Volume 6: Our Way (PART 2)

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the thirteenth episode and the last Episode of the SIXTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, PART 2! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

Everyone looked in horror to see an enormous Grimm towering all the Grimm, the Leviathans and the Atlas Military. All Atlas Military fled except for Cordovin as she used her new Arm Cannon to deliver a barrage of missiles and Dust at it, but to no avail as the Grimm is proven to be too powerful to handle, to Cordovin's shock.

(A/N: The Gigantic Grimm. merge the Kraken, Sea Dragon and any kind of Grimm together in a way you see fit. The main head will be the Kraken's head fused with Sea Dragon's head.)

While in shock, the Gigantic Grimm used one of its Crab legs to kick Cordovin's mech away, causing the mech to be sent flying till it landed down close to the city of Argus while the Mech's system suddenly shut down.

Cordovin: No no no no no no no no! 

Cordovin exclaimed while attempting to turn the Mech back online.

While trying to get the Mech back online, the Grimm, the Leviathans slowly advanced towards the city of Argus while the Gigantic Grimm proceeded to the Manta housing the group lead by the two lovers; Ruby and Shadow.

Salem: I have no time to deal with those Atlesian Toys. But, I have the time for you.

She said, looking while stopping the Grimm in front of the Manta.

Qrow: Maria, time to go!! NOW!!

Maria: Don't have to tell me twice!

Maria said as she steered the Manta away from the Grimm, only for the Grimm to swiftly catch them by the Kraken's tentacles, for Maria to struggle steering the Airship.

Kouta: Why aren't we moving?!?!

Maria: It's the Grimm's tentacles! It's got us!

Shadow: Combiners out there, we need that Airship clipped from its tentacles!

Time Ragnorak (Roland): It will be done!

Jewel Brave (Jon): Here goes!


RETRIBUTION: That we can do!

The fusions and combiners replied.

Then, the combiners and the fusion rider flew and swooped around in the air as they began to use their melee weapons to slice the Tentacles off the Airship for the Grimm to shriek in pain as it began to turn its attention to them.

Salem: You fools shall never stop me to claim my prizes!

Salem exclaimed.

She then commanded the Grimm to eliminate the combiners and fusion rider, only for them to dodge the Grimm's attacks.

Weiss: It's no good. They won't last long out there.

Weiss said.

Ruby: Shadow? What are we going to do?

Ruby asks her thinking boyfriend.

Shadow was thinking hard until....

Dylan: Hey, Shadow. Maybe we can give you a hand?

Dylan ask along with Jacob to give Shadow a nod.

Shadow thought about this, for him to smile at Dylan and Jacob's idea.

Shadow: Actually... yeah. That's not a bad idea.

Dylan & Jacob: Sweet!!!

Kori: Shadow, let my brother and I aide them with this, too. They could use the fire and Ice power.

Jason: Yeah!

Shadow: Alrighty. That'll keep the Grimm busy.

Shadow said.

Then, the hedgehogs, Kori and Jason jumped out of the Manta as Kori and Jason transformed into their specific Final forms, while the hedgehogs turned Super as they began to fly about and around the Grimm, slicing the tentacles off the Manta with the Ice and Magma Riders to freeze and burn the Tentacles off the Manta, for the Grimm to turn their attention on them.

While everyone out there were keeping the Grimm busy, I readied Parablade in its gun mode as I readied to fire.

Shadow: Everyone! We need to make sure the Relic is protected! So arm up!

Ruby: We're not leaving Argus without a fight...

Shadow: How right you are, Rubes.

Ruby: nods

And with that, everyone readied their weapons inside the Manta as they aimed outside of the Airship.

Just as the other tentacles began to crawl into the Manta,-

Shadow: WEAPONS FREE!!!!

Ruby: FIRE!!!!

- everyone opened fire at the tentacles that were about to enter the Airship they were in.

As they were firing, the Grimm crawled backwards as the combiners, the fusion rider, the Hiyasu Brothers and the Hedgehogs outside were making progress in keeping the Grimm busy while cutting the Tentacles off the Airship, for Salem to grow mad.

Salem: So, you all think you can just delay the inevitable? Well, I CAN'T LET YOU DO THAT, AS IT IS USELESS!!!!!

Salem retorted.

The Grimm's eyes glow bright red as it began to fire a large reddish black beam at everyone flying about who were stalling for time, for the Combiners, the Hiyasu Brothers and the Hedgehogs to fall into the water below, to everyone's shock.

Shadow: No...

Shadow said to himself with worry.

Salem smiled that all the distractions are no more, until she realized, she missed one.

Salem: Wait... isn't there suppose to be one-

Just as she was about to finish, the sound of weapons unsheathing can be heard, for Salem to slowly turn back to see who is behind her.

Salem: - more....

Salem finished.

Now, Salem is now staring face-to-face with Kamen Rider RETRIBUTION, as she had a Shroudriser on her left hand and a Dragonic Ember Celica on her right arm as she slowly paced to stalk Salem while Salem is looking at the Rider.


Me: So, you must be Salem? I thought you'd be taller from the last time we met.

Salem: The last time we met was simply an illusion made by Emerald.

Me: Indeed it was... but now we are seeing the real thing, it's time to pay for your sins in retribution!

I said, pointing at Salem.

Salem growled at this as she began to use her magics and began to launch several beams at me, only for me to deflect the beams while shooting the beams down with my weapons I conjured. After deflecting and shooting all the beams away, I discarded my weapons and conjured three Repulsor Blasters on the palm of both my hands and at the center of my chest as I began to launch a barrage of beams from both my palms as they struck Salem all over. While blasting Salem, I used my left hand as I activated another specific finisher-


-, to stop firing at Salem as I began to concentrate my Semblance, aura and energy on my central Arc Reactor aka the Center Repulsor Blast. Once my Arc Reactor glowed brightly and is fully charged, I lunged forward to launch a huge beam at Salem, for her to be sent flying down into the ocean, for me to hear a faint splash.

Me: Hmph! Well, that's that. And here I thought she's going to make this difficult for me.

I said as I turned around to walk away.

Suddenly, I stopped walking to swiftly turn around to see Salem levitating while regenerating her wounds in front of me.

Salem: I must say, Retribution.... you're good.

Me: growls

Salem: But not goOD ENOUGH!!!!!

Salem yelled, launching a huge beam at me, only for me to dodge it as I pretend to fall into the ocean, but actually, I was flying downwards to rescue out combiner friends, the bothers and the Hedgehogs, one by one.

After a few minutes of bringing everyone back to the Manta, I went up to Shadow.

Me: No joke she's immortal. My finisher and attacks can only buy that enough of time.

I said.

Shadow: Don't worry. You did what you could. And I thank you for bringing them back here.

Me: Not a problem.

Shadow: MARIA!!!

Maria: Yup!

Ruby: How's the Airship!

Maria: Good to go! And free from being added to become Takoyaki for its lunch!

Brave: Then let's go!

Me: Before Salem sees us leaving!

Maria steered for the Manta to fly away fast, only for Salem to command the Grimm to grab the airship by using its pincer, for everyone inside to hold onto something and for some to tumble down onto the floors of the Airship.

Haruto: Looks like we've been pinched by a Grimm!!!

Haruto exclaimed.

Dathale: Can't we do something with that pincer that got us!

Roland: I can, but I'm drained for a moment after that blast...

Jon: This pincer is going to crush the Airship anytime!

They said.

Shadow looked with worry, not knowing on what to do about the Gigantic Grimm's pincer that is currently about to crush us. Just as hope was about to be lost, a call from my scroll came in, for Shadow to pick it up.

Shadow: Hello, who's this?!

I asked hurriedly.

??? (By via Scroll): Shadow. Looks like you're in a jam. Let us help you out.

The caller answered.

I tilt my head as a question mark appeared on my head, until it dawned upon me that I recognized that voice from before.

Shadow: Wait.... Kieron Prime?

I asked.


(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Till All are One - TRANSFORMERS: FALL OF CYBERTRON.)

Just as I asked that question, several beams struck the Grimm, causing the Grimm to release the Manta from its grip as the Airship began to fly around the Grimm. While beams were seen firing at the Grimm, I looked at the source direction at where the beams were fired, for me to see Fortress Maximus in his ship mode flying towards the Grimm while firing its beams at it.

(A/N: Fortress Maximus in Ship Mode.)

It carried on for sometime before the Grimm returned fire, for the ship to activate their shields to block the beam from hitting Fortress Maximus.

Shadow: Fortress Maximus! Autobots! Kieron Prime! Right on time!

Kieron Prime (By via Scroll): Yep. We noticed a high Grimm activity at Argus.

Trinity Prime (By via Scroll): So, we all decided to come here to give you guys a hand, let's say if you are still around. Welp, guess we are right.

Shadow: You have no idea how glad we are to see you.

Kieron Prime (By via Scroll): Feeling's mutual, my friend. Now, come aboard, we'll be awaiting you.

Kieron Prime said.

I nod at this and went to the cockpit.

Shadow: Maria, head to that ship. 

Maria: You don't have to tell me twice.

Maria said as she steered the Manta to Fortress Maximus.

The Grimm noticed the Airship leaving for the large ship, for it to try and grasp it by using one of its tentacles, only for it to be blasted off by one of Fortress Maximus's laser guns, giving the Manta the opprotunity to fly to the Fort.

Once arrived, it landed on the right runway (A/N: Your POV's right.) as the airship entered inside the ship. After the airship stopped moving, everyone alighted for the Autobots to lead them to the bridge. Once there, we see some autobots including Trinity Prime working on the controls.

Kieron Prime: Shadow.

Shadow: Kieron. Good to see you.

Kieron Prime: Yeah. So... what do we got?

Roland: A gigantic Grimm is after the relic, Ruby and Shadow.

Shadow: Mostly she wants me. She wants something that I have.

Shadow said.

Kieron Prime looked in worry.

Kieron Prime: The Enigma?

Shadow: No.... something far more supreme than her powers can comprehend.

Shadow said.

Kieron Prime nods at this as he swiftly turn to the autobots in the bridge.

Kieron Prime: Autobots! It's time we even the playing field. Time to bring out Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime.

Kieron Prime said.

Autobots: Yes, sir!!

The autobots said in unison, for Shadow to look in confusion as Kieron Prime exited the bridge.

Ruby: What's that suppose to mean?

Ruby ask, for Shadow to shrug at this.

Then, Bumblebee walked up to them as he explained.

Bumblebee: Long story short, guys. Kieron will be the head of this entire ship which can transform into a robot.

He said.

After explaining, everyone except for the Professional Huntsmen looked in shock at Bumblebee.

Bumblebee: W-What?

Kori: Your voice....

Bumblebee: Yeah? What a- ooohoho. My voice. Yeah, I can talk now.

Jason: How? Last time we saw you, y-

Jason asked.

Ratchet: Long story short, the Omega Lock must have fully regenerated back his voice-box

Ratchet said while making his way to Bumblebee, explaining everything in short, for everyone to understand how Bumblebee managed to talk again.

As everyone understood what's going on, the P.A. System went online as Kieron Prime began to initiate the procedure.

Kieron Prime (By via P.A. System): Autobots, Initiate K.F.M.Prime protocols. And my friends, bare witness.

Kieron Prime said.

Then, the Autobots began pressing buttons as a tremor can be felt on the ground as the ship began to transform.

Outside the Fortress Maximus in Ship Mode, the citizens of Argus, the Atlas Military, the army of Grimm, the five Leviathans, Salem and the Gigantic Grimm witnessed the ship transforming into something. While watching, Salem noticed that the ship began to develop hands and feet as the ship formed the body of a robot. Then, Kieron is seen at the connecting points connecting the Robot's head to its body as he jumped inside of the point, becoming the head of Fortress Maximus in a form of his own face, to Salem's surprise.

(A/N: Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime. Replace Fortress Maximus's head to Kieron Prime's Head.)

Kieron Prime: Salem, prepare to meet your maker. Me.... aka, Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime.

Kieorn Prime said.

After he said that, some of his robot form's parts began to appear at Fortress Maximus's arms, chest, back and legs while he wielded his Sword.

(A/N: This sword.)

Inside the Bridge, everyone including Shadow and Ruby looked in awe at the sight.

Ruby: That's... so.... cool...

Ruby said with enthusiasm.

Shadow held onto Ruby tightly in case she flies off again like back before their Initiation back at Beacon.

Shadow: Not the best time, Rubes. But later.

Yang: Yeah, he's right... we're in a middle of a battle.

Ruby: Awwwwwwww....

Ruby whined.

Kieron Prime's POV:

I donned my defense pose as both the Gigantic Grimm and I were seen circling around each other until whoever strikes first. It's been a while since we both circled around in front of each other until the Grimm lunged in first as it had its tentacles ready to bind me, only for me to dodge them and slice a couple that caught me during my dodge, for the Grimm to shriek.

I smirked behind my battle mask, for the Grimm to try latching its tentacles on me again, for me to slash them into pieces with no difficulty. While slashing, I noticed the Grimm suddenly charging towards me as it struck me, causing me to fall into the water, for everyone inside the Bridge of Fortress Maximus to hold onto something real tight. Meanwhile, I was getting my grip together as I grabbed my sword again to fight once again, only for the Grimm to jump on top of me as it began to use its claws and pincers to deliver several blows and slashes onto me, for me to use my sword to block several of them while sustaining some hits from the Grimm.

Salem: You will not forestall my judgement onto the boy!

Me: Unfortunately, I must as you are a woman who became a goddess of your own sick twisted delusions! Autobots! Open the hatch on the two cannons below my chest!

I said.

As commanded, two cannons appeared at both sides below Fortress Maximus's chest-

(A/N: Something like these cannons below the chest shown in this image as an example.)

- as I began to launch numerous shots at the Grimm, for it to get off me while staggering backwards as it roared its terrifying roar. After the Grimm got off, I quickly got back up as I activated my leg cannons and the rest of my arsenals around Fortress Maximus's body as I made my way towards the Grimm while firing all arsenals at the Grimm, while holding my sword in hand.

Just as I reached, I delivered several slashes at the Grimm, disarming one of its claws and breaking its shell-like armour. While slashing and firing my arsenals at the Grimm, Salem launched a beam at my eyes, for me to get blinded by it, giving the Grimm the opportunity to use its remaining claws and pincers to snatch my sword, using it against me by thrusting it into Fortress Maximus's body, but-



- a Magic Flame Barrier and two Dragon Shields (DragShield) blocked the thrust, to Salem's shock as someone has gotten my back.

Alex: You know, if you want to get to the Relic, the girl and the boy this bad, you'll have to go through us first.

Alex said using his connect ring to summon his swordgun.

Zero Dragfall: We're not going to destroy the base to let you have what you want!

Zero Dragfall said summoning his sword vent (DragSaber).

Upon hearing this, I nod at the two who stood up for me as I lunged in to swipe my sword back from the Grimm while getting up as I began to fight against the Grimm while Zero Dragfall and Alex Fang took to the skies as they began to fight the one who is controlling the Gigantic Grimm (Salem). 

While Salem was overseeing the Grimm fighting against me, she noticed two Huntsmen flying at the right of her, for her to turn her attention to them as they landed on top of the Gigantic Grimm, standing before her.

Salem: So, you two think you can take me head on~?

???: Strength in numbers may not be enough to defeat you-

Someone interrupted, for Salem to look at the direction where the source came from which turned out to be Tenka who's wearing a different suit coloured in black with some white at some parts of the suit with red outlines on them this time as he landed at the same location as Alex and Zero Dragfall did.

Meanwhile in the bridge, everyone looked in shock to see Tenka outside with Zero Dragfall and Alex.

Rachel: Tenka?!

Shadow: I thought he was with us the whole time?!

Blake: What are you doing?!

Mitchell: uuuhhh.... guys...???

Some people of the group look at Mitchell to see him pointing at Tenka which turned out to be a hologram in disguise as he deactivated the hologram, to Blake's worry.

Shadow: He's gonna get himself killed out there!!!

Blake: .... Tenka.... 

Shadow noticed Blake's worry for her lover, for him to move through the group as he decided to go out there, too.

Ruby: Shadow? SHADOW?!?!

Yang: Where are you going?!

Qrow: KID!!!

Apollonir: SON!!! What do you think you are doing?!

Rachel: CAP!!!!!

They tried calling out to Shadow, but it was too late as by the time he left, the doors closed behind him.

(A/N: Transformers Music pause here at 4:04.)

Tenka's POV:

Outside and in front of Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime who is currently fighting the Gigantic Grimm, Alex, Zero Dragfall and I are seen now standing before Salem as the three of us began to fight.

Me: - But our wills to fight will still keep us going to go against you.

Salem: Are they now?

Alex: One way to find out is when we show it.

Zero Dragfall: For Dragon City....

Me: For my friends... and for my people...

The three of us then wield our weapons as we were ready to strike, for us to see that Salem has readied her own weapon, too in a form of a purplish black Dust crystal-like spear. We looked at each other with daggers in our eyes with Salem's eyes trying to invoke fear within us as the three of us looked.

Me: whispers don't . let her, get in to your head...

Zero Dragfall: whispers don't worry... the city has given me something which prevents that so,... if you see a red aura around you guys, means we are protected...

Alex: whispers Nicely done.

Me: whispers Excellent, Zero Dragfall...

After a while of staring, Alex rushed in first while transforming into his Flame Dragon mode as he began to wield his WizarSwordGun and a ring as he placed the ring onto his finger, scanning it in front of the Wizard-Driver.


After scanning the ring, Alex noticed Salem's spear is about to reach his head, only for him to swing his sword as the blade elongated as it followed through the slashing motion as it clashed with Salem's spear for her to stagger backwards from the sudden block and clash. 

Salem looks at Alex who appeared to be smirking after that surprise block and clash, causing her to growl at him as she began to use her spear to attack him once again for Alex to swing his Extend magic-infused Sword at her, for them to clash once again. While both Salem and Alex were in the middle of their sword fight and clash, Zero Dragfall and I advanced towards her at two different directions, with Zero Dragfall to go left and for me to go right.

Alex's POV:


(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: We have to defeat it - SAO.)

While Tenka and Zero Dragfall were about to strike Salem from both directions while Salem and I were fighting, Salem blast an energy ball from her spear directly at me, only for me to use my weapon to slash it in two while utilizing Infinity Ring for me to go Infinity Form.

Salem saw this and decided to use every magic she has on her as an energy ball of multitude of colours began to form on both her hands, for me to create a magic wizard (as in Wizard's Symbol) circle in front of me.

Me: Let's see who's magics is the greatest.

Salem: DONE!

Me: Non-Villains starts the first act!!

I yelled.

Then, the magic battle began when I used both my hands to split the magic circle as I slammed my hands onto the floor for a road of rocky spikes to emerge, moving towards Salem in the attempts to impale her, only for her to fly upwards and land behind the impact point as she swayed her arms upwards and down in front of her chest in an 'x' cross formation as she blasted a multi-coloured 'X' beam of her own as it made its way towards me.

I formed a huge magic circle, snapping my fingers once its done and as soon as the beam struck the circle, the circle instantly turned into a diamond barrier for the beam to be deflected. While deflecting the beam with my diamond-created barrier, I enlarged both my arms and hands as I did a pushing motion for the barrier to begin to move towards Salem while the beam is still fired and deflecting off the barrier. Salem looked in shock at this as she stopped launching her beam as she used one of the powers she has absorbed and punched the diamond barrier into pieces. After the barrier was destroyed, she used another power while utilizing her crystal spear as she raised the spear up while her new power in a form of many eyes flying behind her in a Peacock-like phoenix formation as the eyes fired each beam as the tip of the spear itself, giving it the powers of Extremer. Once the spear is fully charged, she threw it towards me while conjuring her powers to create a blackhole as she threw the blackhole at me, too. I used my semblance and my magic to create a countermeasure for both magic attacks as I used one to disintegrate the spear and the other to obliterate the blackhole, creating it into four elongated-necked shadow dragons emerging from the impact done by my magic destroying the blackhole as they roared at Salem, only for Salem to smile at this.

Salem: I must admit. Your magic and semblance are far more surperior than my ancient power and my new powers combined.

She said while conjuring back her spear.

I chuckle after hearing this.

Me: To be fair, despite being opposite sides, we both share the same professionality of conjuring many feats of magic.

Salem: Hmph! Must admit, you have a point there.

Me: Point exactly.

Salem: However, our little magic show must come to an end....

Salem said.

I motion my hand to point at Salem as the shadow dragons lunge at Salem, only for her to use her magic to shatter his shadow minions to glass while I used my semblance to summon my clones of my shadow as I command them to fight Salem, in which they did as they wield different weapons to go against her.

As Salem saw my shadow clones of myself charging towards her, she aimed her spear directly at them, only for the spear to be-


-shattered by Zero Dragfall's shoot vent ability when he shot his round and his Dragranzer to launch its fire breathe-like blast her spear, to Salem's shock for her to look back to see this. 

(A/N: Dragranzer (Shoot Vent variation).)

Upon seeing Zero Dragfall interferring, Tenka struck Salem from behind by using his suit when he conjured his arms to create Beringel Arms and fists by via the suit's nano-technology.

After that Beringel assault, I watched as Tenka's right foot quickly turned into Nevermore feet as he did a back kick while while slashing Salem by using the talons of his conjured nano-tech Nevermore feet. Then, his left foot turned into another Nevermore feet as he stomped both Salem's feet onto the ground so she won't be able to move around, for him to use his right hand to punch a hole into the Gigantic Grimm's shelled back for us to hear the Grimm roar. He then lift his right fist back up as chunks of the Grimm's shell created by Tenka punching deeply into it began to converge onto his right arm's suit, turning it into some kind of Geist-like arm in a form of armour as he lunged his arm back, and sprung it forward, for Salem to take the hit as she flew backwards.

While flying backwards,-


- Alex is seen on his Dragranzer in its Bike form as he began to speed up towards Salem while aiming his Drag-visor Zwei directly at Salem. 

(A/N: Final Vent.)

Once Zero Dragfall was close enough, he revved up his bike while doing a wheelie as the Dragranzer began to move its head, launching a barrage of fireballs at Salem while Zero Dragfall rammed into her, delivering the final blow on her, giving my clones the opportunity to deliver a flurry of slashes and shots at her. After they were done, I flew up as I converged my clones into my hand as I conjured a shadow shuriken, throwing it directly at the lifeless body that is Salem, for the shuriken to thrust deeply into her stomach while summoning shadow chains from the shuriken to hold her down so she stays that way.

Once the magic attack and the tactic planned by both Tenka and Zero Dragfall has been done, revealing the results that Salem is down and out, Zero Dragfall, Tenka and I looked at each other as we three exchanged nods.

(A/N: SAO Music ends here.)

Me: Good plan flanking her and attacking her like that.

I commented on their plan.

Tenka: Thanks, Alex.

Zero Dragfall: Yeah, and for a Huntsman who manipulates shadows, you're not bad yourself. We saw the whole magic show play out, despite it being a fight for your life.

Me: Really? Aww, thanks. Don't mean to flatter much but, I think I went too all out with the magic tricks.

I said.

Tenka: N-No, no no. I believe you did just fine, Alex.

Tenka said.

Me: Welp, thanks a bunch, then.

I replied.

Suddenly, Zero Dragfall remembered something.

Zero Dragfall: Wait... 

Tenka & Me: What? What is it?

Zero Dragfall: Ruby and her team and her friends mentioned Salem can't be killed, right?

Tenka: Yes? 

Zero Dragfall: Then that means she ca-

Me: We know that. That's why the shadow shuriken and the chains coming out of it, so she won't come out from them.

Zero Dragfall: ooooohhh.... no wonder. phew Right.

Zero Dragfall noticed the chains coming out from the shuriken, sighing in relief.

Tenka: Anyway, we should go and let them know they are clear to engage the Grimm along with Salem, now that she's down.

Zero Dragfall: Yeah. We can take both of them down at once.

Me: Alright. Let's go.

I said. 

(A/N: Transformers Music resumes here.)

We all turn to Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime's direction who's still fighting against the Gigantic Grimm that we are still on because we were fighting against Salem as we began to hop off the Grimm's back. 

3rd Person's POV:

Just as Tenka, Zero Dragfall and Alex are about to leave the Grimm so that Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime can take care of the rest, Tenka stopped as he sensed something isn't right, for him to turn back to see Salem breaking free from her shadow binds, to his shock.

Tenka: Guys.... think we all have to look alive, again.

He said.

Zero Dragfall and Alex stopped as they too looked back to see Salem getting back up, to their shocks, as well.

Alex: After everything?

Zero Dragfall: Yup... after everything...

Tenka: Prepare for another counterattack!

Just as they were about to fish out their weapons, Salem was already free from Alex's shadow shuriken and chain for her to use her powers against them as she used every power she was given and assimulated with to overpower the three who opposed her, to their shock.

Tenka, Zero Dragfall and Alex were lying on the back of the Grimm after being struck by Salem's newfound attack as they slowly and struggled to get up from being struck.

Alex: Okay.... this, is something else...!

Tenka: Most probably something new....

Tenka said.

Once the three managed to get up from being struck by that surprise overpowering attack, Salem slowly walked towards them as she had a serious look on her face.

Salem: I'm surprise you three withstood my attack. Usually one blow would have killed you. Well, I admire your efforts,... but unfortunately, they're wasted on you.

She said.

The three don their defensive pose as Salem began to conjure back her spear again, pointing it directly at them. Once Salem has her weapon pointed at the three, she launched a beam from the tip of her spear, only for the beam to be deflected by a barrier that appeared before Tenka, Zero Dragfall and Alex, to their confusion.

Salem noticed that her attack was deflected by some kind of barrier, for her to cease the attack, for her to see the barrier clearly. As everyone kept looking at the barrier while Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime is seen still fighting against the Gigantic Grimm that they are on, the four noticed the barrier dissipating revealing someone to be using the barrier to deflect Salem's attack. After the barrier completely dissipated, it is revealed that Shadow was deflecting the barrier to protect Tenka, Zero Dragfall and Alex from Salem's spear attack.

Tenka: Doctor?!

Tenka exclaimed in shock.

Zero Dragfall: Just in time, sir.

Zero Dragfall said.

Shadow looked back to nod. 

Alex: Salem, be careful, Shadow.... we tried everything but,... she still lives.

Shadow: I know. Which is why you must head back.

He said as he raised his hand holding Kamen Rider Chronicle Gashat, activating it as the Game's opening screen sucked them in for them to journey back into the fortress in its robot mode, to their shock. After assuring that they are safely returned, Shadow inserted the Gashat back into his pocket while staring face to face with Salem with his own serious look on his face.

Shadow: So, you must be Salem, in the flesh?

Shadow ask.

Salem: I am. And you must be the boy who crippled two of my associates, Cinder and Tyrian? Shadow, was it?

Salem said and ask.

Shadow: If what you say is true, then you are talking to the right person.

Shadow answered.

Salem was speechless when she heard her target answering. Then, he began to speak again.

Shadow: Tell me, Salem. Why go such lengths in destroying this World, when this planet didn't do anything to you? Why to go such lengths to claim the relics?

Salem: That's none of your concern. What matters to me is claiming the relics. When I do, I'll call forth the gods and have them regret for what they did to Ozpin...

Shadow: They did what was necessary as your greed in getting Ozpin back and your revenge against them for rejecting you has brought you to this dark path.

Salem: I loved him!!!

Shadow: And I know you do. I know you still do after hearing about your past. But, you have to let this go, Salem. The more you still think about the past, the more you'll suffer for the rest of your immortal life.

Shadow said.

Salem kept quiet upon hearing this.

Shadow: You miss the Ozpin from the past, don't you? And you don't like being stuck living again like this, don't you?

Salem looked at Shadow upon hearing this, for him to smile at this.

Shadow: See? That look on your face? That shows that you can still change. Sure the Ozpin you know in the past is no longer around... but deep down you know Ozpin is around in your mind and your heart. Salem... you got to let go of the past as it just don't matter. The only thing that matters, is what you choose to be now.

Shadow said.

Salem still kept quiet after hearing this.

Then, she sees Shadow's hand in front of her, to her confusion.

Shadow: Come now, Salem. It's not too late to do the right thing. We can still change everyone's fates when you yourself, change first. So, come now. Let me help you, and let me lead you to your new path,... the righteous path.

Shadow persuaded.

Salem looked at Shadow for a moment, then looks down back at his hand, for her to nod at this.

Salem: Y... you're right....

Salem said while emitting a dark aura surrounding her, for Shadow to take a few steps back while still holding out his hand.

Salem: But I must apologise.... as I already chose my path.

Salem said.

Shadow: It's not too late, Salem. Just take my hand and I'll help you...

Salem: Help?

Shadow answers by nodding at Salem's question.

Salem: Help me?..... I DEFY YOU AND YOUR HELP!!!!!!!

Salem yelled.

Then, she began to use her spear to launch numerous beams at Shadow, only for him to deflect them by using his arms. While deflecting, Shadow began to levitate away which to his opinion, it is a bad idea as he is now in range when the Gigantic Grimm launches its death beam. So, Shadow quickly deflected Salem's beam while launching his own icy beams at her, for some to be deflected away and for some to hit her, to her annoyance.

Salem used her new powers to destroy the ice that struck her, to Shadow's shock as he notices her arms are being encased in some kind of dark substance.

Shadow: Kieron... quick scan on what's on her arms, please?

Shadow said.

While Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime is still fighting against the Gigantic Grimm by launching rockets at it, Kieron began to use its optics to do a brief scan on what's on Salem's arms, for him to get the answers quickly.

Kieron Prime: Shadow, the substance on her arm. It's of Decepticon Origin! It's Dark Energon!

Kieron said.

Shadow look in shock from this.

Shadow: Salem! Where did you get that power from?!

Salem: This? shows arms to Shadow Well, you can say, someone's brother gave me this power so I can go toe to toe against literally anybody... which includes you...

Salem said.

Shadow: Jet Storm....

Salem: I see you two have been acquainted, I see? I do know as hell your huge tin can of a friend of yours and him have been acquainted for a while. 

Shadow: Yeah, we've met... but that's not the point on today's mission, right?

Salem: Oh it is... as you will be the first person to die first hand by his power! But seeing his brother is here, I think I should kill him first, and his friends inside his base!

Salem said as she began to conjure a huge purple Dark Energon-like fireball above her by using both her hands to conjure it. 

Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime tried to stop her by using his sword, only for the Gigantic Grimm to hold him in place by using its claws, pincer and its tentacles, preventing the autobot from moving as he struggled. Once her fireball is big enough, she threw it towards Kieron's head, only for Shadow to use his Winter powers to hold it back so that the Dark Energon-like Fireball won't hit his ally's head. While holding Salem's attack back, Salem used her powers and the Gigantic Grimm charged up its beam from its mouth as they both launched their individual beams at the fireball, giving it a push and more power.

Shadow tried holding the fireball back as long as he could, looking back at Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime with worry that if he lets go, not only he will take the hit, but everyone behind him will, too. So, he released his hand from holding the fireball back as he raised it up in the air, summoning streaks of lightning from the sky as it struck where the Robot base is held, freeing Kieron. After freeing my autobot ally from the Grimm's clutches, I used by powers to move him aside, only for him to get overpowered by Salem and her Gigantic Grimm's combined beam as their beams and the fireball struck him, for the attacks to send Shadow flying until he lands into the water close to the last barrier that is still currently protecting the City of Argus.

Upon seeing this, everyone including Ruby inside the bridge watched in shock and horror at what Salem did to her lover.

Tenka: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Ruby: SHADOW!!!!!!

Apollonir: ....

Meanwhile, on top of the Gigantic Grimm, Salem began to have a smile fixed on her face as she began to initiate her next course of action.

Salem: Now... now that he's out of the way, it's time to remove this obstacle first. Leviathans! Destroy the last Barrier!!

Salem commanded.

The five remaining Leviathans stopped it their tracks as they began to charge their beams in their mouths.

Salem: Now that our little hero is gone, let us give the Atlas Military an example out of this tin can on what happens, when they keep going against us! Let, us, end, their lives, and claim what is rightfully ours.

She said.

Then, the Leviathans began to fully charge up their beams aiming directly at the Barrier, along with the Gigantic grimm who did the same for the giant robot, to Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime and everyone on board him to look in worry, shock, fear and saddness.

(A/N: Transformers Music ends here.)



I am currently unconcious while sinking down into the water, reaching towards the seabed below me after sustaining multiple wounds and fatal wounds from Salem and the Gigantic Grimm's attacks.

While i'm heading down to the seabed, I began to think about the good times I had with my Team and my girlfriend's team, my group that i'm forming, the different worlds I have been travelling to help others while claiming the gauntlets, and even those times I consoled my love. During my time thinking of the good times while being unconscious, I felt myself reached the bottom of the seabed, knowing there is nothing I could do due to the injuries sustained.

Just as I was going to accept my fate, a voice boomed out in my head.

???: Your battle is far from over.

??? 2: This, is only the beginning.

The voices said in my head.


(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Indomitable - RWBY Volume 6.)

This caused me to open my eyes, to see that I'm no longer underwater and lying on the seabed as when I sat up straight while on the white void ground and looked around, all I see was a white void that Ozpin or Ozma was in before when we were shown what Ozpin was hiding from us. Then, I stood up from my sitting positon as I began to explore the place, for me to figure that there is nothing but just a pure white void.

So, I called out.

Me: Whoever you are.... I can feel your presence.... and I... need your help desperately.

I said.

While walking around, I felt the presence getting stronger and getting closer as the voices spoke up to me, once again.

??? 2: It is high time we meet, God of Remnant.

???: We must talk about the fate of this world that you know today.

The voices said.

I stopped as I slowly turned around to see the God Brothers of Light and Dark in their humanoid states.

(A/N: Gods of Light and Darkness.)

Me: You're.... you're the brothers of creation and destruction of Remnant. The God of Light and the God of Darkness.

I said.

The two nod at what I said. I bowed my head to greet them.

Me: Then, it's an honour to meet you, your Lordships. I'm Shadow, Shadow Wrath. Le-

God of Darkness: Leader of Team STRM, A Doctor-in-Training, Current heir to the Winter Maiden, and so much more. We know.

God of Light: raises right hand to his face level for his palm to face Shadow There is no need to be so modest. We know you mean well and you have good intentions, young one.

The God of Darkness finished what I was going to say and the God of Light said.

I tilted my head upwards and went back to my standing position with a shocked look on my face.

Me: H-how did you know me when we like... just met today?

I ask while still in a state of shock.

The brothers looked at each other as they nodded. Then, they turned their attention back to me.

God of Light: We, along with Ultraman King have been watching you, young Shadow, ever since your beginning till now.

Me: But.... why? I haven't done anything wrong. Did I?

God of Light: Rest assured you haven't. turning my attention to my brother Brother, would you be so kind as to explain?

God of Darkness: Gladly, brother. looks at Shadow The reason why we have been watching you is because after your birth, your body sent us a beacon, to tell us that hope is not lost to the World of Remnant we created and failed. We returned spiritually to find the source of that power which only Ozma can do that when he combines the four relics to summon us, which lead to you.

God of Light: Only Ozma, instructed by me is to merge the four Relics to summon us so that your World can be rejudged... but you... you somehow managed to pull this off without holding any of the Four Relics.

The brothers explained.

Me: I assume the next question you two are going to ask is.... how I did it.... right?

I asked.

They both nod at my question.

Me: Well honestly,.... I didn't know what was going on as back then when you searched for that source of the beacon aka, me,.... I didn't know what was happening as back then I was a baby.

I said.

God of Darkness: That, my young one is understandable. You were too young to understand it back then.

God of Light: But now, it is time that you understand what is going on. 

I nod at this.

God of Light: After discussing the matter with my brother and Ultraman King, we concluded the reason why and how you managed to call upon us, is because of one thing. And it's because as we stated before...

Gods of Light & Darkness: You are, the New God of Remnant to take our rightful places.

They said in unison as they explained.

I nod at this as I wrote everything down, to the Gods' confusion.

God of Darkness: You seem to be unphased of the matter...

Me: Oh? Oh. Yeah, I actually kind of knew that already back at Haven Academy when Morgan Freeman turned up to explain.

I said to explain to the gods.

The gods look at each other and then back to me as they have shocked looks on their faces despite them not having any eyes, mouth or a nose.

God of Light: Morgan Freeman?

God of Darkness: Here?

Me: Yeah. Why? Do you two know him?

God of Light: Well, we knew him for his specialty in being all-seeing and all-knowing.

God of Darkness: He doesn't appear to literally anyone unless it is important or something has come up,.... like your case you have stated.

God of Light: Indeed.

The Gods said.

I nod at them, understanding who Mr. Freeman is a bit more better this time.

After explaining most of everything and discussing some things to me, the Gods began to go back on track.

God of Light: Now, ahem! ahem! Back to the task at hand.

He said, for me to realize that my friends are in danger, still.

Me: OH, RIGHT! Gods of Light and Darkness. I heed your desperate assistance. Salem has gone mad, trying to get her hands on my love, the relic and myself. If we don't do something now, my friends and my love, the Relic will-

God of Darkness: That we can't.

The God of Darkness rejected my desperate request, to my shock.

Me: What? But... why?

God of Light: If you saw what Jinn, the Lamp Relic had explained, Salem tried to get Ozma back through us. Of course, I rejected her plead. But of course, my brother did the unthinkable and brought him back. We almost fought until Ultraman King intervened and reasoned with us, for my brother to correct his ways, which lead Salem to be in this position in opposing us.

The God of Light explained.

Me: True but, this is different. What happened back then was in the past. Sure what Ozpin did-

God of Light: What he did was necessary. 

Me: To your own accord. Fine, we get that. But having him to burden himself and lie to people around him including myself.... that's not necessary. It's wrong!

God of Darkness: And what would you do if you were in Ozma's shoes and my brother has told you what you need to do?

Me: .... hmmmm....

The God of Darkness ask.

I look at them for a brief moment, thinking of an answer, until I found one.

Me: I would tell someone close to me,... or the people around me, those who believe or not to help me, even if it cost them and me the lives.... so they may live up to both your names as who they are and what they are, and remember that you two created this world... and the creatures roaming within and around it.

I said.

This shocked both gods as they never heard that kind of answer like mine before. They were expecting a fight, but in the end they were simply shocked at what I said.

Me: The past is the past, and now the past is about to repeat itself all over again... right now, Salem is going to kill everyone in Argus, with my friends with them if we don't do something!

God of Darkness: Young one. Please understand that our rejection is only to-

Me: To help everyone?

God of Darkness: ...

Me: Doing nothing is not going to save my friends and Argus. It's going to make everything WORSE!!!!!

God of Light: And we know that as well as you do, child. We are only doing this for your safety so you won't end up like her!

Me (Demonic Voice): I'M NOT LIKE SALEM!!!!!

I yelled for my demonic voice and my silver eyes to glow bright simultaneously, to the Gods' shock.

Upon seeing them having shock faces, I deactivate my silver eyes, saddened on what I did.

Me: I.... I'm sorry...

I said with remorse.

Then, I fell into my sitting position with my legs sticking out as I looked down with a saddened look on my face, for the Gods to see me like this.

God of Light: Child... we know this is hard.

God of Darkness: I can agree with my brother, Young one.... And we know this is a huge burden to bear on one mere planet consisting of both humans and faunuses....

Me: I know... I know.... I know you wanted balance all around these lands in the World of Remnant but that's not all.... The point is.... why I'm pleading to you,... is because of something else more important to me... than what I said just now. I want balance just as badly as you two, too... But I-I... I... I... value my friends, my love, and my family... no matter where they are, no matter where they come from.... I will always protect them. Even if I bring them back or not! Or even if they are dead or alive! I always treasure them the most... even if it means sacrificing myself... God or not!!! I'll be remembered to be the greatest hero, or the greatest failure,.... depending on the cost I play out...

I said.

After saying what I have to say in front of the gods while looking down, the brothers look at each other for a brief moment, knowing that I meant every word of it, for them to slowly nod at this as they made their way to me. 

Once both gods are next to me at both my left (God of Darkness) and right (God of Light) sides, they placed their hand on both my shoulders, for me to look up, showing my tearful pitiful look and also a look of confusion on my face.

God of Darkness: It doesn't matter who you are...

God of Light: And it doesn't matter where you come from...

Gods of Light & Darkness: Those who bare their hearts in the right place,... are worthy of assistance. Of our support.

They said.

I was shocked to hear that as I thought they werent going to help.

Me: I... I thought you two weren-

God of Light: We were only testing you, to see if you are worthy of our desperate assistance.

God of Darkness: And after hearing what you said, you have earned our trust and you will have our assistance.

The Gods said.

After hearing this, I nod while wiping my tears off my face as I got up from my miserable sitting position, presenting my serious look, once again when I first got here.

Me: T-Thank you.

God of Darkness: We know. We apologise for delaying you. Understand that we are only doing this to seek out yo-

Me: My true intentions being here. nods I got it.

The Gods nod at what I said, knowing that I know where they were going with this.

God of Darkness: Now, I do believe we have already heard your reason.

God of Light: Thus, for that reason alone....

God of Light & Darkness: We shall lend you, our powers, to save your allies and friends... whilst bringing forth your worthy allies to fend off those powerful mighty Grimm that opposes us.

They said in unison.

Upon saying that, they raised both their palms for them to stop and face me as their magic and powers began to flow from their palms to me.

3rd Person's POV:

Meanwhile back in reality, Just as the Gigantic Grimm is about to use its beam to destroy Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime along with the group and the autobots that are inside the giant autobot, and the Leviathans, and the army of Grimm are about to destroy the last barrier, the sky began to turn dark, for everyone to notice this.

(A/N: RWBY Music ends here.)

Everyone in the Fortress Maximus's body notice that the sky is turning darker and darker, even the Gigantic Grimm and Salem noticed this, as well.

Salem: What is this....???

Salem asks herself.

Ironhide: I'm picking some crazy readings in that dark sky! Is anybody seeing this?!

Bumblebee: I'm seeing it!

Prowl: But, what's causing it?!

The autobots were seen trying to find out what is happening outside in front of them, for the group to have the same question as theirs.

Kori: This is bad.... right?

Eiji: I don't know. I never seen anything like it before...

Roland: Interesting...

Roland said.

Everyone looked at Roland as they see him with his eyes closed.

Weiss: What?

Mitchell: What's so interesting about that storm?

Percival: Yeah.

Roland: I sense something powerful... coming from the sky.... well.... two of that something powerful.

Blaster: Yo, guys! Take a look at this!

Blaster said.

Everyone looked outside as they notice a light spot a few meters away from the barrier as it began to shine brighter and brighter within every second. While it began to shine brightly, one gold and purple lightning bolts struck at the light spot to cause a shockwave to occur from that light spot to throughout the City of Argus and the water where the battle is still taking place, causing the Grimm to get struck and sent flying backwards due to the shockwave.

While everyone looked in shock after what just transpired mere moments ago, the Gigantic Grimm slowly crawled back up to its standing position as it looked at whatever struck at the light, for Salem to shake her head from her daze due to the shockwave as she looked at the same direction as the Grimm was looking.

Salem: What sort of trick is this?!

Salem yelled.

Suddenly, a small gold and purple sphere emerged from where the light spot was located below the water near the barrier as it levitated above the barrier level, to Salem's confusion.

While everyone in the body of Fortress Maximus have the same look of shock and confusion planted on their faces like the faces of those in the City of Argus and the Atlas Military, several of Ruby and Shadow's friends felt something shaking within them, in their pockets or in their bags, to the few's greatest confusion.

Dylan: Okay? This is new.

Zero Dragfall: Exactly...!

Roland: Hmm?!

Tailor: This is an interesting turn of events.

The four said.

Apollonir, Qrow, Weiss and Ruby looked at them.

Qrow: What is?

Ruby: And why are some of you shaking or your....

Weiss: Pockets or Bags doing that?

They ask.

Those who were feeling that were shaking from themselves, pockets or their bags began to search until they fished out what was the cause of the shaking, to everyone's shock.

Apollonir: You bunch have Gauntlets, too?!

Apollonir asked in shock.

Roland: Yes. We use them to fight evil with it, Mr. Wrath.

Roland answered.

Lazarus: So, why is it shaking about?

Zero Dragfall: I don-

Just as Zero Dragfall is about to finish, all of the gauntlets in the bunch's possession flew from their hands as they left out of the robot through the bridge's windows in a form of different coloured balls of light, for Kieron Prime aka, Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime's head to notice this.

Zero Dragfall: -'t know?

He finished.

Kieron Prime (Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime)(By via P.A. System): Uh, guys. Something just flew out from the bridge. Can anyone explain what's happening down there?

Kieron ask.

Jazz turned on his comms to Kieron.

Jazz: This is Jazz here, Mr. Boss Bot. We don't know but whatever they are, they didn't harm us at anyway.

Kieron Prime (Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime)(By via P.A. System): So, that's good right?

Jazz: In a way it is, boss.

Kieron Prime (Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime)(By via P.A. System): Alright. Anything else?

Sideswipe: There's more, sir. Now from the looks of things, they are converging directly at the ball of light in front of the last barrier, a-

Kouta: Guys! You all might wanna have a look a that!

Kouta exclaims while pointing as everyone in the bridge look at where Kouta's pointing at, and that's back at the ball of light that is now having cracks forming all over.

Everyone in the bridge, Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime, the Grimm, Salem, the Atlas Military and the people of Argus watched as the ball of light continuously developed more cracks all over its spherical ball of light, with each crack connecting to other cracks, for small beams of light to seep out through several cracks. As more beams of light began to appear, the more the sphere of light began to shake violently within each passing second after it consumed the remaining gauntlets from all over Remnant.

After the sphere shook violently, it suddenly stopped for everybody to look in confusion until it exploded in an extremely bright flashing light that is brighter than Ruby Rose's silver eyes a few seconds later, for Salem to take notice of this, for her to use her arms to cover her face from that bright and glaring sight. 


(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Engaged - HALO REACH.)

Everyone in Argus, the Atlas Military and Kieron with everyone inside Fortress Maximus's body's bridge covered their eyes for a brief moment upon withnessing what the sphere of light was doing.





Maria exclaimed.


Ruby asks.




Mitchell exclaimed.

Blake: FAIR POINT!!!!

Blake said.

Meanwhile, Salem kept using her arms to block the light out, for her to have had enough of this lightshow.

Salem: This stops here and now.... whatever that Light is....

Salem said, gritting her teeth.

Then, she points at the light, for the Grimm to roar at it as it launched the same reddish black beam at it in the attempts to extinguish that light, but to no avail when a Cosmic Miracle Ray and Reiga Ultimate Blaster were shot out from the light as it dissipated the beam while striking the Gigantic Grimm, for the Grimm to shriek in pain, to Salem's shock.

She went to the edge to look at the Grimm's wounds, only to see beam marks at its left arms and the left part of its chest. After that, she slowly turned to the light, seeing that the light is slowly dissipating, for Salem to notice someone inside the light with two different coloured horns, for her to realize one thing..... the boy (Shadow) isn't the only one going to fight against her.

(A/N: HALO Music ends here at 0:56.)

Salem: So, it would seem...... "they" finally showed themselves....

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The thirteenth episode and the last Episode of the Sixth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, PART 2. Well, what a cliffhanger here. Let's see what happens in PART 3, when the real battle plays out. So, be ready. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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