C16 Round Double and Robotic crossroad deal

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Penny's pov

I was walking around Beacon as I bump into Atlas most wanted and I'm knocked down and he looks at me with those crimson eyes of his before offering me a hand to get up

F/n: My apologies here let me help you Miss.

I grab his hand and ge helps me up effortlessly as I feel my core heating up in his presence but he walks away after pulling a blood bag and pokes a straw inside it and drinking from it and I'm follow him since we got hours before the matches start and I'm following him to the cliff overlooking a forest as he reaches out his left arm before focusing on something

F/n: Come forth and answer to my will.

He stay like that for a while before emitting a massive black aura around him as he displaying the anger emotion

F/n: Damnit am I still not worthy to you and I created you is it cause I have a soul or I'm not evil. Your my own Occult Treasure weapon so answer to my will or the world doomed.

I approach him but I'm met by a black gun in my face and he slowly looks at me

Penny: What an Occult Treasure weapon?

F/n: It a unique weapon for monsters with my soul wavelength and poverty but mine was born of my own flesh and bone when I was evil and dem no one worthy ever since.

Penny: Maybe you just need to make it submit to you.

F/n: Penny I could kiss you if I haven't tried that already.

Penny: Can you promise not to tell anyone this.

F/n: What your an android with an aura?

Penny: Dead on with that.

F/n examines me closely before sniffing me as he shocked what he feeling

F/n: I can barely tell your an android but Grimm would just see you as a human but I been around mortals for years so I can tell the difference.

I pull him close for a kiss and I feel sparks literally before parting ways as he unresponsive from that

Penny: My first kiss and it felt wonderful is this what boyfriends do to their girlfriends.

F/n: First we may be friends but not in a relationship that what people do when they love each other.

Penny: Oh well some the girls here call you an amazing dream and kisser. And I heard Professor Branwen saying she fell in love with you after a one night stand when I asked her about love. What does that mean?

F/n: Ask your father to have the talk about the birds and the bees.

Penny: I don't think he'll tell me about that and he won't upgrade my body to have those specific parts.

F/n: I shouldn't do this but I'll take you somewhere to make a deal to make you more human as king of all monsters you'll get a good deal.

Penny: More human like?

He grabs me and we disappear in a flurry of bats to a crossroads in a dirt road as he smiles before speaking in a different acknowledge language to me as a female appears

F/n: Ah the princess of the crossroads my favorite deal making demon.

Demon: My lord what do you want by summoning me?

F/n: This android wants a deal and she a friend so she gets the friendly deal.

Demon: So girl what do you want and in exchange you get a good thirty years to live.

Penny: I wanna be more human like so I can experience romance and passion.

Demon: Very well you'll have a few functional organs and body adjustments to be like a normal human girl but in thirty years you'll have to uphold your end with a payment.

Penny: Deal. So where the paperwork?

F/n smiles as the demon approaches me before kissing me on the lips with her tongue before pulling away then bows to F/n and disappearing in the wind as I look at F/n just to feel a beat in my chest

Penny: What happened?

F/n: You sold your artificial soul to a demon to be more human and in exchange you got thirty years to live before you have to deal with the hounds that fetch your soul.

Penny: Am I able to produce children cause if I am it sensational.

F/n: You can produce children and since you have a womb and other organs that a baby needs to grow till birth.

Penny: I have thirty years to live huh?

F/n: Yes but their two loopholes in the deal. One marry me to be a queen of monsters or kill your contract holder.

Penny: Should we go back everyone must be looking for us and this will be are secret.

We appear by the huntsman status at Beacon and he walks away to the Cafeteria and I follow just to sit by him as my partner and bodyguard sits across from us and looks at F/n with a questionable look

F/n: Cecil we just went for a walk and had a great chat about are futures as huntsman and huntress.

Penny: I plan on aiding people of both humans and faunus.

F/n: I plan on being a better father than what I had since my dad was never in my life.

Cecil: Ironwood informed me that you two went out of Vale to a outside the kingdom.

F/n: I felt some dangerous Grimm near the wall and being training hunters we dealt with it with makeshift spears what humans used to use to hunt.

Penny: Cecil tell the General I'm fine and I'll give him my report about are walk.

F/n: Penny I'll talk to the General it was my idea for a walk and talk after all your new to this kingdom and I was being a good host from this kingdom and helping you out with shops and restaurants.

Cecil: And the Grimm close to the boarders natural.

F/n: No they never come this close something stirred them and it wasn't me I was with Penny the whole time.

The General walks in and approaches us and he looks who next to me drinking a coffee he magically appeared

General: What did you do and if you lie I'll disqualify your team?

F/n: Your talking to the only one here who can save Penny's life from death with hounds. But to answer your question I helped her with something she wanted on her own free will and she sold her soul to a demon.

General: And you didn't stop her.

F/n: James with my experience with women it to just let them do what they want in life. Plus she got a good deal of thirty years instead of ten.

General: Call off the deal now.

F/n: I would if I could and if I wanted to but I didn't make the deal.

General: I'll have demonic deals as a crime against humanity so call the deal off or demon hunting will be a thing.

F/n sighs before pulling out a sheet of paper and places it on the table

F/n: Ok in return of her soul she keeps her deal gains and in return my demons get some territory in Mantle to do some business under Specialist Schnee supervision.

General: You planned this?

F/n: No and the business won't be dangerous just a little blood bank for my vampires in my domain cause I prefer from the vein.

General: Fine but if any of those demons do anything else I'll have them kicked from Mantle.

F/n: Demons answer to me and the Fallen Angel Lucifer.

General: Fine.

The General signs the contract and looks unhappy that F/n just won some territory in Mantle for his people as he rolls the contract up and puts it in his jacket with a satisfying smile on his face

F/n: Pleasure doing business with you James.

General: Just make sure you make them well behaved.

F/n: I'll hand pick them myself.

The General leaves and when he gets to the door he looks back just to see F/n kiss me on my cheek and I burn up as he leaves with a flurry of bats to somewhere

Blake's pov

I woke up to see F/n watching me sleep with a smile with his fangs showing while eating Ruby's stash of cookies

F/n: Morning kitty I'm in a great mood today.

Blake: Your in so much trouble for one entering are dorm uninvited and two eating those sweets.

F/n: I'll get a meeting with your favorite author if you don't wake them up and shoot me again.

Blake: Deal and lunch at the sushi place.

F/n: After the Vytal Festival love.

He kisses me and I taste his citrus flavor lips and I pull him under my blanket for a heated make out session but it interrupted by someone coughing just to see Weiss readying her gun and glaring at F/n

Weiss: Gir-

He shuts her up by kissing her and she wraps her arms around his neck and I glare at him

Blake: Down boy.

He pulls away from Weiss then smiles as he looks at Yang and pulls out black hair dye as he dyed her hair black and puts a empty bottle of Whiskey and Ruby's empty cookie jar on her bed and the hair dye box on Ruby's bed before leaving by slamming the door to wake them up and Ruby looks at Yang

Ruby: Yang you ate my cookies.

Yang: No I didn-

Yang notice her hair and the dye box on her sister's bed and her eyes turn red

Yang: You dyed my hair black to match my mom.

Ruby: I did no such thing beside I think witnessing your first haircut was traumatized enough.

Yang: Then who did it? Weiss? Blake?

Blake: I woke up to the prince kissing me and Weiss was about to shoot him so he kissed her before leaving.

Weiss: Blake he dyed Yang's hair and planted the evidence on their beds.

They nod at each other and quickly get out of bed to get dressed to kill him for this as I look at Weiss

Blake: Yang your hair looks better black.

Yang: Thanks BB but he paying for his crimes.

Weiss and myself get out of bed and gets dressed to watch them kill him and when we find him we see him heading towards the cliff and we follow him just to see him stretching out his left arm with a calm look

F/n: Answer to my will and come to me.

His calm demeanor turns pissed as he emitted a black flame on his body and starts growling

F/n: Damn just answer to me your my weapon and I need you in my time of need.

He falls to his knees and skeletal wings bursts out his back painfully but he shrugs it off like it nothing

F/n: The only time you respond to me if I'm in that form but not my human form I'm your creator.

His flesh starts burning off his body as skeletal tail and ears pop out of his body and when the flesh off we see a hybrid between wolf, bat, and skeleton as a one handed great axe flies into his right hand as he turns normal as the axe drops onto the ground and he struggles to even lift it

F/n: Stop being stubborn the whole world in danger and if life parishes I'm back to animal and Grimm blood.

He keeps struggling to lift this axe as active Yang's semblance to boost his strength but fails and falls on his ass

F/n: Come on Occult Treasure Great Axe Tsuki (moon). I need your help Vergil if he uses Yamato on the lock to my father vault to unleash ancient Grimm and then my hard work to protect the world from the literal shadows will fail.

We look at him with shock he knows so much we don't about Grimm as he trying to lift the axe but doesn't budge as he trying his hardest and we hear bones breaking from him as blood coming from his mouth and ears

F/n: If I fail you fail cause I made you as my ace in the gambit of war. But I expect you to think about that at the finals when I fight Vergil to not only save the kingdom and my first born on the way.

He leaves the ax embedded into the ground as his body fully healed and we head to the arena for the doubles as we see Sarah and F/n in the arena as he facing Sun and Neptune

Neptune: Hello beautiful.

Sarah: Sorry I'm in a committed relationship with a lady.

Neptune: I got good looks and something she doesn't have.

Sun: Forgive him he dumb.

F/n: I guess his hair compensating for his brain but I gave Sarah my blessing to date one of my knights.

Sun: I heard you lost a fight against your little brother badly.

F/n: Grrr.

Sun: But hey you know what they say. When you fall off that horse you get right back up and you eat that horse. Go on and eat that horse.

F/n pulls out his duel guns and points them at Sun with the intent to brutally maul him as Sarah pulls her sword off her back and points it at Neptune as the arena gets a forest, desert, mountain, and ocean as F/n smiles sinisteraly at Neptune misfortune

F/n: Oh Neppy look water.

Neptune: Oh come on he gonna tease me now.

Port: Begin.

F/n starts firing nonstop of barrage of bullets towards Sun who running away to avoid being shoot at while Sarah swinging at Neptune who blocking with his trident against the force he being hit with but Sun smacks Sarah into the water and Neptune puts his electrical trident in the water to shock her to fall over with no aura making it a two on one as the both rush towards F/n but he jumps away and puts his guns in their holsters as he start analyzing his opponents

Sun: Give it up old man.

Oobleck: Get the medic down there for both them cause my favorite student about to activate his semblance that started his legend years ago.

Dark aura surrounds F/n as it pure dark before jumping up into the air with his hand out like he gonna try summoning his weapon

F/n: Come and answer to my will.

Everyone see an axe fly into his hand as he smiling

F/n: Occult Treasure power release.

A bright white light appears on his axe blade with darkness surrounding him and it looks like a moon on the axe

Port: Dracul fable treasured weapon harness the power of the moon but if used in the day it uses the wielder own magic over the dark to attack.

F/n: For your insult towards me is unforgivable now pay for your sin.

Sun and Neptune look up at him as they look scared to even move but he swings his axe towards Sun and he hit with the beam of the white light as he flies towards the barrier with shattered aura while unconscious as he lands and looks directly at Neptune with his Axe in hand

Neptune: What did you do monster?

F/n: Your right I am a monster but I stand at the pinnacle to all races.

Neptune: Your a monster not even a proper race.

F/n: Monsters are a race of darkness I just stand at the top of them as their master. And I been killing Grimm since way before you where sucking on your mom tit and a pacifier.

Neptune: Atleast mine alive.

F/n closes his eyes before opening them with deadly intent towards Neptune as he slowly approaches him

Neptune: So much hate you must want to kill me like the monster you are.

He gets face to face with Neptune and stars into his eyes

F/n: Why do I feel hate towards someone who obviously weaker then me. I only feel pity.

Neptune looks intimidated by him who wielding a weapon that one shotted his partner and this close to him but Neptune cheap shots him with a low blow with his trident then impale him with a thrust as he smiling sadistically as Neptune backs away in fear with weapon in hand as he sighs

Neptune: Impossible cause when Ruby staked you it worked but when I impaled you it doesn't work.

F/n: That all you got I guess I should show you what I can do with my axe in hand.

He raises his axe as Neptune looks pale before ringing himself out in fear like he saw something that terrified him to death as F/n looks confused

F/n: I just was gonna love tap him with a swing I guess what he felt was much more it been a long time since I wield this axe so I might have over did it.

F/n puts his axe on his back and picks up Sarah bridal style and carries her to the infirmary as I'm shadowing him before he starts heading to his office but along the way Vergil waiting outside

Vergil: That weapon belongs to me so give it up you don't deserve it. The weak doesn't deserve powerful weapons.

F/n: It won't respond to the likes of you.

He places his axe on the ground and backs away with his usual attitude as Vergil grabs the axe handle and struggles to even lift it with two hands compared to F/n one handed

Vergil: It so heavy and it fauld for a two handed axe with it short handle and weight.

F/n suddenly takes it with one hand and shrugs it over his shoulders

F/n: That's cause it simply a one handed axe not fit for a lesser being such as yourself. It was made to be used for the Lord of Monsters Occult Treasure Great Axe of Tsuki the name for the source of this axe power giving by a man cursed to forever be bound to the occultic nature of darkness.

Vergil: I'm stronger than you cause I'm a half demon and Grimm while your undead and Grimm your unfit to possess this weapon.

F/n swings at Vergil who uses Yamato to block and sent flying across the courtyard as he serious towards his brother

F/n: That arrogance and the sin of greed.

Vergil rushes at F/n and swings to decapitate him and he takes it just for the blade to stop abit in his neck as Vergil shocked that he durable this much

Vergil: You weren't this strong before it impossible.

F/n: You should apologize for being born in my word.

Vergil: Your so Prideful aren't you.

F/n: I am the accumulation of all seven deadly sins and my favorite sins is pride and wrath.

Vergil: What are you?

F/n: The protector of Remnant and the Prince of Darkness the Father of Monsters. I'm also the eldest son of are father.

I watch closely as they get ready to attack but Atlas androids surround them and aim their guns at them as General Ironwood gets between them

General: Save it for the finals you two.

Vergil: Out of the way you pathetic creature it between us and I'll kill him.

F/n walks away after putting his axe on his back and Vergil goes for a strike but Ironwood hits him with a taser before putting on handcuffs blessed by a priest and it starts burning him

Vergil: Vile human get these off me.

Ironwood: We been researching and developing means to capture creatures of the night.

F/n: Lucky I'm immune to religion blessed items.

F/n gets near where I'm at then looks directly at me and winks before walking away and I head to my dorm blushing

Penny's pov

I was walking around the fairgrounds as I see F/n at a ramen stall with a robot and a chicken as I hide to eavesdrop on them

F/n: So Cayde how your project to return to your friends or get in contact with them to tell them your alive.

Cayde: Well I might be light years away from the tower and Vanguard plus this planet not bad plus and I'm teaching you to use my golden gun that I love.

F/n: I may not have the light but I'm the dark prince the protects light and shit. Also good spicy ramen but could be spicier.

Cayde: Yeah and I'm not good with technology I learned when I was messing with an alien teleporter.

F/n: I remade myself Ace of Spades so you can keep that one and making a long range transceiver might be hard unless we raid an Atlas military base to borrow some stuff plus I got a transport vehicle.

I approach them and sits beside F/n like I heard nothing and looks at him as I look at the chicken

F/n: Penny this is huntsman business please go play with Ruby.

Penny: Your planning a raid when you can ask General Ironwood for the supplies.

F/n: He despises me since we first met years ago so I'll just borrow them.

Cayde: Girl he right cause what I heard he hates him.

F/n pays for the ramen and Cayde picks up his chicken before heading to the courtyard as I follow just to see a atlas model that was stole that been remodeled to be monster like as they enter I see F/n pull out a paper schematic of the layout of the facility

Cayde: How do you have this it amazes me?

F/n: Be amazed on how I get these beside we'll need a distraction a big one so Cayde I'm giving you a tank.

Cayde gasps then sounds like he crying in joy

Cayde: Your giving me a tank. Zavala never gave me the opportunity to drive one I had to stay in the tower to be supervised.

F/n: Just no killing I don't need this traced back to us.

Cayde: Ok I promise that nobody will die.

Penny: You won't be going anywhere I recorded everything and prepared to send this to the General.

F/n: What do I have to give you to not squel on us for planning a two man raid?

Penny: What? Are you bribing me?

F/n: I'm a powerful man I can give you anything.

Penny: Tell me why your Atlas most wanted and if I'm satisfied with my answer I'll let you go with your cyber friend.

F/n: It cause I'm immortal and he afraid that I'll return to my old ways of being Dracul the Impaler.

Penny: Are you going to betray everyone you care for?

F/n: Never that why I plan on doing that.

Penny: Be back by tomorrow.

I leave the ship and they take off to Atlas military base as I head to my dorm

F/n's pov

I got this exotic type weapon Cayde letting me borrow for this raid and a spare hunter armor the sniper Whisper of the Worm and the armor set of Equitis Shade Armor minus the helmet with the shader on of Crimson Valor

Cayde: You really like red?

F/n: It the color of my favorite drink.

I land the ship outside the base and I step outside near a old outpost of junkyard tanks and I start working on fixing up a tank to be brand top of the notch model as Cayde looks happy with his robotic face

Cayde: You made me the happiest Vanguard ever.

Cayde gets in the tank and starts creating a distraction while I head to being the raid

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