Volume 6: Seeing Red

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the twelvth episode of the SIXTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

Ruby is still seen holding onto Shadow for her dear life, with Shadow is still holding onto Parablade with his dear life, for Oscar to notice this from the Manta.

Oscar: Ruby! Shadow!

Oscar yelled.

While holding onto their dear lives, Shadow used his strength to sway his arm holding onto Ruby, throwing her back up to the top of the cliff. Once she's safely back on the top, he used parablade's blade to climb back up to the top, meeting Ruby in the process. Once reached, both Ruby and Shadow regrouped with the other groups that are fending off Cordovin's Mech.

As they regrouped, Oscar began to speak through the comms.

Oscar (By via Comms): Ruby, Shadow, can you hear me? Are you guys okay?

He asked.

Ruby: Are we okay?!

Ruby asked back.

Oscar (By via Comms): I know, we were supposed to lay low, but listen! I think I finally found a weakness!

Oscar said.

Nora: Well. we're all ears.

Nora said.

Ruby, Shadow and their friends turn to notice Nora walking slowly while helping Jaune to walk for a moment back to the group with the two members of Team RNHK catching up from behind.

Ren: Guys!

Ren said as he ran over to them.

Oscar (By via Comms): The cylinder on Cordo's cannon rotates and locks in a giant Dust cartridge every time she changes attack styles.

Oscar said.

Weiss (By via Comms): We noticed.

Weiss said.

Ryosuke (By via Comms): What are you suggesting, Oscar?

Ryosuke asked.

Oscar (By via Comms): Right, but her missile launcher doesn't lock in, it pops out! Without her shields, one well-placed shot could detonate the missiles while they're still in the launcher.

Oscar said.

Jaune, Jacob, Dylan & Neon: We could destroy the entire cannon...

Jaune, Jacob, Dylan and Neon said in unison.

Jaune: Oscar, that's brilliant!

Jaune said.

Nora: Can we.... make that kind of shot?

Nora turned to Ruby and Shadow, and asked.

Ruby: We'll only get one chance before she catches on. 

Shadow: We have to be practically staring down the barrel of her cannon.

Katie: Wait! We?

Shadow: Yes. We. Besides... I have a plan on how we're gonna blow this cannon sky high. 

Shadow said. 

Then, he turned to the two hedgehogs, to their confusion.

Shadow: And you're helping us out, too.

Shadow said.

Dylan and Jacob looked at each other in confusion until Maria's voice sound off through the Radio.

Maria (By via Radio): Well, I've got a way to guarantee that.

She said, flying the Manta back over to Ruby and Shadow's group. Once there, she stops with the hatch doors open, revealing Kouta, Percival and Roland to be on board, for Ruby and Shadow to fly run forward. 

Qrow: Ruby, Icepop, what are you doing?!

Qrow asked, but it was too late.

Shadow and Ruby hopped into the Manta as it began to head off, for the lovebirds to do their part. The others watched as the Manta flew towards Cordo's Mech with Jacob and Dylan to listen to their Comms of Shadow's instructions, for them to nod several times on what he has in mind for them.

Inside the Manta, Shadow and Ruby smiled at Kouta, Percival, Roland, Oscar and Maria.

Inside the Mech,

One of the screens show a pop-up message saying; 'ARGUS BASE INCOMING CALL', for Cordovin to notice this, but her attention is diverted by the sound of Maria's voice.

Maria (By via Radio): Hey, Cordo! I've got one missile left and I know exactly where I'm gonna stick it!

Maria exclaimed.

Cordovin chuckled at this.

Cordovin: One missile, you say? That's ashame, Maria, because I have plenty!

Cordovin said.

Then, Cordovin has the missile launcher pop out from the mech's arm cannon while Maria continues to fly towards her.

Percival: Maria! I think you have to PULL UP!

Oscar: ARE YOU TWO CRAZY!?!?!?!?!?!


Percival, Oscar and Roland exclaimed.

Maria: Sometimes the best approach is simply the most direct!

Maria said.

As the Manta moves closer, Ruby and Shadow get into position and aim their weapons at Cordovin's mech cannon.

Shadow: Genius Gamer Sniper Flower, Rubes?

Ruby: (Chuckles) Yes, Shadow. Genius Gamer Sniper Flower.

She said as both of them are ready to fire.

Back inside the mech, Cordovin gasps as she pulls up a screen, noticing Ruby and Shadow catching onto her plan.

Cordovin: You two!

Cordovin said angrily.

At the Manta,


Ruby and Shadow pull the trigger, for their combined shot, emitting out rose petals along with blue and red digital streaks to swiftly fly towards the missile launcher, only for the launcher to retract back into its arm for the shot to be deflected, for everyone to gasp in shock.

Cordovin (By via Speakers): You thought you could fool me?!

Cordovin asks.

Then, she readied the arm cannon again, this time it was about to fire a Lightning Dust attack directly at the Manta.

Oscar: PULL UP!!

Oscar exclaimed to Maria.

Inside the Mech, just as Cordovin launched her mech's Lightning attack, she noticed that the attack did not fire and for her mech to be frozen stiff into its firing stance position, to her confusion as she kept trying to move and pull the trigger to fire the Dust attack.

Cordovin: What?! Something's wrong! Why is it not firing and moving?!


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Cordovin said.

Then, she looked at all the screens she has in her cockpit, noticing that it's filled with a lot of viruses in it, for her to realize one thing while tapping onto each of them, decoding the virus out of the mech's systems.

Cordovin: No no, NO!!!! I'VE BEEN HACKED!!! How could this be?!

She said.

Suddenly, while she's trying to decode the viruses in the mech, she hears laughter in her mech's cockpit. Then, it began to speak.

???: Yeah! You're about to go down, Ma'am. You're being hacked by a virus.

Someone said, for Cordovin to look around, feeling agitated of this.


Cordovin demanded.

Then, out of nowhere, someone or something shoved the virus screen (A/N: Much like Ultimate Ultraman Zero shoving X away in Daichi's X-Visor so he can talk to Daichi and X first hand in the Ultraman X series.), revealing himself to be an angelic virus warrior, for Cordovin to look back on her screens to see the culprit in each screen.

(A/N: This Angelic Virus Warrior's form.)


???: Oh, you won't be getting me anytime soon, missy. As I'm just here to interfere with your little fun. Adios~

He said as he phase through the mech's circuits, flowing from the screens to the cannon's schematics and the cannon itself that is still charging up with Lightning Dust. Once there, he pixelated himself out of the mech's databases, emerging and appearing on top of the cannon, facing Cordovin dead in her eyes.

Then, he raised his hand in the air to summon a Warhammer, grabbing it as it slowly leviatates down before him-


- as he jumped in the air for momentum. Once he reached his momentum point, he falls back down towards the cannon as he swung his warhammer straight down, striking the cannon, causing the mech to regain its mobility while launching its electric blast, only for the blast aka, beam to miss the Manta by a few inches however, it still got caught partially by the blast. The rest of the group on the cliff jumped out of the way, scattering themselves to prevent themselves from being hit by the electric blast.

In the Manta, the ship is affected by the electricity, and Maria is seen screaming in pain as her prosthetic eyes close shut.

Maria: I can't see! My eyes!

Oscar: No no no!!

Maria: Take control!

Oscar grabs the joystick as he barely gain control of the Manta.

Oscar: We're gonna crash! We're gonna CRASH!!!

Oscar said.

While Oscar is having a hard time gaining control of the Manta, the same warrior land straight on the Window of the Manta, for oscar to look in shock.

Oscar: WHOA!!!

???: Mind if I join you in this rust-bucket?

Oscar: Anything that prevents us from CRASHING!!!!

???: then steer while I stablize her!

The warrior said as he pixelated himself into the Manta.

After recovering from dodging that electric blast, the group at the cliffside emerged from the smoke, coughing.

Jaune: Look!

Jaune said.

The group watched as the Manta crash lands into the forest, for Weiss and some people of the group to gasp, and for Qrow to run, transforming himself into his avian form, flying over to the crash site.

At the crash site,

The engines of the Manta can be heard shutting down.

Oscar: We're.... we're still in one piece! Thanks....

???: No problem. I just found a good spot to crash so I took it. Name's Brave. 

The warrior said while pixelating, materializing back to his warrior form from before, appearing before Oscar.

Brave: So! What's your name? 

Oscar: Uhhh... Oscar. The old lady with the eyes, is Maria. The guys at the back are Ruby, Shadow, Roland, Kouta and Percival.

Brave: Ah, nice names they have and you have.

Oscar: I guess.

As they were about to continue their conversation, Oscar hears the stomping of Cordovin's mech, for Brave to notice this, as well.

Oscar: The mech standing there frozen for a moment just now.... that was you?

Brave: Mhm. I only had enough act to keep her busy before she shot you. Wouldn't want her to fry you guys into fish sticks.

Oscar: ... right...

Brave: Anyway, I'll go ahead to help whoever is hurt outside the Manta. You two or... you go try to patch the ship up. I'll be back.

Brave said as he left.

Outside the Manta, Ruby is seen stumbling out of the ship before collapsing to her knees, not before her lover caught her just in time before her knees touched the ground.

Shadow: I got you, okay, Rubes. I got you.

He said.

As he tried to hold her steady due to the shock and crash, Brave came as he helped him hold Ruby.

Brave: Hey, she alright?

Shadow: Just shock and weakened from the crash and the electric shock caused by the blast. If the blast hit us directly, we could have died.... 

Shadow said.

He then turned to face Brave.

Shadow: I noticed your actions... freezing the mech there and altering her firing range. Thanks.

Brave: Meh, no problem. I've seen worse than this. Brave's my name. You must be Shadow, Oscar told me about.

Shadow: That's me. This here is Ruby.

He said.

Brave: I see. 

Ruby: So,... you froze that robot there for a moment? Heheh. Nice semblance you got there.

Brave: Ehhhhhhh.... about that, I can explain later.

Shadow: Good call, as at the meantime, we still got that mech to deal with.

Shadow stated.

Ruby, Shadow and Brave looked to see Cordovin's mech approaching them.

While the mech approached the crash site, Cordovin can be heard laughing through the speakers.

Cordovin (By via Speakers): Very clever, but even the smartest apes can't compete with the intellect of man.

Cordovin said.

Ruby looks over to the Manta to see Maria repairing her prosthetic eyes as Oscar watches in concern, with Kouta helping Roland and Percival out with their minor injuries.

Maria: Come on, come on!

Maria said.

Kouta: Patience is key, Maria. When you learn patience, your eyes will be fixed in no time.

Kouta said, for Maria to patiently repair her prosthetic eyes while rushing it to be fixed.

Ruby then looks towards Cordovin with a determined expression and walks forward from Brave and Shadow helping her up, for Shadow to notice that his lover is about to do something reckless.

Shadow: Brave. Think you can help assist me on my plan, fix Maria and the Manta?

Brave: I can do both.

Shadow: Good. We need all the help we need now.

Brave: On it.

Brave replied.

Then, he fished out a Shadow Clone Energy-Item as he cloned into two similar Braves as one went to help with Maria's eyes and the Manta's repair, while the other followed Shadow to catch up with Ruby.


As we are about to reach Ruby, Qrow suddenly appeared taking his niece's hand.

Qrow: Ruby, stop!

Qrow said.

Ruby looks back to her uncle, still bearing her determined expression, for Qrow to gasp when he saw this. I nod at this for Ruby to acknowledge me, knowing she wants to do this. After her acknowledgement, she looked back at her uncle.

Ruby: I need you to trust me. And trust us.

Ruby said.

Qrow closes his eyes and ultimately relents as Ruby pulls her hand away. Then, she walks to the edge of the cliff and stands face to face with Cordovin's Mech. As Qrow watched on helplessly, I pat on his shoulders for Qrow to look at me as I gave him a nod before leaving his side to join her along with Brave.

As we stood by Rubes's side, the three of us are now standing face to face with the Mech piloted by Cordovin.

Cordovin (By via Speakers): Surrender for your crimes, and accept your punishment.

Cordovin said.

Ruby: No!

Ruby defiantly shouted.

Cordovin gasps in shock as Ruby and my friends look at her. As we all did, I spoke in telepathy with Brave, Dylan and Jacob.

Me (In Brave, Jacob and Dylan's Minds): Brave, you know what to do?

Brave (In Jacob, Dylan and my Minds): Oh yeah. Freeze the joints and ice the arm up. I know.

Me (In Brave, Jacob and Dylan's Minds): Alright. Jacob, Dylan? You ready to role on my signal?

Jacob (In Brave, Dylan and my Minds): We're in our Golden God modes thanks to our Gauntlets, my man!

Dylan (In Brave, Jacob and my's Minds): We're ready on your signal.

Me (In Brave, Jacob and Dylan's Minds): Excellent.

I said in thought.

After speaking telepathically with the three, I look back at the mech while looking at Ruby.

Ruby: We're going to Atlas. Bigger people than you have tried to stop us and failed, but we're supposed to be on the same side! We're supposed to use our powers to protect people, but you just use yours to look down on everyone!

Ruby said.

Cordovin ponders on Ruby's words.

Ruby: We didn't want to steal from you. We did it because you gave us no other choice! Now, I'm giving you one last chance to stand down and hear us out.

Ruby continued.

Me (In my Mind): Wow.... strong words, my dear.... Welp, it's my queue now.

I said in thought. 

Then, Rubes and Brave see me standing in front of Ruby as I fished out a pen, as I did something to transform it into its golden trident form with a lighter shade of blue to appear holding the three blades together to form a fork of the trident, as I pose with it, stating my statement, similar to Ruby's but different.

(A/N: This pose.)

Me: Listen well, Cordovin!!! And listen close! It is paramount that we must go to Atlas immediately, otherwise our foes will have us all extinguished! We must join forces, or else forever be her slaves and their slaves.

I said.

At the background, Apollonir and Haruto can be heard talking.

Haruto: He's not talking about what I think he's talking about?

Apollonir: I'm afraid so...

Qrow: Icepop.... 

Everyone watched in concern as Ruby and I tried to talk Cordovin out.

Me: So, today you stand with us... or... you STAND against me, Cordovin...

I finalized my speech.

After Ruby and I spoke up for everyone, there was a moment of silence as Cordovin was pondering about what we said. Then, she spoke;

Corodvin: I've heard enough....

(A/N: Music resumes here, slowly getting loud.)

Cordovin said.

With that being said, Cordovin then aims her arm cannon at Brave, Ruby and I, for our friends and allies to run over to us in panic.

Weiss: RUBY!!!


Weiss and Jon yelled, reaching out.

Qrow and Apollonir gained a look of horror on their faces as Cordovin fires up the arm cannon.

Just as the cannon is about to fire, Ruby, Brave and I used out semblances, and flew into the arm cannon, shocking everyone.

Cordovin: WHAT?!?!?!

Nora: THEY'RE NUTS!!!!!

The trio continued flying into the arm cannon as they got in range.

Jaune: The missile launcher springs out... but the raw dust gets locked in!

Jaune said.

Roland: If that happens, a huge chain reaction will occur inside the cannon, destroying it! 

Roland said.

Inside the arm cannon, Brave utilized Gashacon Sword in its icy mode as he utilized his finisher- 


- to launch a barrage of ice projectiles inside the cannon, piercing them through the cannon for the projectiles to get stuck in place once pierced. Once the deed is done, he used his semblance to create virus bombs materialized inside each of the projectiles, exploded by his command.

Brave: It's ready!

Me: Good!! Ruby, take aim!

Ruby: You got it!!

Ruby said as she plants Crescent Rose into the ground of the arm cannon, taking aim. 

Then, I telepathically spoke to Dylan and Jacob.

Me (In Dylan, Jacob and my Minds): Guys! It's go time!!!!

Dylan & Jacob (In their Minds and my Mind): Alright! It's go time!!

Outside, two golden energy balls rolled passed everyone in incredible speed, faster than a bullet as they flew towards the Mech's arm cannon. Once reached, they bounced off of each projectile that were protruding out, causing it the glow bright blue and gold, doing the same process like they did outside, but this time, they did it inside the cannon, too.

Back inside, Ruby, Brave and I watched as both Dylan and Jacob in their Super Sonic modes swooped passed us as they bounce off of every projectile, adding energy to them to add more power to the virus bombs. While they are at it, I aimed Parablade in its gun mode as I aimed it where Ruby is aiming at, for us to do this combo shot again, but this time, with three more attacks to be in the mix of things.

Jacob & Dylan: Super Gold-

Brave: - Virus...-

Ruby & Me: - Genius Gamer Sniper Flower-


Once we said our finisher and for it to be announced, the two super hedgehogs bounced into the last projectile as they flew towards the buildup of dust, Brave used his semblance as he slash a virus and ice energy slash at the same location where the two golden hedgehogs are flying towards, and for Ruby, and I to fire our combined shot at the same location being built up.

After firing our projectile, Brave conjured his angel wings and another set of wings made of Bugster virus as he flew out of the cannon, with me to turn Ruby and myself into a flurry of snow, flying back out from the cannon.

Suddenly, the arm cannon explodes, for the two energy balls consisting of Dyland and Jacob to fly out of the mech's shoulder as the arm cannon began to be covered up in ice while exploding numerous of times caused by the ice projectile-induced virus bombs.

Cordovin (By via Speakers): What?! No! NO!!!!!!!

Cordovin yelled in anger.

As I flew backwards with Ruby, I revert back to normal as my aura was beginning to run out, while falling unconscious since I protected Rubes from the impact and explosion caused by our combined attack.

Roland saw this as he summoned several Damashii spirits as they flew to us and carried us, to prevent me from falling straight down to my pending doom, carrying us back down onto the cliffside with the others, for Qrow and Apollonir to rush towards them as they watched them gently placing us down onto the ground.

Both Apollonir and Qrow carried their individuals into their arms to see if they are okay.

(A/N: Music slowly fades and ends here.)

After summoning them, Roland had the Damashiis to return to the Driver, for him to feel a pat on the back by Kouta in approval on what he did, for Roland to nod at Kouta.

Qrow: Ruby? Ruby!

Qrow said.

Ruby opens her eyes and smiles at her uncle.

Ruby: Told ya.

Ruby said.

Me: We got this in the bag, dad.... uncle qrow....

I said.

Apollonir and Qrow smiled at their response as they looked at each other with smiled on their faces.

Suddenly, the Atlesian Bullhead aka, The Atlesian Manta's engines were heard coming back online as it began to hover slightly above the ground as the other Brave managed to repair the Manta while fixing Maria's prosthetic eyes in which he managed to do so, as well.

Maria: Oh, don't tell me I missed it!

Maria said.

Brave: Heheh. Don't worry, I'll fill you in the whole thing once we get outta here.

Brave said.


3rd Person's POV:

The group consisting of Mitchell aka, Kamen Rider Vail Demons, Rachel, Tenka, Hiro, Blake and Yang in her Combined rider form consisting of Pallad and graphite's Level 99 forms are seen holding hands in solidarity as they stood their ground against Adam.

Adam: You knew you all couldn't win against me back at Beacon and Haven. What makes you think you can win now?

Adam asked.

Blake: I don't have a choice. I have people who actually care about me. So, i'm not dying now.

Tenka: And neither am I....

Mitchell/Vail: Neither do we.

Hiro: I'm not dying anytime soon...

Rachel: Not a request. So, no one's dying on my watch!

The five said.

Yang smiled at Blake, her boyfriend and her friends' words before glaring back at Adam.

Adam: You know, she made a promise to me once. That she'd always be at my side. Heh, and look how well she kept it.

Adam said.

Tenka: Oh yeah? Did she make that promise to you? Or to the person you were pretending to be with?

Tenka asked.

Then, there was a brief silence between the two groups.

Adam: So, I just wasn't good enough for you? 

Adam asked.

Blake: You know it's so much more than just that.

Mitchell: That's right. It's much more than this. So much more!!

Blake and Mitchell said.

Adam: I know you've made your choice... you all have... and I've made mine.

Adam said.

Just as everyone are about to take their defensive stances to resume the battle, a single round of applause and an evil laugh were heard, for everyone to look around to see who's clapping and laughing. While everyone was seen looking around, they suddenly heard footsteps coming from where they came from to get to the stone bridge, for them to look at that location to see Evol's Ultimate form, clapping, laughing and walking at the same time.

(A/N: Kamen Rider Evol - Ultimate Form.)

Evol: Now now, I see there's a party going on? And what is this I hear about Adam saying, "You've made your choice, you all have"? Well, Not everyone has made their choice, you see. Isn't that, Hiro?

Evol said and asked.

The group and Adam looked at Hiro as he is seen clenching his fist while looking at Evol, then slowly turning his attention at Adam, to Adam's confusion.

Evol: There it is.... all action, but no Thought of choice.

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The twelvth episode of the Sixth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. Hmmm... wonder what Evol meant when he said that. One way to find out is when we look into PART 2 which will be coming up shortly. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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