Volume 6 & SPECIAL Episode: Seeing Red (PART 3), No Going Back (PART 2)

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the twelvth episode of the SIXTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose PART 3! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

*Kamen Riders ARK and RETRIBUTION kicked the gong for it to sound off real loud*

3rd Person's POV:


(A/N: Music starts here.)

After completing the transformation, Adam donned his fighting stance, for ARK to do the same while wielding Kaon's katana. Then, it began when both Leaders from two malicious groups began their fight.

While they are fighting, Hiro, Vail and Evol began to question about the group that turned into one body.

Hiro: So uh.... who are they or... he?

Hiro ask.

Rachel: Those guys, are known as Metsuboujinrai.NET. Highly dangerous, in case you ask.

Mitchell: The robotic dude you saw talking mostly at the center, that's the Leader of Metsuboujinrai.NET, known as ARK.

They explained.

Vail (In Mitchell's Mind): So, Malice from all around the world and within people's hearts fuels them? Interesting.

Mitchell: Well... yes. Something like that. A way to sum it up.

Mitchell said to Vail.

Tenka: And from the looks of things,.... I think Adam pissed off the wrong Malicious Group after we saw those shattered pieces of that key he held.

Evol: Judging from the Key he held which is destroyed utterly by being stomped, this person must have been powerful for Adam to kill him out of rage....

Rachel: Yup...

Tenka: Which explains why they are here....

They explained to Hiro, Evol and Vail.

Hiro: Then who's that fighting Adam now?

Tenka: That would be the whole Team's fusion form. Codename: Kamen Rider ARK-MetsuBouJinRai...

Evol: And here I thought some of you are the only ones who can combine or fuse?

Rachel: Yeah... we're.... still figuring that out.

Evol: I... see....

They discussed while the fight was happening.

Meanwhile during the battle, Adam used his ultrasonic screech, forcing ARK to be disarmed of his weapon as he was using his screech to control his blade, but to no avail as he held onto it tight while fishing out Attache Arrow as he shot several energy arrows at Adam, causing Adam to stop screeching as he used his sword to launch flaming energy slashes, destroying them in an instant.

Seeing this as an opportunity, ARK managed to advance towards Adam while wielding his Katana and Attache Arrow as he swung them downwards at Adam, for the latter to see this coming as he blocked them by using his sword as they clashed weapons again. While clashing, Adam gained enough momentum to roughly break the clash by swinging his sword upwards for ARK to follow the flow of his sword, for Adam to aim Blush at ARK's chest as he fired a shot at him, in the attempts of killing him once and for all, to Blake's group's shock as they watched on.

Adam: Well.... not so tough, aren't you?

Adam asked with a smug look on his face.

But then, his smug expression turned into a shocked expression as he hears a slight chuckle from ARK, questioning why he's not dead yet.

Adam: What the hell?!?! I shot you! You should have-!!!!

ARK: Adam Adam Adam.... you fail to realize....

ARK said.

He gently grabbed Blush, moving it to one side to show that the bullet didn't go through his body but got stuck onto his chestplate, for Adam to look in shock with his eyes widened. Hiro, Evol and Vail looked in shock as a shot from Adam didn't even pierce through anything like him, like it should have did to others, to the three members of Team STRM to see that it is no surprise at all as they saw what ARK-Metsuboujinrai was capable of before.

ARK: I was born from everyone's malice and hatred. So, that shot from your rifle.... DOESN'T EVEN DO A DAMN!!!!!!

ARK exclaimed.

Suddenly, tons of black energy spikes conjured behind ARK as they turned to aim at Adam, for Adam to see this happening, and for ARK to command them telepathically to pierce through his enemy. Then, the spikes flew at Adam as several number of them struck and pierced Adam, for him to stagger backwards while the spikes kept flying at him, striking all over his monstrous body.

Feeling that enough is enough, Adam opened up his wings as he used them to flap them strongly for a strong gust of wind to blow the spikes away, for ARK to sheath his weapons back and unsheathes another pair of weapons known as Valk Sabers out, as he began slicing his own spikes into many halves as they flew back towards him. After slicing his own spikes as they all flew back at him by Adam's wing attack, ARK opened up his own pair of wings as they engulf in flames, indicating ARK is currently using Rai's Burning Falcon's power as he began to swoop towards Adam, for Adam to do the same for ARK. Once they flew close to each other, they began to clash their weapons again while swooping passed each other, for them to repeat the same thing as they began to fight in the skies with sparks flying all over, falling onto the stone bridge.

Meanwhile on the bridge, the group watched at the whole battle was throwing down, knowing that this fight will go both ways unless someone does something about it.

Hiro: Whoa....

Mitchell: Never seen this battle so intense.

Mitchell (Vail): Point taken there. If it were up to me, I'll rate this in one of my top 5 aerial battles...

Tenka: Agreed.

Rachel: Yes, but still, we have to do something. Adam is like a maniac... well, to rephrase that.... A FUCKING CRAZY MANIAC WHO WANTS TO KILL US!!!!!

Hiro: Well, back to the subject on Adam, Rachel has a point. Adam is now too dangerous to be kept alive. 

Yang: And how are we suppose to get up there when only one-

Mitchell: Uh, babe? points at Tenka

Yang: Right. When only two to three of us or more can only fly or propel up to them?

Yang asks as the group thought of suggestions until Evol spoke up.

Evol: There is one way, which Blake has to use it in order for it to work.

Evol said.

Everyone including his son looked at him.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Blake: Huh?

Hiro: Father?

Blake and Hiro said in confusion.

Then, Evol fished out something from behind him, for everyone to see that it is a Metsuboujinrai Driver, a Zetsumerise Key and a Progrise Key. After seeing those trinkets and Driver, they look back up to Evol.

Evol: You all have to wield the power as it is fate that lead all of us, to this path.... like how fate lead the five members of Metsuboujinrai.NET to become ARK-Metsuboujinrai.

Hiro: But, father.... is that possible?

Mitchell: Yeah.... ARK-Metsuboujinrai is like.... five people and/or Humagear...

Yang: And we're like.... seven plus three people here.

Blake: Wouldn't it cause a backlash?

Tenka: Yeah... I wouldn't want to forget what happened back then when Rachel, Mitch, Jon, Wendolyn and I fused and that happened.

Rachel: Ditto...

Evol: The reason why it happened is because Team JEWL weren't compatible to combine just yet until recently.

Evol said.

This had Tenka look at Evol with a shocked look.

Tenka: Excuse me?

Evol: Think about authorizing something or someone to enter. If someone is unauthorized, they can't, and if someone is authorized, they can enter.

Tenka: That means back then,.... Jon wasn't ready yet?

Evol: Exactly.

Mitchell: Ah, I see. That explains why there were red streaks of lightning around his combiner arm part before.

Rachel: Riiight.

Evol: Well, now you know. Anyway, back to the task at hand since you three now know why that backlash happened, yes, it's possible as this Metsuboujinrai Driver is made to hold more than just what ARK-Metsuboujinrai are holding within the Driver itself. It holds what you all possess against Adam, and it stays in there.

Evol explained.

Yang: We noticed.

Mitchell/Vail: We all did.

Blake: Wait, what do you mean it stays in the Driver?

Blake asks.

Evol: It means, "Kitty Cat" that when you all transform into one body, your malice against anyone which includes Adam will stay inside the Driver, making the Driver functional. And in case you ask, yes. W.R.A.T.H. Co. made this, too which is still currently in its testing phase.

Evol said.

Hiro: Then what happens to us?

Evol: I did say it's still in its testing phase so, to answer your question, I don't know. All I can say, it can go both ways.

Evol answered his son's question.

This made the group look at the Driver with worried looks as the battle still raged on in the air. Until...

Blake: We'll take that chance.

All: Huh?

Blake: Yes, we'll take the chance and find out. 

Blake said.

Evol looks at Blake.

Blake: We came this far, not to fail. We came this far to take the Lamp to Atlas and that's exactly what we are going to do. If Adam wants to stop us, we'll fight back till he's defeated. Besides, we didn't come this far to fail... we came this far to save the world from Salem... which will lead to several obstacles like this. So, let's stop Adam and end this.

Blake said to everyone.

This made Evol smile at Blake's statement.

Evol: This is why I told the CEO of W.R.A.T.H. Co. that I chose you, Blake. 

Blake: Huh?

Tenka: What do you mean by that?

Evol: Look at your girlfriend, Samurai. She may be a timid cat outside, but she's a fierce tiger inside. You saw what went on back at Mistral. She lead Menagerie to help you all in the Battle for haven, and you won because of you and her army.

Evol explained.

Tenka and Blake looked at each other, for them to smile while they giggle, for everyone to smile at the sight, knowing that Evol has a point at this.

Rachel: So, serpent-boy? What requirements do we need to make this Driver work for a long time?

Evol: Good question. According to the CEO, he said that a strong sense of malice and good are required to make this Driver operational for a long, long time, which after what I saw in you all, I can see each individual malice and good within you. The good part is... well, it's already obivious.

Evol said for the group to giggle.

Evol: Alright alright! Continuing on, the malice parts, I can label that specifically upon each of you. With Blake being Conflict, Yang being Fear, my son being being Hatred and Misfortune, Tenka for Destruction, Rachel for Wrath, Mitchell for Grudge and Pain, and finally Wicked, and Evil.... which is me.

Evol continued.

Everyone looked in shock after Evol labelled everyone including himself as they nod at this.

Hiro: Well... I guess that's true.

Tenka: Point taken.

Blake: I have to agree with Evol at this point.

Yang: Same goes for me. I may have overcome my fear with Adam, but I can still make people fear me in terms of my strength.... if that works.

Evol: Still works.

Mitchell: Neato.

Mitchell (Vail): Then what are we waiting for?!

Blake: Hold on.

Mitchell (Vail): Hmm?

Blake: Did the CEO said anything else to you?

Evol: As a matter of fact, yes. Once transformed, one like ARK-Metsuboujinrai can wield any weapon of any member he's fused with-

Mitchell (Vail): In other words, Blake who you personally chosen will wield each of our powers? Right?

Vail ask.

Evol nods at this and spoke.

Evol: Bingo, you are correct.

Evol said with a smile.

Blake: Well,... No going back now.

Blake said, reaching her hand out to receive the Driver and the Keys.

Evol nods as he placed the items into Blake's hand, for her to receive them while inspecting them closely, for everyone behind her to do the same while the battle was still going on.

In Blake's hand, she is now holding a different Metsuboujinrai Driver (A/N: Description will be stated below the picture below.) with two keys on top of it. With one key that says White Tiger, Ability: Zetsumetsu and the other key that says Retribution, Ability: Retribution on it (A/N: Description of Keys will be stated below in the images below.), to everyone looking at the key in awe until they were cut off by a loud 'THOOM!' to be heard on the bridge for them to turn their attention back at the battle, to see Adam aka, Oblivion and Kamen Rider ARK-Metsuboujinrai are still standing with their blades still drawn.

(A/N: The Driver that is similar to the Metsuboujinrai Driver but different. Basically the Driver remains the same but the module that is connected to the driver will have some changes. It'll be red with metallic and silver features to give it the metallic look. The purple detail on it will be replaced to a screen that is shattered and there will be spikes on it the module with a space at the left side of the Driver (A/N: At the person's POV.) to insert another key into it, as well.)

(A/N: Retribution ProgriseKey. Basically, it's similar to the Metsuboujinrai ProgriseKey but this time, it'll be red with some purple features on it. The flap that opens up to activate the key will be labelled with the key's name and ability name as stated above. The face of the Rider on the left side of the key will be based on RETRIBUTION's face. Spikey eye-visors, longer horns and a multi-coloured eye based on the members used for this form will be on the key's eye-visor.)

(A/N: White Tiger Zetsumerise Key. Basically it's like Japanese Wolf but replace it with a White Tiger and ensure that the details of Metsuboujinrai ProgriseKey is implemented on the Zetsumerise Key to give it the Thouser Zetsumerise Key vibes. Oh, do ensure the colour scheme of the Key is White.)

ARK: What's the matter, Mister Adam Taurus? It looks like you were slowing down up there just now. Feeling tired?

ARK ask while wielding Slashriser and Attache Arrow.

Adam: Don't humor me! I'm only getting started!!!!

Adam yelled.

Then, the battle resumed as they advanced and clashed weapons again with sparks flying everywhere.

Back to the group, Blake, Yang, Tenka, Rachel, Mitchell/Vail, Hiro and Evol turned back to face the Driver (Blake, Yang, Tenka, Rachel, Mitchell/Vail and Hiro) and the six (Evol) as Blake took a deep breath as she removed her Shroudriser as she equipped the different Metsuboujinrai Driver, also known as the Retribution Driver now, around her waistline.

Then, Blake pressed a button on the White Tiger Zetsumerise Key, activating it.


After activating the key, Blake was going to put it at the same slot ARK placed his Key, only for Evol to stop her and motion his hand and finger, pointing on the left side of the Driver, for her to use her free hand to feel around the left side of the Driver in confusion, for her to feel that there is a slot, to her surprise.

Blake: Uh... does this Driver meant to have an extra slot on the left?

Evol: Only this one.

Blake: I see....

Blake responds.

After responding, she inserted the Key into the left slot that is made specially for the Zetsumerize Key, for the Driver to be activated while the Driver Unit unfold itself to-


-reveal six different creatures, colour-coded to specific huntsmen, huntresses and Riders in a form of the Rider's eyes with two spikes in between the connections of the three panel-coloured units; with the left panel of the Driver Unit to have a Violet Progrisekey Unit with a yellowish gold cheetah symbol on it to represent Blake's rider form (Top left), Crimson Blue Puzzle-like Unit with an ember dragon symbol on it to represent Yang's combined form (Middle left) and Magma-like Unit with a Magma dragon symbol on it to represent Rachel's Cross-Z Magma form (Bottom left), and for the right panel to have a Black Progrisekey Unit with a Yellow samurai symbol on it to represent Tenka's Iron Samurai suit (Top right), Silver Unit with red outlines along with a black demon symbol to represent Mitchell's Vail Demons form (Middle right) and Dark Blue Unit with a silver wolf to represent Hiro's Rider Wolf side.

Once the Zetsumerize Key is inserted, Yang, Tenka, Rachel, Mitchell/Vail and Hiro felt that something was a little off, looking down to realize that they are levitating to formation according to the Driver Unit's pattern, to their surprise and shock.

Yang: Okay.... this.... freaky.

Mitchell: You're telling me, my sexy hot dragon-

Hiro: Now it's not the time, guys!

Mitchell (Vail)(Inner Thoughts): Heh. The "Kinks".

Blake: Evol, is this meant to happen?!

Evol: The CEO didn't tell me of this, he only cautioned me that there are some non-physical side effects before the transformation which will wear off when....

Just as Evol finished, he gasped when he realized something.

Evol: Of course! So, that's what he meant.

Blake and Tenka: Huh?

Evol: He said before the transformation begins and after you put in the zetsumerize key in, you guys will levitate to the accordance to the symbols on the unit on the Driver.

Mitchell (Vail): And if we walk off?

Evol: You'll get levitated back to position.

Mitchell (Vail): Ah, make sense.

Rachel: When does this wear off, exactly?

Evol: Once you all are in configuration.

Just as Evol said that, the five began to feel the ground once again, feeling that the levitation effect is gone.

Blake: Well, that's something.

Tenka: Hmmmm.... maybe we can use that to our advantage in future battles, my dear.

Blake: thinking Yeah, maybe we can. looks at Evol So, now what?

Evol: Use the Progrisekey as usual. The same process as the Shroudriser but you don't have to press any triggers.

Blake: On it!

Blake replied.

Then, she activated the Progrisekey for it to announce its ability.


Once announced, Evol nods at Blake for her to nod back as she slots the Key into the right slot, for the Driver Unit to slide to its left side, revealing a window at the center of the Driver Unit as it shows a face of the head of the Rider in it that Blake is about to transform to.


As soon as the Driver is activated, Evol sensed something activated inside of the activated Driver, causing him to look at it while smiling, to Blake's confusion.

Evol: Oh~? chuckling

After chuckling, Evol turned himself into a flurry of energy made of Blood as he flew around Blake in a circle, the same way as he did to Banjou as the transformation continued as the jingle announces during the transformation, for everyone to slowly turn into data, including the huge blood-like ring of energy as they all converge to Blake as it covered her entire body from head to toe.


-When the Hearts of Vengence are unified, the Ultimate Soldier RETRUBUTION is Born! WE ARE VENGENCE!-

Once the jingle has finished, a huge shockwave shook the ground, causing the two combatants to stop for them to look at the source of where the shockwave came from. Adam looked on as he sees Blake to be very different from just now and with her body being not visible to him as she is currently being covered by shadows.

While looking on, despite being covered in shadows, Blake equipped herself with not just Evol's monster gauntlets on both arms, but also Mitchell and Vail's Anormalocaris Genomix while utilizing one of Vail's abilities as she rushed up to Adam at top speed, for Adam to see that Blake is now in front of him within less than a second, to his shock. Once she stopped at her tracks, she immediately punched Adam further awy from her causing Adam in his Oblivion Form to hit against the tree behind him hard, to ARK's amazement as he watched. After seeing Adam get punched to a tree for a moment, ARK looked at the Huntress to see that her shadows covering her are dissipating, revealing what her Combined Rider Form looks like.

After the shadows dissipate away from Blake's entire body, it is revealed that Blake has a black tight suit which is blending downwards to purple at the suit's arms, legs and her head with the form's armour modules to be similar to Metsuboujinrai, but with a lot of alterations on it.

(A/N: Kamen Rider RETRIBUTION. The armour modules and the interiro suit on the form will be based on Kamen Rider Metsuboujinrai but with a lot of alterations stated below;

Interior Suit - As stated, the black tight suit blends downward to purple at the suit's arms, legs and her head. Ensure the suit has white stripes to give it the White Tiger gimmick given by the Zetsumerise Key.

Head - The helmet piece on her head is based on Metsuboujinrai with spikes at the eye-visors. The head piece will also have horns based on dragon horns and will have hair streaking down, something like Hyper Muteki and genm Musou but the colour scheme will be based on the colours of every person or rider that are used in this form.

Upper Torso (Front and Back) - The armour piece on the upper torso will be based on Tenka's Iron Samurai Star Platinum Armour with Kamen Rider paradox's Level 99 armour (A/N: To put it simply, the armour pieces all over RETRIBUTION will be based on Tenka's particular suit armour he hears and Paradox's Level 99 form. At least I say it now so I don't have to repeat it for the rest.) with Metsuboujinrai's symbol to be replaced to RETRIBUTION's symbol that is on the ProgriseKey. The back part of the form's upper torso will be the same but this time, a pair of robotic wings will be on the form so that the form can conjure any pair of wings based on the members that are used to make up RETRIBUTION. The shoulder armour pieces will be based on Evol's Blackhole form with blue and silver details to give it the Kamen Rider Evol Blackhole and Hiro's Wolf form's vibes.

Arms (Left and Right) - The form's forearms will be equipped with Star Platinum Braces along with a pair of bracelet scanners for armour to be in a mix of them. These bracelet scanners allows the Rider to conjure any weapon or armament onto the form's hands or arms as it sees fit by self-scanning what weapons it wants to utilize.

Lower Torso (Front and Back) - Lower Torso will have RETRIBUTION Driver equipped with RETRIBUTION ProgriseKey and White Tiger Zetsumerise Key onto it with eight ProgriseKey holders on the belt. The back of the lower torso will have a tail of a dragon based on Yang's rider form combined with Pallad and Graphite, and Rachel's Cross-Z Magma armour form with some armoured modules so that Vail Demons's Genomix armour modules can be equipped onto the tail. It'll also have a cloth-like mail covering the form's outer thighs and some part of her tail based on Kamen Rider Shadows (Blake) and Graphite's dragon mail, Tenka's Star Platinum's lower torso's armour dressing and Hiro's Wolf form.

Legs (Left and Right) - The legs will be based on Kamen Rider Shadows's legs with armour based on what's stated above, with some tiger vibes and details on it to give it the Kamen Rider Shadows and White Tiger Zetsumerise Key vibes.)

???: Kamen Rider RETRIBUTION. We, are vengence.

RETRIBUTION said in a techno feminine voice.

ARK: Retribution, huh? Interesting....

ARK commented.

Then, Adam got up from flying into a tree as he sees that Blake has transformed into something new, for him to scoff at the sight.

Adam: What's this? Is that suppose to impress me, Blake?


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Adam said, then grunted for him to fly towards the feminine rider as he readied his clawed arm, in the attempts to launch an energy blast while thrusting numerous number of spikes into his new foe. Just as the clawed arm reached RETRIBUTION and came in contact to her mid-section, Adam looked in shock to see that the energy blast did not blast through and the spikes did not impale her.

Seeing this as an opportunity, RETRIBUTION used its left anormalocaris arm, grabbing Adam's right clawed arm while using her left one and her left Evol Kaiju gauntlet to blast two purple energy-like gauntlets based on the arm (Evol Kaiju form's arm), and genomix (Anormalocaris Genomix) with a mix of Kong gauntlets, to blast Adam away, for ARK to see Adam being blasted towards him as he dodged it by leaning backwards, for Adam to fly past him.

After seeing that attack took a huge damage on Adam in his Oblivion form, RETRIBUTION looked at her hands while deactivating her gauntlets and her genomix.

RETRIBUTION: Hmmm.... It would seem that I am able to wield the powers of Vail's absorbed Vistamps, Evol's powers and Demons's Genomix abilities. How fitting~


ARK: Indeed it is so, RETRIBUTION.

ARK said, for RETRIBUTION to look up at ARK aka, ARK-Metsuboujinrai.

ARK: It is agreeable that your newfound powers show no bounds, similarly to mine. But right now, unless we defeat Mister Adam Taurus here and now, he can destroy us both, if we faulter.

RETRIBUTION: Hmph! Something to agree on. I like that. Then perhaps an alliance would be... beneficial~

ARK: Very well.

After initiating an alliance, they look to Adam getting up once again, for ARK to look back at the new Rider.

ARK: I know you want to kill him very badly. So, I'll draw his attention so you may deal the rest.

ARK said.

RETRIBUTION nods at this for ARK to wield claws on his arms while conjuring his blazing wings again as he flew towards Adam, for Adam to utilize his sword and Blush while opening up his wings as he did the same.

As ARK and Adam resumed their fight in the sky, RETRIBUTION's back and arms began to be engulfed in flames of shadow for her to equip herself with her arsenals. After equipping herself, the flames of shadow soon extinguish for her to utilize Yang's Ember Celicas and Mitchell's wings with Condor Genomix infused with it while utilizing FullBottle Buster and Shroudriser in each hand. She then looks up as she opened up her wings wide and took to the skies to join the battle with ARK against Adam.

Once in the air, RETRIBUTION flew pass both combatants  to get a better distance while they exchange powerful punches and kicks of their own, in the attempts to weaken either one of them. Seeing this is as far as she could go, RETRIBUTION inserted sveral FullBottles into her Ember Celicas and, a SmartphoWolf FullBottle, Wolf, Smartphone and Robot FullBottle into the Buster, activating its weapon's finisher. Meanwhile, ARK used both his hands to block both of Adam's punches as he conjured dark spikes around him, thrusting Adam all over him, for him to swing him in circles to dispose of him by throwing him afar and towards RETRIBUTION as he noticed that she is locked and loaded, ready to strike.


Seeing Adam aka, Oblivion being thrown towards me by ARK,-

-Ultimate Match desu!-

-Ultimate Match Break!-

I threw the FullBottle Buster in the air while cocking Ember Celicas for them to be loaded up. As soon as Adam was close, I delivered several FullBottle-powered barrages at him, delivering blow after blow consisting of different variation of punches. Finalizing the barrage, I delivered a strong uppercut, for me to notice some teeth emerging from the enemy's mouth and to notice that my FullBottle Buster is seen falling down towards me.

So, after that uppercut, I reached out for my falling and charged-up weapon for me to grasp it in my hands as I swiftly aim it directly at him.

Me: Let's drop some energized lead on this motherf-

ARK: FIRE!!!!!

ARK yelled while conjuring Attache Shotgun with Ark Progrisekey inserted as he too had his weapon aimed at Adam from behind him as both combatants fired their weapons at the enemy, for Adam to use his newly created sword in the attampts to slash the attacks away, only for his blade to be deflected backwards by a shadow clone (Blake aka, Kamen Rider Shadows's semblance) created by my semblance I could utilize while using a flaming Greatsword (Rachel's Greatsword) to slash upwards, deflecting Adam's blade from destroying the attacks, for Adam to take the hits from his back and his front, courtesy of Adam and me.

After that attack, ARK and I watched Adam as he fell from the sky back to the grounds of the stone bridge with smoke trailing behind him from the impact points at both front and back where the shots struck him, for us to follow him back down. Upon reaching the stone bridge, Adam tried landing on his two feet so he may jump back into the air but due to the impact done by the two combatants, he tumbled and rolled onto the bridge while his semblance began to render.

I soon land after ARK as we watched Adam slowly get up from the surprise attack. He looked at us with dagger eyes staring into our robotic and organic souls.

Adam: You think you can stop me now with your newfound power?! YOU?!?!

Adam demanded an answer from me, only for me to stay silent.

Adam: A silent type? Well, good. I'll make sure your death will be peacefully quiet after I take care of Ark.

Adam said.

After saying that, I slowly raise my hand as I point to him.

Me: White Fang shall return to its former glory. At such, ADAM TARUS WILL BE EXTINCT.

Adam: HAH!!!! Not if I put you to Extinction, FIRST!

Adam yelled as he used his semblance combined with the powers of the 10 Kaijins and Obivion's power as he conjured an extremely powerful slash that he can muster in the attempts to obliterate us completely.

I looked at Ark nodding at him, to see him nodding back at me as we both activate our finishers on our Drivers to acquire our finishers.



After utilizing our finishers, the slash was flying extremely closer, for the both of us to pull back our fist for a black, purple, blazing red, white and maroon-coloured energy (ARK-Metsuboujinrai) and an ember, black, silver, gold, blood and magma-coloured energy (RETRIBUTION) to engulf their fists that were pulled back, for them to lunge them forward, punching the energy slash that Adam conjured from his newly-created blade.

Then, with one strong push, our eyes glow brightly causing our punches to conjure a powerful shockwave which destroyed the slash completely, giving me the opportunity to conjure Evol and Hiro's Evolti Grasper (Evol)(Left Arm) and Clawed Gauntlet (Hiro)(Right Arm) and swiftly advanced towards Adam as I delivered powerful blows at him. While I'm at it, I noticed Adam is about to conjure his slash again for me to conjure a Greatsword (Rachel's Weapon) as I clashed my weapon with his, causing sparks to fly all over at that clash.

We both clashed for a moment until Adam broke the clash to try and slash me again, only for me to read his movements as I followed where his slash was going, clashing my blade against his again, for us to repeat the same clash with sparks flying all over the bridge, preventing Adam from landing a single slash on me, unbeknownst to him, ARK-Metsuboujinrai was slowly walking around behind him while conjuring a pair of Nihon Ookaminostume on each of his hands and wrists.

Adam: Give up! You know you can't beat me!

Me: And I know that you're wrong, Adam Tarus cause' we can beat you!

Adam: And what makes you so sure that you can?!

Me: Simple! We've been watching.

Adam: What???

Me: You think Ark and I were just plainly attacking you? giggles menacingly You're a fool! We've been watching, observing and gathering data about you. And after analyzing you, we have a way to defeat you.

I said.

This made Adam chuckle, mocking me on what I said.

Adam: Speak of a humanoid-like amalgamation made of Blake and her puny friends. So, if what you said is true, how are you two going to defeat me?

Adam asked.

Me: Simple.... Divide and Conquer 1 0 1!!!

I exclaimed.

Adam: Huh?! W-

Just as Adam was about to question me, a pair of Nihon Ookaminostume were seen piercing through Adam's kaijin-like body, for Adam to yell in pain in a form of a roar based on Oblivion's roar, causing Adam to drop his blade.

I looked behind him to see ARK-Metsuboujinrai behind him piercing his weapons through from his back to his front. Seeing this as an opportunity, I grabbed Adam's sword and backflipped away for ARK-Metsuboujinrai to throw Adam to the side of the bridge while conjuring two A.I.M.S. Shotrisers out of a pair of conjured Nihon Ookaminostume as he began to fire a barrage of black energy spikes at Adam, for Adam to swiftly look at him as he roared with rage.

Then, he got up as he charged at ARK for him to swipe his Shotrisers away, giving him the opportunity to wield Blush, aiming the barrel of his rifle directly at ARK's face, only for ARK to grab it while using Adam's weapon as a melee weapon to strike him real hard in the face and disposing it in the process. After that, ARK side stepped to clear a way for me to flap my wings (Mitchell's silver wings) to shoot out not just silver feathers but also black with purple outlined feathers (Condor Genomix) at Adam, for him to get pierced by them.

Adam grunts at this as he opened up his wings as he flew towards me, only for him to phase through me, to his confusion for him to look back to see that he went through my mid-section by going through a blackhole (One of Evol's Blackhole ability), to his shock. I looked back at him to simply teleport away and back but this time, right in front of him in a form of a Blackhole as I delivered a powerful blast into his mid-section by using my Shroudriser utilizing my RETRIBUTION Progrisekey, hearing Adam exclaiming in pain.

Me: That was for last time when you gave me that scar back in Beacon, and the time you did this to Yang....

I said.

Adam heard this and growled while sharpening his spikes on his right arm.

Adam: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!

He yelled while flying towards me as he lunged his right arm towards me, only for his right arm to get sliced off by ARK-Metsuboujinrai's katana as he swiftly appeared out of nowhere. Adam winced and then he roared, flying down onto the bridge again while holding onto his arm in pain as it began to regenerate.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

ARK: Regeneration, huh?

Me: It's my fault. I gave him a portion of my semblance in the past. Now, I'm going to fix it by taking it back.

ARK: How?

Me: shows Bug-Visor Zwei With this.

ARK: I see. Then I'll hold him for you.

Me: nods


(A/N: Music starts at 0:45.)

And with that settled, ARK-Metsuboujinrai went up towards Adam as he is seen still holding his regenerating arm that is almost completely regenerated as he got up. Then, he noticed ARK nearing him for him to fire and energy blast at the humagear-like fusion, only for him to deflect it away. As soon as he got close to Adam, ARK punched Adam in his mid-section for him to get taken aback by this, giving ARK the opportunity to hold him still from behind.

Seeing ARK trying to hold Adam down, I teleport in front of Adam as I struck Adam by using the Bug-Visor Zwei at his throat as I began absorbing the portion of my semblance I have given to him into the device, for Adam to notice this as he used his fully regenerated arm to strike blows at me, only for me not to flinch or move a single inch.

Me: You tried taking her semblance and her life away.... I'm taking back what I have given to you as payback... as after all, paybacks are a bitch!

I said while staring at Adam in the eye.

3rd Person's POV:

After absorbing the portion of RETRIBUTION's semblance from Adam, both RETRIBUTION and ARK released him as he went down on his knees, feeling drained while feeling that he only has his semblance left within him to rely on.

Then, RETRIBUTION thrust the device into her mid-section, releasing her semblance back into her, for her to feel more energized and more complete, for her to exhale in relief, feeling that she is complete once more.

RETRIBUTION: Finally... complete once again.

ARK: So, what now?


RETRIBUTION said as he looked at Adam with rage and anger in his eyes staring at them.

RETRIBUTION: It's time that we finish this. We have a bone to pick with him, after all.

ARK: We?

ARK asked.

RETRIBUTION looked at ARK as she forcefully removed her eye-visor of her rider form, revealing Blake and Yang's eyes (A/N: Left eye is Blake's and Right eye is Yang's.), for ARK to realize that this is a personal thing.

ARK: I see. Then let us help you inflict the final blow. After that, the rest falls on you.

RETRIBUTION: It will be done. As after all, you've helped us so it's the least we can do for you.

ARK: Very well.

ARK said.

Then, the two riders utilized their finishers while Adam is seen swiftly getting up as he conjured his own finisher by using his right arm charged up with his own semblance and Oblivion's power.



After utlizing their finishers, both combatants jumped high up into the sky, to get enough gravity and momentum to make their finishers more effective while Adam looks up as he launched his slash finisher directly at them. Once the distance and momentum are reached, ARK and RETRIBUTION did a dropkick downwards towards Adam while noticing a slash coming straight towards them, only for them to cut through, cutting the slash in half for Adam to look at this in shock.

Once reached, Adam tried to counter their dropkicks, but to no avail as their kicks reached him, causing Adam to leave Oblivion's body with his aura rendering even more greatly while Oblivion took the finishing blows. 

ARK: Now, bare witness, the malice of your own demise.

RETRIBUTION: And the retribution that has befallen upon you. Ciao~

Both combatants said.

Then, the two went through Oblivion for the kaijin to blow up in flames behind ARK and RETRIBUTION. After Oblivion met its demise, Adam watched as his only weapon has now gone up in flames, to his dismay. 

After that intensive battle, RETRIBUTION removed both her keys from her Driver while removing the Driver itself, causing her to revert back to Blake's Kamen Rider Shadows form, Yang's Pallad and Graphite's combined Kamen Rider form, Tenka's Iron Samurai Star Platinum, Rachel's Cross-Z Magma armour form, Mitchell/Vail's Kamen Rider Vail Demons, Evol's Monster form and Hiro's Wolf Monster form. After reverting back, they all look at Kamen Rider ARK-Metsuboujinrai  dissipating into data as he spoke;

ARK: Our task is done. The final task you have yet to complete, falls on you now.

He said.

Soon, they watched as the Rider dissipated into data as it disappeared completely into nothing, going to where ever Metsuboujinrai.NET are heading next to spread Malice around the world in secret.

Hiro: Whoa.... that was a thing...

Tenka: Yeah. Powerful stuff.

Rachel: It's like when we were combined, we could actually see the battle happening in one brain and in one pair of eyes.

Yang: yeah... I know what you mean.

Evol: When combined, you all share one objective and one thought, as well as your sight. Indeed it is something else.

Evol said.

Hiro: So.... can we go again?

Evol: Depends on what kind of foe you are fighting against.

Mitchell: So, depending on how powerful that foe is, the form can grow powerful as it needed to?

Evol: Yes.

Rachel: Now that's just hardcore.

Tenka: I have to agree on what Rachel said. That's some powerful and hardcore stuff. Even my A.I. can sense its power from the armour, too.

Evol: That is because your suit is the form's armour.

Tenka: whoa...

Mitchell (Vail): Well, hate to break it to you, but despite admitting that this is some powerful, strong and hardcore stuff we all experienced, but we are not done yet. Look.

Vail said.

Everyone looked at Vail looking at Adam as Adam is seen noticing half of Blake's Gambol Shroud's katana on the ground for him to run for it.

Blake: Tenka!

Tenka: On it!

Tenka yelled.

Blake jumped towards Tenka for her lover to pull his right arm backwards. Once Blake is seen closer towards Tenka, he lunged his right fist forward hard, delivering a powerful punch while his fist caught Blake's leg, giving Blake enough energy to fly as she flew towards her broken weapon. 

While Blake is seen flying towards broken weapon and Adam is seen running towards the same weapon, Yang noticed the broken blade of Gambol Shroud as she nudged Mitchell/Vail by the shoulder, for her lover to look at her as she tilts her head at the broken blade, for him to noice it as well.

Mitchell & Vail: Well, you go Dragon Gurl~

They both said while utilizing Batta and Beo Batta Genomixes.

Then, Mitchell/Vail hoisted yang up in the air while laying on his back as he raised his hopper legs in the air. Once Yang landed on her lover's genomix legs, Mitchell/Vail aimed her at the broken blade and Batta-Catapulted her to it. Once Blake and Yang grabbed the two broken pieces of Gambol Shroud with their lovers' assistance, both girls impale Adam from the front and back with each piece of Blake's weapon simultaneously.

Adam looked down at his bleeding chest while twitching as he looked in shock and disbelief at this.

Adam: ... oh...

Adam said.

Blake and yang pulled out both their blades and watched Adam stumble towards the edge of the bridge. Then, Adam fell to his knees with his eyes rolling back. Soon after his eyes rolled back, he slumps forward and falls off the bridge, with his body hitting the cliffside with a sickening crunch, before disappearing into the water below.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Suddenly, Blake dehenshins as she fell to her kness and began to sob, breaking down crying for Yang to revert back to herself for Pallad and Graphite to materialize back to their physical Bugster forms as the group watched Yang running up to Blake to hug her, for Blake to hug back.

Blake: I... I am not going to leave you, I swear...

Blake said tearfully.

Yang: I know you won't.

Yang said.

The two girls continue to embrace as Blake continues to sob, for Tenka and Mitchell to walk up to them as they hugged them, too.

Back at the Cliffside,

Cordovin is seen struggling to pick up the Mech's arm cannon continuously.

Cordovin (By via Speakers): No! No no no NO!!!! YOU! You're never getting to Atlas! Do you hear me?!?! NEVER!!!!!!

Cordovin yelled.

Then, Cordovin pressed a button on the controls.

Cordovin: All forces converge on my position and eliminate these pests at once!

Cordovin said.

Oscar: Crap!

Maria: Everyone, on board! We're making a run for it!

Brave: I'll hack her communications so her boasts won't be able to reach the base!

Roland: But, what of Yang, Blake and the group who followed them to the tower?

Back in the Mech, one of the screens said; 'ARGUS BASE CHANNEL OPEN'.

Atlas Soldier (By via Communications Channel): Ma'am, we've been trying to reach you! Argus is in danger!

An Atlas Soldier said.

Cordovin: ... what?

Cordovin asked as her expression widens in horror.

At Argus Base,

No One's POV:

Various Atlas personnal all rush to their battle stations while a pair of guards are seen looking out at the ocean, witnessing a towering Grimm stomping in the water towards Argus at the distance as it let out a terrifying roar.

An Atlas guard then turn around to notice a massive legion of Manticores and Sphinxes in the air above the city of Argus.

Atlas Soldier (By via Communications Channel): It's a Leviathan! It began its approach during your battle! We need you!

An Atlas Soldier said.

3rd Person's POV:

Upon hearing this, everyone looks in shock as they heard what is going on.

Roland: That's impossible! A Leviathan?! Here!!!

Apollonir: You said you-

Weiss: We know. Weren't we suppose to have taken one down already back when we were under Torel and Chris's command?!

Neon: We did but why is there another one now?!

Katie: Did Torel and Chris forgot to inform us something, or is it a Grimm thing???

While several members of the group were asking themselves about the Leviathan Grimm, Ruby is seen turning back to her friends and her lover in horror, who all share the same equal concerns and reaction and expressions, for everyone to look at Cordovin's Mech, still struggling to lift up its arm cannon.

Shadow: Guys..... we are all in serious trouble...

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The twelvth episode of the Sixth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose PART 3. Welp.... we're in big trouble now, for a cliffhanger, lmao. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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