Volume 6 & SPECIAL Episode: Seeing Red (PART 2), No Going Back

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the twelvth episode of the SIXTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose PART 2! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

The group including Adam looked at Hiro as he has vengence in his eyes, his mind completely blank from deciding what to do as he wanted to get things over with as soon as possible, if not immediately.

Hiro: Listen, Evol!!! THIS FIGHT DOESN'T CONCERN YOU!!!!

Evol: Oh, but it does.

Tenka: How so? What do you have against Adam?

Tenka asked.

Evol: Adam doesn't concern me just yet. My concern.... is you.

Evol said, pointing at Hiro.

Rachel: But why Hiro of all of us?

Evol: That concerns only the us, but not you five.

Evol said.

Then, he unleashed a shockwave that caused everyone to get struck, causing them to fall backwards, Mitchell however, used his Batta legs to prop himself in place so he won't fall onto the stone ground, to Hiro's shock and to Adam's surprise.

Hiro: GUYS!!!

Hiro yelled for them.

Evol then slowly walks towards Hiro while sharpening his gauntlet claws with the intention to kill.

Evol: There is no escape. Don't make me regret what i'm about to do and destroy you.

Evol said.

Hiro fished out FullBottle Buster, only for Evol to smack it off his hands, for Hiro to fall onto the ground due to the sheer strength and force Evol used to swipe the Buster off Hiro's hands. Hiro looked up as he stared at Evol, for Evol to do the same as he looked down on Hiro.

Evol: Hiro. Listen to me. You have yet to realize your importance in being in this world. You've only begun to discover your power. Join me and I'll complete your training. With our combined strength, you and I can end this destructive conflict, and bring order to this World and to other planets around the cosmos.

Evol said.

Hiro growled at this and rebelled.


Hiro yelled.

Tenka: He's right.

Tenka said.

Evol slowly turned to the fallen group, seeing them getting up.

Mitchell/Vail: He's neither joining you, nor he's coming with you. He's staying with us....

Rachel: And if you're gonna fight us and kill us like what Adam's about to do...

Blake: Then we're willing to let you join him.... 

Yang: And we'll stop you.

Hiro: We all will.

The group said.

Evol listened to their strong words of good will, only for him to sigh as they still do not understand what's going on, for Adam to sigh at this.

Adam: If we are done talking, I would like to get this charade over and done wi-

Just as Adam is about to finish, Evol slowly turned to Hiro and began to speak again.

Evol: If only you knew the powers of the Dark Side and the Blood Tribe.

Evol said, clenching his fist in front of Hiro. 

After which, he lowered his fist as he began to talk, once again but this time, in his personal point of view and Hiro's personal point of view. 

Evol: Your mother didn't tell you, about your father before she died.


He yelled at the top of his voice, before slowly standing up, turning his attention to Evol in his Ultimate form, with Yang, Blake, Tenka, Mitchell, Rachel and Adam to watch what's going to happen next. As Hiro was about to speak, he began to shed a tear to recall what happened to his parents.

Hiro: She told me he KILLED him... and after she hid me from him, she got KILLED next!!! 

Hiro said, pointing at Adam.

Adam: Precisely. They stood in my way. Even your petty girlfriend did. So, I had to make it personal by killing off his family.... and your little dog, too.

Hiro: ..... you see what I mean.... he killed EVERYTHING I LOVED!!!

Hiro yelled with hatred in his voice, but that made Evol laugh out loud, to everyone's confusion.

Adam: What's so funny?!

Tenka: Someone or three of the somebody he loved died, dude!!

Mitchell/Vail: DAMMIT, Evol!!! Stop laughing or I'l--

Evol: You mean two.....

When everyone heard Evol interrupted Mitchell's response, this confused everyone more, with Evol laughing more evilly.


Evol: No.... I am your father.


(A/N: Music starts at 0:53.)

When Evol answered everyone's confusion, everyone began to go into a state of shock on what they heard, Hiro however, started to feel worse than shock after hearing Evol's answer. Then, he began to tear more.

Blake: What?

Tenka: What did you say?

Hiro: .... no.... that's not true....

Hiro said, looking at Adam who's in shock, then back to Evol.

Hiro: That's impossible!!!

Evol: Search your feelings. You know it to be true. But since you all are in the state of not trusting anyone, here is a visual aid... as proof.

He said as he de-henshins himself as he revealed who he really is. When everyone got to see his face,--

Evol: Yo.

--Adam's eyes widened while he dropped his weapon in shock, Tenka, Mitchell, Blake, Rachel and Yang were shocked to see that what Evol said was true, and Hiro however, didn't take it too well as he has seen enough and felt enough of this.

Hiro: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hiro went on his knees as he began to cry his eyes out to the reveal.

Evol: Hiro. We can destroy Salem, with or without the relics. You will be taught by me. I have forseen it. It is your destiny. Join me, and together we can rule the World of Remnant, rule the White Fang, overthrow Adam and Salem and rule the cosmos as Father and Son.

His dad said.

Then, Evol began to walk towards Hiro, reaching his hand out, awaiting for his son to take his hand. Hiro was still in a state of shock while looking at his father's hand and looking at his father who is actually still alive. 

Noticing a slight movement, Adam interrupted them.

Adam: Hiro, it doesn't have to be this way! You take his hand, and it'll be the end of all of us! 

Adam yelled.

Hiro, who is still in shock, pondered about what's going to happen, only for him to slowly reach out his hand towards his father's hand, for his group to worry. Evol smiled at this as his son's hand is seen getting closer to his.

(A/N: Music stops/interrupts here.)

Just as Hiro is about to take his father's hand, he looks up to him as he smiled, for Evol to have change his smile to a grin as Hiro stopped his hand from reaching his father's hand, for him to swiftly turn towards Adam, shooting a Tank-Energy blast at him by using Drill Crusher in its gun mode, for Adam to take this as a surprise as he swiftly deflect and absorb his attacks.

While absorbing his attacks, Evol raised his hand, aiming at Adam as he fired an energy blackhole projectile at his feet, causing the ground beneath his feet to explode, causing him to fly and fall back down to the ground, to his shock and everyone's surprise.

Adam: WHAT?!?!

Tenka, Rachel, Mitchell/Vail, Blake & Yang: HUH?!?!/Wait, what?!/Oh~? Now that's an interesting turn./What?!?/What the-?!

They exclaimed.


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Hiro soon got back up on his feet as he stood by his father's side while wiping his tears and drip off his face, sniffling, for Evol to look at him.

Evol: You know you don't have to bawl your eyes and your nose out, right? I did say to make it real but not that literal as if a funeral is happening.

Hiro: Why not....??? We have to make this convincing... as after all... sniiiiiff I already knew that after Shadow talked us out and had us forgive each each other.... sniiiff

Evol: rrrrrrright... too convincing. Though, I'm sorry about your friends...

Hiro: Don't worry... it's part of the plan...

Hiro said.

Adam: So....

Hiro and Evol looked at Adam, getting up while his semblance is seen rendering.

Adam: This was nothing, but a plan this whole time?!?! And you!!!! 

Adam yelled at Evol.

Adam: You're supposed to be dead!!! How are you alive?!

Adam demanded to find out the answer.

Evol scoffs at this.

Evol: Isn't it obivious? I've been alive all this time to begin with. I just didn't show up, that's all.

Evol said.

Adam growled at this.

Hiro: And plus, he knew you have been following us. That's why I took the shot back at the Manta so I meet them here. Those who followed me didn't know my agenda but they went with it.

Hiro said.

The group listened in shock as Hiro knew that they were followed this whole time and he didn't tell anyone a thing.

Adam: Then why the secrecy?!

Evol: Because I was the one who told the boss and Hiro about you.

Evol said.


Evol: Anyway, I need your help. Specifically, Hiro.

Evol said while drinking his drink.

This made Shadow have a serious look on his face as he questioned.

Shadow: Why?

Shadow asked.

Evol: Your group, is being followed.

Evol said.

Hiro: WHAT?! WHO?!

Hiro asked, demanding for an answer.

Evol: Dunno, don't care.... but what I do know is... he uses his flashy sword and gun, and he has a flashy mask on his face. Last time I checked, he led the White Fang back at Haven. Then after that, he retreated and killed his followers, then made his way to Argus to find us, in which he managed to already do that. So, I could let you two gu-

Shadow: Adam Taurus?!

Shadow guessed, interrupting Evol, for Hiro to look in shock at Shadow and Evol.

Evol: He's here, isn't he....

Hiro asked with a bit of rage in his voice.

Evol smiled in his human form as he raised his cup for Shadow and his son.

Evol: Exactly, you two.


Blake: You've been following us?! No wonder Yang jumped a few times out of shock!

Tenka & Mitchell: WHAT?!?!


Adam: So,... all this time, following me as well till this very moment.

Evol: That's not all. I figured you've been following them and us ever since Menagerie, Haven, Argus, and now when Eiji and Ankh came to me after they had that "secret talk" with Blake and Sun back at Menagerie.

Blake: Wait, that very important person? That was you?

Blake asked.

Evol: BINGO~ You're catching on!

Evol said, praising Blake in his own way.

Adam began to hold his katana as he readied himself to fight against Evol and Hiro.

Adam: I'm going to make sure you both die first, for foiling my plans in getting back at Blake, her family... and for defending Haven Academy... because of you.... you cost me to kill my followers... you forced me to retreat.... and you had me, with nothing...

Adam sinisterly said.

Evol: I'll settle things here and now...

Hiro: No!

Hiro said.

Evol looked at his son.

Hiro: He's taken too much from me. He almost took away Yang from Mitchell, Blake, and their teams.

Hiro then looks at Evol.

Hiro: Please, let us take him down.... our way, instead of yours for once.

Hiro said.

Evol went into a train of thought until;

Hiro: Please, father... you've got to do this for me.

Hiro pleaded to his father.

Evol noticed his son's pleas, for him to look up at the sky for a brief moment, as he smiled. Then, he began to chuckle by himself while placing his hand on Hiro's head, looking at his son, once again.

Evol: Relax, kid.

Evol said.

Evol: I was already going to help you, either way.

Evol smiled as he said that.

Hiro smiled at this comment said by his father, giving his father a brief hug for Evol to do the same to have a father and son moment. Then, they broke the hug soon after as they ready for battle.

Evol: Now.... ready?

Evol asked, showing his Evol-Driver with the accessories already inserted in.

Hiro smirked as he showed his own Evol-Driver equipped with his own Evol-Trigger, Rider System FullBottle and SmartphoWolf FullBottle, for Evol to look at it in awe.

Hiro: All set with mine.

Hiro said.

Evol: Good. And I see you have it? How does it feel?

Hiro: Yes. I never knew you and my love would go all the way to make this... and it felt like... I'm connected to my love again. Thank you.

Evol: scoffs No problem. Now, let's get down to business.

Evol said.

Hiro nods as he looks at his group behind them.

Hiro: It'll be great if you join us, yeah?

Hiro ask.

Tenka, Rachel, Mitchell, Blake and Yang looked at each other with worried looks.

Hiro: Don't worry. We've figured it out so, we're fine with him... well, with father around.

Hiro said.

The group looked at Evol for a brief moment when-

Mitchell/Vail: Well... if Hiro's fine with it, I'm in.

Mitchell and vail said in unison as he walked towards Hiro and Evol, for the four to watch this happening. 

(A/N: Music stops here.)

Then, Rachel nod at this as she went up to them, catching up with Mitchell in the process, for the others to catch on, knowing that they need to trust someone at this desperate time. Once they reached, they stopped beside Evol and Hiro as they don their defensive stances, readying themselves to fight against Adam. Hiro and Evol however, placed their drivers around their waist as they crank the lever, transforming into their Ultimate Forms of their Rider forms.



After transforming, they revealed their Ultimate forms to the group for them to take a step back for a bit, including Adam. Then, they both don their defensive pose, for the group to look at them in shock.

Hiro: Also,... heard dad has helped someone after he learnt his lesson recently. So, he's cool. And plus,... I've already decided on my choice. Live long.... and survive with my friends.... and my dad, as what Shadow said is right.... arguments like back at the house won't solve anything at all.... even for unecessary fights.

Hiro said.

The rest of the group looked at each other as they nod at this, getting back close as they don their own defensive stances as they are now about to begin their fight against Adam. 

Seeing everyone's ready, Adam donned his defensive stance again while this time, holding his Katana and hilt as he is ready to fight and kill.

Adam: About time you're all ready to fight and die...

Adam said.


(A/N: Music starts here.)

The six combatants then had their defensive stances as they are ready to resume their battle with Hiro's father. Then, Blake, Tenka, Mitchell/Vail and Yang rushed forward together as the four worked together to strike and attack Adam with a series and barrage of attacks consisting of back and forth blows, shots and slashes.

While they were giving Adam a series of attacks, Rachel reverts back to her Magma Dragonic mode while combining her spears into a Greatsword as she charged at Adam, with Hiro and Evol to follow behind her as they readied their claws. Once they got closer, the four who are attacking Adam first saw this as they rushed out of the way, for Rachel to deliver a series of fiery slashes at Adam, for Adam to clash several times, absorbing some of her attacks as he slashed Rachel's attacks back at her, only for Rachel to deflect them in time, slashing Adam directly with them. Then, Rachel stood out of the way while delivering an upward slash at Adam, for Hiro and Evol to launch their attacks from their shoulder cannons, for Adam to take the hits while absorbing one. Just as he was about to slash their attacks back at them with his momentum at the ready, ready to strike, Hiro prevented this by giving Adam a series of slashes by via his gauntlet-like claws he wielded back in their first battle. 

Adam soon had enough as he fished out his scabbard in its gun mode as he aimed it directly at Hiro, only for Evol to grab his hand holding the gun as he moved it away from his son.

Evol: You're not gonna use that trick like last time. Not today....

Adam: WHAT?!?!

Adam looked in shock.

Evol then pulled Adam hand holding the gun, pulling him to one side, for Adam to see that his weapon is aiming at his head as he began to shoot Evol in the face several times as an opportunity, but to no avail as Evol's face shown no damage at all while he is being pulled to one side.

Once pulled to one spot on the bridge, Evol began to give Adam a series of side jabs on both his left and right sides, followed by Evol letting Adam go as he delivered a series of slashes and kicks on him, numerous shots fired from his shoulder cannons and a very strong double uppercut, causing Adam to fly backwards and away from Evol.

Seeing Adam's semblance rendering and weakening, Evol laughed at this.

Evol: What's the matter, Adam?! Thought you were suppose to be strong like last time you killed my wife and my son's girlfriend?!

Evol gloated.

Adam quickly got up as he yelled upon hearing this for him to swiftly charge at Evol, only for him to stop when Mitchell/Vail intervened as he delivered a series of punches and slashes from his Anormalocaris claws. Adam tries slashing Mitchell/Vail, but to no avail as the latter's gauntlets were inpenetratable as Mitchell/Vail began to attack Adam, once more.

Blake: Mitchell! Move!!!

Blake called out.

Mitchell/Vail stopped as he looked back to see Blake getting ready to strike as he jumped high in the air, giving Blake the clearance to do what she needed to do. After Mitchell/Vail jumped out of the way, Blake grabbed the bottom portion of her broken Gambol Shroud in its Katana mode as she threw it at Adam, only for Adam to see this coming as he deflected it back at her. Yang noticed this and immediately grabs the pistol and uses the ribbon to swing Blake around for Blake to use her cleaver to clash with Adam's katana, only for Adam to send her flying back, causing her to hit the cliff-side of the waterfall back first, depleting her Aura.

Blake nearly falls off the ledge and hangs on for her dear life.

Yang: BLAKE!

Yang yelled.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Evol has sights on the damsel in distress, for him to slightly chuckle and take action.

Evol: Oh~? 

Evol notices Blake hanging on for her dear life as he did a slight chuckle.

Then, he turns into a flurry of blood filled with red energy as he flew towards Blake. Just as Blake is about to fall due to her about to lose her grip, Evol reverted back to his materialized state as he grabbed her wrist, for Blake to hold onto his Martian Serpent-like wrist while looking up.

Evol: I see your choices are like my son's. So.... the choice is yours. Run.... or Fight....

Evol stated.

Blake looked at Evol in shock that he asked that question. She knew that she needed to climb to gain the upper hand, however Evol still has a point, she still fears Adam even if she runs or fight, thus giving her sometime to think while the others are still fighting against Adam.

After a moment in her train of thought while looking down while closing her eyes to think, she return her attention back to Evol, staring straight in his eyes with a serious look on his face.

Blake: I've decided.... I'll fight, I'll fight in the name of my family, even if I have to fight my greatest fears.

She said.

Evol chuckled for a bit, then he spoke.

Evol: Strong words coming from you. Good.

Evol said as he jumped off while holding onto Blake as he landed on one of the grassy patches closest to the cliff leading to the greens. There, he raised his hands as he passed something to her.

Evol: Take it. You have chosen wisely.

He said.

Blake was quite reluctant in taking whatever was in his hands but, she decided to take it anyway as she has already made her choice. In her hand, was something similar to the Gambol Shroud but different as it had slot on it. Furthermore, the weapon is based on her weapon's colour scheme and had her Semblance symbol on it, to her surprise. Below the weapon was a key with some words on it, to her confusion. Before she could ask, Evol began to explain to her on what they do.

(A/N: Shroudriser. Combine these two weapons in those two images together. Ensure the colour scheme of the weapon is based on Blake's weapon and some of the descriptions of it stated above are on the weapon itself.)

Evol: W.R.A.T.H Shroud Slashriser, my buddy's one-of-his-personal-favourite builds so far, allows you to turn your Slashriser to its sword or gun modes like your original Gambol Shroud. That Key you are looking at just now, is called the Lightspeed Cheetah, allows you to run and move faster like a cheetah in a speed of light.

Blake: What does WRATH stand for?

Evol: World of Remnant Advanced TecHnologies. By World of Remnant Advanced Technologies Co. from Atlas.

Blake: Interesting.... but, how did you...

Evol: Remember.... I've been following you all around. Happened that the CEO of WRATH Co. did owe me a favor, I hopped into their company at Atlas to see what they got for me, which is the production of these accessories you have in your hand. Love to share the details but.... I wouldn't want to spoil it.

Evol stated.

Blake looked at her weapons as she examined them. Then, just as she was gonna use them-

Blake: So.... how do I use them?

Blake ask.

Evol smirked as he giggled.

Evol: Heheheh. Simple. I'll give you a small tutorial on that.

Evol volunteered.

A few minutes ago,

Yang turns around and angrily glares at Adam after watching Blake fall, unbeknownst to her that Evol flew to save her.

Adam: Moment of truth, Yang. Do you think you're faster than you were at Beacon? Or are you just gonna let the Black Dragon and the Paradox kid do it for you? Or are you gonna have your friends and your demonic silver winged boyfriend to help you do the dirty work for you?

Adam said.

This caused Yang to tremble slightly, for Adam to notice this and chuckles.

Adam: Me neither....

He said.

This caused Mitchell to growl at his words, for Vail to feel him.

Mitchell (Vail): That does it!!! Tenka, Rachel, Hiro! We're g-

Yang: NO!!!

Everyone except Adam look at Yang.

Yang: I have him.

Yang said as she donned her defensive stance, for the group to lower their guard.

Everyone then watched as Yang who is combined with Graphite and Pallad is about to fight against Adam. Then, Adam swiftly rushed forward, unsheathing his katana, for Yang managing to dodge the swing of his blade, then rolls away from a second slash, only for Adam to land two kicks on her before yang dodged another slash, followed by another.

Then, Adam brings the sword down diagonally while Yang backs away, only for him to ram her  down to the ground, for Yang to transition her fall into a roll. While rolling, Yang distance herself before stopping on her hands and feet, huffing slightly. Tenka, Rachel and Hiro looked in worry, for Mitchell/Vail to swiftly stand in front of them, knowing they may interfere.

Tenka: But-

Mitchell (Vail): Wait for it.... I sense a surprise coming...

Vail said through Mitchell.

Adam: Your aura's bound to be running low.

Adam said.

Yang pants for breath as Adam angrily grunts at her. Meanwhile down below the bridge, Evol watched as Blake utilized the Riser and the ProgriseKey, to his amusement. Then, he looked up as he sensed Adam advancing on yang who has gotten back up.

Back on the Bridge, Yang got back on her feet as she looked at Adam.

Adam: Hit me already!

He yelled.

Yang (Inner Thoughts): Now?

Pallad (In Yang's Mind): In a moment.

Graphite (In Yang's Mind): Won't be long now...

The two Bugsters said.

Suddenly, Adam advanced for yang to dodge his next two swings, to Adam's irritation.

Adam: What do they even see in you?!?!

Adam asked as he rushed forward, tossing his katana as it spun like a buzz-saw.

Yang tried to block it, only to be overpowered and damaged. After the attack, Adam grabs his katana back as he activated his semblance before bringing it down. With Yang's guard down, she got knocked back by Adam's semblance as she tumbled across the ground, tp the group's worry.

Tenka: YANG!!!!!!!


Hiro: YANG, GET UP!!!!!!

Mitchell (Inner Thoughts): I hope they know what they're doing... and where is Blake??? And I sincerely hope you know what you're doing, Vail....

Vail (In Mitchell's Mind): I know what I'm doing. Just remember... patience is a secret weapon....

Mitchell (Inner Thoughts): sighs Point made....

They yelled and, Mitchell and Vail said as they spoke in Mitchell's thoughts.

Adam: You're just a coward like her!!!

Adam yelled.

Then, he unleashed an attack with his Semblance towards Yang,-

Pallad & Graphite (In Yang's Mind): NOW!!!!!

- only for Yang's eyes to turn red at the last second.

The attack struck Yang, creating a cloud of dust, for Adam to see this as an opportunity as he rushed forward and swing his katana down. However when the dust cleared, Adam and the group looked in shock as Yang has caught the Katana by using two dragonic-like heads (Graphite) for gauntlets (Ember Celicas) while being encased in a layer of a silverish grey force field from head to toe (Paradox (Metallize Energy Item)).

Adam: How?! My Semblance should have scarred you!

Yang: Thanks to Pallad, I utilized one of his Energy Items that came with the form, and thanks to Graphite, I can do dragon-like things like grabbing your blade.

Yang answered, making Adam furious.

Yang: And I also gained three more Energy Items.

Adam: Oh yeah? And what's that?!

Adam scowled.

Yang pulled the Game-Driver's lever close and back open again, acquiring the Driver's finisher.



Yang: Three Muscle-Up Energy Items to whoop your ass!!!

Yang yelled as her Dragonic Gauntlets began to glow bright red, for Adam to try pull his Katana away, but to no avail due to Yang grabbing his blade.

Her hair then suddenly burns bright, activating her Semblance, along with Paradox's power as a blue and red energy converged at Yang's left Dragonic Gauntlet and Graphite's power as a reddish black and crimson fire-coloured aura encased onto the left Dragonic Gauntlet as the gauntlet began to engulf in flames.

Yang: And one more thing, Adam..... "Gotcha"....

Yang said.

Then, she cocked her left arm's Dragonic Gauntlet, for the gauntlet to roar as if it's alive while baring red eyes like of Yang's red eyes but brighter. After loading her attack and finisher, Yang pulled Adam towards her and punched him hard, hard enough to disarm him and send him flying backwards.

The force of the attack and finisher combined was so strong and powerful enough to deplete Adam's aura drastically. After that attack which shocked the group as their mouths were hanging, except for Mitchell's as he is still taken over by Vail who watched amusingly, Adam stands back up, trying to fight again, only for him to discover that his katana is missing.

After discovering his katana is missing, Adam looked at Yang to see that she's got it in her Dragonic, Perfect Knockout-like hand and teeth (A/N: Teeth as in the teeth from the dragon head gauntlet.).

Yang: I may not be faster.....

Yang stopped halfway as her aura can be felt depleting. Then, she continued.

Yang: ... but I'm smarter.

She finished.

Then, yang threw Adam's katana over the bridge, for Adam to angrily yell.

Adam: NO!!!!!

Adam yelled as he failed to reach his katana in time as he watched it fall into the waterfall below, for the group to be happy that Adam's katana is gone.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Hiro: Nice one, Yang, Pallad and Graphite!!!

Rachel: No sword for Adam.

Tenka: Our efforts have been rewarded. Now he will not kill anyone or anything with his dangerous weapon.

Tenka, Rachel and Hiro said.

Mitchell (Vail): nods

Mitchell (Inner Thoughts): You go, gurl.

Mitchell said.

After watching his blade fall into the bottom of the falls, Adam furiously growled, turning back towards Yang.

Adam: Alright.... that's it.... I'm through messing around....

Adam sinisterly said, aiming Blush at Yang.

Adam: Of all that are fighting against me.... you three will be first ones to DIE!!!!

Adam yelled as he had his trigger finger on the trigger.

However, before he could pull the trigger to fire Blush, something whoosh passed Adam, yang and the group in the speed of light, to everyone's confusion as someone or something kept whooshing passed them many times.

Adam: HUH?! W-What's that?!

Yang: Whoa!

Tenka: Whatever it is... it's too fast to track...

Rachel: Too fast too fast, TOO FAST!!!

Hiro: Vail or... Mitchell? What's going on and.... who's that running fast like a lightning???

Mitchell (Vail): That surprise I was talking about?

Hiro: Huh?

Tenka: Guys, look!

Tenka exclaimed.

Rachel, Mitchell/Vail and Hiro look back at the battle as they notice the person running in the speed of light is now on the battle field, running around the area, Yang and Adam, to Adam's annoyance as he began to shoot at whoever is running, but to no avail as due to the speed, Adam constantly misses.

While Adam kept shooting and missing his shots due to whoever was running in the speed of light, he noticed the flash of light zooming down the edge of the bridge to the falls, for him to follow it. Once at the edge of the bridge, he stopped as he fired several shots downwards, in the attempts of shooting whoever it was down.

Adam smirked, thinking he's got it as he turned his attention back to Yang,not noticing that the flash of light is zooming up from the falls towards him, until-


- he heard something announcing down at the falls, for him to look down, only for Blake to suddenly reappear and uppercuts Adam, causing him to stumble backwards as she zooms and jumps back onto the bridge, with electric streaks and her shadows (Blake's Semblance) to follow behind her while transforming into something really fast by the use of her new weapons that she got from Evol.

After stumbling and recovering from his daze from that uppercut he received from Blake for a brief moment, Adam looked in disbelief at Blake as she was the one who was running about, disorientating everyone with her lightspeed and she is being cladded in a clad of armour that he's not familiar with as he watched, to the group's shock.

Rachel: Whoa!!

Mitchell (Vail): Now, the surprise I spoke of has arrived!

Mitchell (Inner Thoughts): Whoa! When did Blake started becoming a rider....

Mitchell (Vail): Well... just now.

Hiro: Look at what Driver she has! This is not any Shotriser or Slashriser I have seen before...

Tenka: That's because she is wearing a new Rider System... only encoded to her.... my dear Blake is going to take this full force.

They commented and Tenka said.

Evol: Exactly!

Evol exclaimed.

Tenka, Rachel, Mitchell/Vail and Hiro turned to their right to see Evol standing next to them as he began to explain. 

Evol: Shroudriser, based on her own weapon, made by the CEO of WRATH Co. aka, World of Remnant Advanced TecHnologies Co. from Atlas. I got it from there due to a favor they owe me. Now, I present to you, Blake Belladonna... Kamen Rider Shadows, Lightspeed Cheetah, Ability: Sonic Rush.


-Lightspeed Cheetah! Try to outrun this speedster running in the speed of light.-

After transforming, Blake looks at herself to see that her inner suit is coloured black with some dark purple shades blending in and some gold details mostly visible at the upper thighs of her legs. She notice some metallic orange armour covering some parts of her inner suit symbolizing the form she is utilizing by using the ProgriseKey she inserted.

The armour platting on Blake's form is in a form of Rushing Cheetah but this time, the left side of her rider form will be armoured up in Rushing Cheetah's armour, as well to give it the Slashriser and Jin's Burning Falcon-like similarities. On this form, it will have more armour pieces like Jin's Burning Falcon as it'll have armour pieces of Lightning Hornet, as well on her arms, thighs, lower shins, feet, upper torso and head with the colour scheme based on Rushing Cheetah's.

For the additional armour based on Lightning Hornet, it will more Cheetah-like as the filler-like horns will be replaced to electric streak-like horns, for the main ears of Lightspeed Cheetah aka, Rushing Cheetah's Cheetah Border Ears will have some electric streaky details on it to give it the Lightspeed gimmick. Finally, the form's knuckles and feet have slot modules for Blake to utilize the form's claws in case of any such emergencies or for combat.

Seeing that her form looks dashy and fast, Blake nods at this and then removed the Shroudriser, utilizing it in her hands while using her weapon in its sword (Gambol Shroud - Sword Mode) Mode, for Adam to watch this happening.

(A/N: Blake Belladonna aka, Kamen Rider Shadows. Something like Kamen Rider Valkyrie's forms but different as it'll be fused together (A/N: Combine those three images, as a take note.), and include Shroudriser into the form. Description of Blake's Rider form is stated above.)

Adam: So.... you are a Rider, too.... just like your pathetic friends...?

Adam asked.

Blake: It's my decision to make. I made my choice,.... and I took in the offer knowing i'm still running away from you.... but  not anymore....

Blake said.


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Within a split second, Blake took one step forward, only for her to stop in front of Adam (A/N: In fact that this form can allow her to walk or run fast proves that she can outrun him and anyone anytime in the speed of light.), shocking him to see that his former lover is now in front of him by just walking a single step, preventing him from using time to prepare his next attack, for Blake to begin delivering numerous number of slashes on Adam.

Adam tried using Blush to shoot her down, but to no avail as she used her shadow clones as not just her shields, but also as real life clone as they began to move about for one to freeze his rifle together with his arm (Ice Clone) and the other two to kick him away in flames and electricity (Fire and Electric Clones), causing Adam to get kicked back further while his aura depletes. After getting kicked backwards, Adam rolled backwards and back on his feet as he swung his armed arm to the ground, freeing it from being frozen as he aimed and shot rounds at Blake, only for Blake to revert her Shroudriser to its gun mode as she fired rounds to deflect Adam's shots away.

While Blake fought against with Adam at ease, the group were still seen watching for Mitchell/Vail to look at them.

Mitchell (Vail): Ummm.... you know...? We can already join in the fight, right?

Vail said.

Tenka, Rachel and Hiro looked at Mitchell who is taken over by Vail with their eyes widened at what he said.

Rachel: Wait... we can now?

Mitchell (Vail): Mhm... nods

Hiro: Well, now that we can, let's roll. Dad, let's lay waste to this dick....

Evol: I thought you never ask....

Tenka: Yeah.... let's! I want to get in on the action with her.

Mitchell (Vail): Well, so does Mitchell.

They all said.

And with that, the group advanced towards Adam who is still shooting, trying to get a shot at Blake, for Yang to notice this.

Pallad (In Yang's Mind): Looks like the party's begun.

Graphite (In Yang's Mind): Yeah. Yang, let's do this.

Yang: Yeah, on it!

Yang replied for her to join in the advance.

While Blake and Adam were in a shooting stalemate, Tenka in his Iron Samurai Star Platinum Suit suddenly stood in front of his lover as he began punching Adam's shots at ease with incredible speed, for Blake to stop shooting as she noticed him.

Blake: Tenka!!

Tenka: Don't worry, dear! I'm here! And your friends have your back, as well.

Tenka said.

While Tenka is seen punching away, destroying all of Adam's shots, Adam was furious that Blake's new lover is interferring for him to stop shooting as he advanced towards him, in the attempts to attack and kill Tenka with Blush, but to no avail as Rachel stood in the way as she began swinging her Greatsword at him, for Adam to try dodging every slash.

Seeing that enough is enough, Adam used Blush to block every slash Rachel is throwing at him, only for Rachel to thrust her weapon into the ground in front and below him thanks to Adam using Blush to divert her slash to the ground, for him to chuckle.

Adam: You missed.

Rachel: Heh. Did I?

Rachel ask.

Adam looked confused when she said that until he realized something, causing him to look down at Rachel's weapon to see its blade glowing in the colour of magma, for Rachel to pull upwards, for the sword to strongly slash upwards, causing Adam to fly backwards while his aura depletes.

Seeing this as an opportunity, Rachel utilizes a blue dust crystal as she thrust it into her Greatsword, utilizing its ice ability as she swung it at full force above her head. Once she's got the momentum she acquired, she aimed her sword at Adam, for an ice chain to conjure at the tip of the blade, coiling Adam up until he's immobile. Rachel then smirked to see that Adam is coiled up in her ice chain as she swung him away from the cliffs and back on the bridge, destroying the chain and depleting his aura in the process.

After that attack, Adam quickly got back up in the attempts to use his semblance on Blush to fight against the group, but to no avail when Mitchell/Vail and Yang intervened as they delivered a barrage of attacks, punches and kicks at him, stopping him from using his range weapon. After a barrage of attacks,-



- Mitchell/Vail and Yang did a flying drop kick at Adam and did a barrage of power punches at him to add into the finisher. Then, Both Mitchell/Vail and Yang nod at each other for Yang to grab Mitchell/Vail by his Scorpion Mogura Genomix tail as she spun him around in circles. After that, she flung her lover to Adam, for Mitchell/Vail to spread out his wings and started spinning faster, treating his body like a buzzsaw as he struck Adam with his buzzsaw-like spinning attack by using his entire body. 

After that attack which caused Adam to stagger backwards, Mitchell/Vail lay on his back, using his Batta and Neo Batta legs as a springboard as Yang is seen running towards him. once close, she jumped onto Mitchell/Vail's legs as he sprung yang towards Adam, giving him a double knuckle sandwich he deserved, for him to stagger back even more.

While staggering back, Evol appeared behind him as he stopped him from staggering, delivering a sucker punch at him, for Adam to stagger forward. Then, Hiro appeared in front of him as he slashes Adam by using his claw gauntlets found on his arms, only for Adam to block one by using Blush and to receive the other on his arm and his upper torso, tearing a small section of his clothing. Seeing this, Adam exclaimed out loud, targetting Hiro now, only for Adam to receive a barrage of attacks by Hrio and Evol as they utilized their own finishers to weaken him.

Then, Tenka and Blake appeared as they began to deliver a flurry of slashes by using their weapons, for Adam to weakly block them. While blocking their attacks, Adam suddenly got a surprise attack from Yang as she strongly uppercuts him, causing Adam to let go of Blush while being disorientated by that uppercut, for Tenka and Blake to see this as an opprotunity to finish this off.

Tenka: Ready?

Blake: Let's end this.

Tenka nods at his lover's reply.


Blake utilized Shroudriser's finisher as she reverts it to its gun mode while aiming it directly at Adam. Tenka went in front of Blake, readying to blast forward towards Adam to give him a thousand knuckle sandwiches. Then, Tenka heard Blake firing a shot from her new weapon for him to take off as he flew towards Adam. While flying, he sees Blake's shot transforming into a cheetah that has electric streaks flowing to the back of it to indicate that it's running real fast, giving him the idea that he can use that power to do Adam one better.

So, Tenka grabbed it, for his suit's fists to utilize cheetah gauntlets with lightning streaks for him to smirk as he flew closer to Adam. Upon seeing this, Adam rushed forward, attempting to punch Tenka out of the way, but to no avail as Tenka landed the punch first across his face, then another, then another, then another few hundreds of thousands more punches all over Adam's body. At the last punch, Tenka wielded his weapon in his right hand as he punched Adam at his torso, sending him flying, giving Blake the opprotunity to utilize her finisher again, this time, striking Adam down, depleting his aura greatly.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

After an onslaught of attacks, Adam is seen fallen and landed on the stony ground, struggling to get up, for the group to watch this happening.

Yang: Give up. It's over.

Hiro: Even if it'll be hard for us to take you back to Argus Base due to our actions, you will still be coming with us.

Tenka: So, prepare for your judgement.

Yang, Hiro and Tenka said.

As Adam heard what they said, he slowly and weakly turn his attention to Blake.

Blake: Adam.... it's over....

Blake said.

After hearing what Blake said that, Adam began to laugh for everyone to look at him in confusion while taking a step back. Then, Adam slowly rise up, staggering a bit despite managing to get back up on his own two feet as he kept laughing. Then, he spoke.

Adam: You think it's over?! OVER?!?! This is only the beginning... and thanks to a certain someone.... it's time we go to the next level on things.

Adam said, showing us an unknown item.

(A/N: This item.)

The group looked at it. After seeing what it was, their eyes widened to see that it is one of those Rider trinkets they see every time, and somehow Adam has one, but this one, is coloured differently.

Tenka: Where did you get that Rider Trinket from?! 

Tenka demanded.

Adam: Oh this Stamp? I got it from one of my associates who sold it to me for a price I never refused. I must admit, I'm surprised she kept an original copy before she used it on herself. 

Adam said.

Tenka, Hiro and Evol growled at this.

Adam: This stamp is said to utilized ten monsters... I only utilized one of them so,.... let's see if I can utilize the remaining nine. As after all, since you all want to play Kamen Rider,... let's even the playing field.

Adam said, for him to press a button on the stamp, for it to be activated.


After activating the Stamp, he pressed it onto his chest as he began to transform into some monstrosity, to everyone's shock. 

Everone looked to see that Adam turned himself into some kind of demon they never seen before as they readied their weapons.

(A/N: Adam as Oblivion.)

Evol: Well.... this is something I have never seen before....

Hiro: Well, that's the first time today...

Blake: Adam!!


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Tenka: Adam! Stop this! You didn't turn yourself into a Rider! You turned yourself into a monster!

Adam: Of course! A monster that will destroy you, permanently....

Adam said.

Then, he noticed something coming this way for him to raise his left arm up, for him to catch back Blush (Bat Dopant's power), for him to smile at this.

Adam: So, this is one other ability I have? My voice can anything to come to me? Interesting.

Adam said.

Suddenly, he used his ultrasonic roar at the group for them to disorientate them, giving him the opportunity to strike them as his arms stretched out, striking out Yang, Mitchell and Rachel (Stretch Smash Hazard's power). After doing that, Tenka rushed in to land several punches at me, only for me to take it as I didn't feel a thing, using this as a chance to use my entire body to ram and smash into Tenka (Xu.Zain.Da's power), causing him to fall backwards while his armour went offline, to Blake's worry.

Blake: TENKA!!!!

Tenka: Don't worry, I'm fine!!! April! Reboot systems!

April (In the suit's systems): Rebooting now.

While Tenka is rebooting his armour, Adam looks at himself.

Adam: Three powers used despite one which I already know... It's good to see that the power I already discovered managed to shut your boyfriend's armour down for good!

Adam mockingly said to Blake.

Then, Hiro and Evol jumps in to deliver punches to Adam, only for their punches to get caught by Adam as he release them while sharpening his hands to claws, delivering a flurry of slashes and scratches at them (Snake Orphnoch's power). Once done scratching and slashing, Adam raised both hands as he blasted sand at them (Orangutan Deadman's power), blinding them to give Adam the opportunity to kick them away, only for Evol to grab his foot and kick him back while staggering backwards as he checked on his son.

After taking almost everyone down, Adam shot out a black spike (Needle Smash Hazard's power) and conjured a Barbed Broadsword (Sword Roidmude's power), combining them to form a sword to replace Wilt as he raised it, pointing it at Blake.

Adam: You're next... Blake.

Adam sinisterly said.

Blake wielded Shroudriser in its sword mode, donning her defensive stance, ready to fight while others behind her are recovering from the damage done by Adam's new level. Then, it began when Blake aka, Kamen Rider Shadows - Lightspeed Cheetah and Adam aka, Oblivion advanced towards each other.

Blake's POV:

As soon as we got close, Adam launched a fireball (Heat Dopant's power) at me, for me to jump back while my ice clone took the hit, for me to rush forward while delivering a slash to Adam, only for Adam to block it by using its right claw arm as he began giving me power punches at me (Shika Inves's power).

Then, he used his claw arm to inflict a power punch while thrusting me with fire spikes at me (Shika Inves and Acarina Worm's powers), only for him to punch a stone clone of me as it blew to pieces, for me to sigh in relief.

Me: This Shroudriser and Key is doing it's job. It's letting me use my semblance much quicker than before.

I said.

Just as I was commenting on my new weapons and trinkets, I notice Adam charging his attack on his sword while activating his semblance at the same time as he tried to slash me out of existance, only for me to run in the speed of light, avoiding the attack effortlessly. After his attack was done, I ran around in circles, surrounding Adam while transforming Shroudriser into its gun mode as I began to fire a barrage of shots at him, distracting him from utilizing any attack.

Seeing it as a good opportunity, I used my semblance as multitude of clones of me in different elements surrounded him while I was still running as we utilized my Shroudriser's finisher.


After activating the weapon's finisher, the clones including me surrounding Adam fired a blast at him, for every shot to strike him, causing a huge dust cloud to form where Adam is standing at. Then, we all placed our Shroudrisers onto our Driver Belts as we utilized the belt and riser's finishers.


Once acquired, an electric streak-like arrays shot upwards to show that the clones and I jumped in the air as we did a drop kick into the dust cloud, in the attempts to finishing this fight, but to no avail as Adam activated his semblance as he spun around in a huge circle while unsheathing his newly created sword from Blush as he slashed all my clones, destroying them completely and striking me down, to my shock as I flew further backwards than the others, for the rest of the group to witness that, for my aura to deplete greatly.

After that powerful attack, I struggled to get up as I notice Adam slwoly advancing towards me. While trying to get on my feet, I saw Tenka trying to stop him, but to no avail as he used his sword to conjure an energy slash, causing Tenka to fly backwards, hitting a tree to my right, for Adam to resume coming at me again. 

Just as I was about to fully get up while planning my next move, Adam stopped in front of me as he grabbed me by my throat, lifting me off the ground while staring at me in my eyes.

Adam: This wouldn't have happened if you just listened to me and stayed by my side,.... and not turn against me.... but here we are now....

Adam said.

I struggled to break free but to no avail. However, things turned for the worse when Adam used his clawed arm as he clamped my face, for me to feel my aura and semblance leaving me (Acarina Worm's power), for me to scream in agony, for the group to hear this.

Tenka: B---BLAKE!!!!!


Mitchell: VAIL!

Mitchell (Vail): GOT IT!!!

Hiro: LET HER GO!!!!

Evol: Before it's too late!

Rachel: Yeah, let's!

The ground said.

They slowly got up, planning to stop Adam from slowly making me suffer, only for him to notice this.

Adam: Stay out of this, weaklings! Or I'll break her neck and it'll be the last you see her!

Adam exclaimed.

Everyone stopped when he heard that, only for me to keep struggling. 

Then, I looked down to see that I still have my Shroudriser for me to try reaching it, only for Adam to rip it off me, reverting back to my original state, for him to use this time to absorb every aura, semblance and the life I had left. Adam began laughing to see that his obstacle is about to be conquered, only for me to watch helplessly as my vision began to fade.

Adam: If you would just stand by me... you wouldn't be dying right now...

Adam sinisterly said.

3rd Person's POV:

However, just as Adam was about done with Blake, Adam began to cough out blood while gasping as something struck and pierced him from behind at his mid-section, causing the absorption process to be reversed, for Blake to slowly regain back her strength, her aura and semblance.

(A/N: Music stops/interrupts here.)

After regaining her consciousness, Blake looked in confusion on why Adam stopped trying to kill her until she looked down to see that he was impaled by a black spike, giving her the opportunity to kick him away, for him to stagger backwards as she reclaimed her Shroudriser while regrouping back to her group, with Tenka hugging her.

Tenka: I'm glad you are alright! I thought you were a goner...

Blake: Are you hurt, that's the worrying part...

Tenka: Don't worry, i'm fine. It'll take a lot more than that to destory this Star Platinum armour.

Blake: Oh you....

Tenka: Heheh.

Blake: But still.... I'm also glad you are alright, too.

Blake said.

Tenka and Blake hugged for a moment in front of the crowd. Then, they broke the hug as they began to discuss.

Tenka: Now, Adam sure did a number on you. Are you okay? It looked like he was going to suck the life out of you.

Blake: He was but... something went wrong.

Rachel: Huh?

Hiro: What do you mean?

Blake: Someone stopped him. He was actually going to finish the job but... something pierced him.

Mitchell/Vail: What?!?!

Evol: That can't be good.

Hiro: Well whoever stopped him, must know him very well or something else.

Mitchell/Vail: Agreed.

While discussing for a brief moment, they heard a sound of a weapon being ripped out, for them to turn to see that Adam was the one who made that sound when he ripped that spike off his mid-section as he staggered back. He noticed the group as he showed the spike to us.

Adam: Who stopped me and delayed the inevitable?!

Adam demanded.

He soon walked to them, for the group to don their weapons and for Blake to turn back into Kamen Rider Shadows again.

Adam: I know it's one of you... EXPLAIN YOURSELVES OR I'LL-

???: You'll what, Mister Taurus?

A robotic voice spoke out.


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Everyone wondered who spoke up for them to look behind Adam and for Adam to look behind him, only for him to look in shock to see some familiar faces.

For the group however, looked at whoever spoke up as they still don their weapons, knowing that they have met before back at the Docks back at Vale.

Before the group and Adam, walked five beings. Four of them being Kamen Riders Horobi, Jin, Naki and Ikazuchi, and the last member to be a Synthetic Cybernetic Humanoid Super Machine as they all walked towards the group and Adam on the stone bridge.

(A/N: Kamen Riders Horobi - Ark Scorpion, Jin - Burning Falcon, Naki - Orthros Vulcan and Ikazuchi.)

(A/N: ARK's Cybernetic Human form.)

Adam: You five....

Tenka: So,.... you five have been following us, too, weren't you... Ark?

Tenka asked.

Hiro, Mitchell/Vail and Evol looked at Tenka in confusion, while Adam looked back at Tenka.

Adam: Wait... you knew them already?

Adam ask.

Tenka: We've met at the Docks back at Vale when Roman Torchwick decided to take things personal with Ruby and my love, Blake.

Tenka answered.

Then, Kaon aka, Kamen Rider Horobi - Ark Scorpion spoke up.

Kaon: We have no intentions in following you, as our concern is not with you all.

Tenka: Then, what business do you have here?

Tokuro: OUR Business....

Tokura aka, Kamen Rider Naki - Orthros Vulcan Form spoke up as he pointed his left armed claw at Adam.

Tokuro: .... is with Adam Taurus.

He said.

The group looked at Adam, for Adam to look at the group of five with disgust.

Adam: Listen here! I have no business with you or anyone of your kind. So, stay out of my way or unless you want to die li-

ARK: Oh, you are mistaken. You have business with us as you didn't heed one of our bargains.

Adam: Oh yeah? Then what would that be, Almighty Ark?!

Adam mocked.

ARK raised his hand to show shattered pieces of a Zetsumerise Key.

ARK: You killed one of our own out of vengence and rage over a girl. How blind can you get?

He said.

Then, Rai aka, Kamen Rider Jin - Burning Falcon sighed.

Rai: And to think you said you want us to join you... but after seeing what you just did to one of our own out of your blindness,... i'm sorry,... but you can say our deal's off....

Rai said.

Adam looked on in shock at what he saw and heard. Then, he slowly looked at Blake and her group, and what he said, shocked everyone.


He yelled.

ARK: Oh, don't blame them. You only have your actions to blame. You failed, you aimlessly killed out of blind rage, you followed them, urging to kill Blake,.... and here we are now...

Blake: As much as I don't want to listen to bad people speak.... but ARK has a point. You killed so many people to get to me. You even tried to kill me, and so much more.... So Adam,... i'm not to blame for your failures, and neither is everyone here are to be blamed. You have yourself to blame for your failures.

Tenka: ANd now that you killed one of their associates.... Sorry have to say but, you blew it. Now you have to accept the consequences.

Blake and Tenka said on behalf of everyone.

(A/N: Music stops here.)

After listening to them, Adam wielded his sword and Blush as he faced the group of five lead by ARK.

Adam: You're hear to rub it in? Fine.... then you five will die first,.... then Blake's group. I was going to betray you once I get what I want, either way.

Adam said.

ARK then equipped himself with Metsuboujinrai Driver and an ARK-Massbrain Progriskey as he placed the Driver on his waistline and activated his Progrisekey.


ARK: You fail to realize, Mister Adam Taurus.... if I die, I will always come back... because of the presence of Malice, Hatred and all variations of negativities and negative energy. This is our will.... of MetsuBouJinRai.NET!!

ARK stated.

After the Progrisekey got activated, ARK releases his hold on the key as it levitates into the Driver, activating his True Form, for Blake's group to watch this happening.

Blake, Yang, Tenka, Mitchell & Rachel: Here we go again....

They said.


-Connection! (Connection!) Hakai, Hametsu, Zetsubō, Metsubō Seyo! FINAL Conclusion Complete! ARK-MetsubouJinrai! Five Conclusions in One Unified Will!-

(A/N: Kamen Rider ARK-Metsuboujinrai. Combine those two forms in those two images together.)

After completing the transformation, Adam donned his fighting stance, for ARK to do the same while wielding Kaon's katana. Then, it began when both Leaders from two malicious groups began their fight.

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The twelvth episode of the Sixth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose PART 2. Well well well... the plot thickens when Evol and Hiro transformed into their Rider Monster forms, and Metsuboujinrai.NET appeared before our heroes fending off Adam.... and things are about to get really really interesting.... Let's see what happens at PART 3, coming soon. GET THERE! So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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