Volume 6: The Lady in the Shoe (PART 2)

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the PART 2 of the eleventh episode of the SIXTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

Mitchell (Vail): Now that I Six Vistamps with me... Maxus Demons Mk I... STAND!!!!!!

-D-D-D-D-D-Dominate Up! Batta! Neo Batta! Mogura! Scorpion! Condor! Anormalocaris! Genomix!-

3rd Person's POV:

As he looked on, Adam noticed that there is a shade of purple in a form of a pair of eyes in front of his own that just appeared out of nowhere for Adam to change his expression to a shock expression, for the group to look in confusion.

Adam: Y-you?!

Adam stutters in his remark.

Mitchell/???: Yes, Tarus... me...

Mitchell answered with his own voice with someone else's voice.

When Blake, Yang, Pallad, Tenka, Rachel and Hiro heard Mitchell say something but with a different voice, they turned to look at him to see that he has another pair of eyes that are completely purple in front of him, to everyone's shock and worry.

Yang: S-Silver Angel?

Blake: Mi-Mitchell???

Blake and Yang ask in worry.

Tenka: Mitchell???

Rachel: Mitch?

Tenka and Rachel ask in worry soon after.

Then, Mitchell slowly turns to the voices who called him as he reached his hands out to Blake, getting her hands off her politely and then pats her shoulder. After that, he soon got up as he slowly made his way towards Adam despite his major injuries on his back, for his dearest to grab his wrist by using her prosthetic arm.

Yang: Mitchell!! You're hurt!! Don't do thi-

Just as Yang was about to finish her urge to stop Mitchell, within less than a second, Mitchell was in front of her without even moving a foot, to her shock while she blushes.

Mitchell raised his hand that was being grabbed by his shocked blushing lover, to look at her and her robotic hand.

Mitchell/???: Tsk Tsk Tsk Tsk Tsk.... Mitchell, Mitchell, Mitchell... Whatever has Tarus done to your lover~?

Yang: Umm- wh-wh-whu-wh-wha-what?

Yang stuttered as she asked.

Then, Mitchell turned his head to look at Adam at the corner of his eye, with his pair of purple eyes to do the same which are a few centimeters in front of him.


(A/N: Music starts here. Repeat the music if you need to.)

Mitchell/???: You know, Tarus... the reason why I gave you that semblance... is because I had pity on you when you first had your scar... I even told you to use my semblance for good... but after I see what you did to his lover... from my previous host's wife and his three kids, I must admit~ she's kinda hot and definitely his type, and after what I have heard... You just made me had second thoughts in giving that semblance to you to amplify your current semblance...!!!

The voice said as he spouted every word from Mitchell's mouth.

Suddenly, Mitchell disappeared from out of nowhere to everyone's shock, for Adam to look around him swiftly to see where he is. While everyone is watching Adam swiftly looking for him, Mitchell suddenly appeared walking towards Adam, for Adam to swiftly look at Mitchell and began to use a portion of his semblance as he slashed Mitchell, only for the injured huntsman to disappear once again. Then, he appeared still walking towards Adam, but closer for Adam to use his range weapon to land a shot at him, but to no avail as Mitchell kept teleporting as he walked.

Adam growled as he sheathed his katana back into its hilt as he looked around, searching for Mitchell, or so he thought it was Mitchell.

Adam: ENOUGH GAMES!!! If you want to be a coward like Blake and the others, RUN LIKE THE RAT YOU ARE!!!! But if you are so heroic as to face me, FIGHT ME LIKE A SILVER WING YOU ARE AND THE BEING THAT SHOWED ITS FACE TO ME BEFORE!!!!

He yelled.

Tenka, Rachel, Blake, Yang and Hiro watched as Adam yelled as he still kept looking for Mitchell, where ever he is. While looking, Hiro pointed behind Adam as they notice Mitchell behind Adam. Observant as Adam is, he swiftly turn around as he tried doing a slash to slash Mitchell, who's behind him, only for Mitchell to grab his blade, to everyone and Adam's shock.

Adam looked at the way Mitchell grabbed his katana as he suddenly had some flashbacks from back then. Taking a look back, he suddenly knew why Mitchell is talking like that and knew that only one person or one thing can actually hold a weapon like that, in which Mitchell is doing the same thing. After recollecting what he saw and hear that time, his eyes widened as he looked at Mitchell with another pair of eyes in front of him.

Adam: You... I know you... you're not Silver Wings.... you're the thing back at the Mines...

Mitchell/???: Exactly...

Mitchell said with someone's voice.

Then, he used his free hand, filled with red, blue and bronze-coloured energy to do an uppercut while letting go of his blade, causing Adam to fly back, landing onto the ground, several centimeters away from the small group, to their shock.

Yang: Uhh... did you guys have any idea that he can do that?

Rachel: No.

Tenka: Definitely not. And those eyes.

Blake: Yes, I noticed. Something's wrong...

Blake said.

Adam got back up as he looked at Mitchell having some kind of dark aura that he and the small group have never seen before. After getting back up, he began to have a serious look on his face, knowing things are not going according to the way he wanted things to be.

Adam: So,... after all these years.... you decided to appear before me... in this low-life for a Wingless child!

Mitchell/???: I have my reasons why, Tarus. And to be upfront with you right now, My first mistake I really regret, is having to give you, "A Portion" of my semblance to you after seeing what I just saw and heard what I hear. And my second mistake... is for letting you live on.

Adam: Wait... a portion?

Mitchell/???: Precisely. I only gave you a portion of my semblance to you as I knew you would try something like this one day. And that day, was at the Fall of Beacon,.... Haven.... and now...

Rachel: W-Wait... you've been watching us?

Rachel asked.

Adam looks back for Mitchell/??? to look at Rachel.

Mitchell/???: At every moment and every second of it. I even saw Adam's little message to Corsac and Fennec. Which explains the attempted murder. And I noticed something else, too.

He said.

Adam looks back at Mitchell.

Mitchell/???: When are you going to tell Blake you are unwell, Tarus?

He asked.

Adam's eyes widened as he knows something isn't right with himself, for Blake to question.

Blake: Unwell? W-what's going on?

Adam: Yes... my insides felt extremely weak and  my mobility is not like what it was used to be... You have something to do with this, do you?!

Mitchell/???: Hah! Don't pin this on me, you ignorant fool! It's your fault that you ignored my warning about my semblance. That semblance can cut through anything when you use it, but there is a flaw when you use it which you IGNORANTLY ignored... and that's your body will deteriorate, internally. You may physically appears young, that's for sure... but your internal organs and body functions won't... they would have weakened to the point where you continued using my semblance I gave you... the more you use it, you will eventually lose your life,... yourself.

He said.

Adam looked in shock at this as he now knows ignoring his warning, is a very bad idea. The small group were in shocked as well after the voice coming from Mitchell explained everything. Then, Mitchell is seen clapping one time as he spoke, once again.

Mitchell/???: Now that I am officially done talking, I would like to get in on the action. Besides~ It's been a while since I fought.... a long long while as it seems since those two humans and a deadman took hold of me... including one particular deadman...

Adam: But you can't fly! I slashed his wings off.

Mitchell/???: Oh, are you an IDIOT, Tarus?

Adam: What di-

Mitchell/???: NOBODY CARES!!!!

The voice boomed out from Mitchell's mouth.

Mitchell/???: And you know why nobody cares and you're an idiot? Well, watch...

The voice said.

Adam and the small group (A/N: They did listen into their conversation.) watched as Mitchell took a deep breath. After that, they witnessed Mitchell's back bleeding some more, with Mitchell not letting out a single scream, to everyone's shock.

Then, Hiro noticed something protruding and growing out of Mitchell's back as he watched carefully as whatever it is began to grow bigger.

Hiro: Guys... something's growing out of Mitchell's back.

Blake: Huh?

Yang: What?

Tenka: Hopefully somethi-

Rachel: Guys... look...

Rachel said as she points one of her two spears at Mitchell.

The group looked at Mitchell as he began to grow back his wings, to their shock and Adam's big shock, as well.

Adam: WHAT?!?! That's not possible!

Tenka: Whoa!! Never knew Silver-winged faunuses can regrow their wings!

Blake: That's why they're rare and why Mitchell said he and his family were the last of their kind... it's because of their regeneration properties... Now I remember of their history people used to tell me.

Tenka: Is that so? Then give us a small debrief about them, my dear?

Blake: Silver-winged faunuses are meant to be extremely rare due to their extinction. I'd say they must have been hunted for their regeneration capabilities. They were meant to suppose to have lived long, if it weren't for their extinction. Always hunted for their wings and their feathers to make weapons and outfits...

Hiro: those people back then.... are SICK!!!!!!!!!!

Tenka: No wonder Jon looked so pissed off with Wendolyn the other day back at the festival. Welp, that sort of explains it.

Blake: I...  never knew his family had to go through so much to keep a low profile...

Blake said with the group commenting on this.

While Adam and the group witnessed Mitchell's wings completely growing back, the voice inhale and exhale to relax himself as he did Mitchell a brief favor.

Mitchell/???: Now, you don't have to worry about your wings since they're back on you, Mitchell.

The voice said.

Then, he looked at Adam.

Mitchell/???: And as for you,... it's time to get things started... for I will be the one to crush you first, then them!

(A/N: Music ends here.)

The voice boomed.

Suddenly, a black fog emerged from the purple eyes' surroundings as it formed something in front of Mitchell's face. Then the fog and the eyes slowly levitate down onto Mitchell's waistline as it formed a Driver, specially for him.


(A/N: Demons Driver.)

After the Driver is seen on Mitchell, he then fished out some kind of stamps with the stamp having some details based on a Spider and Beetle (Kabuto) from the Driver's holders found on the sides as he activated them.



(A/N: Spider and Kabuto Vistamps.)

Once activated, he stamps both Stamps on top of the Driver, activating its transformation sequences.



After stamping the top, he soon stamped the Spider stamp onto the screen part of the Driver-


- followed by the Kabuto stamp, but he paused there for a moment, to everyone's confusion.

???: What is it, Mitchell?

Mitchell: Oh nothing... like what my Team Leader always say before he transforms....

Mitchell looks at Adam, as he spoke.

Mitchell: henshin....

He then stamped the Kabuto stamp onto the screen hard, initiating the transformation.


As the transformation has initiated, a Spider and a Kabuto appeared levitating and flying around Mitchell as they began to spin around him fast as the transformation began.

-Fukaku, Hakai! Ochiru, Sekai! Kiki, Kikikaikai! Kamen Rider. Vail Demons!-

(A/N: Mitchell's Rider Form. Basically it's a fusion of Vail and Demons. It's basically Demons with Vail's features. So, ensure Vail's mouth mask, the pipe at the right side and the Kabuto Horn on the left side are visible on the form, the form's right shoulder armour is fused with Vail's right shoulder shield armour combined. Take note that Mitchell will be using this form as armour which will be stated below.)

Once after the transformation is complete, everyone looked in shock that Mitchell is now donning in some kind of armour based on a Spider (Demons) and Kabuto (Vail), for Adam to ready his weapons.

Mitchell on the other hand clenched his as he readied himself to strike. Then, the voice spoke up again.

Mitchell/???: I believe I haven't introduced myself back then... since we have a captive audience here. My name is Vail. And I'm here... to reclaim what's mine...


(A/N: Music starts here. Repeat the music till the fight finishes if you need to.)

Vail revealed himself as he said this.

After he introduced himself, a battle mask (Dynastinae Lung) appears as it transforms to cover its mouth with a metallic pipe to slowly connects itself onto the right side of the mask and face, locking itself into place as Mitchell began to run towards Adam, for Adam to notice this as he began to shoot a series of shots at Mitchell, for the Silver-Winged faunus to use a combined ability of his Demons and Vail's right armour modules as he blocked and absorbed all of Adam's shots by using the armour module which appeared to be wing parts of a Kabuto combined with details of a spider web with a spider symbol on the shoulder armour as a shield, to Adam's shock.

Seeing that shooting is no use, Adam yelled as he rushed in towards Mitchell as he delivered a flurry of his slashes combined with his semblance in the attempts to break his shoulder armour, but to no avail as the armour kept absorbing all of Adam's attacks.

Adam: WHAT?!?! That's-

Vail (Demons Driver): Pathetic! Did you forget that your semblance and mine are one, almost the same?!

Vail said though the Driver.

Then, with Adam swinging to deliver another slash, Mitchell swayed his right arm hard to his right for the shield module to follow the arm's motion, to deliver a hard slash to the right on Adam, for him to be sent flying backwards, to everyone's shock and to Mitchell's shock.

Mitchell looks down at the Driver.

Mitchell: Wow... never knew you... well, i mean "WE" could do that.

Vail (Demons Driver): Of course. I've been laying dormant inside you after meeting up with Tarus (Adam), just so as to recuperate myself, my strength and my powers back. What you witnessed just now is merely the beginning of the full extent of my power of both Demons and me combined to one.

Mitchell: I... I see.

Mitchell implied with a convinced look on his face.

They soon heard a groan as Mitchell and Vail looked to see Adam getting up from that slash attack delivered by the form's shield that threw back all of Adam's slashes and shots that were absorbed as he started to run towards you with his katana in hand, ready to slash.

Mitchell: So, what else can you do?

Vail (Demons Driver): Oh~ for payback after what Adam did to you, your pretty beautiful significant other and your friends, I can do plenty! Here, try this.

Vail said.

As he said that, two black fogs emerged in front of the Driver, for Mitchell to look down as they materialize quickly, revealing two stamps of a similar-looking insect but are based on different beings. Mitchell then grabs them as he examines them.

Mitchell: So, what are they?

Vail (Demons Driver): Duck right!!!

Vail said.

Mitchell looks up to see Adam still running but is now in front of him as he tried to slash him, but to no avail as he ducked right turning around for Adam to end up behind the Silver-Winged Faunus.

(A/N: Batta and Neo batta Vistamps.)

Vail (Demons Driver): Now, to be brief about but I'll explain in full later. These are Vistamps, they're trinkets that transforms people with Inner-Demons into Demonic-like Riders, such as myself and a few others to wield the power of our own rider forms and/or other riders, by the use of creature power, simultaneously.

Vail explained in brief.

Mitchell: Huh? Like Shadow's Zi-O gimmicks. Well, that's cool. So, what do these two Vistamps do?

Vail (Demons Driver): A moment to control you there.

Mitchell: eh?

Mitchell squeaked in his 'eh' as he felt a spiritual surge within his body as Vail has fully taken over his body and mobility, for him to hear Adam letting out a loud scream as he tried slashing Mitchell again, only for Vail to control his host as he had him duck again, to dodge his slash, with Adam to end up at Vail's right side.

Seeing this as a quick opportunity, Vail used Mitchell's right leg to kick him  further away from him with Vail's superdemon strength as they spun 360 after the kick as he had Mitchell regain his body and mobility soon after, for Mitchell to shake the sensation off while holding up the Stamps like he used to before Vail took over.

Mitchell: Whhhoooaa... Was that-?

Vail (Demons Driver): Possession? Yes. Good thing, too.

Mitchell: (Looks at the fallen Adam) Well, I owe you one. Anyway, continue?

Vail (Demons Driver): Well, next time. Anyway, these stamps are the Batta and Neo Batta Vistamps. Batta Vistamp is based on Kamen Rider and the Neo Batta Vistamp is based on Zero-One.

Mitchell: I see.

Vail (Demons Driver): Welp, give it a shot. But first you have to push the sides of the Driver to unleash their powers.

Mitchell: Uhhh.... okay?

Mitchell said.

He looked down as he sees the sides of the Driver are movable. So, he used his knuckles to push the sides of the Driver in a released it, for him to hear the Driver say one word;


Mitchell: So now what?

Vail (Demons Driver): Do the usual thing you did for your Spider and Kabuto Vistamps, of course. Ensure it's twice, though.

Vail explained.

Mitchell: But...

Vail (Demons Driver): Hey, I know what I said. But to be frank,... the last person who wielded my power is the only who can do that due to some kind of bloodline which explains why his three kids can transform. But seeing that I stumbled upon you after I left... and studied your insides,... I could make you an exception so,... you won't be slowing down for a very long time.

Mitchell: Oh...kay? That's weirdly... cool of you.

Vail (Demons Driver): Mhm. Now what are you waiting for? Adam's getting up.

Vail said.

Mitchell looked at where Vail kicked Adam, for him to see Adam getting up while charging up his semblance. 

Listening to what Vail has told him, Mitchell pressed the Batta Vistamp on the top and on the screen of the Driver, acquiring its power. Then, he repeated the same process for the Neo Batta Vistamp to acquire its power, too. After stamping both Vistamps, the Driver initiated the transformation.

-Dominate Up! Batta! Genomix!-


-Dominate Up! Neo Batta! Genomix!-

As the transformation initiated, Mitchell kept looking down as he noticed his lower torso and legs glowing. While watching, Adam saw this as an opportunity as he dashed towards Mitchell, in the attempts to slash him, but this time, he's going for his head, but to no avail as his blade is now being grabbed by Mitchell's left Genomix Batta leg, with his lower torso and his left leg to resemble the hind leg of a grasshopper in resemblance to Kamen Rider 1 in terms of his armour, and his right leg to resemble the hind leg of a Neo grasshopper in resemblance to Kamen Rider Zero-One in terms of his armour.

Mitchell looked at his Genomix leg armour made of Kamen Riders 1 and Zero-One, and the hind legs of different grasshoppers as he sees his left grasshopper-armoured leg grabbing hold onto Adam's katana, not letting it go, for Adam to struggle with his sword.

(A/N: Batta and Neo Batta Genomix. Description stated above.)

Vail (Demons Driver): Well?

Mitchell: Heheh! I'm impressed.

Vail (Demons Driver): Glad you're impressed.

Adam: What trickery is this?! Let go of me!!!

Vail (Demons Driver): Don't mind if I pitch in? You could really use some rest after what Adam has done to you...

Mitchell: Well...

Mitchell stopped halfway as he looked at Adam, still struggling to remove his blade from his armoured feet.

Mitchell: Eh, why not. I needed some rest after Adam slashed off my wings. So, do what you have to do.

Mitchell said.

Vail (Demons Driver): Very well, then.

Vail said.

Then, Vail began to possess Mitchell again, causing the armour on his head to cover his entire face as Vail began to take over. Once the possession was complete, the head's eye-visors turn purple as he looked at Adam, emotionlessly.

Mitchell (Vail): You want me to let go? Very well, then.

Vail said.

Vail's eyes glowed as he moved his left leg close to his chest for Adam to follow the motion as a powerful kick and recoil sent Adam flying, with his back to hit against the mountains close to the trees. Vail lowered his leg as he watched Adam fall back onto the stone bridge, with his semblance rendering in the process, for Vail to chuckle at this in the process.

Adam got back up whilst holding his gun and his katana, letting out a loud yell as he activated his semblance as he deliver several shots and a series of slashes, only for Vail to use his shield armour and his legs to deflect and absorb his attacks. Then, he squats to gain momentum as he used Adam's absorbed projectiles and slashes to conjure a powerful jump, allowing him to jump really, high, dodging Adam's series of slashes and shots, to Adam's shock.

In the air, Vail presses the Vistamps onto the screen while pressing the sides of the Driver again, utilizing the Vistamps' finisher as he began to descend in top speed.

-Batta Neo Batta Vailing Demons Destroyer-

Down at the stone bridge, Adam looks up to see Vail falling towards him at top speed, for him to quickly sheath his blade back into his hilt as he raised it above his head. Not a moment too soon, Vail reached Adam as his armoured feet reach Adam's sheathed weapon, causing a huge shockwave to emit and for Adam to sink down into a hole created by the impact, causing Adam's semblance to be rendered more.

Then, Vail jumps backwards to get away from Adam as he got out from the hole created on the ground in rage as he shot Vail, only for Vail to absorb his shots yet again, for Mitchell to somehow take back his body as he has a suggestion.

Mitchell: We can't keep this up!

Vail (Demons Driver): Well, I can do this all day but... if you have something in mind, say it!

Mitchell: I need more Vistamps! We need more power!

Vail (Demons Driver): What?! You can't be serious. You do know that there are limitations to what the Driver and I can do. You can only use one or two vistamps at the time unless the ability of you to use more than two vistamps can be unlocked and when I say that you're ready.

Mitchell: Then unlock it!

Vail (Demons Driver): I can't! It'll risk your ENTIRE body to deteriorate!

Mitchell: Then in other words you're a chicken!

Vail (Demon Driver): I'm telling you, if you go on with your plan, you're g- wait... did you just call me a CHICKEN!?!?!?!?!

Mitchell: Yes, I did. Cause' this is a dire situation, and you're just a chicken in not giving me those powers as a last resort. Or... you're just a chicken in not showing them to me. 

Mitchell said.

Then, Mitchell made chicken nosies for Vail to hear, to his annoyance as his eye-visors turn dark violet, blending to bright violet in the process as he had enough of this.

Vail (Demons Driver): How dare you call me a chi- Oh, I'LL SHOW YOU!!!!!! DEMONS DRIVER FORBIDDEN PROTOCOLS UNLOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mitchell: GOOD!! Then go for it!

Mitchell said after Vail said that he'll show his true powers to him in irritance of Mitchell's mockery, summoning four more Vistamps to appear from several black fogs. Then, Vail took over Mitchell once again as he presses the sides of the Driver several time and pressing the stamps onto both the top and the screen of the Driver, activating the Stamps' power.


-Dominate Up! Mogura! Genomix!-


-Dominate Up! Condor! Genomix!-


-Dominate Up! Scorpion! Genomix!-


-Dominate Up! Anormalocaris! Genomix!-

(A/N: Mogura, Condor, Scorpion, Anormalocaris Vistamps.)

After activating three more Vistamps, Vail watched as his left arm, right arm, his back and the lower torso of his back are equipped with Anormalocaris gauntlets, Condor wings, with his Silver Wings to open up as they spread out evenly as the feathers of the Condor Genomix wings are seen combined with Mitchell's Silver wings and a Scorpion tail which is equipped with Mogura Drill Genomix.

Vail slowly looks at Adam after watching himself being equipped by his own powers, sensing that his host is not feeling a thing, to his surprise.

Mitchell: See?! Told you we got this.

Mitchell (Vail): Whoa... well now... Not bad. To tell you the truth I'm surprised you pulled this off. I'm not sure how you manage to withstand the side effects of more than two Vistamps or how you did it... but we'll let it go under the bridge, for now as we got this abusive being for a Leader to take care of. 

Mitchell: It would be my pleasure.

Mitchell said.

Then, the fight resumed when Vail blocked Adam's katana by using the Anormalocaris right arm module and his kabuto spider shield, absorbing his slash while using his silver wings to create a purple cyclone, disorientating Adam's vision, causing him to lower his ground to give Vail the opportunity to strike, using his scorpion tail module and mogura drill module to give him a series of slashes by via the mogura drill to represent scorpion tail genomix's stinger.

While Mitchell aka, Vail is seen fighting against Adam with no difficulty, the small group looked in shock and amazement as to see how Mitchell or that thing is fighting against Adam so well.

Rachel: How in the world is he-

Tenka: It must have been whatever that's taking over him. It would seem that-

Pallad: They're working together...

Hiro & Graphite: It seem that way.

Hiro: Huh- WHOA!

Hiro looked back and jump to see Graphite beside Hiro.

Hiro: Graphite!

Hiro exclaimed after getting a shock from the latter that arrived.

Pallad: Graphite?

Blake: Graphite.

Rachel: Where did you even come from?

Tenka & Hiro: Yeah.

Graphite: I noticed some of you are missing so I went to look for you guys. That is until I heard a commotion which lead me here.

Graphite explained.

Tenka: Ah, fair enough.

Graphite: So, what do we got?

Pallad: Adam unleashed something from within Mitchell which made him wished he never ripped his wings off and tried killing Blake.

Pallad said.

Graphite: He did what?!

Graphite exclaimed.

Meanwhile, Adam gave Vail a series of shots and slashes, in which he absorbs and deflects some of them, for him to charge at Adam as he gave him a series of punches and jabs by via his anormalocaris Genomix gauntlet modules, followed by a drill stinger thrust into Adam's side by using Scorpion Genomix tail module and Mogura Genomix drill module, along with him jumping high up in the air and landing back onto the ground, striking Adam with series of kicks by via Batta and Neo batta Genomix leg modules and finally, launching a series of purple and silver feathers via his Silver Wings and his Condor Genomix wing modules.

Adam took all the hits as Vail's attack and agile speed is too great for him to catch up, for his aura to render even more. Then to finalize the onslaught, Vail sidesteps as he threw Adam further away behind him by whacking him away by using his Scorpion Genomix tail module, for Adam to roll onto the ground while holding onto his weapons, stopping at the edge of the bridge, to everyone still watching in shock.

Mitchell (Vail): What's wrong? Giving up so soon? Or are your insides too weak to catch up with my powers and strengths?

Vail taunts.

Adam growled while lying on the ground. Then, he soon got up as he let out a loud yell as he did a large powerful slash as long as three cars as it flew towards Vail, for Vail to use his right arm to punch downwards, striking the ground which bringing the slash down with it, creating cracks around the area where Vail is standing as he broke the slash in two, with one going into the waterfall, and the other half of the slash to fly towards the small group, to Mitchell's worry.

Mitchell (In Vail's Mind): The other slash is flying towards our friends and my love! We ne-

Mitchell (Vail): Take a seat, and trust on your Dragonic Lover.

Mitchell (In Vail's Mind): Eh?

Mitchell questions.

Vail turns his head slightly to show the that the slash hit them, or did it? When the smoke clears, Mitchell watched as Yang is still standing as she is seen with her right arm which is her prosthetic arm, thrusted into the ground as she deliberately destroyed the other half of the slash.

(A/N: Music ends/pauses here.)

Then, she got back up on her feet from that punch, revealing to Mitchell and the group consisting of Blake, Hiro, Tenka and Rachel that she is transforming into her Fusion Rider form with the similar features, but this time, with additional features of her arms to show that they're Dragonic and scaly as armour, along with an extra vail skirting coloured crimson red guren to be found below her form's vail skirting as it trails down to her legs, five centimeters close to her ankles, the black colouring on the form's legs are replaced to crimson guren dragon scales, a tail extends out from behind, a crimson guren dragon is shown to be with the two golden dragons mystically drawn onto the armour and finally crimson horns with gold tips can be seen on her head and a part of a dragon's jaw with teeth can be shown on top and below of Yang's face to give it the Guren Graphite look to show that Graphite has fused together with Yang and Pallad, to everyone's surprise and Vail to nod, knowing that this will eventually happen.

(A/N: Merge these two images together on Yang's new Rider form. Description stated above.)

Tenka, Rachel, Blake, Hiro: ... whoa...

Mitchell (In Vail's Mind): whoa, look how my little dragon has grown~

Mitchell (Vail): Heh. Told ya.

Mitchell (In Vail's Mind): Well, Vail. Remind me to never doubt you again...

Mitchell (Vail): Noted.

Vail said.

After that surprise appearance of Yang's new form, Yang went up to Vail aka, Mitchell as she used her right hand to hold onto Mitchell's hand as she held it tight.

Yang (Pallad and Graphite's voices mixed with hers): Leave . all of us . Alone. This is your last chance.

Yang, Pallad and Graphite said sternly in unison.

Adam stares back at the two standing up against him as he grips the hilt of his sword again. While the three (Mitchell, Yang and Adam) are in a stare off, Yang's left arm began to tremble slightly.

Adam chuckles a little as he noticed this.

Adam: Do you really believe that? Or are you just trying to scafe me away so you won't have to die trying to protect her?

Adam asks as he mocks her.

Yang got angry upon hearing this, with her eyes glowing bright crimson (Left eye), red (Left eye) and blue (Right eye) to indicate that Pallad and Graphite are pissed at what Adam said to Yang relaying the question to Blake as well as Yang in her new form is preparing to fight Adam again, despite of her hand still trembling.

Suddenly, Blake takes Yang's trembling hand with her own, for Tenka, Rachel and Hiro to do the same as they went to Blake and Yang's sides as they held their hands with them.

Blake: She's not protecting me, Adam. And I'm not protecting her,

Blake said.

Adam glares back at the group angrily.

Tenka: The thing you didn't see in us is...

Tenka stopped halfway as he look at his lover, for Mitchell to do the same and looked at Rachel and Hiro as they all look at each other, then back to Adam.

Hiro: Yeah... we're protecting each other.

Hiro continued where Tenka left off, for Tenka to smile at this.

The group stands hand in hand in solidarity as they glared at Adam, together,-

-unbeknownst to them and Adam, someone is lurking in the trees, readying to initiste the plan.

???: Hmmm.... and thus, everything is going according to plan....

The voice said in the trees.

???: Now... it is time, for the big reveal...

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The PART 2 of the eleventh episode of the Sixth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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