My powers originated from you from a World of Quirks

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Isolde: Son.... there is something you need to know about us, and how you became a God....

-The Family Truth, begins to unravel-

Scene shows the view of another world.

Apollonir: This World, is like Isolde's World in the World of Symphogear.... but this one, is different. 

Isolde: It's a World filled with people with and without powers known as Quirks.

-Another World in Peril requires a need of saving-

-"Their" World-

Me: I thought.... when Infinity went inside me after my birth,... I was prophecized as one already, Professor?

Scene turns black and changes to another scene with Shadow's parents and Oscar aka, Ozpin.

Ozpin: What Infinity told us, and you.... is only part of the truth. We're only telling you this now because you're ready to learn about which Worlds both your parents really come from, to prepare yourself for Thanos. One of them, particularly is what you were asking your father earlier. About this particular power with nine specific users which they know about.

Ozpin said.

Scene changes to see Shadow in another world in some kind of training facility as he is seen training on his powers aka, Quirks that his mother and father explained to him. While Shadow is training, both his parents' voices can be heard in the background explaining what they are in the background.

Isolde: One of the two Quirks you have, is One for All, used by all nine users. The nineth user is who you'll be meeting up with soon enough. This Quirk is a powerful quirk that allows you to stockpile an enormous amount of raw power, allowing you to significantly enhance all of their physical abilities to a superhuman level. This results in unbelievable levels of strength, speed, agility, and durability.

Shadow: I see... that explains when I do things and fight in my God Form, with or without, I've been stockpiling them into energy at certain parts of me.

Isolde: Exactly. There are Nine Quirks currently, with me and you to have two secret abilities which you have already mustered which is my Maiden Powers in its One for All variant, and your Hyper Muteki's Speed, Invincibility and Teleportation.

Shadow: Winter Powers and Muteki for secret One for All Quirks? .... whoa....

Isolde: -the others like Fa Jin, another stockpiling quirk, Danger Sense- -, Blackwhips- -, Smokescreen, Float and two other unknown quirks that are yet to be discovered. The eigth and nineth users' quirks well.... you can say they're of the same ambition and resolve. So, Superhuman is what I would go for, for now.

-A Quirk hides a terrifying past-

Scene shows Shadow in front of his parents.

Shadow: So.... how did.... One for All.... came to be???

There was a brief silence until-

Apollonir: About that- -which leads to the other quirk you have... which explains how you got to learn every single crossover and the ultras without even knowing them yet.

Isolde nods at this.

Scene changes to show Shadow in the forest training with his One for All quirks and his other quirk with the same monologue for an explanation to start.

Isolde: The other quirk, is a villainous quirk called; All for One....

Apollonir: One for All originated from All for One when All for One gave the first user that One for All Quirk....

-The secret to Shadow's Infinite Power surfaces-

Ozpin: We believe, that when both your parents reincarnated from those specific worlds all the way to this World as they have explained to me, the powers of those two quirks must have followed them, with Isolde to keep her One for All Winter Quirk and for Apollonir's All for One quirk to.... mutate to other quirks which leads to what you currently possess today, despite him able to control it thanks to my Semblance and his Elemental COuncil's assistance.

Scene changes with Shadow studying, working, having fun and competing together with his classmates.

Scene changes again to see several classmates asking about Shadow's quirk.

Uraraka: So, Shadow. What's your quirk?

Shoto: Yes... I'm fascinated with your quirk as it looks similar to mine. So tell us, what is it?

-Will Shadow be able to conceal the truth for long till the time is right?-


Izuku: Right!

Shadow: raises hands in front of my face, combat style LET'S GO!!!!! PUNCH THOSE PALMS!!!!!!!!

Scene turns black, hearing Isolde and Apollonir's voices.

-Or.... will it already be revealed?-

Isolde: Are you ready to face the World filled with Quirks,- -are you ready to face All for One?

Apollonir: Are you prepared for what this world also called our former home, has to offer?

Scene shows Shadow whispering to All Might's ear.

Shadow (Isolde's voice): It's been too long..... T-To-Tos-Toshi-san.... leaves

All Might: gasp it- it can't be...

Scene turns black.

Shadow: That all depends.... but i'll avenge your deaths at that world.... and honour your names... use the Allfor One for good,.... and smite the Evil away. As after all...-

Scene changes to see Shadow fighting against All for One along with another scene to see him fighting against a new enemy who looked mutilated and mutated (Shigaraki).

Then, scene turns black once again.

Shadow: I'll change every universes and worlds' fates,.... in my own two hands.

RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Shadow's Hero Acadamia - Where everything Began (A/N: As in the origin of where Shadow got his powers from.)

Scene changes to see Shadow do a super hero landing in front of everyone and the nomus in USJ, to everyone's confusion.

Shadow: USJ, huh? And here I thought I'm gonna enjoy some rides and food here. But that's okay. So, these creeps bothering you?

The nomus growled.

Shadow: Yep. They are. Let's go All Might at 300%.... Maximum Effort~!

He said.

Scene switches to show him and the nomus charging at each other, then the scene turns black.

Aizawa: Alright, just introduce yourself and go have a seat at the back.

Shadow: does a five-finger salute Yes sir, Mister Hobo, sir.

Aizawa: uuuuuuggghh..... (Inner Thoughts) I don't get paid enough for this....

Scene changes to show Shadow in class, introducing himself.

Shadow: My name is Shadow, Shadow Wrath. Not sure how it works around here as my fullname is both my real name and hero name. But whateves. My quirk is; -

Scene turns black.

Shadow: - Winter Muteki. -


Scene changes to see this.

Shadow: -I didn't say anything or delcare anything to you, Bakugo. So, if anything, you're in the wrong here as I didn't do anything to offend you.

Bakugo: WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?!?!?!?!?! I'M GONN- UH- ......................... tch.... walks off while whispering not bad....

He leaves.

Izuku: H-How did you do that?

Shadow: As a hero or villain, a lot of people always tell me, ALWAYS think of a compromising statement or Compromise, do that.... and here's one of the results you saw.

Scene turns black again.

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