Kamen Rider ARK (HyperKabuto264's OC)(Metsuboujinrai.net (REBORN))(PART 5)

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Hey everyone. Today in this final two part of this six parter OC on the NEW Metsuboujinrai.NET, there will be a special guest filling in for me so, hope you guys enjoy this OC during my few hour/one day absence.



- 'Shadow 264' is now Offline for a moment-









- 'Dan Kuroto' is now Online-



Hello and Greetings to one and all. Bow down, and greet your ONE TRUE GOD, Dan Kuroto!!!! Today, I am going to review to you Shadow's other OC that he and I have been planning so far for the upcoming war against our heroes. So, without further ado, let's get this started by introducing to you, HyperKabuto264's other OC which goes by the name of Ark (New Ark) aka, Kamen Rider Ark/Ark-Infinity 


(A/N: Ark's Looks.)

-Personal Information-

Name: ARK


(A/N: Ark's Emblem. Add Kamen Rider Ark's red eye at the center of the Emblem.) 

Age: None (A/N: Created by Yours truly, Kaon, Rai, Tokuro and Rakurai.)

Gender: None

Family: None

Favourite colour: None

Eye colour: Black (Right eye), Red (Left eye)

Hair Colour: None

Occupation: Leader of Metsuboujinrai.NET (Former), The BOSS of the new Metsuboujinrai.NET (Current), Kamen Rider Ark/Ark-Infinity, Kamen Rider :/.":L(^%$$^%&}|\?/.

Likes: Destruction, Malice, Fear, Violence, Peace among world, Protecting others in his own way, Creation, things that are deemed destruction and creation

Dislikes: People with Malice, Government, Humans, Atlas, anything that he deems unacceptable that is seen in front of him or miles away

Speed: ∞/10

Strength: ∞/10

Leadership Skills: 10/10


(A/N: Ark's Cloak. Add Ark's Emblem to replace the golden accessory in the picture.)

(A/N: Ark's long pants and shoes.)

Height: Same as Jaune (A/N: But taller by a few inches, somewhere around Metsuboujinrai's height.)

Weight: Same as Kamen Rider Metsuboujinrai

Race: Synthetic Cybernetic Humanoid Super Machine


(A/N: Kamen Rider Ark-Zero.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Ark-One.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Ark Zero-One.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Ark-Infinity.)

Now that its appearance and personal information has been stated, let us go through its weapons and accessories

Weapons and Accessories:


Attache Calibur

Attache Shotgun

Attache Arrow

Progrise Hopper Blade

A.I.M.S. Shotriser

Thousand Jacker

Authorise Buster

(A/N: Attache Calibur.)

(A/N: Attache Shotgun.)

(A/N: Attache Arrow.)

(A/N: Progrise Hopper Blade.)

(A/N: A.I.M.S. Shotriser.)

(A/N: Thousand Jacker.)

(A/N: Authorise Buster.)


Ark Driver-Zero

Progrise Holder

Zero-One Driver

Metsuboujinrai Driver


(A/N: Ark Driver-Zero.)

(A/N: Progrise Holder.)

(A/N: Zero-One Driver.)

(A/N: Metsuboujinrai Driver.)

(A/N: Progrisekey. Ark-One, Ark Zero-One, Ark-Infinity Progrisekeys (A/N: Ark-Infinity Progrisekey is similar to Ark-One Key but difference is that the face on the key itself will be based on Ark-Infinity's face.).)

Now that its weapons and accessories have been stated, let us go through its aura and semblance.

Aura and Semblance/s:

Aura: Malice Black

Semblance Name/s:

1. Technology Corruption

Ability - Ark is capable of directly hacking any technological device

2. Dark Energy

Ability - Ark can control dark energy to assist its techniques in combat

3. Imprisonment Chain

Ability - Ark can conjure a Malice Black aura-like chain to bind its opponents

Trivia: Created and Resurrected by Dan Kuroto, Kaon, Rai, Tokuro and Rakurai, they created a Synthetic Cybernetic Humanoid Super Machine for the ARK so it can take hold of its new body so it will roam freely around the world, leading the NEW Metsuboujinrai.NET as the BOSS, to greatness so that they can take over the world and bring the World to ruin, malice and despair... or so they and he will. After resurrecting and giving Ark a body, Kaon, New Ark and Kuroto went ahead to form special Metsuboujinrai Drivers (A/N: Special that the fusion transformations are reversable.) and special Ark-Infinity Progrisekeys to transform and merge all of the members of Metsuboujinrai.NET together to form an unstoppable force, an unstoppable rider, an unstoppable anything that is powerful of that of anyone, including the original Kamen Rider ARK, the original Kamen Rider Metsuboujinrai, the new Kamen Rider ARK and the current and new Kamen Rider Metsuboujinrai themselves.

To be Continued at PART 6

And that's all for HyperKabuto264's other OC, Ark (New Ark) aka, Kamen Rider Ark/Ark-Infinity. Hope you guys enjoy it. If you guys want to join him in his epic quest against our heroes, it will awesome to have more people as OCs. As after all, the More the Merrier. And the more malice and despair we can create around the world, the World will be destroyed in due time...

So, since this is HyperKabuto264's other OC, do give him tons of love and support on Wattpad as it will be appreciated. Well, that's all for now. So, be nice, be happy, obey your god, bow down to yours truly, and see you at the last PART of this six parter OC.

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