An Unknown Past

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Shadow is seen sleeping in a private bedroom in Saphron's house when he suddenly began to sweat.

Then, he began to have a vivid dream on some kind of crossover that he was not familiar off as he is seen in his point of view, standing alongside with a girl, with a young man holding a scepter donning a white clothing which is made for royalty to be standing in front of them.

In his Dream,

The girl and Shadow look at the young man in front of them as he spoke.

???: I must stop that from happening....

??? 2: No! That's too dangerous! I will-

???: Haruka.... &^#/=*.... Thanks to you, I was able to meet Towa again. I found the hope I lost.

??? said.

Shadow (Inner Thoughts): Why is that other name so hard to understand? Even if I'm looking through someone else's eyes?

Shadow asked himself.

Suddenly the vines almost pushed through as the barrier began to form cracks.

???: I'll come right after you. You still have a dream you want to fulfill, right?

??? mentioned as he points his scepter at them, for a pink aura to surround them as the noble prince lifted them away to safety, to Haruka's worry and to your worry.

Haruka: KANATA!!!!

Kanata: Haruka, please take care of Towa.

Kanata said.

Haruka and Shadow watched through someone else's eyes as his scepter powers deactivated, for him to look back while the large white doors closed upon itself as we began to fall back down to the real world.

Haruka: KANATA!!!

Haruka yelled.

Shadow looked at Haruka feeling concern for Kanata's safety, for him to look back to where everything happened, when a hand reached out for the doors that disappeared before their very eyes, to Shadow's realization.

Shadow: Wait! That hand! Then that means,... I'm seeing throu-

Before Shadow could finish, the person you are seeing through his eyes yelled for Kanata, but the name he shouted is different.

&^#/=*: Prince Kanata!!!!!!!!!! DECKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRR!!!!!!!!!!!

The person yelled.

Shadow's eyes widened when he heard this until he woke up back to reality by the shock.

Back to reality,

Shadow shot up from his sleep as he yelled the same name, reaching his hand out.


Shadow yelled while sweating away.

He was panting like a dog but worse as that dream was insane. Once he began looking around his room, he slowly calmed down and relaxed while using his powers to sweep the sweat off his face.

Once that is done, he looks at the hand he reached out as he felt a huge burden was hanging onto his shoulders, for him to start talking to the voice in his head.

Shadow: Ultra-Infinity.... can we talk....???

Ultra-Infinity (In Shadow's Mind): Yes?

Shadow: That dream....

Ultra-Infinity (In Shadow's Mind): That... was no dream.

Shadow: Eh?

Ultra-Infinity (In Shadow's Mind): .... that mindscape you were looking.... you were looking through my eyes on the past events that happened before I met you.

Shadow: Huh.... okay, well that answered one of the many questions I want to ask you. A-

Ultra-Infinity (In Shadow's Mind): Who was that Prince who magically whizzed us away to safety that I called him, Decker? To put it simply.... he is Prince Kanata from the Hope Kingdom.... he.... was the FIRST one,.... to transform into Decker.... also known as.... Ultraman Decker...

Infinity said.

My eyes widened.

Shadow: E-Eh?

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