Volume 6: Our Way (PART 3)

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the thirteenth episode and the last Episode of the SIXTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, PART 3! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

After that, she slowly turned to the light, seeing that the light is slowly dissipating, for Salem to notice someone inside the light with two different coloured horns, for her to realize one thing..... the boy (Shadow) isn't the only one going to fight against her.

Salem: So, it would seem...... "they" finally showed themselves....

Salem said with hatred in her voice.

Inside the Bridge of Fortress Maximus, everyone including Ruby looked in shock at what's going on, looking at the being who turned out to be Shadow having two different coloured horns while levitating in the air with a purple and golden glow in both his eyes.

Warpath: Whoa.... 

Bumblebee: Looks like Shadow just got.... well... um... wow!

Kouta: But how is he alive? After everything that Salem dished on him just now...

Everyone had looks of confusion on what was going on. Ruby however was reliefed that her lover was still alive, but was still worried on what's going to happen next, with her teammates and her lover's teammates to share the same worry as her.

Ruby: .... shadow....

She said silently.

Back outside the battlefield, Salem is seen still on top of the back of the Gigantic Grimm as she began to speak to the being aka, Shadow after figuring who has returned before her and before everyone that is the people of Argus, the Atlas Military and the heroes in Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime.

Salem: Where have you two been hiding? Why manifest yourselves here with that boy you just saved from death?! It doesn't make sense! You rejected my pleas to bring my dear Ozpin back in the past, but now you brought this child back in his place?! It doesn't make sense, at all! Still the fact remains, you both are cowards! Cowards like you, always hiding and acting from the shadows, lacking with courage to act on your own to fit your own well-being. If only you two acted on your own, either of you would have been stronger, and you would have brought him back! But in the end, you'll always fail since you both want to work together to keep your stupid peace! No matter how many times you try, kill me, defeat me, I will always come back to find the way to defeat you. I always have, and when I do find a way to defeat you which is currently set into motion, I WILL really defeat you both with my own two hands. You both are unworthy to rule this world. I will not allow this world to be ruled and raised by incapable hands such as yourselves. I will be the one now to guide this world to its Utopian State... A perfect world, where suffering.... and death.... DOESN'T EXIST!!!!!!! I will become Queen.... Queen of all GODS!!!!!!

She said.

The Gigantic Grimm, the five Leviathans and the army of Grimm of roar after she finished her speech to the being.

After a while, the light dissipates completely to reveal Shadow with the said two-coloured different shaped pair of horns as he is seen levitating towards Salem, flying pass the army of Grimm. Seeing that he is close enough, he stopped to face Salem, the Gigantic Grimm and the Five Leviathans for Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime to walk in towards Shadow, stopping beside him.

Kieron Prime: S-Shadow? Is that really you?

Kieron ask as the head of Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime turned to face Shadow in concern.

Shadow turned to look at the Titan with an emotionless look, slowly nodding once, for Kieron to sigh in relief that Shadow is still Shadow.

Kieron Prime: Thank goodness you're okay...

He said.

Shadow looks at Salem on top of the Gigantic Grimm and the five Leviathans for him to point at Kieron, then at the Gigantic Grimm.

Kieron Prime: You... want me to take care of the Big Grimm for you?

Kieron ask, for Shadow to nod.

Kieron Prime: Right! It will be done.

Suddenly, a Sphinx Grimm was seen flying away from its group as it flew towards Shadow in the attempts to take him down, only for two beams to appear before it, destroying the Grimm immediately. After the Grimm is destroyed, Shido in his Tri-King form and Yuki in her NEO Belial Atrocious form appeared as they slowly levitate down to where Shadow can be seen levitating, just in time.

Belial (Yuki): Sorry we didn't turn up to join you guys just now.

Shido: It was a mess while we were setting up when an army of Manticore and Sphinx Grimm arrived.

They both said.

Shadow tilted his head slightly to them, for the two to do the same for Shadow, as if they are talking to each other telepathically. After a short while, Yuki and Shido nod at Shadow.

Shido: Alright, we'll go there to fend off the Sphinxes and the Manticores.

Shido said, for Yuki to nod.

Shadow nods at this as he turn his attention back to Salem while the two flew off to deal with the Manticore and Sphinx army while backing the Atlas Military up.

While Shadow is seen looking at Salem, the Gigantic Grimm and the five Leviathans, inside his mind, the Gods of Light and Darkness looked in awe inside Shadow's mind as they never seen this kind of realm or mind such as his before.

In Shadow's Mind,

God of Darkness: This is....

God of Light: I've,... never seen a person with this kind of mind and realm before....

Shadow: That is because we are both in my mind and between realms, my friends.

The two gods turn back to see Shadow approaching them.

Shadow: Don't mind my late entry, I was assigning two of my friends to help the Atlas Military to deal with the Manticores and Sphinxes.

He said.

After approaching them, the Gods kept looking in shock at Shadow, for him to notice this.

Shadow: You seem surprised.

God of Darkness: Yes. We both are.

God of Light: Usually when one of us go in between realms, we would use all of our strength. But for you.... you're-

God of Darkness: Different. You managed to go in between realms and be in your mind, at one point. How?

The Dark Lord ask, with the Light Lord to have the same fascination.

Shadow nods at this and began to answer the question.

Shadow: Well, to simply put, when you gave me a portion of my powers, the both of you also gave me the ability to go in between realms despite of me only having the power to go inside my mind at will. Therefore, when our powers fused together, this is the final product of our powers combined.

He answered.

God of Light: So, in other words, we fused?

The God of Light ask.

Shadow nods at his question.

God of Darkness: Remarkable. I've... We've never experienced this kind of phenomenon like it before... 

God of Light: Agreed, brother. We've never seen anything like this. The only time we fused was the time with King.

He said.

Shadow looked at them with shock.

Shadow: King? As in Ultraman King?

Shadow ask.

God of Darkness: That you are correct, young one.

Shadow: Whoa.... When did that happen?

God of Light: It was the time after we created the World of Remnant and before the three of us came to know Salem.

God of Darkness: And the day after he gave us our names, the God of Light hand gestures to point at his brother the God of Darkness hands gestures to point at myself and for him, Ultraman King, he calls himself in our terms; the God of Order.

God of Light: We were ensuring that this World is in order, until an unholy creature with blue spike-like mane, red horns, two tails, a pair of red horn-like wings, a secondary head on its chest, skeletal arms and legs, and a horrifying creature with its primary head to only have just one eye appeared before us, wanting to claim our planet as its own,... until the God of Order (Ultraman King) arrived.

God of Darkness: It was at this moment that we, the three gods, the three of us fought against this creature until Order suggested to us to combine our powers to defeat this creature. We did defeat it, with the cost of our powers to drain for only a short period of time.

God of Light: Thus, while we are regaining back our strength, we have this World to therefore be protected by us, Light, Dark and Order.

They explained.

Shadow looked in shock after they explained in brief on their "fused" and fated encounter in defeating the unknown creature back years ago.

Shadow: Whoa...

God of Light: Yes. When we first fused with Order, our powers and his own were in sync with each other, like as if it is fate that the three of us were meant to combine our powers to protect this World.

God of Darkness: Indeed, brother. However, when we fused with you, young one. We felt the similar synchronization, but yours however, is different from Order's.

Shadow: Different? How different?

God of Light: Very different. As comparing to Order's and yours, your powers and ours are.... communicating with each other.

Shadow: Communicating?

God of Light: Yes.

God of Darkness: And your body itself too is communicating with our powers, as well, adjusting to them like so to make our powers your own.

God of Light: Is that so, brother?

God of Darkness: Yes. I can still sense the young boy's powers and body communicating with ours, wielding our powers as his own, brother.

God of Light & Shadow: I see

They both said.

Shadow: Well, let's not waste time, Light, Dark. We got Argus to save, as one body, one mind. As after all, while we're taking care of Salem, I have some friends who can help us keep the Leviathans busy while Kieron and the others can take care of our gigantic friend.

Shadow said.

Gods of Light & Darkness: Friends?

They ask with confusion.

Shadow: Yes, my God Brothers of Creation and Destruction. Friends.

Shadow replied.

Then, both Gods turn their attention where Shadow is looking at as the three are now facing the battle that is about to play out, looking out at what Shadow is looking at now.

Outside at the Battlefield,

As Shadow and Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime are seen confronting Salem's gigantic Grimm, Salem conjured some Dark Energon spikes onto her spear as she reaised it into the air, for a lightning bolt to strike it. While the bolt struck the spear, Salem then points at the middle Leviathan as the Lightning Bolt dispersed to five purple lightning bolts, striking the five Leviathans before her and the Gigantic Grimm, for them to change their features.

Shadow and Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime watched Salem terrorforming her Leviathan Grimm as they began to notice some extra features on them, for the others inside of Fortress Maximus's body to take notice of this.

Weiss: What's happening?

Haruto: Metamorphosis in Grimm terms, from the looks of things...

Qrow: I never knew Salem can add extra appendages on Grimm...

Kouta: I can tell you more about them.... before I faked my death after I fought Salem and Cinder, I actually noticed Salem doing this to her own Grimm. Now that I'm seeing this,... it's like as if I'm looking at the same process all over again.

Kouta said.

Apollonir and Ratchet looked at Kouta after what they heard.

Ratchet: Wait, you saw this before?

Apollonir: They tried to kill you?! Over what you saw that time which is also this?!?!

Tenka: ... dad...?

Kouta: Yes, Apollo, Ratchet, son places palm on Tenka's head. I was on my way back from my "Last" mission when I accidentally bumped into a horde of Grimm in a clearing. There, Salem and Cinder were in attendance. And at some point-

Apollonir: The message said it was near Beacon... when we found your Transformation Trinkets as your remains after the aftermath...

Kouta's head hang down.

Kouta: ... yes.... Salem and Cinder wanted me killed, cause' they said I saw and heard too much. 

Strongarm: And that too much was....

Kouta: What we are seeing before us, now. But back then, it was a handful of Grimm before this.... Beowolves having Ursa Claws... Deathstalkers having extra appendages,.... and many other extra abominational appendages...

Kouta explained.

Everyone looked in shock after what Kouta had explained.

Apollonir: Kouta... that means... your death...

Lazarus: Your death wasn't necessary if she killed you! 

Kouta nods at what Lazarus said.

Tenka had no words after hearing what his father said with a sense of revenge in his eyes.

Meanwhile outside, after Salem's metamorphosis on the Leviathans were done, she revealed to Shadow and Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime her abominations, with the first Leviathan having red spikes all over its back, arms and tail, the second one has its head to be replaced with some kind of space shark's head with fin-like arms to be its other pair of arms and it has holes all over its back and head, the third one had two large shells sandwiching the Grimm with tentacles emerging from inside the shell and at the sides with its claws to be replaced into large pincers with its head being upside down instead the right side up, the fourth one is corrupted by dark energon along with it having dark energon spikes protruding out of its body, and finally, the last Leviathan became far more monnstrous than its original form as it was taller than the other Leviathans and the Gigantic Grimm itself, has sharper claws, sharper teeth, mosre scaly, has a longer tail, more fins and has some parts of its body exposing its skeleton. 

The five enhanced Leviathans roared at the two heroes as Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime took on his defensive stance, whereas Shadow just kept levitating doing nothing, to Kieron's confusion.

Kieron Prime: Shadow? What are you doing? We must fight.

This remark caused Shadow to turn to Kieron slowly, for him to smile at Kieron as he began to speak.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Fret not, my Cybertronian Titan friend, my autobot friends and my friends. I've already called for back-up.

He said.

Kieron Prime: Oh. So,... where are they?

Kieron ask.

Shadow look up, for Kieron to look up with confusion. While looking up, Salem points at them.

Salem: Go, my Leviathans! I have given you more power! Use them to kill them!

She commanded.

The five Leviathans roar, for Kieron to look at them as he don back his defensive stance. Then, the Leviathans began to slowly advance towards the two heroes as Kieron was ready to fight, while Shadow kept looking up. As the enhanced Grimm got closer,-


(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Tri-Strium - Ultraman Taiga.)

- a burning rainbow-like beam shot across the water in front of them, for the Leviathans to cease their advancement, to Salem's shock as she looked up to see who was interferring.

Kieron looked up, as well, for him to see a being of Light leviatating as he launched a beam from his sword. Once his interference was done, he landed before him an d Shadow as he slowly turned towards them.

(A/N" Ultraman Taiga - Tri-Strium.)

???: Sorry for the delay. We just got back from a dispatch from my dad.

He said.

Kieron Prime: oh. Well... it's alright...

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Taiga, Tri-Strium. A fusion of Tri-Squad comprising of three Ultras from U40, O50 and M78. Ultraman Titus, Ultraman Fuma and the son of the great Ultraman Taro himself, Ultraman Taiga... I know you three can hear in there. It is so good to see and hear from you. And look how much you've grown since the last I saw you three.

Kieron Prime: So, that's your back-up? Hmm, interesting.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): I know, my friend. And I have more coming.

Taiga Tri-Strium (Taiga): Oh! By the way, Z and I came from the same dispatch so, he should coming right abou-

(A/N: Ultraman Taiga Music interrupts here.)


(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Alpha Edge BGM - Ultraman Z.)

Just as Taiga was about to finish, a series of purple slashes slashed the Leviathans, for them to shriek in pain, to Salem's shock as she didn't see those attacks coming. After those series of lightspeed attacks, another being of light appeared before them as he donned his super form while holding onto a sword with a face as he turned around to greet the Tri-Squad and his allies.

(A/N: Ultraman Z - Alpha Edge.)

(A/N: Belialok.)

Ultraman Z: Taiga!

Taiga Tri-Strium (Taiga): Z! Jeez, you always make a dramatic entrance.

Ultraman Z: Don't look at me, Belialok-kun had me in on this.

Belialok: Hmph!

Ultraman Z:  notices Shadow Oh! You must be the one who needed assistance?

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): And you must be Ultraman Z looks at the talking sword and Belialok. I've heard a lot of things about you both from my Masters. Both of you, my name is Shadow, Shadow Wrath. An honour to meet you and for you to assist us.

Ultraman Z: YES! Nice to meet you. I've also heard about you, too! Shadow, no! Master Infinity!

When Ultraman Z said that, Shadow began to chuckle.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): No need for formalities, Young Z. 

Taiga Tri-Strium (Fuma): Eh? Z, what are you talking about? Master Infinity?

Ultraman Z: It's a long story, I'll tell you later.

Kieron Prime: He's right. Our battle here is our top priority, you two.

Ultraman Z: WWWWWWWWHHHHOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAA!!!! You're bigger than the Mother Kelbim that Haruki and I fought before!!!

Taiga Tri-Strium (Titus): Now, who is this mighty robot?

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Tri-Squad, Young Z. This is Kieron Prime. This body has a name, too. Fortress Maximus. Combined, he is called; Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime. You all may call him kieron, since we are friends.

Taiga Tri-Strium (Taiga): Hello!

Ultraman Z: HEY!! Nice to meet you!

Kieron nods at their greetings.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Speaking of hosts, Haruki. I understand you still have Haruki with you, but he's not here?

Taiga Tri-Strium (Taiga): Oh. About that, Shadow. Z said he is still at a planet rebuilding.

Ultraman Z: Yes. It'll take him a while before he calls back.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): I see. Then I suppose this would most certainly do.

Shadow said.

(A/N: Ultraman Z Music interrupts here.)


(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Multi Type BGM - Ultraman Trigger.)

Suddenly, a huge beam of light emerged from the water beside Shadow as another being of Light emerged, revealing to be someone familiar, but different, to Shadow to assume it is him.

(A/N: Ultraman Trigger - Multi Type.)

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): S-Senior Tiga?

He ask.

Ultraman Z: Oh! N-no no no no no. He isn't Mr. Tiga. He and I fought together when I bumped into his Earth during a battle against Alien Barossa as he stole King Joe STORAGE Custom and when I returned to his planet when Celebro escaped. His human host, you can say his human host is the chosen one to wield his light. He is Manaka Kengo, also known as Ultraman Trigger.

Ultraman Z explained in summary.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): I see.

-Ultraman Trigger - Multi Type!-

Trigger looked at Shadow as he greeted him.

Trigger (Kengo): So, you must be Shadow, Ribut dispatched me to help.

Kengo ask.

Shadow nods at this.

Trigger (Kengo): Well nice to meet you. I'm Kengo. I'm also Ultraman Trigger. Smile Smile~!

Kengo greeted while saying his catchphrase.

Shadow smiled at this while nodding.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Well then, it's an honour to meet you, Young Trigger. Kengo. I'm glad you came through Master Ribut's dispatch.

Trigger (Kengo): Well, I look forward to assisting you, Shadow-san.

Ultraman Z: Oh, Kengo. You really need to meet this guy. This is-

Trigger (Kengo): WHOA!!!! COOL!!!! He's like Nursedessei and GUTS-Falcon, but bigger!!!

Shadow nods at this as he began to introduce Kengo to Kieron like he did to Tri-Squad and Z.

Upon seeing this, this made Salem grit her teeth as she is now extremely mad that they are not just stalling, but also delaying the inevitable.


Salem exclaimed, pointing at Shadow's allies for one Leviathan covered in Dark Energon to advance towards them, for the three Ultras, the combined Autobot Titan and Shadow to don their defensive stance as they prepared to fight.

Just as the Leviathan got closer and the group of five prepared to attack,-

(A/N: Ultraman Trigger Music interrupts here.)


(A/N: This happens at 0:15 - 0:46.)


???: Shine Bright! FLASH! DECKEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone yelled out, for a beam, similar to Trigger's emerged from the water, striking the Leviathan for it to stagger backwards, to everyone's shock. Even the people of Argus saw this were in shock too while they were escaping the Sphinx and the Manticores.

After the rise and the beam of light dissipated, another beam of light emerged as the ultras looked at him to see that it had a strong figure, but still in awe at the newcomer as they never seen him before. 

(A/N: Ultraman Decker - Flash Type.)



(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Flash Type BGM Unofficial - Ultraman Decker.)

Salem didn't take this okay when the newcomer emerged out of nowhere from below the water as she launched an energy blast at him, for the being of light to use its left armoured arm to deflect it away, to her shock. Then, he launched numerous Decker Slashes at her and the Gigantic Grimm, for the Grimm to wince as he used its pincer to try and strike him, only for him to jump backflip away and to the group.

Once he landed beside of the group, he looked at Shadow.

???: You must be Shadow? I heard an interference from my comm-link which said to help you. I accepted the offer which... brought me here. So anyway, you're Shadow, right?

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Yes, I am, young warrior. Who might you be.

???: Asumi Kanata! Also know me as Ultraman Decker! Nice to meet you!!! I'm look forward to working with you.

Kanata said with his energetic voice.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): As do I, and a few others.

Shadow said.

Kieron: Nice to meet you. Kieron.

Taiga Tri-Strium: Taiga, Ultraman Taiga - Tri-Strium.

Ultraman Z: Ultraman Z.

Ultraman Trigger (Kengo): Kengo. Ultra-

Ultraman Decker (Kanata): Manaka Kengo. Ultraman Trigger.

Ultraman Trigger (Kengo): Eh?

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Oh, so you know each other? (A/N: Do know that this is the time before Trigger and Decker met each other so, they technically don't know each other, yet.)

Ultraman Decker (Kanata): I know him only by info. I heard he fought a huge battle on Mars and on Earth. looks at Trigger I never knew you were called here, too.

Ultraman Trigger (Kengo): Oh! Then I guess we'll be working together then. 

Ultraman Decker (Kanata): Heheh, yes.

Ultraman Trigger (Kengo): Asumi Kanata, right?

Ultraman Decker (Kanata): Right! Ultraman Decker! Looking forward to working with you and you guys, too!

Kanata said.

Both Trigger and Decker shook hands, forming their ultra alliance with each other. As the group Shadow has on his side has officially finished with their introductions, they began to form a line as they don their defense stance, ready to fight against the Grimm, for Salem to look at the sight with digust.

Salem: So,... this is your army... well... how the two Gods have fallen! Knowing that you have grown weak!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Oh, they weren't weak. Let's just say, I've opened their minds and hearts to see the bigger picture. Oh, and another thing,... I was the one who called them here.

Shadow said.

Salem growled at this.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Oh! And one more thing. There is this one more coming. And you can say he's been.... "Dying" to meet you, after he and I spoke telepathically. And you can say.... he's still pissed off at you...

Shadow stated.

This confused everyone, including Salem.

While Kieron, the Ultras and Salem looked confused, Shadow's eyes looked down and left to see the water beside, behind and below Ultraman Decker began to bubble, for him to smile as he can tell the last being has arrived. Then, he turned his attention back to Salem as he heard her speaking.

Salem: Then I have had enough of waiting and stalling! Argus! WILL! FA-

Just as Salem was about to finish,-

(A/N: Ultraman Decker Music interrupts here.)


(A/N: Use the roar at 0:42 - 0:47, first.)

-a roar can be heard throughout the city, for everything to stop for a moment as everyone looked around with confusion. Everyone looked in confusion, except for Salem as her eyes widened upon hearing the roar, for her to finish her line with a worried tone.


(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Rebirth - Godzilla: King of the Monsters.)

Salem: ....-fall?

She finished.

The Ultras, Kieron and the Grimm looked around to find where the roar came from until Decker noticed something was bubbling and glowing behind him underwater as it began to glow brighter while a large whirlpool began to form at where Decker spotted the area glowing and bubbling away.

Ultraman Decker (Kanata): Guys! Over here!

He said.

The group turned to where Decker was looking as they see the whirlpool getting bigger while the glow is getting even brighter than before.

Ironhide (By via Comms): Kieron, be careful! Everyone in the bridge is currently detecting high nuclear activity! I don't know how but, sensors say that there is a lot of radiation on your left to support our point!

Kieron Prime: What?! 

Ultraman Z: What kaiju can possibly be generating a lot of radiation?!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): He's here.

Everyone: Eh?

Just as they were about to ask who is here, a creature emerged from the depths while walking as its dorsal fins kept glowing brighter and brighter, to the group and Salem's shock as it towered literally everyone that are at in the water, except for the Gigantic Grimm and that one particular enhanced Leviathan.

(A/N: This creature.)

While the Ultras and the Titan looked in shock, several autobots began talking to Kieron.

Jazz (By via Comms): Kieron! That large radiation reading we've been detecting is going crazily nuts!

Bumblebee (By via Comms): What is going on out there, Prime?!

Warpath (By via Comms): Kieron! Shadow's friends are asking what's with the radiation and the creature that just joined us, man?!

The autobots ask.

Kieron look down at Shadow, for him to see Shadow smiling, for him to know how to answer to his autobot friends.

Kieron Prime: Autobots... that large radiation reading,... is from that creature that just joined us.

He said.

(A/N: Stop Godzilla Music here at 0:53.)

Inside the bridge, after everyone heard what Kieron said about the large radiation reading, they all looked in great shock at the creature. Everyone, except for Kouta and Tenka as their jaws were hanging down, expressing something more shocking than being being shocked, for Qrow and Apollonir to notice this.

Qrow: Kouta? Tenka? You both okay?

Apollonir: You both look like as if you have seen a ghost.

Rachel: yeah...

They said and ask.

Tenka: .... we are....

Tenka said.

Ruby: Wait. What?

Ruby ask.

Jay: If you say it's a ghost (A/N: He means dead.), then why is it walking now?!

Jay ask with a psycho-like voice in a mix with his worried voice.

Kouta: That creature that just joined us.... it was suppose to be dead.

Tenka: Dad? You said it was-

Kouta: I know what I said. H-How... how has he returned from the dead.....???

Apollonir: Who?

Kouta & Tenka: .... The Titan... our King.... Gojira....

They answered.

Everyone in the bridge slowly turned to look outside to stare at the creature which is now known to some as, Godzilla.


(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Battle in Boston - Godzilla: King of the Monsters. Start at 0:15.)

After emerging from the depths, the Godzilla roared loudly at Salem and her Grimm that are standing before it as the group as its dorsal fin, some parts of its body and its eyes began to glow bright blue in the process while it slowly made its way towards and beside of the group.


(A/N: This roar from 8:05 - 8:12.)

Once reached, it stopped in its tracks as it looks at the group on its right, to see they have shock looks on their faces except for Shadow as he is seen slightly bowing to it, for Godzilla to huff some steam out of its nose, for Shadow to lift himself back up from bowing.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): I'm glad you have come to join us, Godzilla, King of Monsters. Let us all get along, shall we?

Shadow said.

Godzilla did a gentle growl, then turned its attention to Decker as it looks at him very carefully.

Ultraman Decker (Kanata): uuuuuhhh... Hiiiiiii???

He greeted nervously.

Godzilla gave him a huff, for Decker use his hand to fan his breathe away, for Shadow to giggle at this moment.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): It likes you.

Shadow said.

Ultraman Decker (Kanata): whoa...

Kanata said.

(A/N: Pause Godzilla Music at 0:32.)

While the Ultras and the Titan were seen being fascinated by Godzilla for a moment, Salem roared with rage due to Godzilla's presence.

Salem: How.... HOOOOOOOWWWWW?!?!?!?!?!?! I KILLED YOU!!!!!!

The group looked at Salem as her eyes glowed bright red.

Salem: I killed you so you don't have to meddle with my business again!!!! I EVEN HAD THE CORPSES OF KING GHIDORAH AND MECHA GODZILLA TO BE FUSED TO BECOME ONE BODY SO THAT THE PERFECT BEING CREATED BY YOURS TRULY CAN DESTROY YOU WHICH IT SUPPOSEDLY HAVE!!!!!!! but turns out I was wrong.... you dare.... you dare come back from the grave to interfere with my business again?!

Salem said.

Then, she looked at Shadow as she points her spear at him.

Salem: you.... I blame you... I blame you for bringing him back from the grave so he can meddle with my business again! I BLAME YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DID TO ME AT THIS MOMENT!!!!!!!!

She yelled.

Shadow shook his head. After that, he looked back at Salem.

Shadow: I'm not to blame for your failures..... you have yourself to blame for making this World imperfect with your twisted dillusions and your destruction.

He said.

Upon hearing this, this made Salem even more angry as her spear grew longer and bigger with Dark Energon and purple dark crystals. After a major upgrade on her spear, she ruthlessly pointed at the group who stood in her way.


Salem roared out.

(A/N: Godzilla Music resumes here at 0:32.)

The Leviathans roared their loudest roar as they began to advance towards the group. The group consisting Godzilla, Kieron Fortress Maximus Prime, Ultramen Taiga - Tri-Strium, Ultraman Z - Alpha Edge with Belialok, Ultraman Trigger - Multi Type, Ultraman Decker - Flash Type and Shadow noticed the enhanced Leviathans advancing for the five to don their defensive stance except for Godzilla as it walked in front of us while charging its entire body with blue energy.

After charging its entire body, Godzilla launched its blue beam (Atomic Breath) at the Leviathans, stopping their advancement while scorching them with its beam as it began to burn them slightly while the beam began to go through them like laser, for the Leviathans to wince and roar in pain. Upon seeing this, Godzilla roared while still firing its Atomic Breath at them, knowing that its beam has been improved since the last it fought Salem's creation, to Salem's shock.

Salem: Its beam seem to be better than the last time I summoned that robotic three-headed dragon to destroy him.... looks down at my Gigantic Grimm ... looks like I must have it deal with him, then.

Salem said.

Then Salem commanded the Gigantic Grimm with a gesture of her spear to advance towards the King of the Monster, too, for it to roar as it began to advance towards, Godzilla.

While Godzilla is seen still launching its Atomic Breath at the five enhanced Leviathans, Shadow noticed Salem and her Gigantic Grimm advancing towards them for him to look up at Kieron in a hurry.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Kieron! Salem's fearless and Gigantic Grimm is on its way towards us!

Kieron: I'm way ahead of you!

Kieron said, wielding his sword as he advance towards the Gigantic Grimm.

As Godzilla is still at it with its Atomic Breath, the larger Leviathan pushed through as it began to rush in towards Godzilla, but the King of Monsters saw it coming as it stopped firing its beam and rushed in head first, ramming the Leviathan to one side so they could duke it out.

Seeing that Kieron and Godzilla have their hands and claws full, Shadow noticed the four remaining Leviathans growling and roaring at him and the ultras for Shadow to look at the Ultras that are by his side.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Okay, Tri-Strium, Young Z, Trigger and Decker. These four are all yours.

Shadow said.

Taiga Tri-Strium (Fuma): We got the one that looks like Grimudo!

Ultraman Z: I'll have that Genegarg ultra-look-alike!

Ultraman Trigger (Kengo): I'll have that Leviathan looking like Megalothor!

Ultraman Decker (Kanata): Alright! Then I'll have the last one!

The ultras said as they advanced to their specific Leviathans.

(A/N: Godzilla Music ends here.)

Everyone fought their Leviathans except for Decker as he stopped midway, noticing Shadow still levitating as he went up to him with concern.

Ultraman Decker (Kanata): Shadow? Are you.... alright?

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): looks at Decker Oh! Yes, I am. Thank you for asking. Why ask?

Ultraman Decker (Kanata): I'm just wondering. Who will you be fighting against while we're fighting against the Leviathans and our Titan and Lizard friends are fighting their enemies.

Shadow smiled at his remark.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): I appreciate your concern, Young Decker, Kanata. I'm actually preparing myself to fighting against Salem, who's on top of that Gigantic Grimm that my frined, Kieron is fighting there.

Ultraman Decker (Kanata): I see. But why not fight her now?

Kanata ask.

Shadow looks up at the stormy sky.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Because, I sense a disturbance.... like.... someone has followed you.

Just as Shadow said that, a large object is seen levitating down slowly above the Leviathan Grimm that Decker is suppose to fight as small variations of that large object began to fly around the Grimm, to Decker's shock, knowing what those things are.

(A/N: This large object.)

Ultraman Decker (Kanata): SPHERE?!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): You know these lifeforms?

Ultraman Decker (Kanata): Yes. Their flying lifeforms that has been giving my Earth some major problems. Because of them, our communication with Earth to Mars has been cut! I... no... GUTS-Select, have been doing something about it by fighting against them.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): I see.

Ultraman Decker (Kanata): Though I question. Why are they here? And why have they followed me?

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): I do believe our questions will be answered now at this point.

Shadow said, pointing at the lone Leviathan Grimm, for Decker to look where Shadow is pointing.

Then, they see the small Spheres flying around the Leviathans as they land all over it,-

(A/N: Small Spheres aka, Sphere Soldiers.)

- assimulating it to become their own kaijus in their no free will as the Leviathan began to gain sphere-like features all over its body with its arms and claws to begin growing larger until they look like massive spikey pillar-like legs for forelegs on its arms to replace its current claws with sphere features on its large legs. After the Grimm is being assimulated, Shadow and Decker looked at the newly enhanced Leviathan as it took the form of a different kaiju at the same time while taking the form of several spheres all over it, for Shadow to sense that Decker aka, kanata has fought that beast before.

(A/N: The assimulated Grimm assimulated by the Sphere Soldiers. Fuse the two images together. Description of Assimulated Grimm is above.)

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): You've fought it before, didn't you?

Shadow ask, for Decker to nod.

Ultraman Decker (Kanata): Yeah... We fought when I transformed into Ultraman Decker the first time. He's tough, but I managed to defeat it, either way.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): nods Again, he's all yours. But remember, don't get too cocky with this one. Complacency will cost you. We won't know what power this one has in store. So, be careful.

Ultraman Decker (Kanata): I understand. I'll be off! looks at Shadow Good luck on your fight against Salem.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Thank you, Young Decker.

Ultraman Decker nods as he immediately don his fighting stance.

The Sphere assimulated enhanced Leviathan roared at Decker as they both began to advance towards each other, commencing their fight.


I watched as my new allies and Kieron fought their respective Grimm while beginning to turn my attention to Salem, for her to notice me looking at her. After Salem noticed me, Kieron suddenly blocked Salem's view for her to command her Gigantic Grimm to move the titan out of the way, in which it did, only for her to notice that I wasn't where I was levitating anymore, to her confusion and shock.

Salem began to look everywhere including Argus at where I am hiding, ending up in finding no leads of my whereabouts until-

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Looking for me, Salem?

I ask.

Upon hearing my voice, Salem stopped searching, swiftly turning behind her, to see me behind her the whole time as the sound of thunder roared throughout the scene of the battle.

Salem: How did you get behind me?

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Simple. I used Emerald, Ren and Ilia's semblances.

Salem: So you did.....

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): I know what you are going to ask after you say those three words. Long story short, thanks to you, when you and your Grimm fired those beams at me, it caused me to evolve into my God-like state. And now I am able to tap into any semblance I see fit.

I said.

Upon hearing this, Salem looked in dismay at me.

Salem: So that means...

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Yes. I too, have your power, and everyone's Semblance that now lives on this planet.

I said.

God of Light (In Shadow's Mind): Shadow? What is this?

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): hm?

In my Mind,

The Gods of Light and Darkness look at me in shock after hearing what I just said.

God of Light: You do realize that you are about to make us reverse our decision, yes?

God of Darkness: The full extent of your God powers is too great. And you barely have the ability to manipulate everyo-

Me: Ahem!!!

Just before the Gods can continue and finish, I interrupted.

Me: I know what I'm saying which unfortunately for you two, you haven't learnt much of this century's language due to the ages of time.

Gods of Light & Darkness: ???

Me: What I'm doing is not lying, but a tactic known as Intimidation. Some would call it, a Scare Tactic.

God of Darkness: So.... in other words...

Me: Exactly. I know my limitations as you two are only lending me a portion of your powers. I also know I am not able to wield everyone's semblances that are currently on this World, yet, but only some. And what I'm doing is basically bringing Salem into her vulnerable state in which she has never felt ages ago after she met you.... which you both know what that expression was.

I explained.

This made the Gods to think back until they know what I meant and knew the answer.

Gods of Light & Darkness: Fear.

They said in unison.

Me: Exactly.... fear....

I said.

God of Light: Well, Young Shadow. We... we misjudged you.

Me: Don't worry, my fellow Gods. It's understandable. As after all, you literally just returned after I was literally born like you said.

God of Darkness: Point taken, actually.

Me: Anyway, now's not the time to talk...

God of Light: It's time to fight... for the sake of this World.

Me: Yes.

Outside my Head,

After a moment talking to the Gods in my head, I was still waiting for Salem to speak who is still in shock after what I have explained. Suddenly, another roar of thunder can be heard while the sky began to become darker, for me to know that the real battle is about to play out. Then, Salem spoke.

Salem: You may have the power to defeat me now... but don't forget that I can't be killed!


(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Menu Theme - F.E.A.R. .)

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): True, that maybe. But after making a trip to where the God of Order and the Ultras lived and after presumably defeating someone who is like you due to a kaiju being consealed inside of him, I now know how to kill Immortals... is like what Master Orb would say; I'll slice you up faster than you can regenerate. And like what Master Zero would emphasize to me when killing Immortals, I must attack faster than you can block.

Salem: I-I-Is that so?

Salem ask.

Upon asking, I sensed something within her eyes and in her tone, for me to intimidate her even more.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Oh, what's this I'm seeing and detecting in your eyes and your tone?

Salem: ???

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Do I detect a flicker of fear in your eyes and in your tone, knowing that even if you're immortal, you still can be killed?

Salem: ...

Salem is currently speechless, knowing what I'm currently saying is true.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Oh, I hope that's not the case as if that's fear I'm sensing within your soul, too then I'll do my best to put you out of your misery right here, right now so you can be at peace.

I said.

(A/N: F.E.A.R. Music ends here.)

Salem kept having that fear in her eyes until that fear expression slowly turned to rage as her eyes glow red, along with her spear glowing bright purple.

Salem: You dare lecture me on fear?! Then I shall obliterate you all first, just before I can obliterate Godzilla next, then your friends, then the City of Argus!!!

She yelled.

Then, she conjured an identical spear while wielding two powers based on Hexa OOO and Extremer that she was assimulated with by loyalty to her, to my shock.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): By Oum, Salem. What have you done?

Salem: Oh this? 

Salem said, showing off her peacock-eyed robes and her extra skeletal armour on her while emitting their auras including her own.

Salem: Thanks to Mr. Maxima, I have been given some.... advantages, such as the powers of Extremer and Hexa OOO. How ironic, really, God of Remnant. You and I achieved some things... and now,.... I'm going to use what I have achieved and kill you with them.

Salem said, implying that she will use her powers to destroy me.

As we readied to battle, roars of thunder can be heard everywhere and numerous lightning bolts began crackling down around us, where ever the lightning struck. Just as we were about to begin, Kieron's sword and the Gigantic Grimm's pincer clashed with each other, creating a loud sound like a bell as we began to attack, with Salem to attack first by leaping towards me, only for me to use Pyrrha's semblance to repel her away and off her Gigantic Grimm.

While falling into the water, Salem's eyes glowed for large quantities of purple crystal to rise from the depths, for her to gracefully land onto the crystal floor, for me to notice that she summoned a huge arena made of purple crystals to not only break her fall, but also for us to use it, too. Then, I leaped off the Gigantic Grimm for Kieron to notice me leaping.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Don't worry about me, my friends! I'll take on Salem. You all take care of the Gigantic Grimm!

I yelled.

Kieron Prime: Understood!

Kieron said.

While we are falling towards the crystallized arena, I began to speak with the Gods in my head again.

In my Mind again,

Me: Gods of Light and Dark. I need a favor.

I said.

The gods look at me curiously.

Me: Is it possible if I can add in my own powers to your borrowed powers?

I ask.

God of Light: Yes. While me and my brother have given you a portion of our powers, it is possible you can add in your own powers to boost your strength.

God of Darkness: Indeed. Why?

Me: As you can already tell, Salem has acquired new powers. So, why not acquire more powers of my own. Can you both let me do this for this particular situation?

I ask.

The brothers look at each other, pondering their decision.

Me: Guys... Please.... I need my Maiden Powers and the Power of the Silver-Eyed Warriors to even her out.

I said.

The Gods look at each other still. After a while, I noticed them nodding at each other, then turning their attention to me.

God of Darkness: I'll speak on my brother's behalf.

Me: Okay.

God of Darkness: We'll let you boost your temporary powers which are our powers too, just this once. You have our permission. But until the age of becoming a full-pledged God which in due time you will, this significant boosted power is too great for you. And we will not be able to get you out of this if things go bad. Is that understood, child?

Me: Understood loud and clear.

God of Darkness: nods

God of Light: Good. Again, you have my permission.

I nod at the both Gods, as i turn away from them, looking at the battle that is about to begin before closing my eyes.

Me: Season Maidens.... Summer Rose... Amber.... I require your assistance and that you lend me your strength, once more...

I said.

Upon saying this, I felt several presences around me, for me to open my eyes to look back to see the Winter, Spring, Summer Maidens, Amber and Summer Rose behind me, giving me nods.

I smiled at their support as I look back at the view as I began to fight Salem, for the Gods to notice this moment.

God of Light: If only this moment lasted in the past, brother...

God of Darkness: Yes... if only...

They said amongst each other.

Outside my Head again,

While free-falling towards the arena, I duplicated myself into three of me while I (A/N: The middle me.) summon Gashacon Key-Slasher as it was ready for me to turn to my All Maiden Form, with the left me to utilize my Ziku-Driver with the Ohma Zi-O and Grand Zi-O RideWatch equipped onto it, and the right me to utilize my Game-Driver with Maximum Mighty X, Nexus Muteki Gashats and Millenium Trigger equipped onto it.

Once the three of us are all set, we began to say our catchphrases.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): With the aid of the Gods,... I'll change Remnant's fate in my own hands, for I have no limits!

Me 2 (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): I'll change change Remnant's fate, in my own Millenium hands (A/N: Me with the Game-Driver.).

Me 3 (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): The fate of time shall be determined,... by me (A/N: Me with the Ziku-Driver.).

We said.

Me, Me 2 & Me 3 (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): BEYOND GODS!!!!/MILLENIUM NEXUS DAI-HENSHIN!!!!/OHMA GRAND HENSHIN!!!!!


(A/N: Epic Music starts here. Music Name: Trigger Truth BGM - Ultraman Trigger.)

We yelled as we activated our Drivers and pull the Trigger, causing to create a multi-coloured tornado, descending down towards the arena, for everyone including Salem to notice the tornado as it slowly descend down towards and in front of her.

Once the tornado struck the arena, a purple and blue light could be seen inside the tornado as it immediately dispersed into thin air, for Salem to look in shock to see me in my fusion form consisting of Ohma Grand Zi-O, Nexus Muteki Millenium Gamer and All Maiden Form plus Silver-Eyed Warriors' power, with the three forms' armour fused together to form my new form's new set of armour.

Salem looked in shock to see this as her eyes glowed bright red, for her to swiftly charge towards me as she used her spears to pierce them through me, only for her piercing attack to be halted by an unknown barrier, to her shock.

Salem: What?! How did you-

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): It's already obivious, Salem. Didn't Hazel tell you about me?

I said.

Upon me saying that, Salem realized what Hazel said to her.

Salem: So, it would seem... you truly found and are wielding the Stones of Remnant!

She said with hate.

I raised my hand to show the Muteki Gauntlet.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Yes. I'm utilizing the Stones you desire.

I said.

Salem: Curse you....

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): And that's not all....

Salem: What do you mean by that?!

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Well, allow me to demonstrate.

I said.

Then, I opened up my wings as they open up backwards, giving space for my other arms to reveal themselves from behind my back, for Salem to look at them. 

Upon seeing my extra arms, Salem's eyes widened as she noticed something are on each of my extra arms including my left arm for Salem to realize that they are Gauntlets and there are equipped with stones or other accessories being wielded onto each of them, to her greatest shock, for me to see her reaction was priceless.

Salem: Y-You have.... More! Than one! Gauntlet?!?! HOW?!?!?!

She demanded to know.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): For me to know only, Salem. 

I said.

Salem yelled at me after hearing this as she pushed harder on her spears, only for me to use more stones to enhance the barrier created by my Space-based stones I am equipped with, for me to smile at the powers that the Stones and Accessories possess when used on the Gauntlets I'm equipped with.

I then look at Salem with a serious look and a smile on my face.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Salem.... we've done this your way, long enough! With the destruction of Beacon! The death of our friends! Everything! Now,.... we do this Our Way, when we, my friends, my allies and the World of Remnant go against your Grimm and you now and in due time.


I stated.

Salem: We'll see about it, once I'm done with you and your subjectsss!

Salem hissed.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): So be it... Ding Ding~!

I said.

We stood in front and further away from each other for a moment as we readied ourselves to strike. Suddenly, the loudest roar of thunder could be heard around the crystallized arena, for the both of us to swiftly use our powers to advance towards each other with our powers, auras and semblances to emit and radiate around us.

While advancing towards each other, Salem and I doubled our powers on our weapons to kick-start our battle with my weapon to glow in a multitude of colours and for Salem's spears to glow purplish red. Once we advanced at the center of the arena, we both clashed our weapons, causing a huge shockwave of power to emit from our weapons while tons of sparks began to scatter around the arena.

(A/N: Ultraman Trigger Music ends here.)

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The thirteenth episode and the last Episode of the Sixth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, PART 3. Well now... I never expected Taiga Tri-Strium, Z, Trigger and Decker to turn up. And of all creatures, Godzilla to turn up, too. Welp, I guess anything can happen in this story, I guess. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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