Volume 6: The Coming Storm

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the fifth episode of the SIXTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

Something screech behind me causing to get scared while hitting the gong real hard

A/N: DUDE!!!!!

Michael: Sorry.

3rd Person's POV:

A snow storm appears at the 'BRUNSWICK FARMS', making visibility to be very difficult in the storm. The wind howled as the blizzard raged on behind them. 

Ruby sighed. 

Ruby: I don't get it. The empty towns I've passed through were all damaged or unfinished. But this place looks... fine.

Team RWBY and STRM, Imagins, Kouta, Haruto, Qrow, Oscar, and Maria arrive at the porch of a residence as they try to seek refuge.

Weiss: Maybe everyone left in a hurry. Before things took a turn?

Weiss is shivered as she wraps her arms around her to keep herself warm from the cold air. Tenka then placed his jacket on Weiss, keeping her warm.

Weiss: Thanks, Tenka.

Tenka: No problem.

Qrow jiggles the doorknob of the house and tries to open the door, only to notice it was locked. Qrow tensed up. 

Kouta: Trouble?

Qrow: Hmm. Stay on guard.

Qrow reminded before he kicked the door open, and everyone proceeded forward with their weapons drawn, cautiously looking around the place. They stood their ground, waiting for something, anything to come charging at them. However, there was nothing.

Shadow: LZ's clear...

I whispered.

Maria: Close the door already!

Maria walks into the house. 

Maria: It's cold enough in here as it is.

Afterwards, Blake and Oscar push a nearby drawer to block the door.

Blake: Rachel and I saw a chimney from the outside.

Blake mentions 

Rachel: Yeah. Maybe we could get a fire going?

Ruby: That's a great idea, Blake. Rachel.

Ruby agreed. 

Tenka: Weiss and I'll look for some blankets.

Tenka stated, walking off to find the blankets with Weiss.

Qrow: Yang, go with her.

Qrow ordered, to which Yang followed, trailing behind Weiss and Tenka.

Ruby and Shadow lingered by the entrance hall for the bit while the others look around. Oscar, the Imagins including Ryotaro can be heard opening a door while looking around at the living room and study/library.

Oscar: Looks like a study. Or, a library?

Oscar noticed.

Sieg: It's a Library, young man.

Oscar: Oh. Okay.

Ruby walks forward to notice a group of pictures on the wall of the family that owns Brunswick Farms. Blake walks up next to her.

Blake: What do you think?

Ruby: Something doesn't feel right.

Ruby muttered.

Shadow: Yeah.... you and me both, Rubes.... I have a bad feeling about this....

Ruby: Yeah... Let's look for some--

Suddenly, a familiar high-pitched scream is heard.

Ruby: Weiss!

Tenka (Upstairs): DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shadow: Tenka!

Shadow, Ruby and Blake head up the stairs and run into the room Yang and Weiss were in, with Tenka leading them to where they are. Qrow, Kouta, Haruto, Momotaros/Ryotaro, Rachel and Mitchell also arrived to the scene. They look on the bed to see a pair of sickly green, decomposing corpses...

Momotaros/Ryotaro: WHUUU!!!!!

Mitchell: GAAH!!

Shadow quickly went up to them as he examined the body, to his surprise, there were no signs of restrains, marks or slash marks.

Shadow: (Sighs) Both, gone! Drained from their blood, aura and spirit. What makes it so interesting and mysterious is.... they weren't murdered..... is like their blood.... aura and spirit were just, drained outta their systems while they are asleep....

He implied to everyone about the bodies' status.

A few minutes later,

A fire is burning in the fireplace. Weiss watches it, still shaken from what she had seen earlier. She flinches when something covers her shoulder and calms down almost immediately when she saw it was just Blake wrapping a blanket around her before sitting on the couch Yang is on. Shadow's teammates were settling the blankets and their sleeping bags as they sat close to the fire. The group hears the door open and close, to see Qrow and Shadow walking back in brushing snow off themselves as they went off to check on the other houses several minutes ago.

Qrow: It's the same in every house.

Qrow said, walking up to them.

Yang: What?

Yang asked.

Shadow: Bodies. Every bed in every home. It's like the whole estate just went to sleep and never woke up.

Qrow: Yeah... like what the doc said.

Shadow told her, with Qrow agreeing to Shadow's point. Then, he knelt by the fireplace to warm his hands. Whereas for Shadow, he overlooked that everyone is okay and safe.

Weiss: Then we're not staying here, right?

Weiss asked.

Qrow: We don't have a choice. Storm outside's only getting worse. We'd freeze to death before we made it anywhere.

Tenka: He has a point. If we go now, we'd freeze to death...

Kintaros: Then we make ourselves comfortable here at the time being.

Maria: Well, might as well get comfortable, like the Bear said.

Maria stated as she walked toward the nearest bookcase.

Kintaros: Hmmm. (Snoring)

Yang huffed.

Yang: Yeah, fat chance.

Ruby: Okay, then, let's do something. If this place wasn't abandoned it might still have supplies we could use.

Ruby smiled as she stood up, trying to brighten the mood. 

Oscar: Hey, yeah. Maybe even a car. 

Oscar added.

Qrow: I'll do another sweep of the grounds. No one else goes anywhere alone.

Qrow warned as he left the living room.

Blake stood up from the couch and walked beside her blonde teammate. 

Blake: Yang and I can search the other buildings for vehicles.

Yang: Fine, whatever gets me out of this house.

Yang growled with annoyance.

Rachel: Mitchell and I will look for more resources to help with the transport to hold as many people as we can. If we find anything, it will benefit ourride out of here.

Mitchell: Yeah, good idea.

Mitchell implied.

Shadow: Alright, be safe.

With that, Rachel, Mitchell, Yang and Blake left the house, with Ruby and Shadow to move the drawer to let them exit. Afterwards, Ruby looks over to see Weiss at the doorway to the living room with a melancholic look on her face.

Ruby: Food always makes me feel better.

Ruby mentioned, chuckling nervously.

Ruby: Just saying.

Weiss stared at Ruby, before sighing. 

Weiss: Right...

Shadow: Then I will leave you two to it. I will keep an eye out of the house.

Weiss stood up and walked beside Ruby as they both leave the room, leaving Tenka, the Imagins, Oscar and Maria alone together.

Maria: I'll tell you what. You keep that fire fed...

Maria started, finding a book with an "I" on the cover on the bookshelf. 

Maria: ... and I'll find us a story to read before bed.

Maria sits back down on the couch and begins reading while Oscar sighs.


Outside the farmhouse, Blake and Yang walk through the snowstorm toward a nearby shed. They enter it and find rows of shelves full of tools and spare parts, and a tractor.

Blake: Something tells me that's not street legal.

Blake comments, looking at the tractor, as the two of them continue walking through the shed.

Yang: What do you think happened here?

Yang wondered.

Blake: There's that well in the square. Maybe water contamination?

Blake guessed.

Yang: Yeah, maybe.

Yang stops for a second and puts a hand on her forehead as if her head is bothering her.

Blake: Hey, are you okay?

Blake asked worryingly.

Yang: Yeah... I mean, no. But, I don't know. I'm just tired.

Blake: Yeah.

With that, Yang continues to walk forward until--

Yang: Hey, I found something.

Yang sees a large flatbed trailer next to a window. Through the window, Yang sees a figure of Adam Taurus unsheathing his sword. Yang gasps and reels back, her PTSD triggering. Blake runs up to her in worry.

Blake: What is it?!

Yang: I... 

Yang began but never finished as she looks back outside but sees a tree in the place where Adam stood.

Yang sighs wearily. 

Yang: I was just seeing things. I'm sorry. I still get flashes from that night.

Blake sees Yang's flesh hand shaking uncontrollably before she composes herself.

Yang: Do you think Adam's still out there?

Yang asked.

Blake: I don't know. If he went back to the White Fang there would have been serious consequences. But, he never really liked people telling him what to do. Adam's strong, but his real power comes from control. He used to get in my head, make me feel small. But now I see he just wanted to pull me down to his size. 

Blake explained.

The both of them look at Yang's prosthetic hand, before Blake decides to grasp it.

Blake: Hey, I'm not leaving. And if we ever see him again, I promise I'll be there.

The two share a smile.

Blake: And I'll protect you.

At this, Yang's eyes widen and her expression turns into a frown.

Yang: What?

Yang asked with a bit of anger on her tone.

Blake: What? 

Blake asked, oblivious.

Yang pulls her hand back, starts to walk away, leaving the shed. 

Yang: Forget it. Let's just head back.

Blake: But what about--

Yang: We're fine. We can hook that flatbed up to Bumblebee in the morning. It's large enough to carry everyone. Mission accomplished. 

Yang walks away while Blake looks down sadly.


Mitchell's POV:

Rachel and I have been to every house in the farm we just entered to seek shelter. We found some scrap metal, parts and resources to make something but nothing to drive us out of this farm. While looking around inside and outside the last house, I noticed Rachel's head looking downwards, to my worry.

Me: Rach? Are you okay?

Rachel: Yeah.... wait, no.... (Sighs) I'm not sure already....

Me: (Sighs) I know what you are talking about. What we heard? Ozpin's secret? Salem is immortal? How many secrets does Ozpin have to keep from us?!

I exclaimed.

Rachel: Yeah.... I know where you're going with this.... you saw how Shadow reacted after they helped him up, right??

Me: Yeah.... it was bad....


3rd Person's POV:

Everyone waited for Shadow to come to when there was a reaction happening on Shadow's body as his aura began to crackle. As soon as the relic's glow stops glowing and falls on the snowy ground, Shadow was slowly brought down to his one-leg kneeling position while holding something in his hand. Seeing that he was a bit weak, Tenka, Ruby and Haruto helped him up.

Shadow: Thanks, guys... I need the support a bit.

Momotaros: Dude! You okay?!

Qrow: Kid, what happened in there?!

Shadow: Long story short, an extended version of Ozpin's past.... Ozpin is not the only one hiding something. Salem, too. They both are currently hiding something beneath our feet.... if Ozpin dies again.... we'll hear the end of it.

Kouta: Meaning?

Shadow: It will destroy us all...

Qrow: Let me guess, a more stronger Grimm of some so-

Shadow: No...... something far more sinister than the Grimm....

When Shadow announced this, everyone went silent in shock.

Mitchell: Ugh... how many secrets has Ozpin been hiding from us???

Tenka: Yeah, least he could is tell us so we can help him.

Mitchell: I have to admit there, I'm with Yang on this one.

Yang looked at her lover.

Yang: (nods)

Mitchell: No pressure.

Shadow sighed.

Then, Shadow looked at Oscar, thinking that Ozpin is still there, prepping himself to do something and gave Oscar a heads up.

Shadow: Oscar.... nothing personal but still, I'm sorry about what I'm about to do.

Oscar: Ummm, okay? And sorry for what?

Shadow shot up towards Oscar to everyone's shock.

Ruby: Shadow?!

Momotaros: HEY!!! SHADOW!!!

Tenka: DOC!!!!!!

Sieg: HEY!!!!!!

Shadow grabbed Oscar by his shirt collar as he shook Oscar around, thinking Ozpin can hear me. he shook him and yelled at Oscar, demanding answers from Ozpin.


Qrow: HEY!!!!! Kid, knock it off!!!!

Shadow demanded as Momotaros, Urataros, Kintaros, Ryutaros, Sieg, Tenka, Ruby, Mitchell and Qrow rushed up to Shadow as they pulled him away from Oscar with Tenka going in front of Shadow, making him relax a bit.

Tenka: DUDE!!!!! LOOK AT ME!!! RELAX! RELAX!!!



As Tenka tried to calm Shadow down, Shadow points at Oscar but actually, he's pointing at Ozpin.



Mitchell's POV:

Me: Yeah..... he almost beat Oscar up bad.... real bad....

Rachel: Yeah,.... I  hope leaving Shadow with Tenka and Oscar is a good idea for now....

Me: Meh! Don't worry about it. As long as Tenka is around, Oscar should be fine.

Rachel: Yeah. Good point. So, what about Salem and the Relics???

Me: Well, Rach. All I can say is... I hope we get the lamp to Atlas..... and once we get it there, we'll be safe there..... and we'll find a way to stop Salem, here on out.... which hopefully Shadow has an idea.... soon....

Rachel places her hand on my shoulder.

Rachel: Yeah.... soon. 

We both have a moment of silence as we looked at each other.

Rachel: Well, let's keep looking for parts and supplies, Mitch.

Me: Yeah, Rach. Let's go.

And with that, we both proceeded to searching for supplies and parts to help with the ride, if possible, a vehicle, too.


3rd Person's POV:

Back at the house, Oscar was warming himself up when Shadow came up to him. He stood up as he began to talk to him.

Oscar: Hey...

Shadow: Hey...

Oscar: Well,.... I guess that's what you meant when said, "Nothing Personal", back at the Tundra?

Shadow scratched the back of his head in embarraement.

Shadow: Yeah.... that's what I meant. Hey, about my assault and those words I said.... I want to  say that I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.... I didn't mean you.... I mean it for Ozpin and I-

Oscar: It's okay, Shadow. I know. It's alright, Shadow. You did apologise back at the tundra and you did say nothing personal in advance so, it's fine. But still, thanks for not bashing me to death.

Oscar said sarcastically.

Shadow: It's okay, and no probs. So,....

Shadow offered out his hand.

Shadow: We cool???

Oscar: Yeah. I guess we're cool.

Oscar implied while accepting his hand and shook it.

Maria: Now here's a sight I admire. 'Forgive and Forget' is what people always say when they apologise.

Shadow: Heheh.... yeah.

Oscar: True.

Shadow: Well, now that this is out of the way, I shall take my leave outside to ensure that there are no Grimm outside.

Oscar: Yeah. Wait, didn't-

Shadow: I know. I won't be gone long. I will be at the roof.

Oscar: Oh, okay. Be safe.

Shadow: I will. 

Shadow replied as he opened a portal to the roof of the house and went through it. Once he's at the roof, he closed the portal behind him.

Oscar: Does..... anyone know that he can do that???

Tenka: Well,..... with an orb yes. But with his hands,.... that's a first.

Momotaros: Dibs on us to sayhe did that a few times.

Kintaros: Shut up!

Kintaros said while slapping Momotaros in the head with his palm.

Momotaros: OOOOOOOO!!!! WHY YOU!!!

Momotaros said as he began to have a heated squabble with Kintaros, with Urataros, Ryutaros and Sieg to try break up the fight, to Tenka's annoyance.

Oscar: So,.... should we help those three???

Tenka: (sighs) I guess we should....

Tenka implied as the two made their way to them as they tried helping them break the fight up.


My POV: 

I was standing on the rooftop of the house we willbe staying for the night as I looked further into the snowy tundra from where I was standing. I sighed as I pondered about the answers I got from my code and Ruby's questions, asking myself if there is a way to defeat or destroy Salem, and how do we destroy that Chojou while looking around the Farm to ensure there are no unwanted company in the premises.

As I looked around, I began to close my eyes to calm myself down after what happened out there back at the Tundra. While my eyes were closed, my aura began to glow and my semblance began to leak out around my body as it surrounds me as I began to sing the same song I sung back at Mistral.

Me: Gatrandis babel ziggurat edenal~

Emustolronzen Finé el balal zizzl~

Gatrandis babel ziggurat edenal~

Emustolronzen Finé el zizzl~

A few minutes later,

I was still on the rooftop but in my kneeling position as I kept singing the same song that mom sang to me back when I was an infant, with my Giga Grimm Battle Nizer right in front of me on the floors of the rooftop with Solomon's Cane connected tight on the bottom end of the weapon itself. 

(A/N: Solomon's Cane.)

While singing, he opened his eyes as he sensed something walk passed this very house. He then wield Giga Grimm Battle Nizer as he proceeded down onto the snowy grounds, walking towards where he sensed that "something" that walked passed the house we are living for just one day. Then, it dawn to me that if I were to be out here, I should give those who are now outside a hand by looking for resources. And with that, I decided to multi-task my way through while looking for the culprit.

As Shadow was looking around for resources to get out of the farm when the snow storm dies down and for the culprit who's been lurking around the Farm, for some reason, his eyes began to glitch again, to his annoyance. 

Me: rrrrrrr... why are my eyes doing this!!! It only happens when it's game time..... ladies, whats going on?! 

Unnamed Summer Maiden: I'm not sure. When we first step foot here when the maidens and Summer Rose looked around, it all began to glitch, too. 

Amber: So, we wouldn't know what's happening to you.... 

Me: huh. Weird.... 

I implied as the glitch became worse. 


I yelled, only for the glitch to stop and-- 

???: YoU ShOUlDn't hAvE cOmE HeRe. 

-- a human-like robotic voice sounded off for me to look in front of me, only to jump with fright, landing on my bum as I saw some kind of.... thing in front of me in the snow

(A/N: ???.)

Me: (panicking while being frightened) WWWWWHAT the heck are you.....????

I questioned.

???: FeElS rEal, hUh? ThiS House? The FaRM? ThE GrouNd? ThE NegATIvity in ThE aIr? WhAt yOu Are rEAlly SeeINg and FeELInG nOW Are the HaUnTiNgs of THIs fARm tHat drOVe me AnD my family aWay FrOm tHIS wRETched place, with tHesE cUrrenT peOpLe yOU have sEEn up in ThEiR RoOMs, dEAd AfTeR bRaVIng tHe hAUNtingS. WeLl,... iF tHeRE Is sUcH a wORd aS 'BrAvInG'.

Me: Actually there's such a word called, 'Braving' but still, w-w-what are y-you talking about?!

???: TheRE are hAUnTiNgS tHAt aRe fORcED to Be RecKoNEd wITh. HaUnTiNgS tHaT aRe uNkIllabLe bY hAnD and bY wEApOnS oR toOLS, hAUnTiNgS thaT WiLl foRCe manIPuLatE yOUR fEElinGS to mAKe you gIVe up hopE till all is lOsT till yOu die in thaT HoUsE YoU aRe STaYiNg in fOr the NiGht.

Me: Force Manipulate your feelings till you die???

I questioned, still frightened by the Robot in front of me.

???: OH! ParDoN me.... WhErE's my maNneRS? HoW silLy of mE..... I forGot to intRoDucE mYSElf. So, lEt'S StaRt fRoM the ToP

Me: Okay..... So... My name's Shadow, Shadow Wrath. You are???

???: Hi, My naMe is Afton... Michael Afton.

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The fifth episode of the Sixth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. Whoa, a cliffhanger here. Wonder what Michael Afton is doing here. Well, one way to find out is when Episode 6 comes out. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And,if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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