Volume 6: Stealing from the Elderly

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the tenth episode of the SIXTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

*Shoots a Round at the gong by using the Arm Cannon of an Atlesian Paladin*

3rd Person's POV:

The next day, at the Atlesian Military Base, various soldiers and guards are working on their jobs. While they are working, Weiss is seen dragging her large luggage case behind her, with Tenka and Kouta accompanying her by her side, along with Saphron who is holding her son, Adrian in her arms accompanying the Huntress and Huntsmen from behind.

While walking with Cordovin, who are also being escorted by the two Nubuck Guards who are escorting them from behind.

Cordovin: Ah, I was relieved to hear that you came to your senses, Miss Schnee. Many of us were devastated when we heard you would be attending... Beacon Academy. Knowing that you'll be returning to Atlas just warms my old heart.

Cordovin said with delight.

Weiss: It was... time to get my act together and go back to my roots.

Weiss said.

Cordovin: Oh, I can't wait to see you follow in your sister's footsteps. 

Weiss: Absolutely...

Weiss said with an unenthusiastic smile.

Corodvin: And I'm surprised you and your son decided to tag along, too, Number Two... What made you both change your mind?

Cordovin inquired.

Tenka: Nothing has, Special Operative. It's just between us friends between the family. We always ensure we train well and we all are always safe, where ever we go, and whatever we do.

Kouta: Yes. My son is correct. My family has close ties with the Schnee Family. They look after us, and we look after them. So, nothing's changed, S.O. Cordovin. We are just here to ensure of Miss Schnee's safety back to Atlas and to his family, and, at the same time,... to reunite back with my dearest.

Tenka and Kouta said.

Cordovin: Huntsmen with resolve while having close ties with the Schnee Family? I like that. You remind me of my younger days, Number Two.

Kouta: I'm glad you think so.

Cordovin: Yes. And talking about your dearest, yes... last I heard, she was saddened when she heard the news that you were KIA back then...

Kouta: I see...

Kouta said.

Then, there was a short brief of silence, filling the air. After a while, Cordovin spoke again.

Cordovin: But now, like what people always say, "Time changes". You have returned to us and returned to our ranks. And now you are with us, returning to Atlas and at the same time, returning to your dearest. I'm sure your dearest will be elated to see you again, I'm sure of it.

Cordovin said to brighten up the mood.

Kouta nodded at her statement.

Kouta: Yes, I'm sure she'll be glad to see me again.

He said.

Cordovin: I'm sending two of my best guards to personally escort you three. Make sure General Ironwood hears that part.

Cordovin winks and walks away.

Nubuck Guard 1: Allow me to assist you with your bag.

Nubuck Guard 1 said.

Nubuck Guard 1 hups over to pick up Weiss's luggage.

Nubuck Guard 1: My, what a heavy bag!

Nubuck Guard 1 said while Weiss kept her grip on her luggage.

Weiss: That's alright.

Weiss said.

Nubuck Guard 1: Nonsense!

Nubuck Guard 2: Allow me to assist, as well!

The Guards said.

Weiss: I can take care of it by myself!

Weiss said.

Then, Kouta looks at his son and nods at him, for Tenka to walk up to grab Weiss's Luggage.

Tenka: Let Weiss do what she wants, Guards! She's a big girl who can make her own decisions and do her own things independantly!

Tenka added, supporting Weiss's statement.

As Cordovin walks away, she overhears Weiss, Tenka and the Nubuck Guards' conversation, for her to stop at her tracks, gaining a suspicious look on her face, for Kouta to take notice of this.

Saphron took notice of this, as well.

Saphron: Just like we practiced.

Adrian nods at his mother.

Then, the baby lets out a loud wail that can be heard throughout the base, for Kouta to swiftly look back at Saphron and the wailing Adrian, in shock.

Kouta still shocked looked at Adrian crying as he fusses in his mother's arms, for him to look at Saphron, giving her an unnoticable silent nod at her for no one in his surroundings to see his nod, for only Saphron to notice it and nods silently.

Saphron: Oh no! Look at that, he's just going to miss you so much! You should hurry on out of here!

Saphron said.

Nubuck Guard 1: A crying child?

Nubuck Guard 2: We must console it!

Kouta: Take note, you two. I have been told,... that he's hard to console. So, see that you... console the child as much as you can, will you?

Nubuck Guards: Yes Sir!!!

The guards hup over to Adrian as they perform weird poses to amuse him, for Kouta to wink at Saphron, for Saphron to do the same, without the guards noticing them winking.

Corodvin continues walking with an unamused look on her face. While distracted, Weiss, Tenka and Kouta quickly got onto the airship with the luggage behind her.

Weiss: That was close...

Tenka: Never knew Adrian can cry this loud... looks at my dad Hey! I saw you say something or do something to gesture Saphron to do something or something like that? You knew?!

Kouta: Call that a back-up plan if the guards kept insisting.

Ruby (By via Earpiece): Is everything okay?

Ruby ask over the earpiece Weiss, Tenka and Kouta are wearing.

Maria (Inside the luggage): Call me heavy... It's all muscle! I'll show them a thing or two about heavy!

Maria said inside Weiss's luggage.

Weiss: We're on board.

Weiss said.

Tenka and Kouta nods at the situation, knowing that boarding the airship is off their to-do-list in their plan.


Ruby, Shadow, Jaune, Nora, Ren, Oscar, Rolan, Neon, Hiro, Katie, Ryosuke, Eiji, Ankh, Haruto, Pallad, Graphite, Sougo, Jay, Reiko, Grim, Alex, Jon, Emily, Wendolyn, Lazarus, Tailor, Zero Dragfall, Jacob, Kazuto, Percival, Jackie, Dalthale, Takeru, Hikari, Dylan, Striker, Hana, Richard, Neji, Shitsu, Qrow and Apollonir are seen waiting along the cliffside between the forest and the ocean.

Ruby: Alright, we'll watch our scrolls. The second Weiss, Tenka and Kouta are out of range of the comm tower, that'll mean they're out of range of the radar, too.

Yang (By via radio): And that's when Blake steps in.

Yang said through the radio.

Rachel (By via Radio): We're almost at the drop-off zone, Cap, guys.

Rachel continued.


Yang and Rachel are driving their bikes with Blake sitting behind Yang and Mitchell sitting behind Rachel.

Yang: I never knew you brought Thunder along, Rach.

Rachel: Oh, I just started bringing my trusty bike where ever I go. As long as Tenka's nano-tech works on my bike which Tenka said it would, carrying my bike around in my pocket will be a breeze.

Yang: Cool. Now, let's ride!

Yang said as both riders revved up their bikes to go faster.

While their close to the drop-off zone, Blake has her Scroll out receiving instructions from Terra.

Terra (By via Scroll): Okay, remember. One: the radar box is separate from the rest of the communications equipment. So, if you disconnect it properly, it won't take out comms for the rest of the city. Two: this conversation never happened.

Blake: Don't worry, this isn't the first time I've disabled Atlas security.

Blake said.

Terra stares back with an unamused look.

Terra: Never . Happened.

Yang and Rachel arrives at the drop-off zone, for Blake and Mitchell to step off the bike, proceeding forward.

Yang: You sure we shouldn't come with?

Yang ask.

Blake: More intruders means we're more likely to be seen. Besides, stealth isn't exactly your- um...

Rachel and Mitchell stared at Blake with their hands on their hips, with Yang doing the same but her arms were crossed.

Blake: I mean, you're great! I'll hurry back.

Blake said.

Yang, Mitchell and Rachel smiled.

Yang: Go.

Rachel: Cease control of the tower so we all can get out of here.

Yang and Rachel said.

Blake smiles back at Rachel and Yang before heading off. Mitchell however went up to Yang, placing his forehead against hers.

Mitchell: We'll be back in one piece, okay my dragon?

Yang: I trust you, Mitch.

Mitchell: Thanks.

Both of them hugged for a brief moment before Mitchell made a dash for it and took to the skies, while turning invisible (Invisible Energy-Item) so that the guards on the tower won't see him coming.

Blake (By via Comms): Mitch and I are heading in by air and on foot. Won't be long.

Mitchell (By via Comms): The sooner we get the tower deactivated, the sooner we'll leave undetected.

Jaune (By via Comms): Yes! It's all going to plan!

Rachel: Uh.... Jaune, we can all hear you... over.

Rachel said, letting go a button for her to deactivate her comms at her side at her bike, for her to giggle. Yang noticed this as well and giggled, too.

Jaune (By via Comms): clears throat I mean, Roger.... over.

Back at the Cliffside,


Oscar and I noticed Ruby looking over with concern to Qrow, who is leaning against a tree with an uneasy look on his face. I looked at my dad talking to the uneasy Qrow leaning against tree. 

Oscar and I then turned to Ruby.

Oscar: Hey, this is gonna work.

Me: Yeah, Rubes. So, don't worry about them. Everything is gonna be fine.

Both Oscar and I said to assure Ruby that everything's fine.

Ruby: Yeah...

Ruby said.

While Ruby looked on, I placed my palm on her head, patting her with a smile on my face while making a call on his Scroll.

Me: Shido? Yuki? How's it hanging at your end?

Shido (By via Scroll): We're almost ready, my friend. Yuki and Belial are just about done setting up.

Me: Setting up for what???

Yuki (By via Scroll): You'll just have to wait and see. We're about done.

Me: Okay. I trust your back-up plan works.

I said.

After talking to Shido and Yuki, I hung up my Scroll and looked at Ruby.

Me: I just got off the Scroll of our new friends. Everything is going to be alright.

Ruby: Okay.

Ruby said while still being patted by me on the head.

On the Airship aka, Manta,

3rd Person's POV:

Weiss, Tenka and Kouta were sitting in the passenger seats. Tenka notices Weiss looking down at her Scroll and notices her friends' signals slowly going out of range.

Upon seeing this, the three nods at each other to make their move as they got up and head towards the cockpit.

Nubuck Guard 1: Miss Schnee! Mister kaito! Sir! For your own safety, we must request-

Nubuck Guard 2: What?!

Weiss activated a Glyph, Tenka was heard shoving the guards away from the pilot controls and Kouta summoned vines from his Crack to the Helheim Forest, summoning vines to wrap them around the guards.

Nubuck Guard 1: Traitors!

Nubuck Guard 1 exclaimed.

Grunts from the guards were heard, as well. A minute later, the Manta flew by as the Two Nubuck Guards are tied together by a black Glyph and vines as a parachute slows their decents.

Nubuck Guard 2: This parachute won't excuse you for your treachery!!

Nubuck Guard 2 exclaims.

The Glyph deactivates for the vines to become loose, releasing the guards, for one of the guards to hang onto the other guard for his dear life.

Back on the Manta,

Weiss walks over to the controls with Maria taking the pilot's seat.

Weiss: And you're sure you can fly this?

Weiss ask.

Maria: Missy, I was the Grimm Reaper! What part of best Huntress of her Generation don't you understand?

Maria said.

Weiss: Right, but your eyes.

Weiss said.

Maria chuckles as she notices a small device plugged in the controls. She takes the device out and plugs it into her goggles. After inserting it onto her goggles, a text on one of the screen says; 'TRANSMITTING SENSOR ARRAY DATA', for Maria's prosthetic eyes grow wider.

Maria: You were saying?

Maria ask.

Weiss: That you said your eyes were in desperate need of repair!

Maria: Bup Bup Bup!

Maria holding a finger out at what Weiss said.

Weiss: But--

Maria: Bup!

Maria interrupted Weiss and said, for Weiss to ultimately relents.

Soon, Weiss puts on her seatbelts as Maria starts to fly around, for Tenka and Kouta to take notice of this.

Kouta: Hold onto to something.

Tenka: Yeah... 

Tenka replied.

Tenka and Kouta then held onto the handles found in the Manta.

Back on the ground,

Ruby watches her Scroll as Weiss's signal disappears.

Ruby: Alright guys, this is it.

Ruby said.

Then, she placed her fingers on her ear.

Ruby: Blake, you're up.

Ruby said.

However, no response was heard.

Ruby: Blake?

Ruby still heard nothing from Blake, for her to turn to her friends and her lover in worry.

Me: What's wrong?

Ruby: It's Blake.

Back at Yang's location,

3rd Person's POV:

Yang is seen sitting on the ground next to Bumblebee and Rachel is seen doing the same thing next to Thunder, when Ruby over the comms ask what is happening at their side.

Ruby (By via Comms): Yang, Rachel, what's going on?

Yang and Rachel gets up for them to look over to the relay tower.

Yang: I don't know...

Rachel: Yang... we have a problem....

Rachel said.

Yang notice Rachel looking down at her scroll, for her to do the same to see Weiss's signal coming back on.

Back at the Atlesian Military Base,

Cordovin watches her men working the terminals until a beep goes off, for one of the Terminal Soldiers to report in.

Terminal Soldier 1: Ma'am, we've got something on radar.

Cordovin: And who would be foolish enough to enter our airspace unannounced?

Terminal Soldier 1: Apparently.... us, Ma'am...

The soldier said.

Back on the Manta,

Terminal Soldier 1 (By via Comms): Manta 5-1, this is Argus Base. We see you circled back. What's your status, over.

Terminal Soldier over the comms said.

Tenka: Why can they see us?

Tenka ask.

Maria: Somebody dropped the ball. Don't worry, I've worked with Atlas forces before. I know their jargon.

Maria said as she picks up the radio. Then, she cleared her throat and began to speak.

Maria: Argus Base, this is Manta 5-1. Feel free to gaff off. Though we were going to scrub due to FOD, we're back up and green across the board, over.

A static was heard before the Soldier responded, once again.

Terminal Soldier 1 (By via Comms): Manta 5-1, return to base immediately, or you'll be treated as hostile, over.

Weiss: I thought you said you knew their jargon!

Tenka: Yeah!

Terminal Soldier 1 (By via Comms): Jargon was fine, but our pilots aren't elderly women.

Maria: Huh, well they got me there! Oh, my mind really is going! Why would you kids let me fly this thing?

Maria said.

Tenka look at his father in worry.

Tenka: We're doomed...

Kouta: So, I heard.

Then, a familiar voice over the radio sound off, to Kouta and Tenka's worried looks to tense up more.

Cordovin (By via Comms): Calavera! You and those insolent children are up to something, aren't you?!

Back at the Atlesian Military Base,

Cordovin: You thought you could undermine my authority?! If you don't return my ship this INSTANT, I will make an example out of you! I will show you the true might of Atlas!

Cordovin angrily said.

Then over the radio, a crunching sound is heard.

Maria (By via Comms): You hear that, Cordo?

Maria ask, for Cordovin's expression to slowly turn into an enraged expression.

Back on the Manta,

Maria munches on cashews with her mouth open.

Maria: That's the sound of me not caring!

Maria said as she began to laugh maniacally.

Weiss and Tenka placed their fingers to their earpieces.

Weiss: Ruby, we're in trouble. Cordo's onto us, and Maria isn't helping!

Tenka: Doc, we're in a pickle. Cordovin is onto us.

Back on the Ground,

Weiss/Tenka (By via Earpieces): Why is the radar still up?!

Weiss and Tenka ask.

Ruby: We don't know. Blake isn't responding.

Ruby said.

Shadow: We're not sure, Tenka. We're facing issues here, too.

Shadow said.

Oscar: What do we do?!

Yang (By via Comms): Keep the ship in one piece.

Rachel (By via Comms): We'll check out what is happening.

Yang and Rachel said over the comms upon hearing Oscar's question.

Back at Yang and Rachel's Location,

Yang and Rachel are seen revving their motorcycles as they quickly zoom over to the radar tower.

As they made their way there, a middle-aged man emerged from the green, watching the two ladies zooming towards the tower, to his amusement as he began to casually stroll his way there.

Back on the Ground,

Nora: Maybe we should fly over to help Yang, Blake, Rachel and Mitchell first?

Nora ask.

Qrow: Damn it! Cordo's gonna scramble her fighters. We've got maybe ninety seconds before they're in the air, and all over Weiss and Maria. This is all my fault...

Qrow said.

Everyone looked at Qrow.

Jaune: What are you talking about?

Dylan: Your semblance?

Jaune and Dylan asked.

Qrow: Every choice I've ever made has led me here, and I've dragged you along with me, myself, the others... We're responsible for the mess the World's in now. I shouldn't have come, shouldn't have let any of you come... What was I thinking?!

Qrow said.

Then, there was nothing but silence, until Ruby broke the silence.

Ruby: We're all in this together, and we're all going to do the best we can. That's all anyone can do. And I know it's what you've always aimed for. We would've come whether or not you'd let us, so stop talking like we're taking responsibility! We're not! But we could still use Qrow Branwen on our side.

Ruby said.

Shadow smiled at what his lover said, knowing she has grown up day after day.

Qrow ponders on his niece's words.

Qrow: How did you grow up so fast?

Qrow asked as he hummed.

Ruby: I had good role models.

Ruby said.

The two then shared smiles.


Weiss (By via Comms): Guys? She's not sending fighters...

Weiss said, for the group looks over to the Argus Base.

Back at the Atlesian Military Base,

Suddenly, the mountain at the base retracts, revealing a Colossal Mech that overlooks the city of Argus.

Cordovin (By via Speakers): Clearly the people have forgotten that they live in peace thanks to the awesome might of Atlas!

Cordovin said over the speakers.

Weiss: Is Cordovin... piloting that?

Cordovin (By via Speakers): Consider this a reminder!

Cordovin said.

Then, she charges up the Mech's arm cannon, which lets out an electric burst that fires at the Manta Weiss, Tenka, Kouta and Maria hijacked, causing the controls to go critical as Maria's eyes spin.

Tenka: Ms. Calavera!!

Weiss: Are you okay?

Weiss ask.

Maria: I am, but she's clearly lost her mind!

Maria said.

Kouta: Well... it's official. S.O. Cordovin has offically, flipped...

Kouta said to himself.

Cordovin (By via Speakers): And that was merely a warning shot! All Atlas personal standby, and watch how your leader maintains order!

Cordovin said.

Back on the Ground,

Ruby and the group look over to see Tenka, Kouta, Weiss and Maria flying in, with Cordovin in her Mech following close behind.

Cordovin (By via Speakers): It's time you asked yourselves, children... Do you truly wish to defy me?

Cordovin asked.


I looked at the Mech as I have something in mind, for Dylan and Jacob to notice my state of thought.

Dylan: Something in mind, Shadow?

Jacob: Let's hear it.

They said.

I nod at their response as i went to my lover.

Me: Rubes, get Weiss over here. We need her.

I said.

Ruby nods and places her two fingers on her earpiece.

Ruby: Hurry back, Weiss. I need you on the ground if we're gonna take this thing down.

She said.

I nod at what she said to Weiss. Then, I looked back at the mech as I began to observe how its mechanics work.


3rd Person's POV:

Elsewhere at the Comms Tower (Radar Tower),

A few minutes before the Mech piloted by Cordovin was deployed,

Blake's scroll is on the ground of the Tower.

Weiss/Tenka (By via Earpieces): Why is the radar still up?!

Weiss and Tenka ask.

Ruby: We don't know. Blake isn't responding.

Ruby said.

Shadow: We're not sure, Tenka. We're facing issues here, too.

Shadow said.

While there is still chatter on scroll, someone steps on it as they run. 

Then, Blake is seen to be one of them, running behind cover as she looks next to her, only to discover a motionless body of an Atlas Guard for her to reel back in horror and is forced to take cover again when a gunshot is heard. She looks to the floor below her, with Adam Taurus sheathing his katana. 

Soon after, he looks up at Blake with his black blindfold covering his eyes.

Adam: It's nice to finally have time to ourselves, don't you think?

Adam said.

Blake had a brief moment to strike until she hears a soft metallic noise coming from above, for her to look up to see Mitchell taking cover as well. Mitchell gave her the gesture to strike, and when she needs any assistance, he'll swoop to her, for Blake to nod as this. Then, she went out of her cover to face Adam.

Blake: Leave me alone!

Blake yelled.

She then fires at Adam, but he blocks and absorbs the bullets with his sword.

Adam: But i've waited so long, for you to be away from them.

He said.

Then, Blake runs over and uses a cable to zip wire herself down, only for Adam to cut the cable with his semblance, causing Blake to land on the same platform he's on. Upon seeing this, Mitchell soon spread out his silver wings as he quickly glided down towards Blake. Meanwhile, the two proceeded to clash their blades until Blake kicks him back a distance.

Adam: Why did you have to come into my life and ruin everything?!

Adam asked, demanding an answer from Blake.

Blake: You stalked me across Anima! I don't want anything to do with your life!

Blake yelled.

Upon hearing this, Adam proceeds forward and clashes swords with Blake again, for her to leap up and use her semblance to land on the platform above. Blake then looks over the rails and pointed her pistol down.

While she's in range, she looks behind to suddenly get hit with Adam's katana, for Blake to swing around and clashes with Adam again. Blake lands on the rail and dodges out of the way of Adam's semblance, landing on the platform above. Suddenly, Adam reappears and grabs Blake by the throat, for him to push Blake to the edge of the railing, but she stomps on his foot and both of them fell over the rail.

While falling over the rail, Mitchell swooped by as he caught Blake in his arms while ramming into Adam, ramming him to a distance, for him to crash through multiple tree branches, breaking his fall back to the ground, for Mitchell to do the same, for him to gracefully land onto the ground, placing Blake down on her feet.

Adam slowly gets back up to see Mitchell and Blake.

Blake: Let go of the past, Adam. Do it for yourself.

Mitchell: And let Blake go. You have done enough damage to others, yourself and the White Fang.

Blake and Mitchell said.

Adam: Just forget it all? Is that what you did to me?! You just threw our memories away?!

Adam asked.

Blake: Adam!

Blake yelled.

Adam: I let you go once already due to your Island's Guardian, Blake. I'm never making that mistake again...

Adam said.

The three former partners take defensive stances and prepare for battle against each other.

To be Continued...

And that's all, folks! The tenth episode of the Sixth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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