Belial had a crush?

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Cutting to when Shadow went up to Yuki aka, Belial as he sensed something wrong.

3rd Person's POV:

Shadow: - as after all, this is not like you... feeling worried about something. Even Yuki can agree that this is not like you.

Shadow said while looking at the concern Belial.

Shadow: Hey, I know you so,... if you need anything.... I'll be at the usual spot.

Shadow said as he took his leave.

Then, Belial sighed as he began to speak up.

Belial: sighs Shadow, wait!! Wait!!

Shadow stopped and turned around.

Belial: I-It's complicated but... I... I'll give it a try to talk about it.

Belial said.

Shadow smiled at this and walked back to Belial and asked the unspeakable question.

Shadow: Soooooooooooooo~ Who's the girlfriend?

When Belial heard this question, this caused his cheeks aka, Yuki's cheeks to turn bright red.


Shadow: You were stuttering, that's one. And two, your cheeks were in a blush red before turning brighter now. 

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): Whuuuuuuuuuuuuut~? A dark lord having a girlfriend~? Tell me more~!

Belial: NOT MY GIRLFRIEND, FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Shadow: Then who is that girl you thinking about, boi~?

Shadow ask.

Belial: She's a... well.... a girl of interest....

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): You do know that a girl of interest means that this girl is "About-to-be" your girlfriend, right? In a way it means you have feelings of a person whose attention, concern, or curiosity is particularly engaged by something... in case you ask.

Belial: So, back then when I said that she had and caught my interest, that means-

Shadow: Yup....

Belial: uuuuuuuugh.....!!!!

Shadow: So, tell us more about this girl.

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): Yeah! We wanna know.

Belial: If I tell you, you two promise you don't JUDGE me!!!!

Shadow: No promises, but still I promise.

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): Promise.

Shadow and Yuki said.

Belial sighed at this and began explaining.

Belial: Well... it was a time before I met you, Yuki... and I formerly lead a small Guild known as Darkness Heels.

Shadow: Darkness Heels? Neat.

Belial: Heheh, thanks. Anyway, our journey was going well until we stumbled upon a Planet filled with Reyonix Battles and shit.

Shadow: Huh? Thought that was already over?!

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): Is there something you are not telling me, Belial???


Yuki (In Belial's Mind): oh. sorry.

Belial: Anyway, This planet raged war with their Battlenizers. Long story short, this has been going on between the Upper Classes and Lower Classes in that Hell-forsaken Planet since like.... for a long time apparently, even before they were given the Battlenizers and after they received them.

Yuki (In Belial's Mind) & Shadow: I see.

Shadow: Where's that Planet?

Belial: Hus.

Belial answered.

Shadow: Go on.

Shadow said to tell Belial to keep going.

Belial: So,... the war kept going.... blah blah blah... until....

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): Hm?

Belial: I met her. Sure we had our awkward moments and truthbreaking moments about ourselves but.... she seem nice, even after bailing me out. I suppose being a Riot Control Unit wasn't a joke, after all. heheh... Anyway, to keep it short, after I met her and fought against, and with her, it got me to have a... slight change of heart that even if I'm the Ultra of Darkness, I can be the Light, too despite in this state.

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): I see.

Shadow: Wait. What do you mean "Against"?

Shadow asked.

Belial looked down as he clenched his fist. But, after awhile he relaxed them.

Belial: She.... was forced... to become a Kaiju known as... Holy Demons... a Kaiju of Light and Darkness.

Belial said.

Yuki and I had shocked looks in our faces.

Shadow: Where is she now?! And is this Kaiju still roaming free?

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): Yeah! We can take it down!

Belial: She's fine. And the monster, it's obliterated. My Guild and myself talked her out of being under the Kaiju's control, causing her to transfer her Light to me... which brought upon this...

 Belial said as he stood up.

He raised his right arm, showing it slowly turning blue at the red features. After his right side of Belial's right arm turned to blue, Shadow and Yuki notice and felt his right eye turn blue, as well.

Shadow: .... whoa...

Belial: This is the power of Light and Darkness that defeated Holy Demons... and without her within me.... our attacks are nothing to it. Even before I departed from her planet after saving her and her hot-ass mom... she... came up to me and.... well...

While Belial tried to get the words out from his mouth, I smirked knowing that something romantic happened.

Shadow: Lemme guess... first kiss?

Belial: Hmph....! y-yeah...

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): I KNEW IT!!!!!!! She's your girlfriend!

Yuki teased.

Belial blushed at her tease.

Shadow: Alright Yuki, enough! So, Belial. Tell me more about this, girl, hmm? Her name and everything.

Shadow said.

Belial: Well... she's... young... well, hot for a young teenage girl....

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): Are you saying that I'm not hot and sexy enough for you~?

Belial: H-HEY!!!!!!!!

Belial exclaimed.

This made Yuki laugh in his mind for a moment before stopping.

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): I'm just teasing. snickering Anyway, go on.

Belial: Hmph! Anyway, her name is Lili Archive. Plus, she inherited something from her hot mom which is one of the reasons why I'm interested in her.

Shadow: Oh? And that is?

Belial: Her Power from an Ultraman...

When Belial said this, Shadow's eyes widened upon hearing this. Same goes for Yuki, as well in thought.

Shadow: She inherited...

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): That's impossible. I thought you said-

Belial: I know. Well, according to Lili and her hot mom, they mentioned that Lili's mom used to wield the power of Ultraman... after they separated and after Lili came to be, it would appear that a portion of that particular Ultraman's power lingured within.

Shadow: In other words Lili's mom gave her former Ultra's power to Lili by birth?

Belial: Correct.

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): Whoa... Power transfer stuff.

Belial: In way... technically you're correct.

Belial said.

Belial: Welp, Now you know.

Shadow: Well, I appreciate you telling us all this.

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): Yeah. Now we know you have a distant girlfriend you still like~

Belial: H-Hey!!

Shadow: If you miss her, why don't you visit her now?

Belial: I CAN'T!! Not like this!

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): What's wrong with my-

Shadow: Actually, it makes sense.

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): Huh?

Shadow: What Belial is trying to say is that he wants to see her in his own state. But now he's a spirit within you, he couldn't due to a limit.

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): Oh right, I almost forgot about that!! Fine... guess that's true.

Yuki said, remembering back at Beacon Tower when Belial left her to do some errands at Haven.

Shadow: Hey, how about this.

Shadow said, suggesting something to Belial.

Belial: Hm?

Shadow: I'll go on your behalf and make sure she's okay.

Belial: Well... it don't have a choice now, do I?

Shadow shook his head.

Belial: Very well, I'll let you. But promise me something.

Shadow: Hmm?

Belial: You tell me how she and her mom are doing... I hope she and her mom are doing well and fighting strong. I just need to make sure that Lili is alright.

Yuki (In Belial's Mind): Awwwww~ Belial~ Lovesick?

Belial: SHUT UP!!!!!!

Belial yelled at Yuki while blushing real hard.

Shadow giggled at this.

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