Tokuro Dire (tok-kun5045's OC)( (REBORN))(PART 4)

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Hey everyone. Today, I am going to review to you my OC that tok-kun5045 and I have been planning so far for the upcoming war against our heroes. So, without further ado, let's get this started by introducing to you, tok-kun5045's OC which goes by the name of Tokuro Dire aka, Kamen Rider Naki.


(A/N: Tokuro's Looks.)

-Personal Information-

Name: Tokuro Dire


(A/N: Tokuro's Emblem. Ensure the emblem is coloured in his favourite colour.)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Family: Okami Dire (Relation: Father, Status: Deceased) Volpina Dire (Relation: Mother, Status: Alive)

Favourite colour: Blue

Eye colour: Navy Hair (As in the colour itself)

Hair Colour: Black

Occupation: Himself, Kamen Rider Naki, One of the members of the NEW Metsuboujinrai.NET

Likes: His mother, Fighting, Training, Hacking into things, Humans, Peace, Killing Grimm, His father, Huntsmen

Dislikes: White Fang, Salem, Grimm, His father's killer, People dying, Being called a tool

Speed: 25/10 

Strength: 19/10

Leadership Skills: 7/10


(A/N: Tokuro's Outift.)

Height: 6'0

Weight: Same as Jaune

Race: Wolf Faunus HumaGear


(A/N: Kamen Rider Naki.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Naki - Assault Wolf Form.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Naki - Rampage Vulcan Form. Ensure Mammoth, Cheetah, Hornet, Tiger, Polar Bear, Scorpion, Shark, Kong, Falcon and Wolf Rider Modules are placed on the form at the specific places according to the series.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Naki - Orthros Vulcan Form.)

(A/N: Take note that he will also utilize every form Vulcan obtained, as well when using the Shotriser as his Henshin Trinket.)

Now that his appearance and personal infromation has been stated, let us go through his weapons and accessories

Weapons and Accessories:


Attache Shotgun

Attache Calibur

Shotriser (x2)

Nihon Ookaminotsume

(A/N: Attache Shotgun.)

(A/N: Attache Calibur.)

(A/N: Shotriser (x2).)

(A/N: Nihon Ookaminotsume (A/N: Equipped in Rider Form/s.).)



Japanese Wolf Zetsumerisekey


Progrisekey Holder (x2)

(A/N: Progrisekeys. Assault Wolf, Rampage Vulcan.)

(A/N: Japanese Wolf Zetsumerisekey.)

(A/N: Forceriser.)

(A/N: Progrisekey Holder (x2).)

Now that his weapons and accessories have been stated, let us go through his aura and semblance

Aura and Smeblance/s:

Aura: Grey 

Semblance Name/s: 

1. Enhance Dire 

Ability - When he Focuses with his Aura, he can enhance his speed, strength, hearing, sight, and scent of smell. He can also enhance his Aura to scare his opponents.

Trivia: Still having the love of humankind, Tokuro, the first Wolf Faunus HumaGear joined a group to form, the NEW Metsuboujinrai.NET after the original perished so that he and the others, his leader and his boss will lead the World to ruin, malice, dread and fear. Well, that wasn't the only reason why he joined up with the NEW Metsuboujinrai.NET, the main reason was to get back at the White Fang as Adam was the one who killed his father. He knew that being a Huntsmen in any Huntsmen Academies won't cut it and help at this moment in time, so, he went running to the Leader of the Force, Kaon for help, in which he obliged, thus nearly completing their Force to bring the World of Remnant to Malice and Hatred, with Tokuro's wolf and dire capabilities, things will move smoothly for the NEW Metsuboujinrai.NET, with one more member to be the "BOSS" of his Leader Kaon and of the Force to foreshadow.

To be Continued at PART 5

Welp, that's all for now for tok-kun5045's OC, Tokuro Dire aka, Kamen Rider Naki. Hope you guys enjoy it. If you guys want to join me in my epic quest against our heroes, it will awesome to have more people as OCs. As after all, the More the Merrier.

So, since this is tok-kun5045's OC, do give him tons of love and support on Wattpad as it will be appreciated. Well, that's all for now. So, be nice, be happy, stay frosty, stay brave, POUND IT, KNOCK IT!! Aaaaaaaaaaand SEE YA!!!!!

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