SECRET Users' appearance in One for All

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Izuku and the other eight users of One for All notice something further away from their location inside Deku's subconscious mind, but it was easy to tell that there were two individuals further away.

Izuku: Who are they?

??? 3: Don't know.... I've never seen them before

??? 7: All for One?

??? 4: Not sure.....

They kept discussing on who's further up from their meeting place.

Just as Izuku looked away to see the past users discussing on who they are, he soon turn back to them, only to see the two unknown individuals in front of him now, for him to stagger backwards a bit in shock, for them to notice this and the unknown individuals' arrival, to also their shocks as they appeared suddenly out of the blue.

??? 5: W-Who are you?

??? 1: Identify yourselves....

The two users of One for All said.

Then, a figure in a golden techno flame that looked and appeared to be Shadow approached forward while facing Izuku look at him with a serious look on his face.

He stopped in his tracks and reaches his hand out to Izuku.

Shadow: She and I are here for a reason. Take my hand, and we'll discover the last remaining quirks for One for All, together.... while you learn two more of its new Quirks my mother and I mustered, known as Winter and Muteki.

He said.

Izuku looked at his hand as he was hesitant at first. Until a few seconds later, he slowly reached out, only for Izuku to wake up in the middle of the night with shock, panting away hard.

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