What's to come in the M.H.A. Book

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In a Dark Room, a large tube of water can be seen illuminating at the center in a pitch black dark room with someone inside (A/N: That person inside would be you.). Inside the tube filled with water, you are wearing a breathing mask with a tube connecting to the ceiling- -with tubes being pierced all over.

Scene slowly turns back for someone to say this;

???: He will be our great asset, in defeating All Might. And better, eliminating the Hero Society.

Scene looks back at you to see your eyes shot wide open with your fingers protruding out black with red streak claws-

(y/n): Screw.... that.... as I'm done with this place....

You said while breathing in your mask.

Then, the scene turns black again.

(y/n): You created me like this.... you enemies... and my foes.... my villains.... are going die by what you've created.

Scene blinks out to see you while turning black repetitively fast to show you using your might to remove the tubes while using one of your given quirks to break the tube.

After breaking free, the scene changes to se you reclaiming your stuff while taking an item designated for you as you wore them back on, with one of the items being this;

(A/N: This item.)

Scene changes to show you holding the Mad Doctor by the collar.

(y/n): I should thank you for giving me these quirks you implanted into me... which includes your master's blood which is also his quirk, too.....

Mad Doctor: Y-Y-Y-....Your welc-come????

(y/n): But killing you would be rather enjoyable~ But seeing i'm in the good mood, I'll not kill you.... but I'll kill your sleeping tubed up experiments of yours to give me more quirks at your place.... like you experimented me to do these whole 3 DECADES!!!!! As after all-

Scene turns black with a caption to appear to say what you said in the dark.

-You're dealing with a Human Reionics, which you conveiniently experimented on-

(y/n): You're dealing with a Human Reionics, which you conveiniently experimented on....

Scene changes to you fighting several classes of Nomus that you freed. The scene turns black to show another caption while you spoke in the dark again.

-You all brought this upon yourself, Doctor. So, I'm going to use this strength, to become stronger-

-Then, I'm coming for you...- 

-.... and your Master-

(y/n): You all brought this upon yourself, Doctor. So, I'm going to use this strength, to become stronger. Then, I'm coming for you.... and your Master.

Scene then shows you bursting through the walls of the laboratory of an unknown location as you made your escape through flight.

Scene turns black again to hear the Mad Doctor talking to his "Master".

Mad Doctor: We must retrieve him, immediately a-

???: Leave him.

Mad Doctor: B-But why?!?!

???: He's a failed experiment rumored to be from another world, Doctor. But fret not.-

Scene shows this man.

(A/N: This dude.)

???: -We have others to experiment on, after all.

The Master reassured.

Mad Doctor: Y-Yes. O-Of course.

Scene turns black and to a different location which appears to be a huge cave in the mountains to show you looking at this item that appeared before you.

(A/N: This item.)

(y/n): Two kaijus of a kind in each slot? wide smirk I see what this thing wants me to do....

Scene turns black.



Mina: So! You like him, don't you~?

Uraraka's face slowly turned bright red, beginning to stutter. Even Momo blushed at this point, too.

Uraraka: Uuuuuuh-uuuu-uuuuuhhhh.... I-I-It's not like that! I l-li- I like Deku a- Wait, it's not l-like that at all, either!

Momo: N-No! I-It's not like that....

She said, embarrassingly.

Momo said, covering her mouth with her hand while hiding her blush.

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