor: The World.... of Remnant?

End of Volume 5.

Kermit: And that's all, folks! The OFFICIAL FINAL episode of the Fifth Volume for our--

Kermit, Ms. Piggy & A/N: RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (Part 2.2).


A/N: So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, we would like to thank the Muppets, Kermit the Frog and Ms. Piggy for joining us and thank you, so much again for reading this, and also making this special and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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