Volume 6 & SPECIAL Episode: The Meeting

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the still ninth episode with a SPECIAL Episode of the SIXTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose mixed into it where we will see where Shadow and Shido went while looking for Oscar! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

A/N: Two-in-One Episode for a Chapter, huh? Well that's a first.

No One's POV:

At the ruins in the Kingdom of Vale,

At the Top of the destroyed Beacon Tower,

(A/N: Fall of Beacon, on top of Beacon Tower.)

Belial is seen at the same spot, awaiting for Shido's reply until a ringtone sound off from Yuki's Scroll, for him to pick it up, to see that Shido has a message for him, in which he opened the scroll up to read his reply, reading; 'Sorry for the late reply again. Something came up at Argus, but I think we can make use of this moment to separate Shadow from the group so you can have a chat with him. When are you coming over? Seems like it'll be a while that you're coming here, your grace. Not that I'm complaining or anything.'

After reading the message, Belial then used his NEO Fusion's power to call back the mass growth that was seen spread around the Kingdom of Vale as he stood up, prep ,aring to leave.

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): Leaving?

Belial: Yes. It would seems one of our phases are done. Now onto the next two phases.

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): And that is?

Belial: Head to Argus, and have a talk with that novice...

Belial said.

Upon finishing what he said, the NEO Fusion opened its wings wide open as it began to take to the skies to fly away from the destroyed Kingdom, making its/their way towards Shido's location leading them to the city of Argus.


3rd Person's POV:

Team STRM, Clancy and Shido were seen at the other side of the city of Argus as they were looking for Oscar who is still currently missing.

Mitchell: soaring through the skies Oscar!

Tenka: Oscaaar!

Clancy: Where are you, man?!?!

Shadow: Oscar!

Rachel: Ugh... this city is huge!!! Why the heck did he choose the wrong time to take somewhere to where the hell he ran off to?!?!

Shadow: Can it, Rach!!!

Shadow exclaimed.

Rachel: Sorry... just... first the truths behind Salem, then the dispute Jaune has against Oscar which you know what I mean, now this???

Tenka: I know, but that doesn't mean Jaune has to act up like that.

Rachel: True but still....

Shadow: Guys. We'll find him. Everything will be fine as long as Oscar sticks around in the city.

While searching for Oscar, Mitchell is seen landing in front of them with a disappointed look on his face.

Shadow: Any luck? 

Mitchell: Sadly no...

Clancy: Dang it...

Shadow: Don't worry, guys. I'm sure Oscar has a valid reason for being missing.

Tenka: Yeah... hopefully...

Tenka said.

Team STRM, Clancy and Shido kept walking forward as they kept looking for Oscar, when Shido's scroll rang, for the user to take notice of this.

Shido: Uh, guys. I gotta take this.

He said.

Shadow: That friend of yours?

Shido: Yes. Might be here already.

Shadow: Alright. We'll be turning to our right real soon in case you lost us.

Shido: Thanks.

Shido acknowledged as he stopped in his tracks to take the call.

Team STRM and Clancy soon walked forward as they kept trekking on in their search without Shido for the time being. While Shido looked at his scroll, he ensured that the group is further away from him so he may take the call. Once further away, he took the call as quickly as possible.

Shido: Sorry, your grace... Had to wait till the group I was with is further away so I can make that call.

Belial (By via Scroll): As long as you're not caught, then it's fine.

Belial inquired through Shido's scroll.

Belial (By via Scroll): So, is the novice part of the group you are currently with?

Shido: Yes... he is in attendance with the group I'm with.

Belial (By via Scroll): Excellent. Now, I have arrived in Argus, you are to meet me at the specific location that I am about to type down on Yuki's scroll. Once sent, I'll let you take your time to find me since you are in a group... and ensure the novice comes with you.

Shido: It will be done.

Belial (By via Scroll): Good. I'll be waiting.

Belial said.

A second later, Belial can be heard hanging up the scroll at his end, for Shido's Scroll to go back and show the Scroll's usual homepage. Shido looked at the direction where his group went as he remembered that Shadow told him that they'll be turning to their right to expand their search. While looking at the direction they went, he heard his scroll ring again, for him to look at it, to show an entrance to a dark alleyway that he needs to go, and a map to where the alleyway is, noticing that that's where the group is now.

Shido: Huh? This alleyway, and it would seem that the right turn they went leads towards where I'm suppose to go. Well, better catch up with them before they pass it.

He said as he immediately took off to catch up with the group he was with.

Then, he turned to his right to another row of houses and shops to see the group further away from him, though visible in the crowd despite the crowd moving about. So, he swiftly made his way towards them, catching up with them. Once he was quite close to them, he yelled for them to wait up.

Shido: Hey guys!! 

He exclaimed.

Team STRM and Clancy stopped in their tracks upon hearing Shido's call, for them to turn around to see Shido running towards them, catching up with them. Once in front of them, he stopped to catch his breath.

Rachel: Hey, Shido. What's up.

Mitchell: Yeah.

Clancy: Managed to call the caller?

Shido: Yup.

Shadow: Well, what did your friend say?

Shido: Well, she said she's here. So, I told her the directions at where we are living so, she'll find us there.

Tenka: Very wise.

Shido: Yeah. 

Shadow: Welp, now that it is what it is, let's carry on with our search, then.

Shadow said.

And with that, the group of six began to walk once again as they once again look for Oscar. 


A few minutes after the three members of Team JNPR left the memorial,

At Team STRM, Clancy and Shido's location where they were still looking for Oscar, the group are seen separated as they went to each house, eatery and shop to find Oscar, but to no avail. They gathered back together, showing disappointed looks on their faces as they have no luck in finding Oscar in their sights. Just as they were about to call it quits, Shido spoke up to share his idea.

Shido: Actually, why don't we split up again to expand more of our search? Well, sure we will not have any luck when we do so but, at least it's worth a shot, right?

Shido ask while inquiring to the group.

Team STRM and Clancy looked at each other as they gave each other nods of agreement to Shido's suggestion.

Tenka: Very well. Let's expand our search.

Shido: Great. Then I would require S-

Shadow: Nice. Team, you accompany Clancy while searching for Oscar. Shido and I will go elsewhere to find him.

Shadow said.

T/R/M: Right!

This shocked Shido as he was going to say that he requires the Leader of Team STRM to come with him, but he interrupted him by saying that he'll go with Shido to find Oscar elsewhere.

Shido (Inner Thoughts): Okay... this isn't what I had in mind... never knew Shadow will volunteer to tag along with me like that... yet, it's still going according to plan, as we speak.

Shido said in his thoughts.

Shadow: Well now, shall we Shido?

Shadow ask.

Shido shook his head to snap back to reality.

Shido: Um, y-yeah. let's.

Shido replied.

Then, Shadow and Shido began to split away from the group as they went ahead to find Oscar. While walking ahead, Shido began to suggest something more and ask.

Shido: Hmmm... I think we might be forgetting something.

Shadow: Oh yeah? What's that?

Shido: We checked every lane we turn to and, every house, eatery and shop, right? Where's the one thing we haven't checked yet?

Shadow thought through to Shido's question, knowing that we didn't check at that one place. Then, Shido noticed Shadow's eyes widen, realizing that he found the answer to his question and they seem to have not checked those places yet.

Shadow: The alleyways! Right!

Shido: Mhm.

Shadow: But, I must ask. Why there?

Shadow ask. 

Shido: Why not? Children, people, criminals and many others would meet up or hide there.

Shadow: Ah, fair point.

Shido: Yeah. Come on, let's start with the alleyway close to us first.

Shido suggests.

Shadow: Alright. Lead the way, since you had this idea when you asked me that.

Shido: Heh, sure.

Shido (Inner Thoughts): Okay,... this is going according to plan. Never knew this would be so easy.

(A/N: The Dark Alleyway that they proceeded in. It's a lot darker so, make it extremely dark but, not so dark that one couldn't see where they're going.)

Shido said and said in his thoughts.

And with that, Shido and Shadow, with Shido leading the way, proceeded to the first dark alleyway which is where Shido was suppose to bring Shadow at, which was somehow closer to them, coincidentally. After entering, the two Huntsmen began to look around for Oscar as they notice some people lying on the floor or sitting while leaning against the walls, resting, giving them the opportunity to check them all while trekking deeper. After checking every person taking refuge in the alleyway finding no luck, Shido and Shadow began to walk deeper in. As they did so, they notice there is no one there as they began to walk slowly, slowing down in the process.

Shadow: This area seems quiet and there is no people here.

Shido: Yeah... perhaps we should go deeper? Maybe we could find him?

Shido suggested.

Upon hearing Shido suggest this, this caused Shadow to feel that something was wrong and something needs to be rectified by Shido as he is sensing a dark omen-like aura getting close to him and Shido, thus for him to begin questioning Shido as to why we are here and what are we here for.

Shadow: Shido, my friend... is there something that you wish to tell me?

Shido: Huh? Wh-what do you mean? All I said ar-

Shadow: I get what you said. Those a truths, I know... but,... I feel there's more to it.

Shido (Inner Thoughts): Okay... where is he going with this?!

Shido: Umm,... meaning?

Shido ask nervously.

Shadow turned to face Shido.

Shadow: There is someone here looking for me, correct? 

Shido: HU- I mean, what?! No.

Shido brushed his exclaim, trying not to make this obvious while in shock at what he's talking about, for Shadow to giggle.

Shadow: Shido, you know when you do that, that means you are hiding something. So, tell me... where's your boss?

Shadow ask.

This made Shido become even more shock as he began to sweat profusely, knowing he can't get out of this now.


Shido said in his thoughts.

Then, Shadow watched as Shido hangs his head low while sighing in defeat, for Shadow to smirk as he knows that Shido is hiding something from him, for Shido to fall on his behind, sitting on the floor of the dark alleyway while his head hanging down.

Shido: Alright, you caught me, man. But here, sit down, this may... take a while as it's a lot to take in.

Shido said as he pat his left palm on the ground next to him, for Shadow to sit down next to him where he pat his hand at, for Shido to explain to full truth.

A few minutes later,


Me: So, your friend of yours who's now here finding her way to Jaune's sister's house is currently waiting for me in this alleyway? Those phone calls and messages you've been receiving aren't just hers' but Belial's, too? And the them you are talking about is not just her, but Belial?

I asked.

Shido: That sort of sums it up,... in a way.

Shido said.

Me: Man,... never knew Belial is still alive after all that...

Shido: Yeah... he told me about his past against his son when he took me in...

Me: Took you in?! Dude, he's the Dark Emperor who de-

Shido and Me: Destroyed multitude of Planets and Galaxies.../-stroyed multitude of Planets and Galaxies!!!

Shido: I know.... After his "actual" death, when he resurrected here, he resented himself for that.

Me: I know... Geed told me he managed to exorcised Reiblood out of Ultraman Belial before Belial's demise... when he gad a good talk with Belial about his suffering...

Shido: I know. Belial told me about that, too. Honestly, for Reiblood to take over Belial and for him to things he doesn't want to do despite his exile,... that's messed up. Like,... I get why he's exiled but when Reiblood came to the picture... yeah...

Me: I know what you mean, Shido. Reiblood was just happened to be around where Belial was after he was exiled. 

Shido: Hmm. I get what you mean. 

Me: But, what aches me is... why does Belial want to see me?

Shido: Well,... Belial and my friend noticed the Fall of Beacon and set a temporary base on top of the tower to what they said. After seeing all that snow, that snowstorm and all, they decided that, they look for the person responsible of the snow and the Fall of Beacon. So,... once they figured who's responsible of it,... well,... they wanted to see you.

Me: I see. Well, for the Fall of Beacon part, it wa-

Shido: We know. We engaged them in combat back in Mistral after they retreated back to their airship.

Shido said.

Me: Huh! That explains the sound of explosion we heard back in Haven Academy as we didn't know where it came from. We know it came from outside but, we don't know which direction that explosion sounded off.

Shido: Yeah. And that's when I came along, cause' Belial wants to see you. And he has tasked me to fetch you

Shido said.

Then, as if on cue, a red and black fog with purple streaks of lightning formed a few feet away from us to our right, for us to stand at our feet.

(A/N: Red and Black Fog. Add purple streaks of lightning all over and around it.)

Me: I take it your friend and Belial are in there?

I ask.

Shido: Yes, they are. 

Shido replied.

Me: Welp, since we are here, let's go.

Shido: Hey uh... Shadow.

Me: Hmm?

Shido: I-I'm sorry... for the lies...

He said.

I shook my head as i placed my palm on his shoulder.

Me: For you, my friend... consider as an exception, considering we are looking for Oscar and your friend is looking for us.

I said.

Shido: Thank you...

Me: Now, let us be going.

Shido: Hehe. Yeah, wouldn't want them to wait.

Shido and I said.

And with that, the both of us went up to the dark cloud as we went through, entering into another world that I'm not familiar of.


3rd Person's POV:

Many minutes later after Oscar was found and after everyone figured that Shido and Shadow are missing,

Inside the Unknown Dark Dimension,

Shido and Shadow were seen walking through the accursed asylum formed by the ominous cloud that appeared before them from outside as they tried to navigate where they were walking as their visual before them is nothing but just red and black everywhere with purple lightning striking all over the place.

(A/N: The unknown dark asylum-like dimension. Make it red and black with purple streaks of lightning to strike all over the place at the background. There is more ground for them to trek.)

Shadow: This place is...

Shido: I know. You'll get used to it. So for now, let's just walk straight.

Shadow: Okay. The sooner we finish talking to him and her, the sooner we get back to the house. I bet you everyone is worried about us.

Shido: I'll... see if they could help.

Shido replied.

As Shido and Shadow kept walking straight, they noticed a shadowy figure-like tower straight ahead.

(A/N: This shadowy figure-like tower which is actually a throne.)

Shadow: Is that?

Shido: Yup. That's their throne.

Shadow: Hmmmm... I said, sensing that something isn't right.

Shadow: let's go.

Shido: Right.

Shido replied.

Shido and Shadow proceeded forward towards the figure which is actually a flight of stairs leading up to a throne, there, unbeknownst to Shadow, Belial aka, Yuki are currently sitting on it, awaiting for his arrival. After a while, once Shido and Shadow have arrived, they stopped in front of a flight of stairs for them to look up to see a throne at the very top of the steps, noticing that someone is sitting on the throne.

Shadow: Is that-

Shido: Yup. Well, not just her. She's Belial, too.

Shadow: Ah, that's coo- WAIT WHAT?!

Shadow exclaim at the last moment in shock when Shido revealed that his friend is also Ultraman Belial, as well.

Shadow: So...

Shido: Yep. Belial is inside of my friend, who's also your friend.

Shido stated.

Then, they see a figure sitting on her throne, getting out of her throne as she got up on her feet, making her way down the steps towards Shido and Shadow. As she was making her way down, Shadow noticed that this friend Shido spoke of having Belial's Atrocious Form as her armor as it was quite visible to him due to his berserk form kicking in for a brief moment.

Shadow: Okay... that is some armor there... 

Shadow/??? (Inner Thoughts): You're telling me... when she keeps getting closer, your berserk mode is about to kick in.

Shadow: Yeah.... wait, really?

Shadow/??? (Inner Thoughts): Yeah... So, try your best to keep it together, yeah...

Shadow: Okay... thanks for the tip, Dark side version of me...

Shido: Shadow?

Shadow: Sorry. My dark counterpart was talking to me.

Shido: Oh! Well, it's alright.

Shadow: Anyway, you were saying something just now?

Shido: Ah, yes. That's not just armor. You can say this armor that you speak of that you saw on her, is part of her form.

Shadow: Wait?! That's a fusion form?!

Shido: Yep. That's NEO Belial Atrocious, to what I call it.

Shadow: That explains the Kaiser Belial, Belial Atrocious, Alien Empera and Dark Lugiel's features on her which are sort of noticable... and whoa... he even included the robe he wore back then and that Scar Zero gave him back then, too in the NEO Form...

Shido: Well, Master Belial said he wanted to do it so, to remind him of his past, if he were to fall to such a path, once again.

Shido said, confusing Shadow.

Shadow: Uh... "if he were to fall to such a path, once again?" I-I don't understand.

Shido: It's best if you ask him yourself, cause' here he comes, now.

Shido replied and assured the latter get his answers when their friend arrives down the steps to greet them.

After a while, the figure who turned out to be feminine with the said features donning Belial's robe reached the bottom of the steps as she took a threatening gaze at the two who ventured here, for her to smile, knowing that Belial's associate has done his work fruitfully, for Shido to notice Yuki smiling, knowing that Belial was the one who is actually smiling, too.

Shido: Your grace. I've brought him.

He said.

Shadow looked at Shido and then at the girl donning Belial's robe, watching the girl nodding at Shido, then making her way towards him. Once in front of Shadow, she stopped to look at him, for Shadow to look at the girl.

(A/N: Kaizer Belial's robe that the girl aka, Yuki is wearing.)

Shadow: As I live and breath.... It's been a while... Belial. And your name?

I said to Belial and ask the girl who's also Belial.

???/Belial: Yuki. And of course, it has been a while, since our last encounter.

Yuki and Belial replied and said.

Shadow: So, it would seem he's right... you, have returned.

Belial: On the contrary, I have returned, but even better than ever.

Shadow: I can see that. So,... what are you up to? Planning to take over this world, now?

I said in a demanding tone.

Belial: Hmph!! Well, about that...

Shadow: Hmm?

Belial: After being in this body aka, Yuki, and after resurrecting to this world, I actually,... well... I don't feel like doing that...

Belial said.

This confused and shocked Shadow when he heard this. Then, he saw Belial turn his back and walked around his throne, heading to the back, for him to look at Shido, for Shido to head gesture to Shadow to follow them, in which he did. 


Following Belial from behind, I notice him looking out at his dimension, standing there doing nothing to my confusion, knowing him he would have done something to ambush me, but, he didn't. So, I walked up and stopped next to him, for him to sway his/her hand gently to one side to show his past events of himself back from after he was cursed and transformed into a Dark Ultra, doing his evil deeds to now when Geed stopped him, for good.

Belial: Ugh...!!! 

Me: ???

Belial: You know what? It's just as well you're here to hear me out.

Me: Huh? Uuuuh, why's tha-

Belial: Because after what has happened back then till my demise and being that dark version of me is tHE WORST!!!! OH YES! Yes-- I said it. All these years while I was destroying everything in my path, no Ultra really noticed that the good side of me... I, was watching all this happening! Sure, I wanted more power! But that Dark Shepard had to make it WORSE!!!! Causing me to die all over again, and to be encased into that SPACE STONE AND OBSIDION PRISON!!!!! And your people, your friends? They're so, needy, so clingy, so greedy to get rid of me not knowing that my good conscious is still lingering in that dark forsaken body!!! I have to listen to their voices of rage and their robot voices, Day after Day, after Day, after Day, after Day,... Asking that forsaken thing taken over me to give up and stop this!!! Even for my alien allies, as well... Day after Day, after Day, after Day, after Day,... just... Asking for when, whether or how are we gonna destroy the world!!! I tried stopping myself from doing it but, this Reiblood was just too powerful, for me to have no choice to be under its will!!!

Belial exclaimed while being honest.

I looked at him attentively, seeing where he's going with this as this is not like Belial at all.

Belial: I even thought that being who I was after getting those powers from that alien who took over me, meant that I will get the ultras to do what I wanted to do. Even if I'm evil, I thought it will mean that I have the power to destroy everything in my path and do whatever I want.

Then, Belial turned to me and gesture to himself, pointing his hands to himself.

Belial: And due to me bringing fear across the cosmos, no one ever asks me what I want and just flee and run away. And even if I ask, no one ever asks me what I want as they'll try to destroy me. If anyone of my alliance talk to me, no one ever asks me what I want as I always see my evil self destroying them! NO ONE EVER ASKS ME WHAT I WANT!!!!

Belial exclaims.

Belial: sighs... I was left alone with no one knowing I was suffering inside.... with my allies helping that dark side of me outside... all alone in there... in this wrenched dark asylum-like body!! So annoying!!!

Belial said.

I was taken aback to what he said as I never knew his conscious was still lingering deep within his dark-natured self at the time. So, I began to talk to him.

Me: Yeah... being pure evil is one thing, but destroying everything... yeah.... That's just selfish...

Belial: sighs Well yes, it's terribly disappointing, is what it is,... and I resent for what my actions led me which brings me to the worse cause of action caused by non-other than Ultimate Force Zero, led by Zero himself...

Me: And also, believe me. I understand how you feel. Being taken over, that's what happened to me when my dark counterpart took over me and wrecked havoc against the Grimm and almost destroyed Haven Academy. Tried to get him to knock it off but, he just keeps going. Times are harsh.

Belial: I know that... I can also sense him within you, so I know where you're getting by here.

He said in annoyance.

Me: Well... you wanted to me here. So, here I am. I could help you? I could even help you turn over a new leaf and get you back on track? Take back order by repairing the damage that your dark counterpart has done?

Belial: Yeah... y-yeah, I suppose you could, yeah.

Belial replied.

Belial: It's just... it was fun at first. With all the fleet of ships I used to command, that Carrier ship for a hand under my own image showing my own claw at Shadow, wielding the Armor of Armored Darkness, taking over Zero, being a monster and many more... and soon,... well, I never actually told anyone about this but... I began to grow tired of being evil and doing all the things I do in the past. That's why I resent myself for doing all those evil deeds that I did. Because it wasn't enjoyable, it wasn't funny, it's exhausting and sure as hell, it's draining the heck out of me.

Belial said.

I looked on as Belial explained why he didn't feel like doing evil to me.

Me (Inner Thoughts): So... Shido wasn't kidding that Belial resented himself for all he has done??? Well, that's a first.

Belial: You know... you know what's funny?

Me: Eh?

I looked in confusion when Belial said that.

Belial: You've made me see something after our last few encounters and after what you said to me back then. You've really, really made me see something. It's like... it's starting to feel like maybe... I needed help, a lot of help... that's why I have Shido to fetch you, because... it is fate, that I needed help from someone who's more understanding,.... like... like you.

Belial said to inquire what's funny.

I listened while watching his movements very closely just in case. Then, he began to look away from me, taking a few steps forward ahead of me.

Belial: You know... the genuine article? Heheh. Maybe Yuki was right from the very beginning. I do require help from my past mistakes. Maybe that is the best way to proceed since you are here.

Me: A genuine article, huh? So, you've learnt something from Yuki while looking for me.

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): Yeah. He learnt several stuff from me. I even gave him some ground rules if he wants to stick around with me more,... well, he didn't accept it at first but when he realized what he did in his past, he decided to live with it. Thus brought the suggestion that I told him that he needed help. Well, like he said, it may have been fate that we finally meet.

Me: I see.

Belial: You can talk to her, I see?

Me: Yeah. Telepathy. 

Belial: Interesting.

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): Remember, Belial. I don't mind you sticking around with me but just remember the ground rules and why we are here, too.

Belial: Hmph! Fine... I resented myself being evil, anyway.

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): Good.

Me: Well... seems like I have heard what I need to hear.

Belial: Hmm?

Me: After hearing what you and Yuki have to say, I'm really glad you think so-- because I think that sounds like a good idea, to start off fresh and a new start.

Belial looks back to show me a smile on Yuki's face.

Belial: Hmmm. Well, thanks, Shadow. I appreciate that.

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): We both do.

Belial: Yes. Both of us.

Me: No problem.

Belial: Heheh. Well, this has all been terribly enlightening... well, to correct myself there... greatly enlightening and I think we've all learned some great lessons here... that I'll totally remember.

Belial said.

I nod at what Belial said, for me to place a hand on Yuki/Belial's shoulder.

Me: Well, I'm glad you think so. As not many universe-dominating warlords or people have seen the error of their ways. Despite it being too late, I'm glad that you saw the error of your ways before and after, and after you met Yuki. Of course, I'll help you. We all will.

I said.

Belial: I want more power...

Me: Hmm?

Belial: I want more power,... but this time... I'll earn it,... from you... and your allies.

Me: Well, consider that to be a start.

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): Yeah. By the way, we've been slowly earning more power while looking for you so, we had a running headstart.

Me: I see. Then, it's a start, then... after that headstart.

Belial nods.

Me: Well, now that I know you are a friend now, I will still have to keep an eye on you, just in case. Nothing personal as knowing you, Belial-

Belial: It's understandable, Shadow.

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): It's alright. I'm cool with it.

Me: Alright then. Then let us be going.

Belial: To where?

Belial ask.

Me: To my friend's house, of course. I don't mind you having my bed.

Belial: Hmph. Well still, thank you.

Me: No problem. looks at a different angle to see Shido HEY, SHIDO!!!! COME OVER HERE!!!

I exclaimed to call Shido.

Shido looked where my head popped out at the side of the throne as he made his way where Belial and I were talking for a while.

Shido: Yep?

Me: We're going to Jaune's house. And we're bringing him and her along.

Shdio: Nice. 

Me: Yeah.

Shido: But uhhh... we need to be outside so that we can make our way there...

Shido said, nervously.

Then, both Shido and I heard Belial cackling, for us to look at him.

Belial: Despite Yuki was the one who is laughing at you, but still... I believe I have told you before on what I'm capable off when I have specific Kaiju Capsules.

Shido: Huh? What are y- OOOOHHH!!!!! Right, I forgot-- and YUKI, COME ON!!! YOU'RE EMBARRASING ME IN FRONT OF OUR FRIEND HERE!!!

Shido said in embarrassment.

I heard Yuki laughing in Belial's mind, for me to smirk about this. 

Me: Alright alright, Enough enough! Belial, Yuki, can you give us a lift back to the house?

Belial and Yuki: I'll do the best I can~

Belial said with his voice and Yuki's voice in unison, whilst raising his claw-like hand to show Greeza and Zetton Kaiju Capsules.

(A/N: Kaiju Capsule. Ensure they are Greeza and Zetton Kaiju Capsules.)

Shido: A Void Kaiju and Space Dinosaur for teleportation? Nice.

Belial soon deactivated his NEO form as he reverted back to Yuki, for her to be in control.

Me: So, you're Yuki?

Yuki: Yep.

Me: Pleasure.

Yuki: Likewise and same applies to you.

Me: Likewise.

Yuki: Cool. Now, let's head to Shadow's friend's house with these Capsules.

Shido and Me: Yup./Alright.

3rd Person's POV:

Back in the House,

Most of the group were asleep except for the three members of Team STRM, Teams RWBY, JEWL, RNHK, Kouta, Pallad, Graphite and Apollonir as they waited for Shido and Shadow's return. While waiting, Apollonir and Graphite volunteered themselves to go outside to fly around the city of Argus to find the two, but to no avail. In the House, TRM, RWBY, JEWL, RNHK, Kouta and Pallad were seen sitting down on the chairs, sofas or on the floor, still waiting.

As they waited, Tenka noticed Ruby feeling worried about Shadow, for him to console her by patting his hand on her shoulder.

Tenka: Don't worry, Ruby. I'm sure Doc and Shido will be back.

Mitchell: Yeah. It's just a matter of time.

Mitchell added in.

Ruby: I know. Knowing him, he'll come back.

Neon: I'm sure Shadow and Shido will be coming back now knowing that they can't find Oscar.

Blake: Well, we did find him back here cooking.

Wendolyn: Yeah. Also, I gave him a text... which... he didn't receive it, yet.

Hiro: Eh, must be the bad connection due to the tower at Beacon.

Pallad: Probably and Probably no-

Just as Pallad was about to finish, a faint laugh can be heard, to everyone's confusion.

Hiro: Did you just laugh?

Pallad: Huh? No.

Yang: We didn't even open our mouths to laugh, Hiro.

Then, another faint laugh can be heard.

Ruby: Okay, there it is again.

Weiss: Well, obviously it came from somewhere.

Rachel: But the question is, where?

Katie: Like everyone here knows whe-

Roland: I sense a void opening.

Roland interrupted.

The group who were awake and are in the house looked at Roland who's meditating with his eyes closed.

Tenka: Excuse me?

Roland: There is a void opening somewhere around this vicinity.

Roland said.

Everyone got up, shocked that this opening was opened out of nowhere from somewhere.

Everyone: WHAT?!?!

Tenka: And where's that opening?!

Katie: If there is a void opening, then we have a big is-

Maria: Why don't you come over to the backyard and see for yourselves and try not to be loud! There are friends of yours, adults and a baby trying to sleep.

Maria was seen outside at the backyard, exclaiming to those who are still awake to come outside at the backyard to see for themselves.

Everyone: Sorry.

Maria went back onto her usual seat outside at the backyard after everyone apologised.

Maria: Kids these days...

Everyone looked at Roland, for him to open his eyes and stand up.

Roland: Yeah,... like what she said.

Ruby: Well, let's go.

Ruby said.

Everyone (For those who were awake) in the living room soon walk to the backyard as they see an opening at the center of the backyard. Ruby and Rachel tried to go close to it but Roland stopped them.

Roland: Ruby, Rachel. Don't! Unless you want to permanently get sucked and trapped in the void forever...

He said.

Ruby and Rachel took a few steps back after Roland cautioned them not to be close to the opening. While everyone watched, Shido and Shadow were seen jumping out of the void-like opening, for Ruby to rush at Shadow.

Ruby: SHADOW!!!!

She exlcaimed.

Shadow looked at her, for Ruby to lunge in for a hug, for Shadow to catch her in time upon seeing her throwing herself into his arms. Roland and Tenka notice Shido and walked up to him, giving each other a group hug, for everyone to join in.

After the embrace, they let Shido and Shadow go as everyone looked at them.

Ruby: So, where did you two go?

Shido: Looking for Oscar and a friend of mine.

Wendolyn: Oh. Then, you must not have received my text?

Shadow: Long story short, bad reception at where we were.

Wendolyn: Okay.

Mitchell: Good news, Cap. We found Oscar. He was in the house the whole time.

Shadow: Wow... that's just... wow....

Pallad: Tell me about it. Heh.

Tenka: So, where is this other friend of yours?

Tenka ask.

Then, as if on cue, a feminine figure jumped high into the sky, exiting the opening, for the opening to close upon itself, as she land at the spot where the void-like opening opened and closed by itself, hitting the ground with her Giga Battlenizer, hard.

Once landed, she stood up revealing herself with Belial's robe still on her as she smiled at the crowd while offering up her hand to greet everyone.

Yuki: Hi, I'm Yuki. Nice to meet Shido's friends, in the "Flesh".

She said.

Ruby: Well, most of everyone is asleep so, we'll introduce who's here first. So, hi. I'm Ruby. Leader of Team RWBY.

Weiss: Weiss.

Blake: Blake.

Yang: Are you sure your legs are okay after that landing?

Yang ask, for Blake to nudge Yang by the side.

Yang: Oh. I'm Yang. Ruby's older sister.

Tenka: Tenka.

Rachel: Rachel. Call me Rach if you want.

Mitchell: Mitchell. Call me Mitch.

Tenka: We are Team STRM. Shadow, who's our Cap and also our Doctor is our Team Leader.

Shadow: Guys.... stop...

Shadow said in embarrassment, for Yuki to giggle.

Roland: I'-

Just as Roland is about to begin, Jay butt in to summarize everything as he heard everything.

Jay: AAAAAAAIIIIIIIII, to keep this short and sweet, sorry about this Roland as seeing she has been holding out her hand for quite sometime,.... Hi there, I'm Jay, this is Roland, Neon, Hiro and Katie of Team RNHK, Jon, Emily, Wendolyn and Lazarus of Team JEWL, Kouta, Pallad and the one's who are out still looking for Shadow and Shido are Apollonir, Shadow's dad and Graphite.

Jay introduced to the rest with his fast talk, ending it off with one of his crazy insane-like giggles, for Roland to look in shock as no one has ever spoken to anyone this fast before.

Roland: Well... none taken, Jay.... dang that's fast.

Jay: Thanks.

Roland: You heard that?!?!

Yuki: Well, it's nice to meet you.

Yuki said.

Shadow went up to shake her hand, for everyone to do the same.

After shaking her hand, she lowered her hand and Shadow began to ask everyone something.

Shadow: So, what did I miss?

Ruby: Apparently a lot but, I'll fill you in. We may have found a way to get to Atlas.

Weiss: It's risky but... it's worth a shot.

Weiss said.

Then, Apollonir and Graphite gracefully landed in front of the crowd as they see Shadow.

Apollonir: Son?!

Graphite: Shadow.

Shadow: Dad! Graphite!

Shadow went up to hug both of them, for them to hug back.

After the hug, the two noticed a new member of Shadow's group.

Apollonir: So, who's this?

Shadow: Yuki, this is my dad, Apollonir. And this is Graphite. Yuki, Apollonir, Graphite. Dad, Graphite, Yuki.

Yuki: Hi.

Apollonir: Pleasure.

Graphite: Welcome.

Shadow: Anyway, Rubes. As you were saying?

Ruby: Well,... hehehe...

Ruby nervously giggle.

Shadow: I'm not gonna like this, am I?

Tenka: Unfortunately... yes... you're not gonna like it...

Blake: We're... going to steal an airship to get to Atlas, with Weiss and Maria to infiltrate the Base from within.

Blake said.

Shadow: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!

Shadow exclaim.

Rachel: I know, Doc... I know, but we don't have any options. We have to steal one.

Roland: After we steal ourselves an airship, Blake and yang will cut communications at the Tower which is located in Argus, far deep in the forest.

Graphite: After which, we'll hop on and we have a one way ticket to Atlas with no complications.

Roland: True, but let's not forget.... it's a 50/50 chance that this plan will work.

Pallad: And if it fails...

Apollonir: We'll be in a heap of trouble with the Atlas Military...

Jon: And our plan will backfire and we'll be arrestedwHY ARE YOU CRACKING YOUR NECK LIKE THAT?!?!?!?!

Jon said while exclaiming to the newcomer.

Everyone looked at Yuki as she is seem cracking her neck by swaying her head left to right, swiftly and hard, for everyone to hear her bones crack, to everyone's shock as no lady they've seen has ever cracked their necks like this before as only an unruly or unholy person or fiend would do that. After cracking her neck to loose tensions around her neck, a familiar voice spoke up, for Shadow to recognize that voice.

Belial: Hmmm, a 50/50 chance, huh? That's nothing....Oh! And in case anyone asks, Yuki filled me in while you guys are discussing.

Emily: Uuuhh...

Pallad: What?

Roland: This isn't Yuki now. This, is someone else.

Shadow: I know. Guys, This... who's not Yuki, is Belial.

I introduced.

Everyone looked and greeted back.

Shadow: Now, Belial. Since you said that it is nothing, what do you have in mind?

Belial: First, I need your trust so I can go over the plan... my plan, if your plan doesn't go well.

Just as he finished, Shadow's kin realized something.

Apollonir: Wait... Belial? gasp Son, he doesn't mean the Dark ultra called; Ultr-

Shadow: looks at Apollonir aka, dad Not now, Dad! looks back at Yuki aka, Belial Belial, I trust you after you said everything to me, when you were honest to yourself and when you resented yourself. So yes, I trust you. Now. Tell me, what do you have in mind?

I said and ask.

Belial: Well,... if the plan goes south... here's what we have to do as when I arrived here, I found something quite interesting about the Military Base which you all need to be careful of.

Belial said as he began to state his contingency plan if Ruby and Jaune's plan goes south.

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The ninth episode with a SPECIAL Episode of the Sixth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose mixed into it. Well, let's see what Belial has in mind in Episode 10 as knowing Belial, he's up to something extremely CRAZY. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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