Volume 6: The Lady in the Shoe

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the PART 1 of the eleventh episode of the SIXTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

Mitchell/??? (???): Hmph.... Looks like it's up to me now.

Punches the gong hard to make it sound off real loud, leaving a web and huge cracks on the gong.

3rd Person's POV:

Cordovin is seen controlling the Giant Atlesian Mech, which trudges through the ocean, pursuing after the Manta Maria, Weiss, Tenka and Kouita took before.

Weiss (By via Comms): You're joking, right? You want us to fight that thing?!

Weiss asked through the comms.

Ruby: We've fought monsters before. This is just a tiny old lady... with one very big robot...

Ruby said to Weiss.

Cordovin: You little spider-roaches thought you could creep your way to Atlas?! Well, let's see how your resolve holds out against the might of the Atlesian Army!

Cordovin said as she prepares herself to take down the Manta with a missile that emerged out from a slot on the Arm Cannon. Then, it soon fired and tracked the Manta down, but just as it was about to it the Manta, it was suddenly put to a halt with the missile exploding harmlessly just behind it.

Witnessing that one of her missiles were destroyed, Cordovin turns to see Ruby with with her Crescent Rose and Shadow with his Parablade in its Gun Mode as they lowered their weapons, glaring at Cordovin while the other Huntsmen and Huntresses get ready to fight.

Cordovin: So be it!!!!!!

Cordovin yelled, preparing to blast a shot at Ruby, Shadow and the others as several rotary slots on and inside the cannon began to rotate in opposite directions to charge up a specific type of dust  to blast at them.

Weiss, Maria, Tenka and Kouta see Cordovin doing so in shock as she was about to blast a missile at their friends and allies.

Weiss: Dive!

Tenka: Quickly!

Weiss unbuckles her seatbelt and gets off her seat while Tenka is seen pressing buttons to open the Manta door that was close to him while Maria dives in to land the ship. As she pilots the Manta to head towards the others, Weiss approached the Manta door which is now opened by Tenka, with her Myrtenaster in hand.

Then, Tenka watched as Weiss jumps out of the Manta as she raised her weapon, creating a rock wall and protecting the group from Cordovin's Ice Dust Attack. Soon after, Tenka jumped out, following Weiss as they are now on the ground with the group.

Oscar: That was close.

Dalthale: A really really close one at that.

Both Oscar and Dalthale said.

Ruby: We need to figure out how to stop Cordovin and protect the airship until we do.

Ruby said.

Jaune: Let's give her more targets to focus on.

Jaune suggested.

Nora: You mean us, don't you?

Nora asked.

Dylan: Guys... I think Jaune is onto something here.

Jacob: Yeah. Think about it, you guys. Look at that hunk of Eggman-like of a junk for an invention they made? It's not designed for small enemies. It's probably meant for Giant Grimm.

Dylan: Or something gigantic like Metal Madness aka, Mecha Sonic.

Jacob gasped out loud in shock for everyone to look at him.

Jacob: You fought Mecha Sonic at your world, too?!

Dylan: Yeah! He had another Mecha Sonic after me.

Jacob: WHOA!!!! Me too. Did they fuse together to fight against Sonic and you?

Dylan: Oh my god, how did you know?

Jacob: Because my version and Mecha sonic did the same, too!

Dylan & Jacob: OHOOOHOoo~ Right!!!

Both the hedgehogs exclaimed as they gave each other a high-five, talking about their universe versions of their mecha-selves and sonics combining and turning into a huge giant robot, until Shadow interrupted them, knowing that now, it isn't the time for recalling about their battles yet.

Shadow: Uuuuh, guys. Hate to ruin the moment but... you two are going off-topic for a moment there.

Shadow said.

The two hedgehogs look at Shadow, then to each other.

Dylan & Jacob: Oh. Right,... sorry.

Shadow: No no, it's fine. I know you have your moments but, now.... wait a minute...

Jacob: Yeah?

Dylan: Hmm?

Ruby: Shadow, you got something?

Ruby, Jacob and Dylan asked.

Then, Shadow snapped his fingers, as he just realized and thought of something.

Shadow: That's it! Jacob, Dylan! What you're talking about just now. You're geniuses.

Dylan & Jacob: Huh?

Everyone: Huh?

Shadow: Guys guys! Hear me out. Dylan, Jacob. You said you faced two robots. One resembling to a friend of yours-

Dylan & Jacob: Sonic.

Shadow: Yes, and the other resembling to you guys, right?

Dylan & Jacob: Yes.

Shadow: And you fought a giant robot made of a fusion of those two, right?

Dylan: Metal Madness.

Jacob: Metal Overlord.

Shadow: Right right. Maybe, since you two have fought something bigger than that robot we are about to fight, maybe you both can like,.. advice on how to take Cordovin's Robot down.

Shadow said as he looked at the group standing before him.

Jacob: Actually, not a bad idea.

Neon: Yeah, this can work.

Takeru: We have two giant-robot-killing professionals here so,... why not, let's hear from them.

Weiss: That's... actually not a bad idea.

Dylan: Yeah.

Roland: That's a wise thought, Shadow.

Shadow: Heheh. Why not? Since they both have the experiences, they could share their own thoughts and their knowledge on how to fight that thing.

Zero Dragfall: Alright then. Let's hear what they have to say.

Shadow: Dylan. Jacob. Say your magic.

Shadow said.

Both Hedgehogs nod as they continued.

Jacob: So, as we were saying... and also, Jaune was saying as well before we side tracked for a moment, again think about this. It's not designed for small enemies. It's probably meant for Giant Grimm that come in from deeper waters.

Dylan: So, in our experiences, as in me and Jacob.

Jacob: Mhm.

Dylan: We must all use our size into an advantage.

Jaune: Right. And we just have to use this advantage carefully, and we just have to be smart.

Jaune said.

The two hedgehogs turned to face Jaune, raising each of their hands.

Dylan & Jacob: Exactly. Up top!

Dylan & Jacob said to Jaune, for the three to give each other a high-five.

Then, Ruby places her fingers to her ear to activate her comms to communicate with Maria who's piloting the airship.

Ruby: Maria, can you keep the ship out of harm's way?

Ruby ask Maria through the comms.

Maria: They can take my driver's license, but I won't let them take this ship!

Maria said.

Ren, Hikari & Shitsu: Very reassuring....

Ren, Hikari and Shitsu said.

Oscar: I'll be more useful if I go with her. From up high, I can try to spot a weakness.

Oscar said.

Qrow smiled.

Qrow: Well, he's not the only one who can grab the bird's eye view. Apollo?

Apollonir: We'll be doing the same thing you're doing, Oscar.

Qrow and Apollonir said.

Weiss turns to face Ruby.

Weiss: You said you needed me on the ground?

She asked.

Ruby nervously smiled.

Ruby: Not exactly.

Ruby said.

While the team is still strategizing, Cordovin who's in the huge mech keeps an eye on their current location keenly, when suddenly, her eyes widened as the group splits into four groups.

Jaune, Nora, Ren, Roland, Neon, Hiro and Katie are seen running down the left path along the cliff.

Haruto, Pallad, Graphite, Sougo, Eiji, Ankh, Ryosuke and Jay running at the right path along the cliff.

Maria flies the Bullhead with Kouta, Apollonir, Reiko, Grim, Alex, Jon, Emily, Wendolyn, Lazarus, Tailor, Zero Dragfall, Jacob, Kazuto, Percival, Jackie, Dalthale, Takeru, Hikari, Dylan, Striker and Hana to be on board.

And finally Ruby, Qrow and Neji carrying Richard, and Shitsu by the use of his summond mechanical arms flew straight up into the air using her semblance, his corvid form and his use of his jets found on his leg in his kikai rider form, respectively.

Then, Ruby reforms from her semblance and fires her Crescent Rose, cracking the Mech's windshield, causing Cordovin to growl, for her to launch a volley of missiles at Ruby's location by via the Mech's right cannon arm that stores tons of missiles, as well. Ruby soon lands on a tree branch and uses her semblance to dodge the missiles, for her to reform and began running and jumping along with the missiles before free-falling down to the ocean after dodging the missiles with an incoming wave now frozen by Weiss for Ruby to slide along with it.

Ruby: Let's go!

Ruby said to Weiss.

Weiss also slides off the frozen wave before using Myrtenaster to freeze small patches of ice for her and Ruby to leap on towards the mech. As Cordovin keeps her attention on them, her mech is suddenly struck by a stream of flames and a volley of clones, slashing the mech away by the use of his belt sword powered by different types of dust wielded by each clone.

Neji: HEY! Over here!

Neji said.

Cordovin (By via Speakers): WHAT?!

Cordovin exclaimed, looking over to Neji's group being carried by his mechanical arms summoned by his semblance as he kept flying around the mech as Shitsu and Richard continued bombarding the mech with their semblances and their attacks, with Neji to do the same by aiming his summoned AK-47s at the mech at he began to fire them at it.

Meanwhile on the ground, Nora turned to her group.

Nora: And you said it wasn't beach season!

She said.

Jaune, Nora, Ren, Roland, Neon, Hiro and Katie then took cover behind three boulders, for Nora and Katie to take cover at the furthest boulder ahead of the two. Then, Katie transformed to her Zi-O Fourze armour and Nora aimed her weapon at the mech as they individually shot their round (Nora's weapon) or rocket (Katie's Zi-O - Fourze Armour) at it, only for a hexagonal shield pattern appeared protecting Cordovin's Mech, doing no damage to it and to her.

Cordovin laughed a little and asked;

Cordovin (By via Speakers): Surely you knew Atlas was the father of hard-light Dust, or do lesser Kingdoms simply lack proper education?

Cordovin charges up her mech's arm cannon again, for it to fire Rock Dust, this time, forcing Jaune's group to abandon their cover behind the boulders.

Jaune: Cordo just activated her shields!

Jaune said.


On the Manta Airship,

Oscar: I saw that. We need to find whatever's generating it.

Oscar said.

Ruby (By via Comms): You know, in video games, the weakspot's usually on the back of the giant boss!

Weiss (By via Comms): Ruby, this isn't a game!

Weiss said.

Ruby (By via Comms): I'm just trying t- LOOK OUT!!!

Ruby said, but then exclaimed.

Back at the Battle,

Cordovin's Mech is seen stomping at a part of the ocean, unbeknownst to her, Qrow and Apollonir were flying around with Qrow being in his avian form.

Cordovin (By via Speakers): You are ants! You are lower than ants!

Cordovin yelled.

As Qrow and Apollonir flew through the clouds, Qrow transforms back into his human form and takes out Harbinger's Scythe form, and for Apollonir to take out Dragon Proudia. Both propelled themselves forward, grappling onto the giant Mech from behind.

Cordovin: AH! What was that?!

She asked, looking back inside the Mech's cockpit.

Outside the Mech, Qrow and Apollonir looked at the Mech real carefully before looking at each other.

Qrow: Until the shield's down, we're gonna have to get up close and personal with this thing.

Qrow said.

Apollonir: Agreed. Then let's give her toy a proper Welcome Card, to Hell...

Apollonir replied.

Qrow nods as he began to fire at the scratch he just made, for Apollonir to begin firing at the scratch he made by via the fork of his trident. Suddenly, they noticed the Mech's giant hand starting to reach them, for Qrow to dodge out of the way, transforming back into his avian form and for Apollonir to activate his semblance, for a Fire Tornado to be conjured as a distraction, for the hand to grab it while he flew out of the way.

Graphite (By via Comms): That's easier said than done! This thing's tough to crack!

Haruto (By via Comms): Dragon-Boy's got a point!!! shooting at the mech There's no openings unless the shields' are down!

Craphite and Haruto said at their group's position through their comms.

Ruby (By via Comms): Weiss and I are on it!

Ruby replied.

Then, both Ruby and Weiss land on a patch of ice on the ocean together.

Weiss: Hold on!

Weiss implied as she stabs Myrtenaster into the ground, creating an ice attack that knocks Cordovin's Mech off balance for a brief moment for Cordovin to let out a frustrated yell.

As the Manta flies by, Oscar realized something.

Oscar: Wait, that's it.

Kouta: Figured something?

Oscar: Yes. When she-

Just as he was about to explain to Kouta what he realized, he noticed Cordovin aiming her cannon at Ruby and Weiss. Oscar gasped and yelled for them.

Oscar: RUBY, MOVE!!!!!!

He yelled.

Cordovin fires a volley of missiles at Ruby and Weiss, creating large plumes of water. From it, Weiss and Ruby emerged unharmed as Storm Dragon Combiner in its Nexus Muteki and Tenka Kaito's armor formation (A/N: Without Rachel and Mitchell in the mix for now.) were lifting them up by its mechanical-humanoid hand, to Oscar and Kouta's relief.

Ruby turns and looks up to the Combiner's head.

Ruby: Thanks for the lift!

Storm Dragon Combiner (Shadow): No problem! Now both of you, fly!

It/He said.

Ruby and Weiss nodded at each other as they began to ride on Weiss' Queen Lancer summon. While riding on Weiss' summon, Ruby leaps off and uses Crescent Rose to propel herself onto Cordovin's Mech while Storm Dragon Combiner is seen using parablade to shoot at the Mech to keep Cordovin busy as she embedded the scythe's blade into the Mech, for Maria cheers Ruby and Shadow on at the sight she is witnessing.

The force of Ruby's strike and Storm Dragon Combiner switching positions to aim at the Mech's lower torso, arms and legs instead, knocked the Mech back into the cliffside, for tremors to be felt by the citizens of Argus.

Cordovin let out an enraged scream.

Jaune & Haruto: GO! LET'S GO!

Jaune and Haruto said.

The two groups on the ground proceed forward, for Ren and Ryosuke to leap onto the Mech's arm and runs along with it, while using their blades of their weapons to hang on, while the two groups on the ground are seen using their weapons and attacks in the attempts to immobilize the Mech, with Nora, Eiji and Sougo to use their specific heavy weaponry to shoot at the arm cannon, in the attempts on breaking and immobilizing it.

While everyone is trying to put some dents and damage the Mech, Cordovin managed to stand the Mech back up, causing Ruby to be lowered down into her view on the windshield, for Ruby to hang onto Crescent Rose as she nervously smile and wave at Cordovin, for Storm Dragon Combiner to notice this as the combiner began to run towards the Mech to reach Ruby.

Cordovin: GET OFF OF ME!

Cordovin yelled.

Cordovin tries to grab Ruby with the Mech's left hand, forcing Ruby to let go as she uses her semblance to fly downward, for Storm Dragon Combiner to catch her in time, luckily. After catching her, the combiner and Ruby notice Weiss flying by, for Ruby to jump off its hand as she lands onto Weiss' Queen Lancer Summon, for them and the combiner to keep moving.

Ruby: Heh.

Storm Dragon Combiner (Tenka): You're lucky I notice Weiss flying on the way pass me.

Weiss: Yeah, what if he hadn't caught you?

Weiss ask.

Ruby: I knew he would.

Ruby said with a wide grin.

Weiss and the combiner (Tenka) groaned after hearing Ruby's remark.

While Ruby and Weiss flew around the Mech, with the combiner shooting at the Mech's joints, Ren and Ryosuke lowered herself down along the Mech's back, noticing a panel making a humming machine noise coming from it, for them to use their blades to pry the panel off, almost falling down to their oceanic doom as the Mech kept moving in the attempts to shoot and take Weiss, Ruby and the combiner down. Fortunately, Qrow and Apollonir appeared just in time to catch them by their wrists.

Apollonir: Not bad, both of you.

Qrow: We gotcha. So, what did you two find?

They said (Apollonir) and ask (Qrow).

Apollonir and Qrow tossed Ryosuke and Ren back up as they all look at the panel they just opened, seeing a whirring machine with; 'AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY' and 'SHIELD GENERATOR' labelled on top of it.

Qrow: Well, alright then.

Apollonir: Ren, Qrow. Shoot the engines directly. Ryosuke and I'll make a critical hit on it once you both shot an opening. May want to keep clear when we do that.

Qrow: Done.

Ryosuke: Oh, I see where you are going with this. Very well. Let's do it.

Apollonir: nods

Ryosuke reached his hands out for Apollonir to grab it as he flew higher above the Mech, for Qrow and Ren to draw their weapons and began shooting at the machinery, disabling the Mech's shield while creating an opening for Apollonir and Ryosuke to do what they all planned to do. 

Once, they both shot an opening-

Qrow: Apollo, NOW!

-Qrow yelled, signalling Apollonir that they are ready while they jumped to clear the way while still being on the Mech. Above the Mech in the air, Apollonir heard Qrow sounding off that he's ready and is out of range as he threw Ryosuke in his Phase 4 form in midair, acquiring his semblance and his ability while propelling his weapon around in circles, spinning it in the process.

Apollonir: Fire Tornado plus, MAXIMUM PYRUS!!!!!

He yelled.


Once ready, Apollonir thrust Dragon Proudia forward for a huge fire tornado stream to emit out from it, for Ryosuke to do a Rider Kick of his finisher inside of it as he enters the fire tornado stream, combining his finisher with Apollonir's semblance and ability. While his kick grew stronger and hotter in every second, he used the semblance to increase the firepower and his finisher, powerful enough so as to literally obliterate the machine. As he was getting even closer, he lunged his blackhole flaming foot at the opening where Qrow and Ren shot into the Shield Generator, burning it up while blowing up after being sucked up in his vortex in the process, disabling the Mech's shields even more, destroying the Shield Generator.

Inside the Mech's cockpit, Cordovin watched her screen showing its energy levels of the Mech's Shield Generstor as the shields are reduced to zero.

Cordovin: No, no, no, no!!!

Cordovin exclaimed.

Then, she felt a tremor as her Mech is being shot by its left shoulder by Nora shooting a volley of her dust-powered grenades, with Eiji to be in his Putotyra Combo to blast his finisher by via the Medagabryu in its gun form and with Sougo to be in his Zi-O Decade Ryuki Armour to blast a Flame Projectile by via the Dragvisor Zwei.

Nora: You get back here with my man!

Nora yelled.

As Nora, Eiji and Sougo continued their assault on Cordovin, Weiss and Ruby fly by to Ren, Qrow and Ryosuke.

Weiss: Jump on!

Weiss said.

The three did so for Apollonir to keep flying. While doing so, he got a Comm Chatter from his son aka, Shadow aka, Storm Dragon Combiner.

Storm Dragon Combiner (Shadow) (By via Comms): That was some plan you hatched out, dad. I could actually see the destruction from where I'm shooting at.

Apollonir: Well, enjoy it while you still can, son. There's a lot more I can plan. But for now, focus. We got a huge mech to take down.

Storm Dragon Combiner (Shadow) (By via Comms): On it!!

Apollonir kept flying around the Mech in a safer distance to blast a volley of fireballs at it, for Storm Dragon Combiner to fire a volley of projectiles at the Mech by via Parablade while moving around it, following the safe distance Apollonir is flying around currently.

While Eiji and Sougo kept firing, Nora continues to attack until she runs out of grenades (ammunition).

Cordovin: I've had enough of you ingrates!

Cordovin said as she slams the Mech's arm into Nora, Eiji and Sougo, knocking them back, for Eiji and Sougo to revert back to their human states, and for Nora to hit Jaune as they both knock their backs onto a boulder, falling onto the ground soon after with their auras breaking up.

Nora struggles to get back up, but fails due to the impact onto the boulder from just now, with Jaune doing the same.

Ren: NO!

Ren shouted.

Ryosuke: We have to help them, NOW!

As Ryosuke said that, Weiss suddenly gasped as Cordovin fires the Mech's cannon at the group at point-blank range, destroying Weiss's Queen Lancer summon, knocking Ruby, Weiss, Ren, Qrow and Ryosuke back over the cliff, for Apollonir and the combiner to notice this as they quickly rush back to them.

Ruby uses her semblance to fly back over to the cliff but falls short. 

Storm Dragon Combiner (Shadow): NO!!! TENKA!!! SEPARATE!!!!

Shadow yelled.

Shadow and Tenka soon revert back to their individual selves as he grabbed Tenka's wrist, throwing him back on the cliff, for him to transform into his snow flurry form, with the attempts to catch Ruby. As soon as he got close, he grabbed Ruby by her hand while embedding Parablade in its axe mode into the cliffside and holds on for his dear life while Ruby held onto Shadow for her dear life in the process.

Ruby: Shadow!

Shadow: Don't Rubes! I gotcha, baby!

He said, for Ruby to nod.

Then, Ruby and Shadow noticed Cordovin approaching them.

Cordovin (By via Speakers): This is what happens when you think you know better than  those rightfully in charge!

Cordovin said as she aimed the Mech's cannon at Shadow and Ruby.

From the Manta, Oscar noticed Shadow and Ruby in trouble and rubs over to Maria.

Oscar: We gotta do something!

Oscar said.

Maria flicks some switches on the controls and flies over to the Mech. Just as Cordovin is about to fire her arm cannon at the two lovebirds, Maria flies by and fires a missile.

Suddenly, just as the missile is about to hit the Mech, the Mech grabs the missile with its hand, causing Cordovin to turn the Mech around to Maria's direction.

Cordovin: Calavera...

Cordovin said.

Everyone watched helplessly as Cordovin threw the missile towards the Manta's direction, for the missile to explode in front of it, causing it to rattle. 


Back in the Forest,

In the trees,

Hiro shook his head to get out of his daze after that stunt that he just pulled.

Hiro: Ugh... that hurt.

He commented to himself, placing his hand onto his head. 

Hiro looked as the Manta was going down, despite it not taking damage, for him to sigh.

Hiro: sighs At least that stunt didn't destroy the Manta. Otherwise, we're toast...


Hiro's POV:

The group I'm with inside the Manta saw the Missile flying back towards us, to our worry.

Kouta: Plan, guys!

Maria: Working on it!

Kouta: Anyone else?!

Roland: I can let the missile phase through us but, it'll take a lot of concentration since ther are a lot of people in here!

Percival: I can formulate a toxin to corrode the missile... but it'l-

Just before he could finish, I gently covered Percival's mouth.

Me: Let's do this, instead!

I said.

After saying that, I opened the Manta door on the right while transforming to my RabbitTank Sparkling form as I dashed towards the front of the Manta, for my teammates and Tenka's dad to notice this as they watched.

(A/N: RabbitTank Sparkling Form.)

Kouta: HIRO! What are you doing?!?!

Roland: You're getting yourself killed out there!!!

Kouta and Roland yelled.

Just as I reached the front of the Manta, I crank the lever on the Driver as I did a flying jump kick towards the missile.



I yelled.

As my foot and the missile came in contact with each other, the missile exploded a few centimeters away from the Manta, causing it to rattle while it flies.


Me: At least that finisher allows me to fly through anything that's about to blow up or instantly blow up sometimes... phew... talk about a close call...

I said to myself.

Roland (By via Comms): Hiro! You out there?!

Roland said through the comms, for me to reply.

Me: Hiro here... I'm still alright.

Roland (By via Comms): My Ghost and My Oum... we were worried when you did that stunt.

Me: I had no idea it worked but... sorry, Roland. There is something I need to do down where I am so... don't wait up till you see me at the cliffs.

Roland (By via Comms): Why so?

Me: Well...

Just as I was about to explain why, the sound of blades clashing with each other can be heard from the distant, and it sounded quite close, for me to hear that from just a few kilometers or a few miles away.

Then, I finally answered.

Me: I got a family matter to resolve... once and for all...

I said as I deactivated my Comms as I headed to the source of the sound.

Then, someone grabbed my wrist for my to look and see Tenka and Pallad.

Me: Y-you guys?

Tenka: We have a score to settle with Pallad, too.

Pallad: You wouldn't want to do this without us, now would you, Hiro?

Pallad and Tenka said.

I smiled as I nod at them, for us to proceed to the source of the sound of blades clashing.

3rd Person's POV:

Somewhere else in the forest close to Hiro's location,

Blake, Mitchell and Adam continued to fight each other intensely, with their blades and blade feathers to clash and clang loudly as they clash back and forth in the forest.

As their blades lock, Blake and Mitchell hears a distant explosion from behind them, causing them to dodge quickly from Adam's attack thanks to the distraction.

Mitchell: Blake, let's go!

Mitchell yelled.

Blake nods as she hopped onto Mitchell's back in a hurry, for Mitchell to swiftly fly through the forest, avoiding the trees that were in front of him.

Adam saw this and gives chase.

Adam: Can you do anything besides run?!

Adam asked.

Adam then jumps onto a tree trunk an leaps off it as he continues to pursue Blake and Mitchell, who continues to fly further away from Adam. Then, Adam fires his katana forward and it crashes into Mitchell's left wing just as Mitchell is about to flap them to swiftly make a hard right.

Due to the loss of momentum of Mitchell's wing due to Adam's katana, Adam manages to catch up with Blake and Mitchell to slash them, but he merely only slashed Blake's trench coat off her.

Blake soon kicks off Adam, knocking him back after that barely-missed slash attack, for Mitchell to regain back his momentum on his wings again, and flew further to make a hard right swiftly. After Mitchell swiftly flew a hard right, Blake fires at Adam, who blocks some of her shots but some manage to still hit him. The three then emerged out of the forest, finding themselves on a natural stone bridge in front of a waterfall, for Mitchell to fly upwards, then downwards towards Adam as both Blake and Mitchell, along with Adam soon clash again, with Blake evading Adam's attacks with her own semblance and Mitchell to shoot out a volley of silver feathers at Adam.

During the clash, Blake manages to catch Adam's katana with her own cleaver, leaving Adam to defend himself with his range weapon, giving Mitchell the opportunity to use his gauntlets in its sword mode to give Adam a flurry of slashes. Eventually, Adam catches Mitchell's gauntlets during the flurry of slashes as he kicked Mitchell away. Then, he soon turned his attention to Blake as he grabbed her wrist and blocked her katana with his gun.

Adam: I wouldn't have to do be doing this if you just behaved!

Adam said.

Suddenly, Adam grabs his sword back, flinging away Blake's cleaver, not long before knocking her in the side of her head with the hilt, causing Blake to get knocked back several feet away.

Adam: But you're selfish!

Adam yelled as he knocks Blake back again.

Adam: You're a coward!

Adam yelled again, knocking Blake back a few feet, once again.

Blake: You're delusional...!

Blake yelled.

Adam then walks pass Mitchell as he stops in front of Blake, then pointing his sword at Blake's abdominal scar that he gave her back at the Fall of Beacon

Adam then uses his semblance to break Blake's katana blade in half. After which, he stops as he reached his hand out to remove his blindfold from his eyes.

Adam: People hurt me long before we met... All sorts of peope in all sorts of ways...

Adam said.

Blake looks away sadly upon hearing this.

Adam: ... But no one hurt me quite like you...

Adam added.

Blake looks back up to Adam as she sees his own eyes, with his right eye to be of a healthy blue, and his left eye to be permenantly scarred with a 'SDC' brand labelled on it.

Adam: You didn't leave scars,... you just left me alone.

Adam said.

Mitchell: And she has the right to do that!

Mitchell exclaimed while getting up.

Adam slowly looked back while Blake is down, facing Mitchell.

Adam: What was that?

Mitchell: Blake can make her own choices in a way she sees fit! If she wants to leave you,... then let her!! She already has a new lover in her life...

Adam: Excuse me...?

Mitchell: Yeah. Exactly. You don't control her decisions and her feelings. That's just low. And last I heard from a friend of mine many years ago when we were kids.... when you treat her like that... and when you did that to her... and when you did that to my burning dragon, Yang when you cut her arm off....

Mitchell stops as he heavily inhales. Then, he relaxes and began to be upfront with Adam as he continued.

Mitchell: You're the bigger coward than she is. If anything, Blake's not the coward. You are. Not just a coward.... but also.... A wuss!

Mitchell said.

Adam yelled as he began to advance towards Mitchell, with the two beginning to fight against with one another. Adam kept giving Mitchell a flurry of slashes and several shots, only for Mitchell to block them by using his silver wings and his gauntlets.

While Mitchell is doing everything in his power to deflect his enemy's slashes and shots, he noticed an opening and struck back as he used his gauntlets in its claw mode and began to slash back, only for Adam to block and absorb his attacks. Just as Adam is about to strike Mitchell out, Mitchell did an uppercut with its claws and Adam did one powerful slash, causing both blades to collide, for Mitchell's blades in its claw mode to shatter, for Adam to smirk. 

Just as Adam is about to use his semblance, he notice Mitchell smirking as he felt a sharp pain on his right cheek, for him to jump backwards and away from Mitchell with the latter to do the same. Adam checked to see that there is a scar that just got slashed on his right cheek, to his shock.

Mitchell's POV:

Adam: How... did you manage to...

Me: Funny you should ask. My Team Leader who is also a Doc. taught me and my teammates to analyze ones movements and semblance when we first enrolled to Beacon. Sure (looks at shattered blades on my one claw gauntlet) my gauntlet got damaged in the process with the other still intact but,... there is one thing you never fail to notice, Adam.

Adam: And what's that?!

Adam asked.

I smirked some more as I tract the middle blade of my damaged claw mode on my gauntlet out, for Adam to realize in surprise that I only used four claw blades instead of five.

Me: ... I always save one in case you try something like that to outsmart you.

I explained.

This made Adam really mad as he began to talk.

Adam: I have to admit, Silver Wings.... when Blake and I first saw you till now... I thought you are just a significant little bird faunus who wants the same thing.... but now... you're different, in resolve and what you are...

Me: What I am, yes as back then, you didn't know who I am. But resolve to make a world a better place with the Faunus to co-exist in this world, no. I still wish for that to happen but, together with normal people.

Adam: Humanity is pathetic!! They should be SERVING US!!!!

Me: That may be, Adam! Still, I understand your quest for power! But after seeing what you did back at Beacon, Haven, my friends, Blake and Yang, you have underminded what humanity and faunus stand for! Please give up before it's too late!

Adam: Of course you want me to give up... so you can let humanity walk over us.... but that is going to change.... starting with you, when I take away what you own....

Adam menacingly growl as he charged up at me while activating his semblance, delivering a flurry of slashes at me, for me to block them, only for my gauntlets to break, to Blake and my shock. Then, I tried using my wings to block and deflect them while shooting silver feathers at him, only for him to deflect them till they got cleaved in many halves.

I looked in shock as I kept shooting my silver feathers, only for Adam to swiftly dash behind me, cleaving my wings off my back, for me to scream in agony, for Blake to look in horror at what Adam has done. Adam smirked as he looked down on me while kicking my wings off the stone bridge.

3rd Person's POV:

He places his shoe on top of Mitchell's head added pressure on it while Mitchell groaned in pain.

Adam: How does it feel when your wings are now gone for good, Silver Wings? Now you and Yang are all the same.... now lay there and bleed to death like a flightless bird you are....

Adam said coldly as he walked off, leaving Mitchell be as he head towards Blake as she watched in horror of what Adam has done to Mitchell.

Adam: Now as for you Blake.

Adam said to continue where he left of.

Then, as he continued, Blake hears motorcycles drawing closer along with rocket-like noises getting louder.

Adam: Tell me, Blake,... As you watch your friend slowly bleed to death, how does it feel to be alone?

Adam ask.

Blake doesn't pay attention to what Adam asks as she hears the noise getting even louder within every second it gets closer.

Suddenly, Adam raises his katana and lets out a loud yell in fury as he stabs Blake in the abdomen, only for her to disappear as what he stabbed was nothing more, than a clone, yet again.

Adam then turns to look behind him as Blake picks up her cleaver and Mitchell who's still bleeding profusely at the back.

Blake: I'm not alone...

Blake said.

Suddenly, from above the waterfall, Yang drives off the cliff and hurls her motorcycle,- 

-which crashes into Adam, knocking him down before falling off into the river below, for Rachel to jump off the cliff while removing her hand from her pocket where she kept her motorcycle as she began to wield her dual swords and struck Adam while he's down.

Yang and Rachel lands a few feet away from Rachel and the injured Mitchell as they stare at Adam after that surprise attack they launched on him.

Just as Adam got up and was about to look at Rachel and Yang,-



- he heard those announcements as he looked up to see Tenka in his Mark 39 Iron Samurai Armour as he flinged Pallad in his Perfect Knockout and Hiro in his Genius forms towards Adam as they donned their finishers, for Tenka to blast him with his suit's repulsor blasts it has been equipped in the suit's repulsors, Pallad to do his version of his Rider Kick and Hiro to do his Build version of Genius Finish.

(A/N: Tenka's MK Iron Samurai Armour aka, Liquifier. Combine those two pictures together.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Paradox - Level 99 Form.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Build - Genius Form.)

After that second surprise attack, Adam was taken aback by this as he fell onto the ground once again, for Tenka, Hiro and Pallad to land beside Rachel and Yang as they all stared at Adam.

After that surprise attacks, Adam got back up on his feet to look in shock to see some familiar faces.

Adam: You...

He said.

Yang and Tenka fired a shot at Adam, for him to block them.

Then, Yang activates a shotgun in her prosthetic arm, for Mitchell and Blake to look in worry.

Blake: Yang...

Mitchell: Yang, my dear...

They both said.

Suddenly, Mitchell falls for Blake to catch him, still weakened from his wings slashed out and from blood loss as he groaned in pain while Blake held her stomach in pain as they both are now on their knees.

Yang turned to look at Blake and Mitchell.

Yang: It's okay, Blake. Silver Angel. Catch your breath for a second. I can hold him off.

She said.

Adam: She's right, Blake. Mitchell. It's okay, we have... unfinished business.

He said.

Blake: But... Adam! He cut Mitchell's wings off!!

Blake said.

Yang, Tenka and Rachel turned back in shock.

Yang, Tenka & Rachel: WHAT?!?!

They exclaimed.

They all looked to see that Blake is holding onto Mitchell as he is still holding onto his life while groaning in pain from his wings being slashed off, for them to turn back to Adam.

Yang's POV:

Me: I will make you pay for that!!

I exclaimed.

Adam: Hmph! Go ahead and try, three of you!

Tenka: GLADLY!!!

Rachel: LADIES FIRST, bu-


I yelled while dashing towards Adam.

Adam makes his first move, delivering a series of quick slashes and semblance arcs that knocked me back a short distance. Eventually, I began to strike back as I managed to land some hits on Adam that he wasn't able to block.

Then, I knocked Adam back a further distance before firing a volley of shots at him, for him to block and absorb them with his katana. Adam then swiftly runs in circles around me before letting out another semblance attack that caused me to slide backwards. 

Blake: His semblance is like yours! He absorbs energy through his sword, stores it up and then sends it back when he's ready.

Blake said.

I sighed.

Me: He gets to dish out damage without having to feel it? That's just cheap...

I said.

We then proceeded to trade blows again, for me to land a series of punches and kicks on Adam, but he managed to send me back when I punched his sword. I was knocked back next to Blake and Mitchell, for Adam and I to share glances with each other.

Adam notices this and lets out an anraged growl, readying his semblance once again.

Blake & Mitchell: YANG!!!!

Blake yelled.

Then, with a loud yell, Adam lets out a devastating attack with his semblance, only for Rachel to stand in front of me as she activates her hidden power from back then in the doubles round as she grew a huge magma knuckle, doing an uppercut to deflect his semblance from striking me and for it to fly upwards and down into the river below the stone bridge,

3rd Person's POV:

After that uppercut, Tenka reverts back to his usual Giri Giri Chambara Armour with Dual Tri-sector Sparrows in hand as they both advanced towards Adam. 

Upon seeing Tenka and Rachel advancing in top speed towards Adam, Adam growled at this as he ran towards them as the three began to clash their weapons. While Rachel, Tenka and Adam clash weapons with each other, Tenka for some reason swiftly looked at Adam, to Adam's confusion until it happened, when a sparks of flashing bright lights emitted from Tenka's armour's eye mask, causing Adam to get disorientated from the light.

Seeing this as an opportunity, Rachel using her combined Greatsword broke the clash as she flames up once again to slash Adam, striking him in the abdomen as he staggered backwards. While Adam is trying to pull himself together, Tenka uses his semblance to swiftly rush towards him. Once close, he uses his semblance again to deliver a series of slashes and arrow shot at Adam while he's clearing his blindness from the flashing lights and that sword attack from Rachel.

After a series of slashes and arrow shots were inflicted onto Adam, Hiro transformed into his Cross-Z Build form-

(A/N: Kamen RIder Build - Cross-ZBuild Form.)

-as he rushed in next to Tenka as he and Tenka struck a double punch on Adam, causing him to stagger backwards some more, to his shock.

Hiro: Dude... not bad.

Tenka: Thanks... that punch was personal... That's for my teammate Mitchell and for my dear, Blake, back there.

Hiro: Hmm, I can tell...

Tenka: You, too.

Hiro: Oh, it's nothing, really. Despite giving him a beating back at Haven... but still, that's for my family and for my love he just killed off...

Tenka: I see.

Rachel: Guys. Hate to cut the victory celebration short but... it's not over just yet.

Rachel interrupted.

Tenka, Rachel and Hiro looked at where Adam staggered as they notice Adam shaking off his daze and his blindness. As soon as Adam is back on his feet and his blindness and his daze are cleared, he immediately used his semblance to swiftly rush in to strike Tenka, Rachel and Hiro down, giving them no chance to even come up with a plan of attack and to even use their weapons to block his attack.

After that attack, Tenka, Rachel and Hiro were sent flying back towards Pallad who's looking after Mitchell, Blake and Yang, with their semblances crackling, for Rachel and Hiro to revert back to their human states, to Pallad's shock when he saw this. Adam then walked towards the group with utter disappointment.

Adam: And here I thought you all could do more than just that? I'm disappointed. Too bad that disappointment is going to go down with you to your graves...

He said.

Then, Adam sheathes his katana back to his gun-like hilt as he charged up his semblance, much for Pallad to stand in front of the group wielding Parablagun in hand to stand his ground, to Adam's amusement.

Adam: Heh! Do you even have what it takes to beat my semblance?

Pallad: Yes? No? Who knows, really. I haven't tried that yet. But as of now, let's find out.

Pallad said.

Adam: So be it.

Pallad: However, I am curious though.

Adam: Oh?

Pallad: Where did you get that semblance from?

Adam: Hmph! As if I'll tell you. But since you're all about to die, I might as well just say it. Some black fog with purple eyes gave it to me days after the Schnee Dust Company gave me that scar on my eye. I never had the chance to see what he looks like and never had the chance to thank him. But when I do, and after I kill you and your little friends, who knows... maybe I can get rid of him and hog all of his semblance to myself and become someone greater than High Leader. With it, I can even get rid of the Belladonnas, once and for all. Why the sudden question?

Adam ask.

Pallad: Funny. Because after sensing your semblance, heheh. I can tell it is based on a Kamen Rider... an Omnipotent one.

Pallad said, for Tenka, Rachel, Blake, Yang and Hiro, except for Mitchell (A/N: Mitchell's too weak to do anything due to his wings being sliced off his back and due to loss of blood... or is he?) to look at Pallad in confusion, but for Blake, she had a confused and a shock look planted on her face. Then, she slowly looked at Adam.

Blake: That semblance... isn't yours?

Pallad: So, Adam. Even if his semblance and your own are almost as similar, I have to know. How did you exactly receive it from him when he's a fog, really?


Adam yelled.

Everyone kept silent due to Adam's outburst.

Adam: You're just simply asking questions to delay the inevitable, Pallad! All of you will die here. Once you're done, the rest of your friends will be next!

Adam said.

He then charged up his semblance while holding his weapons at the ready, glaring at them dead in their eyes as he looks at them, one last time.

Adam: Any last words before your friends die for you, Blake?!

Adam ask.

Blake said nothing, for the group to say nothing, as well.

Adam: No? Typical Blake... a coward...

Adam said as he readied himself to unleash his semblance.

The group looked at Adam to prepare for the worse.

Adam: It's time you say goodbye to your boyfriend and your friends,... and it's time that I say goodbye, to you, Bla-

Just as Adam was about to finish and to unleash the final blow, he noticed Mitchell looking at him, to his confusion.

As he looked on, Adam noticed that there is a shade of purple in a form of a pair of eyes in front of his own that just appeared out of nowhere for Adam to change his expression to a shock expression, for the group to look in confusion.

(A/N: Something like this. Ensure the eyes' eye colour in front of Mitchell's eyes are purple.)

Adam: Y-you?!

Adam stutters in his remark.

Mitchell/???: Yes, Tarus... me...

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The PART 1 of the eleventh episode of the Sixth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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