C20 Battle for Haven and the Beowolf King

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F/n's pov

I was training Oscar to fight like a knight of old with wooden swords as my Knights are helping the rest train with Dracula helping Ruby with her silver eye powers, Lucifer teaching Jaune how to weild a sword with deadly precision, Lola teaching Yang release more power in her punches with less stamina, Elizabeth teaching Weiss how to control her aura to make her summoning more durable and destructive, Tammy helping Ren and Nora with something I rather not put into words, Aplises is just looking in her mirror of fate to plan are strategy to get the relic, and Lilith drinking with Qrow planning something devious as she goes for a kiss on his lips I throw holy water on her across the field as she glares at me in hate while her aura showing as I return the favor trying to make her submit to me


F/n: He off limits so control yourself or I'll do it for you.

Lilith: Oh your mistaking I am in control I just want what mine. (Devilfortune ship of LilithxQrow anyone yay or nay)

F/n: Qrow off limits for you so back off.

Lilith fires her magic at me as I stand still tanking it causing a smokescreen and when the smoke clears I crack my neck before approaching her with Rebellion in my hands as she scared that my aura bigger than before

F/n: I am the King of Monsters and you are my knight so listen or else.

Lilith: Master so cruel I hope you know you have the final seal for those four the others six were destroyed.

F/n: The horsewomen are a last resort you know that.

Ruby: Who are they?

F/n: War, Death, Famine, and Pestilence the four riders of the end of times but when the last seal breaks my forces and heavens will rage war on each other it was are pack we forged with me and Michael did as faction leaders.

Oscar: Why are the other six destoryed?

F/n: People of the church weren't happy that I decided to call truce halfway through the war and they got so salty that they made a angel steel sword blessed by a thousand priest to forge excalibur one of my current weapons Yang saw it at the fall.

Lucifer: Master lucky he corrupted it with the weilder and his own blood.

Ruby: What?

Weiss: The legendary sword that smited countless creatures that serve Dracul.

F/n: Changing the subject Jaune your new team member to replace Pyrrha is Oscar cause I had a problem reviving her cause her soul exposed to so much darkness made her got rampant and hungry for descrution that why she in my castle with Elisabeth best to jumpstart her brain to show her the light in the dark.

Jaune grabs me by my jacket and pins me against the wall of my house with tears in his eyes

Jaune: Why can't you let her rest in peace? Why didn't you revive your bride? Why?

F/n: Jaune she was human when she died unlike Amber who was a vampire so when Pyrrha comes to her senses you'll know first buddy.

Jaune punches me just to have my knights aiming there magic and weapons at him but I raise my hands up to them signaling them to lower them just before slamming him against the wall with a arm bar as my eyes are burning red

F/n: Listen here boy you only just one free shot the next will cost you that arm. And the next time you accuse me of working with that bitch you better have facts first.

I release Jaune before we resume are training till it was time for dinner as I'm on the roof looking at the moon as I'm joined by Summer with angel wings and halo

Summer: Lovely isn't it my pup.

F/n: It is just makes you wonder if we are destined to destroy each other or save other people but these kids shouldn't be involved we lost so many people during the fall.

Summer: It wasn't your fault I don't blame you but you gotta stop being a passive bitch.

I look at Summer in amazement and smiles

F/n: That no way for a angel to speak you might fall.

Summer: If I fall I can watch and help my daughter from afar. Beside you'll welcome me in your ranks.

F/n: Summer if I kill Salem it won't matter I'll be banished from Remnant. And I rather not have anyone else suffer their wrath.

I look into her silver eyes as she looks into my crimson eyes

Summer: Just know this love everyone has to sacrifice something for others.

F/n: When did you grow up to say stuff like that?

Summer: Oh shut it I can say stuff like that.

F/n: If I gotta become that monster again I'll do it.

Summer: Just don't do anything you'll regret also Michael said leave those three alone.

F/n: They can't tell me what to do I can't goto heaven I'm a monster afterall.

Time skip to the night of the fall of Heaven

I walk inside just to see Mercury looking down at me with everyone else beside me

Mercury: Welcome everyone.

Yang: Mercury what are you doing here?

Mercury: Ask your boyfriend he'll surely tell.

I walk in front of everyone in are group as I'm holding my scroll looking at the message I received from someone unexpected and smiles darkly

???: I sent the children to your castle while Salem was busy attending to her affires I hope in return I'll get a little mercy.

I start laughing and clapping with my eyes shut before opening my eyes to send a deadly glare at Mercury

F/n: Mercury I told you the next time I see you I'd kill you. Beside I'm dying to see your blood flow like a stream.

Mercury smirks as Emerald and Cinder step up beside him as I see Hazel come in behind us but my attention on Cinder and Emerald

Mercury: Get the relic or you'll lose more then what she took already.

I feel my rage boiling as I remember seeing my fall die from a decapitation from blessed sword as her power going into Cinder who was unconscious as Pyrrha was killed before I saw a silver light that night I sap back to reality to raise my aura to a very dangerous level as my knights are reacting to it in fear especially Lily who never saw me this pissed before

Mercury: Did I strike a nerve?

I glare at him with utter hate and desire to kill as I summon my excalibur sword making my aura form blood and black flames appear on the sword blade

F/n: Mercury you will not leave here alive that a promise.

I look at Cinder then at Emerald who are in tears with a pissed look proof they're still in there as I take a step forward I disappear just to appear in front of Mercury as I impale him in heart with excalibur burning his flesh and draining him of his blood before he turns to ash

Hazel: You traitorous bastard.

I appear face to face with Hazel as we stare into each other eyes before punching at my face just for me to impale him through his chest with my arm with his heart in my hand on the other side of his torso

F/n: Never was a traitor if I never fully pledged my legions to her. Beside I am the king of monsters and I'm just looking out for my own interest.

I pull Hazel heart out and crush it above my head and drinking the blood before burning the body ash before approaching Emerald and Cinder who prepare for combat but I de-summon my sword and looks at them with sadness

Emerald: Your a monster who raped us to produce heirs you freak.

Cinder: The mistress will make them suffer.

I pull them into a hug as I feel them stab me in the chest with their weapons as I feel them crying more before I use my magic to reverse their brainwashing on them as I kiss their foreheads

Cinder: I'm sorry about Amber.

Emerald: Are children they're still with her.

F/n: No they aren't my servants are expecting them if you focus you can feel them.

Cinder and Emerald close their eyes to focus then opens them quickly before pulling their weapons out of my body as I head outside to see the white fang surrounded by the natives of Menagerie as Seinna looks at me with hatred but my attention towards Blake just before Seinna charges at me but I glare at her with my gaze making her freeze in place at my cold icy stare as my aura showing on a massive scale

F/n: Enough Tigeress and stand down.

I see every faunus cowering at my aura but I lower it to my normal before pulling her into a hug

F/n: You dumb bitch why didn't you connect me on my scroll after you had that meeting.

I hold her in my arms as she shaking still from my aura but I calm her down by kissing her on her lips

Seinna: Why didn't you contact me after the fall of Beacon? I was told you were dead.

F/n: I'm already dead tigeress but I'm alive with the ones I love safe and protected.

Blake walks up to the rest of Team RWBY as Kaya heads over to Yin and Sarah before they start talking as I head to the statue and opens the entrance to the vault as everyone gets beside me before we head down the elevator and when we get down we see the vault as I walk towards it and place my left hand on it as it opens to reveal a lamp and I go and grab it as I see Oscar approach me with Ozpin in control

Oscar (Ozpin): Give me the relic I'll hold it.

I put the relic on my waist as I stare at him with my eyes as I appear on the lift

F/n: Ozpin why should you be the carrier of the relic beside Oz we have history and with your limited magic you can't put that collar on me.

Everyone joins me on the lift and when we get back up to the main hall as Everyone with enhanced earring pick up a howl different from a Beowolf as I head towards it and when I head to the forest I grab a weird Beowolf by it throat that lunged at me as I stare at it

F/n: Your different, So where your king?

I stare into it eyes emitting a deadly aura as it points behind me in a cave as I snap it neck and head inside just to see a man looking at me like he expecting me as my wolf instincts are screaming at me to run with his glare

F/n: Your strong but I won't back down Cornell.

Cornell: Not many know who I am now of days and your scent familiar to me.

F/n: I'm the son of your creator here to surpass him.

Cornell: He actually had a child and he weaker than him.

I summon my Archangel blade as I point it at Cornell as he looks at me with interest

Cornell: An Archangel blade you must have killed one to take it.

F/n: Actually it was given to me by my Fallen Angel Lucifer. Now I need you dead to surpass him.

Cornell chuckles as my eyes burn more crimson that he thinks I'm not a threat but I watch him like a hawk to see him walking around me before thrusting his left hand at me but I catch it with my right hand as I sink my claws into his skin

Cornell: You actually can fight young boy, Good.

I smirk showing him my fangs as I slash his cuts up his chest leaving a scar from his right side of his waist to his left shoulder as I let go of him as he backs away

F/n: I have a title amongst the humans and faunus in the past so I don't plan on losing to the likes of you.

Cornell place his right hand on the wound then looks at his blood hand before looking at me as I draw Ebony and points it at him before firing but he dodges but I hit his left knee as he grunts in pain

Cornell: What did you hit me with it burns?

F/n: Creatures of Grimm are hurt by silver eyed warrior energy.

Cornell: That what you hit me with?

F/n: Times has changed old man.

He looks at me as I fire into his skull as he turns to black ash as I put my weapons away but I see a fiery red orb float around me before going into my chest as I feel my fire sensation up to my elbows as I get surrounded by Were-Beowolves as I release that sensation as I look to see claws of fire

F/n: Cornell rest in peace.

The Were-Beowolves bow their heads to me as I walk past them while I deactivate my new power and head back to my home as I see everyone I know the Belladonna family, Friends from Beacon, lovers, my knights plus a few new faces like the white fang members and natives to Menagerie in my house as I see them laughing and having fun as I feel a hand tap my my shoulder and when I look I see Raven who smiling before we join the fun

Meanwhile elsewhere no one pov

Salem was walking through her castle as Watt the last of her followers who at the table as she enters and glares at him

Watt: Mistress I can explain.

Salem: Why are those children are gone?

Watt: I rather not die to him cause he much more leathal with combat and has wide variety of weaponry and endless possibilities of torture.

Salem: The Grimm spawned here are being killed by an a species of Grimm sealed away when their King was and never attacked them before now.

???: That cause Cornell dead.

Salem and Watt look at the mysterious shadow as they notice it reeks of death

Salem: Who are you? And what do you know of it?

???: Zobek the Dragon Lich of Vacuo and I released us from are imprisonment just to find out he has a son.

Salem: He immortal so you'll have a hard time dealing with him.

Zobak: And who fault that.

Salem watch as Zobek leave before she leaves the room herself as Watt sighs relief that he lives another day

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