C17 Finals and the Fall of Beacon

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Author notes:
I forgot to show you what the axe looks like so here it is

Ruby's pov

I woke up and sees F/n and Cayde walking towards his shop with a bunch of equipment of Atlas variety but I shrug it off as him being himself and get dressed as I start getting hyped that Yang taking home the win for Vale and Team RWBY

Ruby: Yang going to win.

Time skip to the Finals

I see Vergil, F/n, Yang, Pyhrra, Penny, 3 others I never met before as F/n and Vergil are glaring at each other as I notice he wearing black armor and wielding his axe

Port: Now for the finals and first up its...... Team Venom own Vergil verses T/n's Playboy F/n.

Everyone but Vergil and F/n leave the arena as they get ready as Vergil smirking and F/n calm looking

Vergil: You'll never hit me or move with the hate in your heart.

Port: Begin.

F/n starts moving towards Vergil who shocked he able to move

Vergil: How can my Commandment of Benevolence not effect him.

F/n gets face to face with Vergil and looks down at him

F/n: It cause over my hate is the will to protect the ones I love to overtake it and why should I hate those who are obviously weaker then me.

Vergil: Your a quite prideful creature aren't you.

F/n: I do ask you habor no hate towards me or you'll be stricken by your own commandment.

Vergil: Aren't you a nice guy.

F/n: I'm only nice when I want to be.

Vergil upper cuts F/n into the air and disappears above him just to kick him through the arena and lands in front of him just to kick him up above the arena and kicks him back inside before approaching him who not moving but he throw a punch and Vergil blocks it just to be sent back

Vergil: Hah-

He falls to his knees as I look to see Mercury in shock at this as F/n up and looking down towards Vergil

F/n: Is there something down there.

Vergil stands up and draws a sword resembling Yamato as F/n swings down at Vergil but his attack ineffective as his right shoulder releases blood and pats his wound

Vergik: Full counter an ability I know reflects all attacks back twice as hard.

F/n: No wonder I felt something just now I must pack a punch. But since your getting serious I'll do the same. But your death won't be pretty.

He has a white ball in his hand as everyone in the arena starts shivering due to the sudden temperature

Vergil: If you launch that moon everyone will freeze from the temperature of space.

F/n: Port can you confirm that there a vast open feild isolated from civilization.

Port: Yes why.

F/n: Were moving are fight elsewhere to kill each other as it fate to decide you mortals fate to live in peace.

F/n aims the moon at Vergil and they disappear as cameras manage to find them and F/n above Vergil with another moon

F/n: Moon Cruelty.

He fires the moon and he sent into the ground as Vergil struggling to hold it

F/n: Followed by Lunar Fury.

The moon exploded as everything in the vanisty freezes over and falls over as he lands in the crater

Oobleck: For those who don't know the higher the moon is more devastating his dark magic is effective with his axe in hand.

We watch as Vergil stands up unfazed as he smirks

F/n's pov

I look at Vergil who has a smug grin on his face as he has Yamato in ready to strike as I switch my armor and weapon for Rebellion and my Grimm Slayer outfit as we get face to face with each other before he grabs me and drags me somewhere within a flame aura as we appear in a place of fire before we separate as my concern on my loved ones but I need to deal with him

Vergil: Welcome to the place where all monsters come when they die. Salem created this place after all your monsters you exiled or executed ended up here and ends up in this tower where on. Plus where both mortal here so when we die were stuck here forever so I'll give them your regards before I kill them starting with that rose girl.

F/n: So no witnesses to what happens here?

Vergil: Quite calm for a dead man but yes.

I start laughing before regaining my composure and smiles as no one here can witness my true self before we start clashing at high speed till we hold are blades together and I smirk

F/n: Tell me brother have you embraced your inner demons.

Vergil: While we fight Beacon will fall.

We separate and I transform using my Grimm Trigger before go back to clashing blades till I turn back and we teleport in a feild of fire and rush at each other

And when we start clashing we disappear all over this hell inflicting fatal injuries to each other and we end at a cliff as Vergil panting and I'm fine before returning to my usual merciful demeanor

F/n: Brother give it up and aid me we can be better then are father to show him that we can show that not all creatures of darkness can destroy and hate but protect and love.

Vergil: Your weakness makes you vulnerable those mortals will betray you.

I approach my brother and reach for him but he cuts my hand

Vergil: The world only needs one dark son.

He falls down as I'm worried for his safety but quickly turns to rage

F/n: Son of a bitch took my sword.

Suddenly he appears at the arena as everyone looks at him before cheering but he disappears in a flurry of bats in rage

Ruby's pov

I rush backstage as I heard bats back there and I see him punch a wall leaving a imprint

F/n: Ruby we need to stop this tournament now.

Ruby: Listen were surrounded by people trained to defend others.

F/n grits his teeth as he looks at me

F/n: Your naive like your mother and it hard to not love that.

I approach him and pulls him into an embrace before kissing him on his lips as he keeps kissing me and as I get into the kiss he pushes me away as he staked through the heart and he collapses on the drop and when I look I see Mercury smiling before kicking him in the face as he unresponsive

Mercury: Maybe unkillable but can be taken down long enough to be blamed for this.

Ruby: F/n wake up. Please I need you.

Mercury: He asleep and since he killed me after the dance when I mentioned your Grimm mother I yearned for revenge and now he down your best line for defense is gone.

The rest of his team surrounds me and I try running to get help but I can't escape as I hear the next fight

Oobleck: Next match it Penny Polendina of Atlas versus Pyyrha Nikos of Beacon.

Ruby: Oh no.

Mercury: Polarity versus Metal not a good combination.

???: Oh you foolish mortals what did you do to my master.

We all look to see a white hair lady in a gothic dress with crimson eyes with a bunch of bats around her

Mercury: Oh shit it Dracula men stake her now.

Dracula looks at the shivering guys as she smiles showing her fangs

Dracula: You boys think you can beat me the oldest of the vampire clan and the knight of gluttony of the Deathly knights.

Mercury flees as she appears between his team holding their hearts before they fall on the ground as she looks at me and approaches me after dropping the hearts

Dracula: What your name youngling?

Ruby: It doesn't matter if we don't stop this fight.

Dracula pins me against the wall and her eyes burns more crimson

Dracula: My master may be kind but I despise your kind so I won't hesitate to kill you since he asleep.

Ruby: Ruby Rose.

Dracula: Silver eyes the bane of the creatures of Grimm. I see what makes you special to Ozpin.

Ruby: What do you know?

Dracula: I used to be human and my eyes were silver but I was betrayed and left for dead but that when I met him and after that I devoted myself to him and his cause.

Ruby: I love him and he loves me.

Dracula releases me as a blue haired wolf picks up F/n and I notice she as both ears and a tail with a little girl like her

Dracula: Hello mutts.

Little wolf: Lola calm down we need master awake.

Lola: Let leave the pig sin alone Lily.

Dracula: How your House of Wolves since the execution of your own household member?

Lily: Fine since master was kind to treat it as the lord of the land.

I look at F/n and hugs him as this monsters look at me hug him

Ruby: We gotta stop this tournament now.

We suddenly hear a gasp and when we leave the backstage we see Penny in pieces with a few organs around as some people throw up but their shocked a android was human like and Pyrrha on her knees while F/n being carried on Lola back

Lola: Oh master not going to like this that one of his demon deals was ruined.

Dracula: Poor machine just turned to be more human like just to die before her time.

The Grimm alarm goes off as a giant Nevermore on the barrier as the General approaches me and points his gun at the sleeping F/n

General: He responsible for this and will answer for this back at Atlas.

Dracula: He was staked backstage defending his lover and the one responsible is the queen as you can tell on the screen.

General: Who are you?

Dracula: Mutts wake up master and tell him to go for a walk.

Lily: Drac he won't do that if his lovers around.

Dracula: Do it you mutt.

Lily: We need virgin blood to wake him.

The barrier breaks and I rush to save Pyyrha with Penny's sword by slashing the Grimm gaining it attention

Ruby: No longer my friends will lose their lives.

Lola sets F/n down as both those wolf girls summoning a whip and gets in the arena and starts whipping the nevermore before they stop as it bows to them

Lily: Nevermore help these mortals evacuate with are master on your back.

Ruby: You need virgin blood right. Take mine.

Dracula appears and grabs my arm as she rolls my selve up before biting my arm for a second

Dracula: Irondick bring my master here now.

Coco and Velvet bring F/n down then sets him down before pulling the stake out as I start dripping my blood in his mouth as his eyes open and sits up

F/n: What happ-

He looks at the body of Penny as he emits a dark ominous aura as he stands up

F/n: Ironwood listen to my orders and evacuate everyone cause now I'm pissed.

Dracula: Master it time to go for a walk.

He breathes out a cold breath like it cold out

F/n: When hope is gone, undo this lock. And send me forth on a moonlit walk.

General Ironwood looks scared and the Grimm are that are flying above are hesitant to attack

F/n: Release restraint level.... Zero.

A massive burst of dark energy burst from F/n as everyone in the arena fall down as I see Mercury looking down

Mercury: No no no.

We look to see blood forming around him and looks at Mercury with blood red eyes

General: Get away from him now....

When the blood gone we see long white hair that flows with the wind wearing a black and red gothic suit with a tattered cape and a goatee on his face

General: The Impaler Dracul.

F/n looks at Coco, Velvet, and myself and kneels before us

F/n: My young maidens that stole my heart.

Coco: I don't think we been introduces.

F/n: Please call me Drac.

Ruby: No it not as good as Legendary Grimm Slayer F/n.

He gets up and pets me gently

F/n: It warms this long dead heart of mine to see such a young beauty in her prime.

I blush crimson red before he looks at Penny body

F/n: It shames me that she wanted to be human and made a deal to do that. So who responsible for this.

Dracula: The queen.

He disappears in a flurry of bats as every Grimm around the arena in the air die

Yang's pov

I felt that energy from the arena and when I see a flurry of bats appear I see long white hair and crimson eyes

Yang: F/n you ok?

He kisses my left hand and looks into my eyes

F/n: Young lady get everyone you can out of here.

He walks off as Grimm come towards him but instantly gets torn apart by his bats as he approaches the White Fang as they reveal priest who are armed with religious weapons before they rush him

Priest 1: Get the monster and the betrayer.

He draws a sword and starts clashing with each of the priest as a priest attacks from above and he blocks the attack

Priest: Time to die monster.

F/n: Your facing the Impaler Dracul but if it my fate to fall to your weapon then let it be worthy opponent.

Priest: Time the fuck out. If were doing this and we are doing this I'm not coming swinging at Dracul I'm killing F/n.

F/n: You do know we're the same person.

Priest: Of course I do bring him out.

The priest throws a bunch of silver knives but are shot out of the air as F/n normal form back with his snarky attitude

F/n: Hey there, Padre! How's Little Timmy? You know what's good for getting cum stains out of altar boy robes? Holy water! Didja miss me?

Yang: F/n you know this guy?

Priest: Lass he a demon and the spawn of darkness.

F/n draws his guns and twirls them before pointing them at the priest

F/n: His family had a vendetta against me for centuries. The Anderson clan of Priest against the Occult or PaO for short.

Anderson: I see my family left an impression on you monster.

F/n: I been meaning to ask this but who funded your family.

Anderson: We self trained and I was bred to kill you in the name of the god of light.

F/n: Ahh my Uncle well he on my shit list. But I think I'll even the playing field with my own forces to combat the Grimm.

Anderson: Your forces will join you once I kill you.

F/n looks towards the tower as his eyes widen and he grits his teeth in rage

F/n: I don't have time for this I got a job to do and that defend these mortals. Amber please be safe.

He runs towards the tower and Anderson follows him as he killing Grimm left and right

Time skip to after the fall cause we know what happens to Pyyrha and Yang

I woke up in my bed at my house and start crying while holding my stub of an arm but I stop crying when I see F/n talking to Jaune, Nora, and Ren and when they leave I see F/n pull out a cigarette and lights it as he starts smoking

Yang: I'm so useless.

I see him looking at me with those crimson eyes before heading inside as I hear him walk past my room to the room Ruby in as I barely hear what they're talking about

F/n: Qrow and Tai let me talk to her it best I explain to her cause I got answers even you guys can't answer.

I hear two people leave and go downstairs before I hear someone punch a wall

Ruby: What happened at Beacon?

F/n: You froze that Grimm with your eyes and it effected me aswell Ruby due to my dark nature but it also put a target on your back.

Ruby: What are you hiddening?

F/n: Your eyes are the only thing that got you into Beacon the night we met. The moment Oz said your last name I knew what he was planning. Now that you awoken your special power people behind the attack will come after you.

Ruby: You'll protect me right.

F/n: I love you but your eyes can hurt me due to my Grimm blood that runs through my veins. Beside if I'm near you your eyes if you use them again will seriously hurt me so no I can't but I'll give you a name to teach you to use your gift.

Ruby: You wouldn't leave me or everyone else you care for.

F/n: Ruby I been weakened as a side effect of your eyes I barely have enough strength to even walk let alone talk.

Ruby: I love you. So does Yang, Blake, Weiss, Cinder, Emerald, Neo, Raven, and Win-

F/n: Emerald and Cinder were kidnapped and taking before the witch, Weiss and Winter where taken back to Mantle, Raven fled back to her old life, Blake run away like a coward cause of what happened to your sister, And Neo she just vanished when she found out Roman was killed.

Ruby: I'm still here and I won't leave you.

F/n: You don't get it you naive child I got priests on my ass, your eyes that can weakening me, and I got to get back to my people to prepare for a war. Which means I can't be around you cause your one of my weaknesses you'll be used to draw me out so to fix that I severed are bond to everyone I bitten so I can't come to your aid if you ask me your a human and I'm a monster it wouldn't work between us.

Ruby: Don't leave me like my mother.

F/n: Live your life to the fullest by growing old and telling stories to your children and grandchildren. You deserve a normal life away from me I can't age it robs you of your own life that I'll stay young and you age just forget about me and love someone else please.

Ruby: You promised you'd date me when I was ready and now your breaking it.

F/n: Maria Calavera seek her out in Mistral she'll teach you to use your powers but I can't be around you I'm sorry.

I hear him leave the room as I open my door with my semblance activated to see him looking at me with a neutral look

Yang: How dare you?

F/n: Mortals and immortals don't mix well together I should've learned that lesson years ago with Summer.

He walks past me and goes downstairs as he leaves the house and I go back to my room to cry

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