Volume 6: Uncovered

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Hey everyone, and WELCOME to the second episode of the SIXTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose!! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

A/N: *Raising the Lamp up high as I called her name*

Time suddenly stop as out of nowhere, the gong went of.

A/N: Thanks.

Jinn: (Nods)


Apollonir: We need to take the Relic to Atlas?

Teams RWBY, JNPR, STRM, JEWL, RNHK and the newcomers, along with some of the heisei riders, Orochi and Qrow Branwen, are seen back at the house in Mistral. The group that had gathered was quite the sight. Ruby and Shadow started their journey to Mistral with a team of ten. Now, they stood amongst what could only be considered an army. 

Teams RWBY, RNHK, JEWL and STRM were finally reunited, alongside the remaining members of Team JNPR. They had Qrow, Apollonir, Oscar (With Ozpin's soul inside him), and joining them on the fray is Kouta also known as Kamen Rider Gaim and, Tenka's biological father who have recently returned and reunited with his son after for so long.

Tenka is seen polishing his weapon, Rachel, is seen examining her spears' sharpness to see if they have to be sharpened more, Ruby, Ren, Yang, Mitchell and Weiss were packing up, and Jaune was healing Kouta's arm from his recent mission at where he's been training all these years. Sougo and the newcomers, on the other hand, were inside Oscar's bedroom, looking after him.

Going back to Ruby's question, her uncle Qrow answered;

Qrow: That's what Oz said.

Almost immediately, everybody looks to Weiss and Tenka. They both stopped at what they were both doing and frowned.

Weiss: You've got to be joking.....

Weiss blurted in surprise.

Nora: I mean, bright side, we finally get out of this house!

Nora nonchalantly commented, eager clearly present in her voice. Weiss sighs at this, while Tenka rebukes her.

Tenka: I know what you mean, Nora. But you could at least understand the extreme drastic measures and decisions she had to make to reach Mistral?

Apollonir: Tenka has a point. The obstacles Weiss went through to get out of Atlas was hard enough and was he hardest decision yet.

Weiss: Precisely my point.

Weiss implied.

Jaune halts his amplifying semblance on Kouta, giving him a grateful nod. He tries flexing his arm a little, 

Kouta: Argh!

Jaune: Take it easy.

Kouta: Yeah... gotta keep my movement on my arm to the minimum for now.

Shadow: You okay, Gaim-san?

Kouta: Could have been better apart from the impact Baron gave me a couple of minutes ago.

Shadow: Alrighty- wha- Wait! Baron?!

Kouta: Yes.

Shadow: ... he's back.... whoa....

But even that smallest movement made his arm still hurt. When Tenka was done fixing polishing his weapons, he walked up to his Team Leader, Shadow.

Shadow: Look, Tenka. If we're going to reach Atlas, we're going to need everyone to be on top shape. And the journey there is not exactly going to be safe.

Tenka nodded in understanding, reluctantly returning her spears to Rachel. Rachel then sheathes her spears back into her scabbards.

Ren: Atlas may be the safest kingdom we have at the moment, but their borders are closed.

Rachel: Yeah. Last I heard General Ironwood called everyone back to Atlas.

Qrow: Eh, not everyone.

Qrow brings his scroll and activates it, showing a hologram of a highlighted portion of land north of Anima.

Qrow: The city of Argus is a ways north of us and it's the primary trading port between Anima and Solitas. They've got the largest Atlas military base outside the kingdom. There's no way they'd leave it abandoned, and if we play our cards right, I think there's a good chance we could convince them to escort us straight to Ironwood.

Apollonir: As long as Argus let's us through, we'll be fine.

Qrow: Thoughts exactly, Apollo.

Blake: I mean, we do have the missing Heiress to the Schnee Dust Company.

Blake mentions, resisting the urge to smirk.

Weiss: Ex-Heiress, actually....

Oscar, Ozpin taking over, walks into the room, with Kouta and the Fire Elemental Warrior following behind him.

Qrow: Glad to see you're feeling better.

Ozpin: Likewise, and while I'm sure we could all use more time to recover, I'm afraid time is of the essence.

Blake nodded, agreeing with Ozpin. 

Ozpin: Right, as long as that thing's out in the open, its power could fall into the wrong hands.

Apollonir: Then with our life, we must protect it at all cost, Oz.

Ozpin: That's right.

Jaune: Speaking of, what does it do exactly? Qrow never really told us.

Everyone looks to Ozpin, who turns around to face them.

Ozpin: Of course.

Ozpin detaches the Relic from his hip, and, as he holds it out, the Relic grows into it's original size as it was found.

Ozpin: The Relic of Knowledge has a wonderful, and incredibly dangerous ability. Its user can ask any question, and the lamp will provide an answer.

Ozpin places the Relic down, and it floats on the table.

Ren leans in as he stares at it in awe. 

Ren: Intriguing...

Shadow: That's incredible...

Jaune: Yeah.

Ozpin nodded in acknowledgement.

Ozpin: Indeed. However, it's not without drawbacks. The lamp cannot tell of events that have yet to happen, and it will only ever answer three questions every one hundred years.

Yang: Well, I guess that's not so bad. Adds a lot of pressure though.

Yang stated, and Rachel nods in agreement.

Nora: Then, let's put it to a vote! 

Nora suddenly yells as she stands up and raises her hand up high, before dashing around. 

Nora: What should we ask first? 

She asked, holding Ruby and Shadow by their shoulders, then dashing past Qrow, much to his surprise, spitting out his coffee down on the coffee table.

Nora: Oh! Can we ask for more questions? CAN WE ASK FOR MORE QUESTIONS?!

Ren plants his face in exasperation. 

Ren: They're not wishes...

Ozpin chuckles at Nora's questions 

Ozpin: I'm afraid you won't be able to ask it anything at the moment. 

Upon hearing this, Nora grunts in frustration, giving Ozpin mocking face behind his back as she sits back down.

Ozpin: The questions were used before I sealed it away.

Ruby: Well, at least now we know what it is. And we'll be sure to keep it safe!

Ruby promises.

Shadow: And if anyone gets their hands on it, "THEY'RE GONNA GET THESE HANDS"!!!! (A/N: Braun Strowman's Catchphrase.)


At the Present Time,

At the Snowy Tundra,

3rd Person's POV:

Back in the present day at the snowy tundra, Ruby scours through the train wreckage and picks up Dust bullets, with her boyfriend Shadow, helping her before looking to see the Relic of Knowledge slightly buried in the snow nearby. Yang can be heard complaining as she struggles to get her motorcycle, Bumblebee, out of the snow.

Yang: Great! This is just great! We're stranded, we lost some of our party, and we've gained a defenseless old lady!

With one final heave, Yang manages to extricate Bumblebee, but falls over to the ground, with her motorcycle following suit as she's partially covered in snow. Rachel has already managed to get her motorcycle out of the snow, and helps Yang get up.

Rachel: Seriously, Yang. You're able to punch a 1000-pound Grimm, but you can't take your bike out of the snow easily?

Old lady: My name is Maria Calavera! And I am not defenseless! I'm just a little hard of hearing. And blind without my eyes, that are in desperate need of repair.

She taps on her eye prosthetics in hopes of repairing itself, which open wide and close, before opening narrowly again, obviously broken slightly. 

Maria: Okay, I'm starting to see your point.

Tenka: Here let me get that, Ms. Calavera.

Tenka offered, bringing out his set of micro-tools and nano-tools from his toolbox, much to Maria's delight.

Yang: See, what I mean?!

Shadow: Let's try to stay positive out here least, please!

Shadow snapped at Yang. 

Yang: We're miles away from civilization and the last thing we need right now is Grimm swarming at us.

Blake: Does that even matter, Shadow? 

Blake interjected. 

Blake: Apparently, we've been attracting Grimm ever since we left Haven.

Tenka: (raises his hands to calm Blake down) Blake, please!

Mitchell: Yeah! And Yang, please settle down....

Yang: Oh, and how could I forget about that?!?!

Yang then turns her attention to Oscar. 

Yang: What happened to 'no more lies and half truths'?

Oscar nodded in agreement. 

Oscar: Yeah, I think it's time we got an explanation...

Oscar's eyes glow as control of his body is switched to Ozpin, who furrows his brow at Yang's accusations.

Ozpin: I did not lie to you...

Weiss crossed her arms.

Weiss: Well you certainly didn't tell us everything about the Relic.

Ozpin: Please, now is not the ti--

Yang: No, we're way past that! 

Yang shouted in anger. 

Yang: I wanna know why you're still not telling us everything!

Shadow: (goes in front of Yang) and why, you aren't, to your word, when you said you will tell us eveything (looks back to everyone) AND HEAR THIS, GUYS, THE EMPHASIS IS ON, "EVERYTHING"!!!! "EVERYTHING"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Looks back to Ozpin) So, I need clear explanations frOM YOU . RIGHT . NOOOOOWWW!!!!!

Ozpin: It is true that the Grimm are attracted to the Relics. It's faint, but undeniable. I believe it has to do with their origin, but I'm not entirely sure. Regardless, I feared that making you all aware would only add anxiety and negativity. It seemed like the safer option.

Weiss glared at him. 

Weiss: You know, I'm getting real tired of people choosing what's best for me.

Yang: Is that why you chose to lie to everyone about Lionheart, too?

Yang inquired.

Ozpin: Yes!

Ozpin deliberately answered. 

Ozpin: As a matter of fact, I believed the Kingdom of Mistral deserved better than the truth.

As Ozpin explains this he starts walking ahead, followed by the others.

Ozpin: And, despite Apollonir's extreme protest, I believed Leonardo deserved to be remembered for his lifetime of service, and not for the unfortunate missteps he made in his final years.

Shadow: Missteps?!

Ozpin: What Professor Lionheart did was reprehensible. I am not here to argue differently, but does one lapse in judgment truly negate all of his good? Do we not all have regrets? You may have met Professor Lionheart, but you never met the man he was before Salem found him.

Kouta: Who Lionheart is or was does not matter, this is why I've regretted joining you in the first place back then, Ozpin!! Your over-usage of white lies knows no limits. And when you start running Beacon, I thought you changed! That's why I talked to Apollonir into prompting you in telling you the truth. HAVE YOU NO SHAME, OZPIN?!?!? HAVE YOU NO HONOUR?!?!?!

Yang: Look, we're supposed to be in this together!! 

Yang implored. 

Yang: You can trust us! We're not gonna turn our backs on you.

At this, Ozpin snapped. 

Ozpin: Do you really think Leo was the first?!

The entire group stops and everyone stays silent at Ozpin's outburst.

(A/N: Sudden silence due to Ozpin's Outburst.)

Ozpin: And he didn't say the exact same words to me?!?! .... 

He says that to her before turning to everyone else. 

Ozpin: You have to understand that my behaviors are backed by experience. I'm not saying that I have reason to think you will betray me. I'm saying that I have reasons for the things that I do, the secrets I keep, the reason I--

He suddenly stops mid-sentence and realizes something missing from his hip.

Ozpin: Wh-Where's the Relic?

Ruby: Right here.

Ruby calls out, holding the relic in her hands. 

Ruby: It got scattered in the crash.

Shadow: Phew, thanks goodness....

Ozpin: Please, hand it over. 

Ozpin pleaded as reaches his hand out, but Ruby hesitates.

Ruby: So all those times you talked about having faith in humanity, that was just for everyone else?

Ozpin sighs wearily at this. 

Ozpin: That's not what I meant to suggest. Miss Rose, the Relic is a powerful item and I simply feel as though it is my burden to bear.

Ruby: But, you said it couldn't do anything right now.

Ruby mentions.

Shadow: Yeah.

Tenka (Inner Thoughts): Why does it matter who carries it? Unless of course....

Tenka guesses internally.

Ozpin: I need you to listen to me--

Ozpin reaches his hand out, but suddenly is stopped, stuck in his position.

Qrow: Oz?

Qrow called out in worry.

Oscar: Hurry... he's... trying to stop you!

It was Oscar, who seems to be desperately fighting internally for control.

Yang: Stop her from what?

Yang asked.

Oscar: He's afraid... you'll find out what he's... hiding!

Oscar suddenly collapses, Kouta, Yang, Weiss, Blake and Team STRM glare at the boy with intense looks while Ruby holds the Relic of Knowledge defensively with Shadow and Momotaros being in front of her.

Oscar: Her name is Jinn. Say her name... to summon her.

Ruby: Her name?

Ruby wondered, as she stares at the Relic in her hands. The wind picks up much more gradually, blowing snow even harder. The Relic starts to glow in Ruby's hands. 

Ruby: Jinn?

Suddenly, the snow stops, floating in midair. The wind stops blowing too.

Momotaros: What? (Looks to the right) Eh? (Looks behind) what? (Looks back in front) what the-??

Ryutaros: Wow! Sparkly!

As everyone has the same confused expression as the Imagins does on to what is happening, Shadow watched Ruby then letting go of the Relic as it floats a short distance away, cyan smoke emanates from it. Suddenly, the lamp is enveloped in the smoke, and from it, a giant, semi-nude feminine figure emerges. All the male persons in the group looked away from her, slightly embarrassed by the display.

(A/N: Jinn. Scene 1.)

(A/N: Jinn. Scene 2.)

Urataros: My my~

Seig: Oh my~

Momotaros: Eh? She looks like s--

Shadow: (turns the five Imagins' heads away from the sight) Not now for jokes, guys. Shit just got real....

Momotaros: oh....

Her skin and hair colored blue, and decorated with gold jewelry and ornaments. The figure stretches and moans as she has been awakened once again. 

This is Jinn, the aforementioned being inhabiting the Relic of Knowledge.

Jinn: Wonderful.

Everyone stares in awe at Jinn.

Jinn: Tell me, what knowledge do you seek?


At the Train Track,

No One's POV:

On the track a few miles away from the tunnel entrance still lies the fallen hunter hired by Salem and Gemdeus Machina, with the fallen Dark Paradox somewhere in the snowy tundra, who too, has fallen... but not for long. While Atriox is seen laying motionless to the track, a portal appeared before the body as a person with infinite amount of darkness power coursing through his veins and radiating around his body, dragging someone.

(A/N: Unknown Person. You can combine his swords with Ultra Dark Killer's Death Sluggers together and place them on his arms so that his arms are like Ultra Dark Killer's arms. He will also have Ultra Horns and beam lamp on his head, and he has protectors on his chest to add-in the details on the person's chestplate. Ensure his eyes are purple.)

The person then threw the body beside Atriox, revealing the body to be Dark Paradox that was being dragged and thrown on the track. Then, the person's hands began to glow in dark purple aura as he began to raise his hands at the deceased Atriox and Dark Paradox until he had to stop whatever he's doing as the sound of a train horn was heard. The person then looked behind to see that an oncoming Cargo Train was coming carrying tonnes of Atlas Technology and Dust Crystals as it head towards Argus to be transported back to Atlas due to the recall.

??? (Demonic Voice): (Sighs) Delays, delays, delays....


(A/N: Music starts here.)

He complained furiously as his arm-infused Death Sluggers began to glow with aura coloured purple, and with just a fling of his arms, he deployed them and due to their incredible inhuman speed, the  Death Sluggers combined together (A/N: Like Zero's Sluggers when they turn into Zero Twin Sword.) to form Dark Killer Twin Sword as it spun faster than any speed semblance directly towards the train.

When the Dark Killer Twin Sword reached the Cargo Train, the sword cleaved the the train vertically in half except for its cargo that the train was carrying, causing the entire train to stop close to him. After the slight attack was done, the person's sluggers revert back to its base weapon forms as they swiftly flew back to the person's arms.

Then, he turned his attention back to the fallen hunters as he used Darkness Evil Spirit Killer Plasma, in its Cloning variation along with the stolen Light Energy on the two fallen. The person watched on as the hunters Unite and Fusion Rise into familiar Dark Beings but even powerful than, causing them to be reborn as X Darkness REBIRTH (A/N: Atriox.) and Geed Darkness REBIRTH (A/N: Dark Paradox.).

(A/N: X Darkness REBIRTH.)

(A/N: Geed Darkness REBIRTH.)

Atriox: W-we're back???

Dark Paradox: But... how???

??? (Demonic Voice): I, am your answer.

???'s POV:

The two Reborned Darkness copies looked at me as they don their defensive stance, wanting to fight against me.

Atriox: Who are you?

Me (Demonic Voice): (Raised my assuring claw at him) I mean you no harm.... Atriox and Dark Paradox.

Atriox: ... Okay???

Dark Paradox: How do you know our names????

Me (Demonic Voice): I have overheard and seen your battle before you were deceased.... considering I was below you both as a disguised passenger when I noticed you both having a hunger, for power.... So, I came here to propose to you, a better job that your Game Boss has approved.

Atriox and Dark Paradox looked at each other as they slowly lowered their arms as they hear me out.

Atriox: Okay,.... "God . that we . just . knew". What are our new names since we have these new bodies and if we have one new name of our own?

When X Darkness questioned me, I smirked while chuckling.

Me (Demonic Voice): You,... (Points at Atriox who is now X Darkness) are X Darkness REBIRTH,... and you (Points at Dark Paradox who is now Geed Darkness) are now Geed Darkness REBIRTH, my friends.

Dark Paradox: Geed Darkness, eh? Hmmm.... New name, New body,.... sounds and looks good.

Atriox: But question.... why the "REBIRTH"???

Me (Demonic Voice): The reason being, is that the past X Darkness and Geed Darkness before you both.... weren't as strong enough in the past. But after seeing you both in combat, you show promise ... 

Atriox: Whoa...

Dark Paradox: Really, dude?

Me (Demonic Voice): Try out your powers and see, idiot.

I implied with a frown on my face.

3rd Person's POV:

Atriox and Dark Paradox did as instructed as they tested their powers. They tested their powers that they were given by the person who gave them their new bodies and powers. As they tested their powers, Atriox realized that he has several variety of armours that he has. So, he decided to wield every armour he has on him which are Darkness Gomora Armour, Darkness Eleking Armour, Darkness Bemstar Armour, Darkness Zetton Armour Exceed X Darkness and Darkness Spark Armour, to the person's amazement.

Dark Paradox does the same as he to have discovered that he has other forms, too. Not only he does have his Darkness Base form but Solid Burning Darkness, Acro Smasher Darkness, Magnificent Darkness, Royal Mega Master Darkness and Ultimate Final Darkness forms as well, to the person's shock while the two REBIRTH Darkness Copies tried out their new powers, to their amazement.

X Darkness (Atriox): Now this is more like it.

Geed Darkness (Dark Paradox): Yeah! You know it, Atriox! So, dude, you gotta name?

The person nods as he began to introduce himself.

??? (Demonic Voice): My name? (Smirks) I am an old friend to your bosses (A/N: He's referring to Salem and Gemdeus Machina.) and knowing that you wouldbe in a predictament like this, Gemdeus machina has sent me to give you a power boost. My name, is Ultra Dark Killer.

X Darkness (Atriox): Well, that makes three of you now, your grace. Now we are three times stronger.

Geed Darkness (Dark Paradox): So, your grace. What are our new assignments that Gemdeus Machina approved?

Ultra Dark Killer (Demonic Voice): Well, for starters, I would like you to Steal the Light Energy of every New Generation Heroes! Including the Space Garrison and Grigio! If you can't steal the Light Energy from Grigio, then the rest would have to do nicely. Once we have already stolen from them, next order of business is,..... we steal this World's Heroes as well.... I have plans for the Ultras and the Heroes here whowants to defeat Gemdeus machina and Salem so badly.... big big plans for them....

Ultra Dark Killer said as he conjoured a portal in front of the cargo as he sucked everything in to begin his master plan while disappearing into his other portal. Then, the Rebirths went giant as they took to the skies, making their way to other galaxies to steal the New Generation Heroes' Light Energy and the Spacegarrison's Light Energy.

(A/N: Music stops/interrupts here.)

Back at the Snowy Tundra,

Maria adjusts her goggles to get a better look at what's in front of her. Rachel looked in disbelief.

Urataros: Ooooh~? Who are you, beautiful~?

Rachel: Who... who the fuck are y- or... What are you?

Haruto: Language...

Jinn: I am Jinn, a being created by the God of Light to aid humanity in its pursuit of knowledge. I've been graced with the ability to answer three questions every one hundred years. You're in luck, as I am still able to answer--

Ozpin: That's enough!

Everyone looks to Ozpin, who managed to regain control over Oscar's body. Then, Jinn continued on.

Jinn: ... two questions this era.

Ozpin looks down to the ground, ashamed. Everyone is shocked and angered by this, despite Ozpin telling them that the Relic won't work for them beforehand.

Shadow couldn't believe at what he is seeing as he shakes his disappointingly.

Shadow (Inner Thoughts): More lies, should've known. He will not keep to his word after I point the gun at him...

Jinn: It's a pleasure to see you again, old man.

Jinn chuckles, clearly knowing who Ozpin is.

Jinn: Hmm?

Jinn's attention suddenly lands on Shadow's direction as she took notice of how his physical appearance suddenly changed from his original appearance to a blue and white one with red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, indigo and violet tints at the tip of his hair. 

Jinn: My, my, my. If it isn't, UltraInfinity. It's been a while.

Shadow: Huh?

Jinn squats down to Shadow's level, the latter already confused and flustered at the situation.

Jinn: I didn't think you'd still be alive after all these years, but here you are, inside a child as determined as you.

Shadow: I'm sorry, but I think you're mistaking me for someone else....?

Jinn: You may look too young for your age, but you can't fool me, Infinity. 

She says, frowning at him. 

Jinn: I only know one person who is able to wield the powers of the Maidens and the silver eyes to a degree that it goes way beyond the Gods: You."

Shadow: I'm sorry, but I really don't know what you are talking about.

UltraInfinity (In Shadow's mind): Jinn. It's been a while.

Jinn: Hello, Infinity. Thought you promised you'd visit me four times every year?

UltraInfinity (In Shadow's mind): I promised that, however due to my demise and someone taking you away in your relic form made me change my plans to go look for you. But yet again, you still keep your figure.

Jinn: Oh stop or you'll make me blush~ and better still you'll hurt my precious feelings~

Shadow: Okay, Something tells me you two know each other...

UltraInfinity (In Shadow's mind): Yes. I knew her after the World of Remnant was given a second chance, and after the God of Light gave her the Fifth Relic known as the 'Relic of Unity'.

Shadow: Second chance?! Okay!! (Looks at Ozpin) Oz, what's going on?!

Suddenly, Jinn takes a closer look at Shadow. Her eyes glowed as if she was looking through him. After a while, she smiles at him, but it was one with a sorrow tale behind it. 

Jinn: I see, it seems you had your duty cut out for you, UltraInfinity. Still, it doesn't make it easier when this is all over.

Shadow: Over???

UltraInfinity (In my mind): Yes. Ozpin is hiding a dark truth. One that is unbearable to others to hear, and for you to hear.

Jinn suddenly smirks. 

Jinn: You could tell that, too. Well, I could tell you, if the girl who is holding the Relic asks the precise question needed.

Jinn turns her attention back to Ruby.

Ozpin: Ruby, please... Don't.

Ozpin pleads. Qrow glances to Ozpin, and steps forward to try and defuse the situation. 

Qrow: Hey.

Suddenly, Yang, Weiss, Blake, Tenka, Rachel, and Mitchell get defensive at Qrow by raising their weapons against him, while Momotaros whose host is Ryotaro Nogami, Urataros, Kintaros, Ryutaros, Sieg, Kouta and Haruto decided to add no more pressure to this and watched. Ruby and Shadow stares in disbelief.

Qrow relents and raises his hands defeat. 

Qrow: Do whatever you think is right, kiddo.

Ruby: Jinn?

Ruby calls out, powdering on the question she is about to ask.

Then, she turns around to face Jinn, who has a curious look on her face, while Ozpin grits his teeth in anger.

Ruby: What is Ozpin hiding from us?


Shadow: (Whispering) I don't think so.


Ruby gasps and looks behind her. Ozpin lunges forward and is about to touch her. Just as he was about to reach Ruby, everyone suddenly froze in their position except Jinn and Shadow, to her confusion (A/N: Kamen Rider Chronos' Ability.).


I looked up at Jinn as I wanted to ask her something as well but before that, I clarified.

Me: Jinn, I need to know. How many questions did Infinity asked you, and you've answered?

Jinn looked curious after hearing my question. Then, she answered.

Jinn: Not three. But more because I gave him an exception of codes that he gave me as questions that were easy to decifer.

Me: I see. So, as long as the three questions resides, I can still ask more by saying the codes?

Jinn: As long as you know one, I will answer and decifer them.

Me: Cool. Never knew Relics have secrets like yours for example.

I nod my head as I thought of one. Then, it hit me that one code has been bothering me for sometime now, and decided that I should give this code a whirl.

Me: Jinn.... Alpha code: Eight dot Three One Two One dash Niner Omega Five.... (looks at Ozpin) Restart....


Time soon flowed again as I rushed in front of her to protect her while unsheathing Parablade in its gun mode, taking the shot, but suddenly, Ruby finds herself alone in a blank white space, the same could be said with the others.

Ruby: Wha-- what? Weiss? Yang? Shadow?

Weiss: Blake? Rachel?! Ru--

Blake: --by? Tenka?

Mitchell: Yang? Tenka? Yang, my dragon darling, where are you?! TENKA!!!!

Me: Miss the shot....but either way.... looks like Jinn has granted the power of Ruby's question and my code question. But where is this place.... And a- Wait, Ruby? RUBY?! RUBY?!?!?!

Tenka: Dad? Cap? A-Anyone!

Kouta: Son? Anyone?

3rd Person's POV:

Suddenly, an environment manifests, showing a path leading to a castle in the distance. A woman humming can be heard in the background.

Jinn: Once upon a time, there stood a lonely tower...

Jinn narrates as each person are in their personal white space. 

Jinn: ...that sheltered a lonely girl. Named... 

A rather beautiful woman sitting in front of a mirror then appears, to Shadow's greatest shock. 

Shadow: That's impossible.... she almost looks like..... how is that she looks more like....

Jinn & Shadow: Salem./Salem?

(A/N: Salem in her Human State in the Past.)

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The second episode of the Sixth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. Well well well, looks like Ozpin's secret is going to be revealed at the next episode. Interesting..... So, If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!!

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