Volume 6: Power Struggle & 'Order'

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the SPECIAL and fourteenth episode of the SIXTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose where Round 1 of the Battle of the GODS shall play out and when Volume 6 shall officially end! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

At the City of Argus,

3rd Person's POV:

The citizens of Argus are currently witnessing several Ultimate Battles occuring at sea. There, the group's allies, the Ultras, the Titan and the God are seen fighting their individual opponent, and an army of Grimm in the skies, at sea and at an Arena made of Crystals conjured by Salem.

In the skies, Shido and Yuki aka, Belial are seen fighting against an army of Manticore Grimm and Sphinx Grimm. As they fought against them, Shido and Yuki flew close to each other till they are back to back while they kept blasting the Grimm.

Shido: Your Grace?! My friend?! I think it is high time we blow them away!

Yuki (Belial): Heh!! We were thinking of the exact same thing! Let's transform into our fusions that blasts powerful beams!

Shido: Yeah!!

So, both Yuki and Shido changed to their other forms with Yuki turning into and Shido turning into their forms respectively as they began launching their individual powerful beams at the horde of flying Grimm that are flying around them.

(A/N: Yuki/Belial's Atrocious Form.)

(A/N: Shido's Tri-King Form.)

While the two are in combat, Godzilla can be seen tail whipping the larger Leviathan in the face, rendering its vision for a moment. Seeing this as an opportunity, the King of Monsters charged forward as it began to push the Grimm backwards by using its body and its arms, overpowering the Grimm. Meanwhile, Taiga Tri-Strium can be seen delivering numerous of slashes onto the Leviathan Grimm which took the form of Grimudo. Just as he was about to inflict the final slash, the Grimm caught its blade as it delivered a beam from its eye, causing the ultra to grunt in pain. While the beam was still firing, Taiga Tri-Strium began to think out of the box as he used his free hand to land a punch into its eye, causing it to release its grip on his sword, allowing him to conjure up a Titus Burning Hammer attack against it, sending the Grimm backwards, only for the Grimm to use its wings to start flapping as it stopped itself from being sent back as the ultra began to advance, once again, holding out his Tri-Blade forward towards the Grimm.

Next, Ultraman Z in his Alpha Edge form is currently fighting against a Leviathan Grimm that took the form of a Space Shark Monster Genegarg as he began to transform into his Delta Rise Claw form, utilizing Belialok in hand. Then, it comtinues when both titans advanced towards each other, with Z to swiftly dash towards it, attacking first as he landed numerous fast kicks at it, causing the Grimm to stagger backwards, giving the opportunity to use Belialok to deliver numerous slashes while it staggered backwards. After the attacks, the Grimm roared as it launched a huge beam along with many other beams from its body, aiming at the ultra. Z saw this coming for him to point Belialok in front of him as the sword began absorbing its attacks. Once it absorbed its attacks completely, it then hurled it back at the Grimm while it launched a huge energy ball at the ultra, for both attacks to collide at each other.

Then, close to the city of Argus, Trigger and Decker in their Sky and Miracle Types are seen protecting the city, treating the city like as if it is their own Earth they're protecting as they are seen fending off against their individual Leviathan Grimm taking a form of Megalothor's 2nd form and Spheresaurus. As they hold the line, the ultras launched Runboldt Beam Shell and Realiut Wave respectively at their Grimm they are facing while their Grimm launched their own attacks, only for the ultras' attacks to overpower the Grimm's as they struck them. Seeing this as an opportunity, their wield their Circle Arms in Sky Arrow mode and Ultra Dual Sword in Decker mode as they began to use them to combat the Grimm which were stunned from their attacks.

Closeby, Salem's Gigantic Grimm can be seen combating against Kieron as it tried launching spike tentacles against him, only for numerous guns around his body to aim at them as they fired at them simultaneously with the help of several Autobots and Hunters (Huntsment and Huntresses) to be piloting the guns. While the guns are keeping them at bay, Kieron grabbed several tentacles that were in front him as he cleaved them with its sword as he began to also grab the grimm as he thrusts his blade through it, only for the Grimm to block its trhust as it only thrusted its shoulder, in which the Grimm shrieked.

Kieron: Well.... cutting through its spiked shoulder would oughta do, as well!

Kieron said out loud to himself as he continued to fight against his enemy.

While everyone is at sea fighting against their Grimm, at the Crystal Arena, Shadow in his god form can be seen staring at Salem in the eye as they are about to resume their fight, once again after this brief talk.

Salem: You dare fight against me.... with these many Gauntlets in your possession?!?!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): NOT my Gauntlets.... but theirs. These gauntlets belong to different people and warriors I have met, and they've entrusted me with their Gauntlets knowing, that I will defeat you with them. I do, too.... as when I fight with these, I'm fighting along with them in spirit against you.

Salem: And you honestly think that these and your pathetic friends will help you?

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Yes, they will. Unlike you, we want a better world and a better place peacefully. Their strengths are my strengths. Our friendship and our alliances are the source of our strengths.

Salem: Then I'll just have to destroy them all,.... along with you....

Salem said.

Hearing this caused Shadow to calmly clench his fists wielding the Muteki and Pandora Gauntlets as what Salem said about destroying his friends and him has made his blood boil while being calm about it.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): If that's what you desire..... then I'd love to see you try.

Shadow calmly said.

Then, Shadow began to watch as Salem is seen flying extremely fast towards him. Reaching for her weapons, she transformed her spear into dual swords as she thrusts forward towards Shadow, only for him to use one of the stones to teleport away while clone up a dummy to let her thrust through it, poofing the dummy into smoke, to her shock.

Once her attack was done, she lands back onto the Arena while having a confused look on her face while she looked back to see that the smoke has dissipated, revealing Shadow at the other end of the Arena as he showed Salem the Eye of Ender Stone and Tri-Strium stone he used to get him out of that situation. 

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Eye of Ender and Tri-Strium Stones, wielding the abilities to teleport. How conveinient.

He said.

Salem growled as she punched the ground, for a road of Dark Energon Spikes to erupt from the ground towards Shadow, for him to wield three stones on the Kuuga Gauntlet, for a huge symbol to appear before him as he kicked it towards the spike road, destroying it as the symbol flew towards Salem (A/N: Growing, Mighty and Ultimate Stones' powers combined) while its attack and power slowly grew even more powerful (A/N: Growing Stone's power.).

Seeing this, Salem used Extremer's power as her peacock-like tail feathers for eyes levitate as they all blasted powerful beams to clash against the oncoming symbol while Salem used her powers and blasted them at the same target, for her beams and the symbol-like projectile to collide and explode in front of them. After their attacks were rendered, Salem rushed in for a deadly blow by using her mandible tentacle arms from Hexa OOO, only for Shadow to wield another Gauntlet's power as a Rainbow beam can be seen bursting out of the gauntlet, sending Salem flying back, destroying part of the Crystal-like Arena. After firing the beam, Shadow moved the used Gauntlet in front of his face as he blew it to re-enact what Nio showed him before.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Rainbow Burst. That's how it's done, Precure and Gauntlet style~.

Shadow said with a smirk.

While smirking, at the destroyed segment of the Arena, Salem can be seen slowly getting up from being blasted by a powerful beam from just a mere stone, for her to look at Shadow with shock.

Salem: I-Impossible.... a mere stone.... to have that kind of power and kind of feat of magic?! How more surprises does he have and how many more stones are there, hidden throughout this accursed world?!

Salem asked herself this while looking at Shadow.

While pondering about what is happening and what Shadow's next move is, Shadow can be seen making his way towards her, utilizing other stones from other Gauntlets. Salem growled that she conjured a pair of broadswords made of Dark Energon so she can use them to strike Shadow down with any means necessary, for Shadow to use the Reality and Mirror Dimension Stones (A/N: Reality Stone from Zero Dragfall's Gauntlet.) as he made three mirror dimension openings to appear on his left, right and in front of him. There, Dragranzer emerged and flew by to the left of him, Darkraider to emerge as he flew to his right, and the Survive form of Venosnaker to emerge as he slithered and stopped in front of him as they transformed into their Bike modes.

(A/N: Dragranzer in Bike mode.)

(A/N: Darkraider in Bike mode.)

(A/N: Survive Venosnaker in Bike mode.)

Salem saw this as she readied herself, for Shadow to do the same, knowing that Salem has a plan to take him down. Just before they could advance towards each other, a massive bluish purple portal opened up in the sky above the sea, for everyone, the combatants, the Grimm, Shadow and Salem to look up at the portal to see who has arrived, for Salem to growl while looking at Shadow.

Salem: You and your surprises again!!!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): uuuuh, about that.... that isn't mine.

Salem: w-what? Then whose is it?

God of Light (In Shadow's Mind): Shadow! I'm sensing an extreme amount of power descending from the portal... something extremely dangerous is upon us...

God of Darkness (In Shadow's Mind): I agree with my brother... whatever it is, it's power scale is immeasurable.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Then that means whoever is emerging from the portal now, seems to want this planet in its own terms...

Salem: Impossible!!!! 

Then, the portal grew bigger as a huge object slowly emerged from the portal as it is seen slowly levitating downwards. That object had a spikey sphere-like appearance, and it had arms, legs and two tails, for everyone to notice this.

Seeing it levitating, Salem commanded all of her Titan-sized-kaiju-created Grimm including her Gigantic Grimm to destroy whatever that thing is.

Salem: My Grimm who are fighting against the God's Allies! DESTROY THAT SPHERE-LIKE CREATURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She yelled.

As commanded, the Grimm stopped fighting their specific opponents as they began to turn around, proceeding to take care of the unknown threat, for Kengo and Kanata to recognize the threat.

Ultraman Trigger (Kengo): Kanata-kun! That kaiju!!!

Ultraman Decker (Kanata): It's... here... Mother Spheresaurus...! T-That's impossible! I-I-I thought we all destroyed it together!

Ultraman Trigger (Kengo): Yeah! Your GUTS-Select and I watched you destroy it along with its other Sphere Soldiers and King Spheres.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): looks at Trigger and Decker from the ArenaYou know that entity lifeform, Trigger? Decker?

Ultraman Decker (Kanata): looks at Shadow Yes. Kengo-san, GUTS-Select and I fought against it... well... her, once before. She's extremely dangerous. It's like, she always gets even more powerful after every strike and regeneration. We all almost perished when she assimilated us... she... almost assimilated the entire Earth... at ease...

Ultraman Trigger (Kengo): looks at Shadow One of Kanata-kun's allies.... who piloted a robot.... was killed by her. Kanata-kun and I... fell, as well after it fell.

Decker and Trigger explained in brief.

This made Shadow turn his attention to Salem.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Salem! Call off your Giant Grimm force!

Salem: And why should I do that!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): If you don't, you're only making it powerful!

Salem: And why should I do that?!?!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Because if you don't, WE'RE NEXT!!! EVEN YOU!!!!!! So, Salem... FOR ONCE IN YOUR INFINITE LIVES, DON'T BE A FOOL!!!

Shadow exclaimed.

However, it was too late when Shadow, Salem, Trigger and Decker heard painful shrieks, for them to look at what is currently happening. Upon turning to look at the situation, Salem's eyes widened to watch as every single Gigantic Grimm consisting of her Gigantic Grimm and numerous improved Leviathan Grimm were easily taken down by the unknown entity, with its shell-like wings opened up, revealing itself to be a monster; Mother Spheresaurus as it roared at the top of her voice, for Argus to hear her.

(A/N: Mother Spheresaurus.)

After roaring, Shadow noticed Mother Spheresaurus melting onto the defeated Grimm as she was about to do something to them.

Salem: Huh?! Whu- What is she doing with my Grimm?!?!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Young Kanata! Young Kengo! You know this kaiju, what's it doing?

Ultraman Decker (Kanata): I... never seen her doing this before! But it would appear she's assimilating herself onto the Grimm she took down?!

Ultraman Trigger (Kengo): Then that means-

Ultraman Decker (Kanata): Yeah.... we're now looking at a new Sphere Synthetic Kaiju in the making...

Ultraman Trigger (Kengo): Assimilating them to become even more powerful?! oh no...

Kanata and Kengo said and answered.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): oh boy.....

Shadow said worriedly.

As everyone watched, the assimilation process was still ongoing as it began to slowly grow six times taller than Beacon Academy as it towered the City of Argus. Once the assimilation is complete, the assimilation essence slowly gets absorbed into the new creature's body as Mother Spheresaurus revealed its new form, covered from lower body, to heads, to feet and to tails with its sphere crystal-like spikes, and other traits of the several improved Leviathan Grimm and the Gigantic Grimm.

(A/N: Ultimate Giant Strongest Sphere Monster - Mother Spheresaurus NEO. Combine these two images together which will be explained here. -> Basically, this Hydra-like gigantic form will have seven heads instead of six, with the middle head and neck to be the lower body for Mother Spheresaurus. Take it this way like U-Killersaurus NEO, but different. The center neck will be encased with Mother Spheresaurus's body crystals for armour. The six other heads and neck will bare the heads of the Gigantic Grimm, Grimudo Leviathan Grimm, Genegarg Leviathan Grimm, Megalothor 2nd Form Leviathan Grimm, Spheresaurus Leviathan Grimm and the larger Leviathan Grimm's head, and features to be implemented on their necks. The body, legs and tail itself will have some traits of the improved Levithans and the Gigantic Grimm with its tail to be two tails instead of one. The monster's form will also be armoured with Mother Spheresaurus's body crystals, as well due to the fact that all the Grimm were Assimilated to one gigantic being. And again, yes. It's something like U-Killersaurus NEO, but a whole lot uglier.)

Seeing this, the Transformer Titan, the Ultras and the King of the Monsters look at the Gigantic Kaiju Grimm towering over them as they tried to figure out a way to take this thing down, however for Salem and Shadow, they looked briefly before Salem saw this as an opportunity and decided to strike Shadow, only for him to dodge it while sustaining a small long slash across his chest, in which he managed to regenerate his wounds. After dodging that slash, Shadow distant himself from Salem as she slowly made her way towards him.

Salem: I don't know whether to loathe it or thank it... but as long as I'm still alive... I'll still get what I want, even if it resorts me to siding with that THING, OR NOT!!!

She said.

Hearing this, Shadow looked up at Trigger and Decker.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Young Trigger, Young Decker! Tell the others to keep fighting as long as you all can. We must defeat our enemies, no matter the cost.

Ultraman Trigger & Ultraman Decker: nods

And with that after the two nodded, they rushed out to relay the news, leaving Shadow and Salem to remain at the Arena.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): If that's what you want... then I'll make sure you'll be scarred for life... once I defeat you.

Salem: You're welcome to try... when I scar you first.

They both said.

Both combatants exchanged death glares before charging towards each other, once again. There, Salem wielded her same swords from before as she conjured energy slashes to be sent flying towards Shadow, only for him to use some stones to stop Salem from getting close as she suddenly did everything in reverse, reverting her back to her conjuring her swords before jumping and spinning towards me, to her confusion.

Salem: huh?! What is this?!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Rewind-Fastforward Stone. I simply rewind time of you striking me so you be back at where you were before you started attacking me.

Salem: I would like to see you try using that stone again.....

Salem said as she dashed towards Shadow again, for him to use two stones which caused Salem to be frozen in place while a barrier can be seen surrounding him, destroying Salem's blades, for her to witness this while being frozen and in shocked from what she witnessed.

After destroying her swords, Shadow used the stones from several Gauntlets based on the Power and Space stones to crush her armour for a moment, before throwing her as she landed hard onto the crystal walls of the Arena, only for her to get up as she struggled while the effects from the Pause-Restart Stone were no longer effecting her. Once she got up, Shadow and Salem are about to clash once again, when a tremor can be felt shaking the Arena and the City of Argus, for everyone, Salem and Shadow to see that the Ultras, the Titan and the King of Monsters being struck down by Mother Spheresaurus NEO's Salvo Warheads (A/N: Similar to Salvo Firing but in an evolved and improved state.) and Mother Sphere Phalanx - Full Burst (A/N: Similar to Mother Sphere Phalanx but improved. It can be done by Mother Spheresaurus NEO launching that attack from her chest, her mouth and her six other heads.). Seeing this, the people of Argus began to watch in fear as the powerful Sphere Monster began to roar, calling forth her Sphere from her body crystals while summoning more Grimm from a further distant, assimilating all she had summon, turning the Grimm into Sphere Synthetic Grimm as they too attacked the city, the Airships and the robot that Cordovin is piloting.

Seeing this, Salem notice a sense of fear in Shadow for her to take this opportunity to weaken him mentally.

Salem: It would seem that your forces are failing... even without my help, this creature seems to be proven as.... an important asset, if it were to be under me, considering it's using my Grimm at ease. As usual, you and your forces are doomed to fail.... And there will be no one left, to save you and your friends now.... So I implore you.

Salem said, reaching her hand out.

Salem: Surrender the Relic to me.... and I'll let you all live. Fail... and I'll make you suffer first, followed by your friends. One by one... until they are nothing left to stand in my way.

Salem finished.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): ... And what of it when you claim the Relics?

Shadow ask.

Salem: Simple. I'll take revenge on the Gods who did this to me,... and took away my Ozpin... if I fail... I'll always find the Relics again, and I'll do it all over again to reclaim what's mine! Even if this World has to reset all over again by them if they have to and if I have to!

Salem answered.

Hearing this, Shadow smiled as he turned around to look at her, for her to notice that smile on her face.

Salem: What's with that smile on your face?!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Well, funny that you should say that. As I'll change this World's Fate... in my own two hands, Salem. I'll do, what you could not. Bring order to this World, and bring peace. That is why looking at them fallen, I have also telepathically called, help, knowing that to change this World's fate, I alone cannot do that. I with help, can change this World's fate.

Shadow said with lines that Salem didn't understand.

Meanwhile, at the City of Argus, the people of Argus can be seen running away from the army of flying Sphere Synthetic Grimm swooping down to grab them and consume them. As one landed in front of everyone to pick someone up, it suddenly stood to a halt, for the random person to notice that it is frozen in place, giving the person the opportunity to run. Then, a slash struck the Sphere Synthetic Grimm, freezing it as it blew to icy bits, for a person to walk over it while holding a blue icy sword in hand, for the people to notice this.

(A/N: These Riders appeared. Ensure Blades is holding another sword known as the King Tategami Hyoujuuseiken Nagare.)

???: So, this is the World we need to protect, huh? Interesting. looks at someone Tokuro? What do you think?

Tokuro: Well, Shriyans.... seeing that this City is under attack, and we were called upon to protect it, I suppose we could... give our caller a hand which I suppose he's there, too.

Tokuro said, pointing his King Tategami Hyoujuuseiken Nagare at the crystal Arena in the middle of the sea.

Shriyans: Well, by all means, let's get going.

Shriyans said.

Just before they are about to leave, a Sphere Synthetic Sphinx Grimm landed in front of them as it roared in front of their faces while lunging in at them, only for it to be stopped by someone landing behind its head as the someone landed a kick at the top of its throat, sending the Grimm to its knees while getting off it whilst doing a somersault as the person landed in front of Shriyans and Tokuro while a cluster of metal-like grasshoppers converge back onto the person, recognizing them, for the two latters to recognize him, too.

(A/N: this form came in next.)

Shriyans & Tokuro: Takiyama?!

???: Oh!! Shriyans! Tokuro! Small world. Small universe.

Tokuro: We haven't seen you since...

Takiyama: Since we were transported to a desert-like world ruled by Riders and Another Riders going against Another Decade's Monster Army.

Shriyans: Yeah.... How are you a- And you were called here, too?

Takiyama: Yeup. In case you ask, yes, Izuru's fine.

Shriyans & Tokuro: Phew!

Takiyama: Like I told you before, he can take worse. Anyway, I stumbled upon some unique Riders along the way they said they're willing to help. And there are also a few recognizable Riders we know who'll be joining us, too.

Tokuro: Who?

Tokuro ask.

Then, the Sphinx got back up on its feet as it was about to use its claw to swipe them, only for its claws to be cleaved apart by a pair of Mammoth Gashers flying pass the Grimm after cleaving its claws off its forelegs, for the Grimm to shriek, to everyone's shock.

Seeing this, the three looked to their right where the Gashers were first seen flying from as they see a familiar Mammoth-like form charging in while reclaiming its Gashers for tusks.

(A/N: This Mammoth-like form.)

After reclaiming its weapons, the form separated as they transformed into another form,- 

Baribari Up! My name is! Kamen Rider! Rev-v-v-vi! Revi! Revi! Rev-v-v-vi! Revi!

(A/N: These forms specifically. Ensure the Vice form has spikes, wings and demonic traits as stated in the OC for REVICE.)

-seeing two Riders cladded in Ice Armour as they punched the Grimm to aside, freezing it as it burst into small icy pieces upon striking the walls of one of the buildings, to the citizens cheering for them and for the three riders to look with surprise.

The two Riders stood up after delivering their icy fist and shield punches as one looked at the other with a shield in hand.

???: Heh, we're called once again to save a World from monsters and this is all they got from that desert rider kingdom world? scoffs This World really needs more help than we thought than the desert, huh, Inedia?

Inedia: Mmhmm! Thoughts exactly, Caligo.

Caligo: notices Fortress Maximus And seeing my allies are finally here, I guess it is high time we get you and my old friend acquainted later, shall we?

Inedia: Wait! That gigantic robot is your friend, too?!

Caligo: Yup!

Inedia: How-

Caligo: Didn't I told you I came from another Planet and you said my life force is perculiar and unique and quoted, "Prime"?

Inedia: .... oh.... right.

Caligo: So, I think it's high time we do a bit of both.

Inedia: Well, you're the Prime. So, after you.

Inedia said, for Caligo to snicker a bit, until they notice the three Riders.

Caligo: Whoa! Takiyama? Shriyans? Tokuro?

Inedia: Well, the Hopper, the Dragon and the Ice Lion are here. Joy. smirks

Takiyama: I take it that you were called, too?

Caligo: Yeah.

Tokuro: Well, glad you guys came in the nick of time as we need to get there and fast. Not sure if whoever's there can hold out much longer.

Tokuro said, pointing at the Arena again.

Caligo: Well, say no more, guys! Like back then, we're gonna take you there. Inedia! 

Inedia: With pleasure!!!

And with that, both Caligo and Inedia detransformed as Caligo stamped and utilized another Vistamp, turning into its Rider forms while also transforming into its Remix Form, enlarging itself so that the three can hop onto its/their back/s.

Neo Batta!

Come on! Ne-Ne-Neo Batta! Come on! Ne-Ne-Neo Batta! Come on-

Buddy Up! Hiyaku o chikatta! Kibou to natta! Neo Batta! Revice ja~ naito!

Remix! Buddy Up! Hissatsu! Kawatta! Mata! Neo Batta!

(A/N: Kamen Rider Daemonium - Neo Batta Genome.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Daemonium - Neo Batta Remix.)

After transforming, the three then hopped on as the Remix form began to take flight towards the Arena, for the Grimm to slowly land down towards the citizens, only for their thirst for blood to be halted by several riders, shooting weak shots as warning shots.

???: You know, it's rude to play with your food, right?

A person wielding a Drill Crusher in gun mode said.

The Grimm roared at him. Then, another person spoke up while walking from behind to beside him.

??? 2: Easy there, Donny. 

Donovan Romero: Oh, I'm chill, Kiryu. I'm just preparing myself for a fight to remember like how the others are doing it.

Kaito Kiryu: Alright then.

Donovan Romero: So, the rest of our Fusion Rider Club are elsewhere to take care of the other Sectors of Argus?

Kaito Kiryu: Yup.

Donovan Romero: Then this Sector is for us! Let's rock n' roll!

Kaito Kiryu: Indeed!

And with that, they transformed into their specific fusion rider forms as they began to fight against the Grimm while protecting the civilians who are watching this.

Back at the Arena, Shadow and Salem are still duking and slashing it out as none of them are showing any signs of defeat, fear and backing down. Just as Shadow is about to blast several stones' powers at Salem, she raised her hand to push me further back away from her while her hand suddenly turned as she lift it up, for a runic circle to appear as numerous Grimm hands emerge as they grabbed Shadow from below, dragging him to his knees. Shadow struggled to break free, but to no avail as their grip was too strong. While struggling, he notice Salem slowly levitating towards him while she raised her arm, for another Grimm arm to lung forward, in the attempts to grab his face, only for Shadow to break free his left arm as he caught while several arms pinned his left arm down still holding onto the Grimm arm.

As soon as Salem was in front of Shadow, she stopped in front of him and lowered herself forward as she said this to him with a smile.

Salem: Like I told you, your friends and you,... are doomed to fail. 

Salem said.

Then, she stood back up from her leaning position as she raised her other arm as she charged up her powers, aiming at Shadow.

Salem: Once you are ridden off... I'll take those Gauntlets, and I'll be sure to find the Relics and take my revenge,... "God of Remnant". 

She continued.

Salem: So, this is.... goodbye.

Salem finished.

Just as her powers are fully charged,-

God of Light (In Shadow's Mind): Anytime now!!

God of Darkness (In Shadow's Mind): She's about to kill you at any moment! Move!

The gods said in Shadow's mind.

While looking at Salem still struggling, Shadow smiled once again, knowing something is about to happen right now.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): ... And let the curtains open for our newcomers on Remnant.

Shadow said.

Gods of Light & Darkness (In Shadow's Mind): Huh?/Huh?

They responded in a confused manner.

Hearing this, as well, Salem turned her head as she questioned Shadow on what he meant by that.

Salem: What? Are those really your final words?

She said.

Suddenly, just as Salem is about to blast her attack at Shadow, a gigantic rider-like cybertronian grasshopper landed before the two of them, to Salem's shock and to Shadow's knowledge of them coming as he turned to look at it.

Metal Rising Impact!

Rekka Battou! Dragonic Hissatsu Giri!

Pegasus! Lion! Peter Pan! Sansatsu Geki! W-W-W-Water!

Neo Batta Stamping Finish!

Hearing this, the gigantic grasshopper transformed into two individual riders as the five descended towards Salem at great speed to deliver their finishers directly at her, to Salem's surprise as she launched her charged attack at them.

Upon contact, both her attack and their finishers began to collide with each other while Shadow stopped struggling as he took this opportunity to free himself, only for him to be stopped by someone as the someone placed a hand on his shoulder while the others began to cut him loose off the RUnic circle of Grimm hands.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Been awhile.

???: Indeed it has.

The person said.

??? 2: Hold still as that grip on your knee is sinking into your flesh. Would have to remove it slowly so deep breathe.

The other said, for Shadow to nod at the person's word of caution.

While the group are seen freeing Shadow, the five are seen slowly getting the upper hand against Salem while Salem is seen adding more power to her charged attack. As things were about to heat up, their power collision caused an explosion for them to be sent back a bit, for Salem to use her Extremer Powers to stop her from being sent back further, and for the five riders to stop themeselves by using their forms' capabilities.

Caligo: Okay.... She, really is packing a lot of power than either Giff or Diablo!

Inedia: Tell me about it!

Takiyama: Even more powerful than that of Ark... So, suggestions on how we take her out?!

Tokuro: Easy! Hit it where she hurts!

Shriyans: And go for the finishing blow! Just like how we do things back when we fought Storious!

Tokuro: nods

Caligo: Well, then. Guess we'll all just have to go for her Spark!

Inedia & Tokuro: Agreed.

They discussed and agreed.

After their brief discussion, they turned to look at Salem levitating above them as she was prepared to incinerate all of them.

Salem: You will all pay dearly for delaying the God of Remnant's destruction!!!

Inedia: Oh, big whoop! I've already paid the price thousand times worse than this from Giff, bitch.... this is nuthin'.

Caligo: facepalm

Takiyama: snickering

Salem: Then by all means, you'll all face death a million times MORE THAN THIS!!!!!!

Salem yelled as she conjured a multi-coloured energy ball above her.

Just as she was about to hurl it at them,-

Magnum Tactical Blast!

Boost Time! Boost Arrow Grand Victory!

Gigant Victory!

Lock on. Command Twin Victory!


- her head was soon blown up by five individual and powerful shots launched by several individual Riders, to their shock.

Seeing Salem has fallen, everyone looked at who was the one who shot her, to see that there were six Riders in front of Shadow, five identical but in different forms and one different and futuristic, for Inedia to speak first.

Inedia: Shane? As in... Shane Hunter?

Inedia ask.

Upon hearing his name, one Rider raised his hand for everyone to see him while Shadow can be seen walking up to Shane as he offered his hand to him.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Thank you, Shane, for picking up my telepathic message.

Shane: accepts and shakes It's nothing, really. Anything for a good friend and friends we've met back then. Oh! By the way, Shadow this is Niram Hunter.

Niram Hunter: Hey.

Shane: Suiko S. Hunter, long for Suiko Shayne Hunter.

Suiko: Heya~!

Shane: Katsu Hanta Ukiyo.

Katsu: What's up?

Shane: H., long for Hunter.

Hunter: Hello.

Shane: These are my, well... Incarnations of me from different Worlds and Timelines.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): It is a privilage to meet you all, Incarnations of Shane Hunter. My name is Shadow, Shadow Wrath.

Hunter: So, you're the one Shane has been talking about? Dig the colourful gimmick. It suits you.

Niram Hunter: Nice to meet you, Shadow.

Katsu: Pleased to meet my Incarnation's acquaintance.

Hunter: Nice to meet you.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): nods

Shane: Oh! by the way, this is our Supporter, Z. long for Zill. She supports us GEATS Riders. Zill, this is Shadow that I told you about, that offered to help me get back to the Prix before.

Zill: Oh, I see. Nice to meet you, m' sieur Shadow. 

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Pleasure's all mine, and welcome to Remnant, Zill.   

Shadow said and welcoming the rest.

Inedia: Uh, guys. Hate to ruin the greetings but, our enemy here is getting back up and regenerating like those Gifftarians Caligo and his adopted family fought against before.

Inedia gave everyone a heads up.

The group turned to witness Salem regenerating her face back, to their shock but to Shadow keeping a serious face, knowing that this would happen after he heard about her past.

Shane: Uuuuh, does she tend to do that all the time?

Caligo: Like Gifftarians do?

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Yes, she does. And yes, like them but their kind and her are different.

Hunter: How so?

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): After she's been obliterated, her respawn points are either at her place of origin or at random. If we were to dismember her, like what you saw just now, she would intend to regenerate back.

Takiyama: So, what do we do?

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): We must defeat her like so she will not be able to find us. As right now, she wants the Gauntlets, the Stones and the Relic that we have in possession on Fortress Maximus.

Inedia: Obliterate her. GOT IT!!!

Zill: Uuuuh, veuillez m'excuser. What Relic do we have?

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): looks at Zill One of the Relics we have is one of the four Relics that can help us bring peace to this World, once again. I'll explain later when we are safe.

Zill: Oh, je vois. Si, Shadow.

Shane: Hey, no fair. Since when can you speak french?

Zill: snickering

Then, a loud yell can be heard from Salem as Shadow could tell that she has regenerated her whole face back and has had enough with the surprises and wanted to end things here and now, once and for all.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): it would seem she has regenerated her face entirely...

Shadow said to himself silently.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Reiwa Squad! It is paramount we defeat Salem here and now, while we make our stand here!

Everyone: YEAH!!!!!

Shriyans: Rock 'n' Roll!!!

They said.

Seeing this, Salem let out an evil laugh at our stand against her.

Salem: Do you really think you all can take me on?! DO YOU?!?!

She said, taunting them with that question.

Shriyans: One question before we resume our cavalry fight, do you still have them?

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): shows their Gauntlets I still got from the time they gave them to me Yeup. I still have have them, my friend.

Shriyans: Nice. We'll need them a-

Takiyama: Well, as long as we are still breathing, all I can say is-

Before Takiyama can finish, he swiftly fished his ProgriseKey out from his pocket and activate it.

True Rizing Jump! (Echos) (Electronic Beat)

Takiyama: - Kick Ass!!!! scanning ProgriseKey then slots it into Zero-Two Driver Tag In!!!!

Takiyama yelled while running towards Salem.


Zero-Two True Rizing! 

Takiyama: Henshin!


(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Kamen Rider Zero-One Opening.)

Takiyama said as he soon transforms into his Zero-One - Zero-Two True Rizing Hopper form, with his armour made of Metal Cluster hopper and Nanotechnology as their technology formed up his rider form while he rushed in towards Salem.

Seeing him, Salem conjured energy balls around her as she launched them all directly at Takiyama.

Takiyama's POV:

Seeing this, I conjured two Shotrisers made of my Nanotech and Metal Cluster armour as I began shooting at the projectiles that are flying straight at me, destroying some while dodging those that were flying pass me. Upon reaching her as I have cleared the way in front of me, I turned my Shotrisers into Claw Assaults as I lunged in, delivering numerous slashes, making Salem stagger backwards.

Then, she soon lunged her arm out for a Grimm arm to emerge out from the palm of her hand, only for me to summon my Progrise Hopper Blade in Naginata Mode as I cleaved the Grimm arm apart, causing Salem to retract her arm back in pain, for me to observe that the hand I cut off from within her arm is apart of her, for me to have an idea.

Me: Oh, so that's it, huh? That arm that came out from your hand? It's part of you huh? Why not call out the rest... unless you're scared?

I ask, smirking at her, knowing she might fall for it.

Salem growled while her eyes turned purple and bright red as she raised both her palms forward at me.

Salem: I am not SCARED BY THE LIKES OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!

She yelled as she conjured up more Grimm Arms from both her palm, her back and numerous runic circles around where Salem and I are fighting, for me to start running, flying and jumping to avoid them.

Me: Yep! She fell for it!

I said while avoiding the Grimm arms.

While avoiding the arms, I began to use my weapon as I cleaved every single arm that I'm seeing. To rid of them all once and for all, I scanned my weapon onto my Driver to acquire my weapon's finisher.

Ultimate Strash!

Hearing it announce the finisher, I suddenly notice numerous arms lunged in to grab me, only for my Metal Cluster armour to protect me by forming numerous barriers around me, giving me the opportunity to spin in a circle to conjure a circular slash to rid of all the Grimm arms, runic circles and the arms emerging out from Salem's palms, once and for all, for me to hear her screaming in pain from this.

Seeing an opening, I lunged in as I landed a punch on her, only for a tentacle blade to block my punch, to my surprise as another tentacle spike struck me at the mid-section, sending me flying, only for me to conjure a pixel platform to jump back at Salem, to deliver the same punch at her, only this time, I began to deliver numerous flurry of punches, with some landing on her face and body, and some to be blocked by her tentacle spikes that she has summoned behind her.

(A/N: Zero-One Music ends at 1:09.)

3rd Person's POV:

Shriyans: Salem seems to be using her tentacle spikes to try and block his punches!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Yes, she's using Hexa OOO's tentacle blades as an asset, to overpower us.

Shriyans: Then Tokuro and I have an idea. You all circle around and shoot.

Caligo: Alright, let's go!

Tokuro: Let's go, Shriyans!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Daemonium Prime, Inedia, Shane and Incarnations, Zill. Let us provide the cover they acquire.

Everyone (With Shadow at the moment): Right!

Zill: Oui!

And with that, the remaining people in the group began to circle around to cover the three Riders while Shriyans and Tokuro began combat against Salem to assist Takiyama.

Shriyans & Tokuro: HENSHIN!!!!!

They yelled.

After drawing their swords from their Seiken-Drivers, they began to transform into their specific forms to rival against Salem.

King Rekka Saber Battou! Sōsei no jūji! (A new story is born!) Kirameku hoshi-tachi no kiseki to tomoni! (Wonder!) Kedakaki chikara yo yūki no honō! (Wonder!) Xross Saber! Xross Saber! Xross Saber! (Wonder! All! All! All! Almighty~!) Majiwaru jūpon no ken! Burn Bright for the Story's Future!

Nagare Battou! Tategami Tenkai! (Rhyming! Riding! Rider!) Subete wo Hikiishi Tategami! (Juoh Raiou! Rising! Lifull! King Lion~) Hyoujuusenki! (Daisenki!) Gao! Sore sunawachi hougeki no senshi! Long Get!


(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Kamen Rider Saber Opening.)

Shriyans's POV:

After acquiring Wonder Almighty Xross Saber Prime form and Tokuro acquiring King Lion Tategami Hyoujuusenki form, the both of us began advancing towards Salem to give Takiyama a helping hand as Tokuro transformed into his Lion Mode to pounce on Salem's appendages and for me to utilize every Swordman's Seikens by sliding the Emblem up the blade to one of the circles on the blade before pulling the trigger to select the particular Seiken to summon. After that, I slide it back down, pulling the trigger again to execute the attack.



Hayate! Shikkoku! Xross Giri!

After selecting the specific Seiken, a Fuusouken Hayate and four Kokuranken Shikkoku contructs form up in a form of a extended long shuriken thanks to the four Seiken contructs as I waved my sword at Salem, for the contruct to fly directly at her while conjuring both powers surrounding it in a form of their wind energies and slash energies. Once close, the construct cleaved the tentacles blades, giving Takiyama the opportunity to deliver his punches at ease, for me to jump at her to deliver a powerful slash, making her stagger aside.

Seeing that she was outdone, she used her Extremer tail eyes to try shoot us down, for me and Takiyama to deflect her projectiles by using our melee weapons. While we are deflecting Salem's projectiles, Tokuro in his Rider and Beast mode donning  what appears to be icy hedgehog quills for its mane and claws as he can be seen pouncing onto her peacock tail turrets, slashing and biting several numbers of them down, destroying them. Salem tried shaking him off, but to no avail, for me to charge in towards her as I-

Seiba Battou! Haou Issatsu Giri!

- began to deliver numerous slashes by using my King Haouken Xross Saber and Kaenken Rekka, for her to stagger back while slash marks began to appear on her body as I kept walking while continuously slashing her.

Finalizing my attack, I spun around as I slashed both my swords upwards, landing a critical blow onto her, sending her backwards flying. Seeing this, Tokuro reverted back to his humanoid form after inflicting some damage in his lion form as he leaped away from Salem, not before delivering a freezing slash that froze her in place into a thick layer of ice that she couldn't get out of. After that attack, Tokuro landed beside me as we readied our powerful finishers.

Me: Let's do this.

Tokuro: Agreed.

They said while utilizing their combo finisher.

As we did, every Seiken appeared above me and an ice blade formed on Tokuro's Seiken, for us to do a powerful slash combo that we both could muster for my every summoned seiken and an ice slash to converge and aim directly at Salem. Seeing this, Salem decided to take the shooting, shot by Shadow, Caligo, Inedia, the Shane Hunter Incarnations and Zill as she used her powers to deflect the swords, only for some Seikens and an Ice Slash to cut right through her, making her regenerate her limbs in the process while on the ground.

(A/N: Saber Music ends here.)

3rd Person's POV:

After awhile of regenerating, she got back up while glaring at Shriyans and Tokuro, generating an energy sphere with spikes containing Dark Energon so she can strike them down, only for Caligo and Inedia to stand in her way while transforming into their Ultimate Form while being in his Cybertronian Form.

Caligo: NOT SO FAST!!!!

Inedia: You mess with our buds, you mess with the TRUE Devil around here!!!!

Caligo & Inedia: HENSHIN AND TRANSFORM!!!!!!!!!!

They both said in unison as they crank the vistamp that's on the Driver to the right and back to its position, turning them into one entire Rider.

Ultimate Up! Super Scramble! Subete no vistamp ga ichi tsu ni shuusoku shi 、 kyuukyoku no lider ni nari masu! Let's go! Come on! Ultimate Revice! Bernazoid! Subete no lider wa eien ni !

After transforming to their fusion Rider form,-


(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: liveDevil DaiCE ft Subaru Kimura Kamen Rider Revice OP Song Tv Sizever Sub ENGESP Lyrics.)

Caligo's POV:

- Inedia and I are now in our Bernazoid Genome Remix form as we began to fight, starting off by kicking Salem away from us after we landed in front of her to get in her way. After kicking her away, Salem began to levitate as she began launching beams at us, for me to swing around in circles, giving my tail the opportunity to reach upwards towards Salem.

Me: Inedia! Now's the time!

Inedia: opens my demonic eyes at the head end part of the tail With pleasure!!!!

Inedia said as he elongated my tail while arming the entire tail with arms and weapons based on every Genome and Remix form we acquired as Inedia deflected them all while grabbing hold of Salem, flinging her down back to the ground as we hear a loud crack where she landed. Inedia collapsed my tail back as we dashed towards Salem, leaping towards her as I delivered a mega punch at her, only for her to dodge it as she moved aside.

Then, she blasted me with a beam, only for me to deflect it by using my arms while delivering numerous slashes and punches on her while twirling to whip my tail at her, as well. While attacking her, Salem utilized her sword again, to slice my form's tail off, only for Inedia to see this coming as Inedia took it upon himself to detach himself from me as he began crawling in his Bernazoid Centipede-like form towards Salem. Once close, he used his entire body as he coiled around Salem, keeping her in place to prevent her from using any attacks on me, giving me the opportunity to deliver a flurry of punches, slashes and kicks, for me to see that Salem's aura to start crackling and rendering.

Me: Now's my chance... Inedia! Get out of the way! This final attack is a big one!

I cautioned.

Inedia: Alright! Then I'll do my big attack, as well!

Inedia yelled, for him to uncoil Salem.

While uncoiling, Salem's eyes glowed bright as she broke free, only for Inedia to see what she did as a distraction, giving him the opportunity to curl himself up into a ball as he spun faster than the speed of light, rolling towwards Salem in an extremely high speed. Once close, Inedia in his curled-up ball form struck Salem hard, for her to disarm herself from her swords, giving me the opportunity to grab her by the shoulder, headbutting her in the face, for the Gold Spino crown piece to strike her dead center.

After those two critical and heavy blows, Salem tried to keep herself up and together due to that heavy blow to her face and between her eyes as both Inedia and I connected ourselves back together as we don up our finisher.

Inedia: Let's get this party started!

Me: Ditto!

I replied.

And so, I tinkered with my Driver, donning up our Bernazoid Ultimate finisher while building up our momentum to make our finisher effective.

Revice Giffard Bernazoid Finish!

Once our finisher is activated, I jumped high up in the air as I began to do a drop kick while my tail aka, Inedia coiled around as he spun at my foot that I'm gonna use as my finisher, acting himself as a drill, for me to use this as a combo attack along with the spinning tail Inedia.

Seeing this, Salem conjured a huge barrier while launching a beam as my drill kick reached her barrier and beam as our attacks and her defense began to collide with each other. While we collided our attacks, Inedia and I noticed that Salem's barrier is about to shatter, for me to use this opportunity and spin along with my demonic partner to add his drilling effect to the kick, for the barrier to keep cracking. After a minute later, the barrier soon shattered, for Salem and our attacks, and our finishers to explode on contact, sending us all backwards due to the power of the explosion caused by our attacks colliding with each other, reaching its end point, for me to hope that the end point was Salem that I struck.

(A/N: Revice Music ends here.)

3rd Person's POV:

Seeing Caligo and Inedia's combined final form flying backwards, Shadow then used one of the stones on the Proxy Gauntlet as vines can be seen catching the Revice form as they gently placed them down on the ground while Shadow made his way there by teleporting to them by using the Space Stone-based Stones from some Gauntlets.

After teleporting to Caligo and Inedia, he went down on one knee after rushing through his portal to them, to make sure they are okay.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Are you alright, my Cybertronian Demonic friend and my Inner-Demon friend?

Shadow ask with concern.

Caligo turned to look at Shadow and Inedia lifted its tail-like head up like a snek (snake) as they began to answer after taking a moment breather.

Caligo: We're fine, thanks. Better than expected.

Inedia: Heheheh!!!! Salem maybe strong, but she wasn't strong enough for us just yet!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Yeah,.... that's a relief.

Shadow said with relief in his voice. Then, a question hit him.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Say... last I remembered, you were at the desert with your family, right? Where are they?

Caligo: Oh, my adopted family? They're at Argus! We had a strategy plan before we started coming to you and saving the people.

Inedia: Yeah!!! You should've seen how much they have grown! And how much This Prime here and I grew, too. You'll love it.

Caligo: Inedia... stop....

Inedia: sinister giggle

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): smiles Well, I'm glad you and your family have grown stronger since the last we met.

Shadow said.

This made Caligo and Inedia smile behind their helmets for a moment.


Salem: Not bad, you two....

Salem said, getting up.

Hearing this, Shadow and the Dual Rider fusion swiftly got back up, donning back their defensive stances as they watched Salem regenerating back her entire arm that she used to fire her beam from earlier, for Shadow to tilt his head slightly towards the Revice Fusion to whisper into their ears, trying not to make it so obivious.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): whispering Nice hit.

Caligo & Inedia: whispering Thanks for the compliment..../We weren't sure if we got her but... seeing that arm regenerating... hmm. looks like we did. so again, thanks.

Shadow nods at their reply and their thanks.

Salem: You have done something that no mere child can do... and that's to wound me.

Caligo: UWell now~ Such praise from a mad goddess for a major babe? That's a first.

Salem: And now, for your reward.... die!

Inedia: Not if I can't handle it! Caligo! Remix time!

Caligo: On it!

Salem conjured a huge crystal-like bow and arrow as she was about to shoot the three, only for it to be blasted into bits and pieces by gunshots as her bow was shot bit by bit off her hands, to her shock, for her to swiftly look back after her bow was shot out of her hands while being blasted to pieces to see six Riders, five identical Riders and one futuristic rider to be seen aiming their guns at her.

After launching their barrages, Shane Hunter stood out by walking forward from the group, stopping in front of them as he spoke.

Shane: Don't forget about us, Goddess of Evil. As we're not gonna let you off that easily like how they didn't let you off easily, either.

Shane said.

Salem: Another blinded souls dare to challenge me? Typical... just like your friends and your God he-

Niram Hunter: Oh, we're not challenging you. It's kinda the opposite, really.

Suiko: If you want to fight them, that means you're challenging us! 

Shane: So in a way, they're correct.

Zill: You and my Riders who I'm supporting, are challenging one another.

Shane & his Incarnations: smiles

Seeing them smile, Salem growled as she conjured a pair of huge sabers to cleave anything in her way.

Shane: I wouldn't use your huge swords if I were you. As it'll not do you good when we do this.

Salem: Do what?

Salem questions.

Then, Zill threw a Laser Raise Riser to Shane, for him to grab it, putting two Risers together to form Laser Raise Riser Mk II as he sheathes it onto his Buckle Holder. After that, Shane and his Incarnations fished out their Boost Mk II Buckles as they revved it up by pulling the lever downwards like revving up a bike, activating their buckles as they open up to emit the Buckles' flames. With everything set, the Shane Incarnations lunged their activated Boost Mk II Buckles for them to touch the Reactor's corner in a star-like formation-

(A/N: Like this image as an example, with the fists being activated Boost Mk II Buckles held by the Incarnations.)

- as they began to be engulfed in flames created by the flame blasts of their activated Buckles. Seeing this, Takiyama, Shriyans, Tokuro, Caligo, Inedia, Shadow and Salem watched in shock to see what they can do as one as they kept watching, witnessing that Shane's Incarnations that are in flames are being absorbed into his Boost Mk II Buckle as due to their buckles and their Incarnations merging to his Buckle and him, his Buckle evolved to become the Boost Throttle Mk II Buckle.

After merging everyone and their Buckles together, Shane smirked and looks at Salem.

Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu & Hunter's voice in sync): Now, let us show you what we can do! Henshin!

He said, unsheathing his Laser Raise Riser, detaching its Rise Cartridge to insert it onto the Desire-Driver. After inserting the Riser onto his Desire-Driver, he then insert the Boost Throttle Mk II Buckle onto the Driver, as well.

After everything is complete, he pulled the handle on the Boost Throttle Mk II Buckle while pulling the Trigger on the Raise Riser in unison, acquiring their Super Fusion before everyone's eyes.

Laser Raise Riser Mk II! Set Up!

Dual On!

GEATS! Hyper Link! Super Mode!

LaserBoost Mark II! Ready! Fight! Laser Full Throttle!

After transforming, the Rider form aka, Shane combined with his Incarnations and the Buckles slowly looked up at Salem as he made his way towards her.

Laser On. Ziin Raising. Great. Ready, fight.

Zill transforms again to acquire her Command Raising form, for her to wield Raising Sword, as well while wielding her Laser Raise Riser as she caught up with Shane as she walked with him.

Zill: Don't forget about me, guys.

Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu & Hunter's voice in sync): giggles Well, I can't leave you out of this so, why not. 

Zill: Heheh, thanks.

Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu & Hunter's voice in sync): Now, may our future desires come true!

Zill: And let the fight begin!

They said while walking towards Salem.


(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Kamen Rider GEATS Opening - Trust Last.)

Shane's POV:

While Zill and I are making our way towards Salem, our enemy began firing numerous projectiles and beams at us, only for Zill to point her finger upwards while holding onto her Raising Sword, causing all of Salem's projectiles and Beams to redirect themselves to fly upwards instead of flying to strike us down, to Salem's shock.

After awhile, Zill pointed at Salem, for the projectiles and beams to fly directly at Salem. Upon seeing her own projectiles flying at her, she conjured the most powerful beam she could muster, destroying all her projectiles, giving me the opportunity to make a run for her while she was distracted. As I charged into the soot that is surrounding Salem, I could see that she is trying to track me down, only for me to track her down first as I jumped in and engaged her in a hand-to-hand combat. We fought for a while, exchanging punches, kicks and evasive maneuvours to avoid each of our attacks while the black soot can be seen being cleared out by a gust of wind, thanks to Shadow's wings flapping it away so the others can get a better image on how the fight is going and where to aim.

Once they saw that I was gaining the upper hand, I saw Caligo and Inedia going into their remix form, for Inedia to detach himself, transforming into his Centipede form, crawling up to me, to Caligo's confusion. 

Inedia: Hey, Shane!!!! It's shuffle time like the last time we joined forces when we fought Abyss!

Me: Oh yeah, I won't forget about that!!!! The Inedia Shane Shuffle looks at Salem Okay, Salem! Now, I'm gonna shuffle and slash you until you'll be sent flying!

Salem: Oh, don't give me that tactic nonsense!!!

Salem said.

As she said that, Inedia jumped at me while opening its mouth to transform a handle out from its mouth, for me to grab it while swiftly shuffling my legs back and forth at one spot as if I was running, for Salem to look down to see what I was up to. Seeing her distracted again, I swung Inedia in his Centipede Sword mode as his entire blade and claw-like segmented body came slashing through Salem, sending her flying, for me to stop the distraction by stop shuffling my legs.

After sending her flying, Salem crash landed on top of a large crystal shard, for her to be standing on it, for some reason when she noticed Zill standing behind her. Seeing her, Zill swiftly slashed Salem by using her Raising Sword, only for Salem to catch it with her hand, for Zill to smile as she aimed her Raise Riser and shot her a few times, causing Salem to fall back onto the ground while Zill gracefully landed down before and further away from Salem, to everyone's amazement.

Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu & Hunter's voice in sync): Now and Still, I really need to ask her how she does that....

Shane and the other incarnations said amongst themselves.

Then, Salem soon got up as she summoned numerous eyeball-like turrets covered with Dark Energon to aim directly at Zill, only for me to force grab Salem, causing her to get electrocuted while a force of purple and blue aura lifted her up, for my allies to see this as they shot the turrets which they said they're from Extemer down, destroying them.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Now's your chance!!!

Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu & Hunter's voice in sync): Got it! Zill! Let's wipe the floor with her!

Zill: Yeah!!!

Zill replied.

So, Zill and I prepped our finishers as we eyed on Salem still being held mid-air, for us to complete our preparations for our finishers.

Finish Mode!

Laser Finish!

Finish Mode!

LaserBoost Mk II Victory!

Once our finishers are ready, the both of us jumped in the air as I did a flying drop kick while cloning myself into five identical forms of me to give Salem five times the hurt and for Zill to throw her Raising Sword at Salem and shot several rounds at her while doing a flying straight kick at her, thanks to her gravitational abilities which allowed a flying straight kick to be possible.

Seeing this, Salem broke free from my force hold and tried to escape, only for Inedia to bite her legs to keep her in position.

Inedia: You ain't going nowhere!!!

Salem: Get off me you, Demon!!!

Inedia: Oh! So I'm the demon?! You should see yourself and tell yourself that!

Inedia said, not taking this well while feeling pumped by this fight.

While Inedia was holding Salem still, Zill's Raising Sword thrust her through her chest while her shots went through Salem, for Zill and I to kick right through her, with my last clone to Revolve On and transform into his Beast mode as it clawed her, sending her back down onto the ground, with Inedia to add the damage effect by pulling her straight down after Salem got clawed.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

3rd Person's POV:

After utilizing their finisher on Salem, the Reiwa Riders made their way back to Shadow as they watched Salem slowly regenerating while getting up slowly due to the harsh hits she has sustained from her opposers. While watching her get up, Shadow briefly talked to Shane and Inedia.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Uuuuuuhhh.... the Inedia Shane Shuffle?

Shane: It's something we came up, you see. It's meant to be a distraction then,-

Inedia: BOOM! They get the tail sword slash! Shane or Fusion Shane here, brought the pain and the slash on Salem like a CHAMP!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): I see.

Salem: You.... you all think you've won....

Salem said with a sinister voice.

Shadow and his group don their fight and defense stances while Shadow, Inedia and Shane swiftly look back at her.

Salem: You..... are worse than dear Ozpin, the Headmasters and the teachers of the Four Huntsment Academies.... blinded and dillusional.... failing to see that your efforts are futile!!!

She said.

Hearing this, they didn't react to what she said at all. Instead, they spoke up to her.

Takiyama: Well, then that means you could have been more wrong.

Salem: Why...???

Takiyama: We're still here! Like what Shadow told us.... Us New Generation Reiwa Riders, along with Shriyans, Tokuro, Caligo and Inedia, the Shane Incarnations and Zill, are capable in many things with our own infinite potential. Well, he's right. We all have fought extremely powerful immortals like you, Salem. Ark is one example. Ark was strong... an immortal virus of all Malice. But I still kept fighting and standing! And that's why i'm here today... to prove that even if there's Malice all over Remnant, there is always Benevolence within us to make this right.

Shriyans: He has a point. We may not have an immortal Megid we've fought throughout our chivalrous journey as the Members of the Sword of Logos and the New Council, but we still keep our will and our swords high with determination.

Tokuro: We maybe mortal and weaklings like you said.... but our hearts are strong and indomitable, in a matter of speaking to say that we will keep fighting till our last breathes, despite our status!

Caligo: Whether we are united or separated, we'll still conquer any obstacle anyone or anything dish out on us.

Inedia: Exactly! Just take Giff and Diablo for example! They may have separated us! But we kept fighting, along with our friends knowing that we're fighting for the same objective, no matter how far or close we are! We will still have a party until they drop dead!

Shane: I speak, on behalf of myself and my Incarnations... I understand that you have a dark desire. I suggest you be careful on what you think. Cause' one desire is one thing. But having an outerior motive within your Desire is a different story. Your desire will only destroy countless of people whenever this World resets again and again, and it will never end unless you change your ways and desires. So, at my stand point,... your grand scale is at the wrong place.

Zill: Looks like you have a lot to think off as your emotions are stirred for nothing but revenge, that brings you nowhere.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): I agree with all of them. You should agree with them too, Salem. Your heart of vengence has clouded your vision... only think of revenge, you are. An Endless, Painful Death you shall endure. So, it my MY turn that I implore you...

Shadow said, reaching out his hand.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Turn to the good side, and end this useless conflict to the Gods, Ozpin and yourself, once and for all. Let me help you.... looks at my friends fighting against the humongous Sphere Synthetic Kaiju Grimm and my friends standing alongside me No... let us help you find your rightrous path.

Shadow continued and finishes.

Hearing this, Salem began to laugh at them as she spoke again.

Salem: You all want to help me? Me?!?! I SPIT, on all your help! All I want you to do... is DIE!!!!!

Salem began conjuring a dark energon crystal spear as she was about to throw it at us after exclaiming what she said.

Just before Salem could throw her spear at them, one of Mother Spheresaurus NEO's head came crashing down, blocking their path and Salem's path to see that one of its heads were being slammed onto the ground, to Shadow and his friends' surprise. After awhile, the head slowly got us as it began to eye on them, only for its attention to be averted when four dark beings pushed it away from the Arena, for Shadow to hear that Kengo recognizes them, as well as Kanata.

Ultraman Decker (Kanata): The Giants of Darkness and... Kengo-san?

Ultraman Trigger (Kengo): That's... a long story... but to keep it short, that's Trigger back when he was a Giant of Darkness. When he touched the Eternity Core, he became what you're seeing now, me.

Ultraman Decker (Kanata): I see.

Ultraman Trigger (Kengo): Carmeara! Darrgon! Hudram! Ignis!

Carmeara: We somehow got a message, so we thought we give you a hand, like old times. looks at the Imposter We saw the Imposter catching up with us as he got the message too so, we decided to let him tag along.

Trigger Dark (Ignis): Yo, Kengo! Been awhile.

They said catching up.

At the Arena, Salem watched with disgust at the beings of darkness joining forces with Shadow's group.

Salem: What?! Why are they joining your forces?!?! They're forces of darkness... they shouldn't be with you, they should be against you!!!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): They were against us! Specifically Trigger aka, Kengo!

Salem: What?!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): After their battles, at some point in time, Kengo accepted himself, and Carmeara accepted Kengo/Trigger on what he is. Kengo is not just the Light.... He's also the Darkness, and he's human. The first ever Human, to be an Ancient being from the past to confront his inner demons. And this is the result today, his inner demons and his evil self who is now under the possession of a new host, has joined forces with him.

Salem: growls

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): You see, Salem. Every sentient being such as these four deserves an opportunity of redemption. Like you. Without that hope, we many never achieve everlasting peace. 

Shadow said.

Just as he finished, Shadow heard a commotion as he began to turn to see the Dark Giants helping the group out in beating the monster, with the aide of the New Generation Heroes and a huge Ape with an Axe who have just arrived. After monitoring the situation, Shadow looked back at Salem.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): So, Salem. Stop this meaningless conflict. It's time, to let go... it is time, you accept that your love is truly gone, and to start anew with all of us.

Salem: I will NEVER LET ANYONE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Salem roared.

Salem: This.... is for dear, Ozma!

Salem said to Shadow and to the group who is currently with him as she began to charge up her most powerful attack.

Seeing this, he closed his eyes for a tear to come rolling down his cheeks, taking pity on what is about to happen next.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Then, you've let us no choice. Everyone! Let's finish this!

Takiyama: I'm way ahead of you!

Zero-One Authorise!

Shriyans: Yes, sir! Tokuro!

Tokuro: Let's do this!

Rekka! Nagare! Ikazuchi! Gekido! Hayate! Suzune! Kurayami! Saikou! Noroshi! Kaiji! Kyomu! KingExcalibur! Caladbolg! Shikkoku! 


One! Reading!

Two! Reading! 

Three Reading!

Caligo: Inedia?

Inedia: Way ahead of you!

Inedia said, coiling around the OhinBuster50 in its gun mode with the Centipede tail head and its body to be the barrel, body and support for Caligo's OhinBuster50 in its Cannon Mode combined with OhinBuster50 gun mode and Inedia's centipede-like form for a tail.

Once the transformation is complete, Caligo removed the Bernazoid Vistamp and stamp it onto the OhinBuster, initiating its finisher.


Hissatsu Shonin!

Here we go!

Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu & Hunter's voice in sync): Zill. Let's go. readies Magnum Shooter 40X

Zill: Sure. I'm already stirred up to finish this already. readies Raise Riser and Raising Sword


Finish Mode!

Full Charge!

Seeing everyone has fully charged up their weapons, Shadow smirked as he readied himself.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Alright. Let's finish this fight so we can head for Atlas, safely.

He said, snapping his fingers while wielding the Muteki Gauntlet, causing it to emit a multi-colour and gold aura as it began to charge itself up.

Charging one gauntlet up, he soon snapped all his fingers wielding the gauntlets has collected so far, utilizing their extremely powerful abilities individually, with some gauntlets sounding off to bring forth its power from the gauntlet's trinkets.

























Flame Dragon!

Water Dragon!

Ground Dragon!

Hurricane Dragon!








Max Flare!

Mighty Action X!

Taddle Quest!

Bang! Bang! Shooting!

Baksou Bike!

Dragon Knight Hunter Z!

Kamen Rider Chronicle!







Kamen Rider!






After snapping all the gauntlets, all of them began to fully charge themselves up.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): Guys.... let's blow this crystal popsicle stand.

Everyone: ALRIGHT!!!!!

They yelled.

Zero-One Buster Dust!

Rekka! Nagare! Ikazuchi! Gekido! Hayate! Suzune! Kurayami! Saikou! Noroshi! Kaiji! Kyomu! KingExcalibur! Caladbolg! Shikkoku! Xross Giri!

Pegasus! Lion! Peter Pan! Lionic Burst!

Bernazoid! Stamping Strike!

Magnum! Tactical Blast!

Laser Victory!

Tactical Raising!

With everyone's weapon finishers ready, Shadow and his group of Reiwa Riders launched their attacks, with Takiyama to launch his Buster Dust beam, Shriyans to launch all his Seikens to deliver their slashes, Tokuro to summon Pegasus, Lion and Peter Pan to launch a blue combined beam, Caligo and Inedia to launch a powerful beam-like projectile from their combined cannon OhinBuster50, Shane to launch his Tactical blast, Zill to do a cross slash and numerous shots, and for Shadow to blast a huge combined beam launched by his gauntlets that he has in possession as all of everyone's finishers combined to one beams as it went towards Salem.

Seeing this, Salem fired her strongest beam from her hands as everyone's attack began colliding with each other with small beams and sparks beginning to fly all over, destroying the Arena in the process. While our attacks were colliding, there was a slight power struggle when Salem's combined hand beams were overpowering Shadow and his group's combined beam, causing them to back up for a moment due to Salem's new powers being mixed with her powers and semblance.


Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu & Hunter's voice in sync): NEITHER DID WE!!!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): WE JUST... NEED TO KEEP THIS UP... AND BOOST ALL.... OUR POWERS!!!!!!

Shadow said while struggling.

While everyone is struggling, inside Shadow's mind, Shadow, the Maidens, Summer Rose and the two Gods can be seen struggling to fight against that powerful attack.

God of Light: This power struggle... we can't take much more of this.

God of Darkness: You are close to your limit, future God of Remnant!

Shadow: I... know...!!!

Unnamed Summer Maiden: Salem's power is getting stronger thanks to those new powers she has. 

Unnamed Winter Maiden: Thanks to that, she is able to overpower us at anytime!

Shadow: It would seem so! And I also discovered another thing!!!

God of Light: What is it?!

Shadow: She seems to be adapting to her new powers after Extremer and hexa OOO fused with her... just like me when I adapted to these Gauntlets!!!

God of Darkness: Then it is of best interest that you should give it your all.

Amber: How?! You only gave him a portion of your powers which can only do this much to boost the Gauntlets' power to what we can see.

Shadow: Amber, it's alright!!! I just... need to push myself a bit a-

Just before Shadow could finish, something fell in between the beams' collision, causing everyone in the Arena to stop blasting their lasers and projectiles for everyone to look ahead to see what stopped this power struggle.

Looking ahead, the dust and fog slowly dissipated, revealing a huge golden hammer, to everyone's shock and to Salem's disbelief.

Salem: That... hammer?! T-That's impossible!

She said.

Takiyama: Uuuh, am I hallucinating? Or is that a huge gigantic golden hammer stuck onto the center of the Arena and it also just stopped that struggle we were enduring for a few minutes?

Shane (Mixture of Niram Hunter, Suiko, Katsu & Hunter's voice in sync): No, you're not hallucinating, Takiyama. There really is a hammer alright.

Tokuro: But the question is.... who does it belong to?

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): I... know that hammer...

Everyone looked at Shadow when he said that.

Caligo: Oh? Then... who does it belong to?

Inedia: If it belongs to no one? Can I have it?

Caligo: Inedia... not this again!

Inedia: What? Just kidding.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness's voices in sync): No no, this ain't just your ordinary average golden hammer.... This hammer.... belongs... to him...

Shadow said.

Suddenly, with one blink, his eyes glowed red with gold outlines, causing him to stand still for a moment, to the group's confusion. But what they didn't know, was that inside Shadow's mind, there was someone else, inside right at this moment with the Maidens, the Gods and Summer.

Shadow: That hammer...

God of Light: Impossible. I thought he left this World for good after it failed? 

God of Darkness: How is he even back after all this time?

Unnamed Summer Maiden: What's going on?

Summer: I... sense a strong power within the hammer. It is something that I have never felt before...

Unnamed Winter Maiden: Ditto... This is something that I did not see coming, too.

Amber: Shadow? You know who wields this hammer?

Shadow: Yes.... it is wielded by-

???: Me, my friends.

A voice echoed out.

Everyone in Shadow's mind looked around, only for Shadow to sense his presence as he turned to his right, for everyone to notice this as they too, looked at Shadow's direction to see numerous specks of light converging together, for a being to slowly form up before them. When all the specks formed up, their light dissipated to reveal the being who wields the hammer.

(A/N: Ultraman King.)

Shadow could only look in relief and shock as he began to say the being's name, to finish answering Amber's question.

Shadow: Ultraman King.... the God of Order....

He said, earning a nod from King.

And that's all, folks! The SPECIAL and fourteenth episode of the Sixth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. WELL!!! That was a surprise cliffhanger there! Ultraman King returns to Remnant after so long. Hmm... let's see what he's here for at the next episode. 

And my apologies, my fellow reader for the long delay. Was experiencing a Writer's Block for a while for this book, and was experiencing a lot of trouble and studies as of late. Hope you can forgive that long delay.... Now, i'm back to this book, I have plenty of ideas to put in and to bring forth for this Volume, and will hope to see you all in the UPCOMING three other Volumes of RWBY, which also includes the upcoming Volume 10 so... that would make four upcoming Volumes in store, heheh.

So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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