Volume 6: Alone in the Woods

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the sixth episode of the SIXTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeet, Kamen Rider is owned by Toei and FNAF is owned by Scott Cawthon. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

Ruby stares at the broken remnants of the moon through a window as she sits on the staircase. Snow is seen drizzling down outside. 

Ruby: I hope you're okay out there, Shadow. 

Ruby mumbled to herself with hope as she hugged herself. 

Then, she leaned forward slightly to check on Blake, Weiss, and Yang, who are sitting on the rug and staring at the fire from the fireplace. Meanwhile, the three members of Team STRM, the Imagins, Kouta, Haruto, Maria and Oscar are seen sitting at the fire with Team RWBY (Tenka, Rachel and Mitchell), sitting down on each individual chair, reading some books (Maria and Haruto), peeking through the window to observe the surroundings real carefully (Kouta), laying on the floor, sleeping (The four Imagins), and pacing across the remaining space in the room behind Maria repeatitively (Oscar)

(A/N: What Ruby's seeing. Add the characters I said in the paragraph above.)

Ruby gets up from the stairs and walks over to her uncle, who was sitting near the window, his feet propped up in the windowsill.

Qrow: The storm's cleared up for now. We should be able to leave by morning.

He muttered.

Ruby: That's good.

Ruby nodded at this, but Qrow shook his head.

Qrow: No... I don't have a good feeling about this place, especially with me around...

Ruby looks down at a wine bottle on the floor with Qrow's hand hovering near it, then looks at him.

Ruby: Are you... okay?

Qrow's niece asks him, but he scoffs in response.

Qrow: Sure. Tell everyone to get some sleep. I'll wake you guys up just before sunrise. Hopefully, Shadow will be back by then.

Ruby walks away as Qrow drinks from the wine bottle. Ruby pauses and looks back at him before narrowing her eyes downward, completely worried about her uncle's tendency to drink.Back in the other room, the fire continues to burn. The book Maria is reading has a "III" on the cover, with the other two volumes on a nearby table.

Oscar: It's a diary?

Oscar asked, eyeing on the book Maria was holding.

Maria nodded.

Maria: The head of this household, Bartleby. Apparently, he and several other families before many other including him founded this little settlement to try and live on their own. It sounds like it worked, at least for a spell.

Oscar: Grimm?

Oscar guessed.

Maria: Just one of many hardships.

Maria added.

Maria: Slowed down their farming, made everything harder... It's a shame, really. He seemed like quite the ambitious fellow, always thinking of new schemes to overcome the odds.

Then, Ruby is then seen walking back into the living room.

Ruby: Hey guys. Qrow said we should get some sleep. We're gonna head out early tomorrow.

Mitchell: Oh, thank goodness.

Mitchell said.

Blake: You can say that again.... Thank goodness.

Blake sighed in relief as everyone gets up to get ready to sleep. Maria hops off the couch. Maria, on the other hand....

Maria: Hmph, the last thing you'll catch me doing is letting some kid tell me what to do.

The old lady huffed in annoyance before mimicking Ruby's voice and scoffed

Maria (Mimicking Ruby): Go to bed!

Maria sits on an armchair, turns on the lamp next to it and continues reading from the book.

Ruby shrugs and smiles before going to sleep herself. The fire continues to burn in the fireplace. As everyone fell asleep, the members of Team STRM began to look at each other with worrisome looks planted on their faces.

Tenka: Well, Doc. has been out for a long time.

Mitchell: Yeah... hope he's okay, whereever he is in this Ghost Town.

Rachel: Hopefully he'll bounce back while we are asleep.

Rachel said with concern.

Tenka: sighs Yeah... hopefully he does.

Tenka said.



I was still at the same location where I found the Animatronic as we both talked it out while it aka, Michael Afton explained in detail what happened to him, his sister and his father in their past when they used to live here. 

Michael Afton: - That's all I know, last. I must've died soon after....

Me: I- I'm sorry... W-What's your sister's name?

Michael Afton: Elizabeth.

He replied.

I bowed my head.

Me: I apologize for the loss and my condolence.

Michael Afton: Thanks.

Me: No problem. Sure, I feel bad for you but how and what am I supposed to do now, you told me all this stuff but.... nothing personal, Mike... I don't know how this helps me out.

I ask and said.

Michael Afton: You just have to find the pieces, and put the pieces together.

Me: Oh? Pieces meaning what's the cause of all this negativity and the power drain?

Michael Afton: Yes. That includes my father's actions. Both mysteries are linked together. How so, you ask? Well, last I heard when I became like this, I sensed my father turning insane in a bad and harsh way due to the killings and something else lurking in this location, which cause him to disappear from this place when the police looked for him here.

Me: I see. That means whatever made him become like this is because of something happened in the past which requires me to somehow get the answers out of him mentally, and something evil that is lurking in this farm which made these innocent lives to die peacefully.

Michael Afton: That's one to four of the many pieces put together. Well done. There are many others to put together.... the rest, falls on you.

Michael said.

I nod at what he said as I stood up.

Me: Alrighty. Then there's no time. We solve this now.

Michael Afton: Yeah.... but about that?

Me: Hmmm??

Michael Afton: Due to the damages I have on me, and due to the current weather.... I won't be able to be mobile anytime soon as my circuitry and my joints are frozen. Even if I leave this vessel.... I have to find a suitable vessel to shelter myself.

Me: I see. Well, I do have an idea for that.

Michael Afton: Really? What is it?


The next morning, the fire is out. Sunlight seeps through the curtained window while Team RWBY, STRM, the Imagins, Kouta, Haruto and Oscar are seen sleeping on the floor, Maria is seen resting on the armchair, still holding the book she was reading, and Qrow is seen sleeping on the chair by the window, still barely grasping the wine bottle in his hand. A couple other wine bottles are also on the floor. The bottle slips from his hand and clatters on the floor, causing Ruby to wake with a start. 

She looks around before rubbing her eyes and getting on her feet. Just as she got up, she heard a thud behind her, for her to look back to see Shadow lying there where she was sleeping, for her to realize that her boyfriend was sleeping with her when he got back, for her to blush slightly, then silently giggled. Then, she walked over to the window and opens the curtains.

Weiss: Close the window!

Rachel: Yeah... people are trying to sleep...

Weiss and Rachel whined, muttering in their sleep.

Ruby walks over to the entrance hall and picks up the empty bottle Qrow dropped before walking over to her uncle.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow. Come on, get up.

She urges, shaking Qrow's shoulder, who only groans in protest.

Qrow: Leave me alone...

Ruby: We overslept.

Qrow, still groggy, just lightly shoves Ruby away. Ruby looks at the empty wine bottle, and after a moment, her hand starts shaking. She angrily throws it against the wall, shattering it, causing Qrow to abruptly wake up, completely startled. 

Qrow: What?!

Qrow looks around, seeing Ruby stand before him and then to the shattered bottle. 

Qrow: Oh, right. Sunrise.

Ruby's angry expression softens, and she hugs her uncle, who returns the gesture. 

Ruby: You know, you can talk to me about stuff. Yang too. Shadow too.

Qrow: Let's just get outta here.

Qrow gets up from the chair, with Ruby following him.

Later on, the group moves outside. Weiss is seen using her Myrtenaster to weld a metal ball to a makeshift trailer hitch attached to Bumblebee. Weiss, Blake, Yang, Qrow, Tenka, Rachel, Mitchell, Haruto and Oscar's pupils appear to be unusually dilated, while Ruby, Shadow, the Imagins and Kouta's are at their usual sizes.

Weiss: There.

Weiss muttered as she just finished welding the trailer hitch.

Oscar, Blake and Tenka can be seen sitting on the porch steps.

Oscar: Can we just go back to bed?

He wearily complained.

Tenka: Yeah. Can we?

Tenka complained, as well.

Blake: If we're all so tired, maybe we should make breakfast?

Blake groggily suggested.

Oscar: You wanna make it?

Blake: Not really......

Tenka: Neither do I......

Ruby, Shadow and Qrow push the flatbed trailer behind Bumblebee. Once it's in position, Ruby and Shadow walks up to Yang.

Ruby: You guys got the bike ready?

Ruby inquired, which Yang just gestures to it.

Shadow: I'll take that gesture as a yes.

Rachel and Mitchell: Yeah. Ditto...

Qrow: Well, it's done now. So let's hook this thing up and--

Qrow rests his foot on the side of the trailer, and the tire on the opposite side goes flat. knowing it was his Semblance is acting up on him, he groans in frustration before checking on the tire.

Maria: You people are just beacons for bad luck, aren't you?

Maria bluntly says so as she steps out of the house.

Frustrated, Qrow just walks over to a nearby fence post and sits on the ground. Yang also sits on the ground by the well.

Yang: I'm starting to think the universe just doesn't want us getting to Atlas.

Yang said.

Ruby sighed at this. 

Ruby: It's just a flat tire, I'm sure there's a spare.

Yang: It's not just that, it's everything. Storms, crashes, monsters, the infighting within our group...

Yang lets out a tired sigh. 

Yang: I'm so tired...

Blake: Me too. It feels like we're always having to fight to get by.

Blake added in.

Tenka: I'm up to what my dear said....

Mitchell: Ditto on Yang....Tenka and Mitchell said to add in.

Ruby: Yeah. But that's what we signed up for.

Ruby stated.

Oscar: We signed up to try and save the world, not just... delay the inevitable.

Oscar corrected.

Weiss: Last night, I...

Weiss starts, putting a hand on her arm. 

Weiss: I couldn't stop thinking - why are we even going to Atlas?

Everyone shares troubled looks.

Ruby: Weiss, we have to.

Yang: Why?

Yang butted in, standing back up. 

Yang: Ozpin hid the Relics behind giant doors under enormous schools, but... how long would it take Salem to find a lamp in the middle of nowhere?

Ruby: What? The Grimm might--

Tenka: Yang's got a point. They'd find it eventually, sure, but bury it or just throw it down the well, it would take years. It might not even happen in our lifetime. But we could be done with it now.

Shadow: B-But... Tenka, Team, listen to yourselves... what would the others think when they find out they did this?!

Yang: They'll understand....

Yang said.

Ruby detaches the Relic of Knowledge from her belt, glancing at it before looking up at her teammates with Shadow's teammates doing the same, who appear to all have dazed looks as if they were in a trance. Ruby stares at the Relic one more time before walking over to the well.

Ruby: I am... really... tired...

Ruby said, beginning to experience the same effects like them.

Then, Ruby began to have the same dazed look on her face, her eyes dilated, as she holds Relic out above the pitch-black darkness of the well. However, instead of dropping it immediately, Ruby hesitates for a bit before composing herself. Then, Shadow's arm reached out as he stopped her from getting near to the well before it was too late.

Shadow: Rubes... you know we can't give up now... though... we are all tired... for some reason.

Shadow said.

She starts to pull the Relic back with Shadow's help, but then, she noticed a pair of glowing red eyes at the bottom of the well followed by a sinister giggle, startling her and snapping her out of her trance-like state and returning her pupils to their normal size. 

In her fright, she accidentally drops the Relic into the well. Ruby helplessly watches it fall into the darkness below.

Shadow: This isn't good...

Ruby: No! No! No! I didn't mean to!

Ruby rambled as she held her head in panic. Her teammates and Shadow's teammates continue to stare at them with dazed looks.

Weiss: Ruby, it's okay.

Weiss, dazed, reassured her.

Tenka: Yeah. Weiss has a point. 

The well is like really deep so it'll be a while before the Grimm gets to it.

Mitchell: Yeah. So chill out, girl.

Rachel: Mhm....

Shadow's teammates said.

Ruby: No! No, there's something down there! I heard it giggle! I saw it, it was looking at me!

Ruby looks back inside the well, only to notice the glowing pair of red eyes are gone.

Yang puts a hand on her sister's shoulder. 

Yang: Hey, it's okay. You just said you're tired. It's probably nothing. Now, let's go.

Ruby, irritated, swats Yang's hand off.

Ruby: What's wrong with you?! We can't just leave, we have to go down there! We have to get the lamp back! Oh, what was I thinking?!

Suddenly, Shadow grabbed her shoulders and reassured her.

Shadow: Ruby, it's fine. We'll just get down there and get it back. Once done, we can get out of here. Besides... I noticed it, too.

Ruby: You... saw...???

Shadow: Yes... those things aren't any ordinary Grimm so... we have to work fast, okay? As soon as we reclaim the relic, the sooner we could leave. Just remember, it's not your fault. We were just simply tired by an unknown cause.

Shadow said.

Ruby lowered her head, for Shadow to do the same for their foreheads to touch each other.

Shadow: Hey... everything's gonna be fine, Okay? Ev-

Ruby: (Nods) I know.... Thank you...

Ruby said.

Shadow nodded when he heard his girlfriend said that.

Shadow: No prob. No prob.

Shadow acknowledges.

Then, Qrow spoke.

Qrow: All we have to do is fix this trailer. Kouta and Haruto, we're leaving. Hey, farm boy, check the shed for a spare.

Kouta: .... sighs .... Alright.

Haruto: Le-


Shadow roared to make his claim as clear as day for everyone to notice.

Her teammates and Shadow's teammates continue to dazedly stare at Ruby and Shadow. Until Blake sighs at this.

Blake: I'll go down with you...

Weiss: We'll go down together.

Weiss added.

Tenka: All of us.

Tenka added to represent Shadow's teammates who are still dazedly staring.

Qrow: Fine!

Qrow exclaimed in exasperation, as he got up from the snow. 

Qrow: Get the stupid lamp. Oscar, fix the stupid tire.

Qrow heads back inside the house, passing by Maria on the porch.

Maria: Where are you going?

Maria asks.

Qrow: Where do you think?

He says this as he shakes his flask and walks back into the house.

Maria just looks down.

Maria: Stupid...

Maria takes a seat on the porch steps and continues to read another volume of Bartleby's diaries.

Team RWBY jump down the well along with the three members of Team STRM and into a vast underground waterway system. 

Meanwhile back at the entrance to the well, Shadow looked down as a thought came in mind on what Michael said.

Michael Afton (In Shadow's Thoughts): -something else lurking in this location, which cause him to disappear from this place when the police looked for him here.

Michael Afton (In Shadow's Thoughts): That's one to four of the many pieces put together. Well done. There are many others to put together.... the rest, falls on you.

Shadow nods at this as he turned to look at the Imagins. 

Shadow: Guys, I need a favor.

Shadow said.

Sieg stood up along with the other Imagins.

Momotaros: Eh? Favor? And what's that?

Shadow: I need to know if you five and Ryotaro can trust me on this.

Kintaros: Hmm?

Shadow: I repeat... do you all trust me?!

I ask.

Urataros soon walk the catwalk towards Shadow. Once next to him, he placed his arm around his shoulders.

Urataros: Shadow-san. We including Ryotaro have been trusting you for a long time now. So, why stop there~?

Momotaros: Besides, we all trust you, all the way to the Climax!!! Hmph!! Don't you all agree?

Kintaros: YEAH!!! Let's make people cry!!!

Ryutaros: PILE ON!!!

Sieg: My trust in you is strong.

Ryotaro (In his body and Momotaros's mind): We trust you, Shadow. 

The Imagins and their contracter said.

Shadow nod at their response.

Shadow: Good. Cause I need a favor. There is something lurking down at the well-

Momotaros: But didn't they sai-

Shadow: I know what they said, but Rubes and I saw something down there, and whatever it is, is draining our will to keep going. That's why I'm asking you... to strike me.

Shadow said.


Back down at the vast underground waterway system, Ruby and Yang pull out their scrolls and turn on their flashlights and looked around but found only cobwebs. 

(A/N: In the Tunnels.)

While searching, Shadow caught up with the group from behind, while patting real hard on his chest.

Shadow: Sorry, guys. Had to take a detour while coming down. But, hey! Managed to find my way down here, anyway.

Ruby: Well, still good to have you here along with us and your team.

Shadow: Likewise. So, anything?

Yang: None... Maybe the current carried it away.

Yang lazily guessed.

Shadow: Well, let's just keep looking.

Shadow replied on Yang's guess.

Team RWBY and STRM continued with Weiss, Tenka and Rachel looking around with their eyes still droopy.

Ruby: Oh come on, where is it? 

Ruby wonders. 

Blake: Turn off your lights and just look for the glow?

Blake bluntly replies. 

Mitchell: Oh yeah... there is a blue glow at the glass part. Maybe we can find that glow so we can get to the Relic easily.

Mitchell bluntly replies to follow up on Blake's reply.

Ruby: Okay.

Ruby says and she and Yang switch off their scrolls. Ruby cautiously takes out her weapon.

Meanwhile back in the surface, Maria continues to flip through the pages and Oscar pumps the tires. Pages stated in big letters "I did it! I found my solution" and "The huntsman pointed them out to me the other day." . Maria narrows her eyes, reading more intently.

Back in the tunnel, Blake lazily pointed to a light.

Ruby: There.

Ruby ran to the light with a small sense of joy on her face.

Shadow: Welp, let's go get it, then we can get out of here.

Maria flipped once more and gasped upon reading "The Apathy" with the left page as a picture on a humanoid Grimm.

Back in the tunnels, Ruby finds the relic, with Shadow watching her behind as he looked at every corridor at the T-Junction of this tunnels behind Ruby which is in front of him and behind him, to show the group slowly walking towards them. 

Ruby: Guys I-

She stops halfway as she hears moaning, followed by faint groans of terror and looks up to see skeletal Grimm. They turn to face her and Ruby screams in fear, for Shadow to look at the corridor Ruby turned to to grab the lamp, rushing to her aid.

(A/N: The Apathy.)

Shadow: Rubes, are you o- WHOA!!!!!!!

Team RWBY and STRM snap out of their demeanor upon hearing Ruby's scream and Shadow's exclaim. 

Yang: Ruby?!

Yang calls in extreme worry.

Tenka: Doc?!

Tenka calls in extreme worry, as well. 

Ruby runs back to her teammates. 

Yang: What is it?

Rachel: You guys look pale like as if you two saw a ghost. But ANYWAY, what's wrong?!

Yang and Rachel asks in concern, despite Rachel's joke about seeing Ghosts. 

Shadow: That's the thing.... we did...

Shadow said in terror while holding onto Ruby tightly. 

Ruby and Shadow looked back, for the rest to look at the direction where both Team Leaders are looking at, for the horde of zombie-like Grimm to slowly walk out, revealing their terrifying shapes, sizes and their disfigured masses, emerging from the corridor where Ruby found the lamp, for Ruby and Shadow to take aim by using Parablade and Crescent Rose in Sniper Rifle mode as they shoot at them, but they had no effect.

Then, the Grimm shriek loudly for Teams RWBY and STRM to slouch forward as their weapons mysteriously got heavy and they suddenly felt tired in the process. 

Yang: What is this?

Yang struggles to say. 

Blake: My weapon... feels... heavy...

Blake struggles. 

Mitchell: For some reason... our weapons feel heavy and we are growing... growing....

Tenka: Mitch, I know... save your breath... we'll get tired even more if we keep talking...

Rachel: Ditto...

Shadow: We have to get outta here. NOW!

Ruby: But where???

???: Run!

A voice called out. 

Teams RWBY and STRM turn and see Maria. 

Maria: Now!!!!

Maria calls. 

Ruby: Go! Go!

Shadow: NOW!!!!!

Both Shadow and Ruby panicked.

Team STRM, Team RWBY and Maria started running with the horde of Disfigured Mass-like Grimm chasing them. While the two teams and Maria ran, the Grimm shrieked loudly again, causing them to stop. Ruby sees a path and calls.

Ruby: This way!

Rachel: Then, let's go! Don't listen to their shrieking!!!! It's terrifying yet FUCKING annoying!!!

Shadow: Language please!!!

Team RWBY and Maria continue to run as the number of Grimm start to increase.


Outside, while Oscar is seen fixing up the tire alone, Kouta went up to him as he land a helping hand.

Kouta: Here. I got you.

He said.

Then, he raised his hand for several number of vines to emerge from the snowy grounds as they merge together while slithering underneath the tailor as it slowly lift it up for Oscar to replace and repair the trailer of its flat tire.

Oscar: Thanks.

Kouta: Your welcome, young Pine. Now, let's get to repairing that trailer.

He said.

Then, an orange aura appeared out of nowhere as it gave the trailer some leverage for the vines to lift it up even more, for Oscar and Kouta to look at where it came from, for them to see Haruto in his Wizard Ground Dragon form to utilize a Ring, helping them get that trailer fixed up once again.

Haruto: I was gonna leave you to it but,... something tells me we have to help each other out while giving each other the hope to keep going if we are ever going to leave this place to get to Argus.

Haruto said.

This remark made Kouta smiled.

Kouta: Glad you could lend us your assistance, Wizard.

Oscar: Yeah, Haruto. Thanks.

Haruto: Heh. Besides, I'm your hope and your final hope, after all.

He said.

And with that, Oscar began to replace and repair the trailer.


Team RWBY, Team STRM and Maria stop for Ruby to look at her left, horrified as she sees the Grimm close to them. They began to run away to run once again, but the Grimm shrieked again for Team RWBY, Team STRM and Maria to fall on their knees, completely drained.

Yang: I can't... do this... I can't...

Yang struggles.

Maria struggles and feels the stairs, and feels a small glint of hope. 

Maria: An exit. An exit!

Ruby looks and finds the door. She then crawls to Weiss. 

Ruby: Ugh, come on.

Ruby hears something metallic fall and looks back to see Blake tried and laying on the floor as the Grimm move closer. Blake's weapon was far from her.

Tenka: I'll... get Blake...

Tenka said.

Ruby nods, for Tenka to crawl over to Blake. 

Tenka: Blake... get... up.

Tenka struggles to speak. 

Blake: It's fine.

Blake replies in a monotonic voice. 

Tenka: Come on, dear... you're... you-... you're better than this!!!

Mitchell: Come, my little Dragon!!! Snap... out of it...

Mitchell said as he reached Yang after crawling towards her. Then, Ruby quickly despite being completely drained crawls towards Blake in the attempts to save her, for her to see the Grimm's claw reach for Blake, for Shadow to take notice of this. Shadow slowly and weakly got up as he aimed Parablade at the Grimm. Just as he was about to shoot,-

Ruby: BLAKE!!!

- Ruby screams in horror, for her eyes to emit a bright flash of light for the Grimm to react in pain. Blake gasped and everyone got up. While the Grimm reacted painfully, Tenka helps Blake up and Mitchell helps Yang up. 

Mitchell: We got our babes.

Tenka: Yeah.

Shadow: I got Rachel and Ruby.

Maria: What just happened?

Maria ask.

Weiss runs to the door, but she could not open them. 

Weiss: They're locked!

Tenka: WHAT?!

Weiss: The doors won't open!! They're locked at the other side!

Tenka: God Dammit, this house!!! 

Yang runs to the door. 

Yang: Out of my way!

Yang yelled.

Just as Yang was about to reach for the door, the Grimm, now standing up, shrieks again for everyone to fall onto the floor, once again. While everyone was on the floor, Shadow weakly got up as he wield Parablade in its axe mode as he slowly made his way to the Grimm, in the attempts of hacking them to nothing while Maria slowly crawled towards Ruby. Once Maria reaches Ruby, she began to talk to her. 

Maria: Ruby. What color are your eyes?

Maria asks. 

Ruby: They're... silver.

Ruby responds with little care, for Maria to gasp. 

Maria: You have a family? Friends?

Maria ask more.

Ruby: what?

Ruby ask in confusion.

Then, Ruby hears the Grimm walking towards them and Shadow trying to fight the Grimm off despite his weakened and drained state, for Maria cover Ruby's ears. 

Maria: Don't think about them. Think about the people who love you. Focus on the thoughts of them, the way they make you feel. Focus.

Maria said.

Ruby struggles to keep her sight. Maria then continues to speak to Ruby. 

Maria: Life is beautiful. It is precious. And it must be protected.

Maria said to Ruby.

Suddenly, after Maria finished, Ruby opens her eyes with more life in them, for her to slowly get up to face the Grimm- 

(A/N: Ruby's Silver eye activation.)

-as she used her eyes to unleash a silver light again, causing the Grimm to disintegrate, for Maria and Ruby to stare in awe. 

Everyone looked in awe as they saw the Grimm disintegrated. Then, with no time to spare, Yang quickly got up and land a punch at the cellar doors, for them to be shot open by Yang's prostatic arm. As soon as the cellar door was shot opened, Both teams and Maria rushed back up to see that they are back in the house while noticing Qrow sitting at the bar table. Ruby runs to Qrow. 

Ruby: Uncle Qrow get up! 

Ruby calls, but Qrow aggressively shoves Ruby back.

Qrow: Hey get off me. What are you doing here?

Qrow asks as he is still tired. 

Maria: We're leaving you idiot! Come on!

Maria responds.

Mitchell grabs Yang and Tenka grabs Blake as they follow Maria and Rachel. Weiss looks back with anger. 

Weiss: Not yet.

Weiss said.

Outside, Kouta and haruto is seen helping Oscar as he is pumping the tire until they heard Yang and Blake shouting Oscar's name.

Yang: We have to go now!

Yang exclaims as she runs to her bike, with Oscar, Kouta and Haruto looking at them bewildered as they see the rest panicking as they rushed out.

Back at the bar, Weiss throws bottles of beer to the cellar as the board piece starts to come loose. Qrow tries to see what is happening. 

Qrow: Hey, hey what are you doing?!

Weiss then uses her Glyphs to ignite the alcohol, for the cellar, cellar doors and the Grimm to be engulfed in flames. Weiss glares at the fire and turns around. 

Weiss: Now we can leave.

Shadow: Good, now let's go!

Ruby: Right!

And with that, Weiss helps Ruby drag Qrow while Shadow grabs Qrow's weapon as Qrow tries to resist as the Grimm crawl out of the cellar. 

Qrow: Stop it. Stop! What's wrong with you? What's-

Qrow looks and sees the burning Grimm, horrified he did not notice them sooner. 

As Weiss, Ruby, Qrow and Shadow were about to leave the house, a Grimm arm grabbed Shadow's right ankle, for Shadow to fall onto the ground, dropping Qrow's weapon, for Ruby to notice this happening, for her to stop, in which Weiss did the same, with Qrow noticing this happening when he looked down.

Ruby: Shadow!

Shadow: Take the weapon and go!!! I'll catch up!!

Weiss: But not without you!!!

Qrow: Come on, let's go!!

Shadow: NO ARGUING!!!!! GO!!!!!Shadow yelled.

Ruby looked in worry until she took off to grab Qrow's weapon as she head back to help Weiss take his uncle out of the burning house. As soon as everyone is out, the remaining huntsmen, huntresses and Imagins hop into the trailer as they are ready to go, that is until Rachel and Sieg realized someone is missing.

Sieg: Hang on. Isn't Shadow suppose to come with us?

Rachel: Wait! Oh shit!! Where's Shadow?!

Rachel ask, for Ruby to realize what happened just now.

Ruby: Oh no! Right!! He was caught by the Grimm and he's fighting them alone!!!

Tenka: WHAT?!?!?!

Tenka exclaimed.

Ruby: We have to help him!!!

Mitchell: Well, take us with you!!!

Mitchell exclaimed.


Meanwhile back in the house, I was still struggling to get myself free. While doing so, I noticed the horde of burning Grimm slowly making its way towards me, causing me to start panicking as I tried using my left hand to let myself loose from the Grimm arm's clutches while my other hand holding Parablade in its axe mode to transform it into its gun mode to shoot at the incoming grimm heading towards me.

While shooting, I looked in shock to see that I have also forgotten that weapons are no affect to those Grimm.

Me: oh frek, I forgot they have no effect!!!

I said.

Then, it began to shriek once again, for me to drop my weapon and to be drained from my will to keep going despite of me to keep struggling to break free. While doing so, Ruby and my Teammates rushed back into the house as they see the burning Grimm slowly walking towards me while looking down to see me trying to break free from their clutches.

Mitchell: CAP!!!!

Ruby: Shadow!!!!

Shadow: GUYS!!!! Is Qrow on the trailer?!?!

Tenka: Yes!! We are here to help you!!!


Shadow yelled in panic.

Ruby and Tenka rushed in to do so while Rachel and Mitchell rushed in front of us as they tried shooting the burning Grimm away to buy us sometime so I can get free. While Rachel and Mitchell are trying to buy the Grimm sometime, Ruby and Tenka still were trying to break me free from the Grimm hand that was still clinging on my ankle, but to no avail.

Ruby: This Grimm's got you tight!!

Tenka: I... can't get this claw to budge!!

Shadow: I can tell!! Just keep trying!!

I said.

Ruby, Tenka and I kept trying to let the Grimm Claw off my ankle as the horde of still burning Grimm kept getting closer to Rachel, Mitchell and us. Just as the grimm were getting close, a DenGasher Boomerang and DenGasher Hand Axe were seen flying around us with a flurry of white feathers trailing behind each of them as they flew right at the horde of Grimm in front of Rachel and Mitchell, disintegrating the first crowd that was about to reach their long claws at the two Hunters shooting at them.

(A/N: DenGasher Boomerang and DenGasher Hand Axe Modes.)

We all looked back to see who did that for us to see it was Ryotaro in his Den-O - Super Climax form as he was the one who threw the two weapons at the Grimm. Ryotaro then raised his arms to claim his flying weapons back, swapping DenGasher's four parts to form its Sword Mode. After swapping its weapon into its Sword mode, Ryotaro rushed to Ruby, Tenka and me.

(A/N: Kamen Rider Den-O - Super Climax Form.)

Ryotaro: You guys alright?

Shadow: Never been better and bad.

Ruby: We can't get this claw to let go!

Tenka: That's the bad issue. The worse is tha-

Mitchell and Rachel: THEY STILL KEEP COMING!!!!

Rachel and Mitchell yelled.

We looked at the cellar entrance upon hearing Rach and Mitch saying that for us to see even more Grimm to appear. We all began to panic for Rachel and Mitchell to keep firing, and for Ruby, Tenka, Ryotaro in his Super Climax form, and I to try let that claw off my ankle again. As we kept trying to get the Grimm arm off me, Rachel and Mitchell did their best to shoot the horde of Grimm away to buy us sometime, to no avail as the Grimm kept on multiplying and slowly walking towards them.

Just as they were about to get extremely close to grab Rachel and Mitchell, the door mysteriously slammed shut, for us to take notice of this, to our worry. 


(A/N: Horror theme starts here.)

After the door slammed shut, the lamp beside the chair Maria used to sit began to flicker repetitively, including the lights in every room began to do the same, and the fireplace began to ignite once again, to everyone in the room's confusion.

3rd Person's POV:

Everyone looked around in confusion as they notice everything is turning on and off repititively, for the Imagins to begin talking as each of them control Ryotaro's body, causing Ryotaro look swiftly get up as he is now being controlled by Momotaros.

Momotaros (In Ryotaro's body in control): CHICKEN-WINGED BASTARD, IS THIS YOUR DOING?!?!?!?!

Sieg (In Ryotaro's body in control): Hm? It wasn't me. If it were me, I would have made my way to turn them on and off, would I not?

Urataros: (In Ryotaro's body in control): Then if not you, who?

Kintaros (In Ryotaro's body in control): Must be those skeleton Imagins!

Momotaros (In Ryotaro's body in control): They are not Imagins, bear-boy!!! THEY'RE GRIMM!!!!

Ryutaros (In Ryotaro's body in control): Momo-chan, Kin-chan, don't argue!

Sieg (In Ryotaro's body in control): Retainers, don't be distressed.

Momotaros (In Ryotaro's body in control): WE ARE ALL IN DISTRESSED!!!! WE DON'T KNOW WHO'S THE CAUSE OF ALL-

Just as Momotaros is about to finish, the flickering lights stopped flickering repetitively as they remained on, but in a different color as the lights are now illuminating the entire house in red instead of its original color from just now.

Momotaros (In Ryotaro's body in control): -this....???

Momotaros finished.

Then, Tenka stood up while fishing out his weapons to get ready for anything, for Ruby to look in worry. Sudeenly, everyone's scrolls began to ring, despite the weak reception from thes rest of the group on the train, to their confusion.

Rachel: Huh?

Mitchell: Our scrolls.

Ruby: That.... should be impossible. Jaune and the others are far away from us.

Tenka: One way to find out...

Tenka said.

Everyone nodded as they picked up their scrolls and take the call, only for them to be greeted by a horrifying response.

???: YoU ShOUlDn't hAvE cOmE HeRe.

A horrifying distorted voice said in everyone's scrolls who are in the house.

After hearing that distorted response, everyone's scrolls disconnected from the same call at the same time as they too show a red screen, illuminating their scrolls.

Mitchell: Uuuuh, what is happening?

Mitchell ask.

Ruby: Shadow... what is happening....

Ruby ask, only to hear no response from him.

Then, a voice echoed out, eerily.

???: WhO dArES tTREatEn mY nEw fRIeNd whO's abOUt To leavE....

Mitchell heard this and aimed his weapons around the house in every five seconds.

Mitchell: WHO SAID THAT?!?!?!

Ruby looked on, unknown to her on what's happening as she began to worry about her beloved as she turned to look at him, only to see his head hung down with no emotion and his hood can be seen covering his entire head, for Ruby to look in concern.

Ruby: Shadow?? It's okay. Everything's going to be fine. We'll find a way to get out of here, I'm sure of it.

Ruby said, only for her to hear no response from Shadow.

Ruby: Shadow? Shadow, are you okay?

Ryotaro: Wait... don't touch him. Something's wrong. Why didn't he fish out his scroll like the rest of you?

Ruby: Huh?

She said in confusion.

Ruby looked to see that Ryotaro is right, Shadow didn't have his scroll out at all. This made Ruby even more worried about him that she neglected Ryotaro's instruction on not touching him and removed the hood off his head, only to be greeted by him, swiftly turning his head at her, revealing his black eyes and his white-glowing iris at each of his completely black eyes and for him to smile a horrifying, and petrifying smile, to Ruby and Ryotaro's shock and panic that they crawled backwards while they exclaimed in terror, for Tenka, Rachel and Mitchell to notice.

Tenka: RUBY?!?!


Rachel ask with a petrified voice.

Tenka looked back in confusion as he quickly took a look, for him to look in horror at the sight.


Tenka ask as he was outright scared at what he saw, for Shadow to mysteriously laugh.

Shadow/??? (Demonic Voice): WhAt'StHE mAtTeR, ChildrEn? NeVER seeN a rEAl rOguE sPiRIT possESsiNg A pErsON bEfOre?

Ryotaro, Tenka and Ruby: Children?

Ryotaro, Tenka and Ruby said in confusion.

Then, Shadow began to laugh continuously while his head began to twitch vigorously. While the three watched on, they hear sounds of glass breaking, for everyone except Shadow and the Grimm to look and see that the windows are breaking due to the fact there are non-broken and broken robotic parts, limbs, tons of pieces of junks and a stitched up costume converging towards the laughing Shadow as they began to surround him in a circular formation on the ground.


(A/N: First music stops here for this second music to start.)

While the bits and pieces as well as the costume moved about in a circular formation on the ground, Ruby noticed Shadow standing up while his ankle was still being caught by the Grimm arm as he looked up at the ceiling, to everyone's confusion. Then, he lunged his upper body downwards as he began to regurgitate out tons robotic parts from his mouth and onto the floor, to everyone's shock. After regurgitating everything out, the last bits of robotic parts went onto the floor while whipping Shadow away in the process, for the claw to release him as something on the floor began to chew its fangs on it, causing the Grimm to lose its grip on him and for him to fly back, for Ryotaro to use Sieg's part component behind him as he opened up his wings, taking flight for a brief moment to catch Shadow.

Once caught, he land on the ground for Ruby to go to him, with a worried look planted on his face.

Ruby: Shadow... are you okay?

She ask.


I slowly wake up from my daze and regurgitating a large mass of robotic parts as the first person I look at when I woke up, was my beloved girlfriend.

Me: Huh??? .... Oh hey, Rubes... what did I miss?

Mitchell: Well... for starters, you hurled out a large sum of robotic parts from your insides.

Me: Uh, yuck... then what?

Tenka: Then you went crazy.

Me: Oh, about that...

Ruby: Save your breathe. At the mean time, we need to get out of here.

Rachel: But one problem. The door is sealed shut!!!

Rachel said.

We all looked at Rachel trying to open the door, for the door to no budge like she said that it couldn't, until a voice from the scroll spoke up coming from the pile of parts and junk.

???: I BEliEvE i CAn tAKe carE of tHAT.

It said.

We all looked at the pile of junk and robotic parts that came from outside the house and that came from my insides as it began to fuse together to form something terrifying and huge. The Grimm watched, as well as it shrieked at us, only for something inside the pile to shriek back, nullifying the Grimm's shriek. While the mass of parts and junk fuse together, a pair of large arms and hands emerge as they planted themselves on the floor, as well as the mass's legs and feet. Just as things got more terrifying, several animatronic parts and broken parts formed a neck and a face, revealing its form to the Grimm to show it has two bunny ears and two large gaping black holes as eyes with an extra animatronic suit inside of its face. 

The Grimm looked at the disfigured, discolored and misplaced figure as it towered over the Grimm and all of us in this house as it raised its left arm, swatting the Grimm away like insects. After which, it turned to look at us while we hear the sound of robotic noises, junk and trash crashing around from outside and inside, and its mass being twisted about as it lengthened its neck towards us as it stopped in front of us, for me to recognize the mask behind this abomination's mask.

Me: Michael!

Momotaros (In Ryotaro's body in control): AHH!!! You know this trash heap of parts?!?!

Michael Afton: I have to take after my father's form, but worse to take care of them. Anyway, Shadow, there's no time before they get up again! Tell everyone to hold onto each other.

Ruby: Shadow, what's going on?

Me: Rubes, I'll explain later, but for now, do you trust me?

Ruby: What?

Me: Do you?!

I ask.

Ruby looked at me as she nods.

Me: Okay, Team?

Tenka: Where ever you go, I go, too.

Rachel: That includes me.

Mitchell: And me, too.

My teammates said.

I nod at their remarks.

Me: Okay, I need all of you, to hold onto each other, including me. Do what it says!

I said.

Upon saying that instruction, everyone held onto me and each other, tightly as I gave the animatronic-like mass a nod to indicate we are ready.

Michael Afton: Good. Now,... brace yourselves!!!

The abomination known as Michael Afton said in a distorted voice.

Then, it used its arms to move them forward to them, for the robotic parts and junk to crowd around them, shielding them as Michael is about to make a way out for them to get out of the house fast. Meanwhile outside, the members of Team RWBY, Oscar, Maria, Kouta, Qrow and Haruto waited impatiently and worriedly after witnessing the door of the burning house closed on Team STRM, Ruby and Ryotaro aka, Kamen Rider Den-O, a bunch of robotic parts and broken robotic parts, trash and junk that came from one of the warehouses within the farm's vicinity crawling and rolling their way inside the burning house by via the windows and after hearing that ominous roar which was much more horrifying than the Grimm's shrieking.

Qrow: We have to get in there, now!

Maria: And what? Get consumed by whatever's in there that made that roar? Don't be an idiot!

Kouta: But there are a Team, Rider and a Team Leader in there!

Weiss: We have to do something!

Blake: We can't just leave them!

Everyone said, worried of the worse cause of action to happen to the Rider, Team STRM and Ruby.

While arguing and discussing how to get them out, the door slammed open for everyone outside to see a large snake-like figure made of robotic parts in a disfigured form as it made its way at the back of the trailer. Everyone readied their weapons just in case it tries anything funny, but instead it ripped open to show my team, Ryotaro with Momotaros inside of him, the Imagins and Ruby holding onto each other, to their shock.

Blake and Yang: Guys! Tenka!/Guys! Mitch!

Tenka and Mitchell: Blake!/Yang!

Me: Guys, there's no time for a reunion just yet!!! We're leaving now!!!

I yelled in a panic voice.

Everyone soon went on after hearing me say that we must leave immediately. Then, I looked back upon hearing the noise of parts crashing, rustling, tussling and rubbing against each other as if there is a lot of friction happening within the abomination's body caused by several robotic parts and/or junk/trash as a similar face made of different number of trash, junk and robotic parts began to form to face me as its face for an abomination opened up to reveal a face-like mask that I saw in the snowstorm yesterday when it came to me.

Me: Michael... thank you.

Michael Afton: Your welcome. Now, go!!! Get out of here while you still can! Hurry!

Me: Then, what about you?

Michael Afton: Hey! It's gonna take more than just flames and these guys to take me down.

Michael said with a distorted voice.

I smirked at his reply.

Me: Alright. Good luck.

I said.

Then, I hopped onto the trailer.

Me: Yang, I'm on! Let's get out of here!!!

I yelled.

3rd Person's POV:

And with that, yang revved up her bike as she began to drive fast and away from the farm while the mass made its way back inside the burning house to deal with the burning Grimm.

Michael Afton: AlrigHt... tIMe fOr RoUNd 2....

He said as he did the same ominous roar, once again, revealing a huge gaping hole inside its mouth, leading to its throat, then its insides to sort of abyss of nothingness.

(A/N: Lower the volume here and stop the music here. Either or both if you like ;).)

Out back in the tundra, Yang continues driving Bumblebee down the snowy road with the others sitting in the trailer being pulled behind her.

Maria: The Apathy. They're not strong or ferocious. They drain your will to go on. Bartleby's estate was hemorrhaging money towards the end. He wanted to cut costs on Huntsman protection, but in order to do that, he needed everyone calm... always.

Maria explains as they head to Atlas. Oscar then reads from the book;

Oscar: Managed to get two away from their pack. Hike back was miserable but got the bastards in the cellar. Wife thinks I was out sealing the waterway entrance. I'll do it tomorrow and tell her the truth once these things take the edge off of everyone. I'm tired.

Maria continues;

Maria: The next page proves that he did, but not before the rest of the pack followed their missing pair all the way home. My guess is they made their way beneath the estate through the water tunnels that Bartleby sealed up the next morning. Bartleby's plan worked. 

She takes the book from Oscar. 

Maria: No one was angry or sad or scared. No one was anything. And then... no one was left.

Maria takes one more look at the final page of the diary, the last words written down being "I'm tired". She then closes the book and tosses it out into the snow while the group continues to drive down the road.

Weiss felt guilty and spoke up. 

Weiss: I'm... sorry for what I said... about giving up.

Upon hearing this, Yang stops driving. 

Yang: Me too. We can't quit until the lamp is safe.

Blake tries to comfort everyone. 

Blake: It's not your fault. It was those... things.

Yang looks down upon hearing this.

Maria: I should have known.

Maria said.

Maria: The signs were all there, but I'd never seen an entire settlement withered away like that. I suppose my mind just isn't what it used to be.

Blake notices Shadow leaving the trailer.

Blake: Shadow? Where are you going?

She asked.

Shadow: I... need some time....

Shadow said.

He soon left the group for his teammates to sigh.

Tenka: It's my fault, too.... though I know it was because of those things but... I said something that dishonors my name, and my family name... and it won't go unp-

Kouta: Son!

Kouta exclaimed.

Tenka shoots his head up to look at his father.

Kouta: Blake is right. It was those things who's to  be blamed for making you say those negative things, not yourself. Sometimes when things go to your head, there are times people take their own actions without knowing what they are doing without thinking or when they were commanded to do so. So, don't worry, son. I know what it's like to be under your shoes. So, it isn't your fault.

He said and explained.

Tenka nods in response at this. Then, Rachel and Mitchell placed their hands on Tenka's shoulders to reassure him that everything will be fine.

Rachel: Don't worry, Tenka. Everything will be okay when we are around. Sure we said some bad things back there but, that was those things that made us say that. So, screw them. Now we are away from them, we can go to Argus happy.

Mitchell: Yeah, boi. Don't worry about back then. Now you have us to think about, and Cap who is our doctor, too.

Tenka: yeah... I guess you're right. We're a team after all so, why do we have to sulk over the past, when we have a future to uphold and save.

Rachel and Mitchell: Yeah.

Blake: And we can uphold it and save it, together.

Blake said, holding his hand.

Tenka noticed her hand holding his hand, for him to hold onto Blake's hand back, for her to notice it, too.

Tenka: Yeah. Together.

He said.

Then, out of nowhere, Blake gave Tenka a small kiss on the cheek, for him to blush, for everyone to notice this and giggled.

Tenka: Haha, real mature.

Urataros: Why not? It's romantic.

Sieg: Indeed I follow his idea.

Tenka: ANYWAY!!!! My mind has been made up! I'm looking for Doc.

Tenka said as he hopped off the trailer as he began to look for his Team Leader who left the trailer not so long ago.

Rachel: Well, I'm going, too.

Mitchell: Ditto.

Ruby: I'm coming with you!

Rachel, Mitchell and Ruby said, for them to hop off the trailer as they soon leave to follow Tenka to look for Shadow, not before Mitchell took a detour to see to Yang. Once reached close to Yang, he gave her a kiss on a cheek, for her to blush and look at her lover.

Mitchell: Well, like what Tenka said. Let's uphold and save the world together, babe.

He said.

Yang was taken aback by this sudden kiss, but soon smiled at what he said as she grabbed the collar of his shirt , for her to lung in towards him to give him a kiss in the lips, to Mitchell's shock as his wings opened and perk up.

After awhile, she broke the kiss to see her lover blushing a different shade of red.

Yang: Yeah. Let's do that together and with the group, Silver Angel.

She said.

Mitchell was in a trance for a moment until he shook his head to knock it off and looked at yang, smiling.

Mitchell: Yeah. And Silver Angel, huh? I like that.

He said.

Yang then lets him go for him to catch up with Rachel and Ruby to catch up with Tenka to look for Shadow.



I was all alone in the snowy tundra forest as I kept trekking forward. After trekking for a long time, I stopped in the middle of the forest where there's peace and quiet with no Grimm around to disturb me or attack me.

Once assured that nothing was following me, I went down on one knee as I fished out a huge wooden cross from my back that I made back in the house, thrusting it into the snowy grounds. After thrusting it into the ground, I placed both hands on my knee as I lowered my head to pay respects.

Me: May the gods ensure their safety to the heavens... and may they rest in peace, under your care, for their names shall not be forgotten, as part of the residence of the Brunswick Farm.

I said.

After paying respects, I stood up as I began to take my leave, until I heard footsteps, for me to stand at where I knelt. Then, I felt a similar presence from before and from the house, causing me to smirk as I knew who or what it was.

Me: You may come out now. I'm just finished.

I said to the someone or something who was watching in the trees around the snowy tundra, for it to reveal itself to me as it made its way to me. I slowly turn back to see it was the same animatronic from before.

(A/N: Michael Afton (Fixed).)

Me: Michael? You survived.

Michael Afton: Like I told you before, it's gonna take more than fire and those things to take me down.

Me: I see... So, where's that large body from just now that we saw?

Michael Afton: Meh, I kinda command them to go back to the warehouse and to the houses they belong. Mostly the warehouse as that's where I got the parts and junk from. Not sure how I did, though but,...

Me: I can help with that. How you did that is because somehow, even when death, you still have your semblance.

Michael Afton: Semblance? So is that what it's called?

Me: Yeah. Since you commanded stuff to converge to you and back to where they belong, this'll make you to have a dangerous semblance for your case, which is good as you need tons of protection you need in this state.

Michael Afton: So, I have to ensure that I have to use this semblance as an important asset, my asset?

Me: Yep. If you want, I can help you, but just not now. But when the time comes, I shall.

I said.

While talking to Michael, I heard more footsteps, for me to turn to my right to see my teammates and Ruby. Michael soon turned around as well to notice the small group, as well.

Ruby: Shadow!

Tenka: Doc!

Ruby and Tenka called out as soon as they found me.

Then, they readied their weapons as they aimed it at the animatronic, for me to step in front of Michael to raise my hand in front of me, telling them not to shoot.

Me: STRM, Rubes, WAIT!!!! This one's with us. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't be freed from those things.

I said.

This made them lower their weapons.

Mitchell: So, that huge abomination of parts... is that thing?

Me: Yes.

Rachel: But, he's now small like us.

Me: Because he has a dangerous and gifted semblance that commands parts and junk to converge on him and away from him.

Ruby: Wow...

Ruby exclaimed.

Ruby: So, does it have a name?

Michael Afton: Michael, Michael Afton.

Mitchell: So, you talk? That'll make things easier for us, then.

Tenka: Wait! You said your last name is Afton, yes?

Michael Afton: Yes.

Tenka: That means your father is... William Afton, is it not?

Michael Afton: Don't invoke his name... I'm done with him after what he did to me.

Rachel: Huh?

Me: Let me explain what he told me... it's gonna be a lot of Q and As after that.

A few minutes later,

Tenka: So, after he killed you off after giving you that fake phone call about your dead sister, he left?

Michael Afton: That is what happened, really. He left me for dead in Sister Location.

Rachel: I'm sorry...

Mitchell: This must be really hard on you.

Michael Afton: Meh, like I said to Shadow before, I managed to get over it. So, it's behind me,... except for my father...

Ruby: I'm guessing you have some unfinished business, like Ozpin and Salem?

Michael Afton: You can say that.

Me: mhm. Oh, by the way, what brings you all here?

Rachel: Oh yeah.

Tenka: We're here to see that you're fine.

Tenka said to answer my question.

Michael Afton: He's fine. He was just paying respects to the deceased members of the farm back there.

Michael said as he stood aside to show the huge wooden cross I made thrusted into the snowy ground, for them to take notice of this.

Tenka: I see.... like that time at-

Ruby: Shion.

Rachel: Yeah, but... different.

Me: Yeah.

Michael Afton: What happened?

Ruby: The town, Shion. Was attacked by Bandits. Then, with all the panic, the Grimm came. We found one survivor but....

Me: He was deceased. So, I had to send him off in a different way.

I said.

My teammates and Ruby looked at me. I looked back at them and smiled.

Me: Well, you guys head back first. I'm about to finish up.

Tenka: Alright. Rach, Mitch, let's go.

Rachel and Mitchell: Alright.

Ruby: We won't leave without you, kay'?

Me: I know you guys won't.

I replied.

Ruby went up to me as she gave me a kiss on the cheek, for me to kiss her back on the cheek. After that kiss, Ruby giggled at me and soon after, she turned to take her leave, catching up with my team.

After watching them leave for a brief moment, I looked back at Michael.

Me: So, now that the house has been burnt down, I think?

Michael Afton: It's burnt down, but... those things back there have returned back to hiding, thanks to my semblance that you said that it's called that made my abomination-like body and no thanks to the flames. Luckily there is enough snow for me to extinguish the fire. I also managed to locked the cellar so that they won't come back up as a considered bonus.

Me: Ah, that's good. Well, to continue my point,... where will you go now?

I question Michael, knowing that he has nowhere and else to go.

Michael Afton: Well,... no one has ever found me out before. So,... like my killer father... I-

Michael stopped halfway when he saw me placing his hand on his animatronic shoulder. He looked at me in confusion as he noticed me smiling.

Me: Don't worry.

Michael Afton: Huh?

Me: Why don't you stick around with us in the Shadows for now till I find you a room to sleep, okay?

Michael Afton: But... my father...

Me: Forget about him. That's the past. Think about your new future that you'll be embracing, despite the hardships. embrace your new future, with us. 

I said, offering out my hand.

Michael Afton: R-Really??? After what I've told you?

Me: Yes. You are a good man, Michael. And you always will be. So, prove to me that you're a better person. A better person than your killer for a father.

I said.

Michael looked at my hand as he looked at his own hand.

Me: Take your time to decide. The choice is yours to decide alone.

Michael looks on as he thought hard on what I said.


I made my way to the trailer as I hopped on, again.

Qrow: You good?

Me: Hmm?

Qrow: My niece has told me what you were doing, and the robot you met.

Me: I see. Well, I'm good. But still, the people back at the farm, deserved better, though...

Qrow: Yeah... 

Kouta: And about the robot you've met. I heard about his father... I still can't believed he got released...

Me: So you knew?

Kouta: Yes. Due to lack of evidence that he was the killer, the officials had to release him.

Me: Yeah... But we can't blame Michael for this, he has no part of it.

Kouta: sighs.... True.

Ruby: So, Shadow. Where is he now?

Ruby ask.

I looked back at the woods as I thought of what I said.


Michael took my hand and shook it.

Michael Afton: Thank you... for giving me this second chance... it means a lot...

Me: Don't mention it. And also, welcome to the group to save the world, heheh.

I replied.

Michael Afton: Save the world? Now that's a huge activity.

Me: Yeeeeaaaahhh, seeing we need to hunt down some objects which will take forever, we may need someone who has the capability in an appearing and disappearing act, and going through rooms or security without getting spotted by cameras and shit.

Michael Afton: Well... seeing that my father programmed his animatronics and me to work like this to make this happen on the cameras and stuff, I think I might be able to help you. 

Me: Really? 

Michael Afton: Yeah. So,... what's the job?

Michael ask in his distorted voice.

I smiled when he asked that.

Me: Well, did you notice that golden object on my girl?

Michael Afton: Yes, I did notice it on her belt. Is it important?

Me: Yes. In fact, it is important to the World. And since we have one, there are three still out there, and I need your help to locate them in three different academies.

Michael Afton: Done. Tell me where the Academies are?


I smiled.

Then, I look back at Ruby to answer her question.

Me: Michael is out there, seeing to what he wants to do with his life. Maybe perhaps, he'll get a new body in the process.

Ruby: I see...

Me: Hey, don't worry about him. I'm sure he's fine out there.

Ruby: Okay.

Ruby said, feeling assured that Michael will be fine out there by himself.

I then placed my hands on her shoulders as I sooth her a bit so she won't cry.

Me: And don't worry about her. I'm sure we'll meet her again, somehow... when we have the chance, that is.

I said.

Ruby nods at my response about Penny.

Me: That's my girl.

I smiled.

After soothing Ruby, something that Maria said hit me. Then, I turn my attention to Maria and began to ask question.

Me: Ms. Calavera? Something hit me which requires my attention. You knew how the Silver Eyes are used when you told Rubes what to do with them. How?

I asked.

Upon hearing this, this made Ruby question Maria how she knows about the Silver eyes, too.

Ruby: Yeah. Ms. Calavera? How do you know so much about the Grimm? And in the tunnels you knew exactly what you said to make me... to make my eyes do that? How?

Me: Yeah, how do you know?

3rd Person's POV:

After hearing Ruby and Shadow's questions, this made us see Maria close her optic eyes and smile at them, before answering their quesitons.

Maria: Well, isn't it obvious, kids? I had silver eyes.

Maria answered.

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The sixth episode of the Sixth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. Whoa, a cliffhanger here. And boy, I'm glad they are out of the house. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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