Volume 6: Argus Limited

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Hey everyone! It's me once again, Shadow 264 and WELCOME to the first episode of the SIXTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose where everything will begin, ONCE AGAIN but this time, everyone is making their way to Argus to catch a flight to the Kingdom of Atlas, BABY!!! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

*hits gong really really hard*










A/N: -Home. (A/N: The Rock reference.)


Outside the House,

Me: You sure you don't want to come along with us?

Outside the house, I asked Kieron Prime as he noticed some of his autobots and some of his Prime comrades packing up and making their way into Fortress Maximus in his ship mode

(A/N: Fortress Maximus - Ship mode.)

Kieron Prime: As much as I would want to join you but.... if we were to go on board the train, we will be slowing you guys down.

Me: Slowing us down as in the emotional way or the weight of the train kind of way???

Kieron Prime: Actually, it's the train kinda way.

Me: Weighing down the train kind of way. Got it. So, your guys suggested anything to counter that??

Kieron Prime: Well, if there is a will, there's a way. That's why we have Fortress Maximus with us, I'm currently waiting for Ratchet to update me about Fortress Maximus.

Me: Cool.

I said as I noticed Ratchet walking towards Kieron.

(A/N: Ratchet.)

Ratchet: Kieron.

Kieron Prime: Ratchet.

Me: Hey, Ratchet. How are you doing? And how are the bots?

Ratchet: Doing well, actually.

Me: That's good.

Kieron Prime: That's good to hear, Ratchet. Either way, what's the report Fort Max???

Rachet: Right. After the battle for Haven, the autobots and myself found some minor damages that we can repair. So far, we all managed to do that with Perceptors's help. Energon Levels on Fortress Maximus is now on full, thanks to the assistance of the Ancient Elemental Warriors.

Me: Oh? My dad is part of the Elemental Council.

Kieron Prime: And Ratchet and I are aware of it. And we are thankful for you to have a father like him.

I look back at my dad and the five others of the Council as they use their powers to create more Energon for them so that the autobots can sustain themselves for a long time.

Me: Yeah. I'm thankful, too that he's here with me. And hey. I know how of a close friends my dad and Optimus Prime was before. But don't worry, Optimus Prime will always be in our hearts and sparks. I know it.

Kieron Prime: Yeah. Point made there, son of Apollo. Thank you for the encouragement.

Me: Eh no problem, my friend. (Looks at FortressMaximus in ship mode)

Ironhide: Prime, Ship's ready, let's get ready for take of!

Kieron Prime: I will.

Ironhide leaves to board the ship. I look at Keiron.

Me: Looks like they are ready to go, my friend. And it would seem everyone is hopping on board and seeing that this ship sustains well.

Kieron Prime: Yes, When it comes to Fortress Maximus, he is the last line of defense in hoping to win the war against the Decepticons.

Ratchet: Without Fortress Maximus, you see, it will then tip to the decepticon's favour.

Then, I see Jazz along with Warpath walking towards Kieron and Ratchet to continue their explanation.

Jazz: And to make matter's worse, the cons have Trypticon, Scorponok and few more powerful combiners, with Dark Predaking to be the most powerful.

Warpath: And if Fortress Maximus goes, it's "KA-BOOM!" Town for us.

Ratchet: Yes...

Me: Not exactly, autobots.

Me: I see.

Ratchet, Jazz & Warpath: ???

Me: Kieron, guys, if you were observing, you all have two additional primes and with Kieron's special ability to combine each of the Primes to become arsenals of combinations, Jet Storm will never see what hit him and his cons.

Kieron Prime: Oh yeah, fair point there.

Ratchet: Yeah, but we only have two Primes with us. Are you certain there's more on Remnant?

Me: If two came on our doorstep like Trinity and Lunos, there is a chance that there are more out there.

Warpath: Then let's look for them and "KA-BLAM!" the cons, once and for all!

Grimlock: Kieron!

(A/N: Grimlock.)

Ratchet, Kieron Prime, Jazz, Warpath and I looked at the entrance of Fortress Maximus to see Grimlock waiting up for the Autobot Leader and Medic.

Grimlock: Me Grimlock say we are ready to go! All of the Energon are set and ready to go.

Kieron Prime: Alright. I will be right there. (Looks at Shadow) Well, guess I should be going now. Although we will be meeting each other again at Argus, but still, we shall meet again.

Me: Indeed. Till All Are One. (Offers hand)

Kieron Prime: Yes. Till All Are One, my friend. (Accepts hand)

He said as he accepts and shook hands. After which, we release our hands from our handshake as I watched Kieron, Jazz, Warpath and Ratchet walk up into Fortress Maximus in ship mode, watching it take off as it made its way towards Argus. I watched as Fortress Maximus in ship mode flying off to Argus, disappearing from the distance, for me to shed a tear a bit.

My dad took notice of this and placed his hand on my shoulder, comforting me.

Apollonir: We'll see him again at Argus, I assure you.

Me: .... Alright then... So, you ready to go to Argus???

Apollonir: Yes, son. Ready when you are.

He said as he went to his Council Members.

Apollonir: My  Council Members, as much as I want to stay but-

Lars Lion: We know, Apollonir. We all do. You have a family and sometimes, in a line of defense, Family comes First when you fight for the world.

Clayf: And not to forget, our Council's name, my old friend.

Frosch: Yes. 

Apollonir: I will uphold my honour in my journey, my fellow Council Members.

Oberus: Look after your son, Apollo.

Exedra: And ensure he's away from harm.

Apollonir: That I will do, too my friends.

Apollonir and the other five ancient elemental warriors did their formal handshake. After which he went to me as he had me check around inside of the house to see if we left anything behind and for anything suspicious while Apollonir goes of to check around outside of the house for anything suspicious.

Apollonir: Son, I'll check outside of the perimeter of the house. You check inside in case we left anything behind or for anything suspicious.

Me: Okay, dad. Team, let's chack the inside of the house. Ensure that everyone has taken their valuables. 

T.R.M: Yes, Doc.

Roland: Shadow, it would be paramount that my team join your father in his inspection outside the house and it's perimeters.

Me: Granted.

Roland: Thank you. Team, check around the perimeter in case of anything suspicious.

N.H.K: Understood, Arcadia.

Inside the Empty House,

3rd Person's POV:

Team STRM were looking around at every floor of the house and so far, they found nothing inside and no one has left any valuables behind inside. After a few minutes of inspecting the interior of the house, they gathered at the living room, they began to speakamongst each other.

Mitchell: Well, everything checks out.

Tenka: Yep. My sector's clear.

Rachel: My area's clear, too.

Shadow: Same applies for me, too. (Looks at Tenka) So, Tenka, does your mother know that you are on your way to Atlas???

Tenka: Yes, she knows by two pointers. And she will be waiting for us at Atlas as we speak.

Shadow: Cool.

Shadow and Tenka said. When they looked at Rachel and Mitchell, they have speechless looks on their faces.

Mitchell: ... And how did you do that?

Rachel: Yeah.....

Mitchell and Rachel questioned.

Tenka: That's easy. Remember the rustling noise behind us when we were outside of the house and I told you guys that I will check it out?

Tenka asked.

Rachel: Yeah?

Tenka: That was Max. Apparently he was instructed by mother to see if I'm still alive after the Battle of Haven.

Tenka implied.

Mitchell: Awwwwwwwww..... looks like someone's still a mama's boy.

Rachel: Ooooooooh~

Rachel and Mitchell teased.

Tenka: What?! SHUT UP!!!!

Shadow: Alright, guys. That's enough! Let's not get chessy here. So, everything's clear?

T.R.M: Yep.

Shadow: Okay then. Let's get a move on to the Train Station.

T.R.M: Yeah.

Shadow's teammates agreed as the team made their way out of the house as they prepare to leave for the station, to catch a train to Argus. As they exited the house, Shadow suddenly have a flashback between Orochi and himself.


3rd Person's POV:

Orochi: So, you're leaving, brother???

Orochi, leader of the Build Tenma Tribe questioned Shadow as he informed her sister that he and the rest have to leave for Argus and to Atlas.

Shadow: Yes, Sister. As much as I want to remain to talk with you more, but I'm afraid saving Remnant is paramount. But, are you sure you don't want to come with us?

Orochi: As much as I want to but... I have something, Cinder wants....

Shadow: Oh yeah? What?

Shadow questioned.

Then, Orochi opened up her palm in front of Shadow as she conjoured a small fireball and at the same time, the eyes on her Mask is engulfed with Fire streaks, similar to Cinder's but this time, her dragonic hair, too is engulfed with a huge fire streak to give it its fiery look from beind, to Shadow's greatest shock.

Shadow: You stole Cinder's power?! When?

Orochi: A few months back before I met you at Vale. She, Emerald,Mercury and I put up a very good fight. Once Cinder was on the ground, I used Sento's Blank FullBottle to only absorb little of her powers no thanks to "you know who".

Shadow: Emerald and Mercury.... But, Emerald's semblance. Her illu-

Orochi: Illusions?? (scoffs) Hah! Don't make me laugh. Her illusions are merely a distraction to me.

Orochi scoffs as she commented on Emerald's semblance, insulting her semblance where ever she may be now.

Shadow: I take it you found a way to concentrate on your enemies instead on her illusions, from the way you are now saying that.

Orochi: It's all a matter of having your "Spider Senses" to tingle and, I'll manage.

Shadow: Hmm, one of the Pandora Box's Best Matches, I suppose?

I guessed.

Orochi: Guessed correctly, with my Tribal Outfit.

Orochi implied while showing Spider and Reizoko FullBottles.

Shadow: Well now, Nice. Well, with that aside and reasons aside as we have our reasons to stay and go, (Spread my arms out) take care of yourself with Sento and the others, sister.

Orochi: I shall. Likewise to you too and the rest of your comrades, my brother.

Orochi implied and went in for a hug with Shadow.



Tenka: Shadow?

 I hear my teammate calling my name as I snap back to reality.

Rachel: You're spacing out.

Tenka: You okay?

Me: Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that my sister won't be joining us.

Mitchell: Hey, don't worry, Cap. She is joining us, "In Spirit", even though she's with her tribe.

Tenka: Yeah, Doc. Your sister may not physically be here but, she is always here, in your heart.

Rachel: Diddo, Tenka.

I nod at their responses about my sister being with me in my heart even though she's back at the tribe.

Me: Yeah, excellent point there. Thanks.

I thanked my team before meeting up with my love, Qrow and Team RNHK.

Me: Everything clear?

Roland: Yup.

Ruby: Everything's sweeped Nothing suspicious. You, Shadow?

Me: It's all good in there, too.

Apollonir: That's good to hear.

Me: Yeah.

I replied while locking the house door.

Apollonir: So son, whenever you are ready, let's hear it.

I see everyone having their valuable ready to go as they await my instructions.

Me: (sighs) Is this going to happen in future when I become god, Summer???

Summer (In Shadow's mind): As a matter of fact.... yes, it will.

Me: Right.... let's make good use of this.... guys.....

I look as everyone are looking at me as I smirked.

Me: Guys, let's rap it up, and roll to Mistral Central Station to Argus!

At Salem's Domain, 

3rd Person's POV:

While Salem was practising on her new skills due to her upgrades she had from the defeated enemies from some of the heisei riders that were defeated, in Gemdeus Machina's room, Johnny Maxima looked at the two individuals in the darkness as he had a smirk on his face.

Johnny Maxima: You both know your assignments. Kill Mister Shadow and his group, claim the Relic of Knowledge for your Grace, and DO . Not . fail me.

The two individuals nod as they exit his room. After which, Johnny Maxima noticed Jet Storm walking past. So, he called him in.

Johnny Maxima: Mister Jet Storm!!! ... a word, please?

As instructed, Jet Storm entered in his room.

Jet Storm: Yes, your grace? You called?

Johnny Maxima: Yes. As stated before, your grace and I praise you for your troops' Strength, Might and Superiority in willing to take over the World of Remnant by force. However, I question about this, "Scorponok" Ship Mode of yours. Are the cons on the way, with him?!

Johnny Maxima questioned Jet Storm as he has red eyes to signal to him that he demands an answer.

Jet Storm: I thank you for the compliment, your grace. And for Scorponok's arrival, I have been informed by Soundwave that we just got him out of Orbit from Cybertron, and is now on his way to the Wrold of Remnant, as we speak.

Johnny Maxima: Hmmm.... seeing that he just left your destroyed planet and he's currently on his way here, very well then. See to his arrival, immediately.

Jet Storm: At once, your grace.

Johnny Maxima: Hmm. You are dismissed.

Johnny Maxima implied as he  allowed Jet Storm to take his leave to see to Scorponok's arrival, until...

Johnny Maxima: Oh, and Jet?

Jet Storm stops as he looks back at Johnny Maxima.

Johnny Maxima: Though I respect you to see you are the Leader of the Decepticons, but.... you saw what happens to people, and your people who do fail me... for your sake, my friend... DON'T make a habit of it.

Jet Storm smirked.

Jet Storm: I intend not to, my friend.

Jet Storm said as he took his leave.

Outside Salem's Domain,

The two sillouette individuals who were sent to kill Shadow and his group walked out as they see a group of Manticores and a Sphinx waiting for them.

??? 1: Now these are fancy rides. 

??? 2: Yep. With these Manticores and that Sphinx, we will be unstoppable.

??? 1: Uh huh. So,.... uuuuuh-

??? 2: What?

??? 1: What about, "her"?

??? 1 questioned while the two of them hopped onto the Sphinx and Manticore.

??? 2: Her? You mean Salem?

??? 1: No, The daughter of the Griffon Clan.

??? 2: Nah, She's not so strong. Remember what your grace told us about her? She deserted us.

??? 1: Yeah. Let's go, then.

??? 1 implied as the two individuals began to fly their army of Grimm to Shadow and his group's location, ready to slice and to kill, and of course to claim the Relic of Knowledge.

At the Present Time,

At Mistral Central Station,

In a busy train station of Mistral Central Station, People go about their business; whether they be buying a train ticket, going shopping, eating food, and more. Holographic screens placed throughout the station show different locations. Amongst them are Argus, Wind Path, Kuchinashi, Shion, and Vale, the latter shown to be crossed out with an "Out of Service" message next to it. Qrow Branwen can be seen reading a letter aloud that he wrote to James Ironwood, detailing recent events.

(A/N: Mistral Central Station Lobby.)

Qrow: It's been two weeks since the attack on Haven. The official report states that the plot to destroy Mistral's CCT Tower was thwarted by Ghira Belladonna and the Faunus militia group from Menagerie, joined by the Legend's Black Dragon and his "Rider Group" to rescue her daughter from the enemies' clutches. Huntsmen and some students coincidentally visiting the headmaster were also able to lend some assistance. Unfortunately, Leonardo Lionheart lost his life while trying to defend his school. And those responsible for organizing the attack managed to escape. As I'm sure you can guess, there's a lot more to this report than I'm willing to say in this letter. But for now, what I'm trying to say is that we're on our way to Atlas, James. There's a good chance we'll get there before this letter does, but in case we don't, I need you to know that we're bringing a lot more than bad news with us. See you soon, Qrow.

As Qrow places the letter in a mail box, the venerable Legendary Fire Elemental Huntsman, Apollonir, is seen leaning on one of the pillars behind him, his arms crossed and a frown present in his face.

Apollonir: To think that you would sugar coat what Leo had done.

Qrow: I'm just trying to be discreet, Apollo. 

Qrow reasoned, taking out his flask. 

Qrow: We can't even trust the express these days. I'm not going to take that chance.

The Fire Elemental Warrior removes himself from the pillar and stands upright, sighing to himself as Qrow then takes a sip. 

Apollonir: Well, if anything goes downhill when we get to Atlas, you're up.

Qrow: Yeah yeah, I got it. You'll be next if my explanation goes downhill.

Apollonir: Got it.

Suddenly, Qrow's niece runs by and bumps into him, a small handheld package present in her hand.

Qrow: Hey, what's with the running? 

Qrow exclaims as he wipes his mouth from spilling his drink from the bump as Ruby shouts back in exasperation as she jogs away.

Ruby: And what's with the standing? It's almost time!

Apollonir: She sure is eager, that girl

Apollonir commented before turning his attention away from the running girl and back to Qrow, who just shrugs his shoulders. 

Qrow: Meh...

He mutters, capping his flask and returns it in his back pocket. As Ruby halts her jog for a while, she sees the people chattering, walking up and about in the station lobby, before she uses her Semblance to fly through the gate. She then emerges back into her normal form, smiling and humming, approaching the benches where her companions, minus Blake and Graphite, are waiting.

Yang: And?

Yang asks on how her shopping went. Ruby lets out an excited shriek as she shows them a bag containing bought goods from a nearby gift shop she bought with Shadow's own pocket money  from his previous paycheck given to him before the Vytal Festival as a Doctor-in-training, much to the latter's insistence.

Weiss: What an absolute waste of time--

Yang: What did you get me? 

Yang asked, clearly excited for what Ruby got for her.

Ruby: You'll have to wait and see~!

Ruby teased in a sing-song manner, moving the bag away.

Yang: No fair!

After Ruby sticks her tongue, Yang attempts to snatch the bag from Ruby, who recoils away from her as much as possible; then Rachel jumps from between them, to separate them.

Rachel: Alright you two, break it up, Break it up. There's plenty to go around, you know.

With that, she stands aside to reveal a cart full of assorted goodies from the shops, much to the sisters' delight.

Nora: Oh, I can't believe we're taking the train to Argus! The beautiful northern coastline... You really think it's too early for beach season?

As Nora says this, Shadow, in his Spring Maiden Mode, finds himself daydreaming in sunny beach setting, topless while holding a surfboard by the sea. He chuckles to himself in ridicule as he placed is thumb and index finger together on his thought cloud, popping the imaginary scene out of his head.

Rachel: Yeah, no. 

Rachel said, sitting on top of a luggage that was packed for their trip. 

Mitchell: Waters during this season are dreadfully too cold.

Mitchell implied.

Ren: Quite unfortunate, indeed.

Tenka: True. It'll be really cold when we get there.

Ren agreed with a small nod. 

Ren: But we will be one step closer to Atlas.

Weiss clearly looks unamused by their excitement for reaching Atlas, not knowing the fact how troublesome it was for her during their escape, however it was very fortunate that Haruto aka, Kamen Rider Wizard was there to help with the escape. 

Weiss: Well, I'm glad you're all excited. But I don't think you appreciate the trouble I went through to leave Atlas.

Haruto: I'd beg to differ when you say they're just mere 'troubles' for near-death experiences, Weiss.

The Dragon Wizard retorted as his voice was distorted a bit for the sake of his anonymity. 

Haruto: Falling out of a plane 500 feet above water at breakneck speed is not something to scoff at.

Mitchell: Wow. You always have it rough, huh?

Ruby: I know you're worried, you two, but trust us. Team RWBY won't leave your side for a second! I promise.

Ruby promises with a wide smile. Shadow then stood by Ruby's side and agreed with her statement, placing a hand on her shoulder before adding his own statement; 

Shadow: STRM has always watched your back since day one, so you can be sure to count on my crew and I here too, Weiss.

???: No one's gotta be worried with us around. 

A male voice suddenly interjects, catching the attention of Shadow and the others. They turned their attention towards a pair of Huntsmen walking towards their way, proud looks clearly on their faces, holding their weapons which consisted of a standard-looking rifle and a metallic spiked-war club. They sure mean business. Or so Shadow and others thought.

Shadow: Excuse me?

Nora: Aaaand you are?

???: Why Dee and Dudley of course.

(A/N: Dee and Dudley.)

The man named 'Dee', who carries the war club, answers. 

Dee: The Argus Limited's very own Huntsmen. We'll be keeping everyone safe as we pass through Grimm territory.

Dudley: But for a generous tip,

The other Huntsman 'Dudley', who holds the rifle one, continues. 

Dudley: We can make sure your passenger car gets extra special attention should things.... get dangerous.


Dudley winks as Ruby, Weiss, Yang and Nora give unamused looks; Nora has her arms crossed, Rachel raises an eyebrow, and Weiss rolls her eyes. My eye twitched in annoyance at their attempted flirt with my girl, while Tenka just shakes his head in exasperation. 

Both Huntsmen turn their attention to their Samurai companion aka, Tenka, a look of doubt replacing their once-proud faces.

Qrow: Yeah, I got a tip for ya.

Qrow's voice chimes in, much to the others' relief.

Dee & Dudley: Huh?

Dee and Dudley turn to see Qrow and Apollonir confronting them. Qrow has his hands in his pockets and gives Dee and Dudly a frown while Apollonir has his arms behind his back.

Qrow: Buzz off.

He cautioned. Qrow and Apollonir stands between Ruby and Yang as they make faces, mocking Dee and Dudley in the background.

Me: ...... Reeeaaal mature, you two. Real mature.

I sighed to myself as I shook my head in dismay, while Rachel just stifles her giggle.

Tenka: Buh, they deserved that anyway.

Me: Although that might be true but,... real mature..... -_-

Qrow: Looks like Mistral's really scraping the bottom of the barrel these days.

Dee and Dudley look offended by Qrow's comment. Dee points his finger at Qrow accusingly, 

Dee: Hey! You're talking to a--

Qrow: --A professional Huntsman, right.

He abruptly interrupts as he shows them his huntsman license. 

Qrow: Well, it seems one of you heroes left the staff entrance to the caboose wide open.

Dee and Dudley turn around to the left in surprise at this revelation.

Qrow: (smirks) It'd be a shame to lose your job before it even started.

Dudley: I... I didn't do it!

Apollonir: Less talking, more working, gentlemen. Now, get going. 

The Flame Elemental Warrior chirped, clearly not amused by their rookie mistake. With this, Dee and Dudley walks away from them. 

Dee: Well, I didn't do it either...

Dee argues with Dudley, their voices fading slowly as they disappear in the train.

Apollonir: Hey, Oz. 

Apollonir calls out to Oscar, who happens to be Ozpin's reincarnate. 

Apollonir: If you were enrolling chumps like them back in Beacon, I'd quit being a Huntsman.

Oscar hears Ozpin inwardly chuckling at the Elemental Flame Warrior's words, sounding amused. Oscar also chuckles at this. 

Ozpin: You know sometimes the burden of saving the world feels overwhelming. 

He mutters, turning his head to everyone else. 

Ozpin: But then people like that come along and make me grateful that it's our jobs and theirs.

Everyone hears this collectively agrees with Oscar as they nod at him together.

Jay: Uh-huh.

Crystal: Yeah.

Percival: Correct.

Ruby: Yeah!

Tenka: True.

Me: True.

Apollonir: So, you kids ready to go?

He asks, then turns his attention to Yang. 

Apollonir: Bike's loaded up?

Yang: Yep! 

Yang exclaims.

Rachel: Bee's all loaded up!

Rachel exclaimed before jumping off from the luggage she was sitting on. 

Weiss: Just waiting on Blake and Graphite.

Weiss mentioned.

3rd Person's POV:

Up in the walkways above them, Blake, Graphite, Ankh, Eiji and Sougo are seen conversing with Ilia, who is no longer wearing her usual White Fang garb and is in something more casual.

Ilia: I still don't feel like I deserve the freedom you and your family granted me. Especially since I helped kidnap you and Black Dragon.

Eiji: Cheer up, Ilia. We all make mistakes at times. And anyway, you made up for it by helping knocking Corsac out cold.

Blake: He's right. Saving Haven had a huge impact on how Faunus are seen in Mistral. Now it's up to you all to take the progress and keep running with it.

Ilia nods at this as she looked at us. 

Ilia: Right. The White Fang may have been a failure, but with your father starting up a new movement, I've got more faith than ever before. You and Black Dragon's kidnapping, and your friends with creature and Time Powers played a part in lowering Adam's reputation and raising your father's reputation.

Graphite giggles at the mention. 

Graphite: I didn't think that being the damsel-in-distress would totally help Blake. But, to be honest, it was scary.... although it was worth the plan and doing the right thing that counts, even if I chose to bring myself in harm's way.

Ilia laughs softly as Ankh smiles lightly at the scene. Ilia then runs up to Blake and gives her a big hug.

Ilia: Thank you, Blake, for everything.

After they part from the hug, Ilia turns to the Dragon Bugster and bows to her.

Ilia: Thank you, Black Dragon Man, for your forgiveness.

Graphite: Oh, please Enough with the formalities. 

He waved it off, followed by a small laugh. 

Graphite: Call me Graphite. Any friend of Blake is my friend, too.

Ilia stands up straight and laughs bashfully.

Ilia: That will take some getting used to.

Ankh: But don't worry. I'm sure things will work out eventually.

Sougo: Yeah. You will be part of us in the Royal Faunus Malitia Group who's going to make the Royal White Fang great again.

As Ilia continues to talk with Eiji, Ankh, Sougo, Graphite and Blake, Ilia realized something. 

Ilia: That's weird. Where is---

Graphite: Sun? Oh, they're right here!

Sun shows up a few feet away from them. Blake and Graphite walk over to him.

Sun waves his hand in greeting. 

Sun: Hey there, Graphite.

Graphite: Heheh. Hey, Sun.

Sun: What? You didn't think I was gonna miss your big send-off, did you?

Neptune suddenly pops up from behind him, his finger raised in declaration. 

Neptune: He definitely overslept and absolutely almost missed this.

Sun growls at Neptune before shushing him, obviously not wanting everyone to know that.

Neptune: It's true. 

As Sun was rubbing his nape nervously, Neptune suddenly shoves him forward. 

Neptune: Hey, Blake. 

Neptune greets in gentle manner before turning to Sun with an irritated look. 

Neptune: Now would you hurry up? Need I remind you we have our own trip to plan?

Upon noticing Ilia, he shrugs Suns off of him. 

Neptune: Oh, I didn't know Ilia was gonna be here. I'll, uh, I'll give you two a moment.

He puts his hands behind his head in a relaxing manner as he walks towards Ilia

Neptune: Hey, almost didn't see you there, 'cause, you know, the camouflage?

While Sougo is giggling at this, Blake reaches her hand out to stop Neptune but fails to. Sun shakes his head in dismay.

Graphite rolls her eyes at this. 

Graphite: Now look who's wasting time.

Blake: So, Sun, you're really going to Vacuo?

Sun: That's right, Graph! And that's right, Blake.

Sun exclaimed as he leans on the railing of the walkway. 

Sun: Seeing Blake reunited with the rest of Teams RWBY and STRM really made me realize something - I'm like the worst team leader ever. Me and the boys were cool with a little hiatus, but we gotta make up for lost time. Shade Academy's not dealing with any problems like Haven right now. Plus, that means I can show the guys around my old stomping grounds!

Graphite: Well good luck. And Sun, I'll miss you. I was getting used to having you around.

Sun: I go where I'm needed!

Sun suddenly yells out, putting his fists on his hips while a sunny background appears behind him.

Sun: And... you don't need me anymore, Blake.

Blake: Don't say it like that. It sounds.... sad. 

Blake mutters as her cat ears drooping.

Sun puts a reassuring hand on Blake's shoulder. 

Sun: Look... despite the drama and the fighting and the kidnapping and the numerous attempts on my life, I had a lot of fun! But you both are with who you're supposed to be now.

Blake, Sun, Graphite, Sougo, Ankh, and Eiji all look down at the floor below them at the others. Yang and Ruby are eventually fighting over a bag of goodies, much to Rachel's chagrin as she is seen lazily holding up another bag for the other who wants it, not to mention the cart behind her that is filled with other goodies.

At this, Graphite smiled. 

Graphite: Sun... I want to say, thank you so much for helping me tell me more on what family is and for saving me, sort of.

Sun: Oh, you don't have to thank me Graph! That's what families are for.

Blake then finds herself staring at her boyfriend down there with her friends, leaving her with contemplated thoughts.

Graphite: Are you okay, Blake?

Graphite asks as he notices the look on Blake's face.

Blake shakes her head. 

Blake: I still feel like I have to work things out.

Sun: You will. 

Sun reassured.

Sun: And I've got a feeling you haven't seen the last of me.

Graphite: That, I am certain of.

After a few minutes of talking, everyone left in their separate ways as Neptune and Sun were seen walking down the steps at another way. Neptune limps down, annoyed, before leaving with Sun down the stairs.

Neptune: (sighs) I don't know, man. It just feels like you're letting her go.

Sun: It was never about that, brainiac. 

Sun snapped.

Sun: Besides, now that your leader's back and hardened from battle, I've gotta focus all of my time into getting you boys ready for the wastelands!

Neptune groans and walks ahead of him. Sun shrugs in confusion.


Inside the train, passengers walk through the halls. An elderly woman is seen passing by a room that Team STRM is staying in. The team are all on bunk beds reminiscent to Team RWBY's old dorm room from Beacon.

(A/N: This train.)

On the left side of the room, Tenka is working on a new armament for Mitchell with the same functions as Mitchell's weapon-shifting gauntlets. Tenka gives it to Mitchell for a test run by trying to turn his weapon from gun to sword, crossbow, claw and many other range and melee weapons simutaneously in a fast pace but, it ended up being in a mix of disorientated parts of sharp weapons and barrels stickjng out. With the test run being a failure, Mitchell returns the weapons to Tenka, who then writes down a few notes as Mitchell shares her insight. 

On the right side of the room, Rachel is lying on her stomach on the lower bed, reading more mature-ish stuff she bought back at the train station for leisure purposes, while Shadow sitting on the edge of his top bunk, examining his right palm where a Hyper Muteki Insignia with Four Shards representing four different symbols surrounding it are engraved deeply into it. As Shadow looked on, Rachel hummed.

Rachel: Huh. Is it just me or does it feels like we're in Team RWBY's dorm room?

Shadow: Yeah well, you're not the only one, Rachel. 

Shadow stated as he jumps down from his bunk bed. He grabs the nearby coffee table in the room and places it near Mitchell's bed.

Shadow: Hey, Mitch.

Mitchell hums in response. 

Shadow: How's Yang?

Mitchell: Amber Dragon's doing well.

He said as he began to look down. Shadow pats Mitchell on the shoulder as he watched as his team leader changes into his Winter Miracle form and produces miniature ice versions of Team STRM fighting various Grimm, ranging from Creeps to Death Stalkers.

Shadow: Oh! I remember that.

Shadow however notices that Mitchell sounded less excited than he used when he saw his creations. Saddened by this, he makes the ice creations disappear with a snap of his fingers.

Mitchell: Nuu!! Cap, bring them back! They're fun to watch! 

Mitchell exclaims as he hops out of his bed. 

Mitchell: Besides.... it brings back good memories.

Then with a smile, Shadow returns his miniature creations with Mitchell crouching to the coffee's table, watching the miniature battle happening before him with glee. Tenka and Rachel turn their attention to Mitchell with downcast looks, clearly saddened of Mitchell losing it.

Mitchell: I'm sorry guys.... it's just that.... after the battle at Haven, watching Weiss and you, Shadow... sort of....

Shadow: Hey, hey. Weiss is fine, alright. And for me, it's gonna take a strong entity to take me down, which will take an eternity to find. So, don't worry. No one, and not even I will go down easily.

Mitchell: Really???

Tenka: Yeah, Mitch. We are here every step of the way.

Rachel: Good times and bad.

Shadow, Tenka and Rachel implied as they comforted Mitchell after he witnessed what happened to Weiss and to his Team Lead back at Haven.

Mitchell: So, what now???

Tenka: Now, since we have the relic.

Rachel: We're going to Argus. Get our asses a Airship from there.

Shadow: And go to Atlas. If anyone gets in our way, we will get in their way, back!!

Mitchell: Yeah... YEAH!!! NOW I'M FIRED UP!!!!!!!!!

Suddenly, as Mitchell got his confidence back, the train jolts, causing Shadow's miniature ice creations to disappear. Passengers inside the train were heard screaming in fear.

Mitchell: What's that?!

Mitchell shouted as he stood up. Rachel and Tenka stood up, with Tenka looking out the window of the train.

Tenka: Danger. 

He answered, eyeing the flying Creatures of Grimm above the train cars.

Just then Shadow's father comes running into Team STRM's room, his weapon at the ready. 

Apollonir: Grab your weapons! We've got company.

Team STRM readied and grabbed their weapons as they followed suit, making their way out the doors of the train.


As Qrow climbs to the top of the train, he notices a group of Manticores approaching from the back. Dee and Dudley are already up on top and are preparing to fight the waves of Grimm. 

A much larger Grimm, a Sphinx, lands on the train and lets out a loud roar. As Team RWBY and STRM made their way on top of the train to join Qrow, they noticed someone is riding the Sphinx and a Manticore that is beside it while wearing a new mask resembling the Sphinx and Manticore. A few train cars down, Shadow's allies from the Battle for Haven joined Qrow, RWBY, STRM, and Apollonir as they too arrive on top of the train with their weapons out and ready. Dee charges his weapon, turning it into an electrical spiked club, and charges forward to attack. The Rider riding on the Sphinx with a Sphinx mask donned had its malicious red eyes on Dee as they glow on the sockets of the mask and the Sphinx roars, calling a Manticore that flies by to snatch up Dee.

(A/N: Sphinx & Manticores.)

Dudley: Dee!! 

Dudley yelled as watches helplessly while his partner is dragged down to the forest to his unfortunate death.

The rider's mask's eyes glow and the Sphinx roars again with the rider with the manticore mask's eyes glow and the manitcore roars together with the sphinx and the Manticores fly forward to attack all at once.

Blake: What's the plan, Ruby? 

Blake asked, entering her battle stance. Ruby cocks her weapon, her eyes narrowed in determination. 

Ruby: Don't let anyone else die!


Me: Then, let's do this.... (I phoned everyone by via my scroll) Guys.... (yells) WEAPONS FREE!!!!!!

With that, the heroes charge forward into battle. I made the first move by charging forward and easily decapitates one of the Manticores before continuing. Apollonir and Kouta in his Gaim Pine Arms were already a step ahead of the teams and easily cut down a wave of Manticore.

Qrow: Heh. Just like old times, eh Fruit Jesus?

Kouta: Yep! Just like old times.

As Qrow and Kouta fought together, Apollonir chided as they stood back to back, clearly enjoying this.

Haruto, on the other, had a stoic look on his face, obviously not sharing the same interest. 

Haruto: HEY!! Less talking, more fighting.

He then jumps off the train and immediately uses his rings, bouncing along glyphs in mid-air to reach a Manticore. He copies his Wizardswordgun (Copy Ring) so that he will have two of the similar weapons, and cuts a Manticore's wings off, causing it to fall on to the train before he slays it with his weapons. 

Tenka dashed ahead of the two veteran Huntsmen, his Dual-wield Tri-Sector Sparrows at his hips and ready to be drawn. With a wink, he then activates his Semblance and draws his weapon, cutting down the first Manticore he encounters with extreme high rapid slashes. When he sheathes his weapons back, the Manticore falls into pieces before disintegrating. Rachel appears out of her Semblance and sent her Greatsword ablaze. As she did that, she acquired the same Cross-Z Magma armour from the Vytal festival as she dashed across the train and jumped above the Manticore. Then, she lands on top of the Manticore and stabbed it with her weapon and her armour-heat, killing it while shooting at another Manticore with the use of her wings. When Rachel lands to roll in action, the rest of her team show up, standing back to back.

Tenka: How are your new abilities, Cap?!

Tenka asks as he uses his weapons to shoot a flying Manticore out of the air.

Me: Honestly... 

I look at my hand and focus, a green runic circle forms into my palm and slowly, I clenched it and raised it in air as I chang into my Spring Maiden form aka, Spring Fuma Mode. I then summon a few rocks, breaking off small pieces of stones from the hill and turning them into small spikes. 

Me: It doesn't feel that different from my ice.

With a wave of my hand, I sent the stone spikes at a Manticore impaling it on the train, and Mitchell finishes it off with a shot from his Weapon-Shifting Gauntlets.

Me: And I'm alright with it! 

I concluded as I combined my Winter powers and my Spring powers and sent my beam attack at a Manticore, freezing it and at the same time, impaling it with stone spikes from the inside out, killing it instantly.

Rachel: Cool!

Me: Thanks!

The Sphinx and Manticore flies forward and the Riders backflips off the Sphinx and Manticore and lands between Qrow, who the Sphinx attacks, and Team STRM. The riders turns to face Team STRM and draw out their weapons. As they did so, Crystal Griffon landed in front of Team STRM with her weapon in hand and points it at them.

Griffon: Atriox.... Dark Paradox....

She muttered, pointing her claw-like weapon at them.

Atriox: Hello, Daughter of the Griffon Clan.

(A/N: Atriox's Looks in his base form. (TAKE NOTE: In future, thanks to an unknown entity (A/N: Guess who.), Atriox will terromorph into X Darkness.))

Atriox greeted with pure disgust.

Me: Griffon.... you know them???

Griffon: Yes..... they were the ones who brought me to Salem and made me like this..... If I remember correctly..... they were the ones who wanted to rage war with my parents' clan back then....

Me: I see.... (on my scroll) RNHK... Tailor.... Dylan.... Jacob.... Dragfall, I need assistance here.

All (Via Scroll): Roger!!

Roland (Via Scroll): Shadow, if it's possible, can we bring Shido Akuma into the fight???

Me: Do it.

Roland (Via Scroll): On the way.

Me: You got his contacts???

Roland (Via Scroll): Yep. You sent his contacts to me before we left the house.

Me: Okay. Do what you have to do.

Roland (Via Scroll): Roger.

As Roland hung up, Shadow placed his scroll back into his pocket as he summoned his Ice Sword (Winter Maiden Power) and his Sword made of Leaves (Spring Maiden Power) as he don his defense pose in front of his enemies.

Tenka sheathes his Weapon and changes his unsheathed weapon into its Sickels form. 

Tenka: How do we fight them, Cap?

Me: Back up is on the way, for now,... we'll chat.

I said as we all stared at each other.

Me: So, you are the one who did this to Griffon?!?!?!

Atriox: Yes. (Summons a techno-like chestplate and gauntlets for arms) what does this got to do with you???

Me: Oh no..... it does, a lot as she's a childhood friend. And making her like this is a big mistake in your lives....


(A/N: Dark Paradox's Looks in his base form. (TAKE NOTE: In future, thanks to an unknown entity (A/N: Guess who.), Dark Paradox will terromorph into Geed Darkness.))

Mitchell: I think not when you get your asses whooped!!

Rachel: Yeah!!!

Atriox: You'll pay for saying that!!

Me: Then we'll just give each other everything we've got!!!!!!

Atriox & Dark Paradox: GLADLY!!!!!!


(A/N: 1st Music starts here.)

And with that, Team STRM charges at Atriox and Dark Paradox. Atriox blocks a swift slash from Tenka and gave him a punch by his claw-like gauntlet, techno-shifting into a punching-based gauntlet as he punched him away, only for Tenka to backflip and land on his feet. Mitchell tries to follow it up by lunging unto Atriox and Dark Paradox as soon as he landed and was about to spin around to throw his silver feathers at them, but they lean their torsos back with incredible flexibility, and kicks a Silver-Winged Faunus back with a 360-spin kick of their ownl. Atriox turns his armour to a range-based armour with his right arm being the gun, and shot an energy lash at Rachel with attempts to lash her and take her down with it, but to no avail when....

Rachel: You want an Energy Lash? I'LL GIVE YOU A FUCKING ENERGY LASH!!!!!

Tenka & Atriox: LANGUAGE, PLEASE!!!!!! (Looks at each other) JINX!!!!! YOU OWE ME A PUNCH IN THE FACE!!!!!!

Rachel: PUT A SOCK INTO IT!!!!!!!

... she wields Beat Cross-Zer and inserted a red dust crystal into it, swinging her sword around and swung it towards Atriox, causing a fire chain to emit from the tip of the sword which was about to hit Atriox. Just as their attacks were about to reach, their lash attacks soon intertwine with each other, to their shock.

Rachel (Inner Thoughts): I hope Shadow knows what he's doing!!


(A/N: Scene starts here at 0:14.)

Just as Rachel said that, a purplish-black and white portal appeared in between the clash of the two lashes as someone activated something inside while emerging from it to break the twine by slashing it apart as someone yelled;

??? (Goddish Voice): (English Translation) Lend me the power, OF YOUR BONDS!!!!!!

Four purple crystal shards surround the portal as it merged above it as the transformation began.


The person echoed out loud as he emerged from the portal and flew way up high in the air with his Dark Calibur in hand. A few seconds later, he lands in front of Rachel as he posed.

(A/N: Pose 1. Like how Ultraman Orb Dark posed in R/B series when he lands after his transformation. Take note that Pose 1 is a reference.)

(A/N: Scene ends here.)

Shido: Although Darkness prevails, the Galaxies and the Stars are calling for me, for I am...

He did another pose 

(A/N: Pose 2. Like what Orb Dark and Orb Origin did with their Caliburs as they pose. Take note that Pose 2 is a reference.)


As he said his God Form's name, a bright light shined behind my Team and Shido as I stood beside him in my God Form from the Battle for Haven.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): The Galaxies and Stars are calling me.

Shido: Heheh. Now I see your form clearly now.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): Heheh. Remember, my Ice sillouette that the most powerful beings in the world only gave that power to me temporarily to teach you the ways of the Gods. Now that I have their power, it's clear that you have yours as well, but in a dark way.

Shido: Yeah, but I got the hang of things. So, these two bothering you???

Me(Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices) :Yup.

Shido: Then, I'd say we.... (raise his hand up, to form portals in the air, surrounding Atriox and Dark Paradox) get this PARTY STARTED!!!!!

And with that, Team RNHK, Tailor, Dylan, Jacob and Dragfall surrounded Atriox and Dark Paradox after exiting the portals made by Shido as they advanced at them.

3rd Person's POV:

Meanwhile, Dudley runs toward the front of the train and takes his scroll out, activating the train's defense systems.

Dudley: Come on, come on.

Dudley mumbles desperately as the train's armor starts activating, with reinforced plating covering most of the train while metal bars crisscross on the windows. After that, a series of turrets rise above the train and begin targeting the midair Grimm, where group of Manticores get shot down.

Dudley: Ah, yes!

Dudley yells as he pumps his fist in success.

Back with Team STRM, RNHK, Tailor, Dylan, Jacob, Crystal, Shido and Dragfall, they continue their fight with Atriox and Dark Paradox where Shadow locks blades with Atriox again, but techno-shifts his weapons again to turn his weapons into a shield-based weapon and pushed him back this time. As Atriox did so, Tenka caught Atriox off guard by using his weapons to lock in place at the gaps of his shield.

However, due to his strength, Atriox sent Tenka flying, causing him to fall onto the roof of the train, draining his aura. 

Atriox: Heheh. You think you are powerful than me?! Well I'm more powerful than y-- wait, where's my shield?!

Tenka: You mean.... this?!

Tenka implied as he showed his shield to everyone, to Atriox's shock. He soon roared and advanced towards Tenka, but to no avail as Shadow stood in front of him and opened a portal right in front of Atriox.

Shadow: Have a nice trip to Train Hell Town!!

He implied to Atriox as he moved his hand forward, causing the portal to move forward, transporting Atriox somewhere on the track.

(A/N: 1st Music pauses here.)


After Atriox was transported onto the track, the portal closed. Then, Shido and Dragfall are seen on the track facing Atriox as they readied their weapons. Atriox readied his usual armour on his upper torso and his arms with only one shield left of his gauntlet-like arm.


(A/N: 2nd Music starts here.)

Shido's POV:

Me: Atriox, your tyranny ends here.


Dragfall: (Wielding my Sword given by my Advent) Like what the dude said, buddy...

Atriox: My tyranny ends once I claim what my MASTER WANTS!!!!!!!!

Me: Then, you have left me with no other choice.... Futuring Trio.... SCRAP'EM!!!!!!!!

I raised my hand to summon three dark portals with two portals at the sides grabbed and bind him with the use of the users' wrench-like armaments and belt sword. While the weapons that emerged from the side portals are holding Atriox down, a Shinobi Rider jumped out, emerging from the center portal as he delivered an 'X' slash by the use of his Dual-Wield Swords known as the Diafrost 9000s, causing Atriox to be freed from his binds and for him to stagger back and for his arour to have a 'X' Mark marked on his chestplate which almost reached his flesh.

Then, the other two Futuring riders emerged from their two portals as they stood by Dragfall and my side as they readied their weapons. Once everyone have emerged from their portals on the track, I lowered down my hand to close the three portals.

Shitsu: Nice tactic there, Dragfall and Shido.

Richard: Yeah. Just as planned.

Neji: Yes.

Dragfall: Thanks.

Me: Thanks guys. But now, we have him to take care of.

All: Then, let's do this!!

Me: Shitsu.

Shitsu: Yeah???

Me: Give him a shocking sensation that no one has ever felt before.

Shitsu: With pleasure, Shido!!

I nod at Shitsu while noticing Atriox charging his gauntlets, readying to strike us. So, I decided that I should ready my weapon as well as I wield the power of Atlas's Relic on my Dark Remnant Calibur. Once activated, Atriox decided to launch a beam from his gauntlets and his chestplate first, to my amusement as what he's doing is a bad idea.

Me: Remnant Dark...

I state my ability halfway as I thrust my weapon's blade to the ground, causing ice to form while an illusion of a staff was formed on the calibur as if I'm holding the scepter, with the top end being thrusted into the ground creating more ice beneath everyone's feet.

Me: ... STAFF CALIBUR!!!!!!!!!!

I then yelled to complete my ability as I grabbed the scepter illusion to gain momentum as I released my weapon from the ground to spin 360 to embed and drag my weapon to the ground for it to glow. Once I faced Atriox again, I swiftly lift the top end of the scepter illusion aka, my blade of my calibur to break the ice as several chunks and shards of ice began to fly towards Atriox.

Dragfall: I'll give you a hand.

Richard: I'll lend a hand, too.

Me: Why not!

Richard: Flame Ninpo!

Dragfall nods as he fished out a card and slots it in and activate it by via the Drag-Visor Zwei, activating its ability-



-to summon Dragranzer that is now descending down behind Dragfall as it readies itself to launch its flame and for Dragfall to aim Drag-Visor Zwei at the center of the ice barrage in its gun form. Once in range, he fired a round from his Visor Zwei with his Dragon to launch a fireball of its own, followed by Richard firing a large stream of flame from his hands as both their attacks combined with my icy attack to clash against Atriox's beam.

A minute later, our attacks broke up by an explosion, causing snow and sparks to fall on us. Then, Atriox is seen advancing towards Dragfall and me but to no avail as Shitsu intervened and clashed his blade against Atriox's only shield that he has equipped.

Shitsu: Hey Atriox. Here's a pop quiz. Who will be defeated in this battle on the very train track that we are now on!!

Shitsu questioned Atriox, earning his smile as I watched on.


Shitsu: Are you sure~???

Atriox: YES!!!

Atriox answered as they both broke the clash for Atriox to swipe Shitsu, only for Richard to use his semblance to surround Atriox without him knowing as he launched his barrage of rounds by using his dual wield Guns aka, Showstoppers to counter Atriox's swipe. Atriox got taken aback by this as he tried swiping whoever is shooting at him, only to get shocked by lightning that was created by a huge thundercloud above Atriox, stunning him.

Atriox: WHAT?! What just happened?!

Shitsu: Heheh. Your answer was wrong. We won't be beaten....

Richard: (Stops beside Shitsu as I deactivate my semblance) Yeah! You are......

Atriox used his semblance as he decided that enough was definitely enough. I then watched that his gauntlets began to bend as he used his semblance to force his wrists and his fingers to become mobile at a cost for his gauntlets to break due to his rage, to my ammusement.


Me: Then good luck with that!!! Remnant Dark LAMP CALIBUR!!!!!

I donned my other Calibur's ability while the four riders that were with me donned their finishers as they readied to strike.





Shitsu: Final Quiz. Who will strike first???

Atriox notice me launching a beam from the lamp illusion located at the tip of the Calibur, emitting a white cyan blue light illuminating the area that we are at while launching a cyan beam at him, blinding him first and then, striking him down, but to noavail when Atriox used his Gauntlets.


Shitsu: That, my friend.... IS CORRECT!!!

After stating that his answer is correct, Shitsu and I witnessed seeing Atriox countering my Lamp aka, Mitral's relic attack as I mean to freeze him in the process, but to no avail. But what Atriox didn't know was that all of this was going according as planned. 

Then, Shitsu jumped up high in the air only to be hidden by a giant sign with two panels marked "O" and "X" respectively. He then breaks through the correct answer's panel with his foot and struck Atriox with a spinning kick carrying projections of both symbols and an "!" on impact, for Atriox's left shoulder armour to be badly damaged, followed by Richard being shouded by purple aura does a combination of punches, for Atriox to sustain a lot of damage and dents on his armour.

Atriox gave Richard aka, Shinobi a swipe, but to no avail due to his semblance as he beganto give a flurry of speed kicks to damage Atriox's armour more, once Richard's finisher is done, Dragfall soon followed suit by wielding Dragranzer in its bike form as he zoomed towards Atriox with Neji standing behind of Dragfall, riding on Dragfall's ride while acquiring his finisher. 

I soon watched Dragranzer in its bike form arched up as it launched a barrage of fireballs at Atriox. Soon, Neji then absorbs a significant amount of snow, turning it into ice and due to the snow and ice created by my ability and our clash against Atriox a few minutes ago, Neji now has maximum amount of electrified ice energy throughout his upper body, and the energy transfers to his right foot then solidifies into a large icicle encased with electrical streaks and along with Dragranzer's blasting his last fireball, Neji jumps high while fusing with Dragranzer's blast as he struck Atriox hard, rendering his aura completely and for him to get thrown back.

Soon, the riders assembled back to my position as we gave nods of agreement that we have defeated him, flawlessly.

Me: Well, now that's a cool finisher that we must do someday.

Dragfall: Yeah.

Neji: Way ahead of you. Dragfall's final vent fused with my finisher which is awesome.

Shitsu: All it matters now thatour combo attack took him down. It's only a matter of time before he gets back up. And, you okay, Richard?

Richard: Just a scratch.

Me: We'll be fine as long as we survive, alright?

Richard: Agreed, guys. And agreed to you too, Shido. Now, let's get back up to the battle on the train before HE KILLS UP!!!! (Points behind Shido)

Me: Hu- WHOA!!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

Shido sounded off when he saw Atriox charging towards the group. With no time wasted, Shido quickly opened a portal and everyone went through it and back onto the roof of the train. ust as Atriox was about to reach the portal, Neji out of nowhere grabbed his gauntlets by the use of his fully upgraded Atlesian Paladin arms that appeared on his rider form's shoulders, to his shock. 

Atriox: BUT!! You were-

Neji: See? Super powers! Eyes at the back of my head! (A/N: Becky Lynch's line after she accepted Asuka's Championship rematch.)


Then, Neji channeled his electrified ice energy through his right arm and executes a punch powerful enough to crack Atriox's armour even further and for him to get unched further away from them. 

Once the deed was done, Neji ran back through as the portal closed, leaving Atriox stranded on the track after the portal closed in front of him. And like what shadow said, Atriox met his end when the portal closed in front of Atriox, the train which was further away from where they were and was on while battling with Shadow's team, rammed into him, causing him to lose his life and for his armour to come apart like glass due to Shido, Neji, Dragfall, Richard and Shitsu's finishers, along with Neji's power punch which caused his armour to sustain tonnes of cracks on him.

(A/N: 2nd Music ends here.)

(A/N: 1st Music resumes here.)

Back on the train, after the deed was done, Shadow sighed as he told Tenka that this was a bit anti-climatic.

Shadow: Well,... this is anti-climatic.

Tenka: You think?!

As Tenka questioned, Jacob and Dylan whizzed by as they are now beside Tenka and Shadow.

Dylan: Shadow, these guys are strong. We could use a little fire power.

Jacob: You thinking what I'm thinking?!

Shadow: Yep! Tenka?!

Tenka: Got it!!!

Tenka replied as Shadow formed an Ice Cannon made of ice, followed by Tenka placing his Dual Tri-Sector Sparrows at each side of the cannon as he took aim.

Tenka: It's gonna take two shots, guys. So, get loaded.

Dylan & Jacob: You got it!!

Meanwhile, the turrets fire at the Sphinx fighting Qrow from behind, causing it let out another loud roar. Two Manticores fly down, one does a tuck and roll into a turret, destroying it. The other evades turret blasts and spits a fireball at one, destroying it. The passengers inside the turret's train car scream as it jolts from being destroyed.

Qrow: Hey! What are you doing?!

Then, Oscar and Team JNPR are then seen climbing up to the top of the train to join the battle with Oscar running off ahead towards the front of the train, with the rest of the group remained behind inside the train to protect the passengers from threat if the Grimm were to reach the windows. 

Nora: Why is it always something?!

Nora shouts in exasperation.

Oscar then runs over to Qrow, who is shooting at Grimm.

Oscar: How can I help?

Qrow: You can get that idiot to shut off the turrets. They're just drawing the Grimm toward the passengers!

Oscar: Right!

Oscar runs forward, dodging Grimm attacks along the way. He manages to approach Dudley, who is firing at Grimm with his own rifle.

Oscar: Stop! You've gotta shut the turrets off!

Dudley: Are you crazy?! 

Dudley shouts in disbelief. 

Dudley: No way!

A turret continues firing, knocking more Grimm out of the sky.

Dudley: Yes! Another one down!

He exclaims as he watches more and more Grimm being knocked out of the sky, not knowing how the situation is getting riskier every second that passes.

Oscar places his hand on the rookie Huntsman's shoulders in desperation. 

Oscar: Stop! We have to lure the Grimm to the back.

Dudley: What does it matter if they're dead?

Dudley shouted, clearly annoyed by his antics as he shoves Oscar off and continues to fire at the Manticores. Then, a Manticore swoops to attack Tenka, but Kouta, leaping in mid-air thanks to his Semblance, struck it down with his weapon machina attack. Apollonir catches up to them as Team STRM, Kouta, and Apollonir fired at the Manticores circling around them.

Shadow charges forward to strike Dark Paradox, but he trips him by swiping his claws low at his feet. Shadow rolls to his back and finds his sword pressed against Dark Paradox's claws, trying to reach Shadow's face. Just as the blade was about to reach his face, a techno fireball flew past the dark entity, nearly missing Dark Paradox's face by a centimeter. Dark Paradox looks ahead of him to see where that fireball came from and and with that opportunity in sight, Shadow pushed him back, then kicks him at the gut hard, causing him to fly back. Then, Dark Paradox recalls his claws and unsheathes his blade, and flings it over to Shadow's friends, causing it to spin around like a boomerang, but Crystal, still donning her fusion form saw it coming as her right wrist began to open up and glow green and fiery red, orange and yellow.

Crystal (Dragon Solar Form): DRAGON STRIKE BOOST!!!!

Crystal yelled as she lunged her right fist forward, causing a huge beam to emit from her opened-up robot cyber-netic wrist to clash with Dark Paradox's blade, causing it to fly back only for the user to claim it back. Suddenly, the Sphinx is seen gliding at the side of the train and Dark Paradox is seen placing away his weapons and jumps onto the Sphinx. Everyone notices the Sphinx, Dark Paradox, and the rest of the Grimm fly off the train, keeping their distance.

Dudley: Where are they going?

Dudley inquired as he watched some of the Grimm fly away. Until Oscar turns around and sees--

Oscar: TUNNEL!!

Dudley: Huh?

Everyone turned and takes notice of the fast approaching tunnel. Qrow, Crystal and the other four teams had already proceeded to get below into the train cars. Leaving other Huntsmen, Huntresses, Dudley, Apollonir, Kouta, Eiji, Haruto, Ankh, Soigo and Team STRM on top of the train.

The remaining huntsmen, huntresses and Kamen Riders immediately rushed towards the end of the train car as they made their way down and into the train car, just before the train car they just entered went through the tunnel.

Dudley, however, jumps below the train a little too late and inadvertently leaves his arm stretched out as it impacts the wall of the tunnel,  the sound of a bone snap and Dudley yelling in pain is heard soon afterward.

(A/N: 1st Music ends/interrupts here. (A/N: It's up to you though. ;) ;) XD XD))

Huntsmen, Huntresses, Riders, Teams RWBY, JNPR, RNHK, JEWL and STRM quickly run into the train car as Oscar tends to Dudley, who holds his bruised arm in pain from slamming into the tunnel wall. Qrow enters and approaches Dudley with Apollonir following.

Qrow: I said, turn those damn things off! 

He ordered, picking up Dudley shoves him into the wall.

Dudley: Those 'things'.... are keeping us alive! 

Dudley rebuked, as he groans in pain.

Qrow: Us, sure, but they're putting the passengers in danger!

Dudley: I'm the one they hired for this job, okay?! I'm in charge here!

Qrow: Forgive me if I'm not exactly reassured!

Apollonir: Alright, both of you! That's enough!!

The Fire Elemental Warrior interjects, separating the two before any more damage could be done. Kouta just sighs to himself and pinches the bridge of his nose.

While the two argue, Ruby looks out the window and notices the Manticores entering the tunnel, continuing their pursuit of the train. Shadow looks behind his friends at the passengers, a baby can be heard crying as passengers murmur among themselves. Ruby and Shadow then walk forward to Qrow, Apollonir, and Dudley.

Dudley: Get off me!

Qrow: Look, if you bozos had been doing your job instead of shaking down passengers, maybe we wouldn't be in this—

Ruby stops her uncle and walks up to Dudley. 

Ruby: Please just shut off the turrets.


I stood beside my girlfriend to give her some sort of support. 

Me: Don't worry. We'll still be safe.

Jaune: Trust us, we know what we're doing.

Jaune reassured as he activates his Semblance to heal Dudley's arm. Dudley looks to the former Beacon students before giving his answer.

Dudley: Fine. But, who was that 'thing' that was riding the Grimm?

Shido: Bloodthirsty Psychopath who's after for our blood.

Apollonir: Yes.... and let's just also say that he can control the Grimm, and has been responsible for the deaths of many Huntsmen and Huntresses.

Apollonir and Shido simply answered, not giving them anymore for them to panic.

Nora: Ren, could you use your Semblance to mask everyone on this train?

Nora inquired.

Nora: With the guns off and emotions hidden, they might lose track of us!

Ren then had a thoughtful look on his face. 

Ren: Hm, I never attempted to affect this many people.

Ruby: Well, you've never had Jaune's help before.

Ruby stated, recalling what Jaune's Semblance was capable of.

Weiss: He could amplify your Aura!

Weiss noted.

At this, Qrow and the others agreed at the idea. 

Qrow: Yeah, that's an alright plan.

Ren looked anxious at this however, which Nora notices. 

Nora: Don't look so worried, Ren. You can totally do this!

Jon: Yeah. You totally got this. You totally got this like,... (flexing) GAA-DOOOOOOOOSSSSHH!!!!!!!!!! (A/N: Family Guy reference when Brian was flexing in front of Lois. XD XD XD XD)

Mitchell: (facepalm) .... Jon, God dammit... why bro.... why... at the time like this...

Oscar's eyes glow as Ozpin takes over. 

Ozpin: I'm afraid there's one complication...

Mitchell: What's wrong?

Ozpin: The Grimm are also attracted to this.

He says this as he gestures to the Relic of Knowledge fastened on his hip.

(A/N: Relic of Knowledge.)

Dudley gets his eyes on this and is confused. 

Dudley: What's that?

Qrow: None of your business.

Qrow glares at him for sticking his nose in before turning his attention back to Ozpin. 

Qrow: Oz, are you serious?

Shido: Wow.... Now that's just great...

Yang: Why wouldn't you tell us that?!

Yang shouted, clearly upset at this, remembering the fact that they promised no more secrets should be kept.

Ozpin: I—

Tenka: It doesn't matter right now.

Yang crosses her arms, while Blake and Weiss narrow their eyes on Ozpin out of doubt.

Ruby: Every second we're on board this train, we're putting everyone else in danger.

Ruby stated, then turns to Ren and the others.

Ruby: Get the passengers to the front cars, you'll still mask the emotions and kill the turrets... we just can't come with you.

Me: If we cut the back cars with us and the Relic on them, we can deal with Dark Paradox and his Grimm. You just have to make sure the rest of the train makes it safely to Argus. Oright, buddy?

I explained and asked.

Upon hearing this, Jaune finishes up healing Dudley's arm and walks over to Ruby and me with a conflicted expression.

Jaune: Only if you two promise you'll meet us there.

Ruby replies with a smile

Ruby: Promise.

I on the other hand, nods my head with clear reassurance.

Apollonir steps forward.

Apollonir: I'll stay with the passengers just in case Dark Paradox and Atriox decides to take hostages. Eiji, Sougo, Anhk, Graphite, Pallad, Newbies, you stay with the other passengers and watch over them.

Sougo: We'll keep everyone else safe, so..... I declare you guys as my own Huntsmen and Huntresses for the job to do that with me. 

Sougo declared with determination. 

Kori & Jason: Alright, then.

Apollonir: All right. Let's do it, people!

Me: We no need to worry about Atriox.

Apollonir: Why?

Me: He's track-killed by being rammed by a train.

Apollonir: ......... right.....

Me: No probs.

Apollonir: Right. Let's go.


(A/N: 3rd Music starts here.)

With that, the remaining members of Team JNPR, RNHK, JEWL, Eiji, Sougo, Anhk, Graphite, Pallad the newcomers and the Fire Elemental Warrior begin evacuating all of the passengers to the front half of the train, with Team STRM, RWBY, Shido, Haruto, Qrow and Kouta remaining behind at the back half of the train to hold of the Grimm. The elderly woman from earlier is seen walking, taking a look behind her. Outside, the turrets are shut off. Blake jumps down and decouples the train, allowing the front half to continue forward. When she looks up, she notices a hooded figure resembling Adam in front of her on the next train car. Blake prepares for a fight, but then realizes that no one is there and it was just her imagination.

Rachel: Blake!

Rachel called out from above the train cars. Blake looks back up and sighs before jumping back up to the top of the train. Ruby and I are looking at their scroll, which shows portraits of their teammates and Nora, the latter's signal low compared to the rest. Ruby looks back up and notices the Manticores, the Sphinx, and Dark Paradox exiting the tunnel and taking flight once again. The Sphinx lands on the train, giving out a loud roar as Dark Paradox jumps down from the Grimm, his claws and weapons drawn at the ready. 

With a nod from her fellow team leader, Ruby gave out the signal. 

Ruby: Now!

Nora gets Ruby's message and gives the okay signal to Jaune and Ren. The two boys combine their Semblances, with Jaune enhancing Ren's Aura to the point where the entire front half of the train is affected by Ren's Semblance. Oscar watches the train as it disappears into the snowstorm, before being attacked by a Manticore. He manages to fend it off temporarily while Team RWBY  and Shido took out several Manticores one by one. 

Team STRM fights Dark Paradox at the caboose while Qrow and Kouta fought the Sphinx. The Sphinx knocks back Qrow with its tail. Kouta bounces mid-air in an attempt to ground the Sphinx, but the Sphinx uses its snake tail to forcefully knock the Huntsmen to the caboose, but then he backflipped back up while summoning two Sonic Arrows and shot numerous projectiles at the Sphinx. With Qrow under-powered while Kouta supporting his ground, Team RWBY rushes in to help him. As Dark Paradox launched Darkness Ripper at Rachel and Mitchell, they dodged his attack and noticed Qrow rushing towards the Sphinx. Dark Paradox's mask, claws and arms began to glow and the Sphinx swipes its tail to hit Qrow, but Qrow jumps back and the Sphinx ends up decoupling the caboose from the rest of the cars.

Ruby: Shadow!

I looked at where Ruby was and began to run towards her, but Dark Paradox launched a beam of darkness at me, sending me back flying backwards. Just as I was about to pass Qrow and the Sphinx on the decoupled caboose, I grabbed him and swung myself around, allowing the momentum to let Qrow get back to the group that were on the passenger cars further away from us. The Sphinx took notice of this and paid no attention to me and flew towards the crowd. Just as I was about to hit the track, someone grabbed me, saving me from hitting the track head first. When I looked up, my eyes widened as I know her from the Haven Battle. 

Me: Drazen.

Drazen: (chuckles) Happy to see me?

She questioned as she placed me down on the track gently while landing gracefully in front of me.

(A/N: Music pauses here.)

Drazen: I noticed that Salem has.... brought in some friends.

Me: Yeah, killed one, one is still on the train with a couple of Manticores and Sphinx.

Drazen: I know. I saw the whole thing, along with Emerald, Mercury, Cinder and the rest, these two helped them killed the Huntsmen and Huntresses that Qrow and your old man were looking for when they are searching for them to help you and your group.

Me: They did this, too?! No wonder they are so hard to find now at Mistral.

Drazen: Yes. Which is why I'm here to help you even the odds for you, to eliminate them...."Permanently".

Me: (Gulps) Okay... And how???

Drazen: Achieve your god form, first.

I looked confused when she said that.

Me: Ummm, why?

Drazen: Just do it. Trust me.

Me: ... okay....???

I implied while donning my God form. Once that was done, I looked at Drazen.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): Okay. So, what happens now???

Just as I questioned that, a roar was heard. I unsheathed Parablade, ready to strike whatever roared from the distance. Then, a Grimm landed in front of me and behind Drazen and roared loudly, to my shock.

(A/N: Lion Grimm aka, Grimm Leo. (A/N: Add more spikes and boney-like structures on its forelegs and its fiery-flamed-up mane.))

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): YEOWZERS!!!! It's a--

Drazen: Lion Grimm. Grimm Leo to nickname him. A Noble Type of Grimm.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): Oh. Whoa.

Then, Grimm Leo walked towards me as it began to nuzzle its head on me.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): I assume this lion is yours???

Drazen: Yes. And now he is yours to command.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): Oh? Heheh, I see.

I said as I stroked on his nose, causing Leo to sneeze away from me.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): At least he knows basic manners.

Darzen: He is well-trained. And, he has a special ability on adapting to Grimm like your..... Grimmphos friend.....

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): Rrrrright....????

As I questioned Drazen's wisdom, a Manticore appeared out of nowhere and was about to pounce on Drazen.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): DRAZEN, WATCH OUT!!!!

She looked at the manticore which was about to take a bite out of her, but to no avail when Grimm Leo took a chunk out of it and ripped its head of, followed by the rest of the dead Manticore's body, to my shock. After its heafty meal, Grimm Leo's spikes from its mane began to grow sharper, horns grew on its head, its claws on its paws sharpened and wings began to form on its back.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): Whoa...

Drazen: Yes. Whoa indeed. He never cease to disappoint.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): Okay... so, what's with the fire???

Drazen: From an extremely rare Grimm that can breathe and emit fire from its body.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): I see.... well then. 

Grimm Leo went by Drazen's side as she pat him for the last time.

Drazen: Leo shall be your pet to guide you here on out, Shadow. Use Grimm Leo well.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): I know, and I will...

Drazen: I know you will, God beyond Gods.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): Thanks. Now let's-

Drazen: Before you go. There is one more thing I would like to give you.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): Hmm???

She said as she gave me a special weapon which I've seen before however, it was different.

(A/N: Giga Grimm Battle Nizer. Fuse these two pictures together. The top and bottom ends of the Battle Nizer will be based on the Giga Battle Nizer and it will be fused with the Giga Finalizer so that anytime the user wants to blast an energy beam from its bladed eyes and at the tips, the user can twirl his weapon around to do so. The top end of the fused Giga Battle Nizer and Finalizer will be of Geed's Giga Finalizer's colour scheme but the red parts will be replaced to white, and the bottom end of it will be different as the red areas will be White, the black parts will remain as it is and the blue areas along with the eyes on the Finalizer will be red.)

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): This is..... the Giga-Finalizer Geed used?

Drazen: Correct. But this weapon, is called the Giga Grimm Battle Nizer. Although you can summon Kaiju Grimm with it, the top end resembles to Geed's power and the bottom end resembles to Belial's power.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): I see... So, I can summon every Kaiju Grimm in existance?

Drazen: Yes.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): And will I be able to weaken Salem without it???

Drazen: .... No.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): Then I thank you, Drazen.

Drazen: (Smirks while nodding) Good luck, Doctor Shadow Wrath.

She said as she wither away to wherever her hideout is. I placed my new weapon behind my back while looking at Grimm Leo as it looked back at me as I gave him a smirk.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): If we can make this possible, let's test this out.

Grimm Leo nods at me, knowing that he is willing to serve.

(A/N: 3rd Music resumes here.)

3rd Person's POV:

Meanwhile, the members of Team STRM, RWBY, Kouta, Haruto, Sougo and Qrow were fending off the Grimm and Dark Paradox as they have their own individual opponents.

Tenka: What's wrong? Think you can handle us without your Grimm? 

Tenka taunted as he stands off against him.

Dark Paradox: We're only here for the relic. While I would love to take the girl and the boy with me, the rest of you are just trash that needs to be cleaned up.

At this, Team STRM and Crystal charges in to continue to fight Dark Paradox with little to no success.

Rachel: We need to lower his guard!

Rachel shouted as she held her ground against Dark Paradox.

Crystal: And how are we suppose we do that?

Just as Crystal asked, a loud roar was heard from afar, causing the Manticores, Sphinx, Huntsmen and Huntresses to stop their fight, to their confusion.

Tenka: What the....

Dark Paradox: What... (looks back) in the actual fuck was that???

Everyone looked at the back of the train cars and at the tracks as they saw a lion-like Grimm charging towards them.

Ruby: Oh cheese...

Crystal: Wait!! Someone's up there.

She pointed out as everyone noticed Shadow in his God form, fused half of his body with an entire Grimm lion, with the lion's forelegs to be armoured up by what Shadow was having on his legs. Crystals on his lower legs and claw-like crystals for claws. Everyone was shocked to see a Nuckeleeve-like Shadow Grimm Lion fusion as they proceeded towards them.

(A/N: Shadow's Grimm Isis Pegasus Form. The picture above is just a reference on what Shadow's Grimm Isis Pegasus form looks like. As stated above, Shadow in his God form, fused his lower body with an entire Lion Grimm, with the lion's forelegs to be armoured up by what Shadow was wielding on his legs. Crystals on his lower legs and claw-like crystals for claws)

Dark Paradox: No... NO!! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!! NO HUNTSMEN IS ABLE TO TAME A NOBLE TYPE GRIMM UNLESS-- no... No!!! You contracted your life with it, didn't you?!?!?!

Then, the lower-half of me aka, Grimm Leo pounced at Dark Paradox, pinning him down on the roof as they made their way to deal with the Manticores.

Shadow (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): GUYS!! TAKE CARE OF HIM WHILE HE'S CONFUSED AND DOWN!!

Teams RWBY, STRM and Crystal nod at each other as they advanced towards Dark Paradox.

Crystal: I'll keep the manticores busy with Shadow!! When i give you guys the signal, I want you to throw him towards us!!

Tenka: I take it that you have a plan???

Crystal: Yup!! If we want to take him down!!! We have to divide and conquer!!!

She said as she jumped onto Dark Paradox's head and swiftly turned into Acro Schnee Glyphs (A/N: Fusion of Weiss and Winter Schnee.) and swiftly made her way towards Shadow.


Grimm Leo and I advanced forward as we took down every single Manticore that were on the train cars one by one, giving Qrow and Tenka the assist they require. Then, seeing that the othe rmanticores are waiting out for their turn in the air, we decided to take the Sphinx down, first.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): HEY SPHINX!!!!!

The sphinx faced us.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): Guess what, son!! Hahah! "YOU'RE NEXT"!!!! (A/N: Goldberg reference.)

Just as I said that, a Manticore crashed onto the train car behind me, withering away, with Crystal standing by my side now wielding her Grimm-Claw.

Crystal: Like the lion you have. Like in our young days, you never disappoint. And to honestly say it, you are now my favourite person to party along with.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): Heheh, you know it, Sugar tits.

Crystal: So, ready to finish this??

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): You know it. Qrow, Gaim-san.

Qrow: You got it.

Kouta: This is.... our STAGE!!!!!

Just as the sphinx was about to launch its fireball at us,--

Crystal: GUYS, THROW HIM!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

A few minutes before the signal,

Team RWBY and STRM were about to be beaten until they got the signal from Crystal. Then, Tenka decided that desperate times, calls for desperate measures.

Tenka: April, you there?!

April (A.I.): Yes, boss.

Tenka: Desperate times, calls for desperate measures. Gimme a suit that can keep up with Dark Paradox's attacks and movements.

April (A.I.): You mean the Mk XCIII Suit? The Star Platinum Samurai suit?

Tenka: Yeah. We have to kick in the big guns, which are our fists, and our beams.

April (A I.): Yes, boss. The Star Trinket is on its way to you in T-Minus 20 seconds.

Tenka: Thanks.

Then, without Tenka noticing, Dark Paradox jumped in the air as he was about to sink his blade into him, but to no avail when Shido blocked him with his Remnant Dark Calibur.

Shido: Oh no you don't. You are not killing anyone today!!

He said as he broke the clash and slashed his oppponent away from Tenka while loading an ability on his Calibur.


He yelled as he raised his calibur in the air while the calibur's blade slowly gathered power to form an axe as the Calibur's blade with an illusion of a crown to be around its blade and swung it downwards, striking Dark Paradox down and nullifying his abilities that he was about to use against him.

Dark Paradox: Impossible!! How are you so powerful?!?!

Shido: It's simple. NO ONE CARES, BITCH!!!!

Tenka: Shido!!!! SWORD!!!!

Tenka's POV:

Shido smiled while swiftly turning around and moved his calibur in front and above his face as I, donning my Star Platinum Samurai Suit jumped onto his sword and he threw me up high in the air. As I reached maximum altitude, I swiftly flew downwards back to the battle and launched a couple of plasma repulsors at Dark Paradox, only for him to deflect them and get hit with some of the projectiles in the process.

(A/N: Iron Samurai Mark XCIII - Star Platinum Samurai Suit. Combine the suit shown above and Mark 85 Armour, ensure it has got the usual Samurai Armour Tenka always use on his forearms, legs and eye mask.)

Then, I land in front of him as I formed a Battering Ram on my left arm while adding momentum of impact by activating my suit's arm thrusters located at my elbow. Once I have enough momentum, I immediately punched Dark Paradox with my battering ram, causing him to fly one train car ahead of us, to everyone's shock.


And that, Team members of Team STRM, Team RWBY and Crystal swiftly advanced towards Dark Paradox as they inflicted blows onto him, with Crystal and I doing most of the damage on him by clawing and slashing him with our blades. Meanwhile, Shadow, Apollonir and Kouta are fighting off the Sphinx and the rest of the Manticore Grimn that were landing on the train cars to fight us, that was until, we heard a train coming, to our confusion.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

3rd Person's POV:

When everyone heard the train horns blarring, everyone looked at each other while they were fighting their own specific enemies.

Yang: Was that a train?!

Weiss: But, there shouldn't be a train coming this way while this train is heading to Argus!

Tenka: Then, where's the train coming from?!

Mitchell: (looks at Dark Paradox while being in a clash with him)

Dark Paradox: (looks at Mitchell while being in a clash with him) WHAT?!?!? DON'T LOOK AT ME!!!! HOW WOULD I KNOW?!?!?!?!

While questioning themselves, a portal opened up in the sky in a spilt second allowing a Train to zoom out from the portal and into the snowy tundra, to everyone's shock.

(A/N: Den-Liner.)


Crystal: YUP, IT IS!!!!


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Inside the cockpit of DenLiner,

A rider is driving the train by Via Motorcycle as he smirked behind his Sword Form.

???: ORE, SANJOU!!!!! Seems like we have some Imagins to kick ass!!!! (Looks down) HEY!!!!! SHADOW, LOOKS LIKE YOU NEED A HAND, JACKASS!!!


I looked at DenLiner as the driver spoke to me, in which, I facepalmed my face while smirking.

Qrow: Uuhh, you know him???

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): rrrrrrrrr.... MOMOTAROS, YOU JACKASS!!!! YOU COULD HAVE CALLED!!!!


Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): (sighs) typical Den-O.... YEAH!! WE NEED THE SKIES TO BE CLEAR FROM THE MANTICORES!!! THINK YOU CAN HANDLE THAT?!

Momotaros: Heheeeeh!!! Nothing I can't handle!!!! Let's go, let's go, let's GOOOOOO!!!!!

He yelled while activating DenLiner's weapons as they began to launch their rounds and projectiles from each car, killing off the Manticores in an instant to keep them occupied.

(A/N: Den-Liner - Battle Stations Mode.)

Then, Kouta, Apollonir and I turn our attention back at the Sphinx as it was about to take off, but to no avail when Crystal's fusion form comprising of Jaune and Pyrrha flew towards it and gave it a hammerfist in the face, causing thr sphinx to fall back down onto the train car and a huge dent was formed on it due to Crystal's huge significant amount of both auras and semblances were used to keep the Grimm down.

Then, she land beside me and notice a huge shock on my face, knowing that she had already impressed me.

Crystal: ??? What???

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): That wouldn't happened to be Pyrrha and Jaune's semblances and auras, right???

Crystal: Oh! As a matter of fact, yes they are. This form is called; Grimm Galaxy - Polarity Supreme. A noble Huntsmen with tonnes of aura, and a strong willpower to fight anything that stands in his way.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): Now I'm impressed. Jaune and Pyrrha's armour gave it away but still, cool.

Crystal: Thanks.

Kouta: Show-&-Tell later, kids. We gotta sphinx to take care of..

Qrow: Yeup!!

Crystal & Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): Yeah!!/Yeah!!

The four of us then don our fighting stance as the Sphinx stood back up and was about to fire its fireball at us until....

Crystal: GUYS, THROW HIM!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

When Team RWBY and the members of STRM got the signal, they immediately charged in, one by one, giving Dark Paradox a flurry of their own individual attacks. When Tenka was the last to strike, he punched Dark Paradox to the ground, causing him to go to a daze.

Dark Paradox: .... (barely able to get up) you.... will regret this.... when Salem.... comes for you.....

Tenka: Really??? Good grief! You can barely stand to retreat. And either way, you won't be able to see the light of day.... as you are done!!

Dark Paradox took out his blade and forcefully used the last of his power and strength to strike him down, but to no avail when Tenka used the palm of his hands and his suit's hand to grab the blade, and with enough force and momentum, he forcefully broke the tip of the blade, leaving him holding onto the broken tip of the blade, to Dark Paradox's shock.

Dark Paradox: I-I-Impossible!!!


(A/N: Flurry of Punches starts here at 0:24.)


Tenka yelled while giving Dark Paradox a flurry of fury punches without the suit going to cooldown mode. The flurry of punches continued on until Tenka gave him-

Tenka: --ORA!!! (low blow him in his gut) ORA!!!!!! (uppercuts him in the chest sending him midair) ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(A/N: Flurry of Punches stops here at 0:48.)

- more punches, with the last punch sending him flying towards the sphinx that has launched its fireball towards Shadow, Crystal, Kouta and Qrow which struck Dark Paradox instead, causing him to fly in a different direction while burning to death along the way down to the bottom of the Snowy Tundra.


I looked at Dark Paradox as he falls to his death into the snowy tundra below while being on fire, looking at Crystal.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): Well, Crystal. That was some plan you came up.

Crystal: Thanks. But now, let's finish this sphinx.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): No probs.

Qrow: I'll leave you three to... finish it.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): Gaim-san. Kore o oemashou.

Kouta: Okay.

And with that, we donned our finishers as our attacks and weapon began to charge up, while the Sphinx roared at us while opening up its wingspan.


Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): Maiden LEO CHORUS!!!!

-1, 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000,000, 1,000,000,000,000, Muryōdaisū: KACHIDOKI CHARGE!!!!!-

We yelled our attacks and with Gaim's weapon, the Hinawadaidai-DJ-Ju is fully charged, we blast our attacks at the Sphinx, striking it down, causing it to blow up and the impact caused a soot to form, blinding our vision.

Crystal: DID WE GET HIM?!?

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): We should have!!

Kouta: Not yet!!

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): WHAT?!?!

I yelled as we watched the sphinx flying up from the black soot and land behind us while charging up its fireball attack at us. We soon don our defensive stance, expecting the worse to happen, but the only thing that will be expecting the worse is the Grimm when an energy slash mark was formed at the sphinx stomach and out of nowhere, the slash mark sparked, causing the Grimm to be cut in half, for the Grimm to screech in pain, before withering away.

However, before the Sphinx completely withered away, it blasted a fireball above us, and onto the track, destroying some parts of the track. This worried me as I put my scroll on speaker and began to speak to everyone who was on thetrain cars with me fighting off the Grimm.

Me (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): GUYS!!!!! BRACE FOR IT!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

When everyone heard Shadow say to brace for it, they looked in shock to see that the track in front of us was being destroyed by a fireball. And with that, everyone used their weapons and brace for impact.

Shadow (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): MOMOTAROS!!!! WE COULD REALLY USE SOME TRACK HERE!!!!

Shadow yelled at the train as it took care of the last Manticore Grimm. Then, it swooped down towards us. Just as it zoomed past them, the train cars derailed off the track and into the snow.

Then, Shadow noticed the DenLiner going backwards a bit with its track trailing behind the train cars as the DenLiner coupled with the cars that were derailed from the main track. Shadow then sighed in relief thinking that the train cars were gonna crash and there will be tonnes of debris everywhere, but luckily for Momotaros that he's around, the tides have turned.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Shadow (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): RWBY! STRM! Everyone alright?!

Ruby (By via Scroll): We're fine! But just.... a minor problem....

Shadow had a questionable look when his girlfriend said that until, when he looked at the snow, he knew why.

Shadow (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): MOMOTAROS!!!!!!

Momotaros: What?!?!

Shadow (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): YOU LET OUR BAGGAGES AND OUR WEAPONS GET FLOWN OUT OF THE TRAIN!!!!!

Momotaros: .... ohhhh.....

Shadow (Mixture ofthe Maidens and Summer's voices): YOU CRAZY JACKASS!!!!!!!

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The first episode of the Sixth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. So, If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! Be safe! Be Healthy! SEE YA!!!!

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