C27 Iron Defense and taking charge

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F/n's pov

We arrive at the door as I'm rubbing my left cheek after each girl I love hit me including my two teammates

Winter: Now Nickolas will have your mouth thanks for the assist in punishing him ladies.

Yang: That reminds me with Yin and Kaya you love F/n huh?

Yin: He worthy in my father eyes to wed plus he been wanting a pack with him to have us wed. But yes I love him.

Kaya: Yes I do.

Ironwood knocks on the door and Whitely opens it to see all of us and before he opens his mouth I walk past him into the foyer to see everyone of high society enjoying themselves before Winter, James, Ace, and Penny get beside me then head in dining room to three council members and Robyn as I sit down and begin tapping my left fingers on the table

Jacques: I don't believe you should be here? So leave.

I remove my ring and turn back into my true form everyone use to seeing as I glare at Jacques

F/n: I believe the CEO of the dust company should be here since I fired you I must take care of that job until your grandson eighteen. Miss Hill it great to see you again I'm glad your safe after I left.

Robyn: After you arrested Ex Headmaster Loinheart and escorted me home so I don't see a problem with you here.

Winter sits beside me as Nickolas on her lap and Ironwood sitting face Jacques sitting polar opposite from each other

F/n: You invited Ironwood here so he can defend his seat so let him defend himself without cutting him off.

Jacques: Your not a conscil member so zip it. Plus who are you to set rules in my house?

F/n: Someone who has more respect than you with people. So I don't know how you won Robyn still had more votes than you and after that last guy votes it should Robyn as the new member not you. I was born but not born yesterday I know you had someone help you plus holding the city hostage with jobs was a low blow for votes.

Jacques: Silence or leave.

I look at Robyn hoping for some assistance

Robyn: He has his rights to be here since he his a huntsman and a witness for Ironwood plus you invited me here cause my semblance but I know what he been hiding from a anonymous source.

Ironwood looks at me as Winter smacks my head

F/n: Winter I love you but now not the time for the abusive relationship but Yes I told Robyn everything what James and myself been hiding and recruiting her in the fight.

Robyn: That reminds me you command black wing angels, right?

F/n: Correct so you saw a heaven one figure Michael having me watched like a hawk but Vacuo my next location for my third target of my affair within my family mess. But Ironwood as Headmaster and General has it flaws but he a good person who happened to do dumb shit for the people of the living in this kingdom and others.

Ironwood: What F/n says even if it sounded like he was insulting me it true.

F/n: That wasn't a insult James that was genuine and me being nice.

James: I see your finally growing up to respect a officer of the world strongest military.

F/n: Your military not the strongest or the best cause I could send one Horsewomen to destory said military in a war. Which unfair but James this is serious when I say this. I don't respect you as a military officer I respect you as a comrade and friend but.

Ironwood: But what?

F/n: I'm not Ozpin so you pull the shit you did at Beacon around me and I'll throw you into a volcano.

Ironwood: Understandable.

I check my scroll to see a security breach in the atlas system and quickly activate the new defense system I put in to combat every known hack to lock out Watt before staring at Jacques from the login information being used

Jacques: What did you get the eviction notice to leave this kingdom?

I get out of my seat and start walking towards Jacques with dragging my claws on the table

F/n: Robyn I believe Jacques is hiding something cause I just had to activate a hidden atlas security system to combat a hacker. But that login information was Jacques.

I get beside Jacques as I see him staring up at me trying to remain calm

F/n: Now we can do it the Robyn way or we could do it my way? And you won't like my way.

Jacques: I don't know what your talking about?

I look over at James with a smile as I put my left hand on Jacques left shoulder smiling

F/n: James fetch me my knifes in the limo.

James: F/n don't I get Jacques has flaws but torture and murder not an option.

F/n: James you had no problem back at Beacon with that Mercury prick. So why not Jacques did something and I'll expose it no matter what it costs on his body.


Weiss barges in with Willow from behind Jacques and looks at me and I wink and Weiss earning a blush

Weiss: Jacques Schnee your under arrest. I can do this right?

F/n: Yes but James inform them of Salem and Hill can back him up. Cause it all true deep down what me and James did in are inner circle was for the best of Remnant. But gentlemen and ladies I'm going for a walk.

I quickly leave the manor and head to the massive hole in the wall readying for something as the androids and soldiers look at me while I stand guard with them aiming Ebony and Ivory at the vast tundra wasteland as we all start firing at the Grimm coming to over run due to the amount of negativity going on as Ironwood and Hill are making a speech and the threat I look back towards the Grimm and look at the night sky and howl turning the once white moon crimson red while my eyes turn into their Grimm state and after a good while the moon turns normal and I head straight to Atlas Academy to Ironwood's office to see him with Watt's bag on his desk as it just us two alone at the moment and I stand by him staring at his arm

Ironwood: F/n I have to ask you something about Salem and what your role to combat her if your both immortal?

F/n: Iro- I mean James as you know only one of us is a threat against everyone but once one gone where that put the other one. Even after all these years of me knowing she still alive after everything she done to me I still feel sympathy for her and I want to be able to help her see the light since I have more control over the dark corruption of the Grimm nature flowing through us. But I can't forget or forgive what she done so what I do to her will be a secret trust me I got this.

The Ace Ops minus Clover and Team RWBY just to see us here as I stop the General from turning around with me placing my left hand on his right shoulder to stop him as he looks weary

F/n: You done well evacuating cilvizans but were far from done as we need to defend both Mantle and Atlas from her since Ironwood arrested Watt she out of Allies to retrieve the Relics of Knowledge and Creation. Right Salem cause I'm aware of the Seer Grimm inside of Watt's bag.

A seer Grimm pops out and cracks before falling over to release a black mist and Salem appears before looking at me and follows my movement to stand by Ruby as she stands still looking at us

Salem: You have no idea what was the point of sending Loinheart to Watt to Mantle?

F/n: I have an idea your coming aren't you cause with Mercury, Hazel, Tyrian dead while Emerald and Cinder are no longer working for you and Watt in custody with that cowardly loin.

Salem: I underestimated your intelligence at first but now I got you figured out it pathetic to think you could stand a chance against me in power.

Ruby: Your wrong we can't kill you but we can stop you together.

Salem looks at Ruby and smirks before noticing us holding hands with each other as her smirk turns more sinister

Salem: Your mother and ex lover said the same thing before we corrupted her just to be killed by him.

F/n: Salem let me ask you something? Did you ever see me as your son or a means to get revenge on my father?

Salem: I did see you as my son but time changed us when you started mettling with Ozma to counter my plans.

My hair shadows over my eyes as I start smiling before chuckling confusing everyone

F/n: Salem I want save you from this curse of immortality so you can be with your children in heaven. But as long as you threaten this world and sit on that throne as a false goddess I don't want to believe in your redemption so bring it on you BITCH.

I stare into her Grimm eyes with my Grimm eyes showing everyone the powers of spring and fall coming from my eyes

Salem: Interesting you can open any vault if you bite the required maiden but I guess I'll be seeing you all soon.

The black mist evaporates into nothing as everyone looks at me shocked that I can use the powers of the maiden and James approaches me while I get a bad vibe from him

Ironwood: I'm declaring Marshall Law and F/n L/n your under arrest aswell your seven knights.

I react quickly and disappear out the door but I'm shot in the back with a silver bullet covered in maiden and deadman blood in the heart putting me to sleep unable to do anything to protect this Kingdom from a trusted ally betraying me

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